The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 23

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    on-con ljnday journal, ForvrLAir. cu::day ::cr.:nNO. octoi u iscj.
,-..,,1. - - . a it - - -i . . i - - i i ii ' ';ryi,,u .IT"! --,.,.., w ,
r Pay jyoltec
;i JR-'Tfim vaa tarda com Dieted the
purclMM r 19 by 00 feet square at
The Northwest corner of Fifth and Alder
atreeta. which U to be tha alta for hta
skyscraper. Soma tme ago Mr. Toon
purchased 100 by 7 feet on thla cor
oner, getting 100 feat on Alder and Tl
rfeat on fifth. Between hla around and
me Uiua, iraramn at Jmg property
waa a atrip. 26 feet wide and 100 feet
deap. which belonged to--T. Scott
Brooke, and which waa necessary to
quare Mr. Teon'a Quarter block. .Tea-
terday tha purchase of thla tract waa
closed at tlS.000, which la ona of tha
best prtcp yet paid for practically un
improved property In Portland. - The
price la tit a square foot, or $1,400 a
front -foot. Ab tha building en It la a
light frame . structure, the price paid
may be said Jto represent tha land value
alone, making 'the figure one of tha beat
buslneea. property In tha central .part
of tha city. v. -i - -. .-.
Thle sale complete the preliminaries
for' the commencement of work. ' ' Mr.
Yeon will have plana and specifications
for the atruotura prepared quickly aa
; possible and It la expected that' by 'Jan
uary 1 contracts will be let for the
excavation. ' Meanttma Mr. Yeon ' will
study' the best office buildings of the
west, that he may take advantage of
all advanced developments. Ha haa aat
apart a sum for the. building and Intends
to make tha beat that can be had for
thla figure. Ha aayg that tha building
will, certainly be 10 atorlea hlghV and
may be 11 or II. Aa tha coat of auch
work la not to be determined definitely
until (ilan. , 4 a n. (fln.llnn. mrm mim.
ptote, Mr. Teon'a purpose In regard to
ielght cannot la atated at thla time.
i Kurther than that the building la in
be steel frame and fireproof, little can
be aald regarding It It will be patterned
after the very lateat'of Its type, ac
commodating tha largest number of ten
ants poaalblo, and affording them every
possible convenience. It will be especial
ly adapted to some given Una of Of
fices anit IntanriaA l a aufhar a larva
number of ona profession tinder Ita roof.
leases on aome of tha property' have
prevented more definite announcement
regarding Mr. Teon'a plana earlier, but
these have been adjusted In auch man
tier that work may commence by the
We have a limited number of choice and finely located buslneaa properties
. . that are not regularly on tha market and which wa are not at liberty to adver
. tine, hot quota pricee on" except to thoaa actually In earnest about purchas
ing. Concerning these tall at our ofllce.
Soma of our. ether business properties are:", ' . "" . . ' '.
Fine quarter block, comer, on First, rents $.7I0, for $5.00.- $0100, wnur,
on First street, with good t-atory brick, rent now $M30, after April next, $ft,
400: price, $60,000. Fine corner, 100x100. First atreet. cheap frame buildings,
rental 13.400. for 140.000. Fine location for larae bulldlna. Three and four-
story structures on opposite corners. On Front street, well located, 60x100,
- with J-etOTT brick, occupied by commission house, rent $2,400, for $21,000." On
i Sixth atreet, well located. 100x100. $60,000; another same price; another, 100k
ISO. 17S.O0O; another, 50x100, fine brick building, $80,000; 100x100, on Twelfth
. atreet, near Washington, with cheap buildings, $30,000. ' ' .
8. M. BARR. Manager of City Properties. . .. ..,
- New l-mom house and lot, well lo-
ratva, mi av, ev,vv, n4& sq ma j
payments., , Vf, ..."
NOW- froont ' house -and ehmer - lot,
Kaat Main at.. $1,000, with 1600 cash,
."helanoexeaa-beveld ln-nentbiy lnstaH
meateVi '.:..?; .,:
Large 7-room house, modern, arranged
75 acre, near atatlon. es Oregon City
car ime, j per acre. ,
acre,' 8-willeafrom atatloti. 10
mllee from Vancouver, $1,000 If sold at
once. Thla Is a great barcaln. Offered
bat once at prioa given.
70 acre rich land, near Sherwood;
rurttttng water; cheap butldlnga, all cul
tivable land, near Lutheran church,
school, etc. Price $2,500. With 20
acres .adjoining, with good building.
' $t,600.
' We have choice acreage, ona acre and Portland and where values will double
up, on Oregon CHy car line; fine loca-l in a few yeara
tion, rich soil, at $100 to $200 per acre. I We have tracta near Montavllla car
Thla la the finest acreage auburb about! lino at $$ per acre. , . . i
Bids will be received for this bonding. Plant
V'can be teen t fain Office.
.., . . -
The comlnf .manufacturinc and ihippinf ctnter of tha Pacific
'Coagt.'. ..' J.; ; . . ': ',.:,:-;'. ;.,;
- vTh coming of thg Northtrn Pacific and Great Northern with
their machine ahopa and round houaea, tog ether with the induotriea
that must congregate around this great (hipping point
-Tynk of what realty raucs will be then. ' "; .; 7 .
1 'St. Johna in five yeara will have a population of 20,000 people.
We have a few acre tracts' left
O. R.' ft N. right of way, price IfiOO
Office With the Penlneula Bank.
first of the year. Steady progress will
be mads thereafter, with the hope of
f Jnlshlng tha building by , tha cloee
of 10 If possible. ,
Tha Intention of building the Welle
Fargo, two .atorlea higher than first
Intended waa given ' out- yeatarday by
Architect B. WiaUr Morris. Jr. The
announcement la enhancing the value of
property adjacent to Sixth and Oak
streets, where it will Btand. When thla
building waa first authoriaed. It waa
the make It 10 atorlea high,
but after apaca had been made for the
offlcea of the Harrlman railway eya-tern,-,
the executive committee concluded
that ft waa warranted In putting, a
larger sum Into tha atruetura.
Twelve atorlea will be three above the
highest building - at present In . Port
land, ... ' : '
. Tha-180.000 foundation for the Wella
Vargo- building la to be laid ouickly aa
poealble. and the contracta for the super
rtructura Will be let aa tha work pro
gresses. About January 1 the Yeon
building will ba oommenced. and already
tha foundation la being laid for the
Sweeny building at Seventh had Morrl
on streets. Between theaa three large
structures1 and tha several smaller onea
going up, there will ba heavy building
operations all winter.
Tha" moat 'Important event on tha
waterfront during tha week waa the
letting of a contract by tha O. R. A N.
for a great dock and elevator at Alblna.
The dock la to have (00 feet frontage
on the river, and will be 100 feet deep,
with a one-story atruetura for all parts
to ba uaed for the dock. In the center
will be a grain elevator, which la to
have a, heavy capacity for loading ahlpa.
Tha work on thla dock and elevator will
bo- In eteady progress until completed,
and when finished the O. R. A N. .will
have ona of tha beat to ba found on
tha. coast. ....
Daley , XL Holman purchased from
Clara U Smith tha northeaat corner of
Eighteenth and Washington atreeta,
through tha agency of E. J. Daly, who
aold thla property to the former owner
In April. . Mr. Daly also aold to B.
Ha gedo rn tha triangle at tha corner of
I foe two famlllea, renting for $2$ per
momn, on Miiwauaie ave., lor ii.uuu,
II soia oy novemoer a.
Fine building alte, 100x100, 16th and
Ankeny, $3,600.
Fine bufldlnr "atta mr Portland
ueighta, looxioo, near car line 61.850,
, These ara but a few of our offerings.
60 -acres. - near- Wanata station, rloh
Taoti; nair plowed; new house and hnrn;
running water, pipea to ounainga met
(-61.700; half on easy .terma, at 6 per
cent. ... , r.-v;
100 acres, near atation. on O. W. P.:
40 acree cultivated; rich soil; running
vftiir; oeanna urcuaru; iwu ouiiains
We have a large Hat of farms. . Call
for Information or write for Mat, stat
ing character of farm wanted.
neat tha Northern Pacific and
per acre caay terms.
& Dobie
Washington and Twenty-third streets
and the Cornell road. Mr. Hajredoh will
erect a modern two-atorv frame store
building. ' In response to a demand fdr
stores in that locality, where five atreeta
ana roads come together. '
Tha 100 by 10-foot lot on the east
aiae or Thirteenth, between Washing
ton and Stark atreeta, 100 feet north
of Washington, was aold' thla week to
Loa - Angeles people, wbo' ;,h'ave lately
Invested considerable money In Portland
realty through U W. Whiting ft Co.
The alte was formerly owned and occu
pied by Fred Merrill aa a stable, but
lately haa been used by tha Clty.Mea
Banger & Delivery company. Tha price
waa 121,000, which la eonaldered by
competent ; Judaea very reasonable.
Joeeph Cloaset and 'Cecil Bauer were
the sellers. . William Denholm aaalated
In tha Bale. -;, ... .. .. ,. , ,
Little of an important natura In the
way of realty transaction wag recorded
the past week, although there waa
heavy trading In email properties
Every dealer aald that business con
tinued brisk, and that tha Interest waa
better than even they expected. Every
one ex Dec tad that there would ba a
period of two or three weeka after, the
fair when many would not buy er eell.
merely to aea what waa to occur. Heavy
buying "haa not occurred -during the
two weeka following tha eloae of tha
fair, but there baa been a large amount
of business,, with a rapidly steadying
tendency. A number of Investors con
tlnue to kick themselves for not "buying
last aprlng. and appreciate that thetf
wait; for tha fair to close for bargains
haa been unfortunate. Thla experience
la teaching them that waiting la not
good at any' time, and they are ener
getically negotiating with tha prospect
of purchasing considerable property
soon. v "'
Goldsmith tt Co. have aold tha by
100 feet containing a brick building at
the southeaat corner of Flrat and Yam
hill atreeta, the consideration being
$17,600. R. B. Lamaon was tha former
owner. . No change la to ba made In
tha Improvementa for the present, as
they are producing a good Income, but
later larger structure may ba erected.
Room 3 C. of C
Telepaoaa Saoaaaga 80. ' Elaaant 12-room houa'e on the
. weet aide In beet location; finished In
-narawood; a bargain.
ar.AOO -Elegant house,' best residence
part of west aide; 60x100 foot lot, with
modern nine-roora houee.
M,0O0 Good modern (-room houae, with
100x100, on ona of tha best corners In
Irvlngton. .
fe,0OO a acres of land, highly Improved,
with modern 6-room houae coet (2,600:
all necessary outbuilding; plenty of
fruit and berries; within I minutes'
walk of Mt. Tabor car Una
$34,700 New modern 7-room houee, on
Wasco atreet, Holladajr park; beauti
fully finished throughout; fine lawn.
94,800100x100, on the aouthweat corner
of Twelfth and East Stark atreeta,
. with 8-room house: easy walking dis
tance to center of city.
$4,000.. g-roora modern houee, (0x100
foot lot, on Kaat Bumalde, between
Twentletn and -Twenty-second atreeta
A fine location and good aurroundinga
9360 50x1 00-foot lot on the aoutheast
- corner of East Tenth and Bchuyler
atreeta, with new, modern (-room
house; atreeta improved and cement
aa,O0 Modern (-room houae, fireplace
and other modern Improvements; 60x
100 feet. In Irvlngton, on Eaat Thlr-
teentn atreec
88,700 4-room houae. (OxlOO-foot lot. On
Larabee atreet; flna view of city and
ea.Tao For a - modern (-room dwelling
on lot (8 1-1x67 feet, near tha corner
or Twenty-rirst and vaugnn .atreet
62K0 cash and I2K ner month.
Mnui r,AA
lot. with alley, within two block of
i nompson acnooi, in central AiDina.
99,700 (-room modern houae with gaa
fixtures and 'all. modern, conveniences,
on the corner of East Thirty-first
and Couch atreet. In Hawthorne's
First addition; terma $600 cash and
615 per month.
88,050 8-room houae, almost new. with
lot x 1-3XB7, on tne aoutneasi cor-
ner of Twentv-Tlrst and W 11 son
atreeta; terma; $600 down and $26 per
momn. .
88JB0" 6-room house. 60xl00-foot lot,
near corner Twenty-ninth and Kaat
Salmon atreeta; email payment down
end monthly inat&llmenta
98,000- New 6-room house, (OxlOO-foot
lot. on tsaat aevenieentn atreet. do-
tween Clinton and Division; house
now rented for $1$ per month; easy
terma '
99,000 (-room ' houee, (OxlOO-foot lot.
on waveriy-wooasiocK car line, near
Sixteenth street; house now rented for
sis per momn.
98,000 For new (-room house on East
Sixteenth street, near Division; will
sell on easy terma .
91.SOO 8-room house, with basement:
hot and cold water, bath and all mod
ern convenlencea, (OxlOO-foot lot, on
East iwenty-aixth, near Ollnton-Kelly
Vacant Building Lots
98300 (0x100 on northwest corner' of
union avenue ana iinamooa eiresi
e-ood location for store bulldlna.
99,000 100x100 on the southeast cor
ner of East Fourteenth and Tillamook
atreet; fine location Tor Deautiiul
88.8M to 90,800 For several fine lot on
Oterton and Northrup atreeta; .good
aurroundinga; atreeta fully Improved.
9978 to 9500 For 10 lot in Lincoln
Park annex, near Unron avenue;
etreeta graded and sidewalks,
aaoa to, asoo For 8 lota In Central A!
bina, within a few blocka of the
Thompson school.
9488 to 9700 For 20 lots In South Hun-
riyaioe; mis projwrir ia on me aouiu
- iMa of Hawthorne avenue, between
Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth: atreets
graded and aldewalks: every lot two
feet above grade. Thla is ona or the
' most desirable tracta on the market.
Terma (aO cash ana iu per month.
- ' ........
Portland' prettiest suburb, on the
Mount Scott car Una A new,' modern,
(-room cottage, large lot, a cosy Jbome,
with beautiful surrounding's.'
- Ona thousand dollar propoaitlonT'7
For 5750
Ofllca: Evelyn Station. Take Mount
Scott car at First and Alder Bta
. BDILfigK.
aos -etrt st.
Horwrg built
n riucca.
I sell you a lot right
(Wear line on 'yy
payments of only
$1.00 a Wt
X have only 20 of these
left on which you can build
home. 100 lots
ZSZyi Wsshingtoa-itreet.
r '
Bargains for
Next Week-
Corner on Morrison st
Half block in warehouse
district. ' r ' " A
r Corner lot on First st'V;
' ,. Flats within 10 minutes of
business center.
; k Fint quarter ,, on ' fiurn-i
' " 'Quarter block, best In city
for apartment building. V
Quarter ? block . on Savier
'. at; gpo4 Income. . . . i; v
; Marshall St., 50x200, Mth;
'4 houseaV'rvV'f:-;'-.:..;' '-"T
Fine residence in NobJHilt
district; . '. ,V
' $8,000 wlU buy new 7-;
room modern . house . on
Kearney st. on installments.
Room 0, 253 Wash. St.
- "Phone Main 3055. '
For Sale
Fine modern 7-room house.
Eaat 22d and Wasco, price S3.6U0:
terms. $300 cash, balance in
monthlv . navments.'' $30 per
month; streets improved, sewer
connection, gas and electric iignt,
cement basements, cement wain;
also nine improved lots in same
location; will be sold cheap, or
will build house to suit purchaser
on installment plan.
100x100 on Northrup street.
with large 8-room house, nice
lawn, $6,700. . . .
Improved farm. 12 miles east
of city all in cultivation, sold on
easy terms. Will trade for city
: 40 lots 50x100 on Section Line
road and 44th street. Price
$5,000. , :
fi-acre tract south of reservoir.
on Powell Vallev road. $350 per
acre. 10 acres on Base .Line road
for $1,000.
Many other bargains too nu
merous to mention.
William Q. Beck
307 Failing Building.
staMlahea X97S
nratrmAiroa uvtax
250 Alder Street
81. $00 down, balance $40 eer month.
buys a flnejmodern 8-room house, fine
$4.210 Two very "nice houses. -corner
lot, en car line, easy terma Look me
tip for flna building lota In all parte of
the city.
$0 acras, Clackamas county, nothing
better II. n0; might trade. w
' aolrl in IS rlavsk . S ' ' . S - I ' :t
Take Vernon Car.
to East 25th Street.
H. L-r.
Main 34S -
94800 Very swell, colonial f-room rest
dence; furnace, gaa, electrio
light and all other modern con-
. venlencea; corner lot, close In.
.4 east side. It's a beauty.
93AOO Beautiful corner lot, awell -room
house, on Grand avenue,
Holladay'a Addition.
98350 Very desirable JO-acra' farm, all
fenced and in cultivation; good
-room dwelling, barn and other
butldlnga; living water, $ cowa,
horee, wagon, harneaa and farm
91900 Nice, new l-room residence, full
S1950 Beautiful 8-room cottage, ii
- l ..0-foot lot, close in. east aide.
'. t t-tt'B a, anap. - . . . i . . .
91000 Nice (-'room . cottage, S lota;' a
. lovely, home, ana block 8L- Johna
,-'" btara..( ;' - -.. 1.,, ....
9 TOO Good S-acra ' place, partly Im
proved, -excellent for poultry or
!.':J3. gapden ranch. Oak Orova - i
9 SOO40 acres, fronting on. Eatacada
- electric- railway, house and -bain,
living water. Tha biggest, bar-
gain of tha day,, ; , r
TJon't forget -we are -the-leaders -for
haraalna In etylish and Imaaoved.cltv
resldencea of every charaoter and price.
city business Investments, vacant lots.
xarina ana unimprvej orese ' ;
youll never And the bargains antll
you see - -
r TtfE 'DUNN-t:,
The great manufacturing center and
site of the treat WEYERHAUSER
LUMBER CO. Property will never
be cheaper. Here ara few of the
chances left as investment:
A fine block, riverview ...... . f 2,500
Two good 6-room houses, grounds
100x138 feet s)2.80O
A few good lots at S200 each, $5.00
cash, balance $5,00 monthly
The only lots with alley. In center
' of city ...... ...i w...f350
Two Good
House, 'l
360 Ivy Street
Nearly new, . full two-atory,
modern, 8-room, bay-Wlndow-front
house, pleasantly ' aftuated, full
iOx 100-foot lot Price $1,3(0;
terma to auit.-
House. ' ,
813 .Savier Street
Good 8-room house, modern,
south frontage, lot 26x100 feet;
rents for $26 per month. Price
'$2.258. , ', . ". '.;'
Fries , Co.
. . sag" Stabs annT. -
J. W. Ogilbee
ftooic n,, 145V, nmsT st.
I H acres garden land on eaat
slope Mount Tabor, larghtly:
a 'fine place ' for home and
very reasonable price,
tl acres, 8 acres In good state
of cultivation; house of 8
rooms; barn, outhouses; bot
tom land, rich soil, fine creek
through, the place, on good
road, 4 miles from eourt
houae In Oregon City; would
make a choice chicken ranch.
I lota $0x100 feat, each, in
Tlbbett'a Addition, near Eaat
14th atreet; very cheap.-
Cxi 00 feet, with new 8-room
modern houae; picket fence,
concrete walks, etc., near
Baee Line road and North
Prettyman arenue.
100x100 feet, with 4-room
cottaae. In Coles Addition.
....... . i
fail to go i
out today
. Streets graded, city , water,
sightly lots, -v,
Only $20 to $125
2ftd and Washington
Agent on Grounds. -
346 Stark: Stroet
BaitaabllaSheKl In 1SS8
For Inside Property
' ,.: See "
, Real Estate
V Brokers'
442 Sherlock Building
Bstabllaheyd In isas
151J Slxta
Warehouse Property
100x200 on Thirteenth and Lorcjoy,
with brick Warehouse paying's per
. -, cent net on asking; price. -ALSO
2 vacant quarter blocks on Thirteenth
street. For prices and terms see
Room 2 Chamber of Commerce.
Quarter-block, nth and Thurman; four
houses, room for mora: price thou
sands isss man otners in same vicin
ity. Quarter-block, 17th and Northrup; per
fect for flats or apartment-house;
Qaarter-Moek, good 'Income; right In
moet popular location for rapid ad
vance. 1 see $10,000 profit In this In
a ahort tlma - " ' '
Brick bonding, paying t per rent: on
. iractionai 101 in neari 01 neary Dual
neas district.
One lot on Uth at. a witch, between
unsan ana itoyt; rente $120 per an
1 can eupply any reasonable demanda
01 investor or speculator.
R. M. WILBUR, 306 McKay Bldg.
Young Man
Hie wsr en set a aoed Wini la te flrut a
snng OIRU tbo ba a 6RNTMCVAN aa4 tt
pfr nwm( co air a rKun.-i. nil J a ht in
HOlXAllAY'a AllOITIOS. tha Terr BMT sae
Goldsmith t Company
. v - '
. . MM
Tenas .
matt BKtiEirr reaiaance dtolrlit la tbe tin.
build aw s hone sad be HAPPY traf attar.
A word to tka wis,,
Wa want twe bonare with rail Inprereawnta
for sale, or will eulld a koeae fnr res. lota
ai.ld ee aaTantanoue tmna le homo-bnllnara.
( all and set rail sartlcalare tad laaaaet tka
mearty. ..""""
ISe Oregon ResJ Estate Co.
00a! a, 85i StOSD 8TBXZT,' ,
Prices wtn t sdranced
$25 on each lot at Unlyer-i
Buy a few lots and pejy
down $10 on each lot and.
get the. advantage of tiie
$25 advance and thereby.;
more than double your
money within three days;
Prices of lots now range
from $100 to $300 per lot;
terms,' one tenth cash 1
down, balance $5 monthly '
on each lot. No interest
if all payments be paid on .
or before due. , '
t . '' '
University Pal;
Pcrtk:.:!, C;:.
1 UXsV u
if 11 .11
1 v , u.
MM f
V V uuu o
.'' '". t ' ' .
eaai aiue, coeeuA
:. , 1 "" ".'
T. 0. XXX Soft OomsiOTnUi Bleak,