- . . : ' n ... . . ' ' " . . " 1 1 i . . . ' ... , . . . ..... .' ' ..." - - ' " '.' . . . " "... ' . ' ' COo, 85o Cllk Baits : : 01.75 Walrus Ccol Great Variety of Bilk .Baits lii i-T - fil ' . . - K " Women's WaW Seal Wriet the Utearatylea.fonp-fittinf, -. J:JS.S S? vVllLVV - V' J Baga-mada neat and durable-. elaewhera 60c to 5a Our- 'V v V XiliailalLf- yJ. Il.il ui m- -nii " ; iiHiM.WMMhM.fVind ,. - price for this tale, each;.., 50 .-"i , iiniiiiiin . . , ,, v; t 7, .. , , ., " , '. , ' brown only. SPECIAL.. fl.OO Mi I I 'I U IK' 'WIS I. WHEN it COMES TO; CHOICE 000 our bargains for tomorrow, knowing that they will save you money on merchandise that U thoroughly good and desirable. Remember, our goods are all new this sea ' son, no antiquated styles, no .shop-worn goods. . Besides-manufacturers ! and Importers' surplus lots, there are a host of things from our own regular stocks greatly reduced lnprlce,-so that nearly everything that's wanted can be had at a liberal saving. The "following Items- will be unusually Interesting to economical shoppers; "s N - 1 A Phenomenal Gale of Womeh'o X7inter f EXTBA ; flny ; EXTRA A Sensational Purchase and Sale of 3,000 Pieces of Women's . N High-Grade Winter . Underwear .at Exactiy.HaU Mce. : we boyght trom one.ot tne; toremost manin facturers jn -thiSiCountry his entire -sample lines ; of this, scasba's. goods, together with all .the short -i rtttT' anA citrntnoi" stMlr .'tn tho faptrirv : "Thest "a goods ,' were purcnasea af a pnenomenany low ifs figure and will be sold to-the people of Portland on the same basis. Come. expecting great bar- gains you 'will "not be disappointed. . On-sale i tomorrow morning on ; our , bargain' tables, r ; A' 'great collection ofV f1: ri I; o " : i i Women's AU-W.ool Underwear......:. Half Price Women s Wool Union Suits... ......Half Price Women's Fleece-Lined Union 'Suits. .Half Price Women's Camel's Hair Underwear. Half Price - Over a core" of different lots thatwe .have tin marr trt enumerate. . " -' ' icujciiiuci, . tviicii nc ojr tutu price, we mean ; exactly what we say. All $1.00 gar i.7ttl. Wl Vim i.n iv I1ICI119 l. ... . V. . All $1.50 garments;, r Jg All 50c garments r . ' . g' . All Wool Coslimere-Stoliincs fori :Z. i-i:''f':'-v-, Wbnienr and Children Two ot Our Best 50c Quality Stockings at Reduced Prices for ''V'';;: -;:':":':"":.' Tomorrow. '.'' . '" " ' '.. TVomens "Wool Otoclr- Plain Cashmere or Wool Rib bed 80 dozen .Black Cashmere Stockings with gray merino heels and. toes, also 50 dozen Wool . Ribbed Hosiery, ', fast black, ' warm and splendid for wear; the regular price is . 50c a pair. We offer them tomor row 1 at , three pairs for the regular price of - . ' 21 two.. ....... ..003w AllWoolCaslunere Three Pairs for-One Dollar. Nothing better . made than these for wear; Stockings come invlxl or 2x1 rib, are very elas tic, guaranteed fast black, 'and of " splendid . appearance. The bst 50c quality to- 55 1 -morcQw"at. . .'. . ' . '. . .003v 99c Women's Felt Fnr Trintnied Juliets, 01.50 GrddeSfllonday - If you feally want warm goods for this winter, and you no doubt will, it will pay you very handsomely to buy them now we are selling, the,, most elegant line of Felt Juliets for women made ; they' are the regular $1.50 grades in three colors, red, black and brown they are shown by no one else for less than $1.60. QO Monday's-epecial price, . ;. . . , . . . . . . . .. ...... ... . .7 $1.99 Women's 03.00 and 03.50 Shoes; Ilonday Women's Hand-Made Shoes in patent colt, gunmetal calf, black vici kid. and enamel leathers, high, low, Cuban, concave fl QA and.j4-inch heels for -schoolgirls. . Monday. . , ... , r, . i'. ss oys Jack-Knife Shoes The regular $2.50 grade-Ionday f 1.69 Misses' Shoes in all solid leather, built for service and style ' " combined. "Monday .... . . .;. i ...... . . . . . .9 Vr; - .: Big Bargftins Tbmcrrow - ' :; Half. Hooe . :i v. Men'a Heavy-Hygienic Fleeced Underwear in Yager ; also Cotton Fleeced-Lined Shirts anjl Drawers in, gray and brdwn; CA all finely finished. Special.'. . . . . . . r. ; . . ; . ; . . J. . . . :: . . . . UUL Men's Fine Gray and Tan1 Wool' Underwear, alsd AVool Fleece Ribbed Underwear; these goods-are steam shrunk and-Q- AA come in all sizes. vSpecial, per garment, i . )IUU Men's Extra Fine Gray Australian Wool Shirt and '.Drawers, '.steam shrunk; all. M CA sizes ' Special, per garment . . . ; . . . . . . 1 .0" Men's' Fine Worsted Wool Socks, in . gray, tan camel's hair and black; reg . ular 35c qualities. Special,' per pairr. . . . .... ....... Cashmere Hose Men's , Fine - Cash ;mere Hose, in gray, oxford and black. Special , for .Monday and Tues- .'lj" day, per pair. ... . A . ... . . . , ,. LJt Monarch Shirts Men's Fine Golf' and Stiff Bosom Shirts, all new . Af 'patterns Special values at. $1UU We've, made 'some enviable records in dress goods selling this season and it's," all due to our carrying the right kind of goods the kinds wanted. On account of v our excellent buying facilities we've been able to do considerably better on prices, too. than other stores. For Monday and Tuesday's selling prices will be the lowest of the'season.j, ' -,-, ' ";T': '.''-'"'fJ: 1 : ' ; Estirdinary Values in Blaeh Dress Goods r' ,'52-inch Heavy Canvas Sacking, ... . . . . . . .' . . 50-inch Crayenette Serge.. .". . ,i. I ....ir. ",52-ihch' Granite Mohairs ............ ,i . . . . ......... : 52-inch Ocean Serges . ; , . . . .. . , . . . . ; . . . ; ; . . . .' ... , . 52-inch Scotch Cheviot. ...... . . . . ......... .... '. ; . , . . ' 52-inch Unfinished Worsteds. . . ........ ....... . . ... ; . . "54-inch ' Victoria Cloth . . . . . .. . ............... . . 42-inch ' French .Henriettas. .' . . . . . , . . . . . ... ,. .. 52-inch i English Broadcloth. . . ............ , . . . . . , . 01.25 and 01.50 Values at One Price Ilonday & Tuesday 95cayard Four. Speeiol OCerings in Colored. Dress Goods 52 and 54-inch Novelty mixtures, large as- " sortment to select from; regular $1.50 and . t $1.75 values. :'Sale.1 price, per , - "ff ' yard . .. ........... ..-.-.. & Ji MtJ ' 54-inch Novelty ,. Worsteds and Heavy i, Mixed - Suitings; exceptional, values at :$1.75 to $2.; Sale price, per ' 1 . yard . ; . . ... . : . $.T!?:& . . 1 . I 00, 48-inch All , Wool French Venetians, all : the' new fall ; shades ; regular 1 A A $1.50 . quality. Sale price,', yard. )1.UU 36-inch Pur Wool Dress Flannel, suitable for shirt-waists,' suits and separate waists; made to sell at 65c- Sale price 4 ExtxaoiiiiaiT Values in Black Dress Goods 44-mch Black Storm. Serge. . .-. . , ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 40-inch Heavy Ocean Serge. I . . . Jr. . . . . . ......... ; 39-inch . Double Warp Cheviots . . .v. , . . .'. .. '. . . .'. ,.... , 40-inch . Novelty Panamas ... ..... . . , I . t , ; . . . , . . . . . 38-inch, Heavy Granite Cloth;.....,.................. 38-inch; French ' Henrietta: . . ; . .... . . . . . . . . f . . -38-inch French Venetian.".'; . .1'.'.'. . mm,;.'.....m.;!: 38-inch Trench Batiste ... i ....... . .i i , . . .; , . 09-tncn r igurea xvionairs. . ........... ........ 65 and 75 Cent kValues at One Price Xlonday & Tuesday rom 47bayiapd Bare Reductions on Fineot Lineno .? ' Monday's special Linen Sale will be unusually interesting not alone for the low ' prices, but for the high qualities. of linens offered. No doubt many linen stocks need replenishing if yours is one of them by all means take advantage of this opportunity the savings , are conspicuous. Six Bargains in Table Linens AT 45 64-inch Bleached Damask, in a large assortment of patterns, good, dur , able quality. ,., Unusual value at JP- ' .only. .. . . . . . . . . . tOK '-"AT 50--60-inch All Linen Bleached ; Damask, in pretty new designs ; regular 65c grade. Special tomorrow 5()C AT 6562-inch AH "' Linen . " Bleached Damask, extra' heavy quality, attractive designs; usual 75c grade. Special yCCt tomorrow at.. .............. .UOw r AT 1 70 70-inch t full bleached, strictly "All Linen ' Damask, extra heavy quality ; regular $1 : grade. For. one day only at........................: lUL AT 95V-72-inch , All Linen Bleached Damask, extra heavy weight and quality, a splendid variety of patterns to choose Ifrom ; usual $1.25 grade. On sate QC" r tomorrow at. . . . .... . . . . . . .". . . .'.Ow AT 81.25 72-inch All Linen Bleached Damask, superior quality and weight, hand- some patterns. Extra good V tf (f values at;... .....,....... 4lLO Five Bargains, linen Napkins Linen Napkins Bleached, 21 by 21, inches. On special sale at, per CI AA dozen.. JI.UU Linen Napkins Bleached, 20 by 20 inches, extra heavy. Special, pe: CI ?d dozen $lLO All Linen Napkins-L.Bleaced, 21 by 21 indies, extra quality. On sale at, d C A per dozen ...........I... vliOU, All Linen Napkins Bleached, 22 ' ty 22 inches, extra value. At, per . dozen.... j)40 All Linen Napkins Bleached, 24 by . 24 inches, extra large and heavy. J?A Special tomorrow at, per dozen. )mOU Tea Cloths Low Priced Hemstitched Tea Cloths 30 by' 30 inches, bleached. Unusual values ? 50C All . Linen Tea Cloths 34 by 34 inches, handsome patterns, finished with hem- stitched borders. . Specif value J QQ 3,000 Yards of Percale, Ilonday at lOo On social sale tombfVow, 3,000 yards of test quality dark colored Percales. in a, ' large ; assortment of colors and pretty designs, dotsstripes, flowirs and ig " figures.- Unusual quality at only - -: New Novelty Flannel, Ilonday at 15o,. 1 We have just received a splendid quality New Novelty Flannel that has all the appear ance of fine Scotch flannel; nice soft finish, smooth, firm -weave, splendid colorings suitable for children's dresses, 'underskirts, etc.; other stores would charge t a full third more than our price ....... lOU ' Three Silk Specials that Should Appeal to All Women IMPORTANT SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY PRICES THE LOWEST: ' V ' -.v . POSSIBLE FOR GOODS OF MERIT I Fancy Suiting Oillcs 85o and 01.00 Values, 65c ' Immense assortments, containing large' varieties of the newest Fancy Silk Suitings 61 , the season; a display that is worthy of your investigation if you have a' new dressy uiCjor. skirt in mind; pretty woveity weaves, xsiessannes, lauetas, i-ouisines, cn ... I ...... . , etc.; real 85c and $1.00i,qualities. At one price.. ; V Black TaSeta 811k, 85o and 01.00 Values, 76o - 24 to 27 inch Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed quality, deep rich black; goods sold all ; over the city at. 85c and $1.00 yard. Our price Monday and Tuesday ,4 . HCp? 30-inch Block TafTeta, Begular, 01.25 Quality at 07o Note the, width 36 inch splendid, heavy quality, Black Taffeta Silk every yard '"guaranteed; never sold for, less than $1.25. On sale Monday, and Tuesday ATTa 1 Eioeptional Values in 70 in A nQ T7inter Garment o This great stock of Women's Ready-Made Winter. .Garments affords excellent choosing. ; The assortment of styles and colorings is so varied that no woman, need go away unsuited. Here are some : special values or Monday's sellinar.-. . t''--.:--'. ' j't:$ Late Arrivals of New Suits ;"-'r- ----"..-'.and 'Coats ; ? ; : IF THE NEWEST SUIT AND COAT STYLES IW THE BEST QUALITIES, AT A THIRD BELOW REGULAR i PRICES INTEREST YOU BE HERE TOMORROW. Women's and Hisses' Quits ; 5 ' Two Exceptional Values at $14.00 and $12.50. : Excjeptionally high-grade Tailor-Made. Suits of- finest, cheviots. rure English worsteds and broadcloths; swell' long coat styles 4n plaited effects; handsome circular cut skirts; two exceptional values. On special sale Monday at 814.00 ... " , Q "Women's Handsome Coats ; . , . ', Three Exceptional Values at $8.50. $8.50 and $10.50. - pearly 100. brand new styles of Winter Coats .in this special lot, all lengths, tight, semi-fitted and -empire effects, air materials; exceptionally high-class garments ; remarkable values. CiT C A On special sale Monday at ? 10.50, S8.50 and;. .. . . .4UOU ". Women's Skirts, 08 Values for 00.50 ; New fall models handsomely tailored, full circular gored and plaited styles, made of finest American Panamas, cheviots, broad-: cloths and mixtures ; well worth regular pricel $8.00. CJA On special sale Monday at;..; . . . n . . . ;. . . .V.. ... .V.)UOU Children's Coats, 010 Values for 0 WQ " A splendid selection of Children's and Misses" Coats, of all ages, made from cheviot, kersey,, all neatly tailored,. trimpied with tailor strappings, velvet,, braids, buttons, twenty siyles to choose from;. regular $10.00 values.' Special prices" for ;A : C7 CA Monday's sale. .) i JJi ' Silk Petticoats; 99 Values for $6.50 -X Rustling Taffeta Silk Petticoats, in all the desirable color also black, having umbrella flounce finished with accordion plaited ruffe, tucks above, nearsilk underlay and dust ruffle; PA worth $9.00.- For Monday's sale. .................... .U.UU ' Women's Winter Waists. - - ' : : , Exceptional Values at $1.50, $1.75 and $1.95. N We have the prettiest collection of new Fall Waists ever shown here ; materials are thin batiste, or nun's veiling, albatros, bril liantine, madras cloth and poplin in white and colors ; the styles are beautiful, over 50' designs in the collection. 1 AT Splendid values at 81.50, 81.75 andf. . . . ... .V. . ..UyO Ready-IJade Underwear ' A Special Lot at A Price" Tomorrow. . r Flannel Petticoats, $1.25 Values for 03o Extra quality, plain colored, Outing Flannel Underskirts. , in shades of blue and pink, having flounce finished with buttonhole stitch, silk scallop, yoke band; regularprice $1.25.. On QP sale Monday and Tuesday at. . .V, i'LV.'..;. . 70 Flannel Gowns, $1.00 Values for 70o Plain and fancy striped Outing Flainnel " Gowns," with double yoke back and front, neatly finished with braid, full sleeves, and roll collar, all full siaes; regular values $1.00. On sale JQX Monday and Tuesday at. . . . ...... . . ...;....... . . . . . . I y V Muslin Gofrnsi $1.25 Values for 85o Cambric and Muslin, fine quality materials, trimmed delicately with lace, embroideries and ribbons; skirts are full with' wide' hem and yokes are finished in hemstitched tucks ; excellent values at regular price, $1.25. On special sale. Monday and OP, Tuesday at OuL Muslin, Drawers, 65o; Values for 40o Cambric," fucliedj' trimmed with lace inserting and edge, alsd embroidery trimmed, full over hips with yoke bands. A A Your choice Monday and Tuesday at......'..;.:;.::...yL Handkeroniefs : : Worth to 25o OnlylOc See Morrison Street , Window Display ; 250 dozen dainty Swiss Hand kerchiefs, . embroidered, hem. stitched . and lace " trimmed edges ; actually worth 25c. On sale tomorrow and ; A Tuesday, each ... 1 Uv : 1: