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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1905)
f . r -- - rTT - - x . r :day r ztmuiq, cctc izzi. f -111 - ' s ' ' Here it an 'opportunity to get an iron bed at a price a great deal lower than you would expect w Im carloads of these beds and you can make' a, saving of several .jwum s; " r-j you to borrow money to buy . one or more of these beds. ' A , , ' . t,...... c.i.. $ilverv. but the lateness of tneir irnn oagicns ins Colors i f v 1 - . ........ A QuiaJities '"J-: - t .J ft; .' :' No. 3SO -'r:-'-i . jSfo. 250 reduced to 0 9.75 ; f po; !275 ;redu No. 25 reduced to 5 5.75 ; .- 1 ' ,' - , .- '.V. f-'". - "s ' ' I., 'A " 1 1 A IwsSSSSSisiwSs BELIEVE DEPOT IS HOB Railroad Officiate Show Better . v Spirit Toward East Side '.rtwii Petitloner A-A FINAL CONFERENCE TO : . ' ; BE HELD TOMOrtROW Exbtence of Old Franchise Puts New Phase on Matter Ett Side Trans t fer Srstem Also Receives Booit : Through Car Mty Be Granted. : ' : . v. ,. 1 h The t sift efftte ef Tb Joernel Is la the store of 1. M. 0. Mlllft. 89 Cut Morrlsoa '. Street.' T.lrplioee test T6. , . Tbi various committeemen of tha Eaat Bide Improvement association are en .eouraced greatly with the reaulta of tha 'week and the various chairmen are prac tlcally assured that two important Im provements tha association . was reor ganised for aoon will be secured. . Be girding th. eaat atde depot of .th South ern Pacific, tha outlook la brighter. week ago those who had been carrying on th. contest' were' confident that th matter would have to be taken to th courts before the company would grant th. general freight and passenger sta ' tlon, but yesterday afternoon word re telved by Joiwsph Buchtel and other, of tha committee encouraged them. ' ' " 'A eonferenc haa been arranged with General Manager O'Brien of the Harrl man linea In th. state for Monday, and from etatemente that' hoy neen made by him and other off Iclala it Is evident that tha company, will thoroughly inrea ttgat th. situation and especially , the franchise provlslona relating to the per petual maintenance of a depot aoath of Hoyt atreet. Aa .very legal authority ' conaulted by the cotrmlttee haa held the old franchise , to , be still binding, the men of tha committee closest to the general manager's office feet they.-haya th. depot already in hand. "r""-". The sltustlon regarding an - all Mat ride atreetcar servlcs to ran through t rom Hawthorn, on Orand and .-Union avenues toWoodlawn or Piedmont, -md ; th. issuing of ast aide transfer IJ-om :' east aide cara without a Joufnet tm the . weat aide, la also reported to be - en i couraglng. The O. W. P.-company haa ; agreed to the transfer plan and prelim inary conference with th. management of th. Consolidated have not been with ; out result, so that the adoption of auch a transfer -eystem before th. close of th year seems probable: - Th association organised - Tuesday right Includes the earn membership for th moat part, and haa tne same pur pose a did the .old association that ac complished whdt It was organised for several yearfago." The oid association had' a roll call of nearly 400 east aide business men and It -did thlnga,-among those being the location of th eaat aide high achool. and the rebuilding of . the Morrison bridge. After th. sit. had been -set apart and th bring contract let hw association died, though aeverai ASSURED of the former officers have kept up the if Home Outfitters Kitation for varloua rcforraa.' among tha. iMiing' th. doalnr; of tb. drawa urtn bnjr houra, th. building t tha Twelfth atnet brldg. acrosa Sulllran'a gulch, th . repair of tha Union avenue bridge and th fight for the reeatabliah ment, of Station A. ' ' . '. Thee thlnga have been aeeompllahed by leea than a dosen determined aJ aide buaineaa men who now feel that the- S60 additional members of the club ahould be able to make eaat Portland m city of hundred thousand In a few rears, and a city with no awampa, marehes, plank' atreeta or elevated road ways. , : y ' . :; 7 READY FOR WORK Al eUwvod aoomxtmv ISIU w Bl Begu Within aTaxt Ten 7. . Within 10 days work will b com menced on the wool acourlng mill at fellwood and a large - fore, of men will be employed clearing away th. de bris left from the Portland Woolen Mills fire .1 month, ago. Manager Ross haa drawn his plana for tha new bulldlnga and will aoon order th. machinery of hla mill at Las Vegas' ahlpped and part of it put up in tb. buliatnga already on the alte. - . New buildings will' be started within a few daya after the ground la cleared, the water flume will be repaired, and ekllled workmen will be employed to be ready when the new year's run ia commenced , ' ' ' At present It la not expected that th. mill will . b. In full operation before March, but though this la a somewhat later date-than that first set It will be In ample time, next year'a crop of wool not being delivered ' until April. No difficulty will be experienced In ae curing enough wool to- keep the mill going at - It. "capacity, aa many large shippers who have been . accustomed to sending . their .wool east in th grease are anxious to ship the cleaned product. and twill -place, all their - crop with the gell wood plan ther being practically n. competition in thla field.. " ' ' GADFLY. HAS A STINQ ' i i - 1 XJUgaUon Over falling' Boa la Oarrled ' When trie Gadfly ,waa chrlatened th. right name was picked, for, alnce its con struction, and even before it waa com pleted. It haa been a fruitful source of trouble to peace official, and Its owners, aa well aa ita builders. . The Gadfly Is, or wss ' until lest evening, for aale by Conatable Keenan of th. eaat aide court. being held to satisfy a .Judgment for $111. which O. P. Graham, ita -builder. secured against "C- V. 8hlvly, minor aon of C. W. Shlvety. . Teaterday th. conatabl. and Graham war. served with an Injunction from th. circuit court re straining them from disposing of th. boat, and were cited to appear and, de fend themselves 4b,. th. higher ..court agalnat action making the temporary re straining order permanent and compet ing Graham either to finish building th. . A - m p. r OWI or rviunu hv. . It 'was th. Gadfly that, while under the care of Keenan, escaped and won race or' two at Astoria. , EAST WASHINGTON PAVED Only Delay of maiUoaa Company Keep. OS Bew Street. . East Washington atreet la paved tha length of the fill, and war it not for th delay occasioned by th railroad company th new atreet could b -used to great advantage by teamsters. ' who now are forced to aa tha quaking, dan gerous Bust Morrison roadway.. ,. -Until th railroad corporation builds 1. Blue, White, -Cream, Green, and 'v'-'-;: Combination of Colors A . We Arc ORDERS FROM OUTSIDE tha depot crossing, th. fire boat boss truck will remain Idle, because It haa no outlet, and all th Improvement of th atreet wilt be useless. A start haa been mad on bringing Eaat Water) atreet to grade, and half of th atreet for a block or more between East Wash ington and But Morrison atreeta - hss been filled. Until thla till Is completed and the surface-graveled thla atreet will b. ralueleaa. i. - EAST SIDE NOTES. ' Th. St. Johna Shipbuilding company. in th. recent ' contest - for th contract for repairing th. ferryboat Wobater, won by a bid $300 lower than Its neareat competitor.. W. V. jobea. proprietor- or xn. st. John, flouring mill, who haa been seri ously 111 for some weeks, endeavored to start for Los Angelea laat week, bat hla condition was ao serious that ha waa foroad to return to th. sanitarium..1' Tha flrat man to pay hla aaaeaament for the Improvement of Jersey atreet. th main thoroughfare of 8t. Johns, waa E. F. Day of Heppner. Oregon,, whose aaaeaament waa $200 on a elngl. lot. Tha United Evangelical congregation of St. Johna and vicinity la building a amall chapel to serve as a meeting place until funda for a larger edifice are se cured. During th. summer services were held In a tent at Ockley Green, but bad boys and cold weather neceaaitated a change in the program. , Presiding Elder H. L. Pratt waa In charge of th. third quarterly conference of th. United Evangelical church, held at St. Johna laat evening, and will pre aid. today. . .,.. ; -.- NEW PIANO FOR CONDON Bw" Opera Bona. Taere Seleewi a Tim. Waitaay a the BUraa Bouaa. v Tha Whitney Piano, belnc finished in a very plain and comparatively Inexpensive case, but supplied with highest-class ac tion, and everything .Internally that goes to make a desirable and durable mualcal Instrument, Is especlaly adapted to the strenuous work of tha modern theatre. orchestra. Almost seven yeara ago th. first Whitney waa purohaaed at KUere Piano House by Mr. J. F. uoraray rortne then Cordray theatre. It successfully withstood the hard work for- yearsr ond on acoount of thla record many Whit ney a have alnce been selected by com mittees for . other theatres, and for lodges,' school a, studios and various oher publlo purposes. ' It la needless to say that In all thee places th. Whit ney Haa proven thoroughly satisfactory, It la for thla reason that the manage ment of the beautiful new opera house at Condon. Or., decided to select a Whit ney piano, after having given due con sideration to" numeroua other .jnakes. The Whitney I. only one o the many hlgh-grad. instruments sold only by the ElTere Piano House. Our line represents th. acm. of th. piano Industry, from the medium to th. highest-priced - In strument, .and Includes the famous Chlckerlng. th. glorious Weber. " the magnificent Klmoallr Hobart M. Cable, Lester. Haaelton. Stock, Schumann. Had dorfr, Story Clark, and many others, aa well as Pianolas, Pianola Pianoa, Or chestrelles, all representing tha superla tive degree of th piano field. Eaay pay ments If desired. . . . , ... v. . . Ellera Piano House. ' jpi Washington street, corner Park. . ;f ' . , ' Xadaaa. BoreUl'a TareweO " Concert will take place at tha White Tempi Tueeday evening, -the flat of November. - - rramedlately , after thla Madam NoreUI Mart for' Europe, her first engagement being with Dr. Cowan' orchestra at the Mancheater Mualcal reetival, ,i , V No. 370. No, 3711 ;, OF THE CITY MUST BE 872,000SHEEPARE Eleven Towns in Oregon Send Away Large Quantities to ''' Markets of the East. ' ELGIN LEADS LIST FOR . THE SEASON Prices Showfaf Conatant Advancet : andv Stocktnen Are Nt Now So . Anxious to blspoae of Their Hold . ings as Formerly. -. . (Rpedal Dtopatea t Tk Jeorsal.) . Baker City, Or.. Oct. J. Thla rear has been moat prosperous for "th. sheep men of eastern Oregon. It la eatimated that they have received aomethlng over $$,000.0q0 for th. aalea of their to buy era in Wyoming, Montana and eastern points. ;. : ' . Stock Inspector - Parker of . Baker county and Government Stock Inspector M. S. Lants Btat. that fhl. summer, and in fact during the laat year, ahlpm'enta from this part of Oregon to esstero points have been greater than aver1 be fore and they estimate that alnce May, when ahearlng commenced, no leas than 171,000 aheep have been ahlpped to out side points. They predict tha number will paas the million mark before th. season cioaea. ... ( - - The aheep shipments from the differ ant shipping point, in eastern Oregon aa given by the inspectors ar. as fol lows: Elgin. tOO.000; Meacham. 100,000; Pendleton, 100,000; Baker City. 100,000; Heppner. 100,000; Bhahlko, 100,000; On tario. 100,000) Huntington. $0,000; Echo, 20.000; North powder, .It, 000; Durkee, 10.000. - - ' Elgin' leads all ; other point. In th. number of aheep aent out. Ontario, which la only credited with ahlpping 100.000.' In reality ships mors than any other point.' v Th additional number of aheep aent out of that place la not In cluded In Ontario's estimate for the SHIPPED reason . that t the greater part of the aheep ar brought In from Idaho and loaded onto car. at , Ontario, which la the natural aheep center for that sec tion, and becaua ffnr. freight rates ar. lower. ' r .. , . '' '. , : , Morrow Oomnty rtesds. . 'All tha. aheep raised In the Wallowa country are brought to Elgin and aent out; while in Umatilla county, Meacham and Ptndletdn ar the principal polnte of shipment. At Meacham nearly 100, 000 aheep war ahlpped before any of th. other town had even started their shipments. Stock Inspeot.r "Parker, who lately returned 'from a trip to Morrow county, says that thla year Morrow county un doubtedly haa the largest number of aheep In tha State Th. figures would not ffidlcate thin, but thla year that county haa raised $10,000 aheep. Much of th. number haa been ahlpped from placea outside th county, and thla fact causes a lowering from th rightful flguree. Baker county ' receive many , aheep from Malheur and Qrant countlea, which . : V V,- t-. ' ' . : Suoerior Finish Superior Work marishipi SupenorDes Superior Color ings f s. . . I t ! 1 We Sell on Time If ?;o"B-;: ACCOMPANIED BY bring ud the total of 100,000," Of thla number only ona-half ar Baker county aheep. .. '' "' 0ood Mas., v. .-'.-. Now th. ahlpping .la In full blaat In thla city, and Friday two tralnloads, carrying .000 aheep, left, for the Bell ranch In Wyoming. Theae aheep were the first of a shipment of 1C.004 head which are destined for points In Wyo ming and Montana. Th. majority of the aheep aouth of Meacham go t. Wyoming and Colorado, while tboaa north are ahlpped for th. moat part to Montana. Good nricea ar. the rule thla year. "Th. average price , has been anywhere between $2.2g and $$.B0 per head, tnougn lower aalea have been recorded., Laat May and during June price, were aa low aa $176. but alnc. then th. price has ateadlly risen. , . Every day has witnessed large aalea by local sheepmen to foreign purchas ers, but now sales are becoming fewer, as many owners seeing even higher prices in the ' future are refusing to sell, preferring to wait for that time. - Wist Blood for O. Bv ft V. Co. ; - (Special D1peteti te Ths JooraaLI La Grande. Or.. Oct. I. Judge Eakln yesterday overruled the demurrer In the case - of tha Wallowa valley Railway company agalnat tha Oregon Railroad A Navigation company. This decision will force the defendanta to til. an an- swer within 10 days. This la th. suit arising out of right of way prlvllegea desired by th. two roads. . - .... .Y .; 1172474 ':a;aaj 4aP 9AJrA - .; ' ;;: :; i No. .'. .. No; 24 reduced to C5.0 Na 270 reduced to G 5.30 Na 21, reduced to;; 03.75 . CASH ; : DurablejFabrics ! ( Custom Workmanship V : Exclusive The three imprjrtant garments the best that can be obtained, and , . . at conservative prices. , , 7 f Your Inspection Is Invited. , .. Ufjsll S W OLD v " ' ' ' - (Successor to Griswold ft Pheglev.) :.13t SIXTH ST, PORTLAND. OREGON.; STYLE AND QUALITY f-'' When -you buy -clothes; here; you may be sure - (. AA of getting what you, want. - - ':r"A' i'''-A'A" '-. ' '.- . ' ' 1 f ,'Here is-a.Raifacoat;;a'dressy!garment, rain or "shinei but well fit you to. other Overcoats, Suits whatever you please. ,- so good .clothes, j ;' '. Suits 4 i A: Roincodts : Topcccto;' ' V . UNDERWEAR Extra .values Balbriggan and ;Wool, blue, ecru,, fawn and gray, ?I.C0 per garment. ! ; ) . THIIiD AND 3-4 V . elemento that make our y- anywnere, you, won 1 una . :' , r- v . ft : u ;.: Oveixocte v 1