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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1905)
tzzczii cj::.v j-J::.l. PonxXAiiD, cu::day i o:i:inq. ocTcr : - C3, i:c3. r .:z:3.cia:jcx:3. BBTA LEANT fewaltar fee-Bale. W. H. !'lta" " m"t twenty-atst and vpsour eie. ' FINE epuertanlty la established boata; assd , t evi aaa eepuai. AO. O Be, eare tawl A i i i i . i. pCENrrURB of SO-reom hoax it taerlttosi "" Mw.aanj wiij. - veu wo iim si. INT small m SaOBat af apt- 4tr torg returns. SOS McKay bid. WANTKD A amall mardundiae bastneea (at : iinik bwb u aoaraai. ... BOWLiNO-ALLEY Olssr 1100 weekly, at half ptUw. . But Morrlaoa. lleom - FOR RALE Seven cow and eonable. 1164 SDawortk at. roata, ree- aii.i -Farnitutw repair baataaaa. SSJ "it who ta if. a. noMAM car FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. -.BABOAXKS IlfBIU. ESTATE. V- 1100,000 Burkkard Mock,' Bait BurBside at. 1&.O0O Block, -WhHlir'i additlo, S. W. - comer 01 uuoa ana Hauaday avee. . i , 500 Fractional lot and buildings, S. . or. Ursad sea. Bad E. Waaklnxton at. llP.Ouo tjusrter block aad 4 large dwn- "".v " " 101a aaa irving (ta. , llb.CSXk Quarter Block aad belldlaga, K. W. earner R. Tth and B. Morrhven. W.100 Lot oa Marshall it, bat , 1Mb , aau tfuitt. 18,000 isomer frm aear Bee vet too. acrea In eultlvatloa. II acrea m.m. $2.000 New bouae aad lot aa Serby at, Baa Parte. 2,oo riaa Boaee l4 bt m Kerby at. aaar Moaroe, Si.auo 7-raoa aoae aaa tat aa Kerb? at. IM0 Mioa lot aa Korrli at. tl,-9-n& Wmaa' aad Jat. WUa aw., aaar Conk a. ; il.Too Naw bavaa aad tot, trj at, aaar -. WllltiBM aa. ai.noo aw bonaa aad lot did Kerb at . ; ib aeraa near BeaTartaai barn, fruit; all la eultlratloa. 4. .800 Lama booaa and tot B. B. j TanconTar aad Cook Bvaa, .-t .4MO Larga koaaa aad tot, M. B. Tanroarar ava. aad Wt a. btoo Lot aa ram, aaar Wlllleaw am 1 .1T5 Cor oar let Bod nay and Maedr ita. no Lot oa Ootne at, aaar Bodacr. . , au taraa tot uatoa aa.. aaar ITT. ' ll.OOOHooa. aad $ lota, LlnooU Part aan. $i0 Lot aa Oaatanbala aaa., wttk two , maaaanoaa raaajr tor dwelllnn. , fl.BOO Hoaaa and tot, Bft Claralaad ara. i M.OOO Hoaaa aad tot. Sod Irr at. Tola la only a partial Uat of proper t I aara tor aaia aa aaar term. Afeat lor tier BIBB Alllanea and ilea Fella Ineuraaee enov .. paaica. - .Call or write. , . - 4 . . v. " ' t . . JOHN It riTTKWQBB, , Clay . Kooai SSt Bbertock Bldfl. . ' "Braaek Alblaa OfHea, i TU WtlUaaw are., coraar of It? at 93.SOO VERT plea B-roooi nadera benaa, aeerr . tblaf contplata aad rlcbt ap ta datei read for ocenpaacr; Beat kalaMat aad Tweatleth; - tenne caa be arreaeed. 12.760 Mica 7 -room aonaa, fall tot aa Eaet Taylor aaar Twaaty-flftbi taraia caa be ar renaed. - -91250 Nice d-raen koaaa aa TJalea aaa., N. . -near THIaaMob at aaey tarata. 1.S00 e-roore aaw foture: ererythh( aoov pleta, ready for aeeapaacy; tSOO eaab, balaan B20 nontb: Beat Tweuty-olnth. Bear Orefoa. t $708 TaU tot aad B-rooai bouaa on Alblaa areaoe. - - ' aa.soo Cbolee tot aa rUadera, Bear Tweaty ' flret. . . 2.oo riaa lot aa Kortkrop, Bear Twenty , flret. l.too Mera traet ea tbe penlnenla, alee la- . eattoB. ' 91.000 flood corner tot aa Booaerelt and Black- atone eta.: nae bay, , )-,-' 9oAO-rl0Xioo, aire i-bWrk, with newer1, aa Rant Twenra nerenrh. near Oraaoav a ' enaft. paoua bkw auxiuo-root iota ea ror ,. aee-i thla la a treat aaap. 750 vice tot., etreet tntprorad. 4 Beat . Tnrlor. aaar Tweotletb: aaan. BMW Bar ana for 10 acre, all v t looaing me city, Bear ear naa. , for tot aaar ateel brklaa. - V ' . feoo for 4 tota la PUdBMat Park. - 1 ilOO tota 1a Woodlawa. - ; Many ether rood harialas tBraoshaat tta etty ' Call and ae my Hat - r. W.. TOBOLSK, lOd Saertock bid. , BXTBAOBDINABT BNaV atrletly Vxtra fine T-rooai, 2-atery . nonea. e waant aaatrr - i aad batbroMB. (nil Moo beeraieot (ee, fine tot, laws, ate.t ' worth - ataa' faraltara, htetadlnd Braaaela baeemeot (ee. fine tot. t, laws, ate. I 900 car- of toratloai only 2,S0; fl.OOO caaB, balaaca .to aalt. ., ...... Frae t-romn aaw nwdera eattaaa, fall baeamaat. . . fine corner tot, lawa, ate. ! ana block ta ' But ABkeny carj 2,aoo. rhta I rooaa bona, fall baeement, laws, fall tot, fenced, oa'Eut Portland Helfhta; 1,1B0. Hire Jp'rao plaatared bonee. Mil tot, Waat are, aaat aide,, ea car. llaai eoly fSOO. Xxrelleat Iota. 60x100, Bear Beat Twaaty-alghtB, naader and' Ollaan; only .$800 bielde tot .. $00 for coraer; fine bay; will doable their rlea la a abort time. . r .' ; . : .- tne eheepeet place la tba tt of Waahbiftoa; AO acre bottnaa land, BMetly la (rae, fin , orchard, t-room bonae, blp bars aad ether Crbnlldlneai 1 Join tap tba rrrer, 1 ailla tron i Center; $1,000; wartk doable the price ' aakad for ft . , . DUBOIS flHBBWOOD. 1 - ' ' , auBti Morrtaea. norn . , . JUST a aanneat pleaeai let aa flmre ea what can b done with a rood wbeet farm. W will take 640 acre and we will crop one half earn yeerr Toe expose aa loiiowa: ptowinp B30 acre nu. harrowlnc 330 cra d tloMa...... , 12B.00 To drilling 220 acre M OO To aeed wheat , lSd.00 To beadlna U0 aeraa lao.iio To thrhln( .....b..... 490.00 To I. B10 ack at H ceata. ......... ' 227 .M Ta kaallnc to wirehouee...... ... 176.00 ' ' ' .,, " 9L8TO.B0 By M0 teraa, 28 boahela 'par acre at M cent i 4 ....$4,000.0 To balance........... ,.2.12.M " la eoet af 640 acrca of trnnrored wheat land at $18 per acre, $9,000. Thna la roond nn "here It wUl take fire year to pay for th ' farm and at the end r the fire yeara roar lend will be worth 130 per acre, tnatead of $16. tba pnrehaae price. We caa all yea thl kind af land from $10 ta $20 per acre, on fourth eaab, balance an half the crap aaab " year antll paid for. Com and a aa, or . ,.wrlt . woRTRWBflT LA HO CO. - 28 Morrlaoa t., room 211. OTTO CBOCTCBTTV w 145U Waahlnftoa. Pbon Black S8T1. ' tt-romn modern koaae, lot 110x1 00, oa car lie. $2,100, $300 eaab. 'balance eaty terme; a-ronm bona, (mall barn, tot 100x100, ea earllne, all aaw, f 1.600. pood Urtne; 4 T-room Boaeee, aeat anceiiiy, eo,vuo emcn. tarnat larre. ea weat aide, rent for J5 per axxith, $6,000, term; t-roem eetUce, all tot fenced. $600. $260 eaab. balance eaayt 3-roem cottar, rail -tot fenced, eloe to earllaa, $275, terma: $-room BMdcra bonae, alee new, ale lawa, $1,500, aood term; lot In BolUday addition. Bear 16th at.. $876. It for eat from $7$ aad apwarda; food anbnrbaa property; farm all alonp tba Wll lamett Rlrer rallcyi 6-roam konae. barn, tot '100x100, fenced, to trade for 10 or 16 acre tract. Wanted, ho ace t rent; bare cell every .day; would look after property end , colloet rent If deolred. We bar oaa food Krlng bnatneaa property ea ear llt lalor ittoa gleam at tba otflc. . :.;'' ACBB TBACTBI ' 0UB 9PBCIALTT IB ACBB TBACTBI tJD-H4 atrrata. water , to aad TWBVT $10 PBB ACBB f ASflf $10 PBB ACBB PBB U0NTB. tea mi M ta tka ara ea tba am ear. fay tba came 6 fare tbe tot maa par. Tba tot maa la year aetabbor. bat be H re , ptrteted, la majority af feature that make tM .'rba borne. v a. a CHTmcriiix at, i t, '. v. 'jt d at fi A. .. . t"0B" BALB Three pood trainee total foor fin realncnre Ma; two pond hnnaee and kite; -city ' or awiaeaaa. Bank of Batprda, awtacada, 0rHv . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. OOOD T-room kaeaa, Urf loU baU. katb, sa. new furnace; eaet front, oa waat aide; $$,0U0; 1.000 eaab. heienee 2 rear, d Bar coat New e-rootn, P-atory atoderB bonae, cement ; baeement 2 full tota, block ta eat Una; Beat ( Tblrty-elxth; $2,100. - ; , ,. Nice 11-acr tract 10, mttoa eat, alaaa to - ear lla. for $mo. , Two black fin land. 4 block to ear, ilea well; price $1,300, or will eell separately! oa Beet Tblrty-elxth et. ' . -. t extra fine lota on weat aide, 10 black from Hotel Portland; fin reaiaenee property. We hare aereral aood houaee from 6. , 7, f to 12 rooma ta ecu ea rery eaey terme. ., r In, farm of ISO aeraa. nearly all la eel ' tlratlon; rood building, well fenced, well . watered: $&0 per acre; and ether farme fsow ' 40 acre op, Improred. at fair price aad 245 . Morrlaoa at.. Boom 12. A riNB Mm nroDoaltloa. - 78x100. Baton tfrick, raota far tliS par month; wall located , aad always; .occupied, ao,uuw; , win, au if aeraa In elty Emit, wall located; a ml nap, nut ecu; .uw. pz.ouu case. I acrea aaar Holladay's addition, lies ftoa tor DUtunii e.uuv, fz.ww. aaaa, Miun at Fine aaw hoaaa. T rooma, well located, eeraar , tot. a raal aaap; 4,0u0, $1,600 eaab, balance easy terme, Oaod -S-rrxuii haaaa. Vwanty-alafcth at. ! brl baaamcnt. Inta at fralt. rina lot 60x100. wall ; fcaetdi 1,100, 160 aaab, balaaca 1J0 par awnta. aeraa on Pawall Taller road, aaally elaarad. ptUM; 1100 cuk. . balaaca $S averj Uiraa f" hRABLBflOM A NfttTX. t AHakr blda. Pboaa Waat ML anui aABOAINB. Cbolre .rootn reeldeaoa, 071, Baat Aak; Baarly aew tot 60x120. .- ' Ntw i-rooat modara am. . Bast nftaaatk Bad Taylor. Terr dee treble and alfttUy home, .Bapt Baeaa- teeath aad Morrlaoa. Mica lot bet. Twentyflrat aad Twenty aacond oa Royt; tot 60x10$ Bonae email. Tare choice cernar Wit ts Cedar Hllli aaerlflea, Ttoelrable bnlhllnp tota at Baet Plfteentb and - Mala, Eat ronrtaentB dot. xamnui ana -iay lor. Baat Bereateenth bet. Yamhill and Taetoe. end Beat Alder and Bleb teen th. Barcakm la anarter block at Baat Sexentk aad , riaadera. Baat Mala aad BereBteentb and Mlneteanth.. end Baat Sixth and Wrxant. 9 tot ta HanaoB'B Becond addlttoai muat. -be eoia ai oaie. - - C W. PALLBTT. 204 PentoB bide. $2,100 BTJT8 $-nom haaaa oa Rodney are to flret-clae aelpbborhood, food koimea ear roondms, between 2 ear line, about ' half eaahv ; $1.700 Hew modera T-rooai koaaa. front and - rear porch, full cement baeement, full tot aad only 100 feet from car line; directly eaet at central part oi city; povu oowb will aa, balance time at d per cent-22-bbO d room modera boeea. blah and atrbtly. nn tba weet ld, a corner lot aad a prut barraln; can A' tlma oa $S00, or perbapa a little mora. - . $1,2002 tota, 160x180, on tba Helgbta aaar th , Obaarratory, a preat' barpala. .. .. .,. . rOMPTON lBOK. Pboaa Bad 3806. loo ABinptoa Diap. MEW 6-room atodein booaa, walking distance, eaet aide; cement basement, closet, pantry, ' bath, etc.: large lot alee lawa, room for ; another bona an tot; property teats $20 per moatb; $2,160, terma. Bew cot tape. Hawthorn are, ( rooma. closets, tpaatry, bath, hall, etc. I 60x100 tot; only $1.2001 $200 down.' balaaca $14. nor jaooth, a-roma boose, aew. basement, ball, large cloe- eta pantry, bath, hot aad cold water, et. ; lot 60x106: 9 bkx-ka car Una; a great bar Btu. $1,200. terme. . . ....', ; " ' W. -J. DAT CO. ' ' 10BM Boarta-at. tooai 89. TODAT'j BATtOAIHA. r, Modera 9-mom bnne' oa Baat Tarter at.,- with tot 60x100. $2,600. , . 9 aeraa near cl'T-eu. 0.' W, P.- lin1 vain t tncreaelae: BdOO. . ? T-roam bouse an Jobneoa at, W ' 'v $2,800. Ob acre aad Bew 6-room boaa. k urara, 82.600. . T-room boose ea Montgomery . A eraat aide. monera, ps.otsj. . , T' r 9 eerea la blarb etata of eultl ration aa Ban road. Bear city, $1,100. 100x100 on Baat Twenty -eighth, aaar Ankaay at, $1,200. . ,x TTBOlf BIKfBLL. tea Cemmarciai Wk. - - Pboaa Mala 982$. HEAL BABOAIN9. 91,960 will bay 6-reom eottap near cat bare. B.'28th and Bnraatde ate.; bath, hot water, frnlt tree, cblokea yard; $400 cask, , balance $20 per month. - $8 200 will bay 100x100 wttk 9 cottages. rentier for- $20 per month: 9 rottag ea could . be built apoa corner tot; location, corner B, Taylor aad B 0th sti. $2,200 will bay Tooa kowje, let 90x86, coraer of B. Ererett and B. 10th ta.r ex oalleat bay. J. U WBLLi CO., . ' 04 Or and btb.' POB BALB 94.T60 A fine eorarr propartr ta tea aeat part or ru eat aioe ' ror rental par. poena: baa two modera T-room booeea and brmga Income Of $50 mentkly ; a choice In vestment. PORTLAND TETTPT COMPACT OP OBBOOlt, -i - , ' j we intra Bt. -.;.. 100x100 corner , walking distance, east aide, I aiocB oar use; htu aaa aifsuyi eauy tuiw, a snap... . , r Mica tots aa Mt. Beett ear line. 90 mmatee ta city, close to at a tun; prices from an ta each; terma.. .. W. I. DAT A CO. 19SH Poartk at. room $9. ; POB 9ALB 91,T60 Bmall enttaga, aaar aeat end af eteel bridge; a eery convenient loca tion and a property which will be aa excel lent tnTeatment for tbe narrhaeer. PORTLAND TBCRT COMPANX OF 0REO0N, .' " TBira ot-. ... . ., BPBCIAL BABOAIN $9 POB $1. TV eta $2 front foot $16 feet deepi aaa bar aa maay froat fret aa yea want from 60 feet ap; all la cultivation, all level aad elgbtly, mlaatee ta pood 10-reem cboeL $ grade, near stores, postofflee, church aad ; car atatioa at Lenta; 5-cent fare to any part .of Portland. Thla la 1-8 .price; terma If wanted. O. B. Addltoa,. Leata. Oregoa, owner. Take Mt. Bcott ear, 9 ceata. aww oa w aa aut n a m oa But Nineteenth at.; well finished aad modera ta all partleulara- la walking dis tance of the dir. PORTLAND TBUftt COMPAMT OP 0BBO0M, iuw TBiraat, . , HEW ajodera 9-raem booaa, large- earnar tot ran aeaement, not quit completed, ror $750, ens half cask. New modern 6-room cottage, picket fence, wood fiber Blester, porcelain oeinraa aaa aniiet, au tor Bi.uon, New modern B-room hone, rnll baeement. bath aad toilet ehade trees, picket frace, lor t 1,600, eay terme. PSea tba owner, torn Nash, . i th whit bone at HuhrlU addition, oa tba Mt. 9cett ear line. ' . POB 9ALB $1,860 Aa kcreeg property aa rortund Height, only three blocks rram ear Una; en of tba prettiest location for a borne for persona wishing quiet aad retire ment t eontelne about 2 acres, with abundance of ahede tree! cltv wstev. POBSIAAIO. TBDPT OOMPANT OP 0RB00W, LA ROB 18 BOOM HOtlPl. $8,260. . 9' noma oa flret floor and 9 aa ascond are flnlsbed: boas comparatively aaw and eoet ' eeveral hundred dollara more tbea price aeked " for house and tot aa Baat Twenty-thtrd etM ' 1H block of ear with 10-ailnat eervlce; If thla la tba ilea yon waat, yea eaa't do bet. tor tbaa to flnteh Bp this Bona as pea would like ta kav It , . W. R09KA WOOD, . - 14H Plrat 9t - i. FOB 9ALB $1.T60 Let $0x100 oa Reyt at.. near Asreaiy-inira; a line kicatina urreUBded by elegant borne: V tooklaa for Bomethlag choice. e thl property. PORTLAND THITPT COMPAMT OP 0BBQ0N, ioa xnva Bt, ; , POB BALE-j-Two tote. Eighth t. Highland, bssiu. raaa taaa, - .FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 93.TBO 110x100 feet, loath Portland: a her gal a. $1,0002 tot, Baat Iblrty-feurth at) aeaar Baa water and atreet Improvamenia. 12.100 Pino quarter, east aide, close In. 1,200 6-room cottage aad alee toeatioBj close to esrHne east side: easy terms. - - $1,26075x150, east aide; (la fruit tree; assy term. i PAVIDSON. WABf CO., ' 408 Chamber et Commerce. 1 DON'T hunt for s borne to rent tor th cowing winter: make ap your mind to kava your owe ana arop paring rent. Btrtctly new. modern 9-room bonae, 40(100, -an Belmont at, $2,250; eon cask, balaaca Ilka rent. ' 6-room modera bouse, coraer tot. eoet $4,200 let OUIIU, lor .o"wj tl.nw csso, osieucsi esse. P. rtCH8,-0H Plrat Bt . HERB la a chance to- pet a flaw little bom cheep and oa eeay term. P1v-mom cottars, Iuet finished, well built exceptionally fine ot 60x100. all fenced, price $1,000; $160 dowa, as lance $12 per month; interest T pet cent) located on East Main at, aaa 43d, between Morrlaoa and Uawtborn evs. car line; beet ear errlce la city. Better Be If eoon. Phone Mala 2179 or Union JOB. , - v TWO acres J net eaet of etty limit and scar Hon ta villa earllne; no travel; all cleared; old kouae: mnr nice frnlt tree: $1,250. Also .m acres similarly situated; no building: 80 , u t v u-vwi few, ', eotwrsi seuej sn-i uw Beat Portland, of pood value and etyle; cen trally located; aaay term. Also 6-room mod . era house, sew, Buaoyslde: $Z2&0; lot la 60x100 feet Culver, 023 Chamber of Com. MBABLT 9 acre, 6H miles from center of city, II la caltlvatloa; pood bouaa. large bam. rhickea-hooaeeV lota of fruit, good water, r.a finest read la Oregon, 1 mile from .electric lino; price $2,400; very easy term. If yoa . are frcm "Missouri" I wUl how yoa; If from ; any ether etste. will aeU yoa ft yoa saa It ' T 09, ease Journal. . A BARGAIN 12-room bon , well bailt aad plumbed; grouada 80x126: eommaad fine view of city aad harbor; cost mora than $11,000; caa be bad If take bow for $6,800; $2,000 eaab, balance caa run for 2 years at 6 per aent Don't pay 916.000 for yoar awell borne when thla caa be bad ao cheap. Peary, 862 Baeeell at $1.100 BOOMINO HOUSE 11 rooma, central ( location, east ot Sixth aad aouth of Alder ta.: two yeara' lease oa building: thla to ' guaranteed to be the bast money-meker In the city: If that to what vou -are tonkins- for. don't delay. W: HOBBA WOOD, 141H Pint Rt. - . "'." PORTLAND HEIGHTS property, by T. I. Pordlng. Phone Msla'coW. After 9 years' reeMcncc oa tbe Helgbta. I offer tbe beet . barge In ta ha foand la tble alghtlieat, bealtb. . toot and most charming addition to the city : yoa will never buy better tbaa Bow e -till ramoua min MBW 6-reom bona and two lota fronting on Main at. at Lnta, aavMount Bcott earllne; 4.6c fare: 9 block from. 10-room school build ing; water pined 'aad small frnlt; a good bargain for 9760. Wltoy; Allea Co., ' Wft.LAbiBTTB. v.T -Beantlfnlly iltuated thla aide of anlverstty on car lme; lata $2w each: $10 eaab and $6 per month. American- Investment Co., 222 Palling bkla.. or Bygoaekt, branch office, Willamette taOoa. ,. BAST 8IDB HOMES Three T-room aad one 9-room house, on B. Third aad Multnomah ate-1 aew, beautifully flushed; fine location; convenient to. 8 earlinee; easy terms. Parish ' A Ooorlay, ownera, 848 Maltaomab Bt I HA VB 8 acres vary fine eotU aaw booaa, coat $600 to build; 9 acres la cultivation, balance very aaay to clean right ea O. W. p. electric line: 10c car fare; price $1,300; caa , giv ' terms. T BS. care -JoaraaL B. KRONER, architect and .contractor. Borne built la all part of th city and sold ea monthly payment; plan aad aperlflratloa; building superintended. Room B. Cambridge bMg., Third near Morrlaoa. , . POB PALE 0 free canny tota. sold whole or separate : high grouada aad heslthy locstion; aurroundlng pond; betweea Twenty-third and Twentv-fourth. Beat Taylor; reaaoBabla. .Ap ply 21 m Second at- - ' IP roa waht a ebeea aabarbaB home of T reon , saoderB boase. large bora. 4 largo tot, shade , treea aad plenty or trait, caaB or terma. call and eee owner and make pa offer. 966 Broad ' at- Moatavllla. MEW 4-raom booaa, with , attic, baeement and woodshed, cement foandutioa, gms, bath and toilet; price $1,600: good terma. Inquire of , owner. 1118 Baat Morrlaoa St, betweea 27th and 88th at. i POB SALE 75x100-foot tot on Bast Seven teeath . and Couch; will cell for 81.260 If sold ta next - few dars: faces seat: well worth $1,400: will aell part af let If desired. Addraas K 49. cars JoaraaL BAROAIN 2-mom bone, tot rl00, with lacy na, ana au rencea aaa water, aim; ball eaab, balaaca at $$ a month, clear title, job Mt Scott ear Use. Address K 60. Journal.. BEAUTIFUL, new, modern B-room realdcncat rme uwa. nail ana water; good title wits abetraet: beat buy ta tba city; come and eee. Owner, 1171 Albtna are., oa St. Johns line. LA BOB koaaa. Improved ground: rtver view; a acme immenuteiy. A it rite Borne at pooo. Lota from JliO-te 8600. yUa flpatt Ock ley Green Station; St Johns car. $9,000 Ooed coraar tot, 9 building, wall 1o eatea, cue in. west mae. . - HENKLB BAKER, ' 21 T Ablngtoa Bldg. POB BALB 9 acre. Bear Lenta, oa ear Ilea and county nan; souse, eara aad eblrtea bouee: all ta fruit; $SA0: easy terma. Pboaa Baat 9230. 620 Baat Paris at. A MODERN T-room bono aa Thirty eecond and Dlvuioa. only 82.290: can pie very easy terma; bouaa hss bee built T months. Ad dreaa B 68. care Journal. . 10 ACRES at Woodstock. 1 block from car lino, county road, on one aioe: taio la fine property to plat; $4,800. Wilson Bow, 227 Chamber of Commerce. , MICE corner, 100x100 feet fenced. 1 block Union ere., rme location; wnre rroit tree. $800i cor lot, $50 Isolde, $SM. . POB BALE Modera 6-room cottape,- near Mor rlaoa and 4S4 its., pi.ono; znn cask, balance 116 per awntk. Duboia A Sherwood, 206H lorrlaon. Room 9. - , A 9-8TORT brick building. 100x100, on East Ide; will pay 9 per cent net oa $M.O0Oj price $2.000t caa ttra terma. Addreaa B ae. I, care Journal. FOR SALE Vary aastrabl 14 block, Thhteentb and East rme at., oa ear line, aameat side walk: $3,200: easy teraia. Pboaa Baat 2230. 620 Baat Dvl. BIOCa. la Holladay'a add, ea Broadway, P3.suu; ik diocb rn nouaasy s aaa.. ea Broaa way. $2,000. Wilson Bow. 227 Chamber of Commerce. . NEW modem toom eottag, eeay payments. lap Monnt neon ear, pet on it nasovtiie, o a block wsst ana ass ror smith. Phone loas. , ...' A SNAP. A splendid bom, opposite Piedmont, for $1,600: terms! oa Woodlawa ear. Apply 104 Oxford at 90x100, 10 minute from Plrat and Alder, 1 Mock rrom. car, aenwooa car; 17o: 8 mora If wanted cerUlnly a bargain, 909 Alleky balldlnc. 10 ACRES, all clear, 9 mllea from city limit; BO (ton or grave i ; email noaae, earn; ror N by owner; price $2,160. Addreaa A.- 4e Journal. POB SALE $2,750: aew 9-room bouse, atrletly mouera, nne location, cor. seer lairnetB and Main; $300 dewa, $30 per. month. Pboaa Dr. Darling. . ........ , POR SALE A genuine gasp 10 acre seat Leata, 4 acre under cuinvatloe, e-room bona, good well, 91,000. 402 Commercial 9T0RB and 6-room dwelllng-boase tor Bale, West are and Moataellla eerllae. Address William Cantwall, North Monnt Tabor, city. LOOK at thla: 9 scree, no bettor anil to Ore goa, 10c fare, nearly all "Clear, email bouaa, only 9800; very easy terme. T DO. Joaraal. U BI.Ot'K on Taylor st with R bouse on; this to B pond tnveetment; price $26,600. Wtleoa A Bowe. 227 Cbamae of Commerce. POR BALB at a bargain, modera T-roem Boeea aa Baet Tytor, cli tat terma to . aalt parebaeer. Apply P 49, ear JoaraaL PlNB new modera 6-room cottage, large room, $2,000. terme; It can t be beet for the moaey. Sea tba owner. Addreaa K 40, Journal, POR SALE New. modera 6-room aoaeej a aao. Pboaa East 95I& FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. t HAVE buyer welting to hear of amall borne la or Bear Portion, any directs: If yoa are - ready to aell, aadreea P 2, care JoaraaL POB SALE Modern aobnrhaa aetUae. to ear line. Boa localise, " l-rtmai lOOxlMSV ,Cj. w. P. Towaaita Col. 184 wst at 9 ACRES. mile from O. W. P. electric Ilea; ao gravel and aaay ta riser; 088; very aaay term. Address 0 St car JoaraaL . WAONBB PETTx',,202 Commercial blh., have asm af tba best buys In tbe elty. m before buy tog and be convinced. 9 LA RGB tota for $200; central la an bark; aay terms: y la buslaesa toeatloa, $320 cash. Inquire 414 Baat Thirty -third at - - MEW 8-room modera hoaaa pa Ivy at. tot 90s 104) tble to a bargain at 91.760. Wileoa - Row, 227 Ctiambee of Commerce. - THREE acrea aa east aide. Inside etty limit, . for $526 per acre, for few days. IaqulT B. S. Cook A Co., 961 Aider et.' NICE T-room bone with 8 lots, esch lot 46x80 ; feet Inquire of owner. 106T Baat Barrtooa, four block from Hawthorne car. FOR SALb OR LEASE S or 10 acrea, SOP ' fruit treea, 20-mtnute walk to earilna, la quire owner, 210 McKay bids.. . $100 DOWN. $10 moathry, bare amall 9-room cottage, 100x100 tot, on car line; pries $560. Borne Land Co, 145 14 Plrat at SETEBAL 9 and B-room new modern eottnaaa --for eala.ra good Iocs t Ions, cheap aad oa aaay terma. 402 Commercial black. A SNAP One tot 26x78 feet la heart et bail Be section of Dafur, Oregoa, Addreaa Jobs Dickens, Dafur, Oregoa. 9BLLWOOD tota. $S dowa aad 98 a 1 from $78 ta $200. - SeJIwoed Tewaaite 0a. Phoaa Baat 4704. NORTHWEST U btock 137 Coach. Puaitocutk nd Kearney; Improved. La. Ompta, owner, 206 Alleky, bldg. PINB 14 block oa Baat Bumeld et , eloee - Itf, 12,B0O. Wllaaa $i Bowe. 227 Chamber of Commerce. . .-" FOR SALB 9 houses at Twentieth aad Wfleoa ate.: good building, very cheap for cash; toavtog city. ' . ,.. - FOR SALB 1 t-room koaaa at Moatavllla; will sell cheep If takea at ooee. Inqulrp owner, 307 Alder. . - .. rOR SALB One of the finest T-room houaee ta Irvlngton: aay terma. Inquire owner. Pboaa But 2516. - . , . .'. . . $l.ao0 Large, sew, raodem S-reom bouse; eaey . terme; cost $1,800. $21 Margusrstta et., Moa tavllla. 0NB acre land aad 0-room boaee, aome fnrnl tore. pUno, chickens, tc.2 T mile oat 94$ Fifth, - .- ; HOUSE, woodshed, 9 lots, all fenced, eery cheap; leaving elty. Addreaa K 61. Joaraal. 0NB of tbe beet bargain In th elty la v scant tots. The Continental Co., 248 Stark at - LOT for $300; best lot n Portland for tb money. Phone Baat 4000. FOR SALB room koaaa. 940 Third at, cheap. FOR SALE FARMS. ISO ACRES 911 la eultlvatloa. ' oaly 1 mil from pood little towa ea the Soutbern Paetflc ..railroad, between Portland aad Salem; eoll good; plac well fenced and well watered; orchard and all accessary building; asortpag of $9,600 bow oa plaee; caa run at 9 per cent - for loos tlma or be paid. Price, $46 per 7 acre. '.'. '. 204 acre 11 mltoa from Portland, with 180 la eultlvatloa: cats d tone of timothy hay per v aere; orcberd and all necessary buildings : . much of tble land would raise ootenei all well fenced: easy term. Price, $60 nor acre. 16 acres about 0 mile from Portland; tba . finest soil, lay well; wood enough to pey for plsce; $36 per acre. Terma, one third cash, balance one Bad two peer. .10 acres all la culttvatloa; tota ot frnlt; buildings; eonth of Mount Tabor. Price, $360 per Bora. Tble will beer investlgatlea, . , , -. .COMPTON ai GIBSON,' ... ., I 100 Ablngtoa Bldg. Pboaa Bed 284. ... . ; ACBESlt ACRES,! I ACRES! II . fust watch as sH .. . :' . ' Act tots '' ' . On ear Use, $c far. Water ca every acre. TEEMS:, , . .", , 910 dowa aack atontk.. 910. ' Business Men' Cleerlof Boa,' 110 Second Bt. Phooe Mala lSSl ACRES.'! ACRESII ACHES!! 1- A 0 r R B S . A 0 R .v. COAL AND TIMREB SNAPS Ceoa county, 440 acre coal $8.00 acre McMtnnvllle, 120 acrea 6.00 acre Douglas county. 80 acres timber...... T OO sore Lane county. ISO acrea timber. T.0O acr BOMB C1TT BARGAINS. T-room bouse, bow, modera..., $3. SMI 9-room house, nearly aew 9.350 6-ronm boose, aew, modern .......,,1.700 8-room boose, tot 100x110, modern..... 9,000 80S Fourth. TaL Clay 174. $800 DOWN aad $100 par year for 8 years win puy w scree ot very enmce orcaard land, only 4 mllea from the towa of White Salmon; thie baa a gentle western and eoutbera elope, commanding a magnificent - view of Menu' Hood and Columbia river: very ricb, deep eoll. eubirrlgatea aad la eeally cleared: It Ilea In our beet apple belt aad la one of tbe choicest tout will make a beautiful home: tble offer to good for 20 day only. White Salmoa Land Co., White Salmon, Waahtoptoa. 24 ACRES,' 19 acrea cleared; 10 mllea trim rortund, a Mi miles south of Beavbrtoat 10 room bouaa with furnace, running water, ISO foot ehlckca-hou, 40-foot brood house with Incubator, good orcberd, 9 Jersey cow, 1 team horses, 300 chicken. 1 heavy wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 buggy, baraeaa, etc., and all farm tool and machlaery: price, $8,600; terma. . Wtleoa Bow. 227 Chamber of Commerce. DO YOU want a farm for tba coat of Improve ments f Her to on- 200 acres, 2 mllea from end of O. W. P, electric line. ISO sore to fine atata of cultivation. 11 -room hnuee, large " bare aad many other outbuildings: ateam fruit dryer. Boat $2,600; 42 acrea yoaag orchard, bearing; all sew fen eee; on good road; price $50 par acre. B 40, Journal. $0 4.VHES ta celebrated Snrtagwstar country. 90 la cultivation, 8 In bearing orchard, 60 In closed with aew fence, boaee, ban and ether outbuilding, si so lumber for new bouee, 18 bead cattle, 8 tons bay, potatoes, apples, ate. 1 9 mllea from O. W. P. ear Una; price , only $1,800; terme If desired. Addreaa B. B. Gordon, Dodge, Oregoa. . , 9TATB , LANDS FOB SALE ine eiate or irrefea aa ror aM a Bmlted amount of base for lieu selections price aatll farther notice $S.0 per acre. For par ticular addreaa Oswald Wast, State Lead Ageat. Salem, Oregoa. .- I - ., k - rr. It Finds Oregon Farms for Neb rdskans, and Fine Homes for Old Residents of Portlands Th following strong indorsement from f regular patron . is only, 4V sample of those we are. receiving daily, sent us voluntarily, by 'pleased customers: . , . .-f. ; : Portland, .Or.,' October 21, 1903. I Oregon Daily Journal: Xsr--" ; It may be interesting to tbe manjgers of your paper to know that we are getting good results from your advertis- -ing columns:. ' As a result of advertising in your paper on . the eleventh we have just sold a farm to a gentleman from ebraska, and only a few days ago we sold a fine home to an old resident of Portlarvdas a direct result of an adver J tisement in your paper. Upon the whole we are well pleased with the results obtained, but it must be remembered that ', we never advertise anything that we do not consider worth the price asked. br it. We enclose another ad. for tomor row's paper. -,, Re'spectfulrv, ::, i - , COMPTON & GIBSON. ; FOR SALEFAi:". B8PBV-CHASB BEALTT C0 131 Third Street. .'1 - Im t f J . m 1 1 tnm .Hntidlng. 40 acre; 20 acres . level creek bottom, of which 12 acres ta high atat of eultlvatloa. balance easily cleared la amall brash I beaver dam, fine creek through tbe pUo; 750,000 yauow Ilr oa creek aana , CI 4 room bouee. good barn aad ether build ; good orchard, food well at bouaa; oa good-Toed, u mile to school. H mile to mllL 6 mile to good istorea; flaa outslde ranse nKm si i,a e euki.'- 1 (120 acre, lead, stoat ly bottom land. 40 acres oeaver asm land clear, mm acre m tloo: finest in Amertce maa tbrouzh It; fenced and cross fenced, asuetly eedir poet plank, wire bottom aad topra good, large bouee, nicely flaiebed la aad outs large farm bouee, kitchen aad oantrr. large barB aad grauary; 2 large team. 9 wagon, 1 reaper. 1 mower, plow, harrow, hayrake, all kin is farming toola; 40 bd af cattle, mostly Short horns: 112 head a enet. 60 hoce aad Plga, 16 turkeys, 4 dossn chicken; full stock winter feed, hey, oata; B. F. D. mall; H mlla to arliooi; pboaa line) good market at bom: miles to R. B. ststlon. Price $7,000; $3,000 can stead If desired. ... acrea bench, frnlt aad vegetable toad: first-class toad: finest pasture; oa good read to city, 28 mltoa away; good T-room boaee. hot end sold e,tM im kMM! esnd kuu. rn). nug water br them t 1 ansa of 1 horse. 2 warona, 1 top buggy. 1 4 U -Km Phoenix acale. 1 800-noand Palrhsske ecsto. 20 tone of bay. 9 cow. 10 fat bog la pea, S eowo with 11 pig. 1 Vblood Polsnd China boar. I full blooded Jersey calf aired by Chief Engineer Ledd stock, 9 heifer calves, 1 Durham, bleed; 1 Jersey, 4 -blood; T of tbe sbove cow ere grsuea Jersey. A nmt-ciase creamerv as the niece. t.OOO-oound caoacitv per month, run br water Bower; all the creamery fixtures, including s $100 nepers to-. Healthiest spot oa oerth. R. P. D. null, phone hi Hie bouse and Ninth grade aeboU W dealred.'U' lrlC $0,000; half caa BUad 40 acrea Al land. SR to ealttratloB, et which 6 acrea la beaver dam: a good orchard; good B-room bouee, large bara aad all other necessary buildlnge: on a (cod road; B P. D. mall; 10 mile from elty; $3,600 win bay It or $2,600 will bay 90 aeraa adtotamg. with erne Improvementa and 4 acrea beaver dam; 16 acres clear; good buildings, orchard, etc. 100 acre Al land, 100 ta eultlvatloa. amat ly bottom; 10 acre la bop; ttt scree family orchard; good, 8 large room koaae. large pan try aad eloaeta; large bara aad granary, bou bouae and eblcfcen-boaee; fine, eoft water at boaee; place cicely watered; 1 large team- of horses, barnree and. wapoa, 1 good boggy and harness. I Jersey cow, 1 Holsteln cow, T bog. 9 dnsen chicken, plow, cultivator. 1 aiower, 1 rake. 1 binder, all kind af gardes tools; plenty cf hsy and aeed; aata tar next crop: good vetch crop already to. Price 95,000; halt caa stand. FOR SALB OR RENT 41 H -cere farm, know a Marquam homestead, lit mile from post office; under cultlvsttoa, plenty spring water, 800' assort"! fruit treea, living bouee, barns, 'etc.; a a Ideal picturesque home for scenery, This tract caa be laid aut tor beaatlful homes. Address F 06. care JoaraaL ISO-ACRE farm, 10 mltoa seat of Portland aa Handy river, 40 acres aadec caltlvatloa, pond improvements, id acrea oa Powell' Valley : road. H mile aouth af reservoir: chert dis tance from S car line. IT acre good, level toad adollntag Motor addlttoa. W. B. Feck kelmcr, 227 Falling bldg. 940 ACRES of flrst-claa land 91 ml) from Portland. 10 acres clear. 80 aeraa elaahed and ' burned: flaa running water, 1 U-story tog ' bouee: thl I one of tb very beet-buy to tb northwest; price 910 per acre. B 47, Journal. 10.000 PARM of 400 eerea. ISO cultivated. . balance peature; 30 acrea clover; boose, two . barns; would aeu ia 10m ar u acrea. o drees B. Bell. Route 1, Rlckreal, Oregoa, or 40P Beat Tweuta si., rortiana. rrtB SALE Perm. 41T acres, la Ysmhlll eoaa ty; 76 .scree la cultivation, balance pastors -nd'aoDM good timber) la bends of admiato ' trstor; must b (old; $11 per acre. Dubois A Sherwood, booh Horrmoa. Boom a. as tm nnra a bc.BOO farm f IPS ore, a- i room house, bara.' good water, SU, arils from warabeoaa, 11 mile to school; 91.008 eaab. balance S yeerr uas. r. aaaaoaay, ' Tehee. Weak. . FREE eovernment term laade. last aeaned ' to aettlemeat; level valley toad, no atone or timber; water end eoll flret-etae. Boom M Labbc bldg.. cor. Second aad Waahtoptoa. FOR SALB Stock ranch) of 9.400 acres Beat Coburg, 6 mllea - Bortbeect cf Eugene, Lane county, Oregon; price low aaa terme eeev. F. D. Chamberlain, Labbe bldg., Portlaad. FREE LAND IN OREGON aadar tb Carey Irrlgatlnn Act. Deed direct rrom era re. Write today. Booklet aad map free. B. 9. Cooke Br ce., aai Alder at. rortiaao. ur. A JO-ACRE farm, art ta cultivation; 9 Biles frem coortBoase. 1 mue rrom o. w. r. Co. 1 83,000; terma to salt, JOBB r, , Sharkry, 701 Chamber af Commerce. . 80 FTNB farma. Improved aa4 antmpreved. la Tamhiil and Polk counties, r. x. Berry, 4 nortB Bixcn. rnoao naoa loco. WILL sell 240 acres oa Columbia Bear Lrto SB acres bearing orchard, ao acrea cultivate!. level, ncautirui, cneen; asavmp. unit 1. at, Cooa. Lyla, Waablagtoa. 11 ACRES food land aa car Una; bo gravel; aew Buildlnge; all etocx ana sonia; crop; must n asea to aa apprecutea, - aaaree 1 sc. soar nal. Ne agents. FOR SALB A good farm, wall Improved, with an Kinae or rruit ire; we nsvs eevsrsi nne acre tract also, sank 01 satacada, Eetaeada, uregca. 980 ACRES af pood land S mile from county seat; s snap at fg.po per acre, raoae xtoog 1836. 900 FARMS, small tracts lad tota; bargain ea o. w. r. electric line. 0, K. Aaaitoa, Lenta, . Oregoa. Take Mount Scott car. Be IMPROVED BO-acre farm; alrbtly: aew bouaa. orcberd, living water. Address bob bb, a. r. D. No. 1.. Vancouver, Washtngtoa. 200-ACRB Polk coanty farm. 100 cleared; 88.200; cbolre bop and rruit land; s Bargara, 0. A. Bsll, 04 East Foartoentk at 4 ACRES, 40 fruit treea, berries. 9 room bouaa. spring. 14 mile oat, oa o. w. P. ek tv, K.: prloe $600. 2S4 Second at. VARIETT af Intproved farma, fine roe da all year. near J'ortlsnd, . La . Compte, BOO Alleky bldg. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. B0RSES of all kind for aal at very reaaoa able pr-e. Inquire 980 Jeffaraoa. . - OOOD bora sad bnggy for light delivery cheap. Chip factory, rear 239 Ruaeall st. FOR SALB CHEAP A good gantle haras. Call t zi atom at. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FINE yoaag Jersey cow, -fresh fear weeks. N. 11. Boot, Tremoat, taaa Mb score car, (our bteeke weat of atatioa. FOR SALE TIMSEH. DO VOO Bran Hsikwl t OWB ISO. gs.000, which I will U me pcauui aa ww lately afa laeaetmaat O SS. car JeavaaL POB SALE Tw horaastaad rsUa-veishawiat claims; second growth: will aau aaeap. P. MletoM, Hotel Bbalapfala. CEBTlrtrn .ertn. see ataa ate seat prtoea. W. . BeweU, be was moor ex vmm aserca. .- - " B0MESTEAO timber relinquishment, aagar plae. acoesetble. Addrs ad, care aouroai. FOR HOMESTEADS, timber claims Bad scrip apply to sod Co staler da I bib. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. Hood River vacant tota aad acreage to as change for rooming-house is city. Good valley farms sod acreage Bear city to exchange for residence or a good buslaesa. Acreage near Ross burg to axchaug tar cat tsge or vacant kits, , h SW atorrlaoa Stl Boom 911. EXCHANGE . . Fear acrea la strawberrtoa aad fruit! poos plastered boaee, brick bssemsnt. - good barn: a choice little home, ea oe car list: will i- trade lata larger farm. - HBMkl-B litis, -' 2i Ablngtoa Bids. EXCHANGE your property ta Oregoa, Wsshlng toa or Idsbo tor beaatlful borne hi eouikeru California, Martng orcbarda yielding proiir. able crops. Land Exchange, 201 McKay bldg. i - TO exchang for vacant tota, 90 acree ef an- lm proved land 4 miles trom pcatoinco. r. 1. Berry, Mo. 4 North Sixth. Pbon Hood TO EXCHANGE For raal aetata, SS well furs tailed, vers central, aeod siaklng business, ea account ef other bual acae. - Call 16V Sixth at, room IS. FOB sale ar trade, 27 -room rooming I central toeatloa. cheas rent, alwaya : fan in trade for city ar farm property. Journal. ... O 46, 14-ROOM house. 100x100 coraer; bearing fruit trees; will trad for farm. weal para year Rome Lead Co.. 146 Flret Bt. SMALL, aaat atock of grocer lee foe e create roperty: price mast pa reawmabto. . Aoarsee 40, Journal. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TYPEWRITERS AB makes, new or partly aeed and second hand; price ana terms to salt purchaser: office furniture, typewriter and office .euppllee for sll makes of type f writers, printing aad stationery I flrst-claa tvnewrtter renalrlne et reasonsble ariose, aay make of typewriter: all work guaranteed. Tba Portlaad Typewriter. Kxcnange. ABira si. Phonos Mate. SSOT and Mala 2045. 0NB large doable deck (standing. SO drawers, S compartments ; one uione letter nio, au a raw era: owe email eefe (key), one desk founding, elnglell Ink wells, etc. William A. Haley, Waldtora aid mill office foot ot Sartor st SAFES S asw Ire-proof esfes (not cf our maaorarturel vary neap; B sacaaa-aaaa eaieei alas tbe g ermine Hall eafaa. . PORTLAND SAFE COMPANY, TO Sixth Bt POR SALE Office furniture, eonalsttng of oeeaa. mrge wrier prose, ' swninei sea psrii tioa with mahogany top, at SI North Froat bk, " mass owiui vm i,h hwi, TH1 fUtrrNSWICPT-BALKB COteLBrTDEB OCK BILUABD ANir POOL Ublea fee rest er lot sal aa aay psymeata. ''-.' 4S Third Bt, Portlaad. ' SsfAU, ' Incubator, large outdoor brooder. Humphrey areea ooaecutter, an prenicany aew ana ueex ssaue, very wtip. , sv w. care joarnaL A MBW tstio aalt for aeto cha: dark ersea. , Eton eeat sad Jacket, a princes skirt, SS or eu aaat. B. a. aoernerx, eautt morrisoa. TOR SAT.B relverssl range. 2S yards Mnotoam . and other furniture, aoarly newt cell today. 14 Baet Eleventh, cor. Aab. Pboaa Eaet 1SUX BTB aa-tat mr aame oa P0 ealllna card lee aad style, 26c; 280 boalneae cards. U Brewa Bj acamaia, xirai, reruaao. tm. LA BO EST atock of bottlee to aorthweet: orders filled promptly. Portlaad Bottle Supply Oa avt nortB BigaiaeaiB at. - mam aaaa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTT'BBS mad to order; aecond hand good for ato. Cartoori 4V Kall- strom. sap Louca et. roone viay Bit. MBOSON doudmat and cruller machine, aood . aa new, cheep. Call or write J. Aaamaa, S4s Hicbigaa ava roruaaa. urgoa. DO yoa waat a aew grate in yoar fl rep Is net B-rocamsB a nanrnaa are closing eat ineii atock below coat. ICS) riret t. PORTABLE locomettve boiler and engine ; toe -1 . . .,, - . ry u k- inee m vrevi . mwimpvw w , v. za s s gotta tow afflca, 4 Malkey bldg. - 4-HORHE boiler aad engine with dragsew; rune ell farm mammary; a Bargain. u, w, Baaa- aume, jfuo is s reons a. FINE fural tare of IS rootne: all rooma rented; good local 10a lor ttoarding-Boaae; will pa eoia at a escriiiee. js maia. . - ( FOR SALB Ofla I Inch Smith sticker, ens arm aaader, one tsre-epindie aha per, baits sad pulleys, au rourtn at. . , COkfPLETB wagoomaker'a stock aad tools la lively toera foe eel. Inquire of F. Sllhavy. Staytoe wregoo. . . .. - - CLOSINO oat tbsee senate Indian blanketa and pottery at east. ne. sow Blarx et. Bat rwat ana rroat. WALL Bad counter cases, tablea, die Irs, deeke, carpet. Wea Washington at. 1 Salvape Ca., e2T-2 FOR SALB CHEAP One sssaea ticket for etar course T. M. o. A. eatertatemeata. Addna H 6ft. Joaraal. FOR SALB Buff Orplngtea cbtckea. F. Murphy, naanvwa atatioa, o. n . r. ay. Sc car far. - FOB SALE Largest 1s upright plaa at a ssenric: leering city; ran aaa examine, aoo Fourteenth. A SNAP for p tinner; toola aad business; War ms slats, sm a. nHiusm. rson, e , 462X- . . HANDSOME black velvet lady' cloak, else 24. for sal. So. Apply 40S Marquam building. FOR SALB lxtl 8 roofing. $4. ea tbe Trail. V. M- Black, BBS upebur at. t'aoue Mara S2i. SPLENDID nprlyht piano, almost , new. cheap. t'bone Bcott sail, Kee.. ivui uicnigaa ava. FOR SALE Thoroughbred - pedigreed Angora pane, monine aid. rooaa Bcott aosa. TWO gasoline easinea aery eke p. . Inqolr af d. r. Hrtma bob, bhb uuaaa at. 0YSTEB eouater aad shelving aad oapbardS nae eatlit, eaeep. bub soune ax. FOR BALR Andaluslsa bene, cheap If tokca aew. 110 urana a., near aioer. A LA ROB atock oa to at bargala prioaa, Call and look them over. . 270 Pint at JERSEY Durham cow for tale. J28T Baat Fear- teenta St. north. MEW 1B eider pre for sal cheep, at 248 rirta. 4-POOT fist-top deck. SOS A Iter y bldg. PERSONAL. MISS BERTHA MARTIN Boom SIS, Allaky eiflg. Bumping aaa nne aeed lower k! MeeeaS givea. f-u t. TBY Mm. Cromer's .aew prWfec for growing heir on bald bead. SOS Fifth. Mate B22S. PRIPATB borne for th mentally In firm aaar tba elty. - Addreaa P 4S. care ot Journal. TURKISH BATHS, PnO' Oregon la a bldg.i gear all algbt ladiea sll day. Mala IMS. FBRB sampls eera. buatoa aad wart care. Ed wia L. Deaa. dept B. Taaatea, Maaa. BXPERIBNCED dneamaker will make eagag aaeato la famlllea. Vatoa S44 YOVNO lady waattng to go eaet well to addreaa H si. Joaraal. will f Ct.ABA Tea will sever know en less you write to Wrnfleld. Jouresl elf lee. BD BILK PI, blacksmith, write ta Plamea, SS A. TU a, 14nr BiBiaiil' reaeaed ma 0. K, , ej. M" s w WESTERN PHYSICAL Cl'LTi P I . rUIPII AL 1 r" - - 5 j .. SATISFACTORY Pk-eLLd -UABANTBKi. To tatrodaca ear Biethod we sesd. for f r paetegc paid, cembiaed ms4 cearsa.. I - ooursve In eae. W bst IBs eourse doe tor you . . Broaden aad eVepeua the cheat . f - Iievelupe cheat muevlsa. - Breeleiie euuildere end beck. Develop stress, musculo arum, Htrengtbeaa wrlate and grip. Isjreeses lusg eapecity. ' The course cooslsm ef 29 ei err rose. tpe written; with plain lostructlooe. ' Bequlrea ao bulky. - eipcaslv a ops re roe. ' Bequlrea bat a abort tlma at algbt or IB tba morning. ' .... When yoa order .rears state ate, eoadl"" op general heoltb aad whether enaetiiaue to aaturally etreug week. ''-... - The emount of exercise to determlaed aad regulated by tbe -cute ot tba euealiluiioa. WESTKBN MlaSICAJL CLLTURB INSTITUTE. v. . r. , t 1 ..- w , - , . yea are lacking la the power ef ttau-. He toes reealtlBAT from ta4lecretvae and ex- . aead far a box of toes, tablets aad be c vlnoed cf their merit. By mall la Piala t . 21. Tb Arsaetrens -Tablet 0 1-. s-i Toufma Mk.. Detroit Mick. WIDOW. 46. prepoaeeealDS and ,' ""! attainments, highly connected BBd beat- ' .,.nHiB wishse to correspond with wee, r widower er bachelor. SO to B0 yeara of e-e, with view to marriage; oaly those li cf reference need soswer; no objecttooo to small city. Addreaa H 44. cars, Jouraat - MRS. ANNA LL'CKEY and BTHBL ABf, ar. bow iocs I eti st hv - " r . -' . , tb Amertcsa Beauty Per tore. W cure ail scalD dlsessee aad positively prow bear or v rosk. ao ehergai aHklada of batM jglvem, electric masssss. manlcurlna- and cblrrmOv; ale Madama Karrow'a remedlea; satuuectava guaraataed. Pboaa Mala 2244. DETECTITB egeacte OssfldentisI la ve Uona: reporto made cat sr JndmW"b.- J mr pmnnF woes Bipacsw - - e7cearge reaaonablc; eorrspoBu-a liclted. Oregoa Detective Servtcev o -4 S14-S1S Oolumbis bldg.. SW Wehiat- a. Pertlaaw. Pboaa Mala BdlS. - ' AOREBABLB. elderly pttomaa of Marit a4 oesiranis quaiu. -7 . of congeBtal. anterprlli.g tody of I suitablo age that, would epprcclata aa. t ana. mteuwenx ce.--r - Biatrlmoa If eulted: no objection to eoantry -Addrea U l. 40, oaraaa. BDISON pbonogrepbe .aad reeerde ft eV- prtoea. oeUvered anrwbare oa receipt of i 1 amoaat of retell price i larpeet atock af I aoa record west or tne stocaiee; aewa iu va cuum. Peter Badgalupl. wholesale BB re tall. TPS Mission st-, Saa Francieeo. DISEASES of stmt 1 epocUlty: mater--y case given apeciai atteanoo, prrvaie aosmi's accommodattoai profess lousl lady era-see la attendance; conaultatloa free. X-Rsrn Inatltato aad Saaltarlaia. Third Bad AJwsV eatraacc 2&S Aider st - IF sseklng a congenial Ufa companion, Jotn tb Interststs Introducing Society, end Betl w a pood wll elth mutable reeMenta of tbto sectloa. aiaay wealthy. Tb October Rsrtst.r. ' 10 eenta. Suits 24. Russell bldg.. cor. rem aad Merrtooa ata. Pboaa PadSe SSS. . BO DRUGS, aa operations! prof. Duaa eive . aeteopetny aaa wiegneiie nvsunssi, ressws year fleefa, relieves suppressed ssootbty lrre slaritlee, Conaaltattoa tree. , , Of Oca, Swl Goodoougb bldg. ' , MANLY vigor restored by Dr., Roberta Nerve Globule. Oa mouth' treatment S4: B Ttooatha, IS; cent eecarely sealed by att Agent. Woodard. Clarke A Co.. PerttoasL Or. BOOKS! Here tbf are: Decmeroa. " . tamerea." "A Hot Tamato." "ranmy B.-V . "Tweaty Teera a Faker," "Forbidden Pratt SO aaab; lists free. A. Schsssts. 22 Flret It LOST ' powers restored ky the greet Dr. torsos' s Nerve Tool Tablet; SB per boa, S boxes tar 21. 2. Writ call at ByeeeiTa Pharmacy. 221 Marrtoea. bat tot aad 2. BBBTHA Befor BBOthar week baa ended. Re ceived your Bote aad waa very- pled to beer pood news. Alee add totter frem- Alice, : which I waat yea to read. HOWARD. -' EVELYN There to aa aad to all thlnge. I sometime feel m though there aevev will be a tereilnatloa af that affair. Find solace ' to yoa, aa da not forsake. J. B. S. VIM, VIOOR, VITALITY Du Pont at Cts'e Kola Tablets, -Nstora's great toole for either sex, 2Be by mall. Albert Bent. Second and Wsshlngtea, agent," Portlaad, Or. - ATTRACTIVE ma Idea, wsst thy, stone aad un fortunate, wtoliea aeqaalatanra of honorable Kntlemaa; object matrimony. .Addreaa art. Box 107. Oak Park, in. - nr THB MYRTLE CREEK MAIL, published la tbe heart ef a great fralt and mining coun try, 4 months for 50c. Address Tba Mall, . Myrtle Creek. Oregoa. ' WIDOWER f yeare af age to deetrto; a housekeeper ; "trmet be seder SS years, single or divorced, without Incumbrances. . Address K 57, cere ot Joaraal. 1 CARRIE Do not know why yoa' waited even this long. Assareoiy yoa most snow iaat it to agreeeble. So why aet thla - Tkaraday f Await word. ' N. 1 . WANTED Ts aoafer with theee enetempUt Ing s -bsslnese coarsst to your psreomsl Bed faaicui la t crest sa saveeiigaia. 42. car JoaraaL ' - MOOREFIELD Turkish and ateam bath, aalt glow, mineral bath: rhearaatiam givea spectnt ettenttoa; free trial treatment. lOe otxto. Paclfie 2T0. LADIES Yea ppr SO year younger, re move all wrinkles, have skla Ilka velvet by aslng Oregoa drape Skla Feed. Pbeaa Beat 1247. MEN I WOMEN 1 Raymond pi ne poetttvely care Bervousaeea snd toct af viul fr; 21, 4 boxes SS. Plammsr Drag Crfc. 264 Telrd. DR. ATWOOD, IS Rneesl bldg.. 1SS4 Fourth c remam aieeesee aaa conaneaMnrei epeei Wed. sad Sat evenlsgs. Coaealtattoa tree. HAROLD Have not fur gut taw. Baat y. There ar thing that cannot bo Bald Bp print. When yoa ae ma 1 will xplta. MARIS. SUITS preeaed while yoa watt SO. Ladtoa skirts pressed SOc. Ollbert 10BH Blxtt St. Beat to the Que Us. Pboaa Clay SOS. PET Wasn't there at alt All Ilea. Bit. telling yoa that erarr for bts own purpoese. Only aad aver yours, B. M., Joaraal. LILLIAN B. CRAM Ollrrodiart. maatoortoB ana anampoomg. rarior saa Aamgroa aas Perttoad. Or. Black BBKS. A GENTLEMAN of SO wishes to with a neat working girl; object matrluaay. Addreaa H 44. Joaraal. . ' MARRY ) Correspond wttk local ladle: sera weaitny; addressee rree. star Bog (Sa, Bsa Francisco, California. '- - WOULD like to reefer wltk a lady cotne: aa . far east ae Tomato, Ontario. ,. Pbewa Bast aj a. rrt 1 PAP.T1RS going to St. Loula er Kansas City win una it to tnear utereei to sorresuea-a withv H 5S. Joaraal. WANTED Small earn to put cat ea abort timet Marquam, . . LADY dee ir ing to go to Pelt Lake will find 11 ro nor mtereat re Bourses a. ne, car er Journsl. ASSAYERS. MONTANA A eeay effere aad toetiag Werfca, IBS Morrtaon at. - ART GLASS. . PORTLAND Art Olsas Works-Plsla sad ee. mental glass. 2SS Trlo. phone Hed AUTOMOBILES, t WB repeto and rsbelld anramobtlee. gaa printing preaeee. time inese, saree. ere euro do ell kind of maeblna work, t ;aa Enrlne A Ha fa Works. x"'l See Pboaa Psclfle STa. Frssk i. Bupev, HOWARD COVEY. Firteeaftt sed A I-. for 1 adlllse Bad Pierce antoasvellaei a., rented, renelred d etnred. BLACKir'O. B'KHPOOT Blactin. sbslutev wt servee me leainer, piesrs rent Hmear, par sste vi. li BSBIBs ' . , ... A