The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 28, 1905, Image 11

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    c-c:i r uly ' jc"
- T
day : vr :n;o, cere
4. w.- 4.
Veteran Miner, for Half a Cen
tury a Heavy Operator, Hi,
Earned Long Rest. , . f
" :?":.''.'.
Layton Placer Have Much Virgin
Ground and One of the Beit Water
r Rights for Hydraulic Operations in
the 6tate of Oregon. ' : " ' ;
(Scoria! Pieoetch ia Tke loarnal.l
' Grants Pass, Or.. Oct St. A deal has
just been consummated by which tha
Layton hydraulic placer mines of AddIo
(ate district owned and operated for a
half century iby Jack Layton. paaa to
new owners. - The mines were purchased
oy ueorgs Minima, the consideration
being 146,000. The new owner has taken
possession and will make extensive lm
r provementa before the regular mining
r season Degins. one or two glsnts will
be added to tha battery, and the general
mining capacity or the Dlanta Increased.
Tha Layton mines have long been
.noted both for the rlchneaa of the work
ing ground and tha excellence of the
water right. The flrat ditch for hy
orauncKing waa constructed In 1868, and
In 1874 a second ditch was dug. both
deriving water from Williams creak, a
tributary .of Applegata river,, .Mr. Lay.
Ton nae operated his mines during the
summfer, leasing his watsr ' rights to
other placer mines during tha winter.
Tha Layton mines ara among tha few
hydraullo mines in southern Oregon
tnat nave ample water for .-continual
operation. The diggings comprise 141
acres of patented ground, covering all
of tha old rhannels and aarlferoua bars
of Ferris gulch, to acres of railroad
land, and several original locations. The
. ground carries Its valuea principally In
' coarse gold. " . v 1
Bnperlateadent af Cobalt .Property Be-
u eortbsa Seyelopmeate aad rieaa. f
(Bpeelal Dlepatcn to The Jtmroal.) '
v Baker City. Or, Oct 18.- Superintend
ent N. F. Heath of tha Standard mine,
. Grant county, which la situated on the
south slope of Dixie butte, said "whfle
purchasing supplies here that about 8.000
feet of development had been done on
the property. With the electric drills,
" the. management Is pressing all ' work
rapidly, 800 feet having been driven In
No. 1 tunnel the last two months, a 171
foot raise completed and another raise
been msda to a height of 80 feet The
first-raise connects with No. I level.
The Intermediate level between Noa. 1
and t has been driven 170 feet on tha
vein, and will be carried ahead ateadily
until it la above the face of No. 1. Thla
level. la 88 feet above No. 1, and tha
work Is blocking out ore rapidly. .
On November JO bids are to close for
the new concentrating plant , of the
Standard, for which plana and specifica
tions have been out soma time. Tha ex
cavation and timbers have been, finished.
end quickly aa the contract Is. let work
win commence on delivery or machinery.
t is the purpose of the management to
erect the new mill at the portal of the
intermediate level, is rest above No. l,
aa tha latter doea. not give, aufflclent
-dump. The lower le vet i will be. contin
ued aa a drain at that depth, and ore
mined there will be holated to the mill
level when operations commence. Mr.
Heath saya that a crew of 41 men la
employed at the Standard now, of which
total 14 are working underground. He
says that within a short time the great
cobalt-gold-copper deposit' will be ,ln
working shape, -after which a steady
production la expected. .
local Kaaage Says Thorongk Sxplora
: , ttoa la tm Fiogioee. ' '
' Ben C. Esatwlek. who Is manager of
the Oregon-Idaho division of tha Ameri
can. Mlnea company, and makes head
quarters In thla city, aaya that his con
cern continues exhaustive examinations
for good' throughout the
northwest Among the concerns that
have been organised by the holding eora
- pany ar the British Columbia Explora
tion company, Aoonda company. Aahoe
company. New Tork A Ariaona company,
Chicago Montana company and the
American Exploration company.' The
home company la capitalised for IS.00O.
000, hss offices In Iondon and NsW
Tork. Thomas D. Murphy being president
. and 8. Alien Black secretary. A general
business of owning, leasing, operating
and engineering la followed. Among the
' engineers on the staff ara Thomas R.
Ray of Ban Francisco, D. W. Hart of
Butte and Franklin La Salle ef Denver.
'Dr. C R. Ray. manager, of the Condor
Water A Power' company, operating on
. Rogue river near Gold Hill, waa at the
Portland yesterday with hla wife. Dr.
i Ray eonflrma tha report that the Champ
On dredge has completed Installation of
- tha electric motor, and says that the
plant probably has been opened with the
, new energy already. - Tha line of the
Condor company ha a been completed to
the Greenback and tha Granite Hill
mlnea, and soon those big properties will
' he using electricity exclusively, drawing
. It 41 miles. Dr. Ray says- that the tnln
' In a and agricultural districts of south
. eru and central Oregon will aoon be con.
' aumlqgan Immense amount of electrical
Onergy. -. -' ' -' .".
'i Harvey Bailey of Jhla city Tea eom
. pleted an elaborate map of the St Hel-
, .You may be thinking of us
' ing an artificial food for your
baby. Try Mellin'a Food; it
Is a proper food suited to the
baby's condition It is not a
medicjne but a true food. Let
ua send you a sample to try. 4
sns district Waahlng-kon. It bes been
finished with greet car and a. all
of the well known croups of the t strict
that could be learned of througti per
onal Inspection. Bonds, proposed rail
way Ilnea, streams, elevations and cer
tain geological features ara aet -forth.
maklnf the map the most valuable that
has aver been printed or tnai section.
J. W. Opp. formerly principal owner
lof the Odd - mine, near Jacksonville,
which waa recenUy bought 01 mm ana
associates, by New Tork capital, was at
the Perkins yesterday. Mr. Ops' 'was re
puted to hare received 1IM00 for his
Interest in the mine, which he brought
from the first prospect stag to a prop
erty that attracted tha attention of
Dr. J.. r Beddy and Induced tha latter
to erect a 10-stamp mill. Tne aw er
seven years of patient work bestowed
Is Ttble to retire with a comfortable for
tune. .. . .. , ,k. . ..
Manager C. H. Park of the Treaaure
mine, at. Blue river, was a guest at the
Imperial Yesterday, having come to Port
land in conectlon with his operations In
Lane county. - The big milling plant re
cently completed ia Just going Into com
mission, and from thla time forward the
Treasure will be one of the Important
producers- of tha state, aa It haa a ca
pacity of at leaat 108 tons, dally.
Grants Psss. Or.. Oct. 11.? Ore from
the Gold King group of Dry Diggings
district, gave returns of from 87 to
1100 a ton net - Three carloads treated
here gave average returns of 870 a ton.
The mlnea are under development by
Mead 4b . Case, and will supply a large
quantity -of ore to the - Rogue River
Smelting dk Mining company's plant now
being built at Savage Rapids, on Rogue
river. . , . .. :. ,.. f -; -
Baker City, Oct 18. M. A. DeHuff
of Spokane, a stockholder In the Dalnea
Mining A Milling company, which owns
the Belcher mine in the Greenhorn dis
trict says that the company proposes 'to
operate the mine all winter.- A i.ioo
foot tunnel will be run from the Belcher
property under the Golden Gate ledge.
Methodist Episcopal Edifice at
Corvallis to Be Scene of i
Weeks Services -',.
-i ;
(SpmIU Mepetck ,te Tee JewaaL) '
Corvallis, ' Oct . Charges In th
Methodist Episcopal church of' this elty
ara neaiing completion and It wtlr be re
opened tomorrow morning. The edifice
waa erected, la 1881 at a cost of $4,000,
and It has now been entirely remodeled
at a cost of 14,000. The upstairs con
tains an auditorium, a lecture-room,
committee-room, atudy and cloakroom;
downstairs' a Sunday schoolroom, par
lor, workroom and kitchen, reading, re
ception and other rooms. The program
of the week's reopening celebration, fol
lows: -
-Sunday 11 a. m.. Dr. D. L. Rader,
editor Pacific Christian Advocate; 7:10
p. ra.4 Dr. B. F. Rowland, presiding
elder. .. -.
Monday evening J. : W. McDougall,
Albany. .
. Tuesday evening Dr. T, B. Ford, Portland.--.
- : - ' v. .
Wednesday evening Dr. B. F. Short,
pastor Taylor street church, Portland..
. Ihvirsday .evajnipg-j-Rer,, JI. -faxp.
Portland. . V
Friday evening Dr. John ' Coleman,
president Willamette, university. - Gen
eral church reception.' ' Special music
; ' ' '(Ipeeiaf Dktpatek to The Joonul.) '' i
. Salem. Or:. Oct It. Weak and de
crepit, Mrs. Sarah- McKinney. 78 years
old, haa been aent to the atate aayplum
for the Insane on complaint of . her
daughter, Mrs. Jessie McBrlde of Thurs
ton, Lane county. - J
Mrs. McKinney la a widow, who wai
born In Ohio 71 years. ago. .. She has.
however, been a resident of this state
for many ' years, tha - wife or a wen
known Lane county clttsen, now de
ceased. ' Since her husband'a death aha
baa been residing with her daughter
and son-in-law. - Advancing senility
brought to her all tha ills of old age.
and last July she suffered a stroke of
paralysis. The state -law provides that
her estate or relatives. If financially
able, shall pay a monthly sum of 818
to the atate for earing for her. The
woman haa a small estate. .
(Special Mepatek to The Joaraal.)
La Grande. Or., Oct 18.-T-I. B. Ma
thews, who hss been experimenting for
some time with Irrigation and power
water wheels, haa placed one la the
Grand Ronde liver at the Oldenburg
fruit farm. The wheel la proving a great
success ancfls quite practical In shallow
streams, as It does not require a dam,
ut lie flat on tha - bottom of . the
stream, or Is supported on the surface
of the water by a light ftameworlc
Mr. Mathewe will place one In the Den-
chutes river as a further test of its
utility The wheels ran te used either
aa Irrigators or to furnish water power,
and can be used In different sixes ac
cording to the demand upon them.
' Mpeclat nfcipatra te The Joerna1.
Weieer, Ida., Oct 28. The Paclfle A
Idaho Northern are seeking a connection
with .the Northern Pacific, and Engineer
T. A. Clark with a party ef ten men
left thla city' yesterday for the north.
The party will begin work at the and
of the grade extension of the Paelflo A
Idaho Northern and will run a line to the
Little Salmon near Meadows, thence te
Orangeville. v
(aerial TMtetok le-Tfte Joaraal I '
Tarnma, - Wah.. Oct ti. Although
Vice-President Levey of the Northern
Paelflo will neither confirm nor deny the
report. It is al"-tht the Northern Pa
cific has decided to build a cut-off from
Lind to Ellensburg. which will ehorten
the present line between these points 88
miles. A new tunnel. It Is said, will also
be constructed a short distance north
of Stampede tunnel, which will reduce
the present grade to per cent
; i i 1 a HJ i i
Srowaed ta wmaeaeHe.
. (fteerlal fJWrateh te The Jnentat) '
Harrlsnurg, or., Oct 21. In aa effort
to cross the Willamette river neer this
city on JwrsobacK, at a roint where the
weter Is 20 feet deep, with steep banks
of gravel, George McMlllon was drowned
Tuesday. , , , .
u x::::; u iest
Trinidad Company Granted Per
mission tov Lay Specimen :
. Block on Oak Street.
If the Trinidad Asphalt Paving com
pany deairee It they will be permitted by
the city council to lay one block of
bltumlnoua macadam pavement accord
ing to Its own plans snd specifications,
to test the quality of the pavement Oak
street between Second and Third streets.
a inmi ox ui oenirai police siauon,
was the place; selected for the test
' No decision haa been reached by the
street committee ever the fight being
waged by the Warren Construction com
pany and the Trinidad Asphalt Paving
company regarding the superiority of
their respective pavements. Councilman
Vaughn, supported by several otbera of
the committee. Is of tha opinion that
the city engineer should be Inetructed
to make a chemical analysis of the In
gredients of the bltullthlo pavement and
Incorporate It In the city's plana and
specifications, so that contractors other
thin the Warren Construction company
could bid on bltullthlo Improvements.
Other members eontsnd that the city
would get Into- trouble If it attempted
to Infringe en the copyrights and pat
ent of the . Warren Construction com
pany. - . r ...... .
The aew territory recently aaneaed to
the city waa apportioned between the
warda yeatarday by the street commit
tee. -The south half of the Mount Tabor
district waa apportioned to ward 7 and
the north half to ward 8. . The terri
tory acquired on the peninsula, waa ap
portioned to ward 10. -.
The Portland Consolidated Railway
company was cited to appear before the
committee at the next meeting and show
cause why the tracks of . the company
on Sarler street which have been aban
doned for several months, should not be
removed. ' The street is In bad condi
tion and property owners desire to lm
prove It, but cannot so long aa the old
railway tracks are on the thoroughfare.
. Front street between Burnslds and
Madison streets will be Improved with
Belgian block pavement 'The old blocks
will be taken up and redreesed, and laid
on a concrete foundation. . . ,
Says New York, University In
stitution Insults Memory of
Our Great Men. .
"I deplore the Institution of the Hall
of Fame, because It atanda for tha -ex-
ternalisatlon of life, the glorifying yes,
the apotheosis of the things external te
ourselves fame, sucoesa.' v
These were the closing words of Dr.
Stephen S. Wlsa at Temple Beth Israel
last night In a scathing denunciation of
the Institution of tha University of New
Tork. - -j -
"Lo and behold, we have a childish
Barnumlstlc imitation ot - the French
academy, with the only difference that
happily for them, the victims of the ad
vertising agents ot the New Tork uni
versity are dead and beyond the - reach
of their champions," said he. - "In ell
seriousness, .have we not enough of the
ciroue spirit la American life and la
American letters without thua Insulting
tha memories of our truly greet men?
That the absurdity, the banality, the
Inanity of thla undertaking did not oc
cur to the projectors thereof la almost
"According to the rules of the shall
we aayT game, great merchants eontl
tute one class to be Included In the Hall
of Fame. John D. Rockefeller . Is cer
tainly a grest merchant for ho la re
puted to sell a very considerable quan
tity of on In the course of a year. It
may be that by 1810 Rockefeller's name
will be Inscribed Immediately adjoining
that of his contemporary and alpha
betical neighbor, Roosevelt
"Behind the erection of the JIall of
Fame le the implicit assumption that
the greatest thing In the world la fame,
when In truth the least thing In the
world la fame, and the only thing In the
world la duty; the greatest thing In the
world Is service. - Life s poets of honor
are the plaeea of duty In every sphere,
whatsoever be the station or rank. We
moat be ready to do right and live
aright and to stand by the right and
truth, for right's sake and truth's sake;
not with a view of being voted Into
the hall, or receiving a medal er penelon
at : the hands of that Insulting and
patronising Institution, the Carnegie hero
fund." .., -
Improvements of east side thorough
fares are being rushed by . the city
council. At the meeting ef the street
committee yesterday Councilman Mane-
fee Introduced resolutions for the Im
provement of Fremont street between
Union and Vancouver avenues with
gravel: also Vancouver avenue from
Russell to Wheeler streets, Knott street
from Williams avenue to Delay street
snd Sellwood street from Borthwlok to
Delay streets.
The entire district In the vicinity of
Asylum slough will be filled the coming
year If the plana of the east slda coun
cilman are carried out It la. planned to
drain the slough Into the Sunnyslde
sewer " and .make Alls on I'nlon and
Grand avenues and East Oak, Eaat
Stark and Kaat Pine streets. The prop
erty ownere have been persuaded that
such Improvements will enhance the
value of their property and have be
come enthuslaatio overhe proposition.
Proceedings for a large number of the
Improvements already have been started
and bids will soon be ordered by. the
elty. One proposition for which . the
eaat side councilman are working le a
hard, smooth surface pavement on Union
avenue from Holladay avenue in ai
blna to the city limits in Sellwood.
Thla avenue Js one of the principal
thoroughfaree In East Portland. It la
also wide and will make a beautiful
boulevard. ,
(Jesraal SeeatU arvlea.t )
New Tork. Oct 18. In discussing
railroad affaire today C It Harrlman,
who has Just arrived from en extended
trip to-, the orient, expressed the view
that" ajf Ura ef competitive railroad
building waa at hand, that the Union Pa
cific wa in the beet position ef any of
iha roade and waa ready for emergen
cies. He exprmsed the belief that China
la bringing herself up to the same
rises ss Japan, and la already 'develop-'
Ing her railroad linee etU will build
more roada. Japan will also handle her
share of the trans-Padflo business In
her -own bottoms. . '
- v- bo not talis chances on it vrearins away
which? will only half cure it at best, tnd leave the. bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and
1 'eusceotibla to attack: from the germs of Consumption , ; ; .
- not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the. lungs and pre
Tents serious results from a coldV' '.7rV ;':CVsAV.
, . . ltCav4 Cla Uf After th Doetor ttii I3 Had Conemptien.
W. R. Davis, Vlssalia, California, writes : 'There U no doubt but what FOLETTS HONEY 4
' AND TAR my life, j I had an swfui cough on iny lujigs snd the doctor told me 1 had
consumption. I commenced taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from
the first snd three bottles cured me completely. ' ' ; - . V
X Odd Fellow's Temple, First
,.-;, 7 t ,j -
Just the Stove
."i y
Z And if installed now will save half the fuel bill and almost pay for itself between this and spring.
f Vlatt. sa.lL.sV a. .Ill Laam sVk sk ft eXs sskafl. uia MM ettlf Bi!tvl 14 eVlaam Arm4 a lls9i4 IT
X 19 VCIVnuTIC ana cur unif
Ranges in the World.
No Pain NoPalri
We are the discoverers and origins,
ere ef the only reliable and scientific
system ef Painless Dentistry. We ex
tract, crown, All and clean er treat teeth
absolutely without pain and guarantee
all work: for fifteen years. : Our work
Is the beet, our prices the lowest con
slstent with first-class work. EXAM
INATION FREE. Our plates are unde
tectable from the natural teeth end
are guaranteed to fit
FILLINGS see. Tee and Sl-oo
Open to lactase aatU e o'clock
evealafa. .4 .
Boston Painless Dentists
ttn, Morrison BU pp- Sfeler ft Freak
. . 9se)aB9eXW
- HOURS 8:88 a. m. to 8 p. nv Sun
day. 8:80 a. m. to 18:80 p. m.
Judge Fraxer Says Women Are
Needed in Work of Training t
, Wayward Youth. j
The Oregon ' Btate Congrese of
Mothers, which Is the local chapter of
the national organisation and la repre
sented In Portland by the Home Train
ing association., held a meeting last
night In the High school auditorium and
listened to addresses by Judges A. L
Frsser and M. C. George and Mrs. Ben
H. Trumbull. The local chapter - waa
formed last summer and la preparing to
organlaa chaptere In all Oregon towns. .
Mrs. C. M. Wood presided at last
night's meeting and eta ted briefly . the
objecto ef the gathering and In general
wnai tne organisation aimea at. juaare
Fraser and Mrs. Trumbull gave Inter
esting descriptions of . the . Juvenile
eourt. i.
"Saturday morning. aald Judge
Fraier. -"we will have 8T boya and their
parenta In the Juvenile court. . Tester
day morning we had 88. Most ef the
offenses were serious. T Ue boys are
put on probation and It la the officers'
duty te watch these .eases and report
the racts that the court neeae. it is
women we need, too; women who are
Interested enough te stick to the work
after beginning It." !
Mra. Wood announoed that Superin
tendent Frank Rlgler wilt apeak at the
meeting of the Home Training associa
tion next Thuredey afternoon.
rstfkWal Safetl Bellerei. t
NufTartnaT frlahtfullv from tlti viru
lent poisons of undigested food, O. G.
Orsyson. of Lula, HIM., took tr. King's
New Lire rllle. "with the reeult,' he
writes, '.that I was cured." All stomach
snd bowel disorders give way their
tonic, laxative properties. 81ft at Skid
more Drug Co III -Third Street! guar
ntaed. . . t
zzzz c:ld o nic:H::E) dy
Of course you can get It at if --
and Alder, Portland . Headquarters for all things in Stoves and
r, - ... v. ot every Kina.' -
for Western Coal
aiiu win exvop uiv hvum naini
' UNIVERSAL STOVES AND RANGES, which have a greater sale than any other Stoves and V,
'L .:. ',. " ''I;!..'-: .'.:J'.' 'r-'rcf:-v:':- Telephone Main 1382. '
V. M. IQIlin
A bum kavtag- aartbiar 8o sell,
Wkisperlar tke fact eem a welL
VSI aerer g-ala tke eklaiaff eUan
Talke the aaaa that ellabe em to? tke
etu aad hollers. . .'
FOKTSTt 0, Ilk. Jat as erdlaary aast-'
le ef tke sue? tretke aebllalwa la tke lat
tweaty-rive rear. I kave paid mf goed swsey
la telling tke reeding yablle trsthe. tke cer-;
talnty ef greet gals ky Ismttag ta Portlasd
real eetate. . - .-, ' . , . v,. - '- w'
' Ki sane a er ww that will earafnllr
tndy Portlaad'i Batrklasi location win for
ene brlrf mommt doubt tbat Port lane will
fcecosM tke 1W TOk ef tke A0iri0, er If
thy will tiawilne the snail area of arallable
. lerrl land on the waet kank ot tke Willamette
river, mntainlne ealy foar asd oee half ee
tleM ot Ued. hot wlH keow tkat It Is im
eoaalble k katld a HI r of marnlteee tkereen. .
tbat rea eeaM maw nearer plaelna the Portland
Hot! os a eoiioo-fao lot tkas ' yea coaM
Portland ef tke Immadlate fntara en oalr foor
eed ene keif eotloeo -of gioaed. Hoew. foe
rears I kara stated tkls fact, sow ojoperent te .
ell rareml oho.rr.rm. tbat Portland woald bo
krar.4 ea tke table-laad BETWIS TUX
klViat. Tke handwriting of tke sroat am-kl- .,
toot by fnraatloa la apoa tka walL Bosdor.
enoe siere opporrenity le ealllng reel Ever
renemher tkla fart 4f yea fall te grasa e
ertaalty br the forolort as It aperearkee yoa.
your ebaeeM are forerrr goee. for there li ek
solstely ao fcalr ea tke karfe ef Its keae.
- . Totrt oirosTwrnr is ow .
tke sroaeat SMSiest te tnveat Is ene ef
tke boot pronoeltlona ever efforod la tbe etate
ef Orrgea for large gala, namely :
t am forming a pool of One Hnndrod Bharss
ef a tork at tka par raise ef 8650.UO eark. Pnr
ekaalng One Hnadrad Aeree ef eirllBHy -lorated
land. l.bflO fwt ef street ear frontage.
I', alao baa a deep water frontage of 1.10a) foot,
tke O. R. A N. tie. kaa surrhaaed rightof war
throagfc this tract, alao tha Nortkers kaa, a
earveyad for trarkagei kotk rallroada araat croaa
the leno. Thla eitraordiaary bargain meat
bo eeea te bo rally appreciated, foe tbb) la
a lew eetlmate for tbe exeallratly toeatrd 100
. erree. and I tell yon. la all aorloaenoee. thla le
no wildest proenaitlon. In fact, Kllllngaworth
kaa never aoM anrrhlna hot tke beat an kaa
ever failed la making good profits for Me
aameraee raatomere dnrlng tko tanty-fla
years engaged la bnylng and selling Portland v
property. nayi Bocanao aiLuam.v.ia
baa aror koeght aad aold Partlaad fj anecnlatlve property
Tkle pool I em aew taming le et obna. apace h) valnakle,
better atlll, rail at my office at -TM Oiatnorr ef fnmmorae
bargalas BZTWZZaT XII lTaa.
foMer. ..
vsirBBAir omcx, i osambib tr oomtxaoB. rxovi bbowb mi
The Oovtea mtmtMom. ;
(Joeroal gpeelal Wrvlce.l
New Tork, Oct. 1 1. "Large purchases
by exporters and the crop estimate ef
10,800.000 by Miss Giles have had a
tendency te strengthen the ' market,"
Miller A Co. say In their review ef the
cotton situation. - "The reports of frosts
In various districts of the cotton- belt
have also added te the bullish sentiment
In the market and haa caused frightened
shorts to cover. - Should a klllng frost
occur all over north Texss, Arkansas,
north Louisiana. Tennessee" and the
northern pertione -o- Mississippi . and
Alabama. It would undoubtedly . cause
great damage te the vast amount ef
late cotton In those sections of tbe belt
It must not be forgotmn, however, thet
a large part of the ahort Interest haa
been covered, 'and that a big new long
aecount haa been bnllt up. Thla ta a
situation which weakens an otherwise
at FrteM la Seed.
Tt yoa know ef sayeee enf faring with rna
nmptloa? Then tell tkem wlfhovt delay tkel
tw. Bnarkee'e (lersiaa "yrop will enea th.m
aad yon will bo a frtvnd la need. Gormen
Syria Is a- reliable specie.' for tko eere of ma
enmptloe. It kaa kn making; mervrlone rnrae
ef ronenmntloa Ikroogkont the world for forty
roar. Croon, eongha. rolda. kroerbttls and ell
throat snd king tronhlee are enoadllr rnrrd kr
Oormaa kyrnp. Trtal kettle. 4.V. Big b.4tl.
Ike. At aU drsgiKte, ttet Oreea'S ilmaaae.
5 1
or eweriment THth some unknown crspiratha
v., -.
ft ' CO. AND 8. O. SKIDMORE " ft CO.
;..- i - .-'t1-,1 - -
and Oregon Fir Wood
i b ii 1.1. m( wiw viveejw
Rrtter write me
today er,
any goad
ep aad
Bnlldlng. . I kave s
FAaX ta ooe
ef taesv, send for
strong sitastlon and may bring about a
strong reaction even la the face ef ex
tensive crop damage.' - - ,
. Aaxtoala Steef.
From the Catholic Standard and Times.
. "No,' said the higher critic. '1 can t
accept the truth of everything in tne
bible. Now. there'a that story about
Baalam: I don't believe that an ase
could speak, do you T
'How ran I dmibt It wllh-the-evl-dence
before met". replied trie plain
sworth, at Labor
' fcakW .aaaaTja?
ah laf,, ,
13 A I f
. AguRB
to A V r'y l2TC!t
$ Cc;iy
Exsj 15H S!xli
Teres J SIrtt -
- :.
e ty 4e-'-
Is 1 0 minutes tVnoo oltw aa UmmI Suit
car line. Fare So, lt-mlnute car service.
Beet water, street graded. Outgrowing;
all other suburbs because it Is the beet.
riomee mint and sold at rent rate.
LOTS g'3Q "
Take Mount Bcott Car. First and Y
SOS Faillaf aidg. - Vheae Hal
lupin svenings.;
- OmcMi rauraavn btatiov.
. LOTS Aiee asat.; ,;;. ;
Taae Mount ncott car at Flrat an
Aioer streeta, ana a eeiigntrui nae o
88 mlnutee will land yoa In tbe midst o
inene aaeaxiina, , , - -
Kvery convenience la Kvelyn. ; Beet
water, beat car service, eta.
Come oat Sunday or weekday and be
convinced. ,
omoai niubim nATiesr.
Qmartet-bloaav ltth and Thurmani four
houses, room for more; price) thou
, sands less than othere in same vicin
ity. - - :
Qmajiem-blaek, Hth and Northrop: per.
, feet for Data or- apartment-house;
cheap. '
Qaarker-kloek. food Income; right In
moat popular location for rapid ad-
' vanr I sea, 110.000 profit In thle la
a short time.
BMek haUalag, peylng It per cent: on
fractional lot la heart ef heavy easi
ness district. . .
Oae lot on 18ih et. ewltch. kw t
. Ollean-nnd Heyt; rente ! per a-i-
num. . ' ,
I can supply any reasonable dsasar.-S
ef Inveetor or speculator.
In TR lOVFVAh fc towee-' f
and r-lta aU H-r . r -e '
adewttatue H T J' i ""
.-.t T' Ja ' - '
ftag JiiAflM) tMiHI Hi I
g.m. Tre le oo of t
ahoota that
there le ao o-
lia i-'m o -a i
tha swr.
- !' 1