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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
Tiis Oregon daily journal. poaTtANP; catu:uay : i ::io, ocrcr 1 - V t '', I. 1" J.'Jrtll JEiiilliIGS iiipiiciiTEOi 1 Boy, Who Accused His Sister , Patricids Must Explain Away fv'- Largs Footprints. ; ft ,: MURDERER'S TRACKS ARE THOSE OF A MAN Youth DKkrei Sister. Wors ; Hi SKom Ow Her Own v So That . BUmt Ulghi Rett Upon Him Sh Kef uses' to Talk of Case. ti..;. ' (Special Weeatcu. ta T JeereaL? Or at Pasa, Or Oct. 1.-A fratnr of tbe reront. investigation made Into the Jeantnea murder mratery.of Qran- Ite ftH ratnlns camp, to eolve tha que . -.tea-of who eaurdered -N. M. Jennlnfn. ' .the ajred wood contractor, la damnla '"(to Jasper JnBlnr, on of the murdered " raaa.Tbe .boy baa aald that bla alatcr eommttted tha crime, but It has bean , found that tha Mood-atalnad tracka ovef . tha floor of tha room in which tha old man. waa killed, and which led over tha doorstep and acroea -the yard., war ' tracka-of-a wien.- 'Thar oould not have "' bean mad by Dora Jennings, .whom " Jasper save killed bar father becauee h j . hated' him- " "' ; ' ; .Te t account "for the tracka tha ' boy declares bla Bister wore. bla shoes ovet bor own. that tba Mama for the crime mlirht be laid at Jaeper-a dooc But tha girl denies all knowledge of this, " Jftaper, says bla sister stole 'into the cabin where, ha and a companion slept lata at night, stealing both hie rttmand ; bla shoes. But tha door of tha boy's eahtn opeaa with difficulty, and Its rusty j hlnaes acraach loudly. It seems im probable that tha door could hare bean paned without oaa or both of tba boy ' hearing it.-. . ' , . ,,' 1 Interest" tn the ieese la grow int. 'and there la . a -change, tn,, the feeling of the general public to Vrd the girl.' 80a ; will, say-: absolutely nothing concerning tha crime, while the' boy talks freely, ' though lila confession tends ' toward . shifting the blame upon his sister, OSCARrUOQQWAY FOUND n HOT GUILTY JY JURY .' (Spectal'Dlaaatra to to Journal.) 1 Albany. Or.. Oct. 21. The jury In tha case of Oscar Rogowsy yv-sterdar after Oooa. after, being- out leas than a half hour returned a verdict of acquittal, and tha defendant waa promptly turned loose by the court The trial Us ted four full daya and tha mass of erldence waa not discussed by tha jurors after they retired owing to their satisfaction with verdict without a detailed discussion of tha esse. On . the first ballot only one man voted for conviction and In minutes he too voted to acquit Rogo way waa aroused - of burning his mother's store in Lebanon In December. ltoi, for the Insurance. Tha policy on tha store - haa not been paid and It Is expected .that aolt -will bo brought bow to collect' tha 6 Insurance on the stock of goods, burned at the time of tha ftreV ;'v r ' ;vV. f : RECUSATION ENGINEERS GO .OVER MALHEUR BASIN '' i fBoeelBl Ckapatrh to The Jaarnal. v Ontario, Or Oct ' 21. The board ef consulting engineers, Arthur P. Davis, ' H. C. Henny and A. T. Wiley, held " a : two days' ' conference at - the , Carter ' house In this city the first of the week with I- John T. Whlatler, engineer " In charge of' the reclamation work la Ore gon, in regard to the Harper basin or Malheur project. After the conference ' adjourned Vr.' Whlatler I H formed a rep . ' reeentatloa '' of The . Journal that they ' had no lnfonmtlen -to- give o the pub ' lie at present and that all reports would Jsa mado publle through tha head office at Wsshlngton. District of Columbia. - Alt Ii not known as to. whether the : , road company has made any eoncea alona yr not. Other parties who have ' tieretofora opposed the government plaa have) signified a willingness to sign wp, and It la believed tba road company will eventually come In. j , A. 0. U. W. HOLDS BIG v CELEBRATION AT ALBANY fgpaeUt Dtopatek ta The JonraaL) ' ' ' Albany, Or, Oct St. The A. tX TX W. 'lodge of this city last night celebrated the 17th anniversary of the order, a ..large meeting In the hall of the local lodge enjoying a fine program prepared " for the occairlmrr Orsnd aTaeter Berch . told of Corvallla, Supreme Overseer W. M. Colvlg of Jacksonville. Grand Fore man W. J. 'Clarke of Oervala and Or- ganlser Balph Feeney of Portland and ' Chief Justice C. H Wolverion of . prema court a member of Safety lodge, No. IS, of thla city, delivered addresses . and these were followed by a banquet . M'MINNVILLE BRICK . 1 .5 i. BUILDING COLLAPSES ', - McMlnnvlle. Or., Oct II. The ' rear , wall of Elala Wright s brick building - -collapsed . last . evening about t;S v o'clock.. The lower floor of the building Is occupied by the ; Miller Mercantile ' company and the rear of the upper floor by the Commercial club. Mr. , Wright In excavating for an addition .undermined hi a building. The loaa ap piwzlmatas nearly $1,000. half to the building and bait to the stock of the , Miller Mercantile company. 11 ' Oa!i!njT Poivdor ; Xos0ititUeabjrarelibl CU.raatc is ft good as golti J CHURCH SERVICES:: 1 rTMOPIST. Twelfth sad Ttjlor scraets; Rev.' Claraece Tra WIMua. D. D. trearklsg eertlces at 10:M a. m. a4 10 a. si.l rlasa amtlnf . :0 a m. ; eaada aooooi, n:it p, . cpwurn aasaa, e:an p. m.; nr. n usua ( eveuag uu, 4Nckah'a CaruBtra.' Triultf Eaat Taatb and Orast streets:" gar. naroid oarrg. iru a. at., nrearsing sarvtra; at T:0 p. m.. "la tha Baafe"; Swiday seaeul, !' a. St.: Cnwertk laan. 4:0 e. a. raa Kaat Klnta t4 Mill atreata. Qnartarlj awetlag la awrnl us, fulio-4 fey Braacalag aad eumoiunkMi atrrlc. . ' ' Tarlur stmt Dr. rrae4a fniraette abort At S: a. ., iIimh; 10;Jtt a. at., "Rplrltaal MlseadBMa"; ):! a. at., 8aalay skool; S KO a a.. Kpvorai tua; T.m p. as... i "Oo4'a appaai , Biaw-f." rirat. soara ecoae ana tssibiii atreata; gar. gantry Mowre. Saae'ar arhnoL 10 a. at. l araactalnc. II a. m.. by He. Mr. Cralgi to" ie. P- praacains, a p. av. Bar. Mr. Crala. Srllwood C. A. Lewis, goaoay apbool, 10 m.i at ii a. .. "rrnsj er taa non"i at 7: SO n. .. "gaaMHia": at :ak a. aa.. EBwortk Itasua. . . sunnraioe East TaaiBlll. feetwaea Tblrtr-nrtk a4 Thirty -sixth atraeu; T. B. ford. 10 a. Siiadar arbool: II a. m.. "Dafrst aa4 Praart II m.. vlaaa BMwtlaai g:M p. Jantar Inagoa sad chllilraa'a rlaaaM; p. m Kparortfe laaga nmniiHi artiiDf i :oo p. m.. "neaisn rruai ocaaaa ia iaa Juvaaiie loarf. " - I t aacaearr Eaat Plaa aad Eaat Nlafh atraata; Wllllaaj H. Bfw. At 10 IIO a. a.. "r.llh and tha sick Hurrr of Btodara I.lf.; a atari of tha Tlaiaa"; at T: p. aa., "The Bplrliual I Kara moralog rlaaa, a.-SO e'rlnrk: Hundar vmmtu u:in p. aa. i-aaiora ana istaraaadiataa. p, . Kpworth kacoe, p. at. , ' ' , ' mUBYTXX!AV. " ' , Mlapes Rav. J. B. Mcillada. D. D. At If am., "aowinf la Tears; Reaping la Joy" SO B. aa.. , -'Cbriat- I ha lma llna. t tha rtbr. v . . v Thtrd-Kaat ThlrtMatk and Wttm tfiati' Itev. Andretr -JL-. UmImmwi pvMhln mm. Ia-at to:a a. m. and T:48 r at.; Sanday ecaool at IS sa.t - PhrlatUa tadaarar, :! a .: Junior. I:a0 a. m rarrary t-laveath and CUy atraete; Rav. Wll Haw B. Otlhert - At I0:W a. m., 'Tha Book of Reaaaubraaes"! f :0 p. m., "Tha Battel Path." .iv - , ..-. .. . Marahall Stnet Warahall and Marth Saraa rerarh -aarear: Krr. C. . w. Hajra. gunda arbaot, 10 a. m.t at. It a. ., "Mod's Paai"l P-sj.. -ThsJoul After Ith';y. P. S. C B... : p. a. v - . PladnMmt CUraland STenaa and Jarratt srraet; Re. U Mrroa. Beoaar. Preaching errr cos at l a. aa. and f :B p. am.; Sabbath ecaool at to a. am. - . . . - Arbor , Lodge Chaptl Brraat -. aad Cartla atreata. Sabbalk school at 3 p. ma.: pnaahlag ai-rrira at 4 p. mm. First Oisibarhind Twelfth and Beat Taylor atreata; Ba. B. Nalaoa Allen. At 10:10 a. .. "Rsaala as a Prophet of Rlghteouanaae"! IS .. Sonda arbool; ; p. aa., Chrlatlaa En. deavor T:S0 p. m.. tha first of a eerlee of four Bandar erentng aerraans en tbeaiee eagfealed by aoema of the wartd'e creat palnMnsa; -Cbrtat Before Pilate. 7 by Mlrhael oe alonksaay. Cuvtts W tba Dalntlo( will b dlatribslad. flrat Re. Kdgar P. Hill. D. I). ' At 10 a. praeehlng aerrlee; T:n p. at "Tb Teatinwny ef Jeans as to Himself. ' ...... - " lISOOPAI.- -' Bt. Darld'e Beet TwelfU and Belmmt treats; R., Oeorge B. . Van Waters. Utany and aersmon, II a. si.; evening prarer. T:0 ecloek: Banday school rally - day Barrlea la paiiab bnuee,. : a. a. - Oood Bbepherd Be II wood atraef and Vanem ear areoaa. AIMna) Be. John Dawaon. Bamlay arbool, lo s. ra. ; SMrnlng .prarer and aeratun. II clock; rrealpg prayer sod aarmoa. 1.30 eclork. . . . .. Bt. Btepbas's rhapel Thirteenth and Clay atreeta; Re. H. af..Raamaay, Holy coeaaMralon. T:ao a. am.; Bandar arbool. S44 a. m.; mora. lug aal Ire. 11 'rloek : eBlnar aarrla,. I SA ' " rrraay at a p. aa. m. ravi ' Woodmere: C. U Parker. and sarsmos at p.. am.; Ruadaf school at S Bt. Johns Memorial- Boll wood: Be. W. B. Pewcll. Berrtee end aarsaoe, 1:4 p. BJ.J San day arbool. :45 p. m. , . . Chapel of tba Traneflaaratlona-roraatera' ball. Waablngton and Biitb atraau; Be. W. - B. Pt wall. Berrlce end eerumi at II a. am. Bt. Matthew's rirat end ranilbrra atreeta: Rev. W. A. M. Brerk. Ber b4 arrmon, 11 a ma.; Buaday arbnol. B:4ft a. aa. "TrtnltT Mnetarnth and Everett atreeta; Dr. A. . atoniaon. I Inly rem amnion, 8 a. 4"; eaneay acaooi. s:m a. ta.; nanrnlnf prayer. II eVJork; evening (the peeple'a eet-rfre). T:0 -V" . 1 1 uj van iMinioa). apeeias oj rooir ano ruasref tiyosi ainf B vj jaorriaaa). . V --' ' ' OOBOUOATIOVaX. 1 ' : nrat Vadlaon and Park atreeta: Rev. B. L, now. i,. u. ai iu:sii a. aa., preaching arrv ira; t:ov p. Be. Theodore Clifton. D. D. fblcase, 'Bnlta tbe Corrupftimlet"; 1S:I p. m. Bandar arbool: e:S0 a. aa.. V. P. a. r. K Haaaale Street Kaat Baventb afreet, north. and Haaaale street; Re. Charles B. Chase. At 10:M a. in., Ihr. John Babtlat. The- Aeaerl. esa nag and lis Power for Cbrlat Is the uriem i at is am., eunnay arbool: IJO . ta Chrlatlaa service. Bndeaor t BU p. a.,- Breaching Mlaaleelnnl Avenne Mleatealppl end Fremont atreet i: William L. I nahaw At I a. "Rrllloo; T:ao p. a.,preaVblns: 10 e. a., snnasy arnool;-f:30 p. a. Endeavor. 1 .' .:-''. ChrUtlaa I'nivmlty Park Artlaaa temple. Porta month aev. u. . ora. At 11 a. a.. "Chriat'i iBtereai ra awn ; nuneay arajont, lo a. am. Laarelwoed Prearhlng at T:: p. a. by Rav. D. B. Orar. "tear Opportanltles.' RlskUneVPreacott and Kaat Slits street north; Rev. Arden M. Borfcwood. Bnnday arbool. 10 e. a. at 11 a. a.. "A Btoealng for Those he -sorrow" i Jnnlav Bndiavo. S p. a.; at T:80 p. m., -Volrea ra Afar." Bnnnyalde Bast Taylor and Kaat Thirty. uporiB miceiai new; j. j. etann. At 11 a. a., -Beit te tbe M eater" ; at T: p. sv, aernioe by Dr. Theodora CHftaa of Cblrsgoi Banday wrwtmn, iv b. na.; eunior sinoeaeur, p p, am. 8-alor Chrlatlaa Endearor, :lft p. a. .- ,, '-'"'' BAPTIST. X t.Kt', Immense! Borons bh Meade-atreeta- Rev. Mead M. Bledao. At 10:) a. am.. "The H.I.. tiaa ef tba oasreaa rton to tbe Pnlnlft Hlhle arbool. 11 an.; B. X P. t'.. 8: p. a. I at i:su p. a.. "Tt oat man rne Harat Bar rertral aeetlnga, every, evening at !: o'clock except Batnrday. ' Betand Ea,t Reveal h . aad ' Kaat Ankenv streets; Rev.. Stanton V. Lapham. At 10:80 s . a., '"The Uv of Coapanatloa" at T:M p.m.. "The Christ Center"; RIM , arbeol. 13 a.;-loan people -anion. 0:30 p. a.: mid' week prayer at 1 1 Ice Thursday evanlns: III hi atody rleea Tneaday evening ; Young Men' club eramgir rTeainB. Central Kaat Twentieth asd Ankenv ateeera. Preaching at 10:80 s. m. and T:30 o. m. br Or..Ray Palmer: mom Ins theme. "The Crown ef bold": evening tbeme, "TbeXem)le ef (.naractrr -; eunoay spbooi, ii m. rirat Tbe White Temple Twelfth ' and? Tay lor streets; Rev. J. Wnltcoaib Bmnrher. T. f. At 10:90 s. m., "A Dnlveraal Batonr" Bible arbaot, 11:10 a. am.; B. X. p.. IT. moating, JO p. at.; at, 1:30 p. a., "Pet Xouraelf la Hi rjsce." ' IVTKXBAV. 'V '. ' ih. Jaaet ' Rngllah. Weat Park and Jefferson A. Iml. Sarvteen with special atreeta; J. tbankanfferlns t 11 a. m.. aetbea by (he raotr and aolo by M lea Or are Ollnert; evening aerce at T:48 e'cleck. under the aaeplcee ef Ui Lather league; Sonne r school. 10 a. a.' Norweslan---46 North Poarteenth street; Rev, J. U. Kervla. Preaching at 11 a. ru and 8 a.; Banday arhool, e:es a. a. ' Bt. Paol'a Oermen Kaat Twelfth and Clin e- atreeta: Be. A. Krsuee- Reform Hon raetlvsl erlce, 10:80 s. a. : confession! aerr le and holy eomaanlea, 7:80- p. . ;--Buaday arhool. : a. a. . - Betasla Oanlab Union sveas and afovrls atreeta; Rev. Gadaand (Mill. Praacbing aerv I'e at 11 a. a. aad S p. a. Sunday srhodl, IS 10 p. a. ' norwes-taa BrnoaWKaat TeiitJl . ana nrant treet; Re. O. Hagoea. Reformation serelce at II a. a. sod T:0 p. a.; Banday arbool, 8:80 r.: mH Thursdsy erealBg. fl fc ': K CBRI8TIAB. : : i Central Kaat Twentieth and Salmon arraeta. Be. Orerge W. ttmmermari will prearb .at II a. a, and T:M p. a.: Sunday arboor. -te aV a.; Junior Kndasvar. l:Bn a. m.i Beohae EaiUavee. 8-.BO p. a. . ' ,-. "... . iner A venae Bodney' venue aad - Knott ; Rev. R. M. Patteraoa. At 11 s. a.. - spprnnnf the Excellent"; at B p. "A mirtinf veeiior. Bnndav arbool- 10 a. m.i Chrlatlaa Kndeavor. 8:80 p., a. rirat Park and Columbia atreet! Re. A Harm ley. At 10:80 . a.. "What 1 Bisected Of steward"; at T:o a. a., "God'n War Vlndlrated"; Bible arbool. 18:11 p. t Chrl wMr, o.ev p. aa. .,,.. - .,-, " ' 'J"X CKBMTIAJI NLWl'j - l'?? Bemad Chafrh ef ' Cbrlat, . Brlantlet Andt terlua building. Third atraet, between Taylor ad Balsaos atreeta. At 11 s. a. snd.B p. a., "Adam and Pallaa'Maa"! Buaday acaeoL 11 a. a. I Wednaaday ameelag at p. a. rtret Church .ef "-Chrut. Boteatl.t Scettlah Itlte estbadral. Morrlsaa sod Uiwnadal atreeta. At 11 a. a. aad B p. a., "Adam asd Palles Man"! Sunday arbeol at, close ef aernlng service. .... ' - ' , " . llmm more Czzj Ctxt Oooom mixed vjlth 'auger, stared, o cr rowroot,am1L), Czzr9 fore. fa r nioro -eoonomioa. BreahfcGt '((8csi The Finest in the World Bsgterered. Highest Awards to JEtirop and America A new mnd hapdaomelj llln tra ted Keclpe Book aent fre naiteriiai.i&os.Lti EttaMUka4 I7M tereaieaiTaf f""e ' Bta)talp a a da ' a. mi.: at 11 a. .. "Prayar": Tseng Paopte'i a Ilia ace. T p. ., Mra.'C g. Bradford, leader; t p. ., apodal aiiaaloaary progrssi by Young People's alllanee, Jtunorui Baat glgbteaat sad Tlbblt street; Bar. . B. -D. Stray rfelar., Banday araooL id m.i Toans Peooie'a earvlra. B:B0 a. aa. . reaeblng at 11 s. am. and T:M B. a. Ptrat Oeraaaa Tenth and Clay streets; Rev. Theodora Braaaer. Sunday arbool. B:B0 a.' aa. ; aeraaoa and eoamaaBloa . eerrlce, 10:49 a. am.; Be. K. Schapp will officiate at p. am. '''. r. u. o. a. T. V. C. A. Aaaorlatlon aodltorlara, Poarth aad Yamhill atreeta, ' At-:80 p. am., sxa'a nMatlng. sddrea by John Baptist aa Aamrrtvea lecturer. "Tbe American Flag aad It Power for Cbrlat"; aoloa by Mia Mahal Baker! meet ing epeaa St SiSO-p. a.; boy' meeting, :) p. -sm.a Caeplala OUbart, "Mlfhtlar Tha a tight ,,-;,,' ) - . .- ... - . VS;'"" CATBOUa ! '' ' VV ' St. Mary' Willi arena aad Bttatos treat; Re. W. A. ll. At 8 a. a., tint mas; 8 s. a., sarmd mas; a. am., third maaa (children'-! ; 10:SO e.-m.; grand maaa; Muaday arhool Immediately after B e'etoek amass; vaapers asd kenedietloa at 7:80 p. a. Chrtartan Catholic Apostolic Chnreh Is Rise Allaky hall, earner Third and Morilaoe atreeta; Re. Charles A. Hoy. At 3 p. a., Bible arady; t p. a,. "Tba Reward of Paithfnl Worker la tba Master's Vineyard"; T:0 p. a., "Cod Byapathy for Bis Children." . . lATTia-SAT SATVTS, . Tha Reoraanlnrd ' Cbarrh of Jeaa Chrlrt of tattar-ry ,6lnt SV oodward hsU, first Tmoa. Moot villa; Rav.- Will S. Pender. Babbalh arhool. 10 a. a.; preaching aervlce at 11 a. m. and T:80 p. am.; Zloa's. BaUgio-Uterary fociety, l T '.' ' 5 ' OKTBCH OT MB. ' Chnreh of . feod d Hawthorn aveaoe; Rev. d. t." KeaL . Preaching aervlce t 8:80 and T:80 p. si.! Banday arhool and'Bible reading at 1 p. a.; prayer assetlng Wednesday si T:80 p. a. ...... ' ' BIBLE 8PTRITTAX SOCUtTT.' ' Bible Bntrltnsl Society 808 Alder atreet. Cos frrenra at 11 a. at. ; at B p. a.. Mrs. Ulllan N'ogl Poater, "A s Man Thlnketb In Hit Heart. Bo la He," followed by paychical pha. ey a. . roe tar. . "' ' toVITZD XTAVOELIOAL. ' ' First Raat Tenth and Bberasa ajnats; Rev. A. A. Winter. At HI a. a., Bnnday. school; rschlng aervlce at 11 a. a. and 7:iM p. a.; L. ef C. K. Besting, 8:90 p. a. ' V':"' BrTEITVAL B00IZTT.. ? First Bplrttnal Society Artleana hall. Third arreei. near vraeninsion. tvnrerence at 11 a. m.t Yoons people' club at 1:30 p. a. lee tare by K. T. Bavlls, 8 p. am. ?.'?"". :" " -' f" ' ','1' ' r , ' '"'cTabo' it'.-' aixiacb.'w Cbrmtlan and Mlaelonary Alllancs Sixth snd Metn-atreem; Ct D. Bawtetle.-, ganday arbnol, 8:B a.- m.:. preaching -aervlce.. 10:80 a. a.; evangellstle service, 1:80 p, am. . TRTTZRSAXIST, First Bast Conch snd Raat Rlfbth atreeta; Rev. w, . SdiiII. At 11 a. a., eermon by Rev. Vllllam U. Kllot, Jr.; 10 a. a., Saoday chool. ..,. , , . , t. . ,. .. ' ,- " rWTDTB0B0IA. - -.-vit ' Portland New Church Society Mnlkey build leg. Second and Madison atreeta. -Banday school St 10:80 a. am. lay service, 11:80 . a, , . ' -;-if i TfirixAJUUUr. ' Ftrat Ttmhlll and Seventh treet: rte. a. C. t'reeeey. ' At II a. in.. "Benevolent Prudat- lB"; Banday srboot.. 18:80 p. m. BITIBB TRUTB CKBTIB. WTlna TVoth Chanel Hall 801 Allaky bund ing, corner Third and Morrteoa atreeta; Re. U M. Mlnara. ' Preaching servlc at 11 a. a. '- ' -OUTI B BAB OX MISSIObC - ' Olio Branch Ooapel Mlaaloa First. near Clay street. Service svery evening nt T:.10 p. a. and Sunday at 8 p. a. J'; CHBISTIAB OOIAUSTS.' - , ' ' 1S Beccnd street; Rev.' J. W. Wells. At f p. - a., "The Economic Interpretation of III '.!'.' .." StlUKMIAI. BAWsT. -fl. A. B. HalL sortbeaat corner Second 'and Morriesa strwt. , Bcraicas at 3:80 p. a. PUBLIC RECEPTION FOR BOAK AT THE DALLES ' (Special Dispatch to The Jenrnel.) The Dalles, Or.. Oct. It. The Wood men of tbe World are planning a grand reception ' for Head Consul Boak . when he arrives nest Tuesday. ' X neighbor ing camps haye been Invited to partial pate and a large crowd la expected. An, open meeting will be held, after which light refreahmenta will be served and followed by a bualnees meeting. i - There are gtnger wonn and red-pepper bugs -queer board era that hare to be", looked for, not In Schillinry's Best, but,. in malting it. ,; There are eggs of these queer botuderap too mall to. be, killed by grinding.' . , , ,. . ; ajassBanmanyani - 5 A3 Don t . keep spices f warm, or they'U.lxiUcl. :v': : ' ' . , : - ; . v. - !'.., ' . . . ' ', -'...-. ,,'.".',-.'".. f- ? - ' ' ' . ' . ''-,' '-;;:V.j Vr.; 'it'". ". .;, v.. :-' - v r . v:..- , . r ' v v - . ...... i r ...''!.' . ., . ,.'.- ,'. - j ; I -. " ' v;v "7. " t4 '.'.. . ; , . ' : li, ! '," x- .' ' ; ' - ''.." - .''i', ' ; ; , - ". ' '" ' - : ' '''.:' ''' : , "-. '." ".r ' . :''' ' 1 . '"'.' ''V"': "'' '' .',' . 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THERE CAN DE no explosion, as vith alcohol, no ilaiiw to cause misdii ELECTRIC ffiDAT is ixistanthK concentrated within the utensil, just where it is wanted without vastc. Thcro is no dirt, ho odor, no soot, no smoke, and so little cxnrcnt is reqxrircd to operate these devices that the cost is ro E L E C T R I C C U R R E N T k there wheny on nt itoff vra switch. It is not bramg yip mon wanted it Js not CONSUMING or poisoning Learn to be ELECTRlb-LIGHT postal today for illustrated booHct FREE. Coll Phone Exchange 13 Seventh and Alder Streets or late suppera, c!ec- J '''-.' .-1. " ' a ' . - r- .1.1 ' r v.. r jC:::r:T2CC::WaK.' ZTABOrXICAI, ASSOOIATtOB. , tub Bast SUth and Market streets; at. M .- ft t. t V