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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
m n to de . . A w 9 mi s 1 :;.;L Tv'J''.'- j III kJ..L" i. i L us n : r " ' . . . - - . m " l- Bl 1 1 geasaaasaaaasaaaaa Local Curcsn All ArtJ Thtt Rtporti c? lVir.i:rful Cptr. , "tlon ArsC:.!; Hcn ; TRUTH RSVIALCD CUT NO TRA:;.:rcr.:.:ATiOM Caat at Portland Hoapital Yesterday in Which Unauapected lex Was ' Shown Was Hot ; Especially Ra ' - markabla or Uncommon. - i . An operation wai performed yesterday , at Good Samaritan hospital by a Port , land surgeon wbsrebythe trua, mi of a boy vti ' revealed, notwithstanding , from birth, by tha auprflial axamlna tlana that had been made, tha Bandar . bad been Indeterminable. : T-;. - "Tha operation waa In no senss tha 'revelation of a principle of anatomy or biology that waa pot familiar to avary .. iunwn," aald a well-known actantiat . today, whan askad about tha reported discoveries by a New York surgeon and Dr. Byron E. Miller of ' Portland, of .' processes whereby a woman Could ' be chanced to a, roan. "Indaad. tha books are nuad with references to Individuate whoaa condition makes determination of the aex aomewhat doubtful" .).',;,.'. Oeal Ohsngo Sex. ' ' Interview with a number of Portland surgeons brought forth tha aaaartion ' without exoeptlon that it la unscientific to atate that any operation "chanced a woman to' a man," and that such a thin would bo an anatomical absurd- Ity. : ' ....,, ' ; At tha Odod Samaritan and St-.VIn-eent'a hoaplUls this morning Drs. A. E. Rockey,A. Tilaer, Homer I. Keener, K. C. Jsfferd O. O. Jefferson. J. A; Petttt. ailletta and Frank Cauthorn. and at tha North Paciflo Sanatorium. Dr. R. C , Coffey discussed tha subject, and tha : unanlmoua statement by them was that , operatlona auch as those under consider ation have been known to tha medical profession for many years and that ln-t them tha surgeon merely brings to light , tha real condition of tha person, but ; does not fn any aanaa effect a change. "Doubtleaa the public, mind a ooo ; fused on .this subject.." aald Dr. Tilaer, . "and tha unscientific atatements that ' have baen made do not convey tha facta. .. In tha secular prints It la not possible -to make the matter clear. Inasmuch as tha plain uaa of terma accurately de scribing tha cases ,1s proscribed. But that there Is no new prlnolple Involved la trua.".-. . . . Oasea sTot 7aooaBmo. : i ' "A simple study of anatomy and tha fundamental principles or biology aa ,- manifested in tha animal structure . would prove to any one that change of aex 1a impossible." said Dr. Pattlt. 'and It Is not accurate to .express the facta .concerning auch an operation m any auch manner. There ia no change; there la simply a revelation of what was trua all tha time." .,' ' 1 . , : "Probably every surgeon In thla city ' wllj, tell you that he has had such cases brought to his attention In clinics when he i wae ' In poll," Mid 'Dr. Jeffords," .'. "and yet has never discussed the subject . publicly, -becauae cannot do so with out the use of terms that cannot be used in the secular press." -- Dr. Rockey referred the matter te Dr. V Tilaer, his associate, first saying that ' anyone who wanted information eouui ,W T,;l,r VniITlZh The Injured man waa taken to Bt oonault a certain volume In his library rv, (, ho,plul and Is being attended which contained a complete axpoaitlon of the facte that were familiar to all eurgoone.- ..- -y ., ; ( f w FAIR STOCKHOLDERS ?" " MUST ALL PAY UP . A. 3. Coffman ha a paid hla . menta on the stock ha had taken In the Lewis and Clark Bxpoaltlon corporation 'and the ault that was pending against him In ths circuit court waa dlamlssed thla morning. Thla action .was taken upon the motion of Dan J. Malarkey. attorney for the exposition corporation, who said that Coffman had paid and that tha fsir officials were willing to drop the case. Coffman owed' 110, and had been auad for that sum. ;. la speaking of the matter ' after the case. agalnaCCoffman had baen dis missed. Mr. Malarkey aald: "Since the action -' against a ' close payer waa taken, many of those who took stock in the corporation and failed to pay on U hurried to pay in all they ' owed. Bat there are a number who have, not done ao and 'during the next week rxpeot to begin action agalnat at leaat a dosen persons who owe the oor- ; po ration. 8veral thousand dollars are yet due on subscribed etock.", - FIND SEVERED LIMBS ; OF SUITCASE MYSTERY (Josraal Bpecial Brvi.) '" '. '" : ' Boston, Maaa, Oct. M. The finding ' of another suitcase containing the arma and laga of the woman vhoee dismem bered torso was found In a suitcase on September II floating in the1 harbor has renewed Intereet In tbe murder mys tery which pussled the police for more than a month. As a reealt of the dis covery the police believe they will soon . have In custody those responsible for the death - of tbe girl, aa three rings found on the Angers of the hand give a , tangible clue. - , At the time of the finding of the first .eultcaae tha pollco learned that a man had bought two cases at different pawn "ahope. The first one waa Identified by one pawnbroker and the ene found to day Identified as tha other. BUILT IN OREGON LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES J MARINE AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY 1 ELECTRIC HOISTS , - HEAVY SAWMILL SPECIALTIES o POWER TRANSMITTING MACHINERY ' v Guaranteed heavier, atrohger and of better design than sim ilar machinery built elsewhere.: Wa believe what we aay and ' sund behind iC " . ; ;.. ; - ; .'' ..'"'.',' ;V ,v' WillairiaUe Iron and Steel Vorlis ; ; Portland, pREGON, u. s.' X. ; Methodist CUhcp Hamilton Ctartfas FtJJowtby " Unique PrtdJction. (Jearasl l"el "erlea.) -. ; YTashlngtqn. Oct II, Declaring that the amalnnaaUon f all races Is God S solution ' of " the fece problem. Bishop John William Ham., ton of Ban Frnn clsoo created a sensation In Methodist circles by his address on the race prob lem delivered to the Methodlat bishops at Metropolitan chorch laat night. "What doea God care for the color of a man's facer he asked. ' I want to aay that the typical American aa to be born of tbe amalgamation of all races which now Inhabit the continent. .You who listen to me many of you ivory proud of your 'Anglo-Baaon blood' will be grand pa rente or great-arrandperente ef lamm end - woman partly Chineaa and Jananela. Russian. Jew. eovKhern Eu ropean and duaky- African-, - "It t God' a pln. What account doaa he take of the prejudices and folllee ot foolish man? In Urn they will be wined away. Tha American of the fu ture will have beepme a compoelta. type of all tha races." . . Borne auditors left , the church In In dignation.- ',- r-.-ji CATTLE UiTII C"UI "I i Public School Tachr Badly Bittan In avlnj Pupil From Attack of Animal. 't (Jeareal aeeelal twvlee.I ' ? New York. Oct. lav While trying to rave her email puplle from aa attack of a savage bulldog, which bad Invaded the schoolroom. Miss Vera Wilkes, oung teacher, la the public school -at II--Union course. East New York, was severely, bitten. ; - ,'.:-.: There waa a eIld struggle between the frail young woman and the powerful brute before aha overpowered him and pushed him from the room. Mlas Wilkes' hands were bitten to the bone but aha managed to get her apron about the anl mal's neck, and eventually overcome It by strangulation. " Not once did she wince from the pain, , ;. ' v After hurling the dog through the doorway she and the children creamed for help, whlqh attracted aba Janitor and Policeman UroveeV The latter . put a bullet through the animal' a brain, t ' LIES UNCONSCIOUS IN?, HATCHWAY ALL NIGHT "- v'e,-"' " ' ' Falling down 'the hatchway of the ateamabip . Aragonla at o'clock last evening, Gue Epeberg, a longshoreman In the employ of the O. R. eV N. com pany, received a Mow on the bead which made him lose eonaolouanaaa. He waa still' unoonsolous when discovered thla morning ,(!'!' o'clock and phyalciana have been uaabla ance to reetore htm to his asnses. It to expected that hia a Juriea wilt' prove Taut","' ' Bpaberg- fell dowv the hatchway ahortly before hs was to go home, for sapper. When he did not make his appearance Inquiries were made about him, bat nobody thought of searching the bold of the vessel. He was discov ered this morning by other longshore- men wlfo entered the hold. by Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie. His skull Is fractured and It ia feared that he has received eoneaaalon of the brain. E pa rte rg la ' married and Uvea with his family in Alblna. , Ha to about years or ago. ZELAYA IS WILLING TO FREE ALBERS BROTHERS (Jearaal Bpedat gervlee.) Washington, Oct. H. President Ze is ra of Nicaragua, according to unof ficial but apparently well founded re ports to the state department, to willing te pardon the Albere brothers as. soon as they have Indicated a willingness to forego ' further legal proceedings. ' Al bars was tried and convicted, but is ap pealing through all the courts. This is objectionable to President Calajra. He would doubtleaa like to get rid of the whole matter and If Albere will accept the verdict tt will allow Zelaya to vindicate the eocrts and pardon Al bere unconditionally at the same time. MUTILATED BODY OF 'U, OCTOGENARIAN FOUND ' (Jesrssl Npeelal arrvlea.l . ' Philadelphia. Oct. II. With the head cruabed and both lege severed below the knees, the body 'of a woman, supposed to be that et Mrs. , Margaret Todd , of New York, aged years, was found late laat night along the trarka of the Philadelphia A Reading railway near Fair-mount Park. , Mrs. Todd mysteri ously dlssppssred yesterday on bar way te East Orange,' with a , large .nam 'of money and 1 11.000 worth of Jewelry. DAWES MUST TESTIFY IN BEEF TRUST CASES j (Jearaal Special gwU.) , Chicago, Oct. II. A subpoena was served late yesterday on Charles o. Dawes, ax -controller of the treasury and presldsnt of the Central Trust company of Illinois, to appear' November It and testify at the packers' trial. . Juds Claland iizli That Court Erred in Trill VVhsn DuneM ; '' - Wert Aw&rdsd. 'V ' F6URTEEN TC3TITY vIN V i . SEVEN-COLLAR case B. L. Bailey Will Hare to Pay Hia .Wtta Thirty ; DoUara a Uonth . Caah Register If an Wins On Suit, rLoeca a Second, v'-"- ' ( C W. and 1' C Weir, owners of the river atm.. Cmmh 111 hmva to try their damage suit against the Port of Portland .commission again, as - this morning Judge Claland allowed a motion for a new trial, holding that the court had erred In the previous trial In al lowing tbe plaintiff a to Introduce evi dence to show how much the boat might have earned. The Weirs allege that their : steamer was' . Injured several months ago by having jbesn earaleaaly droppe -from the dryMook ways. A Jury reoantly allowed the boat owners 11,101 damages. , .Judge George decided this morning that W. T. Bartlett and -M. IE. Palmer ehould pay G. W. Ferrla a 17 plumbing bill Incurred last winter. The case oc cupied more than a day In court, the testimony of 14 wltneaaea being taken. B. U Bailey will have to pay 110 a month for ths aupport of hia wife and their f our children... Mra. Bailey al leged that her husband had taken them to an out-of-the-way place on Portland heiahta to live and that ahe could not etand It there. Bhe aaya that aha la willing to live with her husband in any place where they can get water and the children can attend school, - George 8. Palmer waa granted a di vorce from Elale Palmer. The couple were married In Canada In September, 1171. Palmer alleged desertion. . Judge Cieland refused to grant August- Petsohet a divorce from Emma Petsohet. The couple were married at Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, on August 10, 102. Petschet alleged that hia , wife deserted him during the following No vember, but Judge Cieland held that the husband bad not proved hia cnarga. - Lee Toy will not have to pay J. W, Graham IK alleged to be due for the rental of nine acres of bop lands. ' R. - A. Preston (Will have to pay J. Freeman till due en a caah reglater purchased some t-tMne ago. . Freeman loot blm suit against Ji H. Smith, whom he auad for II5B, which waa aieo al tered to be due on a caah register: Judare Cieland held that Smith had countermanded the order before the rag; later had been anippea xo mm. seco::d ciMi'M is i:o CATCH FC3 .COT eBjsawBaasawsaaBwaBaaBamfas ; . . 4 Local Studant Scalp, tha Had' -man Forty to Nothing pn-r j : Multnomah Field. ; Tha Portland academy football eleven made mincemeat out of the second Che- mawa Indian team this morning, on Multnomah field, tha score being 40 to 0. - The Indiana were completely out classed In every department but con dition, and physically thsy were In bet ter form than tha local academicians. The academy lads pnffad and snorted like so many walruses and sack man lost 10 -pounds through perspiration. The real prowess ot tha academy eleven could not be gained on account of the' lightness of ths struggle, but enough grit and head work were- ahown to war rant the prediction that tha academy team will compel all competitors to etep lively. . ' Reed as usual showed his splendid speed and dodging, tactics In several long runs through broken fields, twice scoring touchdowns. He was cool at alt tlmaa when handling tha ball and ahowed more, assurance than heretofore. Wood did excellent Work at quarter and picked his plays. well. . Corbett ahowed up -better than ever before and proved to W a steady gainer with the ball. Corbett- recovered a fumble in the open ing of the game, whan Clark lost tbe bail- aa he was -going over the line and seared the first .touchdown. Clark had strength and speed to spare and punted very well, one or his punts, however, being blocked. " Reed kicked five very pretty goals. Chemawa waa outclassed, but played a gritty uphill fight, not giving up until the rail of time. The line-up: ' ... Portland Academy. I . Second Chemawa. Cook C. . Toby Ankeny, Nlchola.-R, P.. ....... . Ooudy Ford .......... O J. Charlea Wllliame ...... ..R. T........... Booth Hnrlburt. Clark... It T.... j.B. Wlleon Thome. Kerr.,...R. K...-BI11, Witlings Corbett, Glass.'.. I- E. Brothers Wood 4 .0. B..Teabo, Williams Reed ........... R. H. R. ..... Wilson Hart ........ ...U H. B..; Casey Polhemus ........ F. B N Charlea Length of halves 20 minutes. - Raf area J. ... A. Horan. t'mplre H. H. Herdman. Timekeeper Mr. Thome. JAPANESE CANNOT BE ' -VAN AMERICAN CITIZEN v.: ' '. ' : ' fSrll fMtnatrk te The Iouraal.1 Boise, Ida., Oct. II. On the ground that the atatute of tbe United States relating to admission to clttsenshtp of foreigners applies) onir to whites or nee-roes. Judge Btewart has denied the' ap plication of O. C. Tanaker, a Japanese who applied for admission. . ,r. FOREIGN NATIONS TO ! -BE THANKED BY FRANCIS . (Jearaal Special Sarvlca.) . Washington, Oct. It. It Is snnouneed that the president Jiae appointed former Oovernor' Davtd B. Francis of Missouri as special commissioner to 41 foreign governments to, thank them for partici pation In the BV Lioula world s fslr, ,. , HEARINGS OF PATRONS ' . . . OF ART ARE POSTPONED ' The live Japanese arrested by Sheriff Word for conducting a lottery In con nection with a so-called art sxhlbit at the fair were to have appeared In the police court for preliminary examination this morning, but oa request of. counsel Judge Cameron postponed the hearing to Thursday- Thirty-Six Chltfrtn A?par C- for Jud FcaitrfsrVarioua v 'Mlhor Cf?nxrs. , RELATIVES CROWD ROOM . TO THE VERY CO0R3 Court Saya Toungatera Are Not to Blame, but Homo Conditjona Are, and Wanta a Woman to Clean Up MiawablePlacca ': y, - " '.',.' -'. V Today's session of -the Juvenile court waa the largeat in the history or that tribunal, there having been children brought before Judge Frassr ' on va rious minor charges. Four of the chil dren were glrle, - t . v - In addition to the l boys and gs who 1 ware to exDlaln their conduct on various occasions, there -were scores of relatives .present-. Every east tne courtroom was occupied, and In a ma jority of cases by women. The crowd waa not tha sort that gathers in ins courtroom where there, are a large num ber of divorce oaaes to be fried. No womed sat.ehswlng gum and smiling as though a honeymoon waa about to be enjoyed. , but every mother, slater, aunt and grandmother looked - aerlous and austsre. . ... -, ,. . County. Judge Lionel R. Webster oc cupied a seat near-Judge Praser dur- Ina this mominc s session of the court. Both Jurists take a keen Interest in this work.- .- - After resdlng several reports made by Probation Officers Hawlsy- and Neslsy resrsrdlna ths mistrahls horns surround ings of many of those who were before the court. Judge Praser aald: - "I would like to know of .some good woman who is willing to make a great aelf-eacrtf ice and who will work. would Ilka auch a woman, to. go into the homea which tha officers report eo miserable -and show, the mothers there how to clean up and how their children ehould be taken care of properly. mie Is .an opportunity for a great work, as tha children brought before thla court are seldom' to blsma for their miscon duct tha fault Ilea In tha homea, where narenta do not care for their children. Joseph Bpsdy, Clyde Tlldea. Charles Hoover and Oeorgax-Olsen. who were ar rested recently while' -peeping Into the Orsnd theatre from a vantage point en the roof, were rr leased upon .their prom ises to be good. - Oeorge Booser and Dean Smith, arrested while watching the theatre party, were alao released. , . - A large party of boys and gn-le. ar rested on ths charge of. ateallng old bottles ' snd - scrapiroa were releaaed. They aald that -they had been told to ateal the Junk and sen it. ... DESPONDENT COOK TAKES v HIS LIFE IN SEATTLE " 8pedal IHaseteh to Ths JooreaU ' Seattle, Oot. - 18. Oeorge Golden, cook, committed suicide laat night by Inhaling Illuminating gaa in hla room at the Berkeley house. He attached a rub bar tuba to a ajaa Jet and tha other end was still closely held between his teeth. He had been out of work for soms time. KILLS BABY, SHOOTS WIFE THEN COMMITS SUICIDE (Jearaal apaelal Berries.) - Tellurlde. Colo.. Oct. JI. In a fit Of Jealousy Carlo Delasao, a gold miner, thla morning shot and killed his four-months-old baby and mortally wounded his wife end-, then committed suloids. - ' Mew Building permits have bean leaned to the Northwest Door company, dry kiln. corner River and Alblna streets, 12,000; Portland Railway company, dwelling. Williams avenue between Halaey and Cherry atresia, 1700; A. Splndler, dwell ing. East Aab street between East Eighth and Eaat Ninth streets, 11,000; F. M. Toungs, dwelling, ' Borthwlck atreet between . Falling and , Beach atreeta. . HJiO; J. - Walgrsn. atorea, Thurman atreet between Nineteenth and Twentieth atreeta, 11.100: C D. Craw, ford, shed. Front street between Madl aon and Main atreeta, 1110; Mrs. Rlener, hotel, corner .. Thirteenth and Alder streets,. 11,000. Repair permits have, bean taauad to Blgler Milling Commlaalon company, warehouse. Water atreet between Montr gomery and Mill atreeta.' 140; M. M. Peterson, stable. Union avenue, corner Eaat Alder street. III. . , , - f -start srot stok, . ' Patrolman Bcallen. who was "to be brought into court on a bench warrant to appear agalnat two woman arrested by him. te said to be lying in at his home. He to alleged to be euirerlng from Inflammatory rheumatism. Officials say that Bcsllsn was around the police station after the women were brought up for trial and made ao complaint of Illness. '",-...'" .'''..'.;''.!. '. i sest so wwm. ,-. r . , (SpeHal Dispatch te Tbe TnarsaL) . Rlparia, Waah., Oct. 21. The ateamer Mountain Oem left here yesterday for Olllo, stopping at . Pasco to take on fuel. - : V. '. " ' - Results Count Xa the seleeeioa of a mediolas to restore your appetite, steady the nerves,. pro mote sound sleep and make you well again you should chooaa one that haa a reoord of auch curea back of it- - Then your choice must be the -araous , Hostcttcrs Stomach! Bitters . We . have re ceived letter from thousands of peo ple who have baen cured- by - taking the Bitters when other remedies failed.' In cases of matalaaoy, Kaertsara, TsaUttag. Imdlgestlea, , Oloaeaeee. ' Xryspepsla ee Ferns Is Tieahlee) It la especially ef fective. A . trial wilt convince ev ery sick man and woman- v W ar .itl.u M v When you CAN have a furnace Installed by a flroi who Is responsible lor Its rc- sulis. why not have tke be lt9s worth ten times the price of a furnace Just to KNOW that It viliwqrk whM Installed Is ever worneur TheW.G. HEATING ENGINEERS " ,1 IS teii Asr.:ED b.::dits becuse $4,700 FKOll-IO Telephone Girl Sees Gang Givaa tha at Work and Alarm. ' v: . (Jesrsal asedal Service.) -"" ' Vimmmrtnm,i Injj Chnt STSHB OI cracked the aafe of tha First Nsttonal bank and got away with 14.700 Juat aa a posse of armed cltlasna arrived and opened fire on the robbers, who escaped on horseback. .. . ., . -..,. Ths explosion was heard by Mlas ut rKAMMmAM . thJ l.Unhnn. oner ator In the telephone office over the . . n h Kanlc was cracked by this explosion and looted. ut oiimum. m mm t K. .rmM mbhara below and gave tha alarm. The poaes ox cuisens arnvoa oeiwre io " reached the Inner aara, wnera a large i I. Want. , Pickets of the robbers gave warning and the gang beat a nasty retreat. . . The robbery to one of tha boiaeat in m viainnr nf the state. -. No attemot was mads by the bandlta at oenoealmvnt. but they -ooouy toog possession ox me street In which, ths bank, waa located. an autre nne, and in a few mlnutea more would have got away with many tbouoanaa. Tne ope rail una were eimiw . r- .. n k.j tin. the lonaJ 11.11 w. ww. waa .-. r bank, and H to presumed that it ia tbe aame crowo. : . v n .. - - ' V - (Jooraal aperlal aerriea.) New Tork. Oct. II. The second Na tional Business show opened here today at Madison Square Garden with a large attendance. Never before has sucn a comprehensive exhibition of appliances, contrivances, furniture, etc., of a help ful and time and labor aaving value to the commercial . and '- Industrial world been shawa under one roof. " Manufac turers of typewriters, office furniture and office supplies from all -parts ef tbe United States and Canada and even from Europe are represented in the exhibition and tbe lattsr la attracting great Inter, est among business mea of all branches. One of the Interesting features M the exhibition will be a apeed con test-' on typewriters between Miss Eola Worthing of Brooklyn and Miss Lillian Roraer ot Chicago. .The exhibition will close on November 4. . At the sama time the National Association ef Office Appllaneaa Manufacturers and the Associated Of fice Appliance Manufacturers of America will hold their annual conventions. a xaaa ZaaagaraSed. ijeanwl Special Srvtee.) ' New York, Oot. IB. The aalltng from this port today of the ateamshlp Tagus for West Indian ports marks . the -In-, auguratton of a new steamship service between this city and aoathera Atlantis porta. - Tha new line Ja , merely an ex tension oft fcfce'srrvlce of the Royal Mall Steam Packet company, which for more thaa a quarter of a century baa main tained a, regular eervlce between Eng land and West Indian ports. Ths steam ers of ths new Una will call st King ston. Jamaica, Porte Colombo, - La fJuSyra, Trinidad and Barbadoes. " From Barbed oes the ships will proceed to the Asorea and thence to England. ' The same Itinerary will be followed oa the return trip, but In reversed order. - Ths neat employed In the service Includes the Tagus. Atrata, Plata. Orinoco and Trent The steamers - will sail at fort nightly Intervale. j , Baiiread a Tetktewa. . ' (.saraa! Special. SnvW.) - ' Baltimore. Oct. II. The historic bat tlefield of Torktowo la to be made easy of aocess by ths building of a railroad from Newport Kewe to tha battlefield. The Virginia Psninsulsr Railway com pany has been organised, with a capital stock of 1100.000 and an application has been filed with the Virglnls corporation oommisson. W. A. Post, general man agerA0f jhe big shipyard at 'Newport News," siid prestdsnt of the : Newport News Street railway. Is president of the new company, J. U. Patton of Newport News Is vice-president, " Charlea M. Graves of Norfolk secretary and Arthur Lee treasurer. The construction of the road will be begun ae soon ss the right of way baa been secured. The cars win be run by gasoline motors of high speed , BUM Aathomy Barred. ; ' ' (Joorml Special Trie. I ' Rochester. N. T. Oct. I. Mlas Mary 8. Anthony, alatar of Suaan B. Anthony, the woman suffrage champion, accom panied by a friend.- entered one of th4 registration booths Jn thla city and ex pressed the wish to register -her name for the coming election. "We refuse the application. In accordance with the else tlon tow." replied the chairman of the registration board, "which declares that only male eltlsens of the United Btsten are eligible te the suffrage." Miss An thony merelytossed her head and, with out earing another word walked out of the registry place. Later ahe said It waa all a Joke as shs knew very well that her application would be rejected. , j - ; ...I, . i , I .. BDsaearl Sr-3f Kern Btaea. . (Jnamel Special B-tvlr.) ' Kansas City, M. Oct. 2. The an nual convention of . the Missouri Bute Horticultural eectety opened here today at the Coatee House.. It- will remain In aessloa three days and la unusually It not true? or McPherson 47 The XXlnd Ton Cave hrmya Bought, auad wblcSi lass oescat In use for over SO years,' baa born tho wignatuf of .. - and rrVV;- sonalsapwvlslon since tta inlner. yt SfClCAMG Anowno one todeoetre Ton la titaw. " . All Counterfeits, Imitations aad "Jost-em-good" are bg , ' : lazptwiinentf; that trifle with aad endanger the health ef ' Infants and C3iIUtrciH-I3ipezleni against 12xperham!L ' ClastcaHa is a harmless substltu'e for Castor OH, Para' ' gorice Drops and Soothing' 8yraps.' It Is Pleasant. I"f t oontalna neither Opium Morphine nor other Karcotia aabstaaee. Its -age ia Its guarantee. It destroys Wornse . ' and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and TS"ind v ' Colic It relieves Teething Tronbles, orea Constipatloa and Flatalericy. It assimilates the Food, rejrulatea the r Stomach and Bowels zMng healthy smd natoral slee -r i The Children'3 Panacea The Mother's Friend ,. ' - ccriuiriG C ASTO R I Pi ? f wavo Eeara the flUiA T7awi iuo jyua luu flaiu iuuiijfs In Uca For Over 30 Ycirc. "p. ---1 - ' 1 i '- ' J- to Are you one?. Do yon take the daily Constipatioa Pill? Why not take' one that enres? " The more you take" the less you need. . -" - V v ; Immediate Relief 1 ; : and NO MORE CONSTIPATION Go:iniSilip Put up in tfatch-shaped bottles that fit vest pocket. . ic j i-Yow.druggistr.or :,:: ; . THE CHASE MFCL Cat Newburgh, N. Y. : FOR SALE BY WOODARO. CLAi:-- Ct CO. well attended. Fruitgrowers from sll Parts ' of . tbe state are present n4 a highly Interesting eslon la expected. The propagation bf ti-w varieties ef peaches and'arples and tb sotenHftc phases -e fruitgrowing- will- n tle prin cipal euhjerts for dliwusslon st the con vention. .' i . , . . I C: responsible. naven't you 1 Co. First Street baa been rna4etnvder bla pe :r' Ciature cf s Speedy jCuro DE HEALTHY se.s ; ' ' ' r 1 ' J IT VV; W Drug 3