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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1905)
1 t III i it.. . , .ft'"".. . i . , . . r" , k , , Z - M.i ale. i'i 4 a. ISPillDSU Hardscrabble Latest Canaation In Baltof tha Siskiyou. Mountaina. . '-V , VISITED , BY EXPERT f AND FOUND TO BE RICH Spokane Engineer Makes an Exam' ination Outlet From District Probably Will Be Crescent City on the California Coast. (Spaalal Dispatch teTbe Jonil.) Medford, Or., OcC.; 10. The Hard : scrabble sroup, which-was located re. ! cantly on.Praaton creek,, near the lUti Una, la provlne on ot tha moat promts ; " : ins copper propoaltlona that baa baan opened In that section of, the country. V' Tha depth attained does sot exoaed 10 feet, but la this work a o op par shoot ot i- about It teat width ' haa, been opened f and the drifting; that is being run on It Is making ore "rapidly. 'The shoot . widened from about 1 to 11 feet ba , 'tween the surface and present deepest adit, which , Indicates that It will be , found' a great ore body when explored at considerable depth. ' The past week the ' property ' was . visited by Dr. J. T. Beddy. J. B. Enyart. - . D. Ol wall and John Breaaenhan, the latter belna a prominent mlntna expert ; from . Spokane.' Careful examination waa made of the vein and reports will be made to the principals whom the ex perts represent.' - Arter viewing; the situation' the gen tlemen concluded that. - although tha Hardacrabble Is but 17 mtlea from the TakllmaV smelter, It would be ad visable to connect It with ttte ocean at Creecent City, to which place there la a down-grade route. The Hardacrabble would be In line to be opened by the projected railway through this country. The discovery ot such a prospect has given redoubled assurance of great de valopmenta In the ' extreme northern California and southern Oregon copper 'V ; -" " "y-y'l". LUCKY QUEEN RESUMES. a 9. Orane Xae twportj im Snaps for ftood work and aa Baektmr. ; '(Special Dtepateh to Tea JaaraaLI ' ; Orsnts Psas; Orfi Oct. 19. The af- fairs of the Lucky Queen Mining com pany are undergoing readjustment. This is one of the oldest of southern s Oregon quarts mines and will reaume i - operations in the immediate - future 3 i under the management of C DY C,rane. If. ' Bnokane caoltsllsts are backing the 'T . L.nck On can oomoanv. t-t Lucky Queen company, A ld-atamp. mill was InsUUed ilast year and the property abaped for heavy work. but st the time mlllli)tLtbcsas trouble occurred among the JOTrneri and the mine has been idle pending a set tlement. I, , ' The Lucky Queen produced Stymdant ly aa a proapect II years ag;otnd even In that period, when - machinery was costly , snd transportation faollltles poor, a small mill waa plaoed on the mine. After) considerable work ' the Lucky Queen was abandoned. The mine promises to yet become one ef the pro! ducers of the state. SCHUMPF CROUP SOLD. fivyeiiij Tha Zas ;feea Vsospeot for '1 Tears Taken to jtees ' Oeplss. , (Special Dlapetc yd Tba Jaaraal.) ' - If edtord. Or Oct. aa. Nicholas Jerry 'of New Tork CHr has departed for home after eloping a deal for the - Schumpf ledge in 'the Willow Springs , district and for two placer claims known as the Reynolds mines. . The Schumpf ledge has been regarded . with favor by miners in southern Ore- gon, but haa never been in the hands of men able to- develop It George Schumpf.' a, barber of Jacksonville, for . many years sunk his dally earnings in a ahaft and drifting on the ledge, but always saw fortune Just beyond hla reach. -' After his death the property pasaed into the hands of good miners ofr limited means who struck a rich de posit' within Six feet of where Schumpf . did his toatj WOfk. and after cleaning up ' $2,000 concludf-d they would quit while winners, not having sufficient capital te develop thetglne. - ' MINING NOTES. - ' 'Cottage Grove, Or- Oct 10. The Ore gon Securities - is . producing, a small quantity of bullion having been sent to San Francisco last week.. It was taken from the plates by Mansger Wood pre liminary to a general cleanup. The management . : has - been handlcaped aomewhat thia month. , as there have been eeveral bresks ofj- machinery. Plenty of water Is available for all purposes and the mill is dropping to a tamp. A new concentrator haa been shipped to the mill and will be in place in a few days. The worst trouble the company has to contend with Is lack of workmen, i The : tramway from the Music to Champion Is about completed. ) Ontario. Or,1. Oct to The Ontario Oas, OU at Power company, with a capl-K , I Jmml Af r 111 AAA h.a KMr. A,-.n. ' tal sitock of 111,000. haa been organ -- ised by ' local "Capital to proapect for gas, oil, minerals snd artesian water In . this vicinity. The incorporators are: F. VT. Metoalf, C E. Kanyon. J. R Blackaty. A. F. Boyer, Jacob Prlnslng and A. N. Soliss. ' ; . Cottage Grove, Or., Oct. 10. Herbert ' Leigh,' manager of the North Falrvlew mine, Bohemia, says that a deep tunnel is being .started on tha property ' and that there is six feet of line milling . ore In the face of the drift Work will vbepntlnued st this property all winter. ; Ih the publlaliad Hat ef medals and swards for Idaho mining exhibits the ' Fidelity Copper " company was credited with a silver medaL It received a gold : medal .for the large chunks of native copper and the National Copper Mines " company, operating .near tha Fidelity, ; won a silver medal. Tha properties are in the Seven Devils district of Idaho, near the Snake river. . r Somegroecra tell iSchiDlng'a Beat r. ; , . '- v . , ' 1 a kaH monejrbacfc; some don't, They hare their reasons both ways, v , ;. f.ow PIcnt fcr. Scpcrati.ig 'CLdcro Now In y: Successful irr-. Sj W. G. McPhereon company has plsced in successful operation at the power house of the Portland Consolidated rail way in East Portland a clnder-sepa rating plant that is attracting the attention of lumbermen and sswmlllmen of the northwest, aa it does . swsy with the damage that cornea from cinders falling on newly made lumber while stacked in the yards adjoining the sawmill. The plant was Inatalled with a view to do ing away with the cinders which con stantly belched forth from the stacks of the great boiler plant Residents within 'one halt a mile ef the" plant had been troubled with cinders collect ing on their sldewslks and porches and ruining the clothes on their clotheslines. The Inman-Poulaen - company, whose mill adjoins the power plant, have had thousanda of dollars' worth of lumber refused by Inspectors on account of be ing blackened In spota by theae cinders dropping on- the same. . The plant, which coat In the neighbor hood of tlMOO. consists of Immense brltchlng. connected to the . boiler, st one end of this brltchlng being an enormoua Induced! draft, fan SO feet in netgntr v uy . in .fan all smoke snd STONED INTO Two Oranta Paaa Youtha Attack Frank Reynolds, Who Is Not ' ,; :r Live. ; NOSE THRICE BROKEN ; HEAD IS BADLY GASHED One of the Boys Placed Under' Ar - reat, , the ..Other; DiMppearsLada Had Been Ordered to Leave Prem ;.' iaea and Savagely aaailed Victim. (BpeeU! Dlapatch to Tha JoormL) Grants , . Paaa, Or., Oct to. Frank Reynolds, a resident of this city, .who wss beaten and atoned to Inaenalblllty by Lorln Butler, aged IT. and Grover Montgomery, IS, is not expected to live, snd attending physicians state that ha will die of his injuries. Butler haa been placed under arreat Montgomery can not be found. Both Mr. and Mrs Mont gomery have been arrested pending the surrender of their son. Reynolds tried to drive the lads from a vacant lot near his i home, In South Grants Fuss. They were playing truant from school, snd were amusing them selves by , target prsctlce, using a iz callber rifle. The bullets from the caliber rifle. IVtfapon were flying about the home f of Reynolds, endangering niB.iamiiy, ana $ went . out to (where the boys were I' . . .i i ahootlng and remonstrated. The ' boya refused to leeve, or to quit shooting, snd when Reynolds attempted to lay hnnds on them, both stacked him. hurl ing heavy atones. Reynolds' nose waa broken In, three places, and deep gashes were cut on hla head and faqe. It was with difficulty that he dragged tilmself. bruised and bleeding back tq the house. M00RE SURPRISED AT'! , ,t ; HIS, QUICK ARREST .f.f ; - - V' J " (Kpwlai IMepatrh to The Jearnal.l Billings. Mont. Oct to. Albert U jaoore. whov obtained money and mer chandise to the extent of 17t.I0 from five Billings merchants by the bogus poatof flee money order method, haa been arrested. Moore purchased 11 money orders aggregating fl.ts. then rained the amounts. The orders were drawn by the poatmaster' at Sheridan, Wyoming, on the poatofflce at Huntley. At the po lice atatlon Moore admitted hla guilt but said he wss surprlaed that tha fraud had, been discovered ao quickly. - DEPLORES CONTEMPT IN WHICH ARMY IS HELD ' ' eaial Reeetal aVrrlee-i Washington, Oct' to. The annual re port of Military Secretary Major-Oeneral F. C Ainsworth glvea considerable at tention to the numerous detertlona that occur In the army. . He ssys thst tha recruit Is an object of scorn, that tte people have little Interest In tle army 1 -i ' Ml USIBILITY t Operation" clndera from the bollerr - are drawn through -the Immense, brltchlng (about eight feet in diameter) and forced Into Immense steel separators of .the same form as shavings separators used by sawmills. Due to the action of the fan the smoke snd cinders' describe on entrance to the separstor a whirling motion.' The cinders, being heavy, gradually drop in a spiral path to the bottom of the separator and from that point are conveyed by a ' steam-driven conveyor to the boiler fumsces, there to be conaumed. The smoke, st a com paratively low velocity, escapes through the top of the aeparatora Into the open sir. Although the action of the separators has been watched by Interested parties ualng atrong fleldglaasea it has been lmposslbls to. perceive even with theae the leaat veattge of clndera escaping with the smoke. . While;.: economy In fuel was not a desideratum of the plant it haa been found, since Installation, marked Increase In power developed by the boilers has been obtained. - Another " advantage which haa been impressively noticed by the operatives of the power plant has been the abaoluta, uniformity of the drsft obtslned. In time of peace. He continues by say ing that the inducements in civil life sre such thst anything that is offered In the wsy of pay In the army cannot be offset, and soma people criticise the small luxurlea that are now furnished the enlisted men. National dlssster snd humiliation, he says. Is all that will make the country realise that the main tenance of sn army is easentlsl for the preservation and standing of the Union. BURNED TO DEATH IN 1 FIRE AT ORPHANAGE . (Joorul Special Berries.) ' - ; Raleigh, N. C. Oct 10. Cut off from escape by a :roarlng sheet of flame that destroyed a priest's hoiise at Nas areth orphanage, three miles, from here, more than' ' dosen persons narrowly escaped feath last night 'Three were seriously Injured and one hos died. All were -forced to Jump from upper win dows to the ground.-a distance of from 20 to 10 feet The loss Is 126.000. '. Kingdom or Bepnbllo. r '. ' , (Joeraal Special hnW. r -. Chrlstlanla. Oct 10. The discission of a constitution Is atJU raging In the storthing. The question at Issue is the acceptance of the government's pro posal for a plebiscite or the republi can constitution as advocated by the radicals. White House . B0K . ; . t-."v - ;; The recognized authority. -We have , just received 4ja shipment of 1,000 of these." They, occupy considerable space. For a few days we will sell them at . Postage 25 cents. :: - I THE ' : J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers and Stationers. . THIRD AND ALDER Creat Things at Little Prices 79c V ,1 2rA' am X. r Mill! 1 1 11 II (ft 1' PRISON OFFICIALS Charges" Filed " Against Warden Kees of Walla Walla PenU tentiary Arls Tried. ACCUSED OF MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY Prisoner Escapes Hanging 'Through Negligence of Employes Forced Subordinates to Illegally Register ; Chief Turnkey Unfit-I (Special Dlapateh 'to The JooraaL) ' Walla Walla. Wash., Oct. JO. In ao cordanoa with the wlahea of Governor Mead who. with, the state board of con trol, haa been here for two days past Inspecting the penitentiary, a public hearing of the charges filed sgalnst Warden Kees. reflecting on his manage ment of the prison, was commenced at the Hotel Daorea at S o'clock tnta alter- noon.. . . . Tltm governor and the state board Of control held a conference at the peni tentiary yesterday afternoon. The In vestigation Is being conducted by Aa slstsnt Attorney-Oenersl McDonald at the request of Governor Mead and sub poenas have been served on the Walla Wallana making the charges against Warden Kees, citing them to sppear be fore the stats board. Fiva chsrges sre filed against the warden r by Governor Mead, aa follows-'"! . Old BleoUon Charges, '' "First That on a date preceding a municipal election In the city of Walla Walla on July 10, lon. A, r. Kees, su perintendent ot the state penitentiary, by coercion and -Intimidation, required certain employes who sre not residents of theelty of Walla Walla, unlawfully to place their tiamea upon the voting lists of said city to enable them to vote at' said election.) "Second That ' because X F. Kees, superintendent of the state penitentiary, refused to follow the advice of Dr. T. C. Blalock, tha penitentiary physician. In relation to making certain repairs and improvements In the sewer system and water supply of' the Institution, sani tary condition of the penitentiary be came such that an epidemic of typhoid fever resulted among the convicts eon fined therein.. '"(' seenUon Delayed.:' 'Three That the legal execution of one Bradahaw. a prisoner under sen tence of death by the superior court ot Franklin .county, by negligence on the part of the superintendent of the peni tentiary and his subordinates was de layed an unreasonable period and hat not yet taken place. '- "Four That those directly and Indi rectly connected with the management of the state penitentiary failed to com ply with the law of 10S In relation': to the Inspection of factories In so far at It concerns the Inspection of the peni IV v. INVESTIGATED tentiary Jute mill. . "Five That the superintendent of the penitentiary, by retaining In the posl tlon of chief turnkey one Philip Berry, well knowing the moral unfitness ot said Berry to hold that position. 'acted In a manner prejudicial to the best In terests of the publlo service of the state of Washington. Believes Officials lanoeeat, ' "I further request that. In addition to the foregoing charge to Inveattgate any and all matters connected, with the management ot the penitentiary that you may judge to be for the general betterment of the Institution. i "As governor. I have Investigated the foregoing chsrges so far as possible without securing sworn testimony, and I have ascertained nothing -that has shaken my confidence In the-jlntegrlty and ability of the superintendent. How ever, that official and the state of Washington are both entitled to the fullest and freest investigation ot sll these charges. I would therefore re quest that you" bold this publlo Investi gation." "-,' ' i - "-'; ' THREE LIVES LOST BY? BURSTING WATER MAIN V ' Jonraal Special fUrrfee.) Chicago, Oct. SO. -A buratlng water main Indirectly caused the lose of three lives, esused a property damage ef $H0,08, made scores of families home less and delayed traffic on the Nickel rials rsllrond hers yeeterday. . Two men lost their Uvea while trying to see what damage had been reused to the- Illinois Tunnel 'company, belna overcome by gas. The third,- aa invalid dlad et a shock. .- y " : 1j - SBWSBBBBW 9 t . ' J - i gem ' bbbbbbbb Bsaast I II II M mm asn II ' J1 A, BASEMENT. JUST THE SENSIBLE LI wno crTT-nT TT-TT? MJJ i'Wft OKtl im "S . n A a tin tTAm effAtfi W2.AK awu nut onuw inn arrcia uniK i '. . :. . - ' rTTT.rTT.Trrtt tT iv . J ' ' A' wide range of styles Knickerbocker j Trousers. , Buster Browns . . , ." , Snappy, Stylish Overcoats, and fancy mixtures. um- j-rri on a tc fill plete line of sizes. ... ...... , tCeOD 10 pDeUy The Greatest THE PtACE TO GO FOR FIRST CLASS DENTAL WORK? Karvaloaa Feats la Dentistry Aoooa pushed fey The Boston Seatleta-r-- Woadarfttl Alveolar Methea The Only System That Tightens Zoose Teeth, Cares Fyot : shea, ato-anajrtUnc Bsvolntlon la . Dentistry.'....'. OaU aad Make aa Zavestlgatlon Bx- sjnlnatlea Is yrss sa gage ZUns - tested Book Bxplalas AH OaU e Send for St, Why waste money exnertmentlng and Davlnr hlah crlcea when vou can set the BEST DENTAL, WORK known to the world of Dental science? - By our American system of Alveolar Dentlatry. This system has been approved by the vrona s renowneo ana greatest special, lets .in dental art. Go where you will, the American system ot Painlesa Den. tlatry Is the acknowledged authority of ine worm in jjenusiry., j Painful Penttetry Is Doomed We Replace Lost Teeth NOPAI NO PIC ATES Our Alveolar avstem um taatti Jh.t other dentlats would extract. Loose and paaiy decayed teeth restored to their lormer useruiness and beauty at aamall DKLATMB T VS IN' TIMB DPN'T Don't 'wear false teeth, but come and have a free examination. If your teeth are all gone we make a set snd gusran- By our Painless system ws extract teetn absolutely without pain AND Gold and Dorcelaln fllllnra in In serted by our American system without ine loriure 01 ine oia method. Crown and brldre work, tha twtrtav tlon of human effort In dentistry, Is uui )mHuifi Is the Best Policy j en years or continuous success makes our name slone a guarantee that your work will be of the beet. Ws give advice free and our charges are always the moat reasonable , for first-claas dental work. Why. hot have the beat? . lt la the cheapest in the inng run. vome in ana nave examina tion free. All work guaranteed for ten years' i . Theae are the only dentists In Port- isna vno Know ana um tha Am.nii system of Painless Dsntistry. Boston Painless Dentists fltH, Morrison BW Opp. slater Fraak aad Vostoatea, HOtms SO a. n. to Is. n. ana. day, too a. so. te laoo p. m. s t Ooadaet Twe Xotela. , (Special Dispatch ta The Journal.) Cottage Orove. Or Oct. : 10 AnHv Graham of this place wUl soon take chsrge i of tha Central and Imperial houses He will completely remodel the Centisl and make It a first-class com mercial hotel. Graham will . conduct two hotels, one for the commercial trade and another for the workingmen's trade. This system of the hotel busi ness has not heretofore been tried in this town. C ASTOR I A ,v lor IafsiiU and CMldrec Tli Kfcl Yea E2T3 texp Ecrtt Bear the Blfccetureof ' IS BBBBSW-' . M I asW HONESTY : . m s-i . ; . ; n n y. DEPARTMlHIT; ; KIND OF SUITS BOYS NEED : ITTMT1 TU1T UITT T 'J UWSTSIT ' mitn nnnnirfl I U A r Y"" in Norfolks with fegular and 'J Double Breasted j; Two-iece , : . .. $2.15 to $5.00 well tailored, in blues. Oxfords Clothing House in the Northwest s ... ' . .."- i r ' NEWCASTLE NUT, NEWCASTLE LUMP , , AUSTRALIAN, ROSLYN, PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN -if LOW ; PRICES ON OTHER COALS : first Prize Gold Medal awarded by j V a THE PACIFIC COAST CO. ' : -y. : ; CHASw ; H. : GLEIM, Agent ;-Vt; ' 249 Washington St Telephones 2J9ad 237 TDHEKE OS THREE DOLLARS r ; for any hat when you can buy a V for that price been sola not Ul -SELL1RIG THIS IS PAINTING VEATII2R. PAINT FIRE SALE siili running At 145 FErst St C-y r.;v; air::: r v t ..I,..,'-'. ... -". , i L . J '.'J, Thfe Cod to Day AND ' How tO Dl3Tl 11 is the all abaorbing economic question of tha house owner. ' . A trial of any of the follo wini . brands will aolwa it apeedHy and to your aatiaiaction. ' , Lewis t dark Centennial Ei?8&c RIO I1EE(D) : Thousands have one ; returned. - LEADING HATTER - Am 3b ( . , . .... - . . . -