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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
TII3 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY ZVZl.ZXS, OCTCII If 1 vS - . , a . . - mM'S MARKERS PROVISION PRICE LOITER TODAY i Lard la Down a Half and Three ' i Quartera Cant ti Cut ,'Off" - . a a -...,-- ' V-y-s ' Avaiua on name- v: t v.; .,": r- . . . - , SHARP ADVANCE IS iiRti in mi if i a f lj riT I'-V..-.' Poultry Decline ' Half '. Cent on Ac county' . Cheese f ' Heavier I " Receipts irra but Batter Remains Weak Ten Cent Top for Mop. Prarit Street. Oft. i. The principal faetaret .. of tM Pwtland wholesale marktta today an: Ten eeatt the top lor bop. . ,': ..'. i'Wkut to I raw Wgto.---;- J ., ' ;" Lard to H hwr..'"-- V '" : ; Loral haasa ml dawa today. ' j 1 Break faet kacea S down, ' f 'V;-vU Poultry prlcea off hK. ' V, Kgga ery nrm at 80 crate. i :' ' tiriwd meats an on If fair. ; . ; , ' . -.A llmM la araree end higher. . . ';. V ' Batter mrkn .li very waak. t KtMT potatoea to aed demand. - . '" Oalnaa qniet with price tame. . 1 ... Freak aalmoa ecaror, .bat aacAMnged. , ' ," 'v'."-;.' aWaiee Frteet Ik tarwe. . '? ., . Cheaper price f kaaVtn' the eaat. aw ot laa aappUm M lwa. packara kav ; tmii eomtnt fraat at to. hare aaaatd knrat ' rirum ta pfwrtaloaa a ad t 1 .-foUewtnt -hium ara wim kr 1w-a- aaiManitv Lard of all erad ewvtU.eonipauml. dowa tt.caat. :aama T all arrratM Aowa aat. breakraat haraa tfoara M rent a anuud for atandard (rada. N athar rbaium ara ciad l frartatoa pricaa, ' but tfea aiarkac to' aot aay to flria at tba aaw . firm. - ', !'l.f; ' " - Kraaaad awata aW a faftwr tadlffwnit tana. ' ' Hh tha arrlrala to 1Mb and baga fallf ay ta tk draiaad at prtorad jaaatatlaaa.. ' , , . : .. .Vbaat b OM and Balf OaaW Xiebar. A rtun advaaca to 4iora ta .tna wbaat auir ' kn tertoa tka naat M.baara. .Tba- caaUaaed -' haarw bajrlna at aappllaa bf hntb- Vraana aa4 ' uarnaor ta tba Aortraa laarkata, aad aa ' rialiy oa tba Padrie roaat, baa caaaad .tba trada km ta fataa tta Ntwa Kaclaad to - llfcawtos a wry brarr imrebaMV ot whoat. add awrtattnoa n ebib in thla aiarkat ranea -nnarrca ia ana . T. rrnu a baabal. Tba uurkat for "rallrr" ' . arbrat la ftrm. twt tbrra to aot anaab of thla irada ta warraat an ouUtda danand aad tbt rranlt ta tbat qaatattona ara lo-tlT aad an cbamrad fraa prrrkma Uati. L3larataa to qaetad I caat blcbar- todajt , yit- - WtXCt ftana Oatoattol Baalaaaa. , (mm artoaUl baatnaaa taatUl baton affarad In tba flnar atarkrt. atfmn tba raeant ad- - vaara In prhwa, bat tba kwMont In tnat dl - 'rartioai to aot ao baavy aa prartoaaly mih ttonrd. falirarntoy aorta canttaa baaar Pr i ', rhaaara ot floar toUhta narkat aad all taattta ttana tiwWall laa fiinduic tbry a poaalbr ' attend to for awo rboa. allltotatfa aad other - cratoa firm, bat anrbancad.. . - -J tanltrr rrtoaa Half Oaat Off. ' : ' Prtoea to tba paulur market ara V4 eaat " Inwar todar. . Beeetata ara alUrhthr baaTlra than '. tha deojaad' ararraata at 1H entaand moat - i of tba aakea today wara at 12 era la. , liana and 'turkeya toad tba daaaand. - fan Att rai a tWrtr Oaata. ' Thirty eenta to the only prtre' mHnf 'alane rroat , treet tor oraMlaaa weal , rrean aitca todar. . Racelota ara acato ajrowlnc amaller and ' .tha deaaaad to anaatwhat larraaaed. Tba to tore of tha omarkot knka better. ' Reeent adraneaa . ra eaetarn aeg prloea Vara a treat help ta local . oaadtthma. r, . . . ., , , . ; - freak lalaaaa ' aaaaa. Bat Taohaacad. ' . anppHaa of fresh Colombia river aabajoa art , , again abotrbic a daueaaa. . there balae prao , tlrally no k4l.fbib ra tba market. Trada to atltl- aaanHed ttb atnrka (roaa the aortli. Prtrea ara anrtaaaeed- HaMbnt froaa tba north " to arrlTtii( eery freely and dealera ara aatlrtpat. In a drop In eabaea. California ahad to eoojlnj ,a torgar anaatlttoa, wtlU deaiand food. . '. Xapd Ara MiAgain laywar. . There to bat Utile doing ta tba hop market. ' aalee now., reported being made deer a trael ' nreetooaly. Tea eenta aeeme ta be the hlgbaat ftnare tbat dealera ara willing to offer to the . eountry and tbey are aot baying heaelly at thla r tan re. t Growers are inennaa to awia a mile better, bat K to annonoeed that a prominent tlranta Paaa ball baa been negotiating antb Ta . rlooa dealera for the aato of a largo Moek of . IMtta for aeroral daya.. , . ,. . . l '. . . rralfXraA la ttntot. '.':.:'.'" w There to bat Httto doing ha tba frnlt trada oa aeconnt- af tba -cooler weather. - Apple, ara daarhiatlng the market, bnt prtrea ara only goot ' on fanre good. Ore pee ara faet dtaappaarlag aad aii ka are aot af choice oaallty. - v' The following qnotatlnaa ara bring paid along i front atreet by tba' retail trada for choice "i.t. daelli ki.raand lota., ProOocera-, price, ara ae , eperlflad: . -' ' ' ; -v: , - i ! wtmta, riaag aad Taad. . ' : VHEAT 'w elob, TV; red Buaaton, 70c; Uneaten. 77et ealley. TV. , BABblT teed, f31.6oen.o1l; lolled. 2X.M ':; brewing. 23.ao42S.M - CORK Whole. tZT.OO; araefcedv f2S.ft got mrp ti HS her ewt. ' ' OAT8 f-redacer.' arteoNa. l'Wblta. fZe-M gTZl.un: gray, riAflaU-New. eeetern Orea-ea aoteatd. U.Sfo atraJglita. fSOS-aS: eipoct. t3.G.1.43: eel , ley. t3r: grabaat, . ug; ryo. ooa, .ws ' bale.. gS.TS. , ' MILLoTUrrS Braa. glt.OO par tool Bid. : ,i dllnga. I2S.O0: aborta. caantry. fSS.lM; aity. ' fu tlB.llu; erop. f lg.00. 1 HAT Prodncera' price. - Timothy. Willamette '. ' valley, faney.; ordinary. i.wa - gor); eartera Oregoa. f 14.00w)ld.00; mlied. , fS.boec.UO; rhrrer. to 00 10.00; grata. t(I.MgJ : dmot. eS.00Oa.Bd. , ., . ... . , ,-. . , '-:, Batter, Tgga aad ronltry. ' "'' : BCTTFR City creamary, MKt3e: otltal.le fancy. HJe: ordlaary. .bc; a tore, . if ; KGO No. . I freah Oregon, eaadled.' 0e; aom einrage ih eaerertt. soigne. I HEKBE N.w Kull cream, twin. MdJMMe ;;' T wng America, U01Bte; Cheddar, ; 14 ti . ;AMK larkrabblta, M par . PUIXTRT Fancy bene, Ik at R' rooatrra. oh I. gilOe . par . lb; fryera. lie per m: umiiera. per Tb: flncka. I.CMJe t.'i ,' I1" lb: geeee, tv per Ri; titrkera. lo per IbJ , -drtaatd. Out oer lb; wmalia. f3.wO13AIO per due, Xapa, 'Waal aad Kidae, Hrtl-lb05 Oregon, choice. 10r; prima, OwaSc-. poor arailea. 7Hlr; Waablng- 1 ton. iellOc; 101,4 ,,. jaje u choice. ., WOOL 100D clip, e.llry, aoarae to eaedlam, , 1 dM. lJiTej aaatera Oregoa, " ' MOHAIR Nominal. DOOlle. ' ' HKKItKIN aiMarlag. l..o!nc earhi abort wool, tSdtetk- each: amtliaej woot, aoaTIc aaeh; ' ' tona wool. JVtt tl.00 eaHk T TAl.Mter PrHne, par lb, H0r; No. 1 aad '"treaee. SU. rHITTIkl 6ARK-51 per lb. I ' HlDKft Dry. No. 1. Id Iba and ap. lHj ' 17 e per lb; dry kt-k Ka. t. to tft Iba. I4rj dry ealf. Ko. 1. ander Iba. .gr; aalted sldea, . ateera. aoaad. dd Iba and erer laatlle: eowa. . HI0Ue: at ara and bolla. eaand. Tc; kip, .' 1 ta art Iba. Or; ealf. aeaad. aadrr l( Iba. lie; ., green, awaaltfil. . le toea; ealle, 1g per " leoa SATURDAY PRICES m:" V riif iitiiraT iiinirr inc: vvntHi MMnici I ' ' ' . ' t Dec Chicago . .. , .l4. Mlnnea pollg . , Milwaukee ... Kt. loula '.ti'. Duluth ....... I.lrerpool .... Ksnaaa Cltjr .. New Vork . . . Hun rranxisro,.. .March.'; ' .', ;, .ttnjA .HliB ' ,M B -- ,.,,v 7atHd Tsld .!' ;'.., :', t.ii M.UB JOURNAL'S DAILY 1 ; ('- TIPS TO SHIPPERS . .,- - , i"Thrt la a very firm ton te d the age market and It Id eaay to e d dlapoao of all arrivals of frenii e d stock at ta centa.a doaan.' Tho e a market rould atind larger . ro- d " celpta at tba present prlco. Qual- :lty baa ahown 4 conaldorablo Im provement during 'tWn-paat faw d days and tha trade la perfectly . d aatlafled." Jack Hoover, or lc- IComuodale A Hoover.. ; horeehldee, aalted. each, it f Bl.Tf I dry. aaeh. fl.00l.a0: colt bldea, SoOoOet goat ektna. cotnmea. , each. lOtjloe; Angora, each, taedl POTAT0K8 Beot Ureeoo. BJe aacb: ear W art70c aack; ordinary. M9Tar ear lota. Mdy tor; anreeta. fl.go aack. fz.lAlz.W erata. ONIONS Mew oregua yellow (maeara. at .aw 01 M: car , tota, fl.0Otll.0Si 'garlic. tW T IK ' .. ' V- ' PRESR PRDITS AoDlaa. Oregoa. ai.0adJl.oO: faacr. l.T5: erabBDalea. 11.60: orangee. sow aarel. tlMt lata Valeoctae, M.TSftll.M; bo- aaaaa. Re lb: toaanaa. l alee. f5.n04tS.TS Box: fancy, gd.00 hoi: llmaa. Meileaa. 11.16 Dee 100: plueapptoa. .( dee; peachea. fancy. fl.0n 1 1. US: grapaa. Oregon. S07Sc: Onnenrda Sa. 16c; 10a, SOe baik.t; 1'aUfarnla. TAcWflH: peara. l.t3l.B per boa; Winter Kellto, fl.B par hex; paeMgraaataa, fl.ta per boX taagarlsae. rEUETARI.Eg Tnralpa. a.w. fl.oo par earn; irrota. fl.00 par each: baeta. fl.OOdJ I ts par. aaeki Oregon radlabea. tBe (or doe: Oregon, fl.ongil.aa ear ewt: green Se per lb: fecal tomatnea.. SOdteOe; oaranlna. II one?! 91! errlaa beaaa. 4ol raaUdewer. Tbrfl.00 doa; rbabarb. par lb: boraeradlab. 0r per lb; arfchokee, en el SOe per doa. I bothooee lettaee. II 51.T8 per box; green corn. 75c par rack: cneumlwra. 1 5c per aack; celery, local, n017-1o per doai-ocE-plant, 1 1. .10 per crate: pumpkin., me; eeuaah, ly: eraoherrlee. - nne Cod. 10. SO: Jeraeya, per bM: -oobar and TUtomonk. S8.SO- 1 IIK1EP FKlilTS Apn lee. er.poraiea. puree lb; aprloeta, tie per lb: aacka. per eat nearbea. lOtrlte ner lb: pre nee. 80 to eft. ftyet c drop oa each alxteentb amallee alee; fire. California black, bHtdo per lb; California white. Se per lb: datea. go Idea, oe par in; (ana. iim par tivip nox. a i am i laa. irata, ' Eta. BrfQAR Sack baato Cnbe. td.SO: naodared. ,; frnlt grans la led, fS.65; dry granalated. f n6:. Coot. A. f6JM: beet pranntared. tr.ja: ' extra C. IS. 03: rnldca C. d yellow. 14.86; bbta. 10c; H bble. t&a: boxes. SOe adraaea as aaea aaaia, leaa we per wx for caas. is dare: maple.. 14dl5e per lb. --.. .- . rinnF.Yi-ss pea crate. - ' ' ; rorrKK Package branda. tll.TB. ' SALT Cnaree Half groand. 100". per toe table, dairy. ROa, tlLOn; InOa. gM.TKl Im ported l.lrerpanl. SOa. lT.ons too.. llO.Wr; t4. fiaaot extra foe. bble. ta. sa. Wa, f4.MA6.iut; balk, no lbs. ft.00tJ6.OO; aacka, SOa. nage . .. SALT Oerae ... Tta If grand, lone, per ton, T on; aoa. per ton, I7 6n; 'teeepenl. lomn rock, tl.6d par ton: SO-lb rock. I7.0O: lone, aj.75. I A bore prleaa apply to aalea of leaa than ear Iota. Car lata at special prleaa eabjeot to) octnarlnna.) 1 1 RAIN BARfl Calentta. TUe. : t v : ' RICH Imnerlal Japan. Ko. t. : Me. t, eVerSUe: Mew Or lea oa seadT'Te: Alax. 41ie: BKAFfS Small white. fX.TIt; hrga white. MOO; pink. 12.73; bayoa, f4JW; Llmaa,' fS.00: hterlcan rede, 6e. NI TS reaaara. yamnna. . aua per re; rtrrtnla. THe per , lb: roe at erf. Sc: eoroasata. (fieTSOp per doa: walnnra, Ifleilga ner Ibi pie. mite. lOdMXlte per lb; hickory ante. lOe per lb: ebfatnnta. eaatera. IB liar ner, tb Bra all ante. Ida per Tb: filberta. I44J1V per-lb! faaev peeana. uwaiSHe: aimoada. I6ii7c pee lb. :- ''Mats, ' Oaal Oils. Bte. ' ( ' ROPB Pert Manila. 14c: atandard, ItHe; alaal. 10(et tlale brand alaaL g4a. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatrel Caeca.. tOHa per gal: water white. Iran bhta. IBe par gal; wooden. Ida Par gait headlight. 170-deg.. eaaaa. t2He per sal. i. . OAgOLlNB dd-deg. eaaea. 14 Ha pef , gal Iran lh. lie par gat BCKEINE dS-deg. oasea. Se per gal; too 'ja. 18He per gaL TU R P K NTI N C 1 a cam. tde par gal; xeaodea Wita. SX pee raL WH1TI WAD Tea lots, Te per Tb; 800-Tb lot. Se per Tb: leaa Iota. He per Tb, WTRH NAll W Pteaaat baae at M TO. - MXSBRTt OIL Pare raw. In 5-hbl lot. R4C; i-hM tot. See: eaaaa. gOc par gal: resnlae kettle boiled, eaaea. STa per gal; S-bM lota. -Sde; l-hht lot. STe per gal: granad oak eer lota. gX.OO par ton: leaa than ear lots, per toe. - - Meate. Ttok aad Prerhileaa. . PRESfl U I ATS Front atreet Boaf ateera. BCttle per lb; btock. THe par lb: pack ara. TOTHe par Ktt balla. 4fV per Ibf eowa, SHQflc per Ibi real, extra. THe per lb: ordi nary, oa par lb; poor. Be par lb; mutton, fancy, TgtTHe per Tb. -y HAAlB. BAC01. rrr-PnrUand baek (loealk bania. 10 ta 14 Hat. Ulie per lb: 14 to Id Iba, 13a par Tbt. hreakfaat bacon, 15ftlHe par lb ptcale. te iter lb; regular abort clear, an. amoked. lie par Tb; amoked. lie per H; clear backa. anamokad. I0e per Ik: aakeked. 11 Ke per Ibi Union, botta. Id ta If iba, ae amoked. Se per lb; amoked. se par lb: clear belllea. naamoked. 11a per Ibi emoted, lit par lb: ahonldera. SHe per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. line per lb: Sa. llc par lb; SO-lb tlna, 10e par lb! ateam rendered. 10. 10e per lb; Sa, 10 e per in: eompoana. i, ae. CANNBO BALalOfl Columbia rlear. 14b talhl. 11. BO; t-b tall. $4 TS; faacr l-rb data, gl.go; H-lb faaey Sata. fl.lS: fancy l ib erata. M.TSl Alaaka talla, plsk, BBOBOei red. fLM; noaUaai ta. tall. f2.00, FISH Rock cod. Te per lb; aonndera, Se per Tb; hallbat. TH par Tb; crake, 11.60 per doa; atrlped ba, 12He per thi ceifaib. Sa par lb; ealmoa, ailrereldea. se Per lb: kin beck a. gc per lb: kerrlag.. Se-per lb; aolea. de per R; hrlmpa,' 10c -per n; perch. So per lb; black cod. Te par lb; stlrer tmelt, Te par lb; lobetera, IBci freah mackerel, t par lb; erawaah. SSt per do. , OTSTBBS Bhoalwattr bay, per gal, ee.; oar aack. IS. 75. CLAMS Hard -ehelL par bos, f2.00; clam, tiM par bog, - TOTAL ARRIVALS CONSIST tM'M CATTLE Livestock Market Very Quiet To day but Good Tona Contin- ' . uea in Beat Shaap. - Portland t'n Ion Slock Tarda. Oct Mc-Llre- lack receipt: . ' Hog Cattle ' Sheep Tartar ... 1. vieek ago ................ . . . iiki ... Prerloae week 'a... ..... ''.y Sd Month ago .i 17 .' ... ' .. There waa bnt little dotag la the Hreetork market today, tba total arrlrala In the ranla amonntlng ta bnt 13S rattle. Beat rattle and beep ara very firm, bat price, are an changed. Today M veal ealree arrived. : ; f, , ..,-: Official inicre for lrraatockl i Hog Beet' eaarern Oregoa, Id. 00; blorken and China fat. fS.2S4S.SO; atocker sad feed er. f4.AU. I tattle Beet reetera Oregon teer. ff.60: light end medium ateera. f2.0OtJ2.2S' llglit cow. k2.25ai 2.50: atockera and feedere. t2.2ut f2.0; bull. fl.SO.' .- . Sheep Wether. 4f44e: mixed abecD. de! etralght ewee, 44c; kamhe. 4fSe. - , - i aieee iiooa real. 130 to vaj paunda, a((3Vte; rongh beery, lit S We. i - '' V ' I ASTER HQS MASKtT. . tli logo, Oct. t. Ureatork receipt: .. Hog.." Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ...... .......... S.OOO '. a) . t.huo Kanaat City S.OlM ' . 6l0 1,2.10 Oniaha 4,200 600 Receipta of boga a year ago were 1Q.00II. Price.: Mixed. SA.4nS.4A; good, S6.2S; roagb, f4 4r4.TS: light. f4.T04yS.10. . .. , , i t'attke Mtrong. Hbeep Strong. . ' .1 -, i.. f, , . 11 1 1 1 ' , aOTlBBMlBT BOBM. : ' Krw Jork. Oct. 3f . Oerernmeat head: Date. PI A.k. Ka. S tegular. do cei poo . , No. S rrgalar. .,..i.....ttn ,...le1 103', Z 104 l'b, ih l'KH. ..Itaal ..loud ae rofiaon.) Small bond. Ko. d eegnler dn, eeapon. No. d a. U ... , ll"T lw , 1 t, IMU 104l , 103 104 KMV 11 IH4 llr 10 a enoeee, .............. ls Dlrrrlrt af Cohinrbl . ... IkiUpptoe to.............. ... GIGANTIC CULL FOR FLOUR Millera Ara Making Salaa for Da camber and. January .Shipmant ' on Baaia of Spot Prica DECEMBER WHEAT IS f ONE AND, A QUARTER UP Number One-Northern la at Premium of Two and Half to Three) Cants Good Buying of CorororasjUms Ara Stronger. , i t:'L::' SATl'RDAT S WRBAT MARKET. ., , Cloae Cloaa . tiato tloae ' V ' Bat. . t'rl. Bat. Tear Asa December ..t .4W14B .M J0l 1JJ4 May ...... JIA , . .SOU A .! 1.12Z July. .61 A .(J B . .01 . rblraae. Oct.' S. Logan A Bryan say; ' The wheat market aacmad to hare e atrong ander tone tbrongbont tha aeeakm. We think there baa been lea mneb at tent tea paid to tb aaee tbm of tha yellow wagoa and oeartooklng tbt facta of the big ehnrtaee abroad and the ah gantle export demand for floor free, tbto eona- try. The Htnnoapolla millera tooay wore mak tog ftoor aalae far December and January ehlp-ment- as the baato of root nrleea for No. 1 northern and buying tba December option. Tba P.O. i northern la celling at a premiam ox a v. eenta te S eenta eear the December option. "7 Seed Bay tog of Oarav ' i Tba etrenath In tba corn market was due partially ta ay in petty with tba advance la wheat and big buying by a local eaah bona. Tbto hooee to already long a big Una of May corn and teems dlapoaad te take oa mora .as all weak epota. ... Strength la eata dae te big baying by export. tog hoaeta. The volume ot bnalnea was only fair. . '. tTMhgth la Preeiaiena. ' ' - .' IVsrhrions developed eenalderable atrengtb to day. The bnytog waa largely local; bat the out aide demand to Improving. Tba eelllng waa by local tonga who bongbt on the recant break. Tka Pit feeling aeeme more bnlllah. . Official enotatkaa by Overbeck, Starr ; A Cooke company: , ' . ' . . ' WltBAT. Open. ' High. Tw. .H .01 '.aH "' Cloae. ' . T 4 Dae '..,. .JBH f'4 My ... .H4 .2 July . .arij CORK. Dec, oM. May ... July ... Pvfre. a o Mar .... , .4dM .4dH .44 .45J OATS. SOU : ,80H .41 .4H .oh X2H Jl .uck , ' n3i Jnly ... J MESS PORK. Oct .... 1.S Jaa .... 1X42 , 1 5T dT--a-aUAfi 12. 4S vjio 12.48 LARD, i r v . T ie aas ... - .gt 7 e.a : 1 e.T SHORT RIBS. , asj . a4T ; : 1 d.os ' d.4. ; '..1 - s.ts S.T9 i S.T0 Itov .. . ion d. ao e. M Jan ,.. May .... Oct Jan a.4Ti 0.45 a. to May .i CKIOAwO CASK Wat HAT. r.a. t red., .a. No. t red rNo, I bard .V&V. o. f bard . No. 1 northern.. Ko. t northern., Ke.f spring..... ;: CTHtABT Sa-AJaT KQTBattsTT. Chlcaao. Oct. 18. Primary receipt.: 'aonay sear age Wheat 1.2M.00O l.ttlKXl Cora 302.000 2j,00t Bhlpmenta: ... ... ! Wheat: 54.0CI0 Corn.... 406.000 tld.Ote) Clearance.: Wheat. ZT.000 bn; ftoar. 14, 004 bbH; cure, 123.000 on; eata, t,ow avu . '. UTBBPOOt BBAXB BU1XR. .. s UverponL Oct. ' 28. Cloaa: Wheat Decern. her. Ta XUd, aacuanged; March. Ta 2i, as. pbanared. Corn December, B 3d. Hd lower; Jaaaary, at S)kd. lower; surra. a alia, ancnangao. CKIOASa aKATV CAB LOTS. Chicago, Oct. 28. Grain, car tots: Car Grade Bat. Wheat Sd .6.1. SB Cora 14T ; S2 ISd Oata 222 . 42 230 ISM A3 COTTON FUTURES NINE f TO TEN POINTS LOWER Kaw Tnrk. Oct. 2. Cottea fntarea cloaed 10 to' 11 Mhita tower. . ' Official - Q notation, by .Orerbeck, Starr A Cooke company: 1 Open. Hlrh. Low: Cloae Jaaaary ....... 10M looo 104S 1O4O059 Fanraary Kim 11ns toon March 1072 10TT lOOS April ..." .... .... May m..... 1081 1008 1070 June Joly ,.....'... 1090 tim loan Aognat ............ 1070 1070 1070 October 1080 15 KOO Noeemner--, 10CW lil 1OH0 December.'... 1041 1047 load - Uverpeal Oattea Higher.' Liverpool. Oct, 28. Cotton fntarea gnlet. f.pslnti higher. Spott Iteady at t potato signer. . , 7- m -t . . r 1 a ti - vtw tokx corrxx XABXIT. New Tork, a neb a need. Oct. 28. Coffee fntarea elated Official a-Krtatlona! v ,,.. , Bid. Aak. Jannary'Jaly February ... 8.RS d.OOlAngnat .. March ..... 0.06 T.nfIHptembr April ...... f.OB T.lOIOctober Mar ... T.15 T.20I Kovember Bid. Art. ..IT.SO fT.nd ... T.3S T.40 .. T.4gcT.6d i 8.00 aas d.os d.M June T.20 T.Snl December 8.70 V' '"ew Tarh OWk Csffaa. ' Hew Tork, Oct. 28. Caafc coffee: No. J Rto, 7tv; - V -. 7.i;.... , J . coktrrocx BrrBTjie stooxs. Baa Prtsctace, Oct. 28. Official cleat: . j - ma. Bid. Bullion ..... Belcher ..... Con. Cel.-V Opbto ....... Caledonia ... Mexican Aadee ...... ,'... .88 aarage ...,..,.4 .so Potoal 14 Colon Con ,, .61 Yellow Jacket.., .2 Kietjeoaer .60 Hale Xereroee LIS S.TS .48 146 , ,27 Mcorptoa ........ .It Vrw- loBK BAjnc stATwmiii j Near Torki Oct. Ban ttttetaeat: . , t laerea. ....... ,t ..,.,........( I62.22S S 142.850 -Lea V. lyiane ., ... ......... ... ...... JO. l0f.ffi- Sped fie .......... s.mi.a.J ................ i.aoa.100 Legal . Ita'poeft ... Clrentattos .... . toe.aod 1 Drrra. V 1 CHICA0O tOC At STOCKS. Chicago. Oct. St. Ical tterk; . mo." Blaealt , Rot wood Caa w... Larboa .. 65 4 1 Diamond Match. I '4 Qnek-r Oata ... 101,iawlft A Co.,,. Sa ISobwey ..1411, .125 ,104 . . dsn POITLABS BASTK STATXKXBT. i Cleartnt. Balaneea ...9oar).T4a.M .... 88. 784.12 '( .'J STTELma KATES, Kr Ynrh.'et."iaIter1b'g rafra': TtomaiiU I "... ' ?',. ' ' Bid. ."'Art -soy $ .ih .88 . " .04 . ..... . . .as .aoH .............. .S0H . , .W ,....' sth.' .ao looser os 10Ar.I 107257f 1075 TT 107H1 1084 Nf 102S2T 102A(3T 103dt3 48J.10tJ4Sial 89 dart, .Se.Mtj4ee.aa, Graat Trade la Now Shown in ' the Wheat. Market and . Prlcea . Today Are Practically, Ono and a Half Centa - Higher for Club. FORE US LIST European Trader Letting Od of Their American Holding Haa ' Bad Effect on New York. BANK STATEMENT. IS ; N VERY POOR SHOWING Russian Situation . Claims All Attdtv I., e. Tmt. nnd 'o - r...l..... w . . . 1 of Present Conditions Is Expected to Harden Money. ,;,' Ail.. LOSSES. Anaconda ........ 1H ........ -T4. a.a- H Mexican Ceatr.V . Amalgamated Mlaaoart Pad f to ... auty ' do preferred..... Atchlaoa la preferred Smelter, pfd...... , N. T. Central..... 1 Locomotive ....... S BaltlOkore ' urea. T eiwr. . St. Paal norrolk ........... Ont. A W cetera N. W. ...... Paople's Oat ..... ' Che tape aka ....... Colorado Pnel .... Erie Praaaad Steel Car.. I Pacific Mall ....... 1 K ceding Hon th era Ry. ...... Illlool. Central ... Loularllle H Rock leland....... U Boathara Pacific .. ' Wla. Central, pfd.,: Wabeah, pfd I ' V. 8. Steel....,'.... ,H de preferred..... Bepnblle Btael ... 8 da nreferred.... V. S. Rubber..... :: 5 ".Hi qs H) f f rra)Q ., TJnloa . fact f la .... MatropoUtas ADVANCES. Car A I'ouadry . H Brooklyn ..... smelter HI Canadian ...... 1 I Vanajlranla ,. . HI'' .. Alton Preeaed Steel, pfd. Wall Street. New Tork. Oct. IS Leeaa A Bryan aay: Adrteee regarding the Raaalaa situation conrlnned aertona aad foreigner, were reported to be atlU llqaldatlng Americana. Tba bank atatament waa aafaeorabla and higher prices were reported paid for deaiand aterllag for aext week 'a ateamer, which would aeem te Indicate that aoaat gold vroald be exported next week, la which rasa, -eoaelderlag ear small reaerrea, tha teadracy aaaat likely would be for ratee to harden, and tbto weald bare, as advene Influence oa price. There to- ' great deal of talk about the baakiag Intereata atlll holding tba balk of etoeka. aad thbj might be considered a good bull argument, -were It sot for tba fact that the public t boo lately refueee to take thex off their head, and tba Kulas finance are In each a atate tbat anything occurring that would tend further to aadermlne the government might eaaaa aertoua dleturb- aucee In foreign; noaaeaa, la which eat 'the turelgnera would Be doobt llqulda te America nrltlea. aad It to a auction whether or not aumeroua banking Intereata wotrtifikt able te take all offering a tbey come lm -Official auoutlona br Oratbeek. Starr A Cooke compaay: i Iff DESCBIPTIOR. nacanda Mlnlna Co. Amalgamatd Copper Col atcniaea. com ...... de prefer Am, Car a ronsdry, com Am. Sugar, American Smaltar do nreferred . Bait.. Ohio, eoat...., do preferred Canadian Pacific. eoat.. Brook. Rapid Tranalt do preferred ...... ion I ia 'tail.. MIL A "St. Pan.' 2114 ITfc. itvm Chicago A K. W ata Chicago Term. By..... Cbea. A Ohio ......... Cola. Pael A Iran, coal 20 22L. Colo. Boathern, com..., Delaware A Hajdaon... Denver A B. .. com. do preferred ...., rto. com do Sd preferred . . .v. . do let nreferred .... Illlnole Central ....... 17TW Loukrrllle a Kaahvllto. Met. Bt. Railway Manhattan Railway Mex. Ceatral Railway.. Mleaeurl Pacific M. K. A T.. 00m.. do preferred ........ New Tork Central Amor. Locoaaotlve, com. 8TH I16S do oref Norfolk A WeaC, eaat.. North American ....... N. T., Oat. A West.... Peanaylvaata By People O., I. 10, Co. Preeaed Btael Car,. com.. 143144 . Pacific Mall S. S.. Co. Beading, com,. ...... do 2d prererrea.... do let enra: Ben. Steel A Iron, coat., do nreferred.......... Bock lalaad. com....... do nreferred., ........ Sottthara Ry.. com...... o preferred. ......... thern Pad fie ....... St. L. A S. r.. 2d pfd.. St. Lonla A 8. W., cum. nreferred .......... Texas A Pacific Teaaeaaee Coal A- Iron.. 80 182 Si Lutoa Parinc coat...,. V. S. Rubber, earn. ,4... de preferred.......... TJ. S. Steel Co.. eon.... do preferred Wheel. A U Brt. com.. do let nreferred Wisconsin Ceatral. afd.. Western Colon. Tel Wabash, com.. do preferred. Met. Sec nrltlea Rubber Oood . , Total aalea for day, 640.200 eharee. ' TovorAX ammie stocks. Baa rrandace, Oct. : 28. Toaepab ttocka, nciai cioaa ' Bid. Bid. . .TS . .IS .. .14 . ..08 . . .08 . .21 . .21 . .23 . . .ON . .18 . .88 . .14 . .21 Montana ' .... Midway .... McNemara ' . Belmoat . . . 1 Kortk Star.. Kendall Coin mala , 1.82 Ml.. . .80 , 1 sa . .47 .08. Jamba Jumbe Ex tea Black Butte Hllrer Pick . Oold Mountain.. .11 Jim Buller 82 ruoraen Ray A O'Brien. Nvda .12 Red Top .80 Tub. Kiteaaloa. d.OOA Gold fie Id ........ .64 Ohio Tonopah.. O. Bull Prog... oiamoBdnaki .. Loaa Star ..... Kaadaterm . . . .44 I Home Hsndtorm EX. . .07 , Adam ........ .04 cah Boy ..... KMlpse National Bank.. Mnbawk r..k.". ''.IS Dixie JO (Dearer ........ r sAjr rKAKcrsco local stooxs. . Saa rr. actor. Oct. SSffldaWloae: ' , .... Blda- Art. Centra Coats Water 4a 471k Spring Valley Water ............. 4014 .... Mutual Electric 16 Id S. f. flaa a Electric as tan Olaat Powder Tt ', T8 Ha w.l laa Comaatrclal ........... 81 - 82 H Honoke Sugar .................. IIS. .... Hatch Inenn Hugar 16 V .... Mahawall Sngar 82 - 84 . Onemea HSgar S2 ' 84 Paaahaa Bngar .................. hi zx Ala.ka Packer' 68 BOM Oceanic Rteamahlp ..r. 4t4 S , Pacific States Tslepbona ......,I1UII4 ... California Wine ............ ...x 84 . Pacific oa.t Borag .....1US ' .... California frail CanBera'..i.W.. .... BSH rrw York ctraa,.; ,' A ,f ' I I III I t ' New Tark. Oct. 2a. Carb closing : r. . 1 Bld.l - Cas loTalTean. Capper Oreeae Copper ... SOMk'Mackaf ....... Wreaae-Oold 4iPaper ........ Int. Manna ls iWDwy laterborongk ,...211 I SEra. BtMkmr'a ltker Bead. I- (Jeoraal Special Srrvlee.l New York, Oct. 21. Clarence H. Mackav's ; fathar-ln-la w. WUHara A. .X.. . AtM ..... I . U. . . . 1 1 . , moq fvitiriy.. v . ens, stsvss m IC SELLirJG residence, scad is. nolo xm m rr , Agricultural ' Wliard'a; Tluma i Exhibited; by Sonoma County, California, Rank First.'" MANY COLD MEDALS FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY Colorado; Wins on t Poutoes and Sugar Beets, California on Collee- f Uoa -of Freah Ffitfta' Maintained Dnring Fair, j" k' ": ;.'"'v . -v. ..--i ' ' -- ".'.,.' A y . . . The division of exhlbltayttf tha Lewis and CUrk expoi and CUrk exposition haa prepared a list 1 of award, that ward made to tba court ties of various atatea represented. Bo noma, 'county. California, waa repre eented by Luther Burbanks. who startled tba world by producing s fadeleas flower and various horticultural freaks. He'l waa awarded tha sold medal for pftrma. THe atate of 'California, received a sold medal for the general collection of fresh fruits maintained throughout tha exposition period-. It also received a void medal for Its general collection of 10 rsMetles of nuts. - Its collection ot assorted a p plea received a allvar medal. Tha counties of California received meU- als as follows:' . - Alameda county., sold medal for col lective exhibit of nuts. .. ' Contra Costs county, sold medal, all var medal and three bronse medala; fruits and nuts. Freano county, three sold medals, one bronse medal; frulta and nuts. ; Humboldt county. - bronse .medal; sooaeberrlea. :-. ''... ; ' Btsaiy for lets Sarelea Oonaty. Loa Anaelea county. It Sold medala. i ailver medala. It bronse medals, I honorable mantlone;' fruits,' nuts and varloua her exhibits. ; , , MaderaV kunty, bronse medal; frrapea. Napa l Spnty. honorable . mention. plums. ; '; . f .., Placer coTlnty, one sold medal. Ave allvar medals and 'one bronse madal; frulta . . ' . - Rlveralde county two sold medala. two ailver medala, honorable mention; frulta and vegetables. , Orange county, two sold medals: po tatoes! and oranges. . Bacramonto county, two sold medala, two ailver medala, four bronse medals, two honorable mentions; fruits.;,. Bhaata. county, bronse medal; applea. Santa Barbara, county two . ailver medala. bronse . tnedal and honorable mention; frulta and tomatoes. " San Bernardino eounty. two . sold medala. bronse medal. ' . ' Sknta Cms ooonty, eight sold, medals, three stiver medala, three bronse medala, honorable mention; fruits. Ban . Diego county, bronse medal, porneloee. ,, ' Baa Franciaco .' county, three sold medala; ornamental albruba and plants. Solano county, two sold medals, nuts and frulta. . - Sonoma county, two (old ,. medals, fruits. " ,.- '.:. , , . .i... Butter county, sold medala, grspos. . Tehama .county, two SOM medala, all. ver model. fruits. i - . -7; Tulare county: mid medal, frulta. r Ventura eounty, three , sold medals. frulta. Tolo . county,, told medal, two ailver medala, .two bronse medala, fruits. . OolotwAe Wiaa Beaa. ' Tha atate of Colorado received a' sold medal for ita collective exhibit of po tatoes and for Its collective exhibit of augsr beets. . Wild county. In that atate, received eeran (old medala for augaf beets, three sold medals for Rural New Torker potatoes, two gold medala .for Telephone potatoea. Pour counties in Montana were rep resented. Jdlaaoula county waa awarded a allvar and bronse medal for lta ax hibit of frulta; Ravalli county, two all. ver medala for applea and potatoea; Flathead county, ailver medal, frulta; Teilowatone eounty, two bronse medala, apples. . ' ' ' Idaho was repraaented by eight coun ties. Ada . eounty received one kold medal, aeven ailver medala, four bronse medala and three honorable roentlona; fruits. . ' - -v Canyon county, live sold medala, nine allvar medala. aix bronae medala, two honorable mentlona; frulta ' Elmore county, "bronse medal, frulta. Latah eounty. sold medal, ailver and two. bronse' medala, frulta and vexe tablea. " , .' U- ' ' ''...' Lincoln county, sold medal, frulta. . Nes Percea eounty, gnld medal, ' two ailver medala, four bronse medala, frulta Waxhlngton codnty, , bronae medal. frtllU. - . .,- : .. . ' Kootenai county, bronae medal,' fruit. INSURANCE COMPANY NOW IS SUING PEASE r t ' ' y :....'' .'Lauren Peaae and 8. W, Gage were made the defendants In a civil action begun in tha circuit court this morning by the St. Paul Fire A Marina Iuaur ance company, through Attorney Milton W. Smith. Feaao la a well-known local tenor who wag arrested last Thursday on the charge of larceny by embesale ment of 11.662. In tha complaint filed today Peaae and Gaga are alleged to owe tha company 11.4(4. ''The arretted alnger I aaid to have collected large auma of money white acting aa local fegent for tba Inaurance company, which he did not remit. - Oage la aaid to be hla partner In bualness hera Pease aaya that ha almply bor. rowed the money which he ia alleged to have nmbeaaled. ' When asked 'it the first charge against Peaae had been dis missed, Attorney . Smith thla . morning aaldt '..'..;. J "Not much, xlf ha gets dismissed on the first charge he will be arrested on another.":.-'. ... ; . BolTvag Saw te Textesaela.' ' . Caracas, Veneauela. Oct. IS. -The an rrlversary of Blmoa Bolivar, Veneauela'a liberator, ta , celebrated all . through Venpauela today. Boltvar'a birthday la tha 'only national holiday of Veneguela and la generally observed aa lathe Fourth af July In tha Vnlted States. Patriotic meetlnsa with musle and speeches are held In every city and town of tha coun try and tha reat or tna day is given up to popular amaeeraenta. , ,., , ;; bostob oorrxa stocks. : V , : Bosloa, Oct. Officii cloat aid. 1 Bid. Adventnre 8.00. Atlaatle ..... 20 110 A I lone. ...... 43 TJ Blnabam .... US'"! Old Dotalalos..f 80 SO fmceel ....... J1I.80 Parrot ........ 28. TB ' Pbeenlg I. SO ' Cat a Aria... 110 OOA Seiner ....... pOS.Og tbaanna ...... TM 1 Tamarack .... 128.00 . Calumet arson opper Baage. T 8Tt Centennial ..1 BSflO irrlnltr jiTH rmtcd rrlnlty S.TS Tiely Weat ... Elm . 88.00 aMi 800 Victoria flrs.hy ...... a oo . ta 121, 88 so 14.S0 Winona . ... Wotverlae .. Ittb ...... II. S. Mining 10.00 i'jatNi a no MS.OO 20 00 Mohewk ..', Mlcblgaa .... DOil ... s was ,".", berth BatU.c- St. SO M.ea inoo Bor.l tends Coa... SOS EM A We treat sticeesafuny all private neve voua and ehronle dlaeasee of men: alaa blood, atomach, heart liver, kidney and throat i troublea We cure BTPHIL1S 'without mercury) to stay cured for ever. We reraovd 8TRICTURB. with out ope ratios) or pain. In 11 daya We atop dralna nlgbt losses and - apermatorrhea Jy a new method in a week. We can reetore tha aexual vigor - of any man under 6 by meana of local treatment peculiar to ouraelvea . . W Cure Gonorrhoea , ' in a Week ' rhe anetora of thla Inatl tote are all regular graduated, -have had many yearn' experience, have been snown In Portland for la yeara have a reouUtloa to maintain, and will andertake no case tinlees certain aura can be effected. We amarantoe a cure In every caee wa undertake or charge no fea Cpnsulta tlon free. Lettvre confldentlaL Inatrue live book for AtXN maiiaa free plain wraooer. - a. w,J-ur tn" worst eases of piles la - If you eanrot call at eAlee, write for , . Offloe hours, I te I and T te . Bundaya and bolidaya 18 te 111 , 0 DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offloea In Van Nov Hotel. SV Thtrd Street, Corner Plna Portlaa Oi. t waaaa y pa8'T-?IIIWI)IIUWlll " -a-sa-xgm-aasa - ' V 1 eaaea canoer, psralrsla tumora rheumatism and uil dlaorders of the atomacb, liver and aldneya He haa had great aucceaa In curing eon., sumption when the victim la net too r.uch run down br thweeaee. and will atop hemorrhages In an Incredibly short - time. - He brews hla X ."ii nmiviiHTs irno .fiinnsj leuis, nstruo, vuuo, ssrss snu ..bsisui . teaa all .of which ara entirely hartnleaa, and whose medicinal properties l. are unknown to American doctors He uses In his practice over 108 dlf frent Oriental ramedlea Hundreda of taatlmonlala from grateful pa , tlenta . ... - . ', . .(..',',." (DR. WI1NQ; LBB ' - XX BTOBTat FOTTSTH STBSBT.- I a aaaaaaaM '.TriAX. SXOUsTX,. of .'...' ' . .' health. rOISOBZn JOM Is the ant, aacood ar third etage are purified and asade cloaa la ' blood, tlaane and ben promptly and permanently. Core guarantee. aTTXXa AJTD BICTAJ. VLCXBS ara palnlesaly ennfd to atay cared, without aurgrry , or Interfere ace with eccapettna tor" positive gnaraa- OBOKBKOKA ABB OLXIT qnlekly anT'peemaaeBtly eared wltbovt ' euieture , and complication attendant or following. STKICTTTKZD MXX. ' A poaltlve, permanent core by oar safe, palate method, with . est the kalfe or the alighteat Incenvenlance or loaa of time. - rnJtllt TlTinJ and FYAla!tliTIA!a FDFF yvt, far Sympta. Blank aad .bVIUVbinilvn miita Minnuwii s Ofsoa Xaardt K'A. ,11, w),S ! : SL Louis Ktcal and l ', , Cor. Sccoad aad VamhUI -' PORTLAND WIRE Pbona Mala aooo ",;''tr ' ; ovommaiOBA, suit, trtYBrtxia, srrsmooBiva, tajucocxclb. xvobbof KCA1TK009, mXarrraUTItrjC, XtTBaTMA, ABTstsCA and BsTXBT SIBBABBS. W want every man - afflicted with tha above) dlaeaaea te- honestly investigate our special system of treatment. We In vita In particular all who have treated elaawbera . without - aucceaa all whoae eases have been abandoned by family phyalcisna and ao-called MtTJA. ZBTS," all whose troublea have bean aggravated and made worna by the uae of SKITS, IU1 BAaHrXBS, TaUAT, naBATlCBarTB and ao-caUed SFBOrr ICS. Wa will explain te you why such treatment . haa failed to cure you, and will. demonatrata to your entire aatl. faction that we can cure you aaftsly, quickly and permanently. Our eounael will coat nothing, and we will do by you aa wo would wish you to do by us If our eaaea were reversed. Write for -our heme treatment if you cannot call. ; The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Xttewts a aad T. WtawBaatae Mouse, Sd . aad Barsailde Btreeta, ForUand, Or. -..." abliahad 1S7S. jeeacagaaa)aaaeaaeaaa I IF YC J Vs'lSH TO ADVERTISE W . tar sianifAna Mipnn ii no-worArivns AltTWHEKa AT AjtYTTjaVB , .' .'. ''' Call ea er Write !. , tad Seutsorne Street 1 An fntANCMOO, CAUDS. ittcaaajitaitti 'yj.!;I.;SH- 7TTT Hi ICrrealnataidBcllelaanlthiataltlyC Catarrh. CaM at the Bead. La Crt Bralaeat aad ring tag la Ike cai Caret tppc T j CntatmtmCMmm ar kcrfUm tr-fM. Sett tytUrwnhlittrmsllprtpttd. F. C KEITH, prop. Chnahad. Una. ' A, .- --' im 'i . .J-, ' jfj GLrW!S1 sSTVil a, s ii i i aa i lnWWj i OVERBECK, . STARR & COOKE CO , - . ' Members Chicago Hoard of Trada" . aAiir, norxnomra, oottobt, stocks abtt aoiroa .. a'-'J lOt Third Btreot,. McKay Building. Portland. -Or. " W DO A aimXOTTeTrOOBtsfXBBZOB? BVSnrBBB. Contlnuoiia Marketa by Private Wire. Tllton. bankers, and United Btataa National Bank of Portland, two or three traatmanta, without eweatian hlaak. ' Borne treatmeat The Great Chinese Doctor LOCATED liV U i SINCE PORTLAND 18 SO , V (' Re le called great because he cures all dlaesases without reaortlng to the knife. ,. Call and have a free examination. He will tell you the exact nature of your trouble. , He treata successfully every form of fe male oomnlalnt. nil nrlrata and hlood die. ., ' 20T&ABTS, OBBwOBT. f aaaaxaianai I DoYouWanttoBeCured? 'OIIB PA TIP NTs, HA VP NO DPI IPtPS ,'' ) WOKKUD atZV. Have" yes VABICOCKLE. HTDHOCKLSt . ITadee anr method wa core withoat aargery.- commonly called loat stanheod. la a sure alga vital decay aad weakneaa. Maater tba Wesk- w. Doa't Come te let fa la modesty rnla yonr a it eoca aad b ajotcaiy 8TPHILIB m eulcklj and safely cured wllb a " tborooghoeea ae known to ether method. Ko mlnaeal potions need.' nn sssae xtaas M Tea dan 1r" - .l Saadsya, tS 1 Only Surgical Dispensary ; : 5traets, Portland, Or. .,. . "' BANK AMD OFFICE RAILING ' WEE AX1. I20 FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawa Fencing, v - Poultry Netting, Etc K v & IRON WORKS a3 FLANDERS ST.. Near Third Scoffs S.ntal-Pjsl3 CEpsulss A POSITIVE CURE PorIr8ammattoa erftarrfcof the Bladder and Plasaasd Kid. ney. BO ooas se rax. varea onlrklr aad aermanentiy the wort eaasa oi dJawsrrha sad alleed. Be matter of bow Jong standing. Ah. plat el y Carmleat. Sold by dragflata. Prloa br mail, asaae paid, M.OoTl basal, fc.7. -msAm-rmnCw, BelbrfosaJae, Okie. -, Weesard. Olarke Ob, Every Vcman toastmttd aUid sThotikl kaow a fiDODa Up rnVtHMTTMl MARVEL Viitiriia Spray new vsgtsst srraw. mice, ' m. uan-eu. Askfeart If keeannoiatiTPly the aBVtL. aaent no other, but send stamp far ' lllnetrated book-eeaba. Tt a fnll partlenlars and dtreeticna In valuable to ladles, MAHVBf, CX, 8k sad sr.. aatv iota. K0B SAXB BT W00DAB9.C OXAKXS CO. Lladder troubles,' i Cures In 140 Hours URINARY DISCHARGES BacbCapaote A beara the tMmeaarS oWtr Jnwa.pB, ii.a.risbis. ltlse, Prarri) a, CHICHKSTKK' KNOLInel la ltset a4 Held Maul toss, ssslet Ilk kiss rlkks. Take elhee, Berese ' Bnaei.rsas anbsoltnllewe and ImMa. nWns. J sf I OnuM. Ml 4. In . suaiss IM Partlesilasa, Teetlsaoalola aaa ' Mailer Per lalra, bow, k. re. im Mall. I ea T.l4ai.slls. BMtky -r brattlHS. rlUeheetswt'heaaleoJCe- - powarnra, soaVKTjra a oo, ; , tklatabllahed ll. , t , WKBAT ABTP BTOCat BB0B3B8, Boom 4, itmad Floors ' CXA KB SB) OF OOlKXtBBVtTa. " -I Quick Service. REFERENCE a-Ladd m. Sale ft-nwn a. AWc i'xv!. jit i V .wKtJ t o aaxi oacro riT . eat Most Conreelent ebw LaVgi''i llflsaastt laasaaali. taasMfbrK. W-'V L-ejS5" . 'War IS, -"-"'.a .IJ.IJJI,. a fee va m "m I 'A I. y, l it ''