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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1905)
TIIS OREGON SUNDAY ' JOURNAL PORTLAND. ruriDAY MORNING. OCTCf" .JilGTUERSiURGE COfJSUfwPTIOiJ OF PORTLnrJD ::CtJon i Holds 1 Enthusiastic t:;-t:n;. Elects Directors ntU. Crt.he' - - 1 r.ircTs OF OFFICERS-'; . TELL OF PROSPERITY SeTOfficeTS, 0., WAUen, Prett ', .dent pf Board of Trade;. William Q."Uorrow. Thomas Rota, A. L. Crai and Others Make Speeches, ,f , -. j .k - -v, .v,v -,-..: One of the most enthuslaatie seeslous - ever bold by the Manufacturer' Ao cwatioo of th Northwest waa the annu-U matins last mini at Aliaky hall. Of the membership of 100. two third war present,, and a number of visitors war ' li attendance. There waa an election f eight directors tor the ensuing year. I. r porta of officer' and speeenes were had. followed br rerresnmenta ana '. genfjsk-.gwod time." t -;- '- 1 .A . distribution of , left-orer srtleles f "am Manufacturers day et.tbe expo- it ton created much amuaetnent. -The Hot of articles distributed included sam ple of nearly' everything made in Ore ronyfrom a patrof overalls te a leiwn tor. a saddle, a quart of lea cream., a Iff; of paint, a ahoetlron atove, a bo tela of blood purifier, a barrel, a rocking- cnair ena-a pair or irouaera. , .... - ;4 President R- J. Holme presided and rave a brief annual report, dealing with the work of tho organisation and direct ing the attention of the. aaaoclatlon to various matters that will affect It fancies during the coming year. Annual - reports of Secretary C H.. Molsaao and S rtBurer McMonlea were. read. . . , . Saoreaary'a Beport. ' ' Secretary C. H. MclaVac reviewed the xaociation's work for. tha. year. The trlnclpal point yere: - Recommending t congress the paaaage.of teglalatioh to " 1 acres--the -power - of - tho Interstate commerce, oommlaalon in enforcing; rate aljustmerlts;..' demanding; Pacific coast ' representation o the interstate com- i leroe commission, and -Indorsing Frank" lin - fcC. ' Lena of California for appoint ment aa that member; recommending to the prealdent "that the Chinese exclu on law be permitted- to remain a it 4a tth thaw exception that restriction be removed for the better claaa of Chinese residents visiting the United Bute." Referring, to the .exposition ,the,eecre tary' report, said: " .. . As . cttlxens,. a business men and a manufacturer we have all received pleasure, profit and advantage from the Lewis and t Clark Centennial exposition which ha Just "closed Its rates. But It was aa an association' that we were able , to take advantage of Manufactur ers' day at the . exposition on August - In a "manner reflecting; (Teat credit upon ourselves and benefit to tha expo slUon, bringing about one of the largely attended day of 'the' season. - Aa ex pense of HIS wa Incurred by the as Jatkm In arrangement for the cele bration of Manufacturer" day. ' and 'a the treasury waa depleted at the time; K was- necsary to Jevy. an assessment .of St per aaexober.tot defray the Indebt Br. . i. nrtTOjr, VtBitk. mmt CMCES Are a great tapraveamrt rr tb fenaer aae stm the UtwU hutldln. I have undc'ef mom her. air- aMthoes . are rertalnlr worthy ef lamtlcatloa wbea aa alleeauile ef fletal ( tb Medical Coofreae. racrntlf held I Pertland. eB to aw for treatowut. "I a aatl.fl .4." he uld. "that dm will set . reach air ea .', And the wnnld aot. Bat Iwlam - eld. d It will reach year. . Tbls doetnr renlea that hi prejadier Ud-aat iwrnai - hi better - Jarifaieet, u4 that k Wered biaaaair te anhmlt ta ' the rttoaal Iralnnt ot h'atampaUie doetr. . fle a saedlelae, aor. de. 1 employ - ta bl7e, yet r I r CtRS TOt. Tee, If aires the opportunity. Kot ay raa txlow. Mk for my alga whta yea. call, r chat with .- Ulepbon. ,.' , 7 THESE . RSTIllOSiaLS: ' .1 "Portland, Oct. - IT, IMS.-".. Te Wheat It kfay Goaeera: 1 "" tla with .(arioo ato- tree ate, the dleeaae barlnf praereaaed a far that I waa aaable te retala air food. ad flaallr foaad water to eaeaa anaeas In abort. areattre aratew waa la arrlottaly depleted rnndltka. O ar about Jalf 15 laat I ad toed wih lr, . aae)r I. awltea. of thla ettr, a ad f!T .,.tk 'tel troai her. aad after taklaf the twelfth iTwa dlaeharaed. JJ-t!" rthlg f dealr, feel p-r-'"f"' : eeaataatly salnlaf trerMrth. Thla anrrelou eta. eaj. tratb fully. say la do te Dr. rtilton . 1, wTMr; " ' aa be cenaimileated Ith at Jefferao. Or., or hla father. Ell Taiurha. eaa he em at fa Kew Orand Cea traeeraac Third aad riaadar, thla city. . iL "Oetabat XO, 10S. To Wheal ft May Geaeera: "It affgr. me aroet Bleeeare to write a Weed la Praia t tar. rnlto. I nf fared aa old anar tor ea week--with palw la' air whole bode, ttf baebasd called I wheal wt upsna. wa eee ef the beat a my. n waa mm mnm, mn uoubt tad ralgla, r It ailfbt aewr to be call. etoae. left aMdlrtna sad ttioorht I would be a iter 'Sen oar dm I gnimailr PM ft relief froa pala neept ander wptatea. t . iTwe sear a nr. raitoa tceaaga friend et ear, w derided to rail ber la: ao bhand wrt (t enno Bad brnagbt bar t tb boa. t'ana nawlaattos ah pewaowseed It a ewee ef a rata gaatrltl, aad rtr on treat Swat f wa abi to get ap. dreee mxlt aad e aaaat mr aaawl bowaaboM do tie. I bar hw takaa week' d rtallr -. ar- ua .aaaaa , ni snetor I Saet. MKS. C. B. HI TSOM, . v .'tM Taeut SC. Pertlaaa. Or." -rfe paai't yfr4 to InrMae rwatag ataaia I tr rrviy wiea wniiag to r oi paaeata. . ..'.;:,:,!?iiJiwrj OUTat, ; ::3r .ssxttTtzt f-rae Oar. ' freaa f ear. ea a ieffaraoe car. a SlelV- ' GlDE GOODS. edness Incurred. "'The payment "of this assessment waa entirely optional, but member have responded liberally, and the association ha every reason to feel that . tb effort -put ' forth as well aa the money expended 'waa abundantly Justified."'" . ' - v v - ntreaag f Koma XxUtotrlaa. . 6f the alms ' of the association '' he aald: .. ' . 'The association atand preeminently for the loyal patronage of locally manu. faettired artlolea.- since actual patronage alone amount to encouragement of la- dustries already established, and war rant the efttabllahraont of pew Indus trial enterprise... There la strength In numbers,- hence we stand together loyal to ,our motto. ' "lalronle Home Indue try." , . .:" G. W. Alien, president of the Portland board of trade, tendered the assistance of the board In furthering the; associa tion enterprise and helping 'to over come any difficulties In building up Oregon Industrie. . L,' ...., f Si. ! Morrow Vrgee 7oyalty. . William H. Morrow, manager' of the Portland branch of the Paelrto t MeUI works, a former prealdent of the aaao elation; aald it waa on thing to make the people believe it their duty to stand loyal to Oregon mad gooda, and It I another thing to get them to give prefer ence to those good 'when they bought, Tb business, .of the association, ha aald. I to create among the people a sentiment so strongly In favor of homo Industrie that the people would use these gooda to - the exclusion of foreign made artlolea.;,. , ': i ,; -. . . $ A nominating committee, composed t Messrs. Armstrctpg. Kelllher and Gan tenheln reported the name of' T,' 8. Mann. 8. B. Cobb, W. H. McUonle. D. Kelllher. John MonUg. W. A. Ta Bush- ong, F. M. Knight and David M. Dunne aa director to aerve' three years, ; The men were unanimously elected. r ' President Holmes called upon -various members and visitors to address the meeting. '. -.. . t ..... Thomas Jloaa. wbe recently . earn, tram New Mexico, and next week .will start a wool-acourlng plant In Portland, said that on his way to Portland laat spring n yhaa heard great stories about the re sources of Oregon, and tho bright pros pecta for Portland, and was disposed to discount some of the statements. But oa reaching this city, be had found It even better than he had been told, -. "There are a number of New Mexico people here to star, and nor are com ing," he aald. 'The resources and oppor tunlties In Oregon cannot be beaten any. wbe. -" Ihavlee- anany part -Of the .country. . and . I know of no place that . I .believe In so thorouahlv aa I da In Oregon and Portland." i . . ? M , ' A I. Craig, general Dassenaer imnt Of the Haj-rtman line In s Oregon, and Paul flboup, asalaUnt- general ..freight agent, made brief talk from the stand point of the railroad passenger and teight traffic department. , . A., H. Deverax advocated unceasing work by the Manufacturers' association la support of deepening the ship channel In the Columbia and Willamette rivers, and opening the Columbia, at Celllo, and aald that through these waterway Portland could solve the qoeetfon of distributive rates oV the Interior, aad build the greatest manufacturing Renter ana seaport on wie Pacino coast. ' Fletcher Linn,- president of the Ore gon Furniture Manufacturing company, ana vice-presiaont or the . aaaoclatlon. made - pointed - allusions to the habit Some people have of buying 'other than home product. . He .had seen Portland women at. a sale of foreign made goods, and soma ef them ' had paid a dojlar apiece for little dollies because the dollies werer made In Japan. t "The railroads are disposed to be fair In freight ratecT be aald. - "We muat manufacture product ' that are good. and we wUl have but little trouble with rate or other obstacle. Many change ar coming in the next year or - two. New . Industries are 1 springing up here on every side, and the field for home manufactures Is getting better. The Manufacturers' aaaoclatlon tlill grad ually change its policies, and the need for It as a commercial organisation will become leea. .. . .. - BlilKLEY, BIDS POSMD -6RAGEFUL-GOOD-BYE I I. . I Popular Speaker Appears in the Closing Lecture and Pays . V Tribute to Rose City. t ; , Barry . Bulkley proved his , popularity aera lecturer last night at the Marquam when he gave hie lecture on the Yellow stone park. An enthusiastic ' audience greeted him and received his word pic turee with delight; ' In opening he paid tribute to W. IX-Wheelwright, who had Invited him to prepare his new lecture on "Portland, the Rose City," -and as sured his hearers that he would give all due not only to her . present . prosperity and hospitality but to her great future possibilities as well, not omitting to men tion her lovely - women and beautiful babies. He then passed on to his lecture on Wyoming's great wonderland and ap plause met . many of the . vlewa.- Tha lecture- was - given -as 'if ihe audience were taking the lourney through the Dark snd they were 'Introduced" to the great gey sera, the rivers and lakes, the. peaks and even the wayside. Inns In the order oi ineir - appearance, r . " - There wa some 'disappointment that Mr. Bulkley could not 'give 'an .epitome of his lecture on Portland because , the slides have not yet been compieted.). lie. snowed a number of untlnted views of the city and surrounding country and ; the tair, which win later . be . colored - and added to hla lecture collection. ' The musical ' program preceding his lecture was by no means the least en joyable part of the evening. The favor It singers of Portland appeared, acquit ted themselves well aad responded to en cores. Their program .was: . ta "Because" (Oe Hardelot). (b) "Were My Song .With Wings Provided" by Harm, c "When Song Is Sweet" (Oer trud Ban gouci). Rose Block-Bauer. . Penso, br r. Paolo Toetl, Ethel M. Shea. . , ... , a "A' Madrigal" fflarri). (b) "King Duncan' Daughters" (Allltaen), Dora J, San. - , - a "Sous ls ' Orangers" ' fAuguata Holmes), b "Turn To to Me," Old High land -melody, Mrs. Walter Reed. i. - -. " - . From the Louisville Courier-Journal. , "Hist!" observed the first burglar. ' '"What. Is Itr Inquired the second burglar. ,-....T., , . .-. -Where's the Osier bottleT" ' And his nat- handed ever . the ehloro. form,- ,. , ..... CLACKAr.lAS RIVER tURnS WHEELS Electric UghtBn4-Pepr Plant to Be ' Constructed Near . f n - . t -i , Old Fish Hatchery. .. OREGON CADET RANKS ' MICH IN MATHEMATICS Arthur Gohlagly of Parkplace Stand First at' West ' Point St. Johna Parochial and High School Award ed Cold MedaL ' ::' :(': (Saaelal DtoMtek to Tb 7ewrnal.l Oregon City. Oct . H. W. Hageminn of ' Stone City, In this county, waa In tb city today and announced tha fie had successfully completed the financial arrangement for the construction of an electric light and power plant on the Clackamas river at the old fish batch' ery, about seven miles above Oregon City, and will build a SS-foot dam and erect a large power plant. He bad Just pur chased from Thomas Brown 200 acres of land on the north side of .the Clackamas river which -will be covered by the over flow from the dam and has had a surrey made by 'Engineer Ballln of Portland who says bedrock can easily be reached on both aides and the bottom of the river. Numerous - ploneera have attempted to construct dams across the Clackamas and none of them succeeded. ' It Is said that the new enterprise will be In the market to furnish light and power to Parkplace. Gladstone, Clackamas Heights, ; Oregon, vujr ana x-ortiana as wen, .... ; . - ' - Oohlagly at the . (Special Dispatch to Tb learaal.) ' Oregon City, Oct. IS. News has been received here from .the national military academy at-, West Point .that Arthur Uohlagly of Parkplace, wh ta a cadet at' that Institution, stood first . in the class of mathematics in the Viuarterly examinations- just ended. ' He was only ninth from tha top In the claaa In chem istry. There are lit members In each of these classes. He was appointed to the eadetshlp from this congressional dis trict by Blnger. Hermann.. ; '-.'Awarded Oold XadaX .- v, (Bpeeial IM. patch to Tb Journal ) Oregon City, Oct. 28. St John' Pa rochial and High school of. Oregon City 1 one of seven schools conducted by the Benedictine Sisters which collec tively were-awarded a gold medal by the jury of awards at 'the Lewis .and Clark exposition. The - collection of school work of all the seven -schools In Oregon were grouped under one head under the title of the Benedictine Sis ters. In . the group Mount Angel acad emy came first and St Johns of this city second. .; (, -,v ' ,:'. - ',,-;. y : ' ffisekamae pplee - "If ltSpeelal Dispatch to The learaaLV " .Milwaukle, Or., Oct. S. J.. W- Orasle has lust sold a cargo of Bpltsenberg and Baldwin apples .la Portland for $1.75 per box. The boxes were of the usual Oregon1 siae and - four tier- of apples made a layer. .- y ; :.- .The. Chicago Painless Dentists 303 Washington St.; ; Corner of Fifth St. Opp Jerking We are giving special prices on all work for the next 30 days. Remember the Chicago Dental Parlors have offices in all large ',dties throughout the country. , Remember our practice is limit ed to high-grade work only. - Fine Set Teeth, war ranted to fit or no y pay..,.!..:.:.......,$5.00 22k Oold Crowns $3.50 22k Bridge Work $3.50 Porcelain Crown $3.50 Fillings ;.;.l.:.; . 50c -. '--'. .A 12-yesr protective guaran tee with all work. Come and take advantage of our Fall re ductions. Save your teethr and your ' money. ; Open evenings and Sundays. " . - The Chicago; Dental Parlors ' 303J4 Washington Street, , , Corner of Fifth. Didn't Hurt a Bit IMPROVEVCJR LOOKS But that ' is not all eye-glasses ought to do. Eye-sight-is more important... Shur-on Ere-Glasteg help both sight and looks. They hold ' firmly do not droop or shake.' Do not pinch the nose ' M OREGON W OPTICAL C0. ; , CONSULTING OPTICIANS ; 173 Fourth St, V. U. C A. Bldg. ' -' ' .. . . v Headquarters for Toric Lenses. In visible Bifocals and Shur-on Ejre. -uiasses. ..v FROM OHIO Monnett Instigate Suit to Eject Mutual and New York Ufa r Companies From State. ASK FOR TRUSTEES TO u TAKE CHARGE OF ASSETS First 'Fruit of Campaign Inaugurated by Lawson to Purge Insurance and Mutualixe Them, Taking Control From -Present Officials. - (Special Diapateb by Leased Wire to The Jearaal) Arson, Ohio, Oct salts . to oust the Mutual Life Insurance company of New Tork and tho New York Ufa from doing business In Ohio: were - filed In the Summit county circuit court by County Prosecutor Hagelbarger today. -. He ; asks that . the - court appoint trustees to take charge of the assets of the two companies and hold them for the benefit of the stockholders. creditors and policy holders, --"' The suit was brought at the Instance of former Attorney-General Monnett. it comes in result of the' Investigation by the committee of the New Tork legislature into the Insurance -condi tions, and Is the first apparent result of the committee formed by Thomas Law- son oi Boston to take eotatrol' of the insurance companies from the present owners, anovreauy -mutuallse them. .. Instigated by Zabwsoa, V - ' Monnett was 1 Invited by- Lawaon to Join a general committee .of prominent men to purge Inaurance conditions. He took Immediate action as he had In the old Standard Oil cases. - In the petition he reviewed the. testi mony of tho officials of the two com panies before the New Tork committed snd charges m la management, fraud, mis application or runas snd the use of com pany funds for private gain. , -. The formal prayer In the petition was as follows: ; ' ... . ; The plaintiff prays that the defend ant be found and adjudged to have for feited . and surrendered . Its . corporate rights, privileges, powers ; and . fran chises to do.bualness in Ohio, snd thai it . do ousted and .excluded . therefrom. Mave Verfeited rrsaohlses. That it be dissolved and that said court appoint-, trustees for the clients and stockholders of the corporation for all the Ohio assets, snd that said trus tees be empowered to settle the affairs of this corporation, collect and pay the outstanding aents ana carry out the con tracts of Inaurance of Ohio poller hold- era, until the respective policies mature, and to divide among the policy holders ajl . moneys and other.-, properties -and sccumulsted profits remaining after the payment of the debts and necessary ex Or .that ' said court order said com pany to restore-to. Ohio policy holders all money so wrongfully dlsalpsted and aquanaerea ana to make a true report 10 oincers or unto ss a condition prece dent to do business In the future In unio, - -.- -. . . . . , ;, ,.. ...... - It Is ' chsrged that the- company, through Its offlcers, trustees and axenta has sbused Its franchise and powers bv collecting the powers of attorney from poticy noiaers in oroer to. elect dummy trustees, snd that theae trustees, in collusion with , John ,A McCall, the president; - oeorge- W. Perkins. . vice- president, and other officers; have con sumes; niegaiiy. iv.iss.ouo annually. ALBRECHT CASE IK HAf.'DS OF THE JURY . Defendant Says; C;h.rge Wsrs thought as Motve of :- ' i , V 1 jal :. ' , i (Special Ptapate t Tb Joornal.) : Vancouver, Wash., Oct 18. The most sensational trial to come up before the superior,' court here for years Is tho Albrecht assault case, which has occu pied the last two days' session of the jury ' court. Several sharp tilts took place between the opposing attorneys snd several times ths word "liar" came Into use. The attorneys for' Albrecht are Arthur Languth of Portland and James P. Stapleton and, Donald McMas- ter of Vancouver. The. state was rep resented by .Prosecuting-Attorney W. W, Sparks and A. L. Miller, both of this city: The testimony for the defense waa finished this evening. The wit nouses ' for the prosecution were Flor ence Wallace, who brought the charge against Albrecht. snd Edna Peterson. Mrs. Albrecht. wife of the accused man, stated that as soon ss she learned that the Wallace girl had a bad reputation aha ordered her to leave their home. Mrs. Albrecht stated that when she told the Wallace Ctrl tor leave that the girl swore vengeance. Miss Virginia Conroy and the defend ant also testified. -Albrecht. repeated the story told by bis wife. ' - The case went to the jury at 1 o'clock. At midnight no verdict had been arrived at and the Jury was locked up for' the night.' .'. ,- ,..'-,;- ... .,. '" . TOOOSTCOIICEDIIS IT C iMlu This Chiffonier In solid oak, live . drawers and hat box, French bevel mirror, apeclal. S1S.7S. Special terms. 1.00 down and SO centa a week. ; , fc-. j-' 1 . i Library add Den Furniture WE ARB ' SHOWING "'A LARGE JUNE . OF ; NEW AND - TASTY PIECES IN -WEATHERED OAK. ' ,' FIRST uOB Painting ; Said to - B Famous "Night' Watch" Seized at . . V Exposition Grounds. t v ANCIENT COLD -AND " t , ; SILVERWARE TAKEN Ancient .. Furniture and Old - Dutch . Shoe Also Clutched by the Law on Bill for Eleven : Hundred Dollars Against Exhibit.,., ; ' i .Deputy Sheriff Sam Downey swooped down on the Holland exhibit at the ex position grounds yesterday' afternoon and attached the display, along with the so-called Rembrandt's . "Night Watch." r one ' of the world's famous I-painting. - The exhibit and painting were - attached to . satisfy . a judgment") ior si,iuu, wmcn amount Victor C. Cox head alleges Is, owed him by J. Croln, M. J. Perk, Mrs. M. J. Perk and R. Buys. Little .wooden shoes cut out by the deft fingers of Dutch peasants, ancient furniture that had served In homes of statesmen during ths years before Na poleon's arms had shaken all Europe, gold and silverware made by the mas ter workers . In precious metals, ' tiles that were admired by everr Portland housekeeper who visited the exposition snd a painting said to be worth tt,000, an were, taken in charge by Downey, It Is "thought that tho defendants will soon settls with Coxhead . snd tha ax. hiblt will be released. Coxhead alleges that early last sum mer, na, witn r. q, Morey. entered Into a contract to furnish the Holland bakery at in exposition. This he claim waa done at a great expenae to hlmaelf and Morey. but that il.loo la atm tn him Coxhead has secured - Morey right -In us oaaery, as wen as the. exhibit - After he had. finished with the legal Duaineae necesaary to attach ths ex hlblt, Downey stopped a while to look at and admire the- famous picture of "The Night Watch," which la said to have been painted by Rembrandt In IMS. There has been much - dispute over me painting curing the peat few months. The owners allege that It Is worth 150.000. and that the Holland government has It Insured for ttt.000. Frank Vincent Du wiond. the critic who bad charge of te art eghlbltlon at the exposition, it la said, pronounoed the picture a very clever oopy of the original "Night Watch." It is claimed that Du Mend objected to the advertising of -the picture ss the original painting, but the objection had no weight. ' When a man Is long on eowardlce he p REMBRANDT TAKEN FOD A DEBT Is sure to try . to passit of t . as con science, - .. - i .. 7.: S:::e Ti::t :y:3 Y; 2 : Our system of accommoda ' fion is clean, businesslike, de- strsble'and never -repugnant. We - are aware,-tbst mot wage-csrae'rs csnnot ' afford to furnish' a home on a, cash ' basis, 'because they., haven't : the. money to do ,it So we enable them to establish a 1 home or beautify one they already have and 'give them ample time, to make the psy- , ments. . Instead of asking them to . invest every cent,, stheyhave and stintthem ' seWei for months therea(ter, : we trust the people. " We will , -..furnish a home on this'hasif v ". ' ', '.. .''';;:. V'. y. or we will furnish any', article or series jbf articles aod give same - credit as on largest bills. Our goods are made by bes; factories in ' the world and our prices are low.' f ' ;V ',. ''ft"r; l SS40 OASX, -S140 a $5.00 Cash BALANCE Wek For a Jewel Range . range with a II- year guarantee, made of finest . blue . plr.nlsned steel and aabeatos-llned. Du- plex grate: beautifully nickeled, very: w heavily built, large-slse oven; a perfect iaia.r ana BjrwHiewi xuwt-akvwr - OX any range In the world. . . AND TAYLOR STREETS . . - V . r U i3s ijiTMj Fi Now '; : - " ' Paint NEW LOCATION 145 First St, near Alder OPN V1XY EVEMTT!G THIS WEEK -k. : l Vv I'" OUSTF . The warrior upon -whose vtetories Jn KtS.the preeevt. ' universal conditions are In a measure founded. . , . . . . , . -... . ,. ', An anniversary la honor of Ouatavua Adolphne memory wrtl be held Saturday evening, November -, at the M. E. Church, Third and Taylor, streets, under , - ' the susplces ef the Swedish Singing Club, "Coluln- ,: hla. assisted by tb .Swedish Prima v Donna. - MADAME NORELLI. and other well-known talent.' ' ' . . Oeneral admission, loo. 'Reserved eeata, 7o.r ' 1 ''. , ':', JOURNAL WANT' ADS PAY DEST: :z:y ' ', - Vv- ' 11 - . ....... Iron Bed In Ivery or grsia enamel, with 1 1-11 Inch continuous post, solid and durable. Special, . SSM, SneclaL tarma. : wh, so cenu week. $1.00 Cash 50c A WEEK. Morris Ghaif Special isWeek "bit ....--,. -4 - - . .. .... ,. f leu-gi, handsome Chair, lfke . cut. made of solid golden oak. with broad arms and carved claw feet; back can .be adjuated. to. any angle) upholstered with . rloh em- . . bosaed valour ' c u s hi o n s:. worth $14.00 special at . . r -' ,' - ' gSxtls Going On . n '' , i x : .'t.. .'! " H ADOLPH . 4 J I . . -'. V." v .'. -,, -,. : -. :'.:' ' . --' v SaOe v