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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1905)
v - -ae w mm ., ,., 9 Va- d se siiaiisio 1 BE 00l.fl -''If Owners of Flimsy Budding , 1 Near Fair Grounds Do Not f Raze City May Act ' THE ' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, POSTLAIa'D, "wUIIS.eV ' MONTEREY CATHEDRAL WRECKED i-;:;v;' , .T .'.' S.".e.....Tj' T r WM ,w-w.v wtv a . , . y-i's-- ' ;yy-;- -y.' V: kcHEIU?-SS- ' 'if, ARE UNSANITARY AND MENACE TO PROPERTY More Than Hundred .Beady lot the Ax and But Two Weeks in Which i to Remove Them According to the ' I Owner,;PermIta,'?':: yf : ' V. J . TJnleaa Ihe temporry buildlns which i win orvcavu iji vmct ? T '-and CUrk exnMoa last' sprlha are tv , . 'tr moved by November Is." steps i0' force (their demetttloaTrnar, be tawew T " 5 officials, y permits toe i their "erection fwere areated: ' prorates -thai, thev 4 would be .removed , within one mpntn '..v' after the exposition; closed. Yth V1'" :' nnilrtinil.iur' manr "houtet 'were "al- .. lowed to beorected verx. cru49lr..Wn-, , 'j eya -were; not piacea in me nmoiuio., . "j bat stoves were connected wftb crude smokestacks.- the - plumbing ' waa aleo badly Installed and sewer aceommoda- f'tlona were entirely Inadequate ( and ' 4 canted trouble all summer. The ena foority of the buildings were so flimslly i constructed that they win become dl '' lapidated within a few months and unfit : - for habitation. ... ' : i : - " - f f Since the fair closed the neighborhood . ; for several blocks surrounding- the en , trance to the zposition has a fbrsaken ' appearance. The buildings - and sheds . , ancefUled "with booths are bow closed I and the lodging-houses wnicn swarmed with gueita are now forsaken. Among y '3 the temporary buildings erected were , aeveral large rooming-houses and two ' ' or thrne hotels, whtcaiare now closed. , - Leases of ground on which 'many of it he building were erected were secured with .the understanding that the atruo? tures should be removed when' the. lease J expired, while other leases. It Is said, (provided that the buildings should re- r'vert to the owner ef-the land after the fair. Little disposition has been' shown .as yet by any of . the interested parties to remove the buildings, although under , their permHa from the-city -the have ? only two more weeks. " y . ' ' ."-.' - . , The aamea e'f thoee who were granted I temporary permits are on' file 'Oa the duplicate plana and specifications in the . heads of . the-' city bunding inspector, v Mayor Lane aaid" yesterday that if 'the ". owners of: the 'temporary buildings d4 - 'not remove the 'structures within the ftime specified he would? take up the . Biatter In 'an effort to have the owners K comply with the terms of their permits, pie said ha would have the building In , J spec tor look Into the matter lmmedl 'ately. . The number of permits Issued f for teaiporaiT buildings and additions to bulldlaga Ifl the vicinity of the expo - . Aaitlon yumbet over 'ICO. . , f v: I Chance for a town V?!h s i.; aTQ. GET A COBBLER l w wo ' years ago, Karl Zimmerman, Carpenter, waa Seriousfy Injured by be- Ing crushed between two heavy timbers while working In the Portland Flouring '.! mllla . For several months Karl was unable to work. He la the father of ' ( eight children and his means soon be . .. came exhausted.' Before he fully reeov : ered be bad to go to work to support , bis family,' and, not being able to do car- penter work, resorted to his old trade of ; ' cobbllnir. 81 nee that time he has worked . whenever able but has earned barely .enough to keep the wolf from the door. 7 Karl Is dissatisfied with hie present surrounding. . Be feels that he will be , ; unable to support his children and pro ;vlde then with school books and thinks that he should go into the country and ' secure a small tract of land, raise vege ' tables and keep some chtckena-and a "i cow. - At odd times he eould work aa. a ' Cobbler. ' ' What Karl would like would be to , i aettle In or near some small town In . : eastern Oregon. He Is willing and hon vost and it any small town la In need of - a cobbler it would do well to communi cate with him, - Hia home is H Mis . '; eoart avenue. '. - ' ' .,-ew XJaat ' (RpeeUI DUpeteb to The Jeernal) ' rLa Oraade, Or- Oct la. The Grand Hondo ; Light- dc ... Power oompaay has . completed its cennectlons with Morgan - lake and the new plant Is now la o pe ra ft lo a, giving La Grande much better lighting and power faeilltteo than ever , enjoyed before. . . . , . , , . ., . : 1 b"rt llt ae power oe eeUratroL It 1m Bade to beet bv a tadr ,.. llieart Trouble J 0 thrt M to rireely vtolble to the naked eye. Xet V thoeaiBd time air tbl drllcete serve j. - - - ' w.yi OTaWKV. A ThU serve It enlr one of the breeches ef the (net 7punrtl, or INSIDE, nerve syeteis. r Keek brine of thle aretes la mo eloeely allied ." i with the ethere that mlm er IrrrsalarUy at i eey Hal W apt to epread. Bean Iraabla fre ejiwatly arawa fraa Ktoneek trouble through i. ernpathy, sad Kidney trouble stay alee follow. theae rgaas l operated by a ' iZ&xwmrr "' "r0- ' la Hart, Kidney er fttomarh troablea. It la of bat little aae to attrwpt to doctor the oraaa " Itaelf the et pereuneat reUef He la reator-.-...Ing the IXSIuB KaaVES. Dr. baoTrrard. thm aervra to be the real eaeae of aorta J troebloe. The reaiedy feaewa by pbyelriaaa j sad areeslats everywhere aa Dr. 8 hoop'! Beater ative la the reebtt ef -yeera ef endeavor aloag thto very line. It eoea not dose the organ to eeaora the pain but it alma to go at onee to the nerve toe taetde suae the pnvrer nam ' end 'alias tt ap, and trengthese rt asd aukaa Jit well. ' Kveryj heart wrferer stay have Dr. Roeoa'a beng eantbe Heart. If will be aent free, and with tt pom win receive the "Health Token," aa ' Intended faaapert t.Co4 health., ' fYrr the1 free bonk ' sad - the "Health ' " Tobes" yoe Siuet ed droae Pf. Kkoop, Bos : Mrra. ReHne. Wle. Boob 1 en byapepela." ' Book t ea the Heart. Bonk ea the KMneya, Book d for Woeeea. Book S for Men. ' t Hute walrh ' nab Mook ea kneasiaHaia. Sr. Shoop's II'. - - ar , rtepered Is both UqaM and Tablrt , fee aa If at forty rhonaead drng etnree. MUd AVMaflkAf'si A i ru n i. v ii ii in I i It ' ' . , i . inhia a-aianatfrei v ' ; - y- . . i . : J , (jenroai Bpeetai arvMe.i Monterey. Max.. Oct II. The great dome which surmounted the Roble Cath- olio cathedral In thle olty.fell laat night and completely destroyed the magnifi cent structure beneath, causing a loss of mora than $J 00.000. Ths church Is. the finest In northern Mexico and an object of Interest .to visiting tourists. e H UR C H SERVICES , . ' . buthodiit. flValfth and Tartar-atreetaf Eev. Clareaee Tme ' Wllaoa. ' n. I). . Pmachlna- eervleaa at 10:SO a. ta. and T: p..m.t eUaa meetlnf. 0:10 a aa. aunuav acnool, iz:je a. a. , apmaia Watiie, :au pT m. Dr.- Vilnua's evening theaw, Moab'i Carpenter." .. Trloltr Kaat Tenth and Orant atreeta: Bev. Harold Obera.- -At 11 S. ea.. vreachlns eervtee; at T:M p. m.. "la tbe Eaab"; Sunday school. " a. an.-;' apworrn' ivasne, o:ou p. m. rree East .Ninth and Mill a treats. Quarterly BMetlng in morning, followed by preaching and oomai union atrvlce. Taylor Street Dr. grands Bnrgetto Short. At a. m., elaaaes; 10:30 a. B., "Splrltnal aUadedneee"! 13:14 p. at., annday school; C:1W at., Epworth leacae. 7:80 p. m.. -uoa a ral to the Blnaer." Flrat. Bonth Beeond . end Tamhin ntreets: Bev. Bnery htowre Bnnday sebool, lb a. at.; preeehlni, 11 a, at., by Eev. air. jCralgi Ep- worta Ira rue, T p. m. pre aen last a px, Kev. Mr. Craig. . ; .? i ' BeUwood C , A, Leww.'tBaaday ereoal, 10 s. as.; at 11 a.' n., "Perils of the Home"! et T:au p. bl, Vsaaiaoa"; at : . av, KpworU leaanew kunayaMa Taat Tenahilk betweea Thirty-fifth a Be inrir-eirin atreeta; T.- a ore. iu a. v., BiuidaKacboei; 11 a. an.r."De(tt and Prayer; it a.. elaaa awetlna: S:SU a. m.. Junior leaane and children's eiaaaee; ;! p.- ear KPwertb -leegne eevotionai meeting; T:so p.-m.t . leeaoas (rem Bcenee in ue ainvettiM uouri." Centenary Eaet Floe and East Miarh streete; William H. Urppe. At 10:30 a. u., "raitb and the Blek Hurrv of Modern Life! a Btndv of the Tlmee"; at T:30 p. m., "The Spiritual aeaool, u:ls p. .; Junlora ana inter mediates. a p. m. ; Kpwortn laaiue, sua p. m. 1 Ualveraltr Park Iter. D. A. WetterS. Preaeh- Ing aervleea at 11 a. aa. and T:80 p. na. ; Bun day achool, 10 a. BV1 elaea. 12:15 p. m. later- awtnate aaagoe, a p. m.; aeniur, league, a p. aa. 5 nESBTTZBU. , . Mlapeb Bev. J. K. MeOUde, D. D. At If S m..- "Boerlne In Vearat Reanlne la Jar": T:S0 p. ' m.. "cbrlsC tbe Bevetatloa of the rather." Third Kaat Thirteenth and ' Pine atreeta; Bev. Andre t. Moatgomery. Preeeblng aerv leee af M:S0 e. at. and T:4B p. m.j Bnndey erhael at 11 m.; Chrlatiaa . Endeavor, , f:4f a. aa. I Jaalor, g:SO p. m. . Calvary Kleveeth and Clay atreeta; Rev. Wil liam B. Ollbert. At 10:90 a. m., "The Book ef Remembrance"; T:S0 p. St., "Tbe Bettet rath." Merahall Street MarabaM asd North Bevea teenth atreeai; . Bev. C . W. Ha fa. Sunday erbool, 10 a. a.'; at 11 a. m., "God's Poem"; T 0 p. m The Soal After Death";!. P. S. 0 B.. Z p. m. Piedmont Cleveland avenue and ' Jarrarl street;, Bev. U Myron Banner. Preechlng earv tree af 11 a an. and f-M p. m. SaboaU school at 10 a. m. Arbor Lodge Chapel Bryant and Cortl! raeto, Sabbath -aches irla m.l ereeeblnd service at 4 a. m. Plrat CumberUnd Twelfth and Beat Taylor t II i . at v: . 1 1 . ft , A . OA "Rurala as a Prophet ef Blghtemaneea"'; 13 aa., Sunday achool; 0:90 p. m., Cbrlatlan En deavori T:S0jp. aa.. tbe flrat ef a eeiire of four Bendey evening eermone oa themea augffeated by eoaae ef toe world'e sreat pelntlaaei "(hrtat Before Pilate." by Mlrbael de Munkaeay. Covlee e( the painting will be dlatrlbuted. riret Hev. cogar p. Mill. v. v. At 10 a. an., preechlng eervlce; T:S0 p. in Xbe Teetlmoay ef Jeans aa to Himself." St. Darld'a Eeet Twelfth ' and Belmont atreeta: Bev. Oeorse B. Van Watrra. Litany and aermon. 11 a. m. errtvlne prayer, T:H0 e'dork; Sunday acbool rally day eervlce la Parian nouae. 0:49 a. m. ( Good Sbeobrrd Sell wood etreet aad Venroe- ver evenaa. Aloina; K-v. jobs vawenn. Buuday school. M a. m. : marnlna prayer and aeranon. 11 o'clock: evenlna nraier and aermon. 7:30 o'craca. - St. Stenbea a Chapel Thirteenth and Clay atreeta; Bev. H. M. Bamaey, Holy eommunlon, 7:W a. m.: Sunday achool. 0:45 a. m.t morn- Ins eervlce. ull o'clock ! evening service. T:S0 or men; ntaay aervice rrviay at e p. m. at. Paara Wood mere: v. u Parker. Bervlea and aermea at S p. m.t Baaday . acbool it 1 John's Memorial Sellweod: Bev. W. B. Pewell. Service and aermon, . 3:45 p. a.; Sun day achool, 2:45 p. m. I Bapri er the Tranangnratiofi roreatenr sail. Waehlngtna and Sixth atreeta ; Bee, W.., B. Powell. Service and aermon at II a. m. ' - St. Mattbew'a Klrat and Cars there atreeta; Bev. W. A. M. Brerk. Service aad sermon, ll a m. : Sondey acbool. S:4o a. m. Trinity Nineteenth aad Everett atreeta; Dr. A. A. Moniaoo. Holy communion, S a. m.t Sunday acbool, 0:80 a. m.l morning prayer, 11 eVlork. evening 4 toe people's eervlee). TUW o'clock, oraan recital by Carl Denton; apeclal ehorneee by the choir and congregational Bind ing; aermon by . Dr-, aiorrteon. . .'. : cmnruuti ' '! ' ' '' K - teatral Beat Twentieth aad Salmon streets, Bee. ttenrya P. Zimmerman will preerh at II a. to. and 7:30 p. ra. ; Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.; uakw Kndeavor, S:W N m.; Senior Eadeaver: :SU p. m. 1 . . . Bodney Avenee Bedney aveaue asd , Wacut Street: Rev. K. M. Pattereea. , At 11 a. m., "Approving tb' Eacellrnt"; at S p. "m., "A Srarrhlng Qneetlon"; Puaday acbool. It it. m-j Chrtattaa Eneeevor, C:0 n. m. Plrat Park and Columbia atreeta: Rev. E. 8. Markler. At 10:50 a. a., "What la Expected ,ot Ptewaroa": at 1:10 n. m., "Ood a Wert Vtudtrated"! Bible aebooC 11.U p. m. ChfU tlaa Kndeavor, : p. m. t . ' COVOREOATXOVaX, . . "-"f' Plrat Madlaaa aad Park atreeta) Bev. B. U Honee. P. I). At 11 a. aa.. prearhlag serv ice; 7:30 p. m.. Bar. Theodore Cllfton,D. D., Chicago, "Saaltf tbe Cocruptteutet" i It M . aa., Sunday Breenti C:g0 p. m., Y. P. t. C. B. Haaeelo Street Eaet Seventh ' etreet, north, and Haaaale. street; Bev. Charles H. Cheae. At l K a. ea., Ur. John BabUet, "The Amerl. cas Plag and Its Powen-. t or Chrlat In Ithe Orient"; at It m., Bandar achool; f.0 p.m., rttrtatla iBdearor; T;jO. p. at., preacklna eervlce. I ' ii m nnrarev. nn rirn wrecua 11 v uib T8e collapse of tha dome, which sur-l The construction f the Boble church mounted the edifice to a height of lOOlwaa commenced In 171, It Is said feet. Came without warning, but bap-1 that there has not been a working day pened at an hour when no one waa -la' the church. ' v .-.' ' The church Is now a' pile 'ot ruins. The crash shook the whole town and caused hundreds to flock to the scene. rremoat street: William L, TJpsbaw. At 11 a. au, "Bellglea": T:3e p. at., preach lea; 10 a. au. Seaday school; :S0 p. jn., (.-hriatlaa Endeavor. . Unlveratty Fark Artiaaa temple, rortemeath; Bev. D. B. Oray. At 11 a. Bk, "Cbrlat'l lataraat ta Men"; Bnnday acbool, 10 a. en. Lnrrlwood Preeehlas at : 9. sa. by Bev. TV R (In, 'ftn, nnMrtnalMM.11 - . Hlahiand -Piietutt and north; Bev, Ardea M. Bockwood. Sunday a-bool, 10 a. m.; at 11 a. m "A Bleaelag tor Tboae Who Sorrow'' i Junior Endeavor, n, sa; at 7:S0 p. a., "Voices Prom Afar." Suaoyalde Eaet Taylor and - Beat Thirty fourth atreeta; Hev. I. 1. Staun. At 11 a. m., "Next to the Maater"; et 7:90 p. m., eermoa by Dr. 'Theodore Clifton of Chicago; Baaday achool; 10 a. m.: Junior Endeavor, S p. BM Senior Chiiatlaa kndeavor, 0:15 p. a. '' BAPTIST. ' ' Immannel Seeead aid Meade streets: Rev. Meed M. Bledeoe. At 10:80 a. a., "The Rela. tloa ef the Congregation to tbe Pulpit": Bible actioaty 13 m. B. T. P. v.. t:M p. m. kt 7:30 p. a., "What Shall the Harvaat Bar'; revival meetlnga every evening at 1M o'clock except i aarnraay. Second Eaet Seveafh end East Ankeny atreete: Rev. Stanton C. Laoham. At 10:30 a a., rne ec vmpeneaxon--j ai"i:su m.. 'The Chrlat Center": Bible school. 13 . Yonae People's anion. S:80 e. m.t.. mid- week prayer on ilea '.Tbnraday evening ; Bible atnay elaee Tueeoay sventng; xonng Mane clue Ceatral Eaat Twentieth and Ankeny atreeta. Prea chine at 10:30 a. nt. and 7:80 n. aa. by Dr. Ray Palmer; morning theme, "The Crown ef Gold"; evening theme, "The Temper ef Character"; Sunday achool. IS m. . Plrat The White Temple Twelfth sad Tajr lor atreeta: Rev. 1. Wbltromb Brooeher. D. D, At 10:30 a. aa.. "A. Unlveraal Saviour"! Bible eebool. It: 10 n. a. B. Y. P. V. meetlnf. e.SO a.; at i:eu p. at., --rax aoersew ta tut A . St. James' Bngllah. Weet Park, and Jeffersoa atreeie; j., n. ieea. Bervacre wita apcciat tbankaoffertng at 11 a. a., antbea by the choir aad eolo by alia urace Ulinert; evening aervicee at 7:45 o'clock, under tne anspioaa ei Lather leane: Sundav ax-booh 10 a. a.- Norweelan 4B North Peorteenth a tract: Rev. 7. M. Kervlg. Preechlng at 11 a. a. and p a.; Sunday achool. 0:45 a. m. St. Paul's Oerman Eaat Twelfth and Clin ton atreeta: Rev. A. K ranee. Beforantloa featlval aervice. 10:30 S. m.l eonfeaalonal aerv. Ice and holy ooamanlon, JM p. a.; Baaday actiool. S:A0 a. m. Betanla Daaiah Tnion sveane end Morris erreeta: Bev. Oudmund Grill. Preaehlns aerv. kee at 11 a. aa. aad I p, tn,l Sunday school, 11:15 n. aa. . Norwegian Synod Eaat Tenth and Grant atreeta; Rev. O. Hagoee. Reformation aervicee at 11 a. ra. and TJOj. a.; Sunday achool. :0 a, a.; -.(P' a nuraoay evening. '. .OBaiartsJi loisiroz. . . , Seen ad Church of Christ. Sciential Audi torium building. Third etreet, eetweea Taykar and Salmon atreeta. At 11 a. m. aad S p. a.. "Adam and Pollen Man"; Baaday school, 11 a. au; Wedneaday meelng it I p. a Plat Church of Chrlat, Bctentlet ScottUh Rite cathedral. Morrlaon and Lownedale atreeta. At 11 a. a. and S p. a., "Adam and PaUea Man"; Sunday school at close et morning service, ZVAXOXLICAL ASSOOTATIOaT. Pint Eaaliah Eaat Sixth aad Market streets: Rev. ; S. A. i Blewert. Sunday acbool at 10 a. m.: St 11 s. B.. "Prayer"; Young People'a alltaaee, T p. a., Mr. C. S. Bradford, leader; S p. m., apeclal mlaalooary program by Young People'a alliance. - Memorial Beat Ttlshteeath snd Tlbbit atreeta; Rev. B.-D. Streyffeler. Sunday acbool, 10 a a.; Toung People'a service, 6:S0 p. I Drear-bine at 11 a. m. and 7:S0 a. m. Flrat German Tenth aad Clay atreeta; Rev. Theodore Sehauer. Sundey achool, :80 a. m.; aermea and eommnnlon aervice. 10:45 a. aa.; Hev. a. acnupp wiu orneiaie at i;eo p. m. ' .' X ' T, Bt C. A. T. M. JT. A. Aaaoclatton andltorroa, Ponrtb and Yamnlll atreete. At 8:20 p. a., men's meeting, addreah by John Baptlat, an Americas lecturer, "Tbe American Flag and It Power Cur Cbrlat"; aoloa by Mlaa Mabel Baker; meet ing opens 'tt'-B:80 p. m. vboy'a meeting, S:80 p m., Chaplain Gilbert, , "Mlgbtler , Thaa Might.". . I i .. . t,:. St. Marr'a WllUajna arenneaad Stanton etreet; Rev. W. A. Daly. At S a. tt.1 flrat aaee; 8 a. a., aeennd maea; a. m j third maaa (children a): 10:80 a. m., arand maae Sunday acbool Immediately after 0 o'clock maae; reaper sad Dcnedictloa at , :ou p. a. . "Chiiatlaa Catholic Apostolic Church la Eloa Alleay ban,' corner Third and Morrlaon atreeta Rev. Charlee A. Hoy, At S P. to.. Bible etudy 8 p.. m.. "The Kewdrde of Faithful Worker In the Master's Vineyard"! 7:80 p. a., "Ood'f Symsatby. for "Is Children. ' tATTIB-DAT IAIbTTS. Tb Baoraranlaed CbnrrS of Jeans Chrlat of Letter-Iray oainca enoawara dbii, iirai floor. Montavilla; Rev. Will S. Pender. . Sabbath achool. 10 h. B.;preachlng service at 11 a. m. nd 7:80 p. a.; Eton Bellglo-Llterary seelaty. S:15 p. a. ! . , . '' CHURCH OP 4V0D. Orarch.'et God 4X0 Hawthorne avenue; Rev. 0. T. NeaL Preaching aervleea at 8:80 and 7:80 p. a.; Sunday school and Bible reading at 1 p., a. I prayer meeting Wednesday al 7:80 p. k, I' BIBLE SPIktTTTAt' BOCTZTTi Bible Spiritual Boeathy 808 Alder atreeL Con. frresce it 11 a. m.; -at S p. m.. Mra, Ulllaa N-l roater, "Aa a Man Tblnkath In Hie Alter You kiv sold 8 few thing, each as lots, her, bicycle, atoek. sonl. hooks, machinery, etc., thronxh the ''Pee Sale" advertlee menta In The-Journal enlnmne s ayatemktle uee ef the elaaalfted eolumna will not seem to srepostereo to yes, . . - : ..' , '. -..'- a- xaUiiiiK ul uia uuuib , , , since then that workmen hkve not .been employed upon unfinished-parts, and It was -still unfinished; when destroyed. It la claimed that not a nail 'entered into the construction of thertmlldlng.' - - Heart. So le Be." followed by pay cb leal, phe aomeaa by B. F. Footer. TfBTTZS XVAJfGIXICAL. Plrat Eaat Tenth and Sheraas atreeto; Rev. A. A. Winter.. At 10 a. aa., Saaday achool; preaching aervleea at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. av; K. U ef C. B. meeting, g:80 p. a. ... Ptrat Bnlrlxanl Soclotv Arta-aas ball. Third ttreetr'near Waahlngtoa. ' Conference at 11 a. a.:- xonng reopie a ciuo sc a;ov p, an. , ave tare by N. I. Rarlln, 8 a. m. , , ,:,.,' a'AjTO bu 4Uxiajros.''. s'.. rhHarlee and Mlaadonarv Alliance Sixth end Mala atreeta; O. D. Sawtelle. Sunday achool, :4k a. a., preaching aervice, 10:80 a. a evangelistic aexTlca, 1:80 p. - au y - tjitxtbSUUlist. first East Conch snd Kaat Blghth atreeta: Rev. W. P. Small. At 11 s. a., sermon by Rev. William U. Eliot, Ji-i 10 a. a., Spnday - ' w edeb BoaaiAjr. Portland New Church Society--Mother be fid. Ing. Second and Madlaoa atreeta. Sunday sebool at J0:su a. aa. , uy serncen, aa.ev a. mm, I..' ; TBTTABIAB7. Plrat Yamhill and Seventh treat 1- Dr.. G. 0. eaaey. At 11 a. m., "Benevolent Peadal lam"; Sunday acbool. 13:30 p. m. SI VIA ST 'TRUTH CJLBTIR. ' '" Divine Truth Chapel Hall 201 AUaky build ing, corner Third and Morrlaon atreeta; Bar. U,M. Mlaard. Preachlag aarviee at 11 a. m. oijtx amiitCK MnaTov: - AHua Braneh Goanel . Mkaaloa Tlrat. . sear Clay street. Services every evening st 7:80 p. a. aad Baaday at 8 p. a. i '". ommierrrajf moistb. :V A1 13 Second street; Rev. J, W.- Wells. At f e. a., "The Ecoaoaie Iaterpretatloa et Hie tery." ,: . - ; ; : ;. , p IBLLmriAL DAWS. O. A. B. Halt, northeaet eomer Second snd Morrlaon atreeta. Services st 3:30 p. m. . NEW BOOKS FOR THE V LIBRARY ; . " b6ci6loot. Alston, L. -Modern Constitutions In Outline. . . .. '-. Oibblng. de B.--lndustryin JEng- land. 8CIENCK. . Duncan, R. K. New Knowledge. 105. : Remsen, I Laboratory Manual. 1104. ' United . Statea . Geological Survey Preliminary Report oa the Geology and Water Resources ot Central Oregon. l0yv , . ' ' . TJSEFUIa ARTS. . Hasluck, P. ) N., eiKnottlng ' and Splicing Ropes and Cordage. 1808. Hasluck, P. N.. ed. Upholstery. 104. International Text Book Co-Buslness Man's Poeketbook.' , , .. , ' FINB ARTS. . Brown, Q. B. Arts In Early England. It. . ' ';- Cole. T. Old English Masters; text by Van Dyke. - - Dsy, la. F. Nature In Ornament . Morse, S. Catalogue of the Morse collection of Japanese pottery. - ' Robinson. J. B. Principles ef Archi tectural Composition. . . ' . ,, , , , , ' LITERATURE. , Goldsmith. O. -Poems, Plays and Es says. ) " ' " .'".;' Patmore, C. Principle In Art. ' Rlngwalt, R. C Briefs on Public Questions. ' i'. ' '.'"--.,. - ..y. .TRAVEL AND. DESCRIPTION. McMurry, C A Excursions and Lea Song In Home Geography. "' . , .. .... , . f HI8TORT. ; ; 'r, V Bright, J. F. Joseph IL ', Elaon, H. W. History of the United Statea of America. . - : English, ' W. H. Conquest Of the Country Northwest of the River Ohio, 1778-83; and Life of George Rogers Clark. S v. ' Johnson, Vf. H. Pioneer Spaniards In North America. . i, : ... Pears,. E, Destruction of the Greek Empire. ' INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. ' Borgia, L. Lucre t la Borgia; by Ferdi nand Qregorovlus; tr. by J. L. Garner. i Gladatone, W. E. My jjemory ef Gladstone; uy Goldwln Smith. Louis IX.. Saint, King; of Franca St Louis; by J. F. Perry. 1 Savonarola, O. M. f. f. Jerome Sav oranota; by" J. L. CNeit , , FICTION.''i,'r I Brut! no, E. 8. Fu gltlve. M ; Daakam. D. Her Fiance; Four Stories of College Life. . Deland, E. D. Katrlna. . ., Devereux, M.- Lafltte of Loulafana. . Dudeney, Mrs. H. B Story of Suaan. . Fraaer, W. A. Brave Hearts. , ; Weymen, ' B. i J. Abbess of Vaye.: - Wlggln, Mra K. D. Rose a the River. "He clalma that he built the flrat paa Sanger elevators used In. this country." "Nonsense! -The Mleslsslppl steam boats ware runlng and blowing up reg ularly long before be wag born." Phil " y- . Sometimes f y -wive, are not. '.' V ly - ah general the better judge of clothes. v ;. whether a" customer or a patient "or a client 'comes'back to your i '''' .' store or office a second tune..-, . , . .- :; , . .. . . - ;, ? S 'A ' ' ' 1 .- T yl .Vi to have your Men buy 1. ', t,' .' - we wui sewed with silk " ; . as any $50 suit to be had in the city oi Portland. ' y-; . .. . - -yJAA-f yv Success vibrations accomoanv everv suit we - - - 'Fitv ;N, y; ; i"t 'y Finish and '..-' '''; .. Fabric gnarahteed. 'V ''., ?v -: ..'-'-l - : naTprice) will ttdt i and The suit wilt fit. ; ' - We handle no Ready- ; . Made Clotking, but make , your Clotbea to your order at from $20.00 to 4S.OOth4 suit. , ' r . , ; ! , . .-'. .. f: MANY AGRICULTURAL ; AWARDS FOR OREGON romnlala llata of awards In the Ag ricultural department at ttte Lewis and ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN .V (From 9 a. m. to 12 m.) Special on Artificial Teeth y ': I Regular- $10.00 set of .teeth on :...;.y...$5.00 Best set of teeth on - ffO AA ; best rubber plate.. POVv ; ; Regulaf Price $11.00. f , ' ' " ' ' i i. Don't, take my word fof thi statement, but come and see and be convinced yourself. - This offer stands good to De cember 1, 1905. ' . ft- : ' - "V GOOD TEETH' GOOD TEETH MEANS GOOD DIGESTION i. ) t. J GOOD TEETH MEANS GOOD HEALTH i. -v; . . ; IV j ,... . .. . If you take good csre of your teeth, the result speaks for itself in your personal sppeiranee. If. yoo neglect youf teeth, yoo sre a continual sufferer. "We offer you the greatest skill obtainable with every, innvn anniiaru-e of merit to aid the oocrator. We guarantee oositivelv oainless extractions, snd.thou- ! ssnds of the best people in Portland have approved our methods and show their appreciation of our work by continuing their patronage and sending theif friends Jo our office, i Prompt attentioa. ; Reasonable .. fees. Satisfaction guaranteed. In active practice in Portland since 1895. . - - ' ;' ' DR. B. E. X Office Hours a. m. to 5 p. m.; INrBUSINESS! 4 tt-'-;' i V men are satisfied with their clothes when their v, 'f C - iJA: C:'& 'ie. e.'t 1 g t.' u-a!lSa a si uie lenurunc; mciuocx ui ui ua;u aus ikh VI ulBlucaa - v wveeiuim uhuss votuaaia mmny -. T r men to forget about their personal ppearancolatal mistake. r ; . 'Your dresa and neatness or the lack of it may. determine) f v : You have everything to gain by being neatly dressed i business comfort dignitjr influence the respect of your wife, y V-':- r '. ' ) and above aU your'seU-respect.' 1 r.V;".4'-' - ' : ' .' A . y -.v- - r r : -v y . . n, n.'f v : :. , There is only one way to be satisfactorily dressed. That is - . " clothes made for nobody but yourself. Zt:' y - ready - to - wear clothes or improperly which may look very well the first time or two they are worn. '. It sometimes takes a week to bring out the defects of shoddy tail ; oring arid cheap-materials- the lapels shrink trp-the collar - Its graceful roll the coat humps up" in the blp.tHe Wttonhcit h gape open all the marks, of ready-to-wear, and cheap tailorings .-vS . mue you a ouaincBg lint lo youx measure-oux or an. . all wool worsted cheviot,: lined with imported and guaranteed to look aa well -. -u--.r.. .;:&, .tKr: ' r- ', ' ' ' Clark j exposition have . been prepared. There were l.ltS gold medals awarded. Of the total of gold medals III went to producta of the state of Oregon. There were 720 silver, medals,, ef which 117 went to 'exhibits from tha state ef Ore MEANS GOOD LOOKS ;iV i- I 7 W II 1111 Var"-- . - , .ft m - J I I. M V I fl V-rT. .;V4; aa. V GOOD TEETH MEANS OOOD CARS" ' y .: ( GOOD CARS MEANS GOOD DENTISTRY . . . ... .... WRIGHT 342V, WASHINGTON . STREET. CORNER 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p.-m. Sundays, 9 MillMt I I r .. t..":,-J-V' yi S unoiueii nrm la -. " ; - ; U tailored clothes r r. 'I Venetian? cloth, yj . ' . ty 'vi(y ... and wear as .well Our price wflj -V .' ; -l - sell ; V 1 - :y z-yteiti . . ... , OOLErt !! ODiLyCSjL: 5 t '. gon. Of the-tt pro aae iaedale awarded In the agricultural department, Oregon exhibit took lit. Honorable mention wae made' of T exhiblta that failed to secure medals and af that number 11 mentions were made of Oregon exMtrlte. FREE! . EVERT EIONDAY KORKIKO : : ' - If your feeth neeS attention, I call at once and we will tell yoo. , free of charge, wharwork (s re quired and what it will . cost. It is ' then optional with yon whetfTer you have it dona. . pi X not ' " If you have work done It win pay yon to have the bestj . We '. T give you the best at- a reason 't able price. We have no. Idle time to charge for, as we are always busy. Read while yon run. , . : ,-. . y j , , The Fainles3 : : DENTIST i: SEVENTH. ; . , . : - t to I. . Phone Main 21,19 T MMMMM.Hmil teeee ore ef Via rsecead inyaawgwrecaai Mtoaualppt araa aiiaiiMippt , ' - f' adaKihla ITass..;;. y . . '