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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1905)
V ? THE OREGON S0ir3AY jOUnilAU, PORTLAL'D. CUIISAY H:Cr.NH;3. OCT; i w ALFONSO WOULD ; WED DAUGHTER ; ; ; : j: . OF THE GERMAN EMPEROR MteeMet::::;;4eeeeeeeem :i:s is popular III SU3JECTS .. . .-.' ; . r-- , , i t Vict6r Emmanuel Wins Hearts of Repubjicans of Milan and Southern Italy. MONARCH VISITS WORKERS IN.THEIR HUMBLE HOMES v Seeks Earnestly; to Learn Cause of Dissatisfaction Anions- Toilers ' Visit to Stricken Region Shows . VWirm Heart and Ooen Hand. . v (Cssyrlgat.' IwM m art ey . - Wire Tk JwereaM r V 'v By Paul Vtlllsrs. '.' Perls, . Oct. tl--Ths new "noclar phase la Uia ralgn of King Victor Em ' manual of Italy la developing- rapidly. ' iTfce young king-, who la unusually popu- Jar. has not only conquered the arts of the south, but has even won over the j proud Milan. . Whoever knowa tba hlatory of modern Italy knows how the 'capitals morale" ' of the kingdom, became the ceatar of republican and soclallatle-movementa, ! how It looked with distrust at Rome T and flirted with the remembranoea of the romantic republic, and how many , weary hours the people of Milan caused the government. ' -: ' ' l; -Now, under that, all Italian cabinets treated Milan with the greatest care and expected anything from ths bead- quarters of the "Bed.". , : Ohaajres ta Beatiiaeat, ' - . Thli haa all changed, and even the ' men who were preaching republicanism - and wlahed for the overthrow of the kingdom took part In the rousing re 's tceptlon given to the. king. f To be true, the-king did not come at h. r.t Kla Hattaltnna: ha did not come to parade or to take part In any celebration he came from the scene of terror In Calabria, quietly and unosten tatiously, almoet alone, accompanied by bis oonsort. his ;'wlfs," as be always calls her., v' -v . .jr. - UaIt U. AAAnla A Ihflian ' squarely In the eyes and. principally to ; get aaeoclated with the workingmen of : i that great Industrial city, to find out i why tbey are dlssstlsfled and why they have wanted a republic And then the , ', miracle happened Republicans and So cialists acoepted and heartily clasped :'' the king's handi unstintedly voted funds for his reception and greeted him with , enthusiasm when he did coma. 'i A Wssm maart nd Open Hana. ' .Unguarded by detectlvea, accompa ( nled only by his adjutant, th king vis ,ltd the houses of scores of working G'tnen. inspected the tenements, conversed n ths most democratic manner with , every one who eared to have a talk ' with his king, petted the children, and au thesswnen, whoss homes are deo . orated with portraits of snarchlsts ln l. etead 'of pictures of ' saints," ware ' changed into snthusiaatle admirers ot t; the kmg. - ' ' " It was ths same when he visited the - great factories of Mlart, Sllveetrt and i . Pirelli, v , . t, . VkM Win ntrA 'tie Vftff M. ' ; ceived with sullen silence,, but before - he had been tnere nan an nour ne naa ' made' friends with everybody and cheer- ! u ra hMNl vrv1ira ' Anil the cause; of it all Is-that the kmg during , nls visit' to me earmquaae-anaaeB aia . :' trlcts of Calabria abowed that he had a . everything to relieve the sufferings ot v ,. ins poor. ' v . - f -. - : 3 ' - WE FOU BICYCLE : TO RIDE CI VATICJUI Pontiff Shocks Cardinals by Un- i ; affected Love of Sport- . ; 1 Dignity Forbids Wheel. (OSpyrlgkt, Baant Rawe fcrrtce, Wire te The Journal.) - ' .w Paul VlUlers. iHMd - i , Paria, Oct. 21 How greatly ths pope Snjoyed the recent athletic games which he personally arranged In the' Vatican grounds, snd how thoroughly hs entered Into the spirit of 'the sport is shown by the feet that ever slnos the bicycle MOM he has -wanted to learn to ride a wheel himself. One can Imaglns the sensation which this oaused among the membera of the holy see. 8b Peter's successor riding a .They will not drop off. Are al ;Tway there' to ' stay. Have elaa " tfeitjr, which ia particularly well . adapted to tin ''and comfort. lAt the tame time, ; they relieve the wearer of that on-, ; pleasant pinchinf of the nose, hn. - prova ths looks ' aa well and art ; models for their .simple . construe- . tion. . ' ' ' Shur On r.!ount tafls , Consult v to Optician " " '' t t v t : : '' : For .'a reliable correction, the lenses of which, art. prepared and around on the premises. Ml 7 I J I A L I 5 " I 4"fl Kina Alfonae (Oepyrlgkt. Htant Hews Servtee, by Wire to Tb JoaraaLt Berlin. Oct II With ths vtslt of ths young King Alfonso to this city only a few days oft. the old story that hs wants to marry tba kaiser's only daughter has sgiln been revived sad. what baa been oonaldered algnlncant, has been officially denied. There ars many who aee addi tional proof of ths truth of It la the kaiser's eagerneaa to give ths young monarch a aplendld reception. In .spite of all socialistic opposiuon wheel, even if It be the more sedatd tri cycle, why ths very thought ot tt was shocking. ' ' Even Cardinal Merry Del VU, who is undoubtedly the moat up-to-date of his set,' thought It absolutely undignified. and, of course. Pope Plus naa to give in, cvsn though hs said that hs only wanted to tide Inside the walla of the garden oi the Vatican for saks ot eserclss. "I shall never, oesss to regret," hie holiness said, with a deep sigh, to a French prelate who visited him, "that there were no bicycles when I was a boy. for I hsd to walk barefooted seven miles every .day to gd ; to school and ths weather was often very Inclement. "And now when I might have a wheal I am unfortunate enough to be forced to think of my dignity, though I do not see why that should suffer because I used my own legs to propel myself in stead of being carried by others. , f DR'Pt Tfl PIPE MD PIMQ i iimiul iu uniiL i un i uunj SICK AND NEEDY Nation Awakens , to a Deeper p-Sense of Her Obligations to , Humanity's Unfortunates. tCesyrlgkt, Hearst Mews Service, by tunl . . Wire to Tbe JooraiL) ' .. Parts.' Oct Jf-Frsncs is awakening very steadily, but very surely, to a deeper sense of her obligations toward tbs poor, ths sick and ths unfortunate. A new law hss Just been Introduced, the 'object of which Is to secure th right of any necessitous French cltlsen. who Is unable to support nimseir sy work snd Is either over 76 years of ags or afflicted with some infirmity or dls sass recognised as incurable,- to public relief from ths commune In which he haa a lecal settlement Settlement, ss a rule, is acquired, by five years' reel denes. - - Before this law wss mads ths only aeedv . classes provided for by legists- t low -were the sick, the Insane and or phan or foundling children. But even creator srood is being accomplished in France by ths strsnuous care for infant life which Is now insisted upon. About 100 French towns have milk dlspenaarles, either municipal or phil anthropic with municipal subsidies. So tborougbiy is tne wnoie manor at tended to that In soms cases ths con sultations de nourtssons" ars attached td maternity hospitals snd thus ths ba bies from their birth until' I yesrs ot ago are. kept under proper tsnedlcal su pervision. They ars frequently willing to risk the Injury to parental reaponat blllty In- the hops of a greater good for ths child. . j SLAPS MASHER'S FACE AND.CALLS POLICEMAN Two - meahara were . taught a much needed Reason a fsw days ago by s woman who lives on ths ssst side. She was Insulted by them and proceeded to alap the face of ths ons nearest her. Then shs sought Patrolman Ols Nelsos snd, returning to where ths msshers were, saw that they were eve rely lec tured by ths policeman and , threatened with arrest.' ... Tbs woman was walking down Mor rison (treat and had reached tba corner of Fifth, when two well dressed young men shout town; who were standing at the edge of the sidewalk, commented audibly .relative -to her.! . . quickly turning, the woman took a step forward and before her intention could be divined boxed the ears of ths laat apeaker soundly." They denied to the policemen thst they hsd said anything that was meant for ths woman to hear. "Wa" said" Ifelaon, "maybe you didn't, . but you should be In better bualneaa thin making remarks sboof women, anyhow. It is about as con ; tempt ible a thing ss sny men can do. If another complaint la made to me I will see tbst jrou both sre placed under arrsst,"' .- of Spaio ' ; . the municipal council of Berlin has ap propriated 20,000 marks, which, are now being spent in decorating Unter den Linden, through which ths king of Spain will drive to the palace.,., That Alfonso would like to marry ths Prussian princess Is well known, but will the kalaer's anxiety to get an ally on the southern frontier 'of France make him overlook ths reasons -which caused King Edwsrd to oppose the proposed match between Alfonso and Princess Pa tricia of ConnaughtT , ' HOTEL WAITER TRAVELS I GERMANY: AS A-PR1HCF American . Restaurant, Worker , Pushed Into Royal Car and j Whirls ,0ver Fatherland. (Copyright. Hearer News Servtae, fry' Leased Wire to Tbe JoeraiO.) ; . . ' By Malcolm Clarke. .. '( Berlin. Oct. 21. It Is not very often that ths plain waiter' la an American hotel has a chanee to figure as a nil Ing prlncs and be treated as such by German officials, but this Is Just what happened ths otbsr day when a Oarman Amerlcan cltlsen arrived in this city. having traveled part of the way la a royal private car, Into which hs was forced against his will st a small station In Thurlngla, where hs had been via itlng his fsther. a poor. peaaanL On the day wnen he left his old horns to begin his return trip i to ths United States ths Prince of Reuas hsd notified ths station master thst he intended to take a trip td Berlin and a. royal car haa been attached to the train. Dressed In his best uniform ths rail road official was waiting for ths prlncs to arrive, but no ons appeared. At last, just ss tbs train wss dus to leave. a gentleman drove up In a modest one- horss carriage driven by an old peas ant. . - r'" .v . -. . - . . "That is ths prince. I have seen him twice before," eald ths conductor, as ths gentleman alighted, and Immediately ths station master, saluting arrsvsly. con ducted faint to the royal ear, opened ths door and helped him to board the train, which started Immediately. Two minutes later ths real prlncs ar rived and the peasant, who wss asksd who the gentleman was who hsd been forced Into ths royal car, admitted that tt was his son, who, hs said, was going back to Mllwaukls, whers hs was head waiter In a hotel.' . !-...' . ;' v. Though tfnlnsss.- . . - 'f, '' . . From Life. ..- . She Now wssa't It thoughtful of me to go out esrly snd gatbsr thoss flow srs for ths breakfaat tablet . a 4 '; -Flnef (Hs kisses hsr.) . "Where's tbe coffee r - vOh. but I can t think of everything. darling, can I r . , . . The Happy Mlnlatec. ' ' From ths Tonksrs Statesman. She Whom did you congratulate first -the brids or ths groom T He Neither; I congratulated ths min uter." "Why the tnlnlstsrT" " "Oh. hs got tbs mossy, you know." citbsti3 In Injure Hood iaa requiring consthutioasl tmtsest ectins tbroujib end pssityiz tb? tlood tcr its raffed cad pensinent cure. a sure to Uia Hood'sScrscpcrilla Nasal and other local forma of catarrl are snrickry rsasved by Catarrleta, which allay anflsmmstlou and dsodorlie echarce. Hood's Sarsspsriua, aO eVueVta, $1. , Catarrleta, nal order only. 50 eta. For testimonlala of rarkahl curse Mod lor our Book on Catarrh, No. 4. C L Hood Co UmsJ, Msaa, CaGainrlu " l l I i i l I I ii i i ll ; i I aaama-lJ TO THE Since the establishment of ths first chemist er apothecary shop In New England, 'way back In ths ITthj wentury, it haa keen ths cwatom for' ths 1rugators ts keep -open doors from' daybreak Until midnight, and With all our modern civilisation, and Centralisation ws haven't.utgrown this pro 1 a-tnrlallara. .,"'", - . ' Ths hardships which ths long; hours have worked upon alt employed tit 'this business havs been many. The dmf clerk la not through with hla day'a work at . but at IS. 11. or svsn II o'clock nor through his week's work Oh BSturaay night, TOT h must ss week dsys. Hs puts In from 10 sf ths average retail clerk. ' , ' For several months oor employes Who work Sunday havs been given a week day off In return recently ws discontinued this, and bow pay an ' sxtra day's salary- to those who .work 'Sunday, but-we desire" to do yet better-if possibW by our employee, and in the effort to corns to,eom . ablution of the problem, we have decided te 1UEAVB THB NEXT MOVB WITH TOTJ. ' "...-. WB SUOOKST KHEPtNO OCR BTORH OPEW SUNDAT8 FOR THTtEK HOURS ONLY (ssy fross 1 to ). This would mesn that the smployes whs now work an sntirs day every other Suhdsy would then work but - three 'hours every other Sunday. We ars willing to sacrifice whatsver this may cost ws In a pecuniary way, for we know -our smployes will reel better for ths Sunday's rest better for hsvlng a change of thought all work snd no play, you know. And than this gives those, who desire to take advantage ot It an opportunity to attend thstr various churchss. Below we have outlined a little ouponand we ask you. our friends and natrons, to fill this out and hand it to ons of our smployes nest time you aoms in. or mall It te as ss you prefer. If ths publio IswlllltHf then we k- wl remain open Bund., but threi hours. THE DECISION RESTS WITH 'xou. ... ,- , , ; ;:. -.''. I ' Woodard. Clarke s Co, i ,.". , . aentisment your plan fof Better heurs fop ru Clerka, an the three hours which your store will bs'opert wlU give me ample time to make ny ; necessary Sunday purchases. I Suggest from...,.,... '-.(.. a. as. ts ....... ........ " as the beet keep open Name. nl If vlu d'lsapprove of thla word approve In the first 11ns. , ' Permit us to thank you' in advenes for yourjBourtssy ia replyisr to ths request , WOODARD, CLARKE a CO.. s ' Fourth and. Washington ktreeta. The:: Economy Corner, ' -' -a- A A a. A A. No Pain-No Pain NICE TEETH ' ixr aM K dtaeovarera end orlglnat- ors of ths only rsliabls snd scientinc systsm of Pstnlsss DenUstry. Ws ex tract, crown, fill snd clean or treat teeth abaolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work ia nia'KMt. Mir nrtaea the loweet eon- elstent with flret-olaaa work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our Platea are unde tectable rrom ine naiunu mia un are guaranteed to St FILLINGS .....BOS. TSe and SlXO OOLD CROWNS S&-M BRIDGE WORK FUU. SET NATURAL TEETH... SOO Open fot bastnsss until S e'eloek svsnlnga. . . w-;.- Boston Painless Dentists tty, htorrlsoa St- Opp. Meier a Fraak and Foetoffloe. HOURS S:I0 a. m. to I p. m. Sun day, S:I0 a. m. to 11:10 p. m. potlai:ds hospitality widely praised Reception Accorded Letter Car- rlers Subject of National : Comment by Delegates. Ed J. Cantwell, secretary of ths Na tional Association of Letter Carriers, Is much plesssd with ths reception and en tertainment accorded ths members of ths sssoclatlon while in attendance at ths annual eonvsntlon - of ths organ isation in this city iset summer. In a recent letter to W. P. Lyman of this city hs said: "I take this opportunity of express ing through you to ths committee hav ing charge of ths convention arrsngs msnts, snd also' to ths membera of branch II. my sincere thanks and appro elation for ths msny kindnesses shown me during my stsy in your beautiful city. From remarks I -heard from ths delegates and. their frlenda who were In attendance at ths convention, snd particularly tbs women, there wss noth ing but pralao for tbs Istter carriers and ths ladles' auxiliary and ths people of Portlsnd gsnsrslly.'' -, Ths local committee of arrangements for ths convention composed of W. P. Lyman, H. C. Hutchinson snd A. E. Moulton, bavs written ths following let ter to the public: "Editor Portland Journal Dear Sir: Please permit us on behalf- of branch tt. National Association of Letter Car riers of this city, te sxprefs through ths columns of your psper our spprs station to ths cltlsens. business men snd prsss for -ths abls and generous ss Istsnce rendered us In securing, retain ing snd bringing sbout ons of ths moat uceensful and enjoyable conventions la the history of ths sssoclatlon." - The committee haa received hundreds of letters from tbs delegates snd their friends expreaelng their appreciation ot the hospitality shown them by the Port- -; fcript: ' PUBLIC get to pusineea oneunnay tne name ts te hours per wees. agalnat ths ss ...,,.;.............approve Sunday liouretQt. Address. ............ .............. plan, then write DM in front ot tht , 'jt : ,''T r ,-''. ; SHIPMENT FINEST FRESH Fan-Tall Gold Fish ' afedtum slse, 50 I large. T5V Aquaria, all elses.50 85 1.S5 Oeld Fish Food, box 10 Woddard; Clarke & Co. ModernlDrueslst E.uMV.MiVn.Vtnnt;,,n,n,,Vin,n; Corner Stark and Fifth Sts. : National Wine Co Multnomah Rye and. Hillvood Dourbon . . Are whiskeys of our own bottling, that is, they are "rbottlcd specially for us by the distilleries. , Carry ing: our labels, these whiskeys naturally carry our , fullest guarantee that they are Thade from the tst '-: selected grain procurable, and that they have been aged In wood to produce the rich, melloWflavor that - Uist aLci ixcb uiciu. sue home. "HUlwood- Old Bourbon Whis-(Tj Of? it key and Multnomah Pure Rye Whiskey IgL ll KiC2 are the equal of any other $2.00 sold, t 1 " , Pull quart. . . , . . . .......... Phone Us Your Ordpr 1 ' . ' . '' . ' ' '- .j, ' '' I t VI ft' ' J7 ImrtA nMnl. avblla 1tra. Uanv of them expect to make Portland their future home. . , : i ACCUSED FRENCHMAN : PLEADS NOT GUILTY ' . 4WaaawaasawSBnaaBwaT - KeeU1 MapeteS te Tfce Jeereal Helena. Mont.. Oct. tt. Camilla F. Kemy.. the Frenchmaa arrested at Vsn couver, British Columbia, oa the charge : Rubber Hot Water Bottlea. 1 quart..,,...,. Regular price Sl.SS Special.. , Hot Water BotUea. t quart. Rsgsttr'pMee 11.18 Special..' Hot Water Bottles, 1 quart.,',..... .Regular price l.5 BpeolsJ., Hot Water Botlaav .4 quart.. ....... Regular prlos (l.tS Special!. Extra -Quality. Rtabber Oloves. .... Atomise throat or nasal .-.Rsgular pries ' Sc Special. '. 74 ' Red Rubber Fountain Syringe. 1 qt.. Regular price 11.00 Special.. OT 1 Red Rubber Fountain Syringe, I qt.. Regular price $1.10 peolal. .f 1.35 Bulb Byrlnte Regular price 11.00 Speolsl.. 45f Bulb ' Syringe ...... ........."......Regular price Tic Special..' 39' ) Psrfaot Taginal Syringe I.. ...... ..Regular prlee li.tft Special.. 91.30 , Uarvel Whirling Spray, , e. s e e 4 ' Bvsr hear of ssch prices T Ws venture to say you never did. Ws can stake thank bseanes ws bay In such enormous quantities Snd ell for s small margin ef profit Photo1 'Albums AT HALF REQULAR FWCJL '. How ofun we hear our frlenda say, "Oh. myt Now THAT picture is gone," er, "New THAT one ia ruined." Well. If they had owned . Photo Album It would have been s dlffsrsut etory. We havs them . In every , etyle from the little Inside ..pooket album to ths great big family one InSlds finish of attractlvs gray and black made up In seal, walrus, ste, . st regular prices ranging from lie to 14.71, TOUR CHOtCB THIS WEEK AT One-Half Off N. . B. Take a glance at the display in one ef our Fourth etreet windows. This represents only a portion Of ths assortment from which you may choose at these phsnsmsnal Tnoes. , -,v The Quality Store i iuw muji v w ........... mi QUA2T j . . 1 .I . '1 Jt 4Mf ef having murdered W. I. Oliver near Wolf Creek on September !, was ar raigned In the district court today snd' sftsr the reading of the Informstlos through eounssl entered a plea of not guilty. Judge Smith la the meantime overruled a i motion msds by .Rsmy's eounssl te set aside the-order ot .the court granting- the county attorney leave to file an Information harglng first degree murder.' The rsse wss then et for January, . Ithe prisoner, belnj1 remanded without ball. Specials FQrV'londay We invite a comparison of QUALITY and PRICS3 on these items of Rubber interest. Without any exception our stock of Rubber is the largest and most aried -of any in the city. ' " Tw TB4 894 974 .Rsgulsr pries TJ o pecUS. 43V . .Regular pries II SO Special.. f a.60 Elastic Hosiery, Belts, Sup porttts, Anklets, Etc':.";: "Jinlt to . Fitr v.,. , On our own rnacblnea and guaranteed. tend for meaaurernsnt blank. Canadfan Monty ; TakenatPar Phone Main 6499 1 n Free. Deliveries J"i m m ef eg aJlt . ' - Baglae Wipe Znjured. y a (Speetal Dtapetra to TSe J"rnal.') - ' i La Grand. Or., Oct. tt. Edward Mitchell,- of this city, employed as -an an gina wiper at Kernels, by the dt R. N. company, waa brought here yester day suffsrlng with a badly crushed l'S While at work about ths eriglns Jie wss csught between the apron, of thjjsngins snd tsnder, snd hsd ths apron wot torn off Jy. the. strain,, would .laaaybtedly have lost a limb. f . . , ' ' - , ' ' . M'BLav-.w II aW knf 1 I , , - - 1 -w5. . v 4 - "' " l weseaav aasa , V