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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1905)
c; d.w ;::iNG. octc C3f 1CC5. . -. a I - " j ' V, A - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. i nil li -li i ..MMpe FOR BALE On 8-Inch Smith atlcker, no arm :r candor, on two-spin He abaper, Bella and pulley. 204 Fourth t. . ' . . CLOSING eat those genuine Indian blanket tl pottery at eoet. No. SOB mark at bat, Finland mat. . FOR SALR NIc blrk w.lnut eld-fsshioned ; haod-carved bedstead and a food spring. 617 j rlurtbwlck at. jr.RSKY Durban row tor aula, 1ST Kaat row leeotb at. uortk. . ,' -Si. a FOOT fl.t-top desk. M Allsky bldg . PERSONAL bk uni - T. P (Vital-Power) tablets ' win restore ts yon tba aoap, sits and vigor af msnboodj It yoa ar lacking la tba power of vitality. It loaa resulting from .Indiscretions aad rseeesse. sad for a bos of tkaaa tablets aad ba coo. vloord of their merit. Ry metl la plala pkg . II. Tba Armstrong Tshlet. Cv, to.. Set -.Totem blk.. Detroit. Mich. . i .WIDOW. 4S. awwrieaweeslng aad of tba highest ktulnowuta. highly connected aad beat aortal ., etauding. wish to correspond wltb wealthy widower or bachelor, So to 00 year of ag. . wltb view to marrlsge; uly tboaa with boat ;i if reference need answer-as ob)ectlone to : email ci,tjr. Address II 43. caro Journal. MRS.. ANNA J.LCKKY and BTHKL WARD ara row kwated at 330 Tsrlor at. principal of 1-to American Beauty Parlor. - We euro all oca Ip. disease aad poaiilralT (row balr or i una ba charge; all kind A bath given: electric Mmn, manicuring aad chiropody; aim Madam Harrow's remedl; satisfaction guaraateedv - Phone Mala JCM3. DETECTIVE agenrlee Confidential Investlgs tloaa; report siads mm an Indlvidont haaloaa i.;-mt property booka exported; brat city refer. ones; cbai ga raeonbhi eavTeepondenee . llclfd. Oregon Detective Service, offlcaa 814-815 Colombia bldg.. flft Washington at., Portland, Poena Mala MlaV AOREEABtK. elderly gentleman of merit and . . dean-able qualities, a Ion a. wleliss aequalntauc of congenial, enterprising lady of mesne and - suitable ege that would appraclata ineefnl ' and Intelligent companionship: business and v matrimony If aaltad: no objection to country. AdUrees L.: U 40. Joarnal. EDISON phoancrapha and records at - factory prices, delivered anywbara on racalpt of full - ' amount of retail prkwt largest stork of Edl- : boii racorda waat of th Rocklaa: aand foa clr .w eslar. Peter Bacigalnpl, wbolaaala dad ra- tall. TM Mlaalom at.. 5aa rTaaelaoa. DIftBASKII of wocaaa a apaeJaltyt . aiatarnlty - ac lra apaclal at teat Ion. prlrat beopltal accommodatlonl profraalaa! lady narsa.a , . attandMno; eonaultttloa free. X-Badlnm 1 , Inatltata and Haaltaiiam. Third aad Aidar, autranra 363 Alder at. s t . ir aeaklnc oaa-nlal Hfa eompajilonV Jota tba Interatala Introdoctna Social y. and meet ' emraapond i wltb reputable realdeata of tbla ectl. many wealtbr. Th Ortobar Eeaiater, lo cent Halt S4. RwaaaU bid., aor. roarta ' and MaaaiaM at.-, rboo I'artSe 6M. MO DRUGS, no ape rational Prof. Dana atrea i.jltapthy and aiarnef Ic treatment, reoutea ' 4 your fleab, relteeee aoppra d monthly terra olarlttea. Coaaultatloa free. Of flea, 901 Gondnoaffc bid. MANXT lor raaton by Dr. bef ' Wore ', OlolxilM. 0a aaoatb'a treatweat, 3; I , asoatba. r aent aecaraly aaaled by at. ; ' Aareata. Waadard. Clarke Co.. PaatUad. Or. S BOOK8I Here tbey a ret ' 'Decemeeoa,' Hea taaMroa." "A Hot Taak," "ranny Blll. ' "Twenty Team a raker." "rorbldd-a Pralt," tOa aacbt Mata tree. A. aVbOMle, t Tint tt. tOKT power - teetered by tba - (raat 'Dr. i L rent's Nerea Tonic Tablets; tBe per bos. 1 bie for f 1.31. Writ or call at fcyaaair Phirmacy. tXl Morrlaaa. bat. tat and S4. BI'RTHA Before another week ha ended. He re I red ywiir Bate and wa ry glad-to hear '- yond news. Also had latter from Alice, which I want yoa to foad. HOWARD. ' EVELYN There la aa end to all thins, t j, aumetlme feel aa tkoasb there neeer will be T , a termlnatloa of Uiat affair, rind solac . hi you, so do sot forsake. J. K. 8. " - ,'CARRIK Do ant know why yoa'r waited area V Hi la tons. Aaaaredly you muat know that It '.' I (Teabl. Ho why not this Thonday Await souia word. N. . WANTKD Ta confer with tboaa emtempUt m Ing a- tmaleees eoaraei to yaur aaraaaal aad ' flna .elal Interest ba lares Una ts. . Addraa J 41. rare JoarnaL MOOREI'IKLD Tarklab and. ateam bath. . slow, mineral baths; rlieamatlsqi stern I .'attention: free trial treatment. J on 14 r pcifK yro. . - . . . eslt ipeclnl Suva, LA Dl K8 Tea appear to sTt all wrinkles, bare skla Ilka eeleet by aslns Orcgoa Grape Skla read. ' Peoae last I26T. - .... roflTIVIt aad permanent rnr tor ecaema; the .only reoscdy to reduce flesh aad make yoa ., bvalthy.- Office OKI Ooodoousb bldf.. Port . land. Or. MKNI WOMEN iBsymoad'a pill BosltlTely rare nerrmianeee and lark of elul ty; $1. 4 v base X piaaaoMr Dra Ca, ZOO Third. ,DK- ATWOOD, Id Knaael bide. 1RSH roarth t. remale dlaease aad eonflnements; opea Wed. and fat. erenlas. - Ooaaaltatloa tree, HAROLD Hae not ' forswttan. ' Rest aasy. Tliere are thins that cannot be aahl In print. Wbea ott aee ata 1 will eiplala. MARIE. UIT8 pressed while yoa wait.- boa. Ladles aklrt pressed 60r. Gilbert, lotu Rliu si, aeit ta the Quelle. Pboa Clay an. PET Wasn't there at 1L All lie. Kit. ' telllns yoa that stnff tor his owa parposes. - Only anil arer yonra. B. N.. Journal. LILLIAN . R. CRAM Chiropodist, aaaalrartac and shampoolnc. Parlor 434 Ahtngtoa bU, Portland? Or. Black faaU. MARRY! Corresoond with local ladles: : . wealthy; addresaea free. tar Bos 3S8, Baa , FrsDclaco. California. . .WANTED Small same t pat oat an abort time; ,i ivaysient aecored and . fua ran teed. A14 The , Maninam. ' MIM BErtTHA MARTIN Room Hit. AlVsky bid. Stamping aad flna needlework l lesson ' tlrea. ..y . - . . TRY Mow. Cramer' new nroreaa for srowlns . Imlr oa said bead. fifth. Man B228. J'KIVATC borne for tba mentally Infirm near tba- city. .Address P 45. car at Journal. TTRKMH BATHS, WO Orasonlsa hld. sects - all nlsht. ladlra all day. Mala 1B3S. "Fit EE aamnl corn, bantoa an wart vara, la U Daao. dept. I. Tnoa. Msaa. Ed- EXPERIENCED draasmsker will taaha an meats la Hallles. Tale) 044, CI.ABA Yoa wUI nerer ' to Wlnfiald. Jonraal knor efflcA unless yoa writ f.n EILKE. bUckamltk. wrl I t Haasea, SS f. n. uiiwiis ei. A: TO B. Yonr aieeaare rearhed me 0. K. ASSAYERS. MONTANA Assay ofllee sad aastta. worka. ltd Morrison St. Til .1-V ART GLASS. IHiRTI.ANV Aft ni Work Plata and mmtsi aisss. 2MA4 Taylor. I Pbnae Red BLACKING. WEIiroOT Blsrklns. aheolntelr waterproof, pre. srrre the leather, makes shoes wesr.nO per rent longer, For sal everywhere, 10 aad 13 ceata. ' ' ! AlfTCHZZZLZZ. WB renatr and rebuild aatomobitra, I as engines. pr- ( pre as as. tlina k-a. am", lu'k e . no all kinds of rrenina . t.iluuilds f -itnxlne Wsfa vors, t Raoond U Pbona I'acKlo Bid. Frank I. b.tner, upl. HOWARD COVET, rifaentk and Alder, aaeut for Cedilla and Pierce automobile; macbluea rented, repaired and stored. I ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney. fl9 Commercial blk., Seeead aad Washington Its. Phone Main H2. a T T AGO ART. sttocney aad eooaaalte at war. l Chamber of Oommerca bldf. H. P, BURLRI0H, lawyar. -'121 Orsad ara., Faat Portland. ART EMPORIUM. THB LATEST rkn" BOe bays s pea sad Ink skeeeb of yeoraelf frees photo of Ufa. r Kins. S3d kaktbjh at., aaar Xth. M. car. PROrEMtOR R. MAX . METER, V Alder. Portrait aad Undecapa artlat and teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. Sr BIRKBNWALD CO.. S04-S0S Erertt at Ijarsest batcbara supply bona oa tba -1 BLANK-BOOK ftfAKERS. BOWS. DAVIS A KILHAM. WS-lll Serand-at. Blssk book msaofsctnrers; agfnta for Joaea Improeed Leose-Leaf ledger; see tba new Kurek lef. the beat on the market. "" BATHS-lUASSACE.' TOCN8 adentlOr aeaenae glrea electrics 1, . tkarmal. sleobolle and asedlcsted treatment; . chiropodist, pedicuring and manicuring, Re.J ccption room iu, itenaon om.. vmu. aad Morrlaoa ata. Pbona Pacific ?H6. T0UNO clenttrle maaaeose glee magnetic, al cohol 10 and electrle treatments, eapnr. Roman ' and medicated baths. 81 Tscooia boose, SUrk, bet. Third, and roarth. e TOI7N ldy. axpert msseense. glrea Turkish - baths, alcohol, and oil rubs: also core riieu-. matlara by electricity. 14SM SllU. tor. ' Abler; rooms 14-26. . , - ' THE SNOWDEN BATH H Two yoang ladle alee massage and baths. 274 AUrr ft. faona Main BOWS. i . ' i' i ' COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody ewe yoa any money t Wa col lect bed debts at all klnda from SI ap. 1H Ore ad a-. 12. Cat thle eat. THE Blue Book Mercantile Agency, collect loos, Isw and reports. SIB Oregonlau bldg. f CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant on tbe coast. Lorlng and Harding sts., tele phone Bast SNO Csrprts cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid: both ateam aud latest cow- V arassrd air process; reaentlag mattr aad featbars n apoelslty. . . SANITARY carpet cleaning, eucttoa aad com pressed air combined: carpete cleaned on floor without removal. Mara UA. East 2S04. . CARPETS eluneoVon the fleon w rate dust, pbona Clay 881. free demonstrstlon. J. - HT7NTER ftesrs carnet and mattr rlrsaer. 8nO Jefferson. Pbona Mala 114. - CAFES. THE OFFICE JW Wasblnston at. Pbeae-Mat T71. Samael Vlrnesox. COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO-Sob asanta for the famous Diamond cosl; try R and yoa will slwsys bay . It. Wyoming snd Wssulnrtoa boas cos Is. Vlrrtnla and Washlaytoa smithing- coals; full welsht guaranteed. Tel. Mala 1429. A. L. Btepbena, maaasari CHURCH LEY BROS, bees rsmered from foot Dsrls st. to 4'JS Reerney t., aesr llth: hi Bow tba largeet wondyard la tba city, carry. tag all klada af wood aad coat Mala Ml. GREGORY MORRIS, aateesaor to Cats' McKune, dealer ta wood snd eaal at lowest ' price: Mtlafscrloa guaranteed. Car. TeWtA and Irerng. Pbona Mela 4879. WESTER Jf Peed gt raal Co., oa Front, between flllsaa and Hoyt, dealer Is all klada af boose coal aad blacksmith cosl. . Pbona Msln 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealer la rordwood anal aod greea and dry alabwood. R. It., aad Al bloa a.. S bleefca east of fcrry.l test 674. ST m, BRIDGE Fl'FL CO. Dealers ta cost eerdweod and dry alabwood. Pbaaw Eaat 4X4. BOXWOOD and planer rrimmlnsa. Standard " Wand Co. Phone Bast SRIft. Foot Beat Pine. OREGON FUEL CO. An kind af real aad wood. SOS Alder at. Phone Mala SB. KIRK HOOVER. 811 Wats t. wood sad coal. Phone Mala 43BC , . J : FOR BALE , 000 eard fir wood. SBTB. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLES A LR 'Crockery and ylaaawar. Prael, Heeele Or,.. I no to 106 Firth, cor. Stark at. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS. general cnmmleatoa eser chant; fruit aad produce : consignments a. Melted; prompt returns. 160 Front at. LENSCH BROS., eommbniloa mercbsnrs, floor, feed, hay aad produce. 262 ta 204 Frost at. . Pbona Mala SBHO. BVERDINO FARRRLL. produce and commis sion merchants. 140 grant C., Pert la ad. Or. Phone Msln ITS. CHIROPODISTS. ir your feet ar oat af order.' go ta Dr. Worley Beotamln. Seventh and Stark, tba foot pe ril Hat. Phone Blark BIS. CLEANING AND DYEING. UP-TO-NOW CLBAN1NO PRE88IN COM- Pny SnH pruaul, BOe; pant, 16. -Pboa rlfbi 884. Be Aakeay at. YAMHILL CLEANING PRESSING CO. Work called for and dellvared. . Pkos Clay Portland Stesm Cleaning A Dyeing V ka; prne. tical better la connection. Ill 4th. Clay TO. CLOTHES cleaned and areaaed 81 par SMnthv Unioaa Talknlng Co., S4T Wasblngtaa at. B. W. Tl'RNER, nrofeasVmal drar and cleaaer. BOB leffeesnn at. Phone Msln tMK CHIROPRACTIC. POSITIVELY lorntlnc and removing tbe eases of disease. Dr. Era Hogan. SM Hall at. Phone Msla 4. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESnjCRO-OUNST CO. Distributors of mi CI0AR8. Portland, Oregon, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. STEVENS,- Portland's distinguished palm ist, astro legist- Snd sritrltosl life reader. Ho yon want ta know facta Important and roll- able If so, rail upon this girted and art entlfle seer, tea Seventh at. Pbona Pacific - T14. R. H. KNEESHAW, heeler and freer ssedlnm, rs be consulted St 14SH Sixth t. Boor 11 to d p. at. CARPENTERS. AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, earpestera, bnlldee; r airing and Jobbing! atnr aad ' UlIU Shop to Colsmbla. b ornce nitares Mala Ut. WASHBl'RNR s FIOTr), wagon hnllder and general p work. C Bth St. Pbona Hood Be. F. R AND1RHOOF, rarpenter sd Jobber, SS7 Stark St. Pbona Main T4T. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAU DR.C.E RROWN.D V.S .D.C.M, Dog. Hon bo. . pltsL tHT Bumslde. Phoaeal Mln4aM:Esat2DM DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE se secret service worki strictly ennfldenttslt difficult ollelted. Boost 14. Washington bldg. da:;c::p. WOOOWARD'S dsnclng school af tb i Weatem Aca.lemy of Musk, k y sod T nrsoar. Siiectatina Invited, l-c- s f Dsaciug S to li. .Cor. Second ad . - MRS. NINA I-AROWB Lerowa ball. third and Keae-wjrj;. claa and l p. -ivntd saa jwn. Msln 4. j. p DRESSHAKINO. LADIES Hav your aslrta mode to order; ssving of 25 per cent: a bet Ice aklrt, better msde and 1iubed with aUk. Mr. Llaai Kerley, 230 Twelfth t., eoc. Main. F1KNT CLAH parlor. 21T Allsky bldg.J salts, mnaiutiTauats, Jackets, latest style; klrta bound sod Jack! rellned. . SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wish silk, mad for 1 25; shtrtwslst ulra. 18.60. 3 Kaat Hit L Pbona Eaat 841. ln Annas as, s.n win vsuv - - . i- ...iu. himm I i.Ioa &44. I.B.HI. HI Weim - PORTLAND Sewing school, girl do awa sewing wall lesrolng. 271 Vk Morrlaon. room O. DRES8MA KINO Strictly np to date; latest do- sign. ciay as. DENTISTS. KEY aiTJRCHMAN. dentist. 82 nfaraasm biflg.. SUtb and Morrison. Phone Main 1700. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 80S Stark at. Portland. Q K. for veritbliar l th electrical lla. Pboa Muln INbS. . . . , PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. En stneera. contrsc- tn-a rentrers alec trie wlrlns. aoppne. M First, cor. Stark. Msln V. R. H. Tsts THB Electrics I Appliance Co.. 400 Wash lag tna l-iione mein .ww. . FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremoat fraternal society of northwest; protects tba living, oil risnjusm oiu., rwtiiBu, w FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Msnafsctorlng Com pen y Mnufctnrer of -furuiture tor tb (rad. ' Portlsnd. Or. FURNITURE mabufactarlng aad special order, L. Ravenaky' famltara factory. 8T0 Front at. FRENCH BAKERIES.'' THB nly pUce In Portland to get French bread. Barren dt Mslie. 407 SUtb at. Pally dalle ' ary. Phone Greea 60S. FLORISTS. FOR pot plant aad cut Sower, John R. Isoldes, 288 Tenth at. Mala S410. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-air fornaees eve fneL J. C. Beyer Furnece Co.. 2Sd Second. Mala 4S1. -GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., wholesale grocer. msn fscturers aad eoaoilssls. aisrcnsat. Foorth aad Oak ata. ALLEN St LEWIS, com mission snd produce mer. chants. Front and Da via ata.. Portlsnd. Or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportunity t quoteprlcea. 186 lpt t.rror. Alder. Main 1884. HAY AND GRAIN. E. O. COOPER CO. Potatoes, feed and flour. 128 L'nlon eve. Pbona East 1817. ' HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton, Pendleton, W.A. Brown, sagr. HOTEL Portland. A merles a plan; 88. $6 per day. HOTEL St. Ororge, Psndlrton; leading botsL BELVEDERE: Eeropcea plsai 4tk aad Alder sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC Si. WHITE, (Irs laearsac. 800 Desna Slug. LAMBERT, WHITMER At CO. Ftra snsurssee nd rsal esutr: offices 1 07-10 8brloek bid. Mils 1008; dept. 404 East Alder. Eaat 4i. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer' liability aad la : dividual accident surety bonds at sll kinds. Pbona 4T. 802 McKay bldg. H. F. RARTET.8 COMPANY Fir tnenrane. 448 Sherlock bldr. Oresoa Pbona Clay Bid. JEWELRY. JEWELRY snd wa tehee of an kinds sold on easy payments. I. Gsvarta Sons, tb Hnmefnrnlsber. LOCKSMITH. J i. H. RICHARDSON, expert lock and kayamltbt geawral repairing: east Iron brutng; ajl work gnsrantmd. 80S Fourth st. Pbona Bond 1782. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Egp-rt locksmith and bicycle repelling. 21 Rtsrk, Day pbnae. ' Cly 821: nigbt pbona. Main 8SB LADDERS. LADDERS Painters ex tendon-ladders, riper, bsagrrs' trestles: ire and roof ladder; plasterers' and farm ladders aee catalogue. Phone Eaat T80. Portland ladder Co.. B4T Rhine St.. av aide. B. W. Harward. prop. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAR On Improved city property or for handles purposes. Any emoant on from I ta 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one yesr. Loan p- C roved from plana jnd money advanced a ulldlAg progress ss; mortgages taken sp and replaced. ' : FRED H. STBONO. Financial Agent. S42 Stark Street. - i THB STAR LOAN CO. Any slsr1d employ, wags-earner, caa get . en hi note, without mortgage Month. H Month. Week. W.00 Repay ta as 81.1.81 or 88.86 ar 88.88 26.00 Repsy to OS 8 86 Or 1.1.36 or 11.65 115.00 Utpay to us i 4.00 or (2.00 or 1.00 210 McKay bldg. MONEY to loaa, salaried people, tea maters, etd. wit hoot security) easy payments: largest business n 48 principal cities. ToMiaa. 228 Ahlnctoa Mrig. Pbooe Msla S4BT. MONEY ss loan on real, personal and collateral aecorlty; apeclal attentlno to chattel rnort- Pgcn; ootea bnnght. C W. Pallet, SU4-8 snton eldg., 84 Slith St. . HIOHLY res pert rbl place when ladles snd s-wis run new-row, jmunrj on giiwuna. mmm Jewelry. Collateral loan Bank. 26. Wash Ingtoa St. Phone Black 71. CHATTEL loans In amount ringing from $S , to 16,000; roomlng-hesae S spsclslty. New " Era Loan 'A Trust Co., 208 Ablngto bldg. I WB mak n kinds of loans on good security at Viwsst rate; sped a 1 attention gives t rhsHel loans. 193 Mnniaon St. MONEY to Vma'ls en ma of from 81,000 ta gi.non) terms to suit the Borrower. tnO-IO. Commercial blk. MONEY ta loss In large ar amall meant good secnrlty; loveat rates. '.ajniHanr O. Decs, mri railing niag. THB CRESCENT LOAN fX)MPAK,YJ-Bala7 loans from three to alt montha; coufldeatUL 111 OregonUa. . ., MONEY to loan an Clarbam eonnty land. E. F. ssd F,. B. Riley, SuS Chamber ( Cass- . nierrt. 1 " . a -j 1 - LOWEST rafVa an forajtiire snd planoa. Raet nkoes LOAN- s ta, 4 Bheriors niag. svam TO 'AN Sums tn en It on chattel security. It. A. Frame, Bit Th Msrqusm. MONEY to loan an all kind of security., Holl. room 8. Wssblrgto bldg. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS nd me chanic' clothing; anion made. Nenetadtsr Bros., Baaafaotursr, PortUnd, Or, VIOLIN, guitar snd msnd", c-t - w'r enkir lessoua. btudm b ( L..4 s treat, laonta,vllia.. Pbona Lnioa i 37. PIANO, violin, string and wld Instrument. Professor. Bdwln A. Bmtia. 24 Twv.iib, Mala 4708. .. . LESSONS BOci piano, guitar banjo. msndoUn, violin. Mm. Msrtla. tslH rirat. eer. Mala. WEBBER'S MsndMUnt Banjo. Onltsr studio, 876 PIANO tuning. 82: perfect "work gusranlsed. v. vr. ew.nsoa. I Bona sibib isis. t MAGNETIC HEALINO. MRS. L. H. HART treats ell diseases, toBaeb trouble, nervousnvsa and functional weakness. Consults tlon free. VVk Perk. cor. Jefferson. OSTEOPATHS.' DBS. ADIX NORTHROP. 416-10-17 Dekani bldg.. Third sad Washington sts. -Pbona Mala 840. . Examination Ire. , DBS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 408 Msclesy bldg. CUy 77. Raa. M. 2161. Coasaltatlon free. THB vary beat lady osteopath In town. Dr. L. O. Johnson, 84 Salmon, near Slrth. PLUMBERS. DONNEHBERO 4V RADEMACHRR. aanltary plumbsrs. 84 Fonrth st. Both phonea. FOX A CO., aanltary plumber. 23t Second, bet. Mb In aad Salmon. Oregon Pbona Mala tool. PLANING MILLS.! ENTERPRISE Planing Mill Co. Saab, doers ana wooat urging, bus Esst Tsmnni sr. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH CO Tb Piooeer Pslnt C- wlndow-glsss and glaalug. , IBB rirat st Phone 1884, v ERNEST MILLER CO., Second snd Mylor wait pa par, paint, ail at uarioi uriceei iree delivery. RA8MCSSEN CO Jobbers, pslnts. oil, glass. asah and goors. p4 Baylor. t PRINTING. y---j-j WELCH A DAVIS. PrBitara Doers af clever things with Ink snd type on paper. Blear D bldg., SUtb and Morrlaon. Mala 4147. ANDERSON DCNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank books. Phone Main 17. 208 Alder at. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAQR CO.. aad Kertbrap ata., Partland. Or. RUBBER STAMPS. P. S. STAMP WORKS, 24S Alder, phone Main 710: rubber (tamps, seals, stencils, baggsgs. trade checks; send for cataMgne No. SB. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, sattartng. repairing and Jobbing. J. Loatll. 212 Jefferson St. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Construction Oe., street paving, eld. waika aad croaswalk. 716 Oragonlan bldg. THE TrlnldSd Aapbalt Paring Co. si Portland. ornce sob woreeser ms. , ' SECOND-HAND GOODS. . niOHKHT CARH PRICM Paid for aeoand-hand clothmg, household goods ana raraiture. J ABKAMS AUCTION nOl'SR. -1 Hood 124. l . - 408 Morrlaon rt. GOODE'S Furnltnr H Highest prteee Pld , for Mcond-haad turaltnre. sio naconn at. Pbona Psride 408. TO bay or call second-hand furniture. Call st Hard Caah Purmtora Store, ZWH rim St. " SCALP TREATMENT. : ' GRAY, falling hair, dardrnff treated; shampoo ing, Ssauicariug, cntropooy, I see wore. sirs. ' B. F. Kyne. irlSvi Vourth. cor. . Morrlaon. Koom sa. none ractne xoa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES at very description; bank, bar snd stare Art ores msde to order. Tbe Latke Msnuf aetartng Cs., Portland. SIGN-PA1NTERS. GOLD SIGNS,' window lettering, cloth banner. : economics 1 electric fans aod alga af all klnda mad quickly, roster Kleiear, ruts aad Everstt, Pbona Exchange 66. SAFES. DIBBOLO Mangaaea safest fir and borglar. procr work i Jail aad nrlaaa wort: lockout nprnadt repair, J. B, Davis. M Tbtrd at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, aaap, II per month. Lawrence Bros." Towel Supply Co., Fonrth snd Coach, Pnon 42S. ' TRANSFER AND HAULING. SATES, piano and furniture movst. peeked ready for afcluoina snd sblooed: . all work , .guaranteed; large. 8 -story, brick.' Ore-proof k warenouse I or iorags. utnee o$ rirat St. v.- at. vises, rnona main s-flf. . C. O. PICK, of floe 88 Flrat t., between Bterk and Oak sts., phone 60S; pis no aad furniture moved and parked fur shipping ; commodious brick ws rehouse. Front and Clay sts. - OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North SUtb. Phone Main SB. Heavy healing and storage. I SEE Roan M. Plummer a boat storage; fireproof; cnt rate, jss Third St. - paona Main zv. EAST SIDE Tranafer Co.. A. E. Holeomh. prop, 121 Eaat Water st . Pbon East 68S. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Ntv SOOM.Waah' Ington at. Pbon Main 082. - VICLINS. J. A. WESCO, vlnlln-maker and fwpalrert work Srat eUss. 26 Rassel bldg., 4tb ssd MorrUos. WIRE GOODS. EAST PORTLAND. FENCB WIRE WORKS. SMS East Morrlaoa st. Phone East 821. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-IM Second St., bet. Ysmhlll and Taylor. Portland. ---- 1 i i ,r SPIRITUALISTS. MtZPAH, medium, give sdvlcs Is trouble and love; tell boat mlaee, unite tb narated tgll ahwit loved ones who bave peased bAyone ml bring Joy to thus whs grieve. 224ft Flrt t., room 18. ' financial: P01TLABTD TRUST COMPART OF ORIOOB, , Tb Oldest Trast Company in Orsgos. . RESOLHCES OVER ll.H00.00u. Oeorrsl banking business casdncted. Saving deposits received. Tim cart locate issued, to 4 per eaat; special certiorate (sot anosr 1600). to 4 per cant on short call. CU lor book of "ILI.t.ST RATIONS." . rhons Msls dSt. 10 Tklrd St. RENJ. I. COHEN Preeldeet H. L. PITTOCK..... Vice-President B. LEE PAGET.. Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Aaltaat Secretary UNITED STATES. RATIO AL BASK 01 PORTLAND, OStOON, B01TSWEST COR) THIRD AMD OAK ITS. Transect a Oeneral Banking Benin. DRAFTS ISSUED Available la All Cltlee of tbe Cnlted BUta sad Europe, Hoogkoag and Manila. ' COLtCCTtOiri MADE OR FA ORARtl TY1R1 President j. C AINSWORTH Vice-President..... t..W. B.-ATril Vice Preeldeet ,.R. ' I EA BARNFS Cashier.. ,R. W. S'M M KITH Aealstant Cssbler .A. M. WRIOHT Aeetataat Cashier.. ,W, A, BOLT FINANCIAL. pRIT KAT10WAL Bstrw . OF P0R1LA . f ""OsT. ' Designated Drposttory aud ol Agrnt af lbs llulted Sls.ea. President "...".........A. L- M17.IJI Cashier .' I.J. W. 1. EW KIRK Amiatint Cssklrr.'. ....W, Oi ALVORO Second Assistant Ceshler. I . . . . B , V. STEVENS Letters af Credit lamed A vs.. Ale la Enron nd tb Eaatera State. Sight Brrbanse and Teleerapbla Tranafer old oa Nw York. Boatoa. Cblcag. St. Loots, St. PsnL Omsba. Ssa Franetsra and tke ptinetoal points In tke Nortkweet. Sis-ht aad tkne hills draw In nm ta errtt en London.-4 Paris, Her I In. Frank fort-ln-tba-Msln. Hongkou. ' Yeknbama. Cope shares, fbrlsrlanla. Stockholm. St, Pstersburg. Mo o. Enrich. Honolulu. lections Msde oa ravorshle Ti LADD A TUTOR. RAkntXRI. , v " (Established In IMS.) Tmaaacts a Osnsrsl Vasaktog Buarnee. -Collections msde at sll nnlnts en fsvorabl terms. Letters of credit Isaoed avallsbl la Suron and all palate In tb Cnlted state. Sight Exrhanre and Teleersoblc Trsnsfe-e old a New York. Waahlneton. Cblctso, St. Lonl. Devr. Omaha. San Frsnclsen ssd Montana end British Columbia. s Exensnga sold aa London. Fane. Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Msnlls ssd Honolulu. . . M' TRCHAMTB WATTONAt, BANK. PORTLARD. ORRO01T. 1 " J. PRANK WATSON.......... President ., 1- Ut'KHAM Vlee-presinenf n., W. HOYT Cashier CEOROS W. HOYT Aaslsrsnt Csabbnr Trams eta n Osnsrsl Beaklng Bualn. Drafts and Letter of Credit Iaeaed AvalUble to All Part af tb World. '- Colleetton s Bpeclalty. ' ' SI CUR ITT SAVTROS TRTTST OOMTAVT, - 868 Mearlson Bt. Portland, Or. . Traasaeta n Oeneral Bankin Bualaaas. ' BAVTJfOS DEPABTMERT. Interest Allowed en Time and Savlnga Deposits. Art Trustee (or .Est s res. Draft and Letters af Credit Aval labia la All Parte at tba World. - C. F. ADAMS... Presldeat L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS.... .Second Vice-President R- 0. Jl'BITE Secretary GEO. F. RI S8ELL AaslsUnt Secretary M ORRIS BROS. 118 rirat St., rsrtlnad. Or. Offer Ollt-Edge Investment In MnnlHpal aad Ralh-oad Bonds. - Write or CslL JHK CONTINENTAL COMPANY, . Flnsnelal Agent. ' 248 SUrk st. Pbon Main MORTQAGB LOANS Oa Portlsnd Real Estate at Lowest .Rata. . Titles Insured. Abstract Furnisbsd, TITLE OUABARTIE TRUST CO. . 840 Wablagton Bt.. Oar. Buna, AT THE THEATRES.; "The Manxman" Tonight Th flrat performance to Portland of "Th Mam man." Hall Cain' dramatlsatlaa of bis owa great 11 of Man atory. will be given Bt tbe Belaaca theatre tonight by Wbite Whittlesey and tba He Is see company. Tb socnl pradne tlon will ba on an alaborata acale. "The SulUn of Sulu" Tomorrow. "The Sulua of Sola" will be the piece da realataac st tb Marquam Grand tbeatre to morrow (Tneadgy) and Wednesday - nights. George Ada I responsible for tb book and lyric sad Alfred G. Watball for tke mnale. "Tba Sultan of Sola" Is neither comic opera nor musics 1 comedy, bat clever combination of almost everything conceivable In tba musi cal snd amBsrnunt liuesv Scats are now selling. Advsnce Sale "Peggy From pRris.'. Beats for "Peggy Fbmb Perl'" will ba oa ss te st tba Marouam Oritud tbeatra toeaorrew. (Tues day) morning at 10 aijclock. Already many ap plication have been made for eests for tbl Kestrel comedy wblcn will be tba attraction her next Thursday. Friday, Saturday night. NovsnUer 2. 8 nnd 4, with apeetal-prtea matinee Saturday. Tba fame of thla mastcal- play has long preceded It. It ran for four month In New York, "Bra la Boatoa and three In Chicago. Tba advance as la premises to be one of tbe biggest of . tb VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK, j Th, Liberty Opens Tods. ; ; Portlsnd' magnificent new vaudeville theatre, the Liberty, open today under tbe management of Keating A Kkwd. Tbe theatre la one af the handsomest and most -comfortable vaudeville booses oa tb roast snd will be devoted only to tbe hlgbeet class of vaudeville. , This week's blU Includes tb great Weber fadtlly of acrobats. lata a feature with Rlngllng'a circa; Bow nnd Kdwird. sketch srtiets; . Loo white, hi Illus trated songs; Brace and Cooper, natch come dians; Oordelt and Xeraada, la their new elec trics! rest tire; josh Wis, Impereonator; th olograph with new storing picture, snd tb great Liberty tbeatre ercnaatra. . .The Bur's BilL '. " ' ' . For the week starting with the matinee to day tbe Star presents a vaudeville bill of arnassuig icellenee. The feature act t tbnt of Hewett. tba llluakmlat. Bevcrty and Dsn vers sr comedlana from . Aostalts; - Malcolm la a Juggle of cipertneas, and I. O. Win draw car toon with both banda at once: Barhonr and Campbell bsv a playlet, "Tbe Sceneetalfter's In-esm." and Jrss Peyacr sings "Whan vh Orioles ara Keating Once Agau." . Tbe Staro- fllm bt "A Tragic. Elopement." At the Grand. Scnssttnoal and thrilling, th Gregg, brother, the devil's doe, will appear at the Grand title week la their startling set. The Cage of Death," Re bury and Xoill will P recent "Tb bearing Master," Tot Young will render a number ef difficult ee lections on ths hen Jo. The great Weston will Impersonate all kind of fu sions people, fligns and Herbert ara a couple af clever Irish comedians. Fred Purinton offers Msmms's Roy. aad the Orandtacops flaeb Remorse" aad "Keep It Straight." "The Banker's Dsughter." The Lyric atoek company will produce this week "Tbe Ranker's Daughter." Tbe play la a strong one snd containe much heart tntereet and many thrilling situation. Joseph Thnaioeoa will slug a new Ulnetreted ballad and tba lrlscop win entertain Between acta. - Mra. Harriet P. Howell, stater of Nan Patterson, has paaaed at civil service examination and la now a plate-printer's assistant in the bureau of printing and engraving at Washington a't' fl.Z5a day. ." " ' : .: , ' . ,. ; Wo treat saeeeasftilly all private ner vous and chronic dlseasea of meni also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble. We euro SYPHILIS without msreury) to stsy enred for over. Wo remove STRICTURB, with. out operation or pain, in II daya nr. .... , i i . 1 . w w IIUP Ul ,11 B, ,1 1 b 1 1 . i.m. r.iiu spermatorrhea by a new method la a week. - Wa can restore the sexual vigor of , any man under IS by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We) Curt? Gonorrhoea . !"-. In a ,Wcck( " The doctors of .thla Institute sre sit regular graduates, have had many yearn' experience, have been known In Portland for IB years, have a reputation to mountain, and will nndertake no case nless certain ear -can ba effected. - We Ruaranrow a cure In every ease we ndertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letters confidential Inatrue live BOOR FOR MEN mailed free la tolaln rasner. - Weiure the worst cakes of piles la a - a. If you cannot call at oflw writs for ful i. Offlco houra t tcfl and 1 to I. IN A DR. W. NORTON DAVI Offlees In Vai Noy Hotel, tttt Third Street. C '.;;::sit is Charles TV Yerkes Vyill Spend the Rest of His Days Educat Ing Public. ' JMirnaU flpoelal 8rrtc.V - f ..hAasi mt - Ksa clansB T T ArWI. ssrUHUVU) VIVbs W Vlr. lew eg s with his health restored. Is back In London, Aakea aa to nia piann, na an nounced his Intention of spending the rest or nis aays in wmauu the) Londoner up to .the benefit and beauties of Terkea' ,ulcR transit oys tem. i T-,v , . V . - " : Tha londoner." he said, "stlH has no IA.m m Inual anil till tWO) OI three years ago did not even want to go about the city quic-Kiy, out sua iuuws ar waking; him up. The Londoner now la much mora anxious to. nuann tusu n was. nvku Minl. eaw T am hulldlnr too Mnnw SiiKa ii. t intfin . I IBV . I am counting on hundreds, of thousands of people wno never uream oi tnitnim l,onaon. iney wouia travel il mcy uu w. , e Ml.,,- , v,.n ' f have nil IV. tiw i.vuiwn vmv . . . . r piled these to atay-at-homea I shall have millions of pansengera. "When my ' schema la complete the Londoner will be able to get fromv one end of tbe clt;r to. tha . other, orvsH around It, for I pence." : HERRICK CAMPAIGNING OHIO IN TROLLEY CARS - . ; . " ... ' (Journal Special Service.) . , riui..4 s,h i n net . lAWInvsniof Herrlck started on another trolley trip hw..el. .irlka.Urn OhlA trulSV. H started from here to Conneaut In a pri vate trolley car today and will deliver a number of campaign apeechea en route. . Tomorrow na mtenas w is.a ,.in a rh.tdnn. -V'arren and ..jr ' Toungstown. On November I ho will start from her) to Aaron, jiiiim., ton and Balem and will speak at Wooater -n .h. a the name dar. . On November 4 ho will, go to Medina by trolley, spcaaing on route. m , , i . . t w. . mvaa liven r TrK A av.. i ii .on. - - - - - Wood's Norway 1'lns Syrup: nature s remedy inr - cougns, wius, eu.u.ww.. diseases of every sort - y I rrefsrreeV toek HrMMWd &oodn. Allen dk Lewis' Beat 'Brand. - TRANSPORTATION. TrT5vv J - TNC COMfoerTASIX MAY. ' 4 ' 1 wity Tlokst Of Aas, US Third St., Phon S80, J OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 2 sen- rtvsv szd tna Task SCall. SrSVBzTPXD RgBTlOlV ' A . - OOUBTXOQS MLTI.0TB-- LEAVE , 8:80 a. tn. ll: p. m. f ;18 p. m. Trom ARRIVE 17:00 a. m. TlaRoattlQ :(Bp. In. Tin Rsokan . m. (o. m. a sr. oo.) BRRA mimiR BTXAnfRAXXA OO. t. . Balling lrrom Seattle :' .' . VZsrJTBSOTA, STOW. I ,. . S. DAKOTA, BOO. . For Japan snd China Porto and Manila nrrom tdim sTatrwa (Japan Mall Bteamshlp Company) j: i U. U. XAaTAOAirA KABV Sails from Seattle for Japan, China and all Asiatic ports About Oct 1 4. . For tickets, rates, berth reservations, tr-, call on or address ' M. BX0XE0RT, C P. A T. A. Portland. Of. C.QEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor -v- Formerly -located at 'PS Aider SC. earn Third. , - Moved ' To. to sarge brick balldlns st a. a. ef rirst aad Morrlaoa ' sts. 1 ?'L.i rh-st Strwst Dr. C. Os Ws, the Greet' Chinees Doctor, I well known and famous throughout the U. A bees us his wonderful end msrvelon corse save been a r rained brnsdesst througnoat tns length and breadth ef tbla country. Be treat say ssd all dleessrs with powerful Chlneae root, herb, bud. brka and vecetable thsl sr entirely nnknown to medical scvene la tbtt country ana tnrougn tne uae ei tneae asrmiesi remedies he gnereatee to esre rstarrh. aathm. hg troubles, rbesmatism. nerveqsasss, atom sea, liver, kblney. female tronblea snd sll private disease. Tbl fa moo doctor enree wlrbont tb aid ef tbe knife, wtthent lng poison or drnga rlnndredB of reetlmmlab) n m at si eracas. Call ad e blm rbaraea medetsta. . . , '. C0H8TJLTATI0R rRRJL Patients jnl of tb city writ for bunk mi circular . I me Ins. 4c stama. Andreas Th 0. 0 W Chinee Radio tne Co lei 1st Bk, r. Korrisse. Portland, Or. . Please I wo or three treatments, without eperV Qatle blank. Urnae trektmtt WEEK ; Mm 0' -A Snndsya an'A tiolldnyn, IB to 18. G TA. w.s. , . C 'it' 1 V j ! " , v arilTraios to the East D'y- UNION DIPOT. Leave. Arriv CHI CA oo- po ItTLAR U SPRCIAU Far the Rsst rt Bant Ington. a. ss, S:s.i Oally. ... Dally. SPOKARR I1.TRR, For Rsatera Washing ton, Wall Walla. Lew StlSg, I Dally. 840 a. I Dally. . hton, Coear d'Aleoe ana wreak . Ransom points, . ,. . .. ATLArTTtr VSBtnt 8:18 8.8. Dally. T:18l Dally. r th Raet via Baa. Ingtoa. Oslurthts Rlvse trretoun. FOR ASTORFA and wavl 80 n. nv e-- weierrviasj wils imiiy. etrnr. tor llweo sad . AfrfrH north Reach, atne. Ba Saturday. About io n. i " .wefc ssr?w. ..tu:uv p. Tamklll Rreec meat. PtlR DITTOM ilena City and Tamhlll river point, stmrs. Rnth aad TtWa, m. Dally, ss. Ssaday. T:S8s. I uaii s&nday. Monne. A ah -st. dock. I water perm I rase I Snsks Rlvse Rsute. FOR LBWISTOlt, Ida., snd way points from RIparia. Wash, stmrs. Spokane snd Lewis ton. 5:40 s. ss., or upon sr rivsl Trsln :00 p. ss. Monday Wednesday Saturday na. d. Sun Toee, Thar. TICKST OrnCR. Third end Wuhlngtosv Tsk 'ft ' . Vtrtruw SiBin ' IS. ft W. BTINOF.R, City Tlckst Areot. A. Is CRAIG. Csasrsl Passenger Agsnt FAST v. Besf 1W S , . SOUTH onion ospvt. OVKRLAND RXPRESA Trains, for Salem. Roaa burg, Asamna, Baer. mento. Osden. Baa a rs ,T JS a. ss . cmca. Stockton, Los An geles, Bi fsss, new ur- ean ana a set. Moraine train e sects . at Woadbnra ds Uy except Sunday wltb ' train tor kit. AngeL S U V r t s. Brownsvllls, Spring- 8:80 a. to. SJS s. to f 1 I d. wenoung a Karroa. Kneene nejBMmeer a -M s. m. Beeta at Woodbura with 10JSa.s n:alt.' 4:50 n. a. Mt. Angal and Sllver tonloceX. Corvsllls sasaenger.. ' 'Sberldaa psesanger. Forest Grove sasaenger. 8 SO p.. -a: jo s, i lll:B0g j I10:8 p.m. IIDslly exrept Rana-' ' ?-; I 3f- I j rrtlea4awg Smbtffbaa sVarrlea eaaUaship Depot ghat Jefferson etreef,1- Leave Portland daily ffirUsweg t0Tk. osj : 11:00, J:0, d.00, B:80. S8B; T.4: 10:10; I1:SS n. m. Pally (except Sunday), 8:80, 8:80, 8:81. IU:zn B. m, ounosy oaiy, w.v - m Reranlng from Oswego, arrive Portland dally ..m - . a .as s.aji S.RK S VO T-saV S:hA. 11:10 p, m 1 86 i'm. Dally (except Sunday). f:( r:as. 8:80. U:4 a. m. Soaday ly. lO'is) a. m. Leaves from same depot for Dallas snd totoe. eaedtate points dally 8:00 a. an, . Arrive Port- li'o;1,.i-i!u w ra arstoe Una apentee dally to Moo month and AtrHs, eom- necrrns wtta nouTnem nois swhms - at Palis and Independence. - Flrst-cleea far from Portland to (aeramento and Sn rnnclece m bertha $: McsaeVelsse fir 818, secoorl -class berth 88.80, Tlck.r. to Essters aotsrs snd I Rnranai aa la pen. China. Honolulu and Anstrarla. , rare Ticks. Ornce corner Third aai ween. tngfon etee-rs. Phone Msln J1J. ftW. STTROER, . A. L. JTRAW, m City tmbm agenv, : - es -a TIME CARD '. of vi. TRAINS i Portlandi DAILY. rjKlOR , DRP0T, Depsrt Arrivs. - - - - IT SsV- a r ivv w-ss m - sas Clty-St. Louie SpeH rial tor Cbeh.Us.C.s-H tralla, Olympic wrsys 8:80 s. Ss. 4:80 a I Barnor, svstn . SLut.1 niwibsna. LewUton. Botta, Blll Inga. Denver, Omaha. Reasaa City. -St. Losl aad aontbMM. : lectrls lighted, for Ta- S.-OOs, I ' ''!t '. '' d:8Ss.l IM a as. , rom. neartia. anossoe. Rott. Iflnaespolla, St Psnl sad th East. Paget Booed Limited, far Chehalls. Ceotrella. Tacem and Seattle only. 1048 s. I Twin City B press, for ejeeiusv opo- ksns, Helena, Butte. Vellovratone Thrk. alls sespniia. St, Psal sad tba Rest. WM a. i 8:80 g. Bk A. D. CHARLTON. . Assistant Oeneral Passeager Ageas. SBB aforrisoa at., aor. Tlrd7 PortUnd. Oregon, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Through PnlMaaa tsdard and tsarlet Ins-cara dally to Omsba. Cblcag. Bess tourist leeplng-eae dally to K esses t tbroogk Psilmiia toorist 1eplng-cara (pee -slly eoadorted) weekly to Cblcsse. Recuse,, cbatraera (seats treat ( tbe Ksst dssw. to Pacini : Lea van. CRIOM DEPOT. Arrives, . " r. S-ee a. aa Par sfiygvra, Rstaler. 11:90 a. av pally. v Clatskante, . Westport, 011, -'. . ... . Clifton. Astoria, War, , - rentos. FlaveL IIae- '' mend. Fort ' , . fiearbart Park, Seasida, , . v ' , Aauwia and Saaahara . - TS .. -dally. BRto. HDally. . Attorto Rxprssa , . i. 0. siaiol O. P. aad 9. A. A-rte. r. C. A STSWAST. Commerrisl Agsnt. Bsd A-sT , reet. . bos aUto Bod, PAST AD POPtXAB T1kXZZlT Lssrs BeettletB . m. "rrrrranos,' ocTrzi 86. to, I "SOLjf HIM," OCTOBtA 18, SB, f , CALLrrrj At rrn'WTKA'f. jrniAr, nor--- - HAlN, i, SKA0WAT. Conecs . P. A I r.ale la A I lis. l-a . ', home, etc t P0R AU Sr! ' C 1 c e- I -".