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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
S t I ,: " .... : ' - ' ' ' ' ' - ' v THE OREGON DAILY ' JOUKri.M rORTLAI?D. f '.ZVZDAT CVZrWO. iiiS JHGES.JOII OELIUEHI'IG LI i:SSAGESARE EXORBITAnT Mihn F. Shorty,;'' Managtr Crt .r.Uttfnr and Delivery Com pany, Replies to Citizen. . - ; -7 7- ..'', SAYS RATES ARE ABOUT , THE SAME Af BEFORE ' - ' , ii iii v ' .' : i - , ... . 'l "Citbeo," fa Reply, Show by Cora- parativ Tables That Increase Has , Beea More Than Twenty-Five Per , Cent and Decries System, x' . v y -' .:'..' Portland.! Oct If -to the Editor of Th. JnuinlTh camnlalnt of "A Citl- nen" In your Issue of yesterday, alleging that the District Messenger companies of Portland are charging excessive ratea for th delivery of telegrams and other service, deserves more careful ex plsnatlon than given In th article jk nubliahed. ; Evidently 'the author of the article did not trouble nimseu 10 Investigate fully the condition widen to a. exeat extent govern, this class of the ' puillo service. t v, . r . . ': ' " I trust that you will permit me to furnish a' few' tacts nd that you wUl publish ' Ibem ' as prominently as you have the. complaint, .to aire the pubjlo better knowledge of this Wers.'V Three years ago, any number of boys between -the age ef IS and si a years could be -Jisd-tat-messenger "work.' tor from i f 11 . to- $11 peimonth. - Todayv owing to th. recently cfactejl child lf bar lews, a sufficient number of boys cannot be found to supply .the irequlref , meats. Men Will . not do this wot It st any price, claiming that it is boys' work; They seen to prefer Idleness or begging to', honest wot that eey 'term boyar . I 1 h. . . . .... tu.M JaI wmil l HI i'i J Hvnwvn ji.w rrtn , Ing this class of work almost universal ly. I ran eoncelys of no other reason. Under th 'percentage plan that is de manded by the unys, they earn from fSI -to I0 -per. month and many , of - them much more. This Increasea the navrous of the messenger companies more thai " SO per -cent : Of floe rents and other ex pensee nave been more than doubled. If Is true that the City Messenger 4s De ' livery company has a "franchise, granted by the -city of Portland, and It pays the city of Portland more than $11.00 for such privileges as It receives. This is an expense that was not counted .upon three Titers aaro. i ' ; Betee Prectioally th Seaae. ' , The' 'messenger rates of today '- are practically the same as they were Mirer years ago, as. the published rata cards ' of that period will show. They have not been -"gradually Increased' and there is no danger' that they will be. - Prior to , two years ago we rosiai company oi not employ its own boys and it haa not done wefot at leant years. -; The Pa- - clfle Messenger company, a corporation owned by ' prominent Portland business men, performed this servloe and its charges were Identical with the rates of today. . .. .. - rf: - '-v For the lnforroatiOB.ot.-"A Cltlsen"! and th author of the article published, as well as tbe public In general, one of the rules of the Postal' Telegraph Acorn. ' MiitjLevMnlm the - dellverv . of tele. grams, Is given as foltowa: ' ?. "Telegrams will be delivered - free within a radios of one-half mils from ' the office in any city or town of less Kadk C AAA fHkaK1tna mwA wtlkln . - radius of one mile from the' office in any city or town of S.OSS or more In habitants. Bevond theae limits onlv the ' actual cost' of the delivery service will be collected." J , ' j- : Bmla vntfemb" ' - This rale has been in force ' by all telerranh 'eomnanles for at least IS years and appllea uniformly to every cltv in the United States. . , The messenger rates today In th city ok runiBnu rv ivwfr 117 innn if in 21 ner cent than In any other cltv la th United States. Telegrams are de livered absolutely free wlthjrr a' radius oft blocks (equal to One mile) from .Iha.nMNit tAlevrenh office. Onlv the rviumr 1. J mmwwiiavr nun mrw charged when th message Is addressed beyond th .on .mil . limit All tale-a-renh comnaniea otM and maintain an office In any community as soon as there . Is business enough to cover the expense. They can hardly be expected to do more .than that--. - . , - f,, i- n Uk a Bterchant, Where th telegraph company has on " wjMggggSggggg'gg " "' V ' r ROYAL Baking Powder is indispens able to the prepara- -tion of the finest cakejij hptread f rolls and ; No ctliw bolting Jpowdct . equals it ia zttczefot pvtity and T7hoIomcncs3a, ; edvol jno no cuDCTmrm telegram to .deliver . In airy suburban point the large merchant will have wagon load Of packages and can afford to do it free, especially as he always figures It Into hie selling prloe. The small merchant will not deliver at 'any price. All figure th cost of what dei Uveiing they .do, while - th telegraph company figures only on th delivery stated In tbe above quoted. rule.. Any person who- haa a telephone can have bis messagea telephoned by filing such a request at either telegraph of fice. This method Is much preferred by the messenger companies and th telegraph companies. J- " : JOHH K. SHORBT, MaHagai". City Messenger s Delivery Co. . SHOWS INCREASE IN RATES. Ooayaxativ Table eiivea So Prove 0n testloa Tturt Charges Art To Mlgk. In support of hi contention that there Is a "combine" bet wee a th City Mee-sena-er St Bellxery rwiiMBT aad the American' District -TlfleaTaDh. - company the former handling'"the messages of tbe Postal Telegraph -company and th latter those of the Western Union that the prices fixed by this combine are exceaslv and that th city ordi nance under which they are granted privileges of stringing wires on th streets should Umlt th amount .of tbelt charges to .more moderate figures,. "A i Cltlsen" produces evl donee to prove that - there has been -a considerable Increase In the rat ,echedul, of , th masenger companies. Th present - schedule in force, signed by Mr.. Bliorey and filed at tha pfflce of the Postal Telegraph com papy, " shows ; the" rates that are col lected by the messenger company from suburban residents to whom telegraph messages are delivered, rn addition to th regular telegraph charges on the massage. Ia the offlce of the Western Union la a similar schedule, signed, by th American District Telegraphs com. pany. .. The prieee - for delivering, me ssges are , identical. These - schedules have been in fore sine October 1, 1SSS. Prloi to that time a schedule of delivery prices considerably lower was In effect Th old schedule is pub Ushed In th Postal -Telegraph com pany's year- book for 104. The mes senger companies - have this year in creased their charges.'. onv an average, more than 15 'per cent and In a few cases doubled them, notwithstanding Mf. Bhorey's disclaimer. ; - t ',' 'Ta Soadal . - Th two schedule are as follows: .,-.' Old New ." ' - .""f' , . . f . Rata. Rate. Fulton' SO SI IS II SO ss 10 II so ss SI II so so II II so 10 IS Golf Unas IS i, Highland r... ....,........ It Irvtngton ',.., S Lincoln Park .............. IS . . Montavllla . SO Mount Tabor SS ; Piedmont ..I.............. IS ' Portland Heights II Portsmouth 10 Richmond ........ If . Riverside S St Johns .................11 , Sellwood .................. 10 South Portland II ; Sunnyald ................. II Treraont. w . 4 10 , University Park ........... 10 '.. Waverly II Willamette Heights ....... 11 Woodlawn ............ l Woodstock .4....'..... IS SSi so , Baa tjstam to Blame. ' For th last two year th City Mes senger company has had the bualneas of delivering, th telegrams of ths Postal Telegraph company. Prior to that time the company practlcally-reltvered Its own messages. It leased land managed the Paclflo Messenger company, a local concern, and fixed ita own charges for delivery, which were much less than the present charges by th combined mes senger companies. ----- i The present high prices are said to tx caused by th aystem of the telegraph companies of farming out. the work of delivering their messages. . In formet days the telegraph companies kept their own forces of messenger boys arid mes sages were delivered practically at cost the publlo paying only f or th transmis sion of th messaga by wire, and th cost of a boy to carry It to office oi horn of th recipient Th Bol That Wan. Under that policy th telegraph com panies enacted the rule quoted by Mr. Bhorey. The spirit of this nils was that th publlo ahould not be charged a profit on th work of th messenger boys, and that th telegraph companies should confine their profit-taking t th rate charged by telegraphic transmission. Mr. muffins. VV.:U:!-V::i::f: "If .'ROYAL BAKINd POWDER C04 NEW YORK Shorty's Interpretation of the niU Is mad to cover hi company, th raodere "mlddle-msn" In th transaotlon. Th proper coat of delivering th message, "Oltisen" conUnda, is th prlc paldto th boy tot carrying It 'from th tsl graph offlo t: Its destination. Th practice under th new )nessenger com pany regime is to glv th boy 40 p cant of th price of delivery, and put SO per cent Into the pocket of the mes senger compsny. This Is th system In vogu In th messenger delivery busi ness at tha present time In Portland. Of every (toller paid by the publlo' to th messenger bora. IS cents goea to th messenger company till. . Inquiry at th offtoes of the companies proves that Mr. Shorey's statement ss to th wages earned by the messenger boy Is approx Imately true. Soma of them earn $10 and -over per month. .'The average is from 131 to 140. A boy who earn $40 a month for hlmelf earns I0 a month for the messenger company. j ' " Shorey's Statement Oonfmaln;. 'Th statement' that th company "pays th city of Portland mora than $11,000 for such, privileges ss It receives," which Mr. Bhorey says )s "an expense not oounted upon three years ago," Is so mar what confusing, 'unoer tn ordinance arantinr a franchise to the City .Mee- senger compsny. the city collects fiol annually as psyment for th franchise for the first five years., Th only mone thig -company Is paying to the city, so far as known at the auditor's office, is this -amount. . Should the company con tinue bualneas nnder Its franc hi a after five-year. It 111 pay $100 a year for the next nv ye re. At tne end or 1 years It would begin paying' $400 a year. and gradually Increase until at th end of II years it would have paid tha elty tbe aggregate sum of $10,100 as th to tal prlc of. its franchise for us of th att, ..:it x ,. . t ' 1 : In a rU!l ator on. Washington street is posted a sign announcing that "All purchase In amount -over $1 will be delivered free to any part of tha city. Purchase of amount less than II will be delivered to- any .part of the city fori 10 cents." no stipulation la mad by Portland retail merchants as to th amount of goods to be delivered In any particular neighborhood to enable a cus tomer to have a package delivered at the home. Most store deliver paoages In discriminately, and outslds of the mile limit only a nominal fee of 10 cents is charged to cover car fare. - This rule. "Cltlsen" declares, should be followed by the telegraph companle and other publlo servle corporatlona. and whenever any system is Introduced by middle-men im posing burdensome charges, he says, the city, authorities should step In knd limit the charges, I . MANY CAUGHT BY FLOOD - ' . . (Continued from Pag One) y ' for four or flv weeks,. and tha annul ment of thetr charter in New ' York. About th sam time he waa notified that a receiver had been appointed to straighten out the affairs of th con cern. .. " ..' 'i . From th time th men were Impris oned nothing was heard from headquar ters but the weekly payments still were sent to New York. The sam thing was true in many other large cities and It is said that the amounts which war for warded to New York must have reached nearly $100,000. : What has become of this money Is th queetlon which I be ing asked of th contract-holders. They feel that they ahould have been notified by wire from New York of th failure of the- concern1 as soon as the promoters were arrested ' and th receiver ap pointed. . ' !""- ' . -' The- contract-holders -who lost the money -are power lass t d anything, but they blam the. authorities of New Torn for not sending, themv notlfloation as soon as ths failure- was known.' . A complete statement of th affairs of. the defunct company and th op ra tions of the-promoters bss beea received by th contract-holders in this city. THOMAS M'MAHON WEDS " LOIS CLE0RA ERWEN (Special DUsateb te The JoarnaLt Seattle, Oct 18. Thoraaa McMahon, a well-known local politician,- was last night married to Misa Lois Cleora Kr wen. th 10-year-old daughter of Louis C. Brwen, at their West Seattle home. McMahon met Mlsa Krwen five year ago- July 4. when he gave her $10 to purchase 'fireworks. Th attachment has been a matter of common comment ever . since. The groom - Is about ' 10 years of age.''- . Ptold Hons Barns. ''-. :fJoaral Special Serrie.) Princeton, N. J., Oct . 18. The big field house on the university athletlo field, containing dressing rooms and training quarters of th baseball, foot ball and track teams wss destroyed by fire last night Loss, $10,000. ' Makes the lightest delicious and i tasty hot biscuit i '.--l fiihok o. (1LLSI1CELF Seattle Millionaire Found Lying - ... on Floor With Gu Tube ,. (- . ;:by 'SJde;- - - MARRIED NOTED LOCAL; . - SINCER FEW MONTHS AGO No Cause Known for Rash Act as Batiness Affairs Afe in Excellent . ShapeOccupied Apartments ,' Fashionable Hotel. ' at (Special Dispatch t Tbe Joaraal.) - " ' SeatUe. Waah.. Oct II Frank B. Hubbell. a millionaire . owning ( - the Union block and half a mil of prop arty on Union atreet In th heart of th business district of this elty, com mltted suicide In his luxurious apart menta at tb Washington hotel this morning by taking Illuminating gaa, H was unconscious whan found and died at noon. . - .- .- July $1 h married Miss Helen A. Moor, a noted local singer,' and since then haa - been a guest of tha Wash. Ington. His wife or friends are unable to assign any caua other than worry over his vast property Interests, which, however, are In excellent shape. Lately they had noticed that ha' was raelant choly. Mrs. Hubbell occupies a bed room on their main sitting room and Hubbell another on th opposite aid. This morning at S o'clock Mrs. 'Hub bell arose and after dressing went to her husband's room to awaken him. On opening th door there was a rush of gaa and on th -floor lay Hubbell. hi arm outstretched and a ' rubber tub extending from th gaa Jet with the, end lying close to his month. , Dr. Harris waa ; Immediately sum moned. Oxygen was Immediately given, but he passed away at noon. u:;gai::iy rocx disappears - OFF car:.!aak Known as Mark Hanna and Rs -v garded With Suspicion by . All Sailor, i '(Setclal Disnatch te Tb Joenul.t ' Victoria, B. C, Oct 31. Keeper Day kin of th Carmanah lighthouse reports th sudden disappearance of the rock "Mark Hanna." which stood $0 feet eat of water near Bonllla Point ell Car manah. . 1 ' Th rock was so named by Daykln soma tlm age on account of tha strik ing resemblance to, the late senator's face shown tn the outline of the rock when viewed from one direction. ... .. Seaman regarded the rock as really uncanny. It was the cause of many wrecks, sailors contending that It had magnetic power' which attracted vessels. Among vessels In recent year loat by striking this rock were th Duchea of Argyl. Puritan and Wmp Brothers. Lighthouse Keeper Daykln think It waa struck by. lightning, thus kseplng up the romance which has surrounded the rock. Day kin's 'reasons for this Is thst th morning sfter a terrtfio thun derstorm "Mark Hanna" was lost to view. He (Irmly believes It waa de stroyed In the way indicated. Exposed as It was ' to stormy seas It Is quite probable that their action wore the rock off, below the eurf ace until finally It toppled over during the storm. ; BLOOD FLOWS IN RUSSIA "''. !. r - 11 ' :' ; V ' . '' ' (Continued from Pag One) . being badly wounded. At Tomsk a mob. Is marching through the streets singing revolutionary songs and . demanding a communal republic " Troops charged the rioting erowd, forcing many to dis perse shd many were wounded. The at tack waa followed by a atrlke o( the railway employee, who had remained at work until this morning. . .. . " Martial fcaw at Warsaw. ' Martial law has been declared at War saw. Tha governor-general has ordered every"labor agitator found with arms In his posseeslon shot on ths spot. - Every person after t o'clock at night on tb streets will be arrested end searched and If revolutionary literature Is found upon him he will be shot. Oreat ex citement followed the promulgation of the order, which was followed by the dynamiting of the bridge at Kyaakoff. a suburb, and tha tearing up of the railway , tracks for a considerable dis tance. A mob at Reval flred th theatre this morning and prevented the firemen from extinguishing the , names. - Troops charged ths rioters with clubbed guns snd a number of caaualtiea resulted. Crowds are pillaging factories . and shops. All government . institutions have been closed. - mietlar at waeaT. At Kleff a mob gathered and made threata of violence. , The troops placed machine guns at the railway station expecting aj) attack. The military com mander -has ordered the troops to re-capture- Kharkoff, where a state of war Is declared te exist and much blood shed Is - expected to follow the execu tion of the order. . ' - ' ' At Loda the strike Is most complete, very employ In th city being out ex cept the gaa workers, whom th mili tary have compelled to continue at work. The- governor haa ordered th troops to fir In th event of disturb ances ahd to act without mercy. . The law creating a responsible cabi net is expected to be promulgated this afternoon and Witt a appointment as premier announced. - Machine guns which have been Collected at eTearskoe Belo for tha protection of : th' palace hav been brought here as It Is feared th revolutionist may resort te . vio lence. ",'-,.' . '' ''' - No attempt was mad . to Interfere with tbe monater mass meeting held at tha university yeaterday. Big meetings were eJso held In th technological; art Institutes and engineering schools.' ; It Is reported, that tb csar will with draw his ' Imperial edict ' creating a douma and will glv a liberal constitu tion, fashioned after the EngUah -model, to the Ruaalan people. Witt 1 aald to favor thla policy as th only action poaalbl to bring peace to the country. Unless som such action is taken Witt has threatened to leav th oountry. . ' miton 'jM,'Oee SX ' s (Special Dlatrs- te TaS oanx'l.) ' - ' Marahfield. Or- Oct. . elenator ton attended a dinner In his honor given by Mayor U J. Blmps(m of North Bend last night " , , t-A -.--"-, - .. ... Vfc.-jP- ... . , ...... fc p, ,,'.,.-;,., -. , . V . v''gTf (mAMW ."';, .'-.'; '-.. ; ,.--' I--;:' i , .', 'ii "-' tjr.. l- iv'i ti" ';;"." ';-'- 1-::'.'-.-'':V;.' '.'''.'-.V.'."' ; .'"' .. " -- 'xtVlC ' ' '( - I , : " "': r Ma;V: ' ? a jgiVvV J V ':'-';-- ' Tiu Sterol fit r( ZvSooV&H. . tv(ad Clothinf, ot mak y VHZ ' V Zjy ' ,.::V-'v -, ,'. jrear Clothes: to tow order " -' ' '"'. ' .. : .- -... -m':: . - ,. r r,.... rsaSB3SS3SSSBSSSSB3.l , I II II,, I , .III' ' Mi III ', ,1 1,1 ill I ,H I lgg-eggBBBBMa t THIEVING WAITRESS IS SENT TO PENITENTIARY " (SpeeUr Dispatch to The iownal.) Chehalla, Wash, Oct It. MyrU Fel ter, a waitress, who came here from Portland and was 'employed aV the St Helens hotel In thla elty. pleaded guilty to grand larceny before Judge Rio and waa sentenced te three years In the penitentiary. ' She stole money and Jew elry from other enrploye at the hotel and attempted to faaten the guilt on a young man employed In the house. . .'Good Taste and Bad Taste , " in IT: ' Pictures of good houses on one side -of the p " i - i j page and on the other a sample of the ugly architectifre with - which this country f . abounds the contrast is striking. See the The Ladies Home Journal THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. TREMAINS IS ACQUITTED OF'MURDERING MARSHAL t ' ejeassesMsaaieaasBBSBssase . ' , '" .' "" Aberdeen, Wash., " Oct - J7. Barauel Tremalne, who was. accused of kicking to death, Marahal Clay of Elma last August whsn the latter was trying te arrsst him, was yesterday acquitted on th ground of aelf defense. Lisbon, Oct $$.-Enthualaatlf recep tions are being accorded President Lou bet during- hia visit ' : . - r es Small Houses - NOVEMBER Number of ; 15 Cents a Copy at Dealers MALHEUFT DITCH BOUGHT - BY MINNEAPOLIS MEN (Special Dtepatr ts The jiorasl.) ' ' Welaer, ' Ida, Oct XI. Minneapolis capitalists have bqught . th , Malheur ditch, which waa projected about four years age to Irrigate IS, 00 acre on- the Oregon aid of th Snake river. The completed idltch will be about Si miles long, about one-quarter of It haa been completed and th nw purchaser bend themselves to finish It by May II of naxt year. ''',' lit ' I 1 i 1 v.. 1"