TITZ OREGON DAILY jour.riAL, rCHTLAI.T), FRIDAY EVrriKIO, OCTOSZn 17, 'lfCX' TOWN TOPICS '2 - V"'j tOKIOHT'i AMVtMMMMT. ' " 5 Vargoeej , Graad. ...... . r, .T, Pwi ...i. ...."I Mw Waste! . Kmplre ......,........."Wb ' lorrlc Bea Rat" Ifasteal Berime, WeiQM Mia ' .......... ucniiHi Ursa Sa . i...VSU.1lle .... ....... Vaudeville I K -.-' .V . 41 , 45 lUldlns disorderly house conducted by Alio Bll Aim Taylor Ut. Act , lnjr Detectives Kajr and Jon . placed ;. voder arreat the proprietress, Carrie Huntington and Mabel Baanaavstamates, " and three men, who cave the police the names r of John Gallagher, Eugene Uchwab and Peter Hoffman. The namei of the men are aald to be fictitious.. All 'were- released on bonda. Their eases were postponed untl" October 11 by Fo lic Judge Cameron. '" ' '' Tli state of Washington secured a total of US horticultural premiums at the Lewis and Clark fair, according to the announcement of the horticultural Jury' Hat of awards. Oregon secured a total of 97 awards. Twenty-one - Washington counties claim a majority of .the awards. 'The greateat numbei whs awarded to Chelan county, which received a total of 147, while WbStcom secured it. JiUm was third, with 41 I. I." Boak, head consul of the "Wood men of the World, will arrive In Port . land Monday to dedicate tb new fra ternal building that recently haa been completed on- West avenue. Ih Mount Tabor. After the dedication Mr. Ttoak will go to eaetern Oregon, but will re turn . to j Portland to address a ' an meeting In the Taylor street Methodist . church. November t. - Me will dellvei other addresses while In the city. , Samuel W. Dunlap of Stewart's Place, Oregon- and,. -Mia.. Ada, . W.. Bowen of 'Garnet, Kanaas, - were married at the former' a home last Tueeday evening by Rev. T. B. Ford, pastor of th Sunny Id Methodist' church. Th couple be cam acquainted through th .working of an Introducing aoclety and carried on long-distance courtship for several tnonthn. The groom la a well-known Clackamas county ranchman. Before departing for th east Wilson Foster,' known aa the ''Klondike quarts king,- who had fc collection of S.000 quarts specimens at th Lewis and Clark exposition, will divide his exhibit be tween the Portland chamber of com' were nd city hall collectlona of north west - minerals. His collection was gathered from all over Alaska. . E. . II.' Deary addreaeed a meeting of "Division No. 1, Ancient Order of Hiber nians, last Wednesday evenlna. Mr, Ieerr recently returned from a visit to the land of the Shamrock, and he told or hie trip in an entertaining way. Aftei the apeei-hmaktng. lunoh and dancing were enjoyed. John Farrell and J. 1 Malley were the eoramltteen charge. A. A. Smith of Paonla, Colorado, haa On exhibition in this city a fruit ladder which Is attracting much attention from fruitgrowers.. It folds together and Is so light that It ran be carried about with ease. Mr. Smith is making ar ranrements with a local firm for th manufacture of hla ladders. ' . .' A farewell reception will be given this evening at Fourth Presbyterian church for Rev. -end Mrs. M. I. McClelland. wno leave MOndajOCor Plkevlll. Ken tucky, where Mr. McClelland haa ac repted a pastorate. Miss Grace 011bert win sing, rriena ar invited. - Foan Francisco and Los Angelee Th steamer w; H.' Kruger sail Saturn day, 1 p. m. -Cabin, SanFranclsco, 111; Xrfs Anaoies. ssi.SO. ff tee rare, San Fran Cisco, $; Ixs Angelee. $15; meals, and berth Included. C H. Thompson, agent, izs Third street. , Tourists, ss well aa city people, finan cially emDarrasseo, win una in art. land Loan Office, T4 Third street, the safest sad moat reliable place to trans ct their business. Rates roasonabl. - Hunting boat, steamer Republic, leave foot of Washington -atreet for all Wll lamett slough points and St. Helens on Saturdays at 7 p. m. Returning, leaves St. Helens, Sundays at 4 p. m. Pfunder. the florist, will be at th old stand th balance of the week, and to curtail removal expenses ;wlll sell palms, plants and shrubs at greatly re duced prices. Oregon State band dance every Satur day evening. Prix welts. Burlchard hall. East Burnsldef between Union and Grand avenues. , Orchestra of 13 pieces. Watches and diamonds f 1 dowa and 10c per week Goods delivered on first payment. Xmaa I coming. Metsgar ex CO., jewelers, opticians, ill sixth. . Rummage sal, ladle Third Presbyte rian church, 14 union ave., Oct. Is, 37, t. Donatlona solicited and received at ttt Union ave. any .day tbla week. - ; Steamer F. A. Kllburn for San Fran- laco, calling at Coos Bay and ' Eureka, from Oak street dock. Monday, October ljjat I p. m. -rei. Main ZBSlt. , 1 Now Is the time' to calcimine your walla W have It ready for use regu lar ISo, now ISo package, at paint fir 'Ale, 146 First near Alder. V Ladles' Hats Wo hav just received a shipment of Ladles' large Cowboy hata. Samuel Rosenblatt- As Co., corner Third and Morrison streets. , W clean and preas your clothes and shin your shoe for 11.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 147 Washington. Main 114." ' Dr.-J. T. Tat has. returned to Port land after an absence of several years pent In California," Arlxona and Nevada At Temple Beth Iaraf1tr. Stephen S. Wis will preach this evening at o'clock on ".What Is Fame and Which Ar th Paths Leading Thereto r .The sermon 'la sugsstedby the recent an- FAll UNDERWEAR v' Our atock U most com ; -v piete -wi bin ill - classes of goods at all 4 j pricts, and in all sixes. ; Of . Combination Suits , . specially1 jrooll ' find . , hera th best stock in r t. . ; the clty, . t Hcwett, Bradley & Co. , i -: ; auannAtBxta.'V i ; S4S Waihlngton Strict v ' 7txas SAn niATMt, " ,v' 7 0"r1. mom Is th cornerstone of th buslnesa world... It Is many a business man's chief capital. All utilise -Its bene flta Why ahould not you, since It ireciy onerear We'll sell vou a -atandard move ment as good a watch as Is mad on the eaay payment plan. Calr In and talk It over with our watch man Don't hesitate to accept . credit, for we- are anxious to e ocommodate. - GEVURTZ&SONS 173-5 First Street nouneement . of the admission into the Hall of Fame of New Tork university or some eminent American men of let ters. Strangers ar welcome. Now' the ti'm to paint your porehes, floors, brighten up your furniture, eta raint nre sai, its First. v Any watches cleaned. 11.00: - main spring, $1.00; all work .guaranteed .one year. Me tiger Co.. ill Sixth street Palnta, varnish, enamels, stains,, etc., going cheap at fire sale, 141 First, near Alder. Tel. Main I0IJ. "."A sign of . rood signs. JjDelser, phpn Ex. St. Foster Portland's beet dancing school. SOI Alder. Prof. Rlnrler. Miss Buckenmeyer. Ladies' gymnaalum claas. th Rinaler Physical Culture school. 1 per month. For packing and shipping phone Main eizi. waiDorn. zi4 Second street. Frits' tamalea ar th best,. GREAT CORSEt SALE ;. TOMORROW ' "' "XAJZZB, BOsTT aOSS XT. . tm trim ngure and graceful car riage are twin charms aoqulred by few, yet within the reach of all. Our Corset holds the secret of eaae and grace. Buy It! Wear It! The trim Ogure and graceful carriage come with our Coraeta. Saturday we will place on sale the greateat lines of Corsets ever shown In th Northwest. Ws give you an opportunity to buy the beat Corsets on earth Tomorrow at the following re ducad prices: lie, 47c, c, $1.00, f 1.41 $3.00. !.4S, IS.IS and $3.60.' The two last named are $5.00 and 14.00 Corsets. Be sure and get one of our celebrated Corsets tomorrow. 130 pairs of genuine French Kid Gloves, new stock, all sixes and colors, $1.59 Gloves. Saturday your choice ror tso a pair at the Glove Counter. Journal readers, take ad' ventage of this great sale. Store open uniu :u. . M' ALLEN A M DONNELL. WOULD MAKE RELIGION " -PRACTIAL AT HOME Mrs. A. J." Montgomery was th speaker at th meeting yesterday after noon of the Home Training association. She read a paper on "Religious Training In the Home." She recommended family prayers and the Sunday school, but said that the effect of these would be lost If religion war no practical as well as theoretical at home. . The mother should not only teach the child : verses and biblical thoughts, but should show the ehlld th meaning of them and make him practice them In his play. The discussion that followed was In teresting. ' Miss Brooks gave a reclta tlon. Mrs. Pel ton Reld and Mrs. A. D. Pntullo were elected delegate to the State Congress of Mothers at the High school this evening. The . meeting Is open to th ptfblla . , JAP SLAYER HAS TILL :h M0NPAYJ0 MAKE PLEA Kasoaka Klnta. the slayer of Sasaki Matsulta,' was arraigned In th munici pal court thla morning, and was allowed until next Monday to plead.1 George Pananamak. th Greek who la charged 'With assault with a dangerous .weapon Upon Zach Pangs res, a fellow. countryman, was allowed until Tuesday to plead by Municipal Judge Cameront tnis morning: Pangares was In court with his wounded neck bound up. and seemed to be 'little th wore for th shot . ths( nearly ended his life. . ... LAFE PENCE LETS HIS CASE GO BY DEFAULT Th Wsshlngton at Oregon Lumber company was granted a decree by Pre siding Judge Fraser this morning gainst former Congressman Lafe Pence for $1,331, with Interest from May 31 sot.- and iioe attorney's fee.- Pence i sued by the company last August ror u above sum, which money Is said to hav been advanced) him for the building of a flume and pipe line. Th cas went' by default, , , , . . LAST WEEK Of th Free School. The ladlea who hkv failed to tnd Mrs.iarrners lectures should do so this week, every day at 3:30. Hundreds have expressed themselves aa being highly pleased with hr work. Every body , welcom. Honeymsn Hardware company, corner Fourth and Alder. Milvvaukia Country Club. . t Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars st First and Alder. '. - - T ' 1 V ' I No "on would b bothered with con stipation If every one knew how natur ally and quickly Burdock Blood Bitters reauiatea th spam ah aaul kla., ,. , (C ! CURIOUS FAIL SEE PEASE II Society -Man and Musician, Charged With Embezzlement, Does Not Appear in Court. SAYS HE IS INNOCENT AND IS NOT WORRYING Accused Man Admits Ha Owes tha Company Money; but 1 Says 'That Ha Obtained It a a Loan and Can . To the disappointment of a number of spectators, Lauren Pease, well known In society and In musical circles, did not appear In th municipal court this morn ing to answer a charge of the embex- Lauren Pease. element of,$l,t63.64, preferred by W. F. Zwlck. manager of the St. Paul Fire A Marine Insurance company. Mr. Peas was represented in court by hla attor ney, Frank F. Freeman, who said his Client wss not ready for trial and was granted until next Tuesday to plead. Mr. Pease does not consider the charge serious, for, he saya, he will hav nt trouble in proving his Innocence; I ow the company th money, he said this morning. "I admit that, for I borrowed the sum named from th com pany laat June. I asked for it and was given it aa a loan. I was' hard pressed at the time, and I used the funda for necessary purposes with the full knowl edge and consent of th company.- 1 heard nothing more about the loan from tht company until yeaterday afternoon, when the management caused my arreat without so much as consulting my con venience. I shall hav no trouble In repalyng the loan, nor will I hav any trouble in proving iny Innocence.". Obildxom Probation Officer H. H. Hawley this morning reported that Frank and Ber tha Dunn have been missing from their horn at 410 Eaat Couch street sines lest Monday. On that afternoon they wer seen crossing th Morrison street bridge. No Pain No Pain rsiCE TEETH We ar th discoverers and originat ors of the only reliable and scientino system of Painless Dentistry. We ex. tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth Hutelr without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work la the best; our prices th lowest con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth and r guaranteed t lit. FILLINGS. ...SOoTS and St.00 GOLD CROWNS $5.00 BRIDGE WORK .SS.00 rVWs 8ET NATURAL TEETH. . .SS-00 Opea fox basluess . aatll 'look eve Blag's. , . , Boston Painless Dentists Sly, acorrlson St, Opp. Ml ) Fraak ana ranvno. - HOURS t:Q a. m. to o. m. Sun day. SiSO a. m. to 12:10 p. m. Great Auction Sale . 6f Chines snd Japanese CURIOS The fair trade being about over, we have concluded to" dis pose of our entire atock of high class Imported Goods, consist ing of Fine Silverware, Clois sonne, Satauma, Ivory Carvings, New Brass, Silk and Satin Em broideries. Kimonos, Screens, Decorated Porcelain Tea Seta, Matting, etc Sale .commences at 2:30 and 7 JO p. m. daily..- , : mmmmmmmK ! Andrew Kan & Co. S87 Btorrisoa Street, Betweeai . Foartk sjU Fifth. ' ' Particulst People Will Read The Critic y OUT TOMORROW i ! . ''.'' fl ,f . ;. f " T ti mwiM mi i, m m, . i mi . TEETH ee i , ;ii A GREAT ARTIST'S NEW mm Italian ' customs officials' cars- - lessness almost ruined case, but tone and tune remain per- . feet Mme. Eamea' letter: "A Joy and a wonder," aha says. Like- other eminent' artists such as the D? Reizkes, Nor dics, Sembrich. Patti, De Lus san, Gadski ."and many others. Mme. Emma Eamea. the wofl renowned singer, Who will shor ly appear at the Msrqu Grand, prefers and heart: indorses the Kimball Piano. in ner beautuul music room in Paris is her chosen instru ment, the only piano in the house t a Kimball Grand brought from Chicago. SKe also has -a Kim ball in her Italian home at Val lombross, concerning which she writes at follows; , 1 Torredl Camplgllonl Yallombrosa, September, II. ,. Messrs. W. W. Kimball Co.: . .T , , Dear Sirs I write not only to acknowledge the receipt of th piano I ehoee at your ware rooms when In Chicago laat November, but to etate a fact In connection therewith which cannot fall to be of Interest to you. Whenl I received my first Kimball piano for my Parla houae, and found that after an ocean Journey It did not require tuning, I was, a I wrote you then, much surprised and delighted, but th facta concerning this new piano for my Italian home are even more astonishing.' I therefor feel it my duty aa well as my pleasure to inform you of them. Either the agents in whose car we had aent the piano, or the customs officials, were guUty of criminal carelessness. They wrenched the piano ' from the board which held it in place in th case aftr having- out th lead lining which had hermetically sealed it and simply after wards replaced the piano In the case with both locks unlocked, floated about In Its case unlocked from Genoa to Florence and from Flor ence to Vallombroaa. Both hinges of the lid were broken, th keyboard Jammed forward and part way out, o that th lid covering it could not be ehut. Of course, acratchea Innumerable all over the piano. I was obliged to have two experienced workmen from.- Florence to put It In order, and even then. I feared th piano would prov to be Irretrievably Injured. It Is almost Incredible, but when th keyboard was put in posi tion and we wer able for th first time to play upon It, It (th piano) did not need tuning. . . .. '. ' It has been a joy to me mis summer ana a wonner io an our Italian friends. I studied my new role for lours very sincere ny. . taigneo.j - jlmma (Signed.) Unsolicited letters, of which the above is only one example, should be sufficient evidence that the Kimball Piano is all that is claimed tfor it, the most perfect snd up-to-date Piano in the world. Sold only ' by Eilers Piano HouftPacihc Coast Agents, 3S1 Washington Street, Portland, fcasy payments. " Other stores at San Francisco, Z Walla Walla and Seattle, Wash.; . ail importani Oregon ciu. AJranicBsrTS. Marquam Grand Theatre 2 NighUaV OCt. 31 GEORGE ADES TRIUlfPHAKT MUSICAI. IaTIUS "SULTAN OF SULU? omoinal- ooaaeora Ptooccno Geeapany ef 00 BMee Beaaty Caeres : ADTABTOI SALS T0K0XE0W NlfllTT PBICKB Lower Boor, S1.B0 sad i Baleeny, SI. T6e and SOe. Oetierr, e. uitthm PBTm limr Saer.' SI enS T5e. Balcony, Toe sad SOe. Gallery, 3Bc and S3& Beawaaber eels, epeas easier raw at 10 a. Belasco Theatre ItAlFsU BXXAS00 HATXX, MOTS. PVmrtaenth and Wulilnstoa ncnen. X. B. Briee, Oea. BtT. X. U Baekett, Bes. Xrr. TOKIOHTyAT S:l. w HITEC HITTLESEY With the BELASCO THXATRK STOCK CO. la OTIS BKINMBB'S DBXIOHTTUL COMBDX "PRINCE OTTO" Broa Bobert txmla Bteveaeoa'a Booiaaee. trt.. SSe to TSC! Mats. -t.. Boa.. 33e to 80. Next Week WHrTB - WHtTTLBBBY Is TUB MAfiXMAH, - BJ UllUUt. nniE Tir.iE TIME Did you ever know a place that really had more time than a clock and watch store? Keeping; people is "time" for other our business, . in fact, we have "timepieces' for sale. Those new clocks make handsome wedding presents. , . . ANsWright THE IOWA JEWELER 293 Morrison St TalicTimc By looking through the high rent clothing or shoe stores you need not be in a hurry to pay their steep prices un til you convince yourself at the two stores of ; JOUN CELLAR We are a little away from the high rent district, but it will pay you to look us up. Cse Store Corner First ts J Ytrtn tu: J Ca Ctr Ccr ner Third tzi DAvis . . &vaV "111 m 4: i '- iw . mr as f r at x. --mt. -.a i ea a . i-s-a't. th coming winter upon It. A EAMES. - i - Stockton. Oakland, Cat.': Spokane. Lewiston and Boise Idaho, and io. , .. i -AMU! Marquam Grand Theatre OHLT TWO MO SB PSBrOBJIABOBS, v TOBIOHT At S O'CLOCK. Toaavraw Afteraoea at S o'clock. Klaw A - Brlss(Ws BtapeoAoas " Piediataj Oeaeral latw wuo's Great Drims, "Ben lur" Altbeas th aale has bu -very larae to4 , seats auy be feae at SSe, Tie, fl.OS, Sl.S. BS.SS saS s.M Beats sow selllas for toe satire eassseaMst. Marquam Grand Theatre Saturday Evening. Oct 23th, at 8J5 Ta Vopalas xetars Mr. Barry Bulkiey of Washlnarton. D. C, will deliver his celebrated Illustrated talk upon, - m Kiiorat iuiioiui park Assisted sy Btrs. Bos Blooh-Baoer, ears, waner axeea, suss xixasu . sTaea. Mr. Soxa t. Baa. .. L-eciur Mir 01 tn jnrar. Delivered a th St. Iouia Exposition and durin tb entire nerlod of the Lewla and Cls-r Exposition by Invitation of th U. S. sovernment Illustrated by over one hundred beautiful views. By special requeat Mr. Bulklev will deliver during hla forthcomlns tour of th eaat and middle weat his lecture upon ' lorUana, the City of Roses." Tickets. II. For esle at Portland Cigar Stand, Portland Drue Store, Wood a ra, Clarke A Co. Under the personal direction and su pervision of Arraat Stoddart. '' Pbooe Mila 1SOT. Raim of Mnalral Biirlsne TAUHILX, AND THIHD STKKETS Jest twe more t1m ToaUjbt. S:1B; toatorrow astloee, 3: ID. K nor! rforaianee tomorrow nlxat. Tbe Big Musical Bsrlceqas' Bocpsai, TKS JOLLT SBABS WTDOWS. Stsrtlas Sunday aUtlnM. Aootber Uusieal EXirarasanss. - ., . THX WASHIHOTOB BOOIXTT SIX LB. PBICRfl Erenlns. 2Se. Wvc. BOr. TV: Stnr. Say aistlneM, lBr, 36r. S6o, tOc; . Wednesday nstlnoe, SSe to say seat. . i Empire Theatre PORTLAND S POPIT.AR PLATHOT'SB. MILTON W. SRAMAN. Masasrr. Three More Performns TonlM 8:15, To morrow Msllnoe X lo, Tomorrow Might :ia. . Beralee Howard la the Stlrrinf Boeltty Melo. . drama, "WHY WOMIB' Bllr." All 5t -Wefe. Btsrrlns Sunday Vatlnee, a DraautlMtloa ef Berths M. Clsr'e . , smous oTu " N . "XIOBA TBTOBBB." !,'.; ; . PRtCKS Krenlnf. IV. 25c, SSe and BOc: SMtlMe, lOe. ISe sad SSe, THE GRAND . Thestas KM(aa A Ce. MUases Wsaa' Xaest4 OMek Bes. Tha bUIosom. Sk.ntlB.lll. Weatea Irae. Tn4 Fartates, trnt araaaiseese. Cinwrat lmtetoa IOp: erenlns, Bendsra an RalMsTS, resnrca ssts ea lewae- floor. Sne. Dallr mstlaeoe. a Lira ksrer floor. lOe: hn stats, SRe. v .... . . - THE STAR -. ' ' Tie Tr.iUrUSs full.. Ta aUDeaaM Trie.. . . Ua Tawa. uoura a aersara. BUlr Barest. ,.atfn4 teaur. The IttnswM, ' ajfrnml - loo,' lot; etealaa. BvaAsyt 4 holidays, r.srrs asata ee loirsr finer. We; Ssllf mstloeeK .eoth-e lower floor, 10c; sos seatat aoc Clcrcmont Tavern finest Roadhouse In th West. ' rastovB) ro KAJiTXAarD objubbbt. -bTOBCXAB Northern Ferine Pvicet 00114 limited' leaving Portland dally at 4:30 p. m. stops at Claremont Re tumlnc (same train) leaves ClaremoDt aa llu.lt aw aa. . ,. , , .,. . , .. mi Jim ' ' THE DAY AT , THE r.iUH (lOISG CO. . t Inaiolvaint r 109 Sixth Street, Bet. Washington and Stark . EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITIES Fall'i most favored fashions in MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S " SUITS, . .'OVERCOATS, :r. , CRAVENETTES 'AND TAlLOR-M ADE OFF MUCK PRICES The below schedule is a test of the bona fide r redactions to be found at this sale, and is surely an inviting fact to prudent buyers and wearers of GOOD CLOTHING ' Overcoats and CravenetteQ $12.50 OVERCOATS AND $13.00 OVERCOATS AND $17.50 OVERCOATS AND $20.00 OVERCOATS AND .: $25.00 OVERCOATS AND $30.00 OVERCOATS AND .... $35.00 OVERCOATS AND Suits $12.50 MUCK SUITS for. $15. 1.00 MUCK SUITS for.. ,.. . m OIUD tf Tf XT SfTT1e ' at rina muwxv suns iui ... ...., . . $20.00 ELEGANT MUCK SUITS for.......; ..f 11.8 L $25.00 SELECT MUCK SUITS for $14.75 $30.00 SPECIAL MUCK SUITS for f 1T.TO : $35 00 BEST SACK English Walking; Frock nd Tuxedo Muck Suits for...... .........f S0.65 1 iM Trbusers. 13: W:K $3.00 MUCK TROUSERS for ..............if 1.80 $4.00 MUCK TROUSERS for ........82.35 15.00 MUCK TROUSERS for. i...... .v.. 82.95 6.00 MUCK TROUSERS for...., .,....,...83.55. $7.50 MUCK TROUSERS for.......... .......84.45 ' W-i Hats' ' "'.t'i . , ALL THE NEWEST. FALL STYLES. ? T $2.0d MUCK HATS for..:.:.. i. i....v..1.20 $3.00 MUCK HATS for. 81.85 . $4.00 MUCK HATS f or. ..:...;.. tt . 82.85 i. . 5.00 MUCK STETSON HATS for.,.. .......82.85 , " :"' :' Underwear : 75c MUCK UNDERWEAR for. . . .'. . . ,. ; . . . . .. ." 45 " !1.00 MUCK UNDERWEAR for.. . 904 ' 1.50 MUCK UNDERWEAR for 80 $2.00 MUCK UNDERWEAR for f 1.20 $2.50 MUCK UNDERWEAR for 81.45 " $3.00 MUCK UNDERWEAR forM fl.85 aizz: ffl Our Stock of Fur Garments Includes' Exclusive Models In FUR TIES FUR SCARFS FUR STOLES FUR BOAS , . FUR PILLQWUFFS Alaska Sfalskins,1-0" Our MINK COATS OTTER COATS PERSIAN LAMB COATS ASTRACHAN COATS W NEAR SEAL COATS G.P.Rummelin&Sons 126 Second Street, Between Washington . and Alder Streets. LEADING & RELIABLE vSpecial Valines in Millinery $.3.50 TO 05.50; r-t TVJ.T XATB, rXACQUEB ABTD oi niuorrni riciur, ni .iiupr-a, pB.irarai ana attractive color combine- llinav Hrii.iicauy hiiu nt-'iiii Shirred-and Frlnaed Rllks. 1 and .uer-DODular OSTRICH TOQTTBB. TtrBBABTB,- VO&OBrlmall and Idrse, many shape, ml re cent tiroductlons of our workroom, where we employ the best talent - tatnable, and have tor the past week devoted special attention to popular-priced headweur to sell at, BXSO So BS.SO. p" BECKERS; 3d Q, Salmon HczzxzzKZzzzzzxszzsrszszacrr: JOURNAL WANT ' AM U BXaCEBTTB. '' Liberty Hoatrc Z .lil MaaaseM4 e K.aUs A rM. Handsomest VaadeviUt - Theatre on the Coast Via C?a Kciay, Ctizltr S:a ' Watob for Srea4 Osralaff Bnsraai. tallto TauatrUl sad Beat Acts Oalr. . mm:: CRAVENETTES now., f T.40. CRAVENETTES now.. S8.8S CRAVENETTES now..f 10.4O " CRAVENETTES now..f llO CRAVENETTES now..14.T5 CRAVENETTES now.. f IT. TO CRAVENETTES now.. f 20.65 a arar.- ) . f 8.85 ! 1 It A Atl - EEZxsacsnx: Specialty Estibllsacd IS79 FURRIERS Send for Catalogs nVATBAVB trimmed up tn a seor i. iiiu., imTiminj ana attractive color combine rLchlt,tr,mml wUh H'bbons. Paon Silk Velvets, . ADS PAY E2S7 ABnrrnaaTTav LYRIC TIIEATI1C TUX STSBTtVa VOBSST, OCTOt t f, The iMMutkii Lrn. Suh Owe, ..y M t , . Iraack w -t . X ofliln itT .f !' f f i. ..... . -