i. Third" St. . v;"t : J it 7 , 11 'V Third 5; i . .T" rr ' ' P-zr on i' Miss :i r me his Hare Gooortunitv Men's ' - " ' - " ' , ' . 1 1 t 'i r';' : ' . '. J ' - ; . '. 1' .- , v ' J i ' , ; : - ' - -',''. ' '" . ' ; ' v All goods offered in this advertisement can be brought back any time during the sale. Money must be raised to satisfy creditors' claims. - Fashionable and desirable clothing and underwear will greet you on all sides. ; A varied collection a great pne-clothin selected from styles declared proper and correct, bought at, such prices that right now, on the threshold of the season, immense. .:;:v;;"r.V '.r-s r savings are possible on everything. ; ; ; : '.-'.:. -: " .-.,.";...,."' .'"'!,':... . .. . , ,t . .'....-'..:..' v- Eta's Fine Seats Overcoats Silk and Satin-Lined Dress Suits and Overcoats In plain, checks and striped colorings They are positively worth $22.00. t ... . . r-L..-.' Wen's Extra Rnc Dress Suits and Overcoats inixiUihe latest styles arid shades - heavy silk and satin-lined I Equal to the finest $40 tailor-made to order garments. , Don't fail to ask to see these garments. if $ .a . r Wen's Finest Waterproof Overcoats Maker's guarantee ticket on every coat; worth $20.00 to $35.00 -r Don't fail to see them. . " Men's fine Dress Pants J rt yyV:';v Worth 03.5O ? or Your Money Refunded For Sunday Wear, In V Worsteds and Fancy Stripes Positively worth $5, $6 and $7 or money returned r Remember r This immense stock of merchandise includes $1C3,CC0 wortS I put on sale in the large storeroom; 172 Third street, two doors trom xamnui :f ' of men's, boys' and children's clothing, shoes and furnishings, and it will be ; Portland, Oregon, wnere tt wm De onerea n retau xor; 1 Per Cent Less Than 3, Manufacturers' Cost ' e For . .'i-iii '.'i.v',; . n '-4 it ,f r, Sale Begins Saturday, Oct. 28r 8 a. m. v AND CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 4th; AT 1 1 P. W. .i, ; . ? The men folks will be highly enthusiastic over these wonderful value the products of the best manufacturers in this country styles and fabrics that are the most popular and up-to-date. . . ;., Don't Miss This Rare Opportunity Of securing great values made possible by the "Forced Out" Sale. Coma along we'll give you a warm reception in warm all wool clothes. No one will even try to contradict a single statement after he has examined the stock.. Prices and goods will protect themselves, and remember, that all goods of fered in this advertisement can be brought back any time during the sale. Furnishings MEN'S BEST QUALITY LAUNDERED SHIRTS, worth $1 . . , . . 42e FINE DRESS SHIRTS, worth $1.50 ........... ...... MEN'S FINE SILK EMBROIDERED SUSPENDERS, worth 75c. .8e GOOD HEAVY SOCKS, worth 25c. Over 5,000 NECKTIES, Jn all shades, worth from 50c to $1... ..14V 450 UMBRELLAS go at...t ...... . .............................. 40 MEN'S WORKING GLOVES, worth $1, go at............. 2DV MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, worth 25c ...i....................J3e BLUE and RED HANDKERCHIEFS, go at... ........ .....3 for 10 CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, go at. ............... ......le RAZOR STROPS, worth 75c, go at ..2 $1.85 BOYS' SUITSyours for. 61e CHILDREN'S and LADIES' TAMS, worth $1 to $2, go at. 23 MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS, worth 35c .15 MEN'S BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS, worth $2.50 ......;...:...7& MEN'S OVERALLS, come quick 33 BLACK AND TAN HOSE, worth 25c.. ...........7e TOWELS, worth 15c. 4 Men's Fine Underwear at Less Than Half the Cost of Production. These are all up-to-date, adods. Do not, confound this Wltn 50mcaueu cwsing'uui saics, cu Mm i We must raise the money necessary to satisfy our creditors' claims. Positively no gcds'Sold untU SATURDAY, 8 Ai M.' OCTOBER 28th Sale positively closes Saturday night, November 4th, at 11 p. m. '11 '7 2 Third Street , i ... ... : Mail Orders Garelully Filled Railroad fare paid on all purchases of $25 or over. rt Don't Be Mioled This Store la at . 22 TMI Portland, Oregon, Two Doom From Yarr ,