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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1905)
the Oregon sukday jour.riAU ; Portland. zmwM izzzz:i::o, CCTC n r' : 1 1 M WMjQWmN -PARTIES ..FORI THE :! TOUNG there U each thine absolute AMI obtrusive quiet Mrnni bh mora noisily aa the day go on. , euch la Um case In Portland ool ty." Each aucoeedlng week U Mid 'to v. tha anlatut ana vat. and It ! proph- '.tad that there aan be no greater quiet Hr lm aetmty. wnen a t .a ..a 4W a .week' aventa again ar uu-w leeult is atlU nor or leaa uneatlafao 'tory to tha eoclal ehronloler. T peat 'week certainly baa reacnea m-uiii-!tlv degree, however,) and IC.ta hoped that the reaotlce. from tho poet-expoal-v -tlon stillness poa will set In. i Tbs oemlng of IOM Sanaa tomor ' 'row night wUl be tb great avant of tbla ..'.Jjwaa and aa It la tha flrat big public affair alneo matron and maid have rot - jback to tha consideration of new ooe ltumes for tha winter aeaaon. tbera prob lably win ba a aplandtd ahowing of opera ' :garmenta .. . " ' . ' I The few vnt of the paetrwek have iad largely to do with the going away .iafit folk who will ba missed . during tha winter by their frienda A number ef email farewell affaire have j jbesn given for them. , Tbla week a number' of weddings are to be celebrated and Wednesday will ba a atar day from tho number announced. VU( Elisabeth lraU SiU'a marriage to Horace HartaweU Fisher, announced laal week, will be of particular lntereat to ;, (members of the Woman's club, of which - she la ono of the prominent worker. ! . Hallowaea partlea Tuesday evening ;wlll be another feature of tha week and . ' jwieny private entertatnmente wtll add ' 'their fund 'of amueement - The Baptist .; 'social at tha White Temple, tha party " tait tha Irvlngton Tennis clubhouse and jsnany dancea among smaller clubs are '. announced. The dancing aeaaon. by the iway. baa fairly begun now. though. It te much later than In pirecedJhg year. . iXoet of the young people's dubs have organised but the loss of Persona" hall its to them en almost Irremediable sor row.-' Tbe wlnter-a cam cjure are juai .'11; iliylng foe reorganisation. . . I 11 EVENTS OF THE WEEK. Jfcwhsaweiei ' Un Vdllim UrUailM antartalnad '(with bridge Friday afternoon: The 'highest score-maker at each' table re . :Ceived a beautiful flowering cyclamen ;in a daintily dressed flower-pot The . gueata were Mrs. J. O. ' Gould, lira. - ' Clarence Nichols. Mrs! L. Allen Lew la, Vra. J. Frank Watson. Mrs. J. Weeley VLdd; Mrs. Henry Nunn. Mrs. 1 H iTarpley, Mlaa Charlotte Whallay, "Miss !my Beltaho, Mrs. R. jt Barnes, Mra. - j W. B. Ayer, Mra, N. & Ayer, Mrs. Er 'nest Tucker, Mra. Fred Page, Mra. Gor idon Voorhlea, Mra. Tom Kerr, Mra; Zera ' Paow, Mra. amea Xaldlaw, Mlaa 8usle frlott., Mrs- C. J. .Reed, Mra.- Morton . Jaaley. ' Mri John K. , Kollock, '. Mrs- Frank Hart. Mlaa Von Dostlnon, Mlaa Alloa Von. Doattnon, Mra, George Tay lor. Mra. Curtis Strong; Mlaa Catlln, Mlaa Ifenrletta, Falling. Mra. Walter . Smith. Mra. W. H. Corbett, Mlsa Mary Mlllyer, Mra. John Robinson, Mrs. Han- - 'nah Robertson. Mra. John Eban Toung, Mra. John A. Bhepard. Mlaa Hoyt, Mra. Percy Blyth, Mra. J. B. Montgomery, Mrs. . William Brewster, Mlaa Myrtck. : Mlaa Winifred Myrick, Mlaa Frances Warren, Mlaa Ella Hlrech, Mra. A. U , ' Maxwell, Mra. E. T. C. Staveaa, Miss Russell. Mra, Ralph Wilbur. Mra. F. IX ChamberUin, Mrs. U H. Parker. Mra. Stewart B. Unthlcum, Mra. George Whites Ida and Mra, W. A. MacRae. ;.: :,." .i- " '' Mra. E. E. Merges entertained About - It frienda Thursday afternoon at hei pretty new home on Flanders street MlllUry whist was the amusement , and tha prise given were handaome , plecea of baadpalnted china, cloisonne u and -marble. Tha fortunate winners were Mra. H. Mv Cake. Mlsa Kloster- .. wian. Mm. W. Wynn Johnson and Mlsa May. Mra. H. K. Kdwards aaalated her , eUughtar la receiving the guests and after cards, refreshments were served by Mra. T. K.jSdwarda and Mra, Qua Pfunder. The gueata of tha afternoon - were' Mrs. Delia Hunt Mlaa Hay. .Mlaa . 'Cronln. Mlaa Mamie Cronln. Mrs. Ons ." Pf under. Mra, Jerry Bronaugh. Mra. H. . M. Cartock, Mlaa Crystal Zimmerman. Mlaa Flora Jeaaop, Mra. K. 8. EdWarda. , Mra. A. F. Biles. Mrs. Charlea E. Bun- , yon. Mra. Hill. Mra. Richard Marx. Jr. ' Mra. M, Norden. Mlaa Frances Norden. a Mra. J. tJaeger, Mra. . Tichnor. Mra. Joe ; . Barrett. Mra. W. Gordon, Mrs. W. Wynn Johnson, lira William Slaughter. Mra. '. K. W. Cake. Mia Kloatermen. Mra.. H. S. Edwards and Mra. T. H. Edward. . . Tha Tueaday Afternoon club was en . tertalned last week at SIT Eugene atret , fcy Mra. O. C Eshelman. 'The eubject ; ' waa Shakaapaare'a "Henry VIII," and was la charge of tha hoatesa. . Quota itiona rrom tha play wer given la re ' ajponaa to roll calL after which charao- iter sketches f three notable characters were 4 read: King Henry VIII, by Mlaa Stalllnga; Katharine. Mrs. Hlrsch, and 1 .woiaey. y Mra. Boynton i The dlalogna in act S between Queen .Katharine and the two cardinal a waa read with good effect, Mrs. Ml lee read- . ling uia pan oi ine queen. Mrs. JKanei man that of Woiaey, and Mra. Smith of (CampnueV .Each woman waa given the , ) tun or a character and asked to da- i I atrrlbe It briefly. , :' ! . i A social hour followed during which DO YOU EMBROIDER?; A Dtlnty Scssettlo for , ObrUtcutt cut . t 'Tbla handaenM Corset Cover, 'Umred on Oneet quality French rambrki . .. . v. . Alio 'catalogue of our, latest Art Needlework Supplier TWLMM. Addreea mt eUl - ; thzfJccdlgCrcftShop S n. AIJ Tf OOlrWT (tmm Vmatom, Bnff.l leaar rim tmofreaTaasi eaarra, rn land. . Tw sad vseal Isserertar. Peed m4 bila g-M tLrr, Lsadoa; Slnnrl Haaual ka twin f.ama, i.rwi; m. raare, forla. ndle SS h. Klfkteeetk St Psea ' ' Parlrte ,. lifl: delteloua refreshments were served by the hostess. The club will be enter tained next week by Mra. William Mar ball. 44 Hall afreet, at 11:1 o'clock. , ... ... w w , v . ; . ; Tha ' ltOI Girls gave their opening party Thursday evening at Artisans' hall In South Portland and it waa at tended by almost 100 young people.; The hall waa very pretty with masse ot autumn leave. The chandellera were literally buried In the brilliant foliage end red HUTU shone through the leavea. Sword ferna and chrysanthemums were a part of tha decorations. Tha punch corner was specially attractive with Japanese lanterns among tha foliage. Mra P. Watklna. Mra. A. Newby and Mra. B Long were - the patronesses. Club members are Misses Anna and Vir ginia Newby, Misses Myrtle and Anna turns'. - . ..... ' The meeting of the Woman's club last Friday at . Elks' Ball waa spoken of as one or therm ost entertaining. A farce, "retticoat jrernay," waa given . under tha direction of Mlaa Elisabeth Iareta Sill, which was amusing. Mlsa Sill her self gave an excellent reading. An other -number particularly mentioned waa Mra. Ell Steel' reading of "The Revenge," by Tennyson.- Mrs. - Steel's deep, strong voloe is .well suited te the selection aha choae and ah received many compliments on 'her' work. ' Re freshment served at tha oloaa of the program added to the day1 enjoyment. . : ' . W , -:" . - Mra. Theodore B. Wilcox din ad -a few frienda Sunday, evening in honor of Commissioner and Mra. Wilson H. ' Fair- bank before- their return to Massachu setts. Mrs. Wilcox la receiving con gratulations for her sister, Mlaa St e vena, who received a gold medal for her ex hibit In pottery at the fair. Mis Slovene, who teaches In Hartford, Con necticut,, visited her sister in the early summer. . She had hot intended to make a display but after her arrival waa per- auaded . by her friends. She aoes her own designing and .firing. ' - Mra. Wilcox will go east for tha lOnth of November, .visiting her home In Berkshire, Massachusetts, and New Tark. : ' ' ' Friday evening, October II, Mra. A. & Sohad and Mra. William F. Niedermark tendered to Mr. and Mra. Henry Pflaum at, their residence. &0 East Mill street. moot enjoyable surprise party, the occasion' being the ' birthday of Mra. Pflaamw- The game of tbe evening waa progressive whist the first prises, being awarded to Mra. A. E. Schad and -John Niedermark, while- the consolation fell to Mrs. F. W. Funk. Much merriment waa occasioned by the fact that It waa Friday, the thirteenth, and that IS were aeated at tha dinlng-tabla for refresh- menu.. ; f . The Present Day club waa '. enter tained Tuesday-afternoon1 at .the home of 'Mra. R. R. - Glltner, J 27 Chapman street An interesting program Included papers on "Russia," by Mra. J. M. A. Lau-"Effect of tha Lewis and Clark Fair on Oregon." by Mra. J. J. Wig- gin a, and "American Art Pottery," by Mrs. R. R. QUtner. CHano selections were given by Mra. P. A, Staples and Mra. Ella Worth Shutts, . Mrs, T. B. Jackson will entertain the club at the next fortnightly meeting. . , , 'V: .- Mr. and Mra. P. J. Mann gave a dinner Friday evening la honor of Commis sioner and Mrs.' Wilson H. Fairbanks of Maasachuaetta. The home waa elab orately decorated with hot house planta and tha table wag lovely with pink roses and pink candies in sliver candelabra. Much Venetian glass made tha picture especially pretty. Tbe gueata were Dr. and Mr. Henry Waldo Coe, Mr. and Mra. R. M. Tuttle, Judge and - Mra. Northrup, ' Mr. and Mrs. T. Woodward, Madame Von Bolton, Mian Nicholson. Mra. Iee Hoffman, Hugh Wallace and J. C Carson. :. ' :u - "' - . ' Mra. W. C Knighton and Mra. A. L. McCully entertained a large company Friday afternoon at the Knlghton'a beau tlful new home on Willamette Helghta. Tha rooma, which are most artistically arranged and charmingly lighted, were made especially attractive with' out flowers. Whist waa tha amuaement of tha afternoon. - It waa played at 10 tables. Mra. Harry Northrup and Mra. H. M- Cake received the prise. Mr. Rudolph Prael and Mra. P. P. Oabney assisted the boetesees. Mrs. J. Wesley Ledd entertained with a luncheon for 10 Wedneeday In honor of Mra. . Van Deuaen of San Francisco, the guest of Mrs. T. B. Wilcox, and Mra. S. R. Bowne, who la vtaiting her daugn ter, Mrs. C F. Bee be. Mra. Bown. whose home 1 In New York City, is spending the winter in Loe Angelea and will return there after short visit with her daughter. Tbe Kensington club was entertained Thursday afternoon by Mra. John Stew art at 140 Montgomery street A de lightful afternoon was passed and dainty refreabmenta were served at the close. There was a full attendance of metnbere and three visitors. Mra. Shaw and Mra. L. Permlee Spear and , her little daughter Helen, of Seatue. ' W ' vl -; The yonng people of Grace Methodist church gave a delightful social Friday nle-ht An excellent program was ar ranged and refreabmenta were nerved. The young people have taken In hand th work of aecurlng a new piano and expect to prepare a fin aerie of leo- tu ree and entertainment zor me winter. WW Mrs. Oeorge Bin-ell entertained the Monday History elub last week.. Mrs. Harrison conducted tha program on rThe Study of Russia." . Mr. Puffer read a paper on "Manner and Cnstoma of Russia" and Mrs. Amadee Smith on "Explorer of Russia." Next week Mra. Amadee Smith will entertain. Mr. and Mra. William T. Malloy of IIS Sherman atreet entertained at din ner Wednesday evening Mr. and Mra Alonso Emerson In honor of tha boat ess' birthday. The rooma and table were taatefully decorated with autumn leavea and white roses. . . . irr, Mlaa Carlotta Parkr-wfve a tea Tuesday afternoon - In hotiorvof Mies Alice Page of Hyde Park, Vermont, who la her guest Miss Pag and Mlaa Parker - were- classmates at Smith' col lege and will be together here for twa or three .week longer. V ;- w '.: Mr. C Orttrmacher entertained tha nilnole Study elub Wedneeday after noon. October 11. Mra. I. Viewers read a paper an Tha Black Rawk War." Miss Orac Hard man recited "Perlton'a Ride." ' A social hour with refreabmenta followed. . ... Mrs. George S. Russell entertained Informally with "I0f Friday afternoon. A second installment of her frienda will ba entertained tomorrow, with bridg. - ' . - The guests at the Hobart Curtis art IavmI m. ilel I rh 4 f u I hnnaa Aiam i I -i night A few from outside of tha house u : ' I V"' i ''"' -..1 - '-' I ' - s y , ''.. -; - I J . s V'iwi ' v ' ' Mr. William Stiuut were Invited and good muslo and de licious refreshments did their part to ward a thoroughly enjoyable evening. w w ' We. mrA Xtrn. w. A. MearS were enter- Ulned Informally at dtnnef rWednesj)ay evening by Mr. and Mra. B. M. Lombard. An evening of bridge followed. Con- gratulatlona were given Mrs. MmMM, whose birthday it waa. - : Mis Freda Rau waa at homa to friends. Isst Sunday and Wedneaday In honor of her . engagement to Sidney Ackerman of San Francisco. Many called to wish the bride-elect a happy futur. - .; Mra. R. B. Wilson entertained a few of her older frienda Informally Friday with duplicate whist in honor or Mra C. H. Lewis, who starts for. Italy De cember 7. . ' . -.' , ' , .' r WEDDINGS. .. f Miss Mrnnle J. Bears and Herman C. Berner were married Wedneaday evenlna at the home of the bride's cousin. Mrs. L. A. Shaw, f 10 East Da vis atreet Both are from Loa Angelea, but Miss Sears has apent tha eummer here visiting her relatives. Rev. W. 8. Gilbert performed tha ceremony. . The house waa simply decorated witn ferns and Ivy. The bride wore her traveling gown of light gray. Miss Lil lian Veetch played the wedding march. About 40 guests were present After tha ceremony light refreshment were rerved and Mr. and Mra. berner left 1m mediately for their horn. In Los Angelea. ' '-- " Mis Maude Ethel Clarke and Harry Edward Potter were married at the homa of the bride's parenta. Mr. and Mra. F. J. Clarke, 400 Skldmor street Wedneeday evening. Dr. Ray ' Palmer officiated at the service, which took place In tha parlors, which were pret tily decorated with ferna and autumn leaves. Mr.- and Mra. Potter will be at borne at Woodlawn after November 11. Miss Mauds Kimball and D. C Batter, both of . Cathlemet, Washington, were married Wednesday afternoon la the parlora of the Esmond hotel. Rev. W S, Gilbert officiating.- After a week in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Butler will make their home at Cathlamet . Mrs. Llsste HIckey and George Frank lla wer married at 271 College atreet Monday evening by Rev. Henry A. Bar den. Mr. and Mra. Franklin are both of thle city and will continue to live here. ' - WW Mies Eleanor M. Carney and J. P. Faust, both of this city, wer married In Seattle Wednesday by Rev. Father O'Brien. ' " - , . ' MUSICAL NOTES. A delightful concert was given at Or egon City Monday evening as a farewell to Mis Mary E. Conyera, who leaves shortly for New Tork te pursue her mu sical, studies. Miss COnyers I well known her where h has studied voice for several years, and ha bean promi nent among young singer. . The con cert vii give under the direction of Kathryn Ward Pope. Several of those ssalstlng are 'well khown here and eome live In the city. The. program follows: "Salut a' Pesth" (Kowalnkl), Bernlce Fletnmlng Holland; "A Winter a Lulla by" R.,de Koven), Dolly Mandarin" rTancea jjonri, aiary to. tony era; soene from "Les Mlserables" (Victor Hugo). Mlsa Wolf; violin, "Simple Avon" (Thome), Mr. Beth J. Storey: "Violets" (Roms). . Imogen Hardlog-Brodie; Arasorer'a song, from "Robin Hood," Mr. Oeorge Street ; "Beetles River" (Gar maiO, Mlsa Evelyn Hurleys "Midsum mer's Night Dream" (Mendelssohn), Mies Holland; "When the Roeea Bloom." (Loula Retchardta). "Life's Epitome" (Kenneth Ree), Miss Conyera. Mrs. E. E. William acted as aocompanlat A series of three aorrg rental la an nonnoed to be given . by H. S. Allen Ooodwyn and J. Claire Montelth. assist ed by Miss Hauls Faller and Mlaa Helen Copland., at Mr. Allen-Good wy e studio, Ktres, New Lsnyon.' :, 6S North Eighteenth street The sale of tickets la limited to 100. Tha flrat recital will take place on Wedneaday, November 1C. , The recital will Include In a Persian Garden," "The Daisy Chain" and "In Memorlara." by Lisa Lehman, "El Hand" (Voa FleUU), "Flo ra's Holiday" (Lena Wilson) and aeveral groups of old English songs. The ac companist will be Frederick W. Good rich, who haa had much experience In this class of work, particularly during hla residence in London, -whare he fre quently accompanied many well known artists. The recitals are under the pat kronage of many well- -known society women. . Invitations have been Issued for F. W. Goodrich's second organ recital for thia season, to take place at St David's church on Wednesday evening, Novem ber 1, at 1:1. Tbe program la an at tractive one, eing made up entirely of the work of French composers. Mr. Goodrich's selections consist entirely of muslo written for the Instrument - The program follows: Sonata in D major A. UDlinwni;, oirrn ox in jaai Kings" (Dubois); "O Divine Redeemer" (Gounod); andantino in O minor cc Franck); offertolre for Easter day- on the ancient hymn. J Bona and Daugh ters, Let, TJa Sing" (Ch. Collin): canti lena In A minor (Salome); "All Te Who Weep" (Paure); "Marche Pontificate" (F. de la Tombelle); offertolre in M ma jor (U Wely). The vocalist will ba Miss Lorene Sails. Frederick Goodrich's new .anthem, "The Soul of the Righteous." recently published? in the east will b aung for th flrat time at Bt David at this morning eervlce. The organ program for the day Is aa follows: Morning Prelude, "Romance" (Henaelt); offer tory, - "Barcarolle" (Tachalkowaky); postluda, "Grau Coro Trlonfale" (Ca poccl). Evening Prelude, "Romano In D Flat" (Chauvet); offertory. "Elisa beth' ' Prayer" - (Wagner); . postlude, "Grand Coeur In D" (Deshayes). Musical circles are looking forward to a pleaaant treat In the song cycles It is said "8. Ailen-Goodwyn and Claire Montelth, both recent acquisitions, are preparing. "The Daley Chain," "Persian Garden" an1 "Flower Holidays"' are the cyclea talked of. The two singers have won placea In Portland In a ahort time and their work is -eonnldered artistic. Mr. Ooodwyn, by the way, la said to hav one. of the cleverest studios In the city. ... : . . . M re. Walter Reed's Treble Clef irtub will be composed, besides herself, oflthe following singers, this asason: Mra. Ban demon' Reed. Miss Helen Lytle. Mis Helen Brigham. Mrs. Jordan Purvlna. Miss Edna Protsman, Miss Hilda Hegele, MISs Kathleen Lawler. Mrs. J. m. How ard. Mra. Byron K. Miller, Mra. Ernest Latdlaw, Mrs. Wllltnm.C. Holman, Mrs. Lulu Dahl-Mlller, Miss . Evelyn Hurley and Miss Ethel Shea. .- ' . . - '. - .'-.' ' - Th musical department of St. Helen's hall gave a vocal and descrlptivs lnstru mental recital Thursday evening under th direction of Mlaa Marian H. Gheen. Instructor of piano, and Mlsa Dorella E Snook, Instructor of voice. Invitations wer sent out by th sister superior and many of, tha pupils' frienda and re la tlvea were In attendance and heard an Interesting prograrn. . , The entertainment at Seamen's Insti tute Wedneeday night was under tbe direction of Mlsa Grace Gilbert - Par ticipating In the program were . Miss Daisy Small, Mls Ethel A b rams, Mlsa Jessie park, Ml Grace Gilbert and Mr. Davis. All are students of Mrs. Rose Bloch-Beuer, who accompanied them. Mia Gilbert ha also th program nest month to her charge. , , '- Th music at th Barry Bulkley lee- fur last night -waa special feature. There wer eolo by Mr. Rose Bloch Bauer. Mra. Walter Reed, Mia Ethel Shea and Dora J. Zan. - ' At' the Friday evening farewell re ception to Rev. and Mra. M. D. McClel land at Fourth Presbyterian church, Mia Grace Gilbert sang Oounod's "Tha Peae of God. ' - . Jr w t In -the abaence of W, H. Montgomery The ' Webber mandolin, banjo and guitar studio,, J7I Alder st Main IMS. last Sunday morning, J. Adrian Epptng ubetttuted at .- Flrat ' Congregational ehurch and sang - mn oratorio numbs from "Elijah." , v- r " ' , A .,. I .: ' - 8"fRAY, DITO, ,! A few. frienda found 1 opportunity Thursday to greet Mrs. William Stuart Keyee during her short stay In town. She was at the ' Hotel Portland the greater part of th day between train houra, with Mlsa Hilda, Hexter of tha Height aa her. entertainer. - Mra, Keyee waa 'Miss Mabel Lanyon, who married Chief Officer Keyea - of tn Minnesota at Shanghai a few weeka ago after a romantic courtship on board. 8h returned to Ban Franclaoo on th Siberia. With th Alice Rooeevelt party and arrived here Thursday morning, leaving on th afternoon train for Beat tie, where she will be at home at . the Lincoln. Her husband will meet her there, having arrived a few days ago n tha Minnesota. Their at home cards war 'received yesterday. .Those who know say that Mra. Keyea trousseau gowns, which wore bought In Japan, are extremely handsome. She was formerly an instructor at St Helen'a hall and went abroad on a leave of absence, :, . . . ....... ,Y; MT. and Mrs. Isadora. Lang will leave Tueaday with their daughter. Mis Ma deline H. Lang, for st Paul, where Mlaa Lang -twill be married Thursday, November It, to 8. W. Dlttenhofer. The marriage haa bean sat for an earlier date than expected. . . Mis . Lang - had planned to go to New Tork this fall, where she would spend tha aarly winter and her marriage waa to take plac at her home her In January. A recent death In tha Dlttenhofer family made It Impossible for them to take tha trip weat and ao the latter arrangement waa mad to celebrate a very quiet wadding at the groom's homa In St. Paul. They will go to New Tork on their honeymoon and possibly abroad. : Mr. and Mrs. Lang will return in three weeks. Mlsa Lang la on of Portland', youngest brides-to-be, being only 17 year old. - She waa attending boarding school in St Paul laat year when ah met her : present fiano and during a visit with his sisters th betrothal took place. Mrs. James C Flaher of Boston, who haa been tha guest of her slater. Mra. H. N. Packard, for two week, left test night for Ban ranolaca, where she will be Joined by her daughter. Mra. Bosson. . They will" sail November C for Japan, .visiting also Honolulu, the Phil ippines and China. From tha . latter country they will sail for Burmah. thence to India, . visiting , lntereatlng points in that country, and will return to America In th spring by way of th Sues canal, Marseilles and Liverpool. Mrs. Fisher haa been tha recipient of much courtesy during her visit here. Several whtat partlea and afternoon teaa have been gives her honor. ... ' !-"r--,'- . ',.., - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Washburne Jeave tomorrow for their hqme in southern Oregon, where they may apend the win ter. They have had a delightful sum mar with - Mrs. Waahbame'a mother, Mrs.' Henry Jones, and - later. .Mra. Samuel Mears ' and Mr. Frank V. Du Mond. Mr. Du Mond'a departure was delayed because the packing of tbe art collection could not be completed by the flrat of tho week. He will leave to morrow, though Mra. Du Mond will re mtia for soma time longer. Friends will be glad to learn that Mra. Roy B. Norton la Improving after her operation Wedneaday for aspendl citla at Good Samaritan hospital. There Is much regret that she baa had to give up a number or. concert engagements in th . near future. . For aome time paat aha haa been Buffering with ill-health and felt she could not do herself Justice. .V-r. . ' Major T. -JJ. Clarkaon 1 to be th guest of Mr.- and Mrs. W. A. Mears for a short time before returning to Call fomla. Hs will then visit his daughter In San Jose. Mr. and Mra, Meara ere entertaining also Chauncey Abbott, Jr., of v Schuyler, . Nebraska, a son. of ..Mr. Meara eouain. .' .. . . v-. Mrs. Warren F.' Houghton, who ta o popular wHh th a mart sat haa been confined during the week with neuralgia. from which ana frequently suffers. Her OPPORTUNITY SALE ; Mf.'tt-B." Lltt Is now In New York with full ""... .'. '.t r i vT-m'iTT 4 nritn I ewv - ,. v For four, oi the jarst"peQiHr houses pf the west handling . . v c Ladies- (Diiteir Garments Always In' 'foach .t-f ;..(.? .'.;'. Qtiri Increased 'purchasing power enables us to put ?At' less than "cost " of " jnanufactureY comprising the 'entire 'stock' of ' j . s , COSTUMES, CLOAKS SUITS AND.9KIRTS made by J. C Stratton r : i ' & Co.; Bonwit: Bros, and R. R. 'XLaifd & 'Coy"':. "Wt .?'' ; ."''': x.:? 'V r '.; r.- - v ,;.:-.:';...,.'.,..r,,. ...... ''"'' 4 ' V 'i- n abeence from aeveral t unotlong ha been noticeable. , i -1 ', "t?'-. -. .' m UAiithtflLvhA has been sra - - visiting Mra. John Shapard and,. Mrg. J. C. Alnaworth. left Wednesday for ner home In San Franclaoo. She haa baa delightfully entertainea nunaa "r' night's gtay. K'. ",' ',?''.". .,'!' - - . w w - Ti- xirm' rx w. Wella have taken apartment attheHobart-Curtla for tha winter... , -i- E "I COMINQ EVENTS. Sunnvald Assembly No. 108, United Artisans, la making extenalve prepera- iJlona for tha comihg dramatlo produc- evening, jsovemoer , n east Thirty-fifth- and Yamhill streets. The stage will be handsomely mounted and Hoeber' orchestra wljll furnish mu sic Those to participate are: B.'W. Spang, Chaster Perkins. Bert Howataon. E. R, Wilcox, Clarenc Beckner, W, Roche Flck. Ralph C Clyde, Katharine C Mathlot Grace Hardman. Sophia Went, Elenor Von Buae. Dancing will follow tha drama. Tha committee, com posed of A. S, Auterson. F. H. Kelly and Mra. Julia Fleming, la working hard and predict a big success. v . h -.i . i , '. V- ' ' Tho Centennial Glrla - have' choaen Wediiesdar. November IS. aa the -date of their opening party. , at Btnglera hall. Mrs. K. O. Stoehr, Mr. O. D. Wetsler aad Mra. J. W. Grose l will be their pa- trdnesses. Tha olub gave a aeriee oi dance two aeaaon ago.- but last, year waa disbanded, uniting only to give one shirtwaist party at Parsons' hall by re quest. The members are Mlsa Hattl. Gruasi, Mlaa Gertrude D. Wetsler, Miss Marguerite V. Stoehr . ana Miss Myrue E. Long.' ,.: .; x '":' The Bentlst Toung Peoples' TJhtOn has rentwout card announcing a Hallo-ween party Tueaday night at tha White Tem ple, and bearing tha legend. "Wltchea and spooks, and oat ana tmngs. And many others with and without wlnga." . Every kne roelvee a general Invlta j tlon. -.- -: . : " " ' v w ; t. -.. - ' ; I Astra Circle. ' Woman of Woodcraft, will giro the second of. it aerie of midwinter whtat partlea at Selling Hlrsch building; next Thuraday evening. An Invitation I extended to all member of lb order and their frienda to be pres ent After whist l over rerreanmsnia will served and there will be dancing. Elabotat plans aro being made for a big Halloween party at th Irvlngton clubhouse Tueaday evening. Qub mem ber and a few Invited guests will form th company and all tha old fashioned tricks will ba called In to aid in tha eveninga amusement , A pleasant event win be tha card tournament to be given at tha Irving' ton ; Tennla clubhouse, Thursday, bio vember 0, for tha benefit of th Patton Horn. - 1 Every an Invited and it promlaea to be well attended by frienda of th Institution. ' " Bt- Ann's Charitable society will be pleased to; entertain lta frienda at a whtat party Tueaday evening at Cathe dral hall Fifteenth and Davis atreet. - Portland circle. No. IS, 'Women of Woodcraft, will give 1tst first dance, Hallowaea, In Arlon hall. . . . 1 ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mra. George Langford have sent out InvlUtlon to th wedding re ception on th occasion of the marriage of their daughter. Mlaa Lulu - Maud Holmes, to Ross Mills Flummer, Wed neaday evening. November 8. at ttl Sec ond atreet Both are graduate of th University of Oregon and are member of well-known families In tha city. ; ; : 1 ' Mr. and Mra. C. W. James announce tha engagement of their daughter. Irene, to Thomas R. Wilson, the wedding to tek plaoe during tha holldaya. Mlaa Jamea la the daughter of the euperln tendent of th state penitentiary and ! , with the ever .charyjihg market, ..lU'.L. .-.v, designer.. - y:;,x' bael Garments : . . " 1 ' " 1 ' 'T-n ''.' . aWew . aaaaT'am - e . ' T. .e " . T a . FOURTH ATp :. WASHINGTON Mr. Wilson 1 employed there, though bla home la In Portland Mlaa Jamea' home I in Baker City, . . Mrs. Ida Da Lac cay aonouneea that her daughter, Ida Mae De Laaoey, will ba married to Allatu W. Hawortb, at S o'clock Wedneeday .aveatng, November 1. at S4S East Fifth street. Long Beach, California,-- - .' ...... . .:- - Mia Ixivena Ackerroan'a marriage to, Maurice Goodman will 'take plaoe' Wed neaday, November 1, at tha home ot th bride' mother, 11S North Eighteenth atreet Both llv In PorUand. t'w--V-'- W Professor and Mra. W. J: Crawford of Salem announce tha engagement of their daughter, Stella Juanita, to Wayne D. Henry. Th wedding 1 to take place Is November. . .'.' ... PERSONAL Mlsa M. Bode teacher of elocution In the Western academy, gave aeveral aue oessful readings at the Seaman's Insti tute Wedneeday evening. - . . H. .A. Webber haa returned from atwo weeka outing at Seaside, where he waa the guest of hla slater, Mra. G. . W. Knowles. - , , . ... ..: I. N. Fleischnar left yesterday on an oven Sunday fishing trip. His guests were Mark Mayer, of New Tork, and H. C. Bowers. - . . . t Mrs. C H. Moore, of Minneapolis, and her brother. William M. Hill, of Wash ington. New Jersey, have been for tha past fortnight guest of their sister, Mrs. C A. Berry of IIS Union avenue. - Mrs.' Julius Goldsmith and her little daughter. Meta, of Eugene, are visiting relatives in thia city. ' -' ; . " ': Colonel Robley Evan, who haa been for four yea re at Vancouver, left Thurs day for Plattsburg to Join tha Fifth In- jfatitry.-- ...' ..' "' Mr. and Mrs. Ous cola and ehUdren of Portland are vlaltlng Mra. Col' sis ter, Mrs. it, Wacheroa of Balern. -t . Mlaa Carrie Hnrat la vtaiting Salem relativea. .! '.-. Mra. F. F. Spauldlng, a prominent woman of Tha DaUlea, t spending a few daya here. ' . Mlaa Florence Price and Mrs. X s. Rowland of Salem wer Portland vlalt ore last week. v , Mra S. Nt A. Downing of Salt Lake City, who ha been apending tha sum mer her with her mother, Mra. William Weatherford, and her elster. Mra Ella Steel soon will return homa She ha been entertained by many friend dur-' lug her stay here. - - . Mlaa Dorothea Nash spent Sunday with Mlaa Flora Maaon of Albany afte her concert St Corvalll Friday night. Among people from Tha Dallas who came to see "Ben Hur" last week were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson and Mleae Beulah and . Prudence, Mrs. William Blrgfeld. Mrs. J. O. Mack and Mlsa Maybel, Mra. M. Seehler and Mia Male Sechler. Misses Grace Ttllard, B. Boyn ton. Myrtle and Minnie Michel!.' Laura Thompaon, . Erma and Nova Dawson, Professor and Mrs. J. 8. Landers, Mr. and Mra. H. C LI aba, Mr. and Mra. E. M. Wlngat. .,..'.', . .Mra. T. L. Holverson and her daugh ter, Mrs. Joaeph Evans, of, Salem, ar visiting frienda city. ,., .' Mra. Wilson Stark la tho guest Ot Mra Cook Patton of Ealem. '.' Mr. Hayea Temple left Wedensday to visit her. aunt, Mra. . W.. T. Btolts, ' of Salem.' ' - ' ' - Mra C E. Wotverton of JSalem was tha guest of Portland frienda laat week. Miss Zoa Smith la th guest pf Salem friend. ....... . ' ; YAQUINA WINTER RATES. OeUghtful Weather Koat of ths Tlma at . Wewyort Bsaehea -The people who visited T equina Bay laat winter were surprised at the de lightful weather at. that popular resort Tha Southern Paciflo and the Corvalll A -Eastern1 rallroada have resumed their cheap rates to thia plac for th winter. Particulars by aaktng at ' city ticket office. Third and Washington streets Portland. ' v- ; , - ' JOHN CbAIRJD .MONTEfTH Raeaatly of Raw Tark. barltese eafetat at tha WhIU Tvmplt, will raeatva uplla la vetee enU tnra. t2TV Waahlngtea at. rooai S3. Fbene Mats 0415. XV ' rT . ''' - f'TT ' .'. ..'-;- . "... - ' our stock Js con' ;'-!'' .. on sale the cream 4 . , . ' . - . v, ... . .. ' 1 - ii ''-,;.: v-rM'.' .'-'v -- ,;., ''-.',. i v. , . . ! . ; . 1 h , f STREETS '.' . ' v ,.'.'; V .. 'A ' .ef 'Y j ...... A, r -r , . -( j i