The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1905, Image 1

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    1 .
v 1 THB WEATIIEH. ' ,Vfc '
Fair tonight and Tuesday; easterly,
wind. .' ;-, ., ". -i'" ;
Journal Circulation
VOL. IV. NO 204. .. .
i 1 i i i i ' i ,1,-ggaeM-aea
' - -' ' ' ' ' V;
Us eA 4 sUJL-e-JL A Vds' esWA V ATVU A AJ. V -U J
vl;TT V fYf Tir'V TAT T WT AK T A r.7r 1
I - K l VULU l A K Y
.. . 1 I a
Santa F Passenger ; Train De
railed Near Sheffield Missoui i,
While Running at High Rate ,
V . of Speed Through Cut. V.'
. Mail Clerk, Baggageman and Porter
'. Among the Dead Tender, Bag
gage, Mail, Smoktng and Chair Cara
; Pile Into Huge Mass of Debris
Thirty Feet in Height i V -
: (Joarsal Special Serrlct.) '
Kansas City, Ma, " Oct.' t. Twelve
- persons were killed and 10 Injured. In
; a wrack caused by the derailment of
passengsr train No. " 1 en the 8anta Fe
line, one mile east of Sheffield, Mis
souri, a suburb of tola city, at 10 o'clock
this morning. All the dead so far re
' covered are men. Including two mall
clerks, the baggageman and a porter.
A ' p-tlal list of the dead: --
Jamej Seymour. Richmond. Missouri.
John McGregor. Fort Madison, Iowa;
extra engineer.' ! .
J. F. Cappe, Chicago; baggageman.
William L Harrison, Chicago;, '.porter,
i negro, a ; " , " i i 'iw' '
' Luther Richards, negro waiter,1" Chl
. . Lee D. Montgomery. LaCrosse, Wls-
' . const n. ':-
' Naples, Italy.
Schneider. ) ' ' ' , .'.
' Among the Injured are three mall
clerks and a number of Swedish Im
migrants. .
: The train left Chicago' at' 10 o'clock
last night for Los Angeles - and - was
composed of through Pullmans and tour
ist cars. The accident occurred In a
deep cut flanked by rock walls SO feet
; high.. The train was running at a high
rate of speed when It wee-derailed and
the wreckage was piled to feet high In
the cut, burying many passengers snd
some of the train crew under the debris.
The tender, baggage, mall, smoking and
chair cara followed one another, piling
' and crashing Into ono huge mass. - Out
of the train of 10 cara a Pullman, tour
it and a dining car remained on the
track. ." :
Passengers In the Pullmans and the
. dtnlng-car crw hurriedly went to the
assistance of the Injured, whose cries for
help could be heard for blocks, and In a
.. snort tuna many resiaenis i mm oner
. field reached the scene. Physicians and
a xellet train were hurriedly dlapatched
from Kansas City and when they arrived
many or me injureo.naa oeen removm
fmn the mass nf wrerkase and were be
ing cared, for in the Pullman and tour-
1st cars. - . . . . ' '
- i The work of-searching the debris is
Deing 111 riU mm ipiu, mm iwmium
' but th steep banks and difficulty of
removing the heavy Iron and woodwork
. MttbM th. vtmareM rethep alow. While
only It dead have ben removed. It Is
(oar nthora will be found when the
tuge pile Is cleared away. ' Several of
. the Injured are In a - aritlcal condition
and it Is feared they may not aurvlve.
There is no clue-to the cause of ths
disaster. The condition of the engine
nit tender render it Impossible to tell
whether the derailment was caused by
' derect in the traca was rcsponsime.
Rumors that It was the work of traln
; wreckers were circulated, but this Is not
considered probable. :. ;.
;;..- : j r ''1.,'
5 (Joaraal BpeeUl eVrrlee.! '
. Philadelphia. Oct. to. According to
the report of the board or Investigating
: engineers appointed by Mayor Weaver
last 'July, to examine Into the filtration
, systerrt of ths city, it Is shown that ths
rliy has lost t.t30.000 through exces
sive cost, collusive bids. Illegal . adver
tising and In other ways. More than
, 1 1. 000, 000 has been expended, on lm'
nrovementa and the company - of con
tractors that has received the most of
this Is the one in which Israel W.
Durham, leader of the local Republican
. organisation., is a member'. Numerous
: other politicians holding offices In tbs
' city are members, of firms .that have
; participated In the contracts. "
1 - tr-'.
(Joersal tpeelsl Sereles.) . : t
Pittsburg, Oct. . 10. John Horniest
superintendent, Daniel ' Qrlfflth, fore
man, Joseph Hunter, John 'Lavey and
Henry Clay bone, all officials of the
Pittsburg aV Wertmoreland Coai com
pany, met death In a mine of the' com
pany at Haselklrk yesterday. The mine
hfed been on fire for two weeks and ths
' men entered to ascertain If the flames
had been quenched. The five men tore
1 down a bulkhead that-had been erected
to confine the. firs and a terrltfie- ex
plosion 'folowdd, killing them Instantly.
t '
Foreign Exhibits and Agricultural buildings, two of the most beautiful structure on the exposition grounds.
cannot now be disposed of at any price! The stat commiaaion would gladly accept $1,000 for either, but Instead will probably have to go to the
1 expense of having the building wrecked. , ' ',;' p . ':. '.';V'.v,;- " vv-':;;' ' :' '"
Railings' Have Been Torn Away,
,;.hibits Are Mostly, Removed
at Landscape Igorrotes Buy Clothing.
At the Lewis and Clark fair grounds,'
where thousands gathered during ths
summer, - there are small . groups of
workmen. . Where bands discoursed mel
ody during- the. day and evening, there
la the doleful musio of the winds and
rasping rustle of the leaves. Around
the lake the railings hafe been torn
away and on the surface of the water
float ' loads of " debris and ".lumber.
Wagons and trucks have Churned the
boulevards and driveways Into lanes of
mud. ' Are and Incandescent lights are
being removed and at night the place is
bleak and dark. ," ' '
Railroad tracks have been laid
through the center of Lewis and Clark
boulevard. In front of the Agricultural
and Manufactures buildings. Cars are
being loaded at the 'doors so swiftly
that the exhibit buildings, with the ex
ception of the Oriental, -are free of
wares and exhibits, workmen are now
removing the booths. ' J '
.'Trucks have als been "la id In front
of the Government ' building on the
peninsula and under the careful super
vision of government orncltis tne great
exhibit of Uncle Sam Is being prepared
for . Its 1 return to; . Washington- En
trance to the building Is denied except
Fran Seidl Krans Forced by
Poverty From Retirement to ;
Keep. Boarding House
" -IJoenwt'SpeeUI fterrlee.)
. New York. Oct. 10. Mrs. Anton SeldC
forgotten aa dead by the "world that
knew her years ago a Frau Seldl Krans,
soprano, . has comet back Into the world
which she left for the life of a recluse
after her husband's death. ,
Impoverished, tn' feeble health, And
almost completely deaf, the once famous
prima donna- has returned to New Tork
snd is' supporting herself by conducting
a boarding house on Lexington avenue.
Necesslty'whlch forced' her te return
to the world, -also compelled Mre. 8e)d
(o sell her cottage In the Catsktll moun
tains. With the desth of her husband
muslo wss banished from the life of
Mre. Seldl. - She could never bear 'te
hear the sound of a violin and has not
been Inside en opera house since. :
' : "
' (Special Dtapatrh te The jMlrnsl.)
Helens, Mont, Oct 10. Nine runsway
cars created a panic in . tne Northern
Pacific freight yards here, but a wreck
was averted by the presence of mind
of the telegraph operator in the tower
at the crossing of the Northern Pacific
and Orest Northern tracks. Nine loaded
cars became dlsengsged snd began o .
soend ths grade, attaining greater speed
every second. The towerman heard them
romlngand turned the derailing switch,
throwing the care from the track. A
few seconds later they would have
rrsshej Into . a Northern 1 aclflo train
bound n an opposite direction. .,
Railroad Tracks Are Laid, Ex-
Totem Poles Still Grin -
to those employed In loading the cars
and the officials. -
The totem poles still stand beside the
building,, grinning at the vacant land
scape as horribly ss they grinned at the
vast crowds during the summer. They
ere said .to be the most valuable totem
poles that have been . -brought from
Alaska and efforts are to. be made by
various cities and societies to secure
them permanently. It Is . said that
Seattle will endeavor to obtain posses
sion of them for exhibition purposes. It
is slso snld that tn effort will be msd
locally to Jiave them planed In the City
park, but up to this .time It has not
been decided -what disposition will , be
made of them The exhibit consists of
13 totem poles and a large war canoe.!
At the I go rot to village there Is con
fusion preparatory to departure for Los
Angeles. There Is -nrt, haste,; for Igo
rottea are too las to hurry. They are
lelsarely tearing' down their thatched
huts and just as leisurely loading their
belongings for shipment. r
All the Igorottes donned civilised
clothing Saturday.'. Each - purchased a
cheap suit of American clothing.' which
thay wear with something like, delight.
They have learned also to drill and
their maneuvers with sticks as guns
are interesting. . , . : . .
' : . '. i .....
''. V " 11 ' '. ' .) ';
". ' ' . v ' . ; 4
Thief Abstracts Fifteen Thoir
sand, Dollars and Substitutes
v , Paper Therefor."
(Joarael Special Serrloe.) 'i, '
" Helena, Mont, Oct. to. A clever
thief abstracted tlt.OOO from sn express
package sent - from Missoula- to New
York before It reached ita destination
and as-s reault the Northern PaclOo
company has .' several detectives en
gaged In trying ta discover what be
came of the money,'-,,, - . " -- '
Charles F. Kelley shipped ithe money
to N. W. Harris St Co. for 'Invest mont
Instead of receiving the securities be
purchased Kelley was duni founded to
receive a tetter stating that the pack
age,, upon receipt by the New York
Arm. contained only a newspaper. . The
ana Is were Intact, however. ' . . ' .
About two years ago .Kelley loaned
I. M. Coburn, an old scfioolrasta, sev
eral hundred dollars as a grubstake.
Several weeks ago Kelley received twe
remittances from ttfls friend at Gold
netd, Nevada, with the statement that
'he bad struck It rich' and that Kelley
was to be beneficiary In results. Kelle
st once entred Into negotlstlons With
the New York Arm for Investment, and
the v being satisfactorily . .sweartged
elley forwarded the moneyj- ' y
Seattle, Oct tO. Coroner Carroll an.
nouncee that he will hold no eutopsy
on the body or Frank B. Hubbell, the
Seattle capitalist Who committed sui
cide In the Washington hotel Saturday
morning. Investigation convinces him
that Hubbell was temporarily Insane
from business worries. ;
I .
John Schneider, a Sellwood Laborer, E. L, Anderson of Missouri
1 ahdATT. Skene of California Think They -Were, Swin-
Each day adds to the list of victims
of the timber sharks, J. W. Gardner ami
W. J I. McCrossen. . Evidences multiply
that their operations have been on a
remarkably large scale, and that scores
of people have been duped into paying
them substantial sums In the belief
that they were being located on valu
able timber lands. False witness trees
and i manufactured monuments are the
meana by which .. the swindles : are
accomplished. - i
John Schneider, a worklngman resid
ing at 17S4 Cast Thirteenth street. Sell
wood, ls the latest-known victim -' of
Gardner and McCrosaen. " He; paid them
1125 for locating him. aa be supposed,
on heavily -timbered lund-in the -vicinity
of West Fork, Douglas county. He was
taken Into - the timber said f shown : a
biased tree. Inscribed with the descrip
tion of section, township snd range. Ac
cepting the assurance of his-guides that
this was the government witness tree,
Schneider returned to the Roseburg land
office and filed his claim.) Now it hap
pens that the land described in hie fil
ing ia several miles distant from that
which he visited snd on which the false
witness tree was located. -The land de
scribed In his filing Is said to be tree-less.-",
; . ". ,' - - .- ' -
Jesse A. Bloch Loses a Fortune
1 by Not Wedding Jewish Girl f
; as Uncle Wished. ' ; -
(Joarnal Special Heerlot.)
Wheeling, Wv Va., Oct, 10. - Jesse
Aaron' Bloch, - vice-presldent of Bloch
Bros. Tobacco company, of "which his
father, 8. & Bloch, Is president. Is ssld
to have turned down more than $1,000.
000 offered by- his uncle if he would
marry a .Jewess Instead of a Gentile.
Jesse Aaron Bloch waa married in
Vance Memorial Presbyterian church
here last Wednesday to Miss Jesal
Thornton Moffat by Rev. Charles II. Mo
Donald. The bride : i a niece of Rev.
r r. J. B. Moffat, president of the Washington-Jefferson
college and moderator
or the National Presbyterian assembly.
Bloch has professed Christianity, bet
whether for love , for his wife Is not
known. : - . - , '' '
Theuncle of Bloch died In New York
few years ago. He did al - be could
to keep his nephew from resigning .the
faith of his forefathers, and' offered ti
make him heir to a tl, 000.000 estate if
he would marry a Jewess. ., -
(fonraal Bper-lal fVrrlr. j
. Washington, Oct. 10. In deciding the
esse .of J. ' W.1 Outhrte versus H. L.
Hsrknras the. supreme court today held
that a stockholder of a national bank Is
entitled to Inspect the bank's books.
The case arose In connection with the
Commercyu National bank of Ogden,
Utah, of iwhch riankneas owned a fifth
of the stock. He waa denied his ln-
speetlon rlfht '., .
and ; costing over . $136,000, i
On the same day that Schneider filed
October1 A of this" year two other
timber claims were entered In the Rose
burg office, and the circumstances Indi
cate that the claimants also ware vic
timised bt Gardner and McCrossen. Eu
gene L. Anderson of Monroe City, Mis
souri, and Alexander T. Skene of Ba
kersfleld. California, are the entry men.
and both filed on lend in "section - to,
township It south, range I." This IS
the same section described on the falsa
witness tree by . which Schneider was
deceived.- ' ' .-.,'
Two .weeks ago. when returning from
a trip Into the timber with a party of 10
Oshkosh men whom he had. successful
ly bunkoed out Of $100' s piece, McCros
ren remarked to the hotel clerk at West
Fork: "I - have made 11,000 today.
Business Is good and I am frequently
making two or three thnee that much
In a single 'week."
There Is; reason to believe that the
boast was not an exaggeration. :, Gard
nr and ' McCrossen have been In corre-
rpondence with many people in the mid'
die western states and a number -of
them baye ' been Induced ' to come to
Oregon .aid take up claims on locations
(Continued on Page Two.)
San Diego Lodging House Where
3 Shooting Affray Took ' !
-.:,": '.-Place Burned. ""-'-'V
(Jraraal Special Barries.) ,' ; v
San Diego, Cel., Oct. to. Fire, shortly
sfter o'clock this morning burned two
wooden lodging houses at the corner of
Fourth and A streets. J. ' J.' Light
jumped from a third-story window and
died In the hospital from Injuries sus
tained, ' ." " ' ;' ' ' :.-.',.
A blind man named Lynn wrapped his
head In a wet- blanket and led his
mother through a biasing hall to safety.
It Is feared Jhat one or - more- lodgers
are In the ruins.,1 The property loss, Is
tlO.OOS. i r"
One of the buildings wsa the scene of
a murder several months sgo, when W.
H. Robinson ran amuck and killed flva
people and himself. The fire started tn
the room where the first murder was
committed. 1 1 - ... i .,
Louisville, Ky., Oct. to A birthday
anniversary 1 celebration with 4 unUuie
features was that today f tsaadfrF.
Perry of Slate Cut Clark dKypfM. Indi
ana. Perry la It yedra old fi rid observed
It by the side of what ft to bar his
future tomb snd coffin. The roffln was
made H yeara ago of ash timber whip
sawed by Perry, while -the tomb justi
completed represents several years of
labor.. ......... ;
Every arrangement for - the funeral
has been made by "Uncle" Isaac 1
will be burled from the, Silver Lick
meeting house, where the Indiana Bap
tlsta snd adherents of Alexander Camp
bell spilt in im. ;.; . -, . -. . j . (
1.4'- ; '
Kaiser Sends Cruisers arid Tqripedo Boats
! From Kiel , to j Protect Nicholas, v
Who Ships Crown Jewels.
Wittc Not Yet Uothed With Aathorityrro7l 4
- sional Government Set Up by St Peters- f
burgStudents Qowdsllorc Riotous
' Chicago. Ooir 0. Bulletin. ) The
Dally News correspondent at St Peters
burg cables that there la' onen talk csf
a -change of dynasty; It Is persistently
rumored that Prince Paul Dolmonnu
koff will be elected to the throne. It
le claimed that his right la greater than
that of the descendants of Romanoff.
J. P. Morgan. Jr., George fW. Per
kins and other foreign fininctera are
trying to charter a steamer; to- London.
It is impossible to leave by rail.
- ,1 1
(Joaraal Special gMrTet.y -St
Petersburg. Oct JO. There are
persistent rumors that ths sailors In
Whe Black sea fleet-, have mutinied at
n 1. 1 1 1 . I DItlAff
nd Chuknlne. The sWadron Is then
said to have set sail lor Heoaatopoi,
flying the revolutionary flag. On ac
count of the strike and Interrupted
oommunlcatlon. It is impossible to ob
tain a confirmation of the news, but It
is generally believed at Odessa. . As at
the first mutiny (the Knals Fotemkln IS
said to have first, flown the red flag.
. It la reported that the cur Is making
preparation. to, flea and haa shipped all
tbs royal plate and jewelry to Copen
hagen, the vessel's cargo being Insured
for 11,750,000. A dispatch from Kelt
this imorntng ' states that the German
cralser and complete torpedo squadrot
has sailed for the Russian coast It is
reported that ths kaiser has ordered the
fleet to hold itself la readiness to pro
tect the cur and royal family in rase
I - - . '.V , -
,j W& HWHIIJ, .... .--
J Osa Stm Vadeelded, -
No word comes from Petsrhef con
firming the rumors thst Witte has been
msde piemier and a liberal program ac
cepted by the csar. The cxar haa ap
parently not yet decided to give up hie
royal prerogatives without a etruggle.
In the meentlme revolutionary forces.!
sre hourly gaining and the government
la losing ground verywhere.
. At Warsaw the people are more riot
ous than ever before and appear to be
getting beyond the control of the mili
tary. Shops are being pillaged and the
homes of wealthy eltlsena destroyed.
Among the residences ruined. Is that of
the governor-general's. , The troops
when ordered to fire shot into the air.
There hag been no bloodshed this morn
ing.. ,. ' ' '.,-
To Massacre the Jews. :
It is reported that preparations are
being made In the southern part of the
n. i 4 .A tnt th. n n n nM T.m. whl.k
'r-haa already commenced at Roatoff.
where part of the Jewiah quarter was
plundered and ten Jews Injured le the
attack. A large fcait of the Russian
workmen have espoused the cause of
the Jews, who are determined to- be
avenged. -l
Fifty students and an Instructor of
the School of Technology have set tip
a provisional government Troops sur
rounded the building In which it was
established. j
- Revolutionist activity stilt continues
throughout the empire. At Warsaw all
the banks were forced to close today
while mobe stopped all streetcar traffic
by overturning many cars. Peasants
in many Polish provinces sre revolting,
burning, looting and destroying govern
ment property.- ; ., . , ;
Berolt la Jrinlaad.
Grave fears are entertained that rev
olution Will be proclaimed in Finland.
Factory workers In Helstngfors have
now stated their Intention of Joining the
strike. There are only 4,000 troops tn
Finland and the authorities are greatly
worried because St. Peteraburg cannot
spare Its soldiers In- the present crisis.
St Petersburg la In - absolute control
of the strikers who number 110,000. All
claasea of professional men and mer
chants are contributing to the strike
fund snd ths contributions amount to
10.00) roubles dally. The streets sre
filled with troops, but the government
seems utterly powerless to cope with the
situation. . '- I
The Indecision of the emperor It fe
feared will result In the overthrow of
the present , regime. Discontent Is rife
among the soldiers and It is doubtful
If any troops can be relied upon to sup-
nort ths autocracy. Many discontented
soldiers and sailors have been arrested
K. W. Rlnsr. who. with his fathsr. R.
M. Rlner, constructed the Tanner creek
sewer several 'months ago, is missing.
He le sought by District Attorney John
Manning, aa he wnis to have been tried
in the circuit court on November I on
the charge of having attempted to ob
tain money from the city by falae pre
tenses. . The elder Rlner waa - tried ,on
the earn charge and found guilty; (he
Jury disagreed In the Sop's ease. '
The Rlners, former City Engineer
W. C. Elliott, J. M. Caywood and Henry
Chandler were Indicted - by a jrpind Jury
last January.. , wnen arraigned berore
Judge George, who was then presiding
Judge ot the circuit court, all were al
lowed to go oa their-own recognisance.
It being thought by both theA-ourt and
the district attorney that the arrested i
prtsunsie ta the)
it kuisa a Peiesa. .
" The government employes In the poaS
office snd telegraph department went
out last night Many land Unas are out.
but the military is operating a few) -wires.
The only cable out of Russia
left Is that via Sweden. Foreign em
bassies have arranged for vessels to
convey their members out of St Peters '
burg in case the storm breaks. . The)
troops from the fsr east are stalled at
various points along the trans-Siberian
road by the strikers. '' ,
- At Tints patrols were fired on by eon
cealed riflemen and a number of Cos
sacks killed. Three regiments are re
ported to be in mutiny at Kleff." It ta
reported that Father Capon, who 14
the workmen demonstration last Jan
uary, has left Sweden tor Russia.
At Odessa yesterday 25 clvlllana were)
killed and 1ST fwounded in an attack by
Cossacks oe strikers. Two Cossacks)
were killed and two. wounded. Business
Is at a standstill and- the populace te)
Ambassador ZastroeteA to Offer isssai
, pom of jVegetlos) to Coantrymem.
Moaraal Special Carries.) -Washington,
Oct S0.A dispatch ta
the state department haa been received
from - Spencer - Kddf - af St Petersburg .
asking for further instructions to meet
any further eventualities that might
arise out of the present condition- In
Russia, which he characterises as ex-,
ceedlngly alarming. He has been noti
fied that In the event of sis; outbreak tn
8t Petersburg endangering,, the lives of '
Americana to accord them, ttie protec
ting 4of the legation until farther ar
rangements can be made. There are)
many Americans at present 'in., Russia,
especially at 8t Petersburg. r v , .
'-' (Joomal Speelal Barries.) ' '
. Denver, . Oct 10. Mrs. , George K.
Maynard of this city haa patented
device for darning stockings . whleb
promises to give her a fortune. An
oval steel band six inches in circum
ference has prongs on one edge which)
catch and hold the stocking. Slender
steel rods on the other edge hold th
stocking in plse. The device sllpa
Into the toe of 'the stocking, the at
tachments holding It so thst a smooth
surface will' be presented. The foot ot
the. sewing mschlne Is removed and
the stocking Inserted, the ,' grooves In
the ovsl band allowing thai-needle ta
pass through the material,- doing the
darning rapidly.
' (Journal Special tarries.) r 4. -'
Stockton. Cai.. Oct to. The enttrel '
surface works of the Llghtner mine at
Angels, Calaveras ' county, were de
stroyed by fire at 10 o'clock thla morn
ing. , The lose Is, 1100,000. The - fire
started tn the change room end waa ,
scattered to other buildings by the ex
plosion of giant . powder cape. Ten
miners, 150 feet underground, escaped,
through a tunnel Into the ahaft of the ,
Angels mine. .
(Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.)
Seattle. Oct to. Four hours after
George E, Jonea opened his new saloon
at . Duws mlah at o'clock last night
two masked; bandits entered the place
and held it up, securing tt from t he-
cash register. Jonea - was alone and
Immediately en entering the robbers
pointed their guns at hie heed and
ordered him to ; throw up his hands.
They escaped. ,. : . :
I. ' ' " ;
men would appear whenever celled opon
to do sa R. M. Rlner. who was trted
and found guilty, ,ls now reported lying
111 at the home of a relative In Loa An
geles, California. He Is under the eyes '
of ths Golden State officials, and ran
be " returned to Portland whenever
wanted. '
The younger Rlner le as Id also te be
In California, but Just where the local
authorities are at a Inss tn knew. The
Inst trace of E. W. Rlner known to lo
chI officials wss when he wss In
Franrlwo several weeks agn. It I.
that hla wife has been In Los
for the past three months.
. R. W. and Al Mendenh" '.
attorneys for the Rlners. s m
clients have not been te'
for many months. , A
and are 'eonflneflaa
barracks.'" ,
rf i