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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1905)
onzccrr r jNDAY joun::AL. roiiTLA!:, ,"j::day ':c::ning ocTcr : o, izzs. ?......... .............M;.prto otto wire.. .............."Dora 5Wt" ' t....,...afeatcal 'iri oe k I-ff'ie t. .,..., a.......... .tim''" . 1 Greed ,...,....,. ................... VaiMa'lue , "' Tea thousand dollar la the mm sued for by Mary JB. Neff. who also want (tie additional damage for hospital -and doctor's bill. Mia Neff began a ault in tba clroult court yeaterday - against tba Portland Truat company and ' O. a Helnts. Spencer A Davla ara the - woman s attorneys. Mm Naff alLaaea that about t 'clock on tba evening of t August ao aba- waa walking along th i wow ana auoaeniy leu over an Iron frama that waa on tba aldawalk at tha ooraar of Third and Oak atraata. I Mlaa Naff a vara that aba waa ao Injured by tha fail that aha baa bean unabla to work auto tn-cciatnt.. . A pocketbook trick that might eauaa aa Eaat India Juggler to wondar waa , . percormeo wnan Mlaa Zoa McCluna- loat bar puraa at tha ooraar of Fifth and Washington atraata Friday evening whllo riding on a north-bound street. car. The - pura ' contained a check. om small change and a stamp. 8v nu noura arter tne puraa waa loat It waa found at tha corner of Fourth and waaningum atraata, ona block away . from the point where It waa loat. with- vut a pant paving bean taken from it f Sheriff Henry McClellan of Rose ' burg. Douglas county, Oregon, wag tn tha city yesterday on his . way home from Salem, where be had taken three Greek rlotere to tha penitentiary. The v Ureeke war members of at railway eon . ,. etructlon gang working BeaiRoaeburg, and recently engaged In a fierce riot. In which a woman waa killed.. Two of tha deecendanta of Demosthenes were Ben I fenced to eerro 10 year tn tha cent tan . . tlary, and-the third twill aperyl three -' Member of th county health board will meet with- th director of the Laurelwood echool thla afternoon '-. to . dtaoua th smallpox cases that bare broken out' In that rtclnlty during tba 'r past few day. County Health Officer IMidley Evane aaya that a thorough un- . oeratanaing win b had with tha echool officials, - and arrangement will be . (made to have 'every case of sickness about Laurelwood reported a soon as discovered, a that It may be lmrsstl yfi eTted;at once. , , . ? ' ' Columbia City t fearing an epidemic ot amaiipox. there being now two cltl ena of that town 111 with tha dlseaae. ' .ounty Health Officer Dudley Evans yesterday reoalved a letter from Co lumbia City, asking what should : be , mono to prevent the spread of the con- tagion, a tha two patient roamed about eeveral day after -they had taken . sick before th nature of tba : disease was known. Dr. Tanney will upply th-4rio requested. .r - S. ' M atahashlta, who waa murdered laat Monday morning by Klnta Kasaoka. ' eerved a ala months' tern la th county . Sail bout a year ago tinder tha name ; of aV Mackt ' He waa arrested for out- ting a countryman with a pocketknlfa. Deputy Sheriff Oeorse Morden said laat night that If Matahuahita bad mad a threat that he would kill Kasaoka. It . "was eimply a case of who need a deadly! auiin lire mm vn wouia n lu ; di., r,::.. ;..-;. ' ' The' Sunday echool teacher of Port- land' have arranged to have .the, leason ' ( ' for the following day' taught at th I i, hl aj. a. room on every Saturday at 11:11 o'clock. They bar secured : pr. Clarence True Wilson as th In atruotor. He la author of several books and la special student of Bible doo trinea. ' All Interested In the special preparation of th Sunday school lea- : aona are invitea to attend. . W. "H. aalvanl will deltrer an adV dresa thia evening In Elks' hall. Mar iuam building, under the auspices of "the People's forum. Hi subject will fc "Ought Thar to Be a Revolution In Ruealaf- .-Following tha address , ther will be an open olacuaaloa o ' "Th Political and Industrial Causes , of tha Present Crisis in Russia." All ar Invited-to attend. , , r ' Many residents of Woodstock assem bled at tha Methodlat church at that , place Friday evening to extend a formal ' welcome to Rev. Dr. Kerr, tha new pas tor of th church. Mrs. Kerr and Mr Beaton, sister of the pastor, also re ceived a cordial greeting. Th women liad decorated tha room la which tha re ception was bald and provided refresh ments for tha visitors and children of tha Sunoay school. v - ' 'Mrs. Catll How "of St Joaeph, Mia aouri. national organiser and lecturei . for tha W. C T. U.. will visit Oregon after tha cloaa of tha national conven tion at Los Angelea. She will be In Ash land November It and win stop in Oranta Pass, Roeeburg, Albany, Eugene, Salem and Portland. Har days in thla city will ba November IS and II. Any watches cleaned, fl.Ot;' maln , spring,- 11.00; all work guaranteed ona year. MeUgar it Co., Ill Sixth atreet - Th Regal Sho company of New York, ona of tha largeat shoe bouses In JEWELRY r TO ORDER , t And Jewelry Impairing Thar ar varieaa tlatea when . praotioally every oaa meeds the . aarvleea of aa expert la wateh and Jewelry repelrlsg, ' Ooaseqaently, it t worth . while knowing where yo aaa' . send a an watch t a vajna fcle plsee of Jewelry, with th fall aaanraao that whatever , ' may be seeded in th way of repairs will be expertly, eom aoIenUoaaly ' and promptly ' aoa. Our Repair Depl " U fmlly prepared ta serve yea 's We repair, oleaa aad poUah all kiad of Jewelry oleaa. repair -aad regalats wa tehee aad eioek aaead aad reflaish say , sort of silverware reeet Oia- meads, . eve. . , , The G. lleitKcmper Co. e-ewelers aad SUveramlth. . ; 0-,.. t' h-'t 1 Kerriaaa Street, ' KEEP IT UP Baviag is Uar as akbreBe 'a i- sbelter ta Mom ef atorm." But yoe won't set BO'k ef ea aaibrella If ra ."' ? aoIUra aud Un ault. "Keep It up!" Te set every reaaoeabl advantase the eav. in baWt nd "" eoltara ever eor eoea tara, bars yeurwlC eredltad with the 4 par cent Interest we par, wit tba eo Boendtd every six amatha. sad your "en trilla' will be worth while eafore yaa re fifty. If yoa start la wh yea are young aae nuvea. We Pay Interest Cramaral Xaaklac BnsUsas Tranaaoted OrssonSavlnsa Bank . . S31 Morrtaoa el . , - , . R. I. Iytla Vlee-Pialdet , W. Oooper Morris....... ......Cashier f. Loraa Bays ..aaatstaat Caabler DIKK.CTOK8 W. B. atoore, S. B. Lytle, lo. riede, W. H. Copalaad, W. eoper Mora. ' " th land, with branch offloa la practi cally all of tha large cities from coast to -coast, ; ia considering th Portland field ' and would open a branch; If they could get th right kind of a proposition from . th right kind of a man. To the Council of Jeertsly Women The Jewlah Women's Endeavor aoclety la holding a rummage sale at f S First atreet in order to raise money te pay off tha mortgage on the bathhouse. All mem bers of council are eemestly requested to aid thla sale by sending discarded Wearing apparel, old furniture, ate. Phone numberMaln (311. , , j Committees from the varlou A. O. U. W. lodgea In tha city, will meet to morrow evening at laduatry lodge, No. I. in tha Selling-Hlracb building, to form a central organisation for tha pur pose of devising aoraa plan for an ag gressive campaign during thla fall aad winter. , . , , . .; '.'',,.' ' Spencer Edwards, who want to Klon- dike from Amity,. Oregon, In 118, re turned to Portland laat week and ta liv ing at Sixth aad Main streets. Mr. Ed wards has many frienda in Oregon wb will be pleased to learn that hia stay In Alaska waa a euceeaa financially. - j "Prealdent " Roosevelt aald this week, "Smite tha CorrupUonlet", Thla will ba Dr. Houae'a aubject to the business men of this city next Sunday night at Ut o'clock, at First Congregational church. Madison and park atreeta, eBusiness man eepeclally Invited. J, ' A fire.' origin of which 'is nnknown. started In Charlea Kafka's house, ScO Front atreet shortly before Co'olook laat night, An aoarm was rux kJln nrom box 114 and th bias was qqlokly ex- tlngulshed by tba fire departn. Tha loss will .approximate .17b.4- i ' . fimA inntlnv m ft. . W. V. SrM1 today fo Q res ham, 2So; all point east of Urea nam, to and Including Kataeada, lOo round trip. . Dinner at Hotel Eata- cada, 75c. Car leave First and Alder atreet 7:10, 1:10, 11:10, 1:10, S:40, 1:44. Jill. J v ., - ',' : ": ' We ar headquarter for fine rosea Stock healthy, strong and true. Now la tha time to plant ' Catalogue free. The Slbson Roe nurseries, lltO Mil waukia avenue, Portland, Oregon; tele phone East 111. -Take Scllwood car. . ' Reader of thla paper Interested in "Buslnesa Chances" will do well to look under that beading of thla issue, where they will find an exceptional bargain in country atore. For sale by S. u. Brown, lie Fourth street city. : " : Articles of Incorporation war filed in th county clerk's office yesterday for th Jackson Investment company, which ba a capital of 15,600. The incorpo rator are A. E.' Jackson, Mlnnia -C Jackson and 8. May. v T: . Trolley trip on O. W. P. today. Ores- ham. 16c; Eatacada and upper-Clack- araaa river point. 60o round trip. Din ner at Hotel EsUcada,'76o. Cars leave First and Alder atreeta 7:10, :t. 11:10, 1:0, I.-40, e:l4, T:ii. -vi .w " All Interested ln new ' thought " or higher paychology ar cordially invited to attend a , meeting at I H. Hart's, 180 H Park atreet, comer Jefferson, Monday T:I0 p. m, Mrs. Joseph Teal and bar daughter, Clara, leave for a visit to tha eaatern state Tueaday night They will apend th latter part, of the winter In south ern California. ' " , .": Th funeral of Virgil W. Ear will ba bald today from Flnley'a chapel. Third and Madison atreeta, at 1 p. m. Rav. Henry A. Barden will conduct ith serv ice. :-. i Rummage aaia, ladies Third Presby terian church, M - Union avenue, con tinued to October 10, 11. Donatlona ao llclted and received at H Union ave. Watch toA diamonds 11 down and 10c par week. - Oooda delivered on flrat payment . Xtnaa la coming. Metsgar mj Co., Jewelers, optlclana. 111 Sixth. . Any on desiring to-rent factory room will find a bargain under .that head on the classified page of thla Issue. .Ad dreaa PortlandCigaajBo Factory. Steamer F. V. Kllbum for San Fran- Cisco, calling at Coos Bay and Eureka, from oak atreet dock, Monday, October 10, at 1p.m. Tel. Main 10. . .. - Special rate on O. W. P. Today to Oregon City, S(o round trip. Cara leave Flrat and Alder atreeta on lb odd hour and every 40 minute. r i Mia Odatt HerxsUm of Sidney. Ohio. Is visiting Mr. and Mr. Sam Levi, 104 Park atreet who will entertain for bar today. -.'.. Those ' troubled with any scalp die. eaa would do wall to consult Mrs. Kyn. Be ad. under acalp treatment olaaslfica tlon. . i, i ; ,' I. "... ' t ' ' Remember Mt Hoed circle, W. of W., whist, Tuesday evening, 112 East Sixth atreet Dancing, refreshments. - - Thomas B. McMahorl. a noted criminal lawyer of Seattle, acoompanied by Mr. UERV f,,;iiL',!l '' ';''.''.'" ' .'' ; , ' ' '" . . Commercial Excursion to South ; rn Oregon to C Repetition - ; ' of Uwlrton Trip. r ;-? THREE And a HALF' DAYO FCa THSiTRIP Interests of Portland . Cxpee ed to Get in Touch With Entire Territory and Make Stronger the Bond of '( Friendship. - ' V! 'i . - C ' - Meetings held yeaterday at tha Port land Commercial lub to promote a bual naaa men's excurstdn from Portland to southern Oregon have resulted In fully Inaugurating : the ' project It Is said that already ther ar '10' applications from Cortland business firms for berths In tha apeclal train. - - .,' At a meeting held at 11:10 o'clock yeaterday In tha tower room, and largely attended by representative of leading Jobbing and manufacturing concerns. It was decided' that, th excursion party should leave Portland Tueaday, Novem ber 14, In a special train to consist of three Pullman1 "Urieepera. , a dining car, baggage 'car, day Ooaoh and locomotive, over , tha Boutbera Pacific -and run as far south as Ashland, stopping at vari ous towns for brief visits with ,( the buslnesa men.. A. oommtte . was ap pointed, composed or Hugh Maguire, Dr. R. C. Coffey and George Simons, to ar range an Itinerary, oonfer with Oeneral Paasenger Agent A. U. Craig of the Harrlmaa line in Oregon; and report at a meeting to be held at tha Com mercial club Tueaday, at 11:11 o'clock. The committee held a meeting yeater day afternoon. and after consulting a map of th rout decided to recommend that three and a half daya be devoted to tba trip. It waa thought desirable piat tha excursionists have enough time to make stops at every town on the rout chosen. Th train- will make tha run south on tba main Una, and returning will visit Lebanon. Corvalll and points on tha west side, coming into Portland via HUlaboro. Th committee will meet with Mr. Craig at o'clock tomorrow morning, r It rwlll'b urged by the mem bers that th tram leave Portland at 1 o'clock Tueaday. November J 4, and con clude tha trip Friday evening. 17 . Much enthusiasm I manifested and there will be a demand for berths greater than tha capacity of tha train. Thoee "who went on tha Lewlaton ex cursion were highly pleaaed with the trip and what it accomplished. They ara convinced that it ia imperative In th lntereata of Portland commercial future . that th business men of thla city keep ta cloaar touch with the bual- neaa communities of tha country within (00 mllea of Portland. It ia proposed to keep up tha excursion habit and from time to time take Junketing tripe to variou paxte of th etate, - to renew social eonnectlona, and extend their ac quaintanceships. SHORT IIOIICE RESULTS FE17 BIDS : New Offers. May , Be Asked, for Supplying Hose Wagon - !-; - k':.. (... and Boilers; :' ?. ;4r ; New bid's for a hose wagon and' two new engine boiler for th fire depart ment may ba aaked by th fir commit tee of th executive board. At a meet ing yeaterday afternoon, only ona bid nm Ka utll.M ami , V. h. nw V. a. knu . w . wa.oa m aj...u w w .... nw n wagon war received. The committee dlacovared that th advertisements for tha supplies had been printed only four days and the member were of the opin ion that they should have run for two weeks. . '.. f Th advertisement for boilers named the Fox pattern, and A. O. Long pro posed to furnish them with all fittings for tha sum of 41,130. , Th eommltta thought perhaps some other make of boiler would be aa serviceable, and could ba purchased mora cheaply, and post poned action until Monday night Mean time tho member will Investigate tbe different makea of boiler now la aerv- ice in tne lire department The bids for boss wagon war from Waterhousa Lister for f 9(0 and f 1,100 for steel-tired and rubber-tired wagon, respectively; Lang tk Mulr for ItSO and $171, and A. O. Long for IS75 and 11.020. Th ' specifications embraced several Improvements made by Chief Campbell ; which ara not covered by patent and the wagon may ba built by any firm.' Th committee deferred ac tion until Monday night Contract for feed - for th horse of the fir department - were awarded to the Slgler Milling company aa follower SO tone timothy hay at 111.80; it tona oata at $2.0: 10 ton straw at 17; I tons bran at 111. Bids far 000 feet of ill inch firs hose were opened. Ther were propo sals from th Revere Rubber company. Crane company. Pacific Coast Rubber company, A. O. Long and tha , Eureka Fire Hoae company. Thm bida ranged from 70 centa to 90 canta according to th make and" quality of the hose. Tha contract will be awarded Monday night McMahon, Is at tha Oregon hotel, an route to San Francisco, where they will remain for a week, Mr. and Mrs. Mtf Mahon ara on their wedding trip. , Pan-Co-Veato club, f 1 per month. Keeps your clothes cleaned and pressed. 171 West Park., Pacific 611. ; . - Turkish and Russian baths 11. Treat ment and bed' for night N J. Friedman, (25 Chamber of Commerce. Pf under th florist -haa removed to new atore at Hi Sixth atreet, between Alder and Morrison.: ..' -. ' aaawJaMBaasBw- '."'.' ' Spltsner . Philharmonic aoclety will give its first recital tbl eeaaon early In December. . Portland' best dancing school. (0 Alder. Prof. RlnglerMlse Buckenmeyar. Lad lea' gymaaalum olaaa, th Ringlet Physical Culture school. per month. Tha Marquam Program for llva advar- ttsere. Why? Results. That's SHI For parking and ahlppfng phone Mala till. - Wei born. 114 Second street Frits! tamales ar U beat ' ' iiOXl 0; OLD AGE SPOILED . ,. - h ' 0. V; Earl Civil Wcr Vtsrtn, ' Finds VV1f Va Yir Wsrts i . Than Caroling Prison, i. ' f .'. .jaJBBBBnaBBwBea SHE SEEKS DIVORCE. - ! HE ASKS ONLY PEACE He Denies That His Purse Is Long Pnough to Pay Her tha Alimony Eh Aiks and" Asserts Ha Should Bi Given thf Decr.. ." " T'waa captured while enlisted and ervlng during th war of tho rebellion tn the Ninth Ohio cavalry, and impris oned In th Confederate prison In Flor ence, South Carolina, and owing to want f proper-' santiary conditions therein and hardships I endured, suffered cqn aideabla Illness and as a result ' now find myself prematurely old and all my Income 1 necessary for my support" '.Thus does O. W. Earl refer j to hia war "daya in a reply filed in tba clroult court aa -an answer to the demand of his wife that, aha b allowed $100 a month for her support ; Mrs. Francos Da KarJ . la suing bar bus band for a divorce t and aaka th above-named aum aa alimony. - Earl also alleges that ba Is worth but 17.000, denying that he owaa property valued at (10,000, or that he Tever owned goods and lands worth that sum. ' ' Mrs. Earl began a ault for a divorce laat fall, alleging thaCthe demands of her husband were auch that ft would be impossible for her to live with him ny longer, saying that aba was forced to flee' from his home In order to aave her life. -. Thee allegation are denied In toto by Earl. -who recently filed a counter ault for a divorce. In hia com plaint Earl alleges that hia wife haa been guilty -of gross - misconduct with Leon Jones, whom aha clalma la her brother. It U eald that Mra. Earl will prove that Jones is her brother. (About a year ago Earl's sister vA very ill in Ohio and he - went east to see her. The present Mr. Earl was tha Bister's nurae, and by tha. bedside of his dying sister Earl met hia future bride. Th aiatar became better and Earl returned homa; later ah died, and the nurae wrote to tell the brother of th death. Earl answered the letter, and thue sprung up a correspondence that laeted until laat May, when Earl for warded to tho nurae money to oome to Portland. 'Soon after they were mar ried Jonea came out from Ohio and took up hia abode at tha Earl homa - Earl aays that he ia (0 years old: Mra Earl is at least a oor of year hi Junior. . . ... - . RIGHTS OF SETTLERS TO BE PROTECTED - State Board Takes Up Disputes Between Irrigation Com i parties and Residents.' ' " Governor Chamberlain, Secretary of Stat . Dunbar: and , State Treasurer Moore, aa tha etate board, were in Port land yesterday In conference with X O. Johnstone, representing tha Dei chutes Irrigation company! W. T. Mulr. attorney for tha company, and Cheater Murphy, acting for tha settlers, to de termine what rules shall govern the Irrigation enterprlaes which are operat ing under tha etate statutes. John H. Lewis, state engineer, was present to furnish data on ' behalf of the state board. During the past 10 days tha matter has been under consideration, and has not yet reached tha stage war ranting a decision. "We have not determined anything definite," said Governor Chamberlain laat night, "and may not for several day yet We wilt not give any Intima tion aa to what tha result of the con ference will be until everything ahall have been arranged satisfactorily, when a complete atatement will be given to th public." ' - For- a year paat rrom time to time aueatloha have ariaen relating to th manner in which th state ahall act ,n tha disposition or irrigabl lands. At tiroes these difference have reached the acute atage, and-It waa determined that th subject should be thoroughly gone over, all neceeaary data being procured, and th decision reached finally to be annlled to all future cases. Several hundred thousand acre are arrected by tha laauaa that have ariaen, which arc Important to many settlers In th Irri gable district .'..'',. EquaJ Rights to All. . ; The real, principle Of democracy, of ernal right to an an epeerai preier- ncea to none, haa been the Alma Mater of our establishment alno its inclpi- ency. covering a period or II years. During this long period our' strict ad herence to thla principle, which,, by the way, haa become our religion, haa not only .been not lacking in conaclentious execution, but the success achieved ,by it nd through-- it baa awakened our dor mant energies and filled our whole being with a magical incentive to do mora and better by our patrone. Wa are,. by our direct connection with the .manufac turer, by buying only for caslr, enabled to undersell alt competitors In our wtnea. liquors or cordlala. As an ex ample wa will, until further notice, aell a regular ala bottle of genuine Rock and Rye tor to centa a bottle which you cannot buy wholesale within 10 centa . of our price that would be 70 centa We aell It for 10. Besides on all our other goods, consisting of every thing that appertains to wines, liquors. cordlala, domestic and Imported, we will allow a discount of 10 per cent aa ad vertised th previous week by referring to this advertisement .All goods guar anteed la regard to ' quality of being tha beat a a well aa to prlcea of being the lowest, and moat reasonable In the city. D OERMANUS.' Tba Family Liquor Dealer, lis Mor - : neon atreet -. . Where to Dine. . "Watch th Omaha Grow. . Clean, modern restaurant. French dinner, with wine. tOo. New management The Omaha, ( Sixth. French cook will erve you with a genuine French dinner, with Wine, 75a Manhattan Buffet Sixth. ' 7 Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. ... ' - . last m :s v- ANOTHER DUj.O.'IE Salea tor October at Eilera Will Ex ceed October, '04, by Over $20,000. Increased Factory Coat of Material . and Labor Will Make Increased .Retail Price Necessary Fair WarningDuring Thia Exposition Sale Is tha Time to Select Your Favorite Inttrument at a Saving , Of 30 to 60 Per Cent. Eay Pay ' menta. , Pianoe Set , Aside trt or . Christmas Free of Charge. ; ' . Th. many fin pianoa Grands, Up rianoiaa, fianola pianos an ur cliestrellea used In our glorious ExposV tlon In tha Oreaon. California. Maasachu fetts, Washington. Illlnola. New York. Idaho, Maine, Oriental, Y. W. C. A., N. C. R. Co.'a and other buildings, and In tha home and -anartmante of the Com missioners amV. their families,, la the aucceaa of whose aoclal functlona they have contributed . no email ahare, kre now being closed out at Bllera Piano Houee. Please bear in mind that these pianoa are in every respect aa good aa new. All are perfect They have not been In a booth or In an exhibit or on tho Trail, exposed to- dampneaa, drafta and heat but were placed in the verloua atate buildings and in apartments, carefully protected and guarded, as they would be In the parlora of our finest home Many of them were specially selected by great - artists, musicians and connois seurs, and every one of them represents in every respect th very highest grade and characirf "the very, beat la Amer ican plano-maklng. ' -The Eilera Piano House positive guar antee accompanies each Instrument aold. "Money back" if tha Instrument pur- cnaeea ia noi zouno, alter oenvery, ex actly satisfactory or a represented. r Reductions Positively Genuine. ' Remember; we offer during this aal a bona (Ida reduction of from (0 to (0 per cent on the very loweet retail cash prices that theee and other aame grade or nign-graoe instruments regularly re tail for in this or any other city. Any Instrument In thla aala may be purchased on time payment Three years allowed to complete the purchase at caah prices, plua simple Interest on oeierrea payment ; .. - ' Pianolas Greatly Reduced ' ; AH Metrostyle Pianolas, which ar never aold for leea than (250 and (100 new, and also all regular Pianolas that have been used at tha many successful recitals, ar to be disposed of at a dis count or rrom v to 7 per cent rrom the regular retail prlcea Everything muai go. - t Baby Grinds Also. . '. Several very fine and costly Baby Grands ar contained In thla aala. Tha fine Checkering in the Massachusetts bulrdtng, the fine Chickerlng In the Ore gon building, and the Granda and Up rights tn tha American Inn, to and etc, ar Included In thla cut-price aala. The flrat opportunity ever presented to purchaee the most oostly types of Chick erlnga, Webera, Klmballa and other high-class Granda, virtually new and atnctiy up-to-aate, at reductions equal in several caaea to almost one-naii. Aft -Must -Go:u ;;-;',y In used pianos, wa have a wonderfully larger assortment lust now. Most of thaae were reoalved In nart ftavmant for costly Grands and "Exposition style Vp rlahta and Pianola Pianoa. All of theee Instruments are In thoroughly first-class condition, and backed by the guarantee Of Bllera Piano Hone. Largest walnut-cased, latest style Fisher, 1218. A beautiful Behr Brothers cabinet urand, nearly new, ( style, now (110. . Fanciest Voee made, (400 style, now (lit, practically new. Ele gant lara-e-slsed mahogany Knabe, usual price (500, now (386. Beautiful Omaha Exposition - style mottled walnut 1678 Kimball, ahowa but little use. (lit. BeauUful little Victor, $1J(. Wing Son, new, (145. Hamilton, tha old time 5 favorite, like new. (156. Very showy brand new walnut Starr, (115. ' Splendid English mottled walnut case KimbalL Colonial Btyle, equal to new, (1(4. Fine little (100 Emerson, (148. Largest alse. Whitney, like new, (400 style, now 1215. Splen did large, walnut-cased Hard man, (Z3f. yearly new manogany jcingaoury, 11; Beautiful Jacob Doll mahogany, (11 Ilka new. , Another Knabe, rosewood case, (2ti. Splendid mahogany-caaed, exhibition etvle Lenter, caee aomewhat marred, th (675 atyla, for ((25. A great big oak-caaed Ludwlg, (1((. Other up rights in good shape, of more or leaa musical value, at prices ranging rrom (116 down to 166. We want all of them out of the way. Pay aa best aults your convenience. . , Organa Also' to Go. Slightly used excellent parlor and chapel organa at less than half price. A aplendld klmbalL (44; an Eatey, (14; big New England parlor organ, 111; a solid oak-caaed Pacing Queen, (71 style, now (16: a Sohults. chapel style. 165: an Estey, practically new, tit; another Estey, (11; Sears-Roebuck, ao-called 176 atvle. 121.60: and othera too numerous to mention, all on pay menta of (2, (( or (4 per montn. Remember, there's no time to loo. The nlanoe are here, the reductions aen- ulne, and there will be hundred of homes anxious to eecure one of them. If vou're comlnr. don't dels v. Come. write or telephone at once. Eilera Piano House, Retail Department (tl Washing ton street Other stores at - Spokane, - Seattle, Walla Walla, Wash., Bolae and Lewla ton. Ida-, San Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, Cat, Pendleton, The Dalles, Salem, Eugene, Grants Pass and Astoria, or. . ' . . ' Seme Bog Tales. . ; . From tha Baltimore American. "I have an unusually Intelligent dog' said the man, who likes to spin yarna whan with a party of friends. . "He was tanght to say bis prayers, and If you'll believe me. that dog now waga hia tall whenever ha sees a minister snywntre near him." ' "I have a' dog with even more intelli gence than that," - quietly returned member of the party. "One day when he got out In th atreet some mis chievous boys tied a tin can to his tall, and if you'll believe me, that dog headed for th nearest saloon and backed right up to the bar. TEE ESTACADA OS LOT Of 0. W. P. XUOTalO TV nr Tsi rast or rn rrns os TXI CXAOZAXAa S1TSS. ' ESTACADA. 02EGCM . A rOFDXAB XXAtrif ASS mlCaXatlOS .. ; .. . sxaoax. .. . ... Uoanfala eUmMnf, treat flrtlns. BO-eere Sine nr park, larva daaelng BavlUea, katal prnvMed with city watr aad eleetrte liable, fine bath., taleaboee dlrert te Portland. Tbnoaaads af arres of fir farest saneaod tbe rasa city af Eatacada. m iraxs rsox vostXAxa Satas ft Bay. 1 M nates aer weea , is.e apMlal ticket laehtdlaa- reaad trip fare and dlnaer aeaetal ticket. leclnAlna raead tHe tare, aae alght'a todclog as three . awata , (.ao ncut orrtos nirt a aloes ira. L. AT. MARTINEZ. JSane-mr XSTAOABA, OSXSOa. 7tV4 t r Spccidq ! Spcdds! ' Szzitlz t Ffxtrss o eovcrarss, uu nns, xxwaoas am won tea OllXU on AUtOarg taT TWO We have Just unpacked and placed oa aala a large line of new dealgns In Mail Tree and Mirrors at out rate prlcea The prlcea w have put on our new line of Box Beat Diner ; and our fall Una of Couche will convince all that our move to th "LOW RENT DISTRICT" 1 great saving for tho furniture buyer. , . ; BpecUl t" ' - ' I - J A'-t fV'.'-r' 'n 7lll W M' Newspaper out cannot do Juotloe to tha values wa are offering In th above line. If you r living on th weat side, 'ask tha streetcar con ductor for a Morrison bridge transfer. It will pay you to visit our star. THE) HOME OF LOW PRICES. , . . C ALE F BROS. ;,VLrT.I.i?vv:7--'Puriilah Yow-Honw. , CASH Ol EASY PAYKSf ITS . TAKE NO CilAliCES But invest your money at a . legitimate store. One can not do better than the next. Every ' merchandise "house has expenses' and it,, must' make a percentage to run. Schemes, fakes, fire sales, don't go with : : . But a straight, honest way we are but a couple of blocks away from the high -; rent district in order to (tan afford to make but a email twrrentlffswe are lo cated .:?: : ',.. Cor. First s-l YtsASSL szd Cor. Ttlrd tsi Davis New stock ' consisting of . Men's and ' Boys' Suits, Overcoats, . Hats, Pants, Shirt! and Underwear, a general line of Shoes, com plete line of Blankets, Com forters, "Trunks - and Suit Cases. Strictly one . prjcv. marked! In plain figures." Almost V ana would aacrUl flc each ef bla five a naaa bafora EYK 8IOHT, rat man take tha anorraoua risk of losing; it day after day : by'tuing an inferior, fitting; glaaa or no g laaa at all, whan a few ' tnomanta with a skillet! eptddan would remov th danger. For tha - bst Una made and' I fitted' by none but . graduat, aae ' A. Nl WRIGHT Tba lows Jeweler. 293 Morrison St Art FiiTnlhirc r.IanufcctiiTir.3 Co ' . C A. WALKER, Mgr. ' .. Manufacturers ef EHAFEIES special Kxzzt m rcrsTCK ' Stottreaaa (gad aad Beavavatoi , SpeolaJ AtteeitloB SUvm t ... Bslg Work. v - facttr sad sTefaest ' . " Paon Main (4.. R. AND?.IW3. Prei t -if. " 1 Tarr- Out of tb High Rent Dl:tr! :l Regular Price. (!(.. ' Our . Spa- :;;lal Sal Price, l', , . 017.75 Regular Prtoe, (It.. ., Oraad Cut m -irloa, ' J-; t.'r ' I ' 015.00 i. EBCCLVJcLt Successor to A. J. waTOusaaxB AJrry sstaa siaoor3. ssi. sss aad aaa run art oo. gagaxaaa m UV aV VhVI v Prloe quoted below will eav yeu af - ) e- least 10 per cent: Weetem Dry Oranulatad Can Sugar - - It lbs. Weetem pry Granulated , . - Can Sugar 11.0S Beet Dry Granulated Sugar, aack..(i.lO 1-lb. can Royal Baking Powder. ... .4Uo 1-lb. can Schillings' Baklnr Pwder . ,16o 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda... to Shredded Wheat Biscuit, par pkg....lo ( lbs. clean whit Rice ..,..' Sto 11 bars Royal Savon Soap Sto Hard Wheat Flour, per aaok (1.9 Beat Eastern Hama, par pound. ....14o Plcnio Kama, per pound............ (o Shredded Cocoanut, per pound. .....lfo t-lb. pall beet Lard..'.,..,,., I0o 10-lb pall beet Lard ,....,..(1.(0 19-lb. pall beet Lard (Lta ' Beat Soft Wheat Flour, per aack..lLe Java and Mocha Coffee (regular 1(e). . per pound . .....tie t Iba. broken Java and Mocha (ee.ual o 10c) .(to t cane Primrose Cream..,.,.. lie Tiger Cream (regular Me), per can., (o Rngllsh Breakfast Te (reg. lie), lb. lie Scotch Oats, per pkg. lOo Tar Soap. 1 bar ....... ... ........ to Fela Naphtha Soap, per bar to Poatum Cereal, per pkg. lq 1 Soda- Crackers. l-lb. box.... lOo Uneeda Blsculta. per pkg...... to Xitchea Bread ParW ataSna, . U.avO to pkg.), per dosen ........Tie Lenox Brand Parlor Matches t IAS ta Pa box), per dosen ....(to an Camp's t-lb. Pork and Beane (regular pne lea), special, I can for . . lie Van Camp' pint new Catsup rega- lar price ic), special, per bottle.. ! Eaat Side dellveriea Tueedava aad Fridays. Woodlawa. North Albina aad -Piedmont, Wedneadaya . . Great Auction Sdo v,' Of Chinee and Japanese ' CURIOS . . . . ., '. The fair trad being abetrt over, we Tiav concluded to dla poae of our entire stock of bJrh. claas Irnported Oooda, consist ing of Fin Silverware, Cloia o nn, Satsuma, Ivory Carvings, New Brass, Silk and Satin Era brolderiee. Kimonos, Screes), Decorated Porcelain Tea Seta, Matting, etc. : .. Sale commences at 20 and 730 p. m. daily. ( , ;f Andrew Ka'CCa peavtk aad -ran. ;,lfc3 Edith :::: Formerly of C-I-S v-"l r-1 uJ ill v. ! I v-a