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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1905)
r :::3 C3eqoh daily -jcusriAL. rOHTLAKIV tt: "AY .DVaiXNO.CCTC?"?.. "1 - CZAR SURREHDEaS AflD 17ITTE C0L1ES 1 :::et OFFioi." 3 4r JTO v 1 jiiUblliUuCl i 1 1.1 1 I li .- a I 1 I 1 aiu.uie i:i cig sio;.... i::co;;fuci to fuc r-! V: J 1 j-: . . Ill IV I VIIMI IIV I llasiiioassa . . Emjwor AffiicWsignaturo tq mpria( Mandatf j?d Autocracy of nrrrrno ii-irt n nnrnsnrriTn r? f t Si u v rauti ib:.: 'tf 1 . - I'M ' .( -i 1 J . . . A 11 Mmm Emma Eamea Mouma. Untimely Proposed Invasion of Wind River Hih Tracks at First and Mont gomery Straeta Held Re. eponsible for Accidents Tr. ef V. W. Cotisn t to t Naw YcrJc ErptcUJ to Rasult In UJn Out Plan. V ' Romanoffs and Old Ordar of Thinga In Ruasia :'' '.' .. . Caasa to Exist. -' 'i " Death of Pet Wtten That Flad From Pullman Porter. Indiah Reservation Causea Turmoil. ; Executive Having' Rouh Pti. aaga on Warahip West Vir- ' ginia In Northaaat Gala. MAKING FAST TIME IN "J SPITE OF THE WEATHIR v.:ll !try to prevent j INR0AD3 OF RIVALS 'if; Could Intereet.7ith( Western Pa ; cific Amtl-Iont, , Thorn, and ., Christian Federation Road Might Be Northwestern Terminus, '- ; ;' ' ' W. W. Cotton, central attorney for the '. llarriman llnea tn the Pacific northweet left aat night for New York, wbere bual aees will occupy hla attention several WMki. It la aald h goes to neat Mr. 1'srrHaan. who haa Just returned from J. pan. and that the? will review the an tfre transportation situation In .the Pa cific northweet after which the Harrt man policy, will be laid aat definitely for the nekt fewyears. - ;st It la said the Harrlman people-realise that, many changes are to taJca plaoo In thla region affecting tranaportatlon bualnsasv While thr do not nop to pre rent eerloua Inroads on ' the terri tory now controlled by their Knee, they will take ererr precaution . that experi ence may-suggest to guard their Inter eats and protect llnee-now In opera tion and 'surveys projected. , : OeastAe eatenl Oregon. It la said ths central Oregon and Klamath regions will bo among ther Im portant snblects under diaeuaelon. The 1 larrtman people recognise the fact that the government haa entered upon a vaat Irrigation project In Klamath county and that more than I4,00,0 la already avs'able for carrying the work for ward to completion. It la extremely provable that the railroad company -aentiy-Incorporated by Colonel William Creoka for an extension of the South ern Pacific .from point In- the upper Willamette valley Co Fort Klamath aoon will occupy a prominent place, in . the Harrlman program. It haa been aaM that the policy of the flarrtman men t la to seise ter ritory that may become aubject to rapid . development - make surueye through it and hold whatever right a have thua been acquired until forced by threatened com petition to construct a railroad. The situation In central Oregon and tn south em Oregon oaat of the Cascades la rap idly .becoming mora three tmg to Bar rlman Interests. r '.- ..' aids TieuMeaeaaa," .fT. N'.r' fl a.. 1.4 mmm ..... I m lu" 1aaVIv for a route through the Klamath basin, across the Cascade, range and down the Willamette valley that will give an outlet at Portland .for the Western Pa cific. Strenuous opposition shown by local Southern Pacific bfncfhla to the granting of .franchise for eatrsna to Portland by the Sheridan electric road Indtcatea that the Harrlman people are alarmed-- , and -' believe the Sheridan project to be a Western Paclflo move in disguise.- ' "."- .. Whll the Harrlman people, have not . taken the .aeettee .seriously. It . la now being whispered about In New Tork that 'the central Oregon, field will be Invaded by a railroad under auspices of the Co operative Chriatian 'ederatlonv Com' mends for secrecy-' have been lasued by ' the New Tork syndicate that la hand ling the financial and of the project. ' Meetings are being bald every day In New York., between representatives ef the trust companies - Interested. and Portland man who.1 are on the ground. ' ' t.' Mask In JaTaw Tork. w -.'.: Wallla Naah arrived In New Tork' Sat , urday and Rev. H.,'8. Wallace haa been there some weeks in conference with the . financial power 'that are expected to engineer the federation , bond Issue.. It ' la amid that by the and. of the present week the project will have been financed and Mready - to - begin - Its development tasks, on of tha first of which wlU be ''-construction of a railroad to develop upward of 1.000,004 acrea of land now - 1- . ....ww.. va,,m .vw,.. inciunmg me rrencn-uien . rancn pi 1(0.000 acrea along the Blltstyi river, la Harney county. 8uoh railroad would not atop short of Portland and natural 4V would parallel tha Southern Pacific through the. Willamette valley,' give a shorter route than tha O. R. A N. from Portland.- to Ontario,, and . there throw out a powerful inducement (for, - the northwestern or some other line, ror a transcontinental connection. - ! f VYADECOURTMARTIALf ! BEGINS AT VALLEJO aoaraal Spedel BerTlce.t ., ' ' Vallejo, CaL, Oct tO.Tha court Inartlal of Ensign Charles T. Wado of the Bennington was opened thla morn ing. Commander Weat Is Judge-advocate: ex-Congressman Bell of Napav and Naval Constructor Holden Rvana are counsel for tha defendant. ' The prose cution presented . eight specifications against Wade. . It is alleged that ho beglected hia duty in leaving tha engine-room when ho knew that the .boll era were In bad condition. He Is no cuaed of placing an Inexperienced oiler on duty aa watertender.' and of leav , Ing the engine-soom while the aller was on " duty. Chief Machinist's Mate Wheeler testified that ths lifting gear waa out of order when Wade was., as signed to the shin, v .v , . SKELETON OF WOMAN T FOUND AT CONDON v- ,; Y ; "' (SpwUl IMtpiips , Jeurssl t ' - Condon, Or Oct. lO.-rWhlle examining the site of an old biHfcllng on South Main atreet thla morn I fig skeleton, probably of a white woman whose age was about 40 years, was found a foot from tha aurface. It had been there for a number of years. 1 There waa no means of Identification and no one here can throw any light on the mystery. The building had been, used aa a drug store and later aa a restaurant and had been abandoned for a couple of jreara. - xanaaeiat naae Agam. - , JC .Hartshelm, who waa taken to SU Vlnnent's boepltsl In a state of'cellapoe, following his Imprisonment at the Scott I'Oiel , by enraged Wisconsin epeculator whom be haloed bunko in a timber deal, had ao far recovered under medical treat mot daat sight that he waa able to leave tha Institution. . .- , : . -j 1 J J 1 1 1. 13 "TM. is w tlsM fnf alrfk er tssfhter. 3 etIS srsr eB ( the atorslns fter.n Th-re will be no "morning after," If r-'l I carry a bog of CALIFORNIA H- WArCRa, and take a few be- t "t to bed. They win ns you all tone- reu up eroro breakfaat. ICJ Vc'crs, 25 Cent. n r-re a oe xrr-seo, tsr 1 , s-mo at-s foe rMad, Or. ; St. Peteraburc, Optr ?0-X.tonijht the autocracy of tha jRomanoffa and the old order of thinga will ceaaa to axiat in RuaaUu , ' I ' 'Serciua Witta teleohoncd from Peterhof. the imperial reaidence wher ha had pent the. day with the emperor before bia departure tot this city, that the emperor bad surrendered and haa affixed hia tig-nature to an Ira. perial mandate compriaifjf the conditions upon whicb Witte promised t accept the office of premier. - ,-. ,. , , v ' 7 ", ' t- Whte now cornea into power aa minister and it enabled to convert the farcical national assembly into a real legUlative body, purely represents- tive, and to confer upon' the people DAY DROPS FROG GIRL'S LIFE For Jwanty-Fbur ' Hours Anna Batsman Ja Loat Whan Found 4 Romambara Nothing. ' ACTS AS THOUGH SHE HAD BEEN GIVEN DRUG After Day and a Night of Search She la Found in Wilds of Peninsula and Suffering .Severely- From ' Ex- f tv rr 1 i A If Twenty-four hours In ths life of Anna Bateman, aged '14 veers, are a blank, round sitting under a tree near ths edge of a dense wood by a mail carrier, after being missing fronj her home for a day and a night, while she police and posses of cltlsens were1 hunting for her, the girl la unabls 'to remember where she was or what happened during her ab sence . from home. Her ' actlona wore simitar to those of a. person who had been drugged and had not yet fully re covered possession of her faculties. Ths girl's parents live at University Park and aha was employed In a depart ment atora. She la a quiet -girl, atten tive to her' duties and. highly esteemed by her associates.- She had been feel ing unwell and Thuraday did not go to her work. About 10 o clock that day aha left her home and started for town. She waa aeen that evening, about 7 o'clock, standing-almleaaly at Northern Hill station oit tha St. Johna car lino. When aha did not come-home .'her par ents, notified the police end toe sur rounding country was scoured In the hop of finding her.,' - ,'.. ,, : Nothing wag seea or heard ef the girl t ha tr. night or the nex -day Sintll late tn the afternoon and tha anxiety of her parents deepened Into alarm and ap prehension. JV Huldernan. a mall car- rler, discovered the -gin sitting under a tree'' hear tha. eUge of 'a. wood, some distance back of W. Merrill's house. Her relatives were notified and ahe waa taken" home. " ' ... ' The girl waa unable 40 remember where she had been or . what had oc curred. She was suffering from the ef fects of exposure and Dr. - Duvall was summoned to attend her. Her condition la said to bo eetious.: I , , ; WAST SPOTS SEEH upon the sun Great White-Hot Seething Areas Moving Acroaa Mighty Disk' . - by Turning of Axis. .... A (Joarasl Sseelal Berries.! . . Jjom Angeles, Oct. . JO. Astronomers were taken all unawares by ths appear ance of late of two vast areas of spots snd penumbras on the 'sun, All last week a great , cluater of apota was mov ing acroia the mighty disk by the turn ing of the sun on Its axis. - This group and : the penumbra! filaments round about was nearly 100,000 miles In di ameter. . : . t, itv. .1 : y '-,; ' Enormoua facllae ' extend all around In every direction. - These are white-hot, seething areas,, hotter than tha general aurface of the. sun. They are the seat of explosions of pent-up gas. The spots In thla group were crossed by bridges of white-hot matter.- These Issue from the sides of the" spots sa tonguea Snd then they move acroaa with varying. Velocity. A new vspot haa no bridges; thus, when they, besin Jt la a sign of disin tegration. ,.The group finally vanished around the "curvature of the aun'a west ern side. A." glsnt solitary spot ap peared on the eastern limb. One bridge Is- observed to the right, a thin tongue near tha middle, while two Jeta are be ginning near the. upper left end- - There have been seen but few single spots larger than, thla The umbra la quite black. The 'penumbra looks like a 'depressed surface, declining Into the abyss below. The apota no doubt are shallow sinks In the solar aurface. Other opinions- are held,, however, and the cause Is unknown. Several world like the 'earth -could drop-Into this swful plaoo and be destroyed. ' - A-new aun haa been seen In the con ateliatlon the Eagle or Aqulla. j A new sun that comes on suddenly Is caused by Collision of two or mors dark worlds or the explosion of s. sun. greatly In creasing its brilliancy so that It can be--'photographed. If our sun should have an extensive outbreak life would vanish from the earth in a few mlnutea. Lour lives depend upon the stats of the sua entirely. Kayo tnspeets Handworks. Mayor Lane ' and ' Frank T. Dodge, superintendent of the. municipal-ws tot department, took a trip to tha Bull Run headworka yesterday to Inspect the source of Portland s water supply. It was the Aret time thet the mayor waa ever at the ' headwnrks and ha was deeply Interested. They found every thing In a satisfactory condition. . , - .. i .Newport society belles attended a ball disguised aa farm girls, but the farm girls are too modeet to sttend a ball disguised aa Newport belles fundamental civil liberties. ROBBED FRIEND TO GET GIRL lilllG i Seattle Youth Steals Diamond ' From Roommate and Tradea It for Engagement Ring, ' K" V v 4 -44!' ; v '. JUMPS OUT OF BED TO : CHASE PRETENDED THIEF Makes Believe That He Saw Soma ,' djW' Running Away With' Stolen Gem, but When Arrested Confesses Fiancee Is Prostrated by News, '- i. ''.''- y (Special Dispatch to The' Joaraal) ' ' . Seattle, ,OcU . Thtelman Damon, grandson of the lata Rev. John F. Ia mon, who Was to have been married In a short time to ths daughter of Rev. Frederic C. .Lee, pastor of the First Congregational' church, waa areated this afternoon on a charge) of grand lar ceny and confessed. Ho stole a diamond ring from a roommate which he traded to Jeweler for another which bo gave hla fiancee aa an engagement ring. Both young men were rooming at the home of L W. Bonney, president of the Bonney-Wstaon company.. Saturday morning Damon, who la ft years' ef age, sprang out of bed crying 'Bur glars!" His roommate followed him and thew ran to the front door, when Damon said the thieves had disappeared. Returning to hla room his roommate missed hla diamond and reported .the theft to the police. . The detectives, lo cated where Damon had traded the ring and recovered .it. Damon haa been prominent In local society. Miss Lee la prostrated. . ,.,..,. ( OLD STOSY OF - Vii:;E ai;d lOII his porai W. H. Lowe, Formerly With Port- - land Association, Under Ar "t'rest at Eugene f 17 ' (BstcUl DteDstcH to The Joaraal. v Eugene. Or.. Oct. to. W. L, Lowe, claiming to repreaent the Union Mutual Aid association of Portland, la under ar rant hero charged with obtaining money under fa lee pretenses. His downfall la the old story of wine and women. t v Lows secured money from several per sons In thla city for policies in tha com pany - he claimed to repreaent - The policies failed to arrive and those who paid for them wrote . to officers of the company In Portland. Replies ware re ceived Saturday that Lowe did not rep reaent the company, and his arrest fol lowed. .-!.(,.. The young men haa gone a rapid pace since hia arrival tn thla city. Ha dressed fashionably and apent money lavishly entertaining women.' He played .'golf snd wss considered a. good fellow. Lowe . waa formerly connected with the Union Mutual Aid association, which haa offices in the Marquam building. Be fore hia connection with that company ho worked as a solicitor for ths Pru dential. - - - HEATED DISCUSSION IN W.C.T.U. CONVENTION 'u- 4 .( , ... :: . . (Journal Rpeeiat Strvlee.) " . Los Angeles, Oct 10. The Arst con troversy In the W. C T. U. convention was participated In by all the leading apeaJtara this morning and a lively de bate resulted over the proposed amend ment to section 1. article 4 of 'the by laws of. the constitution by Miss En sign, secretary of Ohio. It provides for change In selecting the vlce-prealdent-at-large, and ths aaslstant recording secretary from an .appointive to en elee- tlve office. - . Ths present plan Is for ths president to appoint a vlce-preildent-at-large and the recording secretary has power to appoint an aaslstant. The - proposal lost, after 4 mlnutea' heated discus sion, by a vote df 74 for and 410 against YOUNG MAN KILLED BY HORSE THAT DROPS DEAD i Elk ton. Or., Oct 10. James Oarland of Solo, aged SI, met death In h peculiar manner lasi weea at me wens rarm, four miles south of here. . He drove some -cows to the corral for milking, riding a , horse owned by Rev. W. B. Pepper. , He had dismounted, when the horse lurched forward and fell dead, catching the young man underneath and crushing hla Ufa out. although no bones were fractured. An autopsy on the horse revealed the fact that the animal had buret a blood vessel. , OM tosaf May Baeevsr. . Despite the amount of blood he lost In consequence of his foot being smpu tated by a switch engine at the Petty. ove atreet crossing, Tom Lewtston stands a good ehanoe of recovery. He haa laid In a weakened condition at St Vincent's hospital since Saturday night but was reported this afternoon as being somewnaa improves in condition. , , Tefj cannot tell ths depth ef a man's wisdom by ths Intensity of his silence. SAYS DUMB BEASTS! rVv .; ..V ARE BEST FRIENDS Actress Who Set IJaria Agog Spends .First Day in Portland in Deep ,4 Uoorning Becaute Small Cat Has . Departed. ' ..j:, . ' ; Emma Eames nref era ' animals to people. .., . It ' f. She aald so this morning. In describing ths loss of a playful kitten that lamped tnrougn a window between here ana Ashland because a negro cook "got gay." ' "A series of jerks announced 'that we had arrived in Portland," said Madame Barnes, seating herself In a cosy chair aboard tha private car Elysla and congratulating herself on her "painful punctuality.'' - - - ? , "And I am awfully glad to be here," shs continued. ' "I had a presentment that I was to lose that eat. and I'm glad it la ever, much as I loved it . The eat wasn't of . much use, anyway. , I once owned a dog a bull, terrier that J thought more of. But still there existed a strong bond of friendship between this cat and myself, and I really believe that 1 prerer beaata to people.- , , . Tha diva admires Oregon scenery. ' "When I sea pines larger then firs," shs said, "I doff my hat and give . to this section of the nation the brightest tlurae of my bonnet." v From which remark it Will be readily inferred that the madame is a "mighty good fellow." She nee eyes that are nearer green than blue and on this oc casion. . being dressed for a shopping tour, she wore a natty blu dress, a coal of- gray, squirrel snd a hat of gray feathers and wings. She said she wss out here on a concert tour because Con freld's season does not begin until the end of November, Nor did . ahe deny that (he waa iiere for commercial rea sons, notwithstanding the climate and m.h scenery. Wbsn she waa asked how many - hours ' shs practiced each day, she gave one unfathomable look at the piano and replied: "Just long enough to keep my reper toire In order--! am a singer not a pianists!",..; : ' . - 1 To Madame JEmma. Eames belongs the distinction of having aung in tha moat 'notable all-star operatlo oaat ever fur nlabed the American public She was the Juliet tn Oounod'a "Romeo and Ju. lief when the two De Resskes. Morslll and Schalchl were In the bill nd she was Gounod's choice for the role. She If the only singer of International Import ance who ever mads a Paris debut with, out a "try-lt-on-the-dog" in the prov inces. . Her. parents were residents ef Mains but aha waa "born .In Shanghai, China, 'her father having been a barris ter. She first trod American soil In San Francisco.' Then to Maine. There they discovered her voice and after three years' In Paris the, world began to .heafj of Emma Eames. .' -- x.i, ..'-,.M, ' Portland will ' hear,, Madams Eamea tonight for the first time at the Mar quara Grand. - -' V " "i try to steal ride jo - fi;;o car a priso:i Northern v : Pacific Conductor Locks Up TWO Men Ha SUS- pacta to Be Thieves. Held prisoner In a boxcar for five hours by P. 8. Herbert, a Northern Pa clflo railway conductor, who concluded from their movements that they-were thieves. Joseph Soannell and- Jerome Handley were brought to Portland last night and turned over to ths polios.' . Ths train stopped at a small station thla elds of Tacoma and the conductor went into the .dispatcher's office. On his return he heard a sound In a boxcar and on Investigation discovered that the two men had broken a seal and entered the, car,, which was loaded with mer chandise. Without aaylng a word, he quickly slid the door ahut and faatened It securely. The other trainmen were then Informed that It held suspected thieves and cautioned not to open the door. On the arrival of tha train at Portland the poce were notified and Sergeant Taylor and Patrolman Smith took the suspects to police headquarters. They were taken before Police Judge Cameron thla mgmlng. The tale they told did not sound well ttf- ths Judge and they will be held pending a further Invest!' gatlon. ,-.....-. ,.-" - The story told by Bcahnell and Hand ley was that they -were about to board the train when afjterson who pretended to be a trainman asked them If they ex pec ted to -pay their fare. They an awered In the affirmative and he told them that for tl each he would let them rids In a boxcar, with the result that Conductor Herbert discovered them and locked them in. . . . DEFENDANT'S; iTEARS ;: 'SURPRISE ATTORNEY Qua Erickson was - before Pollcs Judge Cameron on a charge of stealing a bicycle from A. H. T. Kruse. The evidence wae damaging. "1 would llko to put the defendant on the stand, your honor."- said At torney Charles Petrain. "Well, I think the. evidence strong. I don't believe yon cun get around It" commented the court - -- "Let me put the defendant on,' any how," Insisted Petrain. The court assented and Erickson took the stand. Ths first question he was asked by Deputy City Attorney F1U- gsrald ha buret Into tears. j . "Tee, I stols ths wheel." hs admitted. "Thank you, Mr. Petrain," said Judge Cameron, turning and bowing to ths law yer, who stood dumroundea. "Erickson, we will, give you a year In the county MIL? -v j - - t - - CHINESE BOYCOTT IS RESUMED IN ALL PORTS r' iJearul Special terries.) Hongkong, Oct 0. Americana gay that the boycott Jute been resumed tn alt Chinese ports and ths results ars serious. Canton leaders have Just re ceived IS, 000 from Chlness In California to aid the boycott" , Will Reach Virginia Capes at Eig&t O'Clock Tonight Teddy in Excel lent Health and Greatly Enjoying Hia Experience. y; rCj;; j - 1 " " - ;-; I v (Jearsal Sserlsl Strvlo.) i Norfolk, Vs., Oct 0.-A wireless messaae from. Capo Hatterss to the Norfolk navy yard ssys that the West Virginia at 1 o'clock this- morning was IS mile south of Hat Ursa In the midst of a severs northeast gals and win not reach ths Virginia capes until o'clock tonight Ths president Ik In the midst of the eoast storm and having an awfully rough paeasge.; . A wlreleaa from the president aboard the West Virginia to Governor Her rick 1 ankwerlng. hie telegram of con gratulations was Intercepted thla morn ing at Portsmouth. Virginia. The- presi dent is proceeding up the eoaat tucking heavy seas at a remarkable rate or speed..- v :' .-' 5 -v''.'' All 'Saturday night and Sunday' the wlreleaa station st St. Augustine,' Flori da, waa in touch with President Roose velt on the West Virginia and many messages .ware exchanged. . Messages wars alao exchanged yesterday between the president and the mayor of Savan nah, Georgia. The executive; is -reported 'to bo In excellent health and enjoying ths trip hugely, w -; :" v 3. f.: v. TICKET SCALPING KEIO to EE A FRAUD Judge Frazar Upholds Malarkey Law After Hearing Extensive , 4 V ..): Arguments. . - . , r 1 see no reason to recede from my former opinion on the constitutionality of ths antl-tlcket-aoalping law, for 1 think that anyway one looks at ths ticket-scalping- business It works a fraud on some oneeither- the. railroad, the buyer or 'the seller. . The right to deal In and traffic in railroad tickets Is a right held by ths railroads alone. No man has a' right to, deal in . another's property." In the above manner. Presiding; Judge Arthur L Feasor this afternoon upheld ths Malarkey . anti-tlcket-soalplng , bill paaaad at the recant legislature.. VThe opinion 1 earn from tha bench after Judge Fraser had listened for several hours to arguments for and, again at I the law presented In the trial of C H Thompson, and. .Frank Bollam. local ticket brokers, arrested . several weeks ago. . Judge Fraser's former opinion on thle law wae given last August . I John F. Logan, Henry J5. .McGinn and Martin L. Pipes appeared as counsel for the defendants, while Attorney Dsn J. Malarkey represented the state. - TRYING TO PICK A . . GOOD BOX ORDINANCE The' proposed -box ' ordinances were Binder 'discussion this afternoon - by the "TTlquOr license committee of the. city 1 council. 41 .was me opinion ok nium members of ths council that an agree, ment wlU Jbe. reached over the measure by the warring faotlona and that one ordinance will be unanimously adopted and 'recommended a to the council for passage. : .' ;-..-.- An -.entirely new. ordinance, haa .been drafted embodying alt the amendments to the ordinance presented by Council' man Bennett - It provides that boxes In saloons shall open directly on the main bar-rooma -and ahall be . without -doors or curtelne. No alley ways of any na ture shall-be maintained in connection with aaloona. - Hotels are axemnted un der the ordinance. v i -v . Tha measure supported by the Vaughn following -covers-practlcally the same points, but la clothed In different lan guage and Is said to be more specific. A number of the members of the council are becoming dlsguated with the fight over the box ordinance question ss It' has created bard feelings between ths factions and haa led to discord re garding other matters on which, ths vote of 1 the council would otherwise have been unanimous..'- , STOCK RUSTLERS GIVEN TERMS IN PENITENTIARY v' (gescwl Dtseetek ts The JoereaLI Prineville, Or, Oct' SO. Seven trials held during ths last e$ak resulted in a conviction of all defendanta. ' Ed and John Dean of Canyon City, accused of stock stealing, wars discharged on ac count of lack of evidence. Larkla El liott ( was also -discharged for ths sama reason, and Harry . Pltsger, who was Indicted for an aaaault agalnat Walter Smith with a deadly weapon, wae alao given hie freedom. Lee Goodwin, found guilty of horse ateallng, was eentsnced to one year's imprisonment . Caspar Toung wae given three years for as saulting a young girl.. W. D. Wallace waa ; fined ' 1100 for assault ,. Corbltt Holt was given two years' Imprisonment for manslaughter. Jeff Tarbrough got Ave yea re, and Dan Burrle .three years, and Charles Tillman II vs yssrs for -stock stealing. -- KLAMATH FALLS WILL . . CELEBRATE SATURDAY , i,'--. , , rseerlal Mspeteh ts Tee Jearasl.) Klamath Falls, Or., Oct SO. Prepara tions' are being mads for a great cele bration next Saturday,-' November 4, when an Irrigation ratification meeting will be held and ths governors of Cali fornia and Oregon, United States sen ators, government . engineers, railroad men and commercial bodied from vari eue section of the etats ars expected to be present ; :, - - , TlrgU Barp anrled, VlrslI Earn. tha noted nlaneer. mmm buried yesterday at Rlverview osmstery. The funeral eervlcee took place et Fin ley's undertaking parlora. Rev, Barden officiating. Tha pallbearere were "H. C Rlgby. P. J.iNuberg, J,. Warwlcg.-. 1. Weygant and J- Horshmelr. HITCHCOCK AND SHAW -; r . JAKE OPPOSITE VIEWS Secretary of Treasury Wants lows .,' Promoter to Prospect for Gold but s Head of Interior Department Strcn- J' 1 ,r !' , : .'. oonsiy upposca nana. " llM.kl tmmtt ta The lMratl.1 1 Cheyenae,'Wyo., Oct 10. A big fight Is on between Asraus Boysen, an Iowa promoter, and friends and. Secretary Hitchcock of- the-- department of the in tertor. Senator F. K.' Warren of Wyo ming and others over the -proposed. in- vsslon of the Wind River Indian reser vation in central Wyoming by Boysen with a diamond drill and J00 men for prospecting, purposes. . : .' - - Boysen was granted the privilege by ths last congress to. prospect on tha rea ervatlon for to daya and to eelect 140 acrea In Hsu of certain rights then, pos sessed, by him. Hs held --a. lease on 1IT.000 acrea. and ths .original Intsn tloaiwas to restrict his-prospecting -to that 4ract ' but hs proposes to -prospect over ths entire portion ef the reserva tion to fee -opened, embracing sv a,eee,oeft acrea. - - - Becretary Shaw of the treasury Is as sisting, Boysen,. aa Is also, tha 'entire Iowa delegation. - Secretary ' Hitchcock is opposed to Boyson's plans, and Sen ator Warren-of Wyoming has filed -0 vigorous protest With the secretary' . Warren's letters worn .referred te President Rooeevelt. who submitted the matter to the attomey.general for as opinion. .Boy sen's attorneys In Wash. Ington'have asked 'for ao opinion and they will be heard today by Becretary Hitchcock. ' 1 ; v ....... . Becretary Shaw says that Hitchcock Is too severs on Boysen. People in ths vicinity of ths reservation ars aroused ever ths proposed invasion and are pre pared. If necessary, to resist Boysen with fores. , ...... MONEY, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE FIGURE IN SUIT ,A suit for an ejection from property In the Peninsula addition' was filed in the circuit court thle -morning against Mrs. Ida Quads. She Is holding a snd barn, together with five lots.' The suit was filed by W. H. Fowler, attor ney for Mrs. Ida Rlndflelsn, ; - Ths first husband of Mrs.. Rlndn'stsh died about 10 years ago and left her tt.000 lusursnce. . Afterward she mar ried Michael Rlndflelsh. In HOT they were . divorced. - s, . '. - ,. It lav alleged that prior to the divorce Michael had secured possession , of the tl.000 left by .his 'predecessor, buying tha -Peninsula addition property nowLla dispute. In order to get back some of the money left her by husband No: 1 and apent by No. I, Mra. Rlndflelsh wn De cember T, 18 Of, attached the property. But Rlndflelsh displayed a deed dated December . Hit. and which had been mads by him conferring ths property te his sister-in-law, Mrs. Ida Quads. Thla deed was not recorded until December 1 1. . It is contended that the deed Is not legally dated December (. bat was dated back In order to defeat ths attachment PHEASANTS IN CITY - UNDER LANE'S CARE Chinese pheasants to escape -the. bom bardment of huntera have sought refuge in Isrgs numbers within ths city limits. In ths vicinity of ths City park and In the sparsely . settled districts of the east skis they may be seen at any time or. the day. They seem to know when they are safe from hunters, ss they are quit tarns and frequently come Into tjhs dooryards.: ' , A'-number of boys were caught shoot ing pheasants in ths vicinity of Irving ton yesterdsy and two were sr res ted by patrolmen for firing their guns within tha city limits. Mayor Lane this morn ing - Instructed Chief Oritsraacher, te have hla men keep careful lookout and arrest every person caught shooting the btrda In ths city. . - Tha mayor aald "there was a covey ot pheasants which feed in his garden snd that frequently a pot hunter cams along while he was not at home and shot s number of them. , :. , - , , -, T. HUNTINGTON SAYS HE ' WAS BUNKOED IN TRADE - Thomas ' Huntington, a ' local capi talist, has- engaged Attorneys John F. Logan and Ed Mandenhall to present his csss against Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bailey. - Huntington haa also susd John J. Balleray, but the latter is now dead.' During ths hard times In' lite, Hunt ington trsded property In ths north- end to the Bailey a and Balleray for a ranch and many . sharea - of mining stock In Umatilla county, Oregon, . The aged capitalist now avers that the ranch was anything but' what tt has been repre sented to be and that ths mining stock wss worthless. Hs is suing to recover possession of ths property he formerly owned. . At ths time of ths trade, the local property Is said to have been worth baa elnce doubled t? value, . ; .. v.- ' .' ' " I V ' 4 I. GEVURTZ & SONS RENT' FINE BUILDING '(;'. - . ,, r 4 , ", .- -. At Seventeenth and Washington streets a four-story stons and brick building that Is to be erected by Bu shong .Co. has been leased to L Oe vurts At Sons. . Ths - leaea. . was - made Saturday. The building will occupy a lot lot by 7H feet In area and will bs one of-ths most modern and. desirable In ths city. Ths ground floor will be used for stors purposes and ths upper storiee will be fitted es. an apartment house, it Is likely that ths firm of Oe vurts db Sons will establish a branch store In the new building. , ... ..' TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE , - HAS FALL FROM GRACE (Special Dleaatek to The Jesreel.) Sllverton, Or., Oct 10. Loula Lar son of Salem, who claimed to be a preacher and temperance leoturer, after a recent talk to a Sllverton audience wae arrested on a charge of 1 drunken ness. pleaded guilty and paid". I Inte the city treaeury. . . ' , -vvvy- v $ : CAR SERVICE BLOCKED : FOR MORE THAN HOUR Tracks for If any Blocks on First Street Are Three or Four Inches Above Pavernent and firemen Fear Recurrence of Wrack. . While going at break-neck speed In response to an alarm of firs from box It yesterday afternoon, truck No. I of the Portland fire department broke down as it crossed the street railway tracks at First snd Montgomery streets. As ths front wheels of ths truck struck the rails, which sstended several Inches above the pavement : one of them crashed from the shock and 'ths- track was brought to a standstill across the track. The membera of the company escaped Injury ether than a severe ehak Ing up. . ,';-,..: Ths alarm was turned In- at M o'clock- for a roof firs Id a Chinese laundry at. Front and Harrison streeta It was over an hour before the truck could be removed and the streetcar traffic over the railway line . resumed. The extra truck from the east sids wae placed In commission until the broken spparatus can be repaired. ' . The street where the accident ee curred was In a deplorable condition. The cer tracks, which should be on a level with tha etreet, extended two" end three Inchee shove the pavement This la true with the tracks for mahy blocks on First street . , f : .. , . Ths condition ,of the atreet - In front of the fire station at Firat and Jefferson streets is -such that the firemen feat every time they leave the: bouse that the apparatus will be . smashed te piece a. The "Street waa repaired a yeef ago with Belgian blocks, but ths rail way company has never Improved to portion of the thoroughfare. - . .. The railway company haa refused te make the necaaaary repairs . pa the ground that It doss not own the fran chise, bqt that the franchlss belongs te the property-owners on tbo atreet. whs should be held liable for the cost ef the Improvement ... .- - Chief Campbell of the Are department will call the attention ef the executive board to ths condition of the etreet . r PORTLAND THIEVES DO i tiNOTVOBSERVE SABBATH ,-., -t ' f-.i. -i:,' . Opening a aide window of the house occupied, by E. H. Cowing. Hi Cherry street by means of a "Jlmmjr last night, a thief entered and thoroughly ransacked ths premises. . The etolea - property In eludes a- gold watch, a sliver watch, a pair of opera glasses snd II. Ths burglary occurred between - I and -1 o'clock whsa nobody wss at horns. For the- third time in the last two weeke, sl, thief . walked Into Aha. house of Mrs. Ada Leaaure, iT Fifth street last night He was beaig prowllnf about the hallwsy-Jmd Mrs. Lessure. who waa In the kitchen, called to him and asked what was wanted.' Hearing her vole, the man ran before he was seen. Patrolman J. J. Mackey concluded that the actlona of a man on Upshur, between Twenty-eighth snd Twenty-ninth streets, were suspicious last evening and walked toward him. : Hsstening across ths ear track, the suspect hid behind a post Seeing that the policeman continued ap proaching he ran into ths brush, and a buUet fired over ble heed failed to stop him.' .-I- ' 1: -' .- ' ' '' -i- ' MOUNTAIN GEM SUFFERS1 J INJURY IN ACCIDENT Ths- steamer Mountain Oem has af. rived at Celilo, wbere after maklnsr ' some repairs, ths boat will begin regu lar operation between that point and Wallula. - En route down the river Frl- . day the -boat struck a rock tn ths Snake river and damaged her hull, but not so seriously that all necessary repairs nan ' not be made at Celilo. - Bertral at fmmannel Onnseh. Revival meetings are being held, at the Immanuel Bspttst church, corner of Bsc- end and Meade, streets every evening. with ths exception' of Saturdays. The pastor . Is - assisted by . local ministers. . Specie! music Is a feature each evening. The meetings begin at 7:10 p. m. .' : Indian Summer. " ,.'; The time to see that eTery thing; is $nug and cozy before the winter goes on , the war path. Y911 deserve a newover coat and some deserving man needs your old one. - Now, let's get together and fix up the deal. We have a good deal to $how you in our new stock. We've elegant Overcoats at f 10, 912, 915, $18 to 925 r. Vou .can rest assured that you'll get full Value for your mtney at any price, you pay. Our guarantee goes with every coat ,Come here with . your overcoat wants. ' v ' ,r IflCiiCLOTHinaO OtusuhnmPrc Ontflrters s Men ad Sera, , SS and 1SS Third Street, ' - .v; - V"''"- ! ' . .,'Tawwv-W i - e) x'