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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1905)
All ZZzzzziz7zliz2 Purely :z7 r Vw.- i l.v- c--wi.J LJ Lv J V.JK .rrrm J 1 L ) icazy cr rcn:crrcv caJ.. 1 a Tcdny cz Tc77 zttc'7x ca C it n - Acca jirK wui s " CHARGED ; ON NOVEMBER EILL3 .7- J r- - , ACCOUNTS will t2 i CHARGED. , :' V ON NOVELIEER BILLS C? CHIOAQO c3Q C C TUESDAY, OCTCZa 31, 1905 , IT 1 Rcidy! Withthc ANOTHER WEEK OP SalonS All IZzzzzndizz? : lOPeC. he Dress Goods Sensational Sill:. rieties of tissues and 5 fabrics shown for the fell Jand winter frock. If you "want a light weight dress choose from eoliennes, crepe Paris, de j, chines, ' all '.wool " : ba- f 1 fill ji crepe de and eta- J. tistes, , voiles mines. v : If yon want a tailor- , built . gown, there are c t beautiful , homespuns, i - YV z i b e 1 i n e s, mannish- v ' I lookintr cassimere and 't"- H fancy Venetians ( in' great Variety. ... r If 'you want a dust throwing fabric , for a traveling gown we have I mohair and , Sicilians to offer. . - -.- If you want an even "; ?n8T , gown, 4 lounging robe or a m tine e, there. are cashmeres Henriettas eoliennes, crepe de" Paris, crepe - de chines,1 batistes,, Lansdownes, cloths and , voile illusions. These are shown in white, cream and evening colorings, and. strange as it may appear, even the printed cottons ; cotton com-' bined with, silk in Dresden floral designs, have; also come into prominence. for frocks fordebutantes, bridesmaids' gowns, in tact, for many f the little informal functions. v .' -V ' J "-i v v Exclusive robes for the street or the dinner dress, cotton! J.waistings, waist patterns of linens all are housed in the cozy - annex which we term the Dress Goods Salon. "f ' ' ' The following special items should have special interest, as they have been specially priced: - ' 7 -7 ,, & 7 Colored I3is Grbdds v COLORED DRESS GOODS FOR ; MONDAY AND TUESDAY are priced unusually low, when at regular prices, they are better values than one can find elsewhere. - But that's -bur way, always give the purchaser the best on earth for less money .than others ask, quality always considered; ' Our regular $2 grades of new all wool Suitings, in neat shadow effects in Panamas, serges,' novelty suiting weaves, a,lso rain A proof coverts, in all wanted colors. Special for Monday f and Tuesday, yard i . ..... ... .... A .... :.. .... .? 1.67 Our regular $1.75 grade of new novelty Suiting; an immense assortment of new styles and colors to choose from. i Special for Monday and Tuesday, yard. ............ .$147 Our regular $1.50 grade of novelty Suitings,, in shadow spots t ', ' and stripes, durable, mixed Tweeds, novelty Panamas, 7. etc Special for Monday and Tuesday, yird . ; . , . v . . .lSl , !- Also' every odd piece of Colored Dress Fabrics at HALF PRICE, r These are all in suit lengths and over and are the odd pieces left from this season's "immense selling 15c Grades for yardV. ................. 3754 , V,-. $1.00 Grades for, yard. ...... . . ...... .... ; 50 j , " $1.25 Grades for, yard. . . .". . 'r .'. . . i.l,.... ,i - ' $1.50 Grades for, yard.r... ........ ........ ,75 ; V $1.75 Grides for, yard. ...... ......... S7f ; ; $2.00 Grades for, yard ..'....... . 9100 ' , These goods are offered you at prices much less than, they, , can be bought for at the mills. : " , ;- v I GREATEST VALUES IN ' . J Blaclc Dress Goods FOUND IN THE NORTHWEST New Black AH Wool Dress Fabrics, every yard fast color, con sisting of shadow check Panama, shadow triped Panama and worsted pointelle Panamas, also French imported Voiles ; . $1.00 regular value. ;. Special, yard. ........... ..69t 7.7: $1.25 regular value. .. Special, yard . J ..... . . . . ', .70f , . . $1.50 regular value. , Special, yard. . ... . .... ....98 v y , These fabrics cannot be duplicated in the city at our regu : lar prices, and at the low special prices marked will, as usual, ; brings crowds to the Black .Dress Goods Section. ' ' SPECIAL -FALL SEASON". EXPOSITION OF,--' . Elaborate Dress Hi Trimmings Firtt FlcKSr" This season "Fashion" emphatically, decrees to her follow ers to use handsome dress trimmings -and to use them laviahf. ly. We are fully prepared to freely supply these wants", and herewith Call your attention" to our handsome showing of Dress Trimmings of all kirids. . : , . . We would particularly mention some of the most attract ive and popular kinds , ' ,v . -i . ' Beautiful Edges and Bands ;n Persian effects? for the finishing of street suit and evening dresses. Priced at, the yard up from ........................ 25 Handsome Velvet Bands in Persian effects. Priced at, ' , the yard, up from . . ; i 75 to 3.00 " . .. . - t I- ,, Plain Silk Braids in black, white and color; for tbe trim- . . vming of tailored suits. Priced at, th yard, up from.. . . f ' T ., New SpanUd Trbinmln; in bands and galoons. 'Priced at, the ytrd,-r- f.'-cm. ..... . .v T. . . . ... .23 7y-7 7mmmmm 7 :':,kOrcgohr Ever Saw SHOES arc a carious consideration where doypu get yoxifo? . Stirring c: Special Values in Women's; Shoes Tuesday. Finest, Smartest Shoes for Men Shown in the Northwest -: No one wants to throw away money needless ly, even if it's only 80c or $1. ' ; You can waste money on shoes as auickly as on anything, perhaps more so, for what looks like: leather is often "a horse of quite another color,", - r. 'Apart from wasting money, are you tired look to ypur shoes.' Have you a cold? -look to Vyour shoes. Are you a little less well dressed. ' than a person of your means should be? look to . your shoes. '7- , This store buys in such enormous quantities and has such an intimate knowledge of what every, manufacturer in the United States can do and is doing, that we can sell at prices impossible ' to the -average shoe store.- ; . v7 But (with a capital B) the bedrock foundation on which our business is built is quality.; .'.- .. u Tak the .famous HURLEY? SHOES FOR Afn. mA in the aM "Bar State" bv mm whrt were actually born to shoe-craftrAmong smart dresiejrs in the east the fHurley" Shoes is as fa miliar as "Libbey" cut glass 4s to connoisseurs in pieces for the sideboard. ' Every intelligent " foot should know the bench-made Hurley Shoes, f ThMrices are as low as quality will admit MeiVseio-oiiiic Last $5.00--See Our Men's Shoes at $5.00 " The acme of perfection in shoeraft, made of finest selected leathers, ' by America's best ; shoemakers bench-made-r-to fit the foot. Just the smartest models leather was ever molded "into Shoe that won't wear holes in the stockings and twist out of shape with a single wear ing and wetting sue stylish lasts from which to choose in these at $3.UU. "Boote First Floor; Sixth Street Annex : 9 Then Uie "O. W. CO, K 'Kustom' Shoes," for Men, $4.00 Every pair warranted by the manufacturer. AVe'H tell you the story of our trials in getting this shoe at the point of perfection, where it. rests, some day when time permits it's interest- - ing. Soles on these shoes are all oak tanned, will wear like a piece of boiler iron ; the grain is all left on no part of the wear taken off a feature that enables them to withstand the wet; the best known shoe for, wear in our Oregon climate.- Seven stunning styles in these shoes - at, the pair JS4.00. -.''i-v- 5'.;' ..:v.. :.. - All of IhV above named Shoes are absolutely the best in the United States at their re spective pricts. All as good inwardly as they appear outwardly. j ' , : , ' rufii atfg And Now a Word of Special 77 7 1 : -7:: : Values in 7. - 7. Women's Shoes WOMEN'S $3.50 AND $4 SHOES FOR $2.79. ' Wte still have quite a few pairs of Women's 'Fine Boots left from last week's great sale. ' These Shoes were made by the "Pingree" and ' VaL Duttenhofer shoe manufacturers- and are first class-m every respect. Come in all styles, with light or heavy soles.' A great many good sires' and widths. i ' Ai ' r , , Our regular $3J50 and1 $4 values. Spe- v r cial for tomorrow at, the pair, . . . .... . . f 2.70 98 Cents .... i .'1 For Women's $1.25 and : $L50 House Slippers . Women's choice vici kid three-point SUppers with turned flexibleoles and flexible sole leather counters. Splendid -House Slippers. , uur reguiari.o ana fi.ov 1T.IIUC.. ..opcau sale price, the pair. .... v...r..... i ''-' ';08f Names of ? Contestants Ten , IN THE AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING -VOTINO CONTEST WITH STANDING OF ; EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAY: TAMES WINSTON HARRISON... ...... MM.S38 TRUMAN COOK, FAILING. . . .'.. .'. ...... . 18.879 ROBERT HOLMES, HARRISON.'; ........ 82.590 WRIGHT BROWN, CLINTON KELLY...' 43 2S$ GEORGE SLATER, LADD. , . 42,184 1 SIDNEY CRUMM, NORTH CENTRAL... 21.181 ' MARION OGDEN, OCKLEY GREEN. .... 19,184 ROLAND MALM, SUNNYSIDE. ........ . . 1820 JOHN W1LHELMXOUCH...;... 10,127 HENRY HAWKINS; DA VIS.... 8.CC9 SCATTERING 84,718 TOTAL 7,7 : 7.:. . .'.v:' i. . . . . . W88 TWO INTERESTING EVENTS POR HOUSE-FURNISHERS Pretty Lace Curtains and Handsome Rugs.; ' Remarkably Undrpric4 Foarth Floor. WHITE IRISH POINT LACE CUR. TAINS Whit Jrish Point Lice Curtains, in lote of 1, 2 and 3 pair; splendid pt- terns r , " Regular S 4.S0 value Special, pair.,. fS.38 Regular : 5.50 ralue Special, pair ..,.$4.10 ' Rerular : 6.00 value Special, pair;; .4.0 Regujar : ! 6.50 value Special, pair. . .f4.5 Regular ! 8.00 value Special, pair.. .OO Regular 1000 valueSpecial, pair...f T.SO Regular : 10.50 value Special, pair,, .f T. Regular $12.00 value Special, pair, ..$. AXMINISTER RUCS t2J0-A fine lint . of Axninister Rurs, in floral and Oriental designs, site 27x60 inches, Special t, each A -0 BEGAN HERE TODAY ; Evtrj Yard of SUk We O.Ter In ThU Gmt Ui U IIw T, !i 7. ' 8euon, Frtsh From th Looms. Vlvif of Them Not . . to B Obtained Outside This etore. . ' DRASTIC SLAUGHTER OF THE HANDS0M3 NOVZL TV SUIT SILKS SPECIAL FOR TODAY AMD ; t . TUESDAY ONLY. .v . Fifth Street Annex-First Floor. J:'777. 7 To wind tip the greatest month's bnsiness this Portland's Best and Greatest Silk Store has ever had, we place' on SPE CIAL SALE EVERY YARD OF NOVELTY SILK in our mammoth stock, comprising Norelty Figured Suit Silks in all new weaves end colors, both. for street and evening wear; N6relty Poplin Silks in neat designs Novelty Plaid Silks in all wanted colors; Novelty Striped Silks and Novelty Figured Crepe de Chines ' V; AV : Y r..C Our regular $1.00 grades for, yard. ............ ........ CT" Our regular $1.25 grades for, yard. . . V, Cl J Our regular $1JK) grades for, yard. ......... ...........Cl Our regular $1.75 grades for, yard.. ....... .01.4 J Our regular $2.00 grades for, yard. . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . $1 .0 Also our entire line of 19-inch Colored Taffetas, the largest and; most complete color assortment shown in the city ; also the heAt value at our regular price of 85c; colors white, ivory cream, pinks, light blues, rose, nile, reseda, helio, plum, old rose, olive, myrtle, hunters, champagne, tans, modes, browns, reds, gar nets, cardinals, royal, petunia and navies. . Special for ,i Monday and Tuesday only, yard.........,.......,......CC Aisle Watches at In Leather Goods . ' Sixth Street AnnexFirst Flooav - V? ;Jt;;V:;; 49c FOR SHOPPINO BAGS WORTH TO $19. 7 Ladies' Boston Shopping Bags, made of heavy felt cloth, with metal frames, leather covered, also leather handles ; val ues up to $1.50. Special sate price, to close at, each.... A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF WATCHES STARTS 7P-'77'.: - 7' -: -r v ; TODAY. .:x,. BIG SALE OF BOYS v O o , First Floor Sixth Street Annex. Watches at prices sharply reduced for boys and ladies. Save money on holiday gifts by buying now. 200 Watches, nickel, open face. . Are guaranteed to be good timekeepers and are strong and durable. Just the thing for school boys; a regular $1 ; 7 .value. Special sale price, each ............... . CZj , 7 BOYS' $111 WATCHES FOR $1.00. Another line of Boys' Nickel Watches, open face, stem winding and stem set , Nicely finished and well made. A good . value at $1.25. .Special sale price, each..............$l.'CO LADIES' $llio CHATELAINE WATCHES tX ' Very small size Chatelaine Watches, with open face, stem' wind ( and stem set; come in different colors of hand enamel with gold filled centers. - Suitable for either ladies or girls. Our $U-50 value.- .Special at, each. . . . . ... . . , , , . . . .7.C0 . 77, 777- 8c NECKCHAINS FOR t&'-7f'ffA A line of pretty "Cavalier" Neckchains, stone setting In assorted , colors, with rolled gold plated mountings ; our 65c value. Special sale price, each.......; .............. $1 Extra 1 ' Extra A Wonderful Special Salt of New cad Suit f. ?, 1 In tbe Annex Fifth Strett SILK SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY AND WEDUESDAY t : : , ; ONLY. . ' ' 920 yards of new Silk Suiting in the new moire velours and V swell Frenclr poplins, Fashion's newest weaves, all good street wear, colorings in the assortment including the new ' reds and'griens; our regular $1.25 values. Special for Tuesday and Wednesday only, per yard. .......... .-. , .C7J 1,100 yards of New Plaid Silks, all the latest color combinations , in the swell French pointelle effects; exceptional value at our regular price $1.25. jSpecial for Tuesday and - . Wednesday only, per yard. .Ct Tuesday and Wednesday only. Half Could Not Bz Told Ycztzzdc So we continued the store's interesting Story cf extraordisxry values todays The full page of yttttrdij wts flowing with newsy items of savinrs ftth?r? 1 i porter's rounds among the shops-that f..l f the triumvirate of buildings occt- ':i ty I King organisation. Yet a rc--r.i li'f C more to tell wonderful news, t: ; T store. If you can't c t-' f.'r-i J Sr ,rv CI. 7. J . lllzd to crr n tr? i- "t r