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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1905)
5 '! V i .:::.;..:. .'-( r. w - 7 I r ; PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY , MORNING, OCTOBER 29,: 18C5.; I NEWEST FALL AND WINTER MODELS "ARRIVimG DAILY "11 Ar f ?lv 1 . J,. ! 1 fi 1i . ' - , . -nl r ;f SZCnOIITTO I fj! I 77 'I wfeBlk i P Special Notice CHARGE ACCOUNTS' All purchases made Tomorrow or Tuesday on Credit Accounts will be charged on ' November bills. . OLDS, WORTMAN A. KING . A Demonstration OF.INTEREST TO HOUSEWIVES opens tomorrow in the Third Floor Annex, where an expert will demonstrate the ad vantages of the "UNIVERSAL" CAKE MAKER. Samples of the cake will be dis tributed so visitors FREE. Demonstration from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Come, and see, and1 enjoy delicious' tid-bit , " , SEASONABLE MONDAY SPECIALS , IN THE .Women's 'Knit ' Underwear Section First Floor. . . ; WOMEN'S $U0 WOOL . VESTS AND TIGHTS $1.1--' ' White Swiss Ribbed Woo, . Vests, long.sleeves, medium weight with anklt length tights to match; regular value - - $1.50. SpeciaL each . ... .-. 8T.18 'WOMEN'S $3.00 UNION -SUITS $2.39 Fine Cashmere '": Ribbed Union Suits, good win- ter weight, long sleeves, ankle length, half open front; regu Vlar value $3.00. Special, . . : the suit , . K. ,. . . ... . t.3 'WOMEN'S FLEECE. LINED VESTS. AND PANTS 50c-., Soft Fine Pire. White Fleece Lined Vests, elegantly trimmed, correct weight;-jfrencn .oatwv- . pants to match; grand valu at.. ........... ...". WOMEN'S COTTON UNION - SUITS Medium-Weight. . Cream Tinted Cotton Union Suits, fine ribbed, neatly trimmed "w" . big value at, the suit. .... . .... .v .'.'.'' ..;'.;.'.. .sJlOO WOMEN'S FLEECE-LINED UNION SUITS. St.00-i-Pure! White ' Medium-Weight Fleece-Lined Union Suits; great Rvalue at, . the suit ...... M ................... ........... . : . v.. v?. I. . f Op ' . Meet El m This Man FaccrtoJ Face Tomorrow in theS MAN'S SHOP zz This Store BUYS and SELLS MORE WOMEN'S APPAREL Than. ANY Other TWO PORTLAND HOUSES COMBINED A Practical Exposition of Women's Correct ; Attire for Winter of 1905-6 : exceptional: special sale of. smart 0 r-f. New Coats Tomorrow! $12.50 to $16.50 VALUES AT $0 QQ Qrand Salons of J)i jO . . --Second Floor Dress Think of half a, Portland block given over 4o a show of what Dame Fashion authoritatively pronounce correct fashions , in Women's Outer ApparcL - Beautiful things on exhibit, ease ful s of beautiful things that art typified in the 'Gowns, Wraps and Tailored Suits on show. There's a reverberation of Empire thro' the entire display of Wraps for carriage, theatre and street. The most noted makers of women's apparel on both sides of the Atlantic have lent . i. . . . i. i : .l.. . i j " r 1 1 i : r. - - : i i ineir an to xaim kiiciiii( mai tuc iuc aiainuon oi u wnu view iw ii is inucca crcun- ful. Broadcloths are much in evidence. Costumes are more highly colored -than for 'years. Plum, prune, red, greens of varied tone, run a new octave of color. Skirts are wider at the foot;, waists have girdles that imitate the bodice "effect gracefully. Many of the sleeves are snort elbow length. Much lace is being used and panne velvets. But, attempt at analysis of the beautiful costumes is hopeless and almost sacrilege on our part. Such harmony of color and design, combined with the necromancy of a pair of hands and a needle, with help of dainty laces and velvets, is be yond pen or types to, describe. Come up closer to a nearer viewpoint The scene is -tonstantly shifting. Don't think'you've seen it all if you've been here Ijnce or twice; you've not come again. We're very proud of the TAILORED SUITS coats run from hip to ankle' ljCjngth. And, there are hundreds .of. styles to choose - -. ; f V ' ' r from....: ;...15.00 fl8.50if22.50 2S.OO and up to.flTS Particularly sUong lines at. ......... ....f22.SO f2S.OO and f28.50 The Pranks o' Halloween "Thrice the brindled cat has mewed, . ' Never shall thy hand be wooed: , ' ') Felines following through you flitter, ' ' ' , ;" Bubble, bubble, naught but bubble; ;"-'- , Fire burn and cauldron trouble." ; 1 Well help ! the youngsters with "their Halloween . frolic. Up in the Toy Shop on Fourth Floor there's , . everything in the way of weird faces, heads, lan-i 'terns, etc., that the most fanciful spirit can desire.' . The ' latest novelty is the new Jack-o'-Lantern ' asbestos lined, with eieht oicturea ' , ;each on automatic rollers. A very catchy ; novelty, . complete with ' candle and a heap o' fun for THE REMARKABLE SALE OF COATS Portland's largest and lead-: in.g -jApparel Store for Women offers special advantages to coat-buyera tomorrow. It will be a sale such ss seldom takes place for a number' of reasons. The aim of our organization tomorrow prove to the' most skeptical that greater . 'values are obtainable here ' than ' elsewhere. Our stocks, are very large and newajrivals are coming in daily. Regular lines range in price up from...... f 12.50 ta f 60.00 THE LOT THAT GOES ON SPECIAL SALE TOMORROW com-" prises the complete selection from over 100 coats a special purchase. by, our Miss Bernard now in New York the season's met approved atyles in three-quarter length "boxy" effects, handsome mannish mixtures 'hr grays light and medium Oxfords, browns, tans, etc. Just such Coats as' we have sold hundreds of the past week at $12.50 to $16.50 1 each. . .' f- t- . a? J a. . AAASB' 2bc Special-i-for Monday only at.. !s3oa 'Ooptiiidp G; King QCcto; "TfcS DZIIcrcsS Ctsro," Flltn, Olith cd VJcsfclnslsn . Otrccla BMMW taHBVBailBMBBlBMBBHBMaBBBSt Ctsro Qpssa et.O A. Tin PonsLZOsr dzpartct HOUOn WCOT OPrOIHOAOO MONDAY. BARGAINS, OCTOBER 30 Ctsro CSsesa eiOP.b. 10c BALL AND SOCKET 6c-VLarge" or small size Ball and Socket Stiapt Fas teners, in black and white; W V regular .Value' 10c Spe-' 50c SIDE COMBS 30c V Plain Shell Side Combs; heavy,' smooth finish, as sorted styles: regular .value SHELF PAPER 2c Shelf :;-f aftt r,with fancy-lace Mvedge,:5 yards in piece, all ' colors. Special at, the ' ". piec- .:;.......;...... 4 ; 5c LINEN THREAD 3c !r Spool Linen Thread,' for : " heavy sewing, all sizes, 100 yards on spool; regular value 5c. Special, each.3 50c pair Special, the .80 9c . WRITING TABLETS 5c Real White Linen Writing Tablets, ruled, note size; regular value 9c Special, each .V. . . . .5 20c CREPE PAPER 12c Fancy Decorated C r tf i Paper, assorted designs; regular value 20c Spe cial, the. piece 12e 30c WRITING PAPER 20c Box Fine Linen Writing Paper, cloth finish, in white, gray or blue tints; regular value 30c.,. Special ...20e 25c WRITING PAPER 15c Bo Writing Paper, in plain white parchment vel lum; regular value 25c. ' Special ..,..15a 4c DARNING WOOL 2ci Card Cashmere Darning Wool, all c colors, black, white, gray, etc; regular value 4c Special, each.Sf 5c TOILET SOAP 3c Fine Hard MiUed,' Toilet Soap,' for hotel and ..boarding-house use; regular value 5c Special, i the cake S or one dozen cakes ;30 50c ENGLISH PERFUMES 25c Imported English Perfumes in bulk, ' all odors, violet, rose, lilac, carna tion, etc; regular value 50c Spe- " cial, the ounce .26) 10c WHITE TAR SOAP 6c White Tar - Soap, for. shampoo or toilet, does not discolor the water; regu- j lar 10c value.; the cake- Special, .'.'k'.. Oe) 15c FOLDING WIRE COAT HANGERS. Special, each.. ....... .10' 19c HAND AND NAIL BRUSHES 10c Combina-' tion and and Nail . Brushes, wood back; regu lar value 19c Special, -each 4 10 fiivth Htrrt Anncv Firct Floor. - Bring in your friends to meet him, too. ' He'a m good-JfelW youll like him. You're always sure of being in good company here, of meet ing fellows of the dressy type, who have the knack of always being the. best dressed fellows you'll meet anywhere, yet dress at moderate cost. What's the use, fellows, of paying exclusive" clothing house prices or furnishers' when you can -come here and buy the same things and later styles for less? Think it over. Special for Monday. ICBfTS 25c SOX 18c Men's Wool Sox. in black, natural and Oxford gray; our best 25c value. Special, the pair '. lsf MEN'S $2.00 " SHIRTS 11.19 A line of Men's Stiff Bosom Fancy . Shirts, coat style, cuffs attached, in dark effects; best $2.00 value. "Special, each .... fl.lO MEN'S $1.00 UNDERWEAR 69c A line of Men's Merino Underwear, in camelshair and natural color; regular value $1.00. Special, the . garment .OO Great Bargains irr Petticoats for The Real Use " AnnexSecond Floor .' look-well, ''.. wear-well,, cost- little kind ot 'Petticoats, that makes it easy to 'maintain that: Standard of neat- ' ness. that is the first .-requisite in the attire of the women of taste. Special' values Monday.. , " 98c FOR LADIES' .' -SATEEN t PETTICOATS." WORTH $1J0. Ladies' Black ' Permanent Finish Sateen- Petticoata the new "Sunburst" a. spleridid value at . the regular price $1.50. Special sale , price, each ..98- ! LADIES',. PETTICOATS WORTH?25 i FOR $1.79 Ladies' Black Petticoats, made of fine silk-finish sateen, with deep full ' flounce, trimmed" with clusters of, small. , tucks and hemstitching;, our $2.23 "- ..' value.. Special at, each,....; y...fl.T9. LADIES' PETTICOATS WORTH 13.06 FOR 12.29 Ladies' Petticoats of fine black Italian cloth, made with two hemstitched flounces and stitched bands, dust ruffle . attached; our $3,00 vaTuc.:., Special rn ...',...?..'... '. V. f 8.2 Hosiery Bargains . for Monday Buyers Exceptional Specials in the Women's and Children'! Hosiery Aialea Fira Floor. WOMEN'S 50c ' HOSE J5c Black Lisle Hose, winter weight, 'embroidered .-' i boots; regular value 50c Special, pair. 85 WOMEN'S 25c AND 35c HOSE 17c . Black Fleece-Lined Hose seamless, double sole; regular values 25c and 35c Spe- :, cial, the pair... ..:;..,.. IT CHILDREN'S COTTON HOSE 25c Chil dren's Black Fine-Ribbed - Cotton Hose, . fleece lined, sizes 6 to ICX Special at, the, pair ......... . .... t ..... 1 .85 CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE 17c Children's Black Seamless - Hose, fine and double ribbed; regular value 25c Special at, the pair .............................17 . . 1 ' ' ' ' - f, '. t- -t Infants' Wear and Art Goods : ' . Second Floor Annex. 83c FOR INFANTS' SILK CAPS WORTH U $1.001 nf ants' ...Fine JSilkCaps. in white. -r.ea or blue,- effectively trimmed with white 'silk braid and lace or chiffon ruching; as sorted styles and sizes; our $1.00 value. Special sale price, each. .63 ,. ,.: . . ':!! Art Shop of .. iir Needlecraft 50c AND 60c CUSHION TOPS FOR 37c Cushion Tops of art denim, with plain "backs, stamped in conventional designs; our regular ioc and WJc vaities. Spe cial sale pric, each., ...... ..37 19c ROSE AND CUCUMBER JELLY 12c Bottle Rose and Cu cumber Jelly, for chapped hands and face and softening the- skin; regular value 19c Special....... 12 Portland's Greatest Hat Store EXQUISITE MILLINERY Largest stocks of most elegant Millinery in the city, all in latest, new estL4rnost approved modes. . r . ' n. . .. . NEW DRESS HATS ' . . 'iNEW BLOCKED HATS NEW FUR HATS . ' NEW SHAPES . 1 ; NEW FLOWERS AND NEW FEATHERS - Millinery assortments never better. Suit yourself as f- ' , to price . v ........ .,. j , ; . . .fs.oo to f 50.00 Hi AN ATTRACTIVE GROUP OF VAL- i , f.UES WILL GREET THE ; ' . r SHOPPERS:-IN -.5 r :, . Linen Aisles and V Domestic Shops .MONDAY Scan this list, ye thrifty Portland : housewives. Have we . interested, you?'1 We'll please you, too make us prove it. 90c LINEN - DAMASK 75c Richard- " ' son's AH-Linen Damask, for. table cloths,67 inches wide; regular value ' ; i 90c. Special, the yard...... ,.T5. match. Special at. -, ' f the dozen v.'i. 'i JZ LlM . ;f 3.10, S tlJSQ BEDSPREADS $U9 BedspVeads. full size and weiirht: regular value $1.50.' Specialiech....,i.ff..,.... ...fl.l9 30c BATH TOWELS ' 23c4-Lare Size -3rbwn Turkish: Bath : Towels; regular value 30c Special, each.'...'... ....... .........23 HUCK TOWELS 10c Huck Towels, size 17x32. Special, each..lO TRAY CLOTHS 34c Linen Tray Cloths, size 17x23. Special, 5 each w. . v.. . ... ...... ..34 PRUNELLA SUITINGS, ETC. A fine line of Prunella Suitings. Flannelettes, Eiderdowns and Bath 'Robe Flannelettes. Special 'at, the yard......' ..W. ...10 18 30 and SO OUTING FLANNEL 7c Mill Ends of Outing Flannel, in 5 to .16 yard pieces. Special at, the yard... v. ........ ...T tf , Fme'New Assortment of Plaids for School Dresses. FEMININE FADS AND FANCIES IN HELPS TO GOOD GOWNING SPECIAL MONDAY IN THE -f A; Women's Fancy Goods Shops . " ' First Floor. - - ' T' - ' - ' . v T' LADIES' SILK BELTS WORTH FROM 60c-TO $1.00 FOR 50c A special lot of Fine Silk Belts,. in black and ' .colors; some in shirred effects, with wide' front and back;' ' others are the strip belts, in the narrow effect. A few of , these belts are made of a fine quality of Madras cloth. They . fit beautifully and wear well. Our 60c to $1.00 values. Special for tomorrow and all week at, each .......50 30c, 35c AND 40c RIBBONS FOR 25c Quantities of Beau-'" tiful All-Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 5 to 6 inches wide in black, ; white and all wanted colors also a lot of Fine All-Silk,. Taffeta Ribbons, Ayi and 5 inches wide, in black, white and -' . colors; our 30c, 35c and 40c values. Special at, the yard 25- . GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS J Two hundred dcycefjiFine Pure-Linen Handkerchiefs a - new importation direct from the famous Richardson' Linen Manufacturing Co., in Ireland, will be placed on our counters : tomorrow morning.. Some are of fine sheer lawn with. and inch hems; others are of fine linen cambric with'J and yi inch hems. Special aale pnee for the week.... '. 3 FOR 60 LADIES,' PURE-LINEN. HANDKER CHIEFS Also of the famous Richardson make with J and inch hems; our 124c value; Special all this week 6 FOR 60 ill 19c FOR LACE BANDS WORTH FROM 25c TO 50c A great lot of Fine Lace Bands, inVenise, Oriental net, Leare and imitation Irish crochet just the thing for .'making those long tab collars our 25c, 30c, 35c and 50c values. - Special ail week at, the yard......... ......19 TWO INTERESTING EVENTS FOR ; ; . HOUSE-FURNISHERS . Pretty Lace Curtains and Handsome Rugs" 'Remarkably Underpriced Fourth Floor. . Monday shoppers with .savings in mind on the fall house-furnishing and renovating will surely appreciate and share these bar gains. , ... ' ;- . t WHITE IRISH POINT LACE' CUR TAINS White Irish Point Lace Curtains, in lots. of 1, 2 and 3 pairs; splendid pat terns - 4.50 value Special, pair . . . f 3.35 5.50 value-t-Special, psir.. .f 4.10 . 6.00 value Special, pair. . .84.50 6.50 valuer Special, pair.. .84.65 8.00 value Special, pair...f.00 10.00 value Special, pair... 87. SO Regular $10.50 value Special, pair.. 7.85 Regular $12.00 value Special, pair...f O.OO. AXMINISTER RUC3 '$2.5C-A fine- line of Axminisrer Rugs, in floral and. Oriental , designs, size 27x60 inches. Special' L at, each .f 2.50 Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular GET- THE NEW SEWING MACHINE BELT A twist of the wrist shortens the belt keeps belt tension just right A boon to every woman who uses a machine See them in the O. W. & K. Sewing Ma chine Shop FAtrth Floor. -A, big r .'thing for a .trifle in. price.;-.. ...25 Beautiful Gleaming ' Cut Glass In Great Special , SaltMonday "Libber." If you'd want for rich and beau- ' tiful Cut for home use or for holiday gifts, better make the most of this opportunity tomorrow Third Floor. v . . LIBBEY CUT GLASS Grand Special Sale of Libbey Cut Glass sole Portland agency. Name etched on every piece. Every article . in our unequaled atock reduced Water Tumhtera Special at,doaen.f 18.00 Water Bottles Special at, each..... 84.85 6-Inch Nappers Special at, each. ...83.85 8-Inch Bowls Special at, each ' Thousands of .articles , to, select from: CLOCKS Nickel Alarm Cocks Special . at, each ...... ...... Cold finished Special at, each.,,...f 1.1S Gold finished,, with figures Special at, each ,,.f3.0 Weathered Oak Finished Clocks Special at, each.. i.i. s Black Enameled Clocks Specisl at, each .......,.... ....... C- 3 Opening new lines of Haviland China. ' English Wedgewood Plates, snitat! f plate rail, .