A. or.rcon daily jor cc;c:: DBr.:0iTSTRATI0H3 .... - - tiis -vi'jvzzzav. food cl:c??zz tkxsd - ixcon, , Dr. Allcs Crsixia's exiiijdon of VJsiam's reysrsdon fr O tellet. -' ' v' Hrst Hoc. r. ,- '," , Watches cleaned and warranted for 1 year for 75c. New main? priest, 75c. All other reairfnt of Jewelry and Clocks at proportionately ; modeat prices.. Mrst, Moor near large elevator. , A Vtyry Wr-N p- - -y r. . ri p v rm '"v 1 V.'k-n yn crtt:!?ct d" ' 1. i-acl..e lu. f . d for ten years at Wit HALF what arenti ci: a.; ,,'H i Citro czzzci ci O P. C-. m ? w- same machine ? . J ' 1 " c:ouc3 nacT c? rcicr.oo ; : Eleventh Hour Sucbtions to Saturday Shoppers---Oct 28th cl 0 A.C visit Tins tca r.cci ; .. Second Floor. cosy nook In wVich to sf-t your friend for a chat at toaih. A delicious menu Satnrday un der auspices el Y. W. C A. i CARPETS CARPETS ; Lest and largest stock of new and down-to-date CARPETS In the '. Northwest. ' ''":" mi: . sm m mw m isV.y . - H u H Cold Cream tn large aiz 8-cunce jars, a pure white, delicate,' per famed toilet cream;' our. 39c. -.1... c..:.i the jar, S5? r . v Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding, with brush edge, in - black, 'nary, brOwn, etc; our 12c value. Spe cial at. the Y ' yard. ?.. .' Ladles Nickel Plated Shears or Scissors, best quality, - guaran teed: our 90c and $1.00 valuta. Spe cial at, the pair- ..... Japanese I Tooth Brushes, medium suea: - our 15c i value. Extra spe cial at. , ' .. each ..,.,.,54) THE " DAYUGIfr STORE " . 1 This Store Closes on Saturday-- as on All Other Business Days at 6 P. M. Shell or. Amber Hair Pins, plain or, crimped, smooth finish, 1 dozen on card; our 25c 'value. the card.....lTe? I Whisk Brooms l Dfiuhta. stitched. medwoi Size; our, lie value. Spet cisl at, ' each .....,.10e: pi Great Millinery Sale CONTINUES SATURDAY What one tells another is the best advertisement an store can have." Whether the advertisement is sfood I or bad in effect' lies wholly with the advertiser. Women who shared -the great millinery values - today; will tell their neighbors, and they ,,' will come tomorrow so we con- tirtue the sale'," confident the 'bar gains will prove their own best advertisement. "BIJOU" SALONS . ANNEX, i SECOND , FLOOR . Immense aftnual purchase - of a leading manufacturer's stock' of Ready-to-Wear and Suit Hatsf The beauties on the bargain tables to morrow. None worth less than $2.00, many worth tip to $4.00; all at one price tomorrow for, choke, $1.49. One of the largest eaatern manufacturers of. Fine Millinery, from whom we buy many of our most charming hats, favors us at the close of his season twice yearly with the balance of his stock att price that averages us , half the worth of the hats. This millinery is among the choicest shown by leading makers and we look, forward to this event each season with much enthusiasm, as it means opportunity for as to offer- our patrons handsome hats, exquisitely made, at about half price. If you were asked offhand the price of these hats we shall sell tomorrow at $1.49, yon would certainly say, "Not less than $5.00 and you'd be rjght standards gauged by most millinery store. Skilled hands prepared these clever hats unusual care .was given to them. . The styles are. distinctive and out of the ordinary.. In this sale will be found all the latest, most popular . v uiuati . Msei w m t w asa w ivuuu esta, tu lacau uiVBi jJJjmmm . shapes, embracing . Polo and . Dress Turbans," high-back . shapes, sauors, vowooys, etcj in a tuu une oi colorings tnat include grave. tans,..redsgreenr browns navys and plain black or white. . The - collection of shapes and colorings is remarkably large and you will "certainly agree with us that these'are the smartest f4 " lj ' hats you ever saw at double the price. ale opens I XI 1 1 at 8 a; m. Values to $4.00..r Special tomorrow at.'.fJXor . t-v'Ji j'r ''SPECIAL SATURDAY IN MISSES' HATS. ' V"" Misses' Beaver Hats, Continental shapes, han.dsomely trimmed " with wings, ribbons, etc.; fplenid $5 values. ' Special ati....f 3.00 AH-H HA-A-A ! Boys and Girls, get the ; -.y Jack 25c For Hallowera 25C Fourth Floor Next Tuesday .night, October 31," is Halloween,' when departed spirits are supposed to walk and young, live spirits -are full of pranks. Look out for your gates they're liable to walk, .too and become "departed," unless closely watched by the family bulldog.; But, we've s better way to suggest for amusement of the young on ' Halloween. We've secured a lot of asbestos-lined Jack-o'-Lanterns,' with eight pictures, each on. automatic rollers. A catchy ' novelty, complete with candle, and a big heap o' fun; for.'.,. .SRf Saturday Day OP THE . GREAT EXHIBIT AND REMARKABLE SALE OF '. , , ; ' THE WORLD . Famous Weller Art Pottery !. J:,'.'ii'.FROM..THE EXPOSITION AT HALF PRICE I -Great Slaughter Sale of the famous Weller. exhibit of High Art Pottery from the Exposition. ReguUr values from 7 Si to $20.00 now One Half Price Third Floor. . ' ... . . . , ' ' Saturday Specials t in Kitchen Furnishings Third Floor, Grate Iron Psils, 10-quart sire. , Special at, each. a. .;15e Iron Spiders, size 8. Special at, each., . .V.l!. ,...f.".3Se Oranite Iron Lip Sauce Pane, 2-auart sizev Special at, ech.,,;.'..lTe Granite Iron Covered Kettles, 4-quart site.. Special at, each ...28 Blue Tea Pots, 3-quart sise. Special at, each... ...,r..,,.8Si Patent Seamless Roaster. Special at, each.. .......85s) Tin Oil Cans, -gallon site. Special at, each. :.;v.,.'v.. .1..104 Tubular Lanterns, good quality.. Special at, each;. ..,a DEMONSTRATION OF THE "UNIVERSALE FOOD CHOPPER. , .These Choppers will chop anything that can be chopped in chopping bowl with knife. Are many times more convenient and not half the labor is involved in their use. No housekeeper can afford to be without one. Small size, each ..T . Medium size, each.. .....,......,............................. .03e Large size, each..,.;.. .........j............; ............ f LIT Hotel size, each.......'. .;. .;..... ..i ....... ...... ............. f 1.4T THE FAMOUS BLOCK LIGHT GAS BURNER ia the most durable Gas Burner made gives an unequaled light at about one half the' usual cost.- Give them a trial you'll be surprised at the saving in your " gas bill. Special pride, each .......... .r..-fc T5 ' SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' Collar and Cuff Dainty Collar and Cuff Sets, some embroidered on ecru and white scrim. some oi unen emnroiderea in colors ana some ot pique embroid erea in colors; values to 7 sc. peclal sale price, the set v . , V- 1 177 ims sj usmess on Truth And it conducted upon the .principles existing. at its foundation more than quarter of a century a$o-iABSOLUTE HONESTY IN EV1JRY STATE MENT.' ABSOLUTE RELIABILITY " AS, TO MERCHANDISE, NO SENSATIONALISM NO DEVIATION FROM EXACT FACTS. Prices based on actual WORTH and COST. Our connections at home and abroad arc unlimited, enabling, us at all tiroes to .offer DEPENDABLE 'MERv CHANDISE AT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE PRICES. : Goods of in expensive character majr.be gotten here with the same confidence as to their intrinsic value and desirability as the highest cost articles and materials. ' At no time during the seasoa wil) tha stocks in all departments be more com plete or attractive than at this time. Saturday shopping will be profitable to the purchaser in the degree that be or . she shall , purchase. But bear in mind, please THIS STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. Get shopping thro' by daylight, 'twill be the more satisfactorily done. Try it tomorrow.- "j . Windup of the Great Sale of tit r women Handsome Tailored Suits The opportunity of securing the newest and smartest models of America's foremost man tailors at about 20 per cent less .than worth ends with, the day Tomorrow I A mon ster purchase of Women's New Street Suits on the altar of sacrifice Saturday. In latest models,; man-tailored an4 finishedia-ex--quisite workmanship, presents saving possi bilities never before equaled thus early in a season. When we tell you. that we're going : to "sell women's riew v . Wt $25.00 Suits' $r9.95 32 J5 0 Suits' 2 6.78 r t 35.00 Suits 28.95 FOR SATURDAY ONLY, you can come expecting to receive the actual values we state, and even more than we promise, r These suits are bona fide ! bargain;, worths. They'll prove genuine surprises for you, but we want you to raise your bargain expectation to its highest pitch, and still we JI surprise you' with the values. The lots are so varied tnabthe word of description can.1 only be brief.". Materials' of cheviot,' broadcloth and .tweeds, in . plain blacks, blues," browns, garnets, grays and plums of varying shades, and a , splendid assortment of fancy '"mannish" mixed effects; are expertly itail- ored m the long coated models, some tight httmg at front and back, others 'tight at back with loose fronts. AM are severely tailored, coats with leg-o'-mutton sleeves and velvet collars, others having collars of material. ' Skirts in' plaited effects. ; For Saturday only .' '".,v, ; We shall offer the $25.00 Suits for. U . . i . ...... . . .. ,810.95 We shall offer the $32.50 Suits for.. .$26.78 fW shH offer the $35.00 Suits for .'. . . . . .f 28.95 i r. ... ....... ..As Attractive ains for Men 8PECIAL SATURDAY The Haberdasherie" Sixth Street " . . . v Annex First Floor, ., . As handy as the pocket in a shirt- just inside the Sixth Street Entrance. An all 'right nook .Jor, bashful men ,'who want to dress Well at alight cost. lor prices in our Man s More are less than .else wbese. . Special Saturday . ' MEN'S 75c UNDERWEAR 63c Men's Wool Underwear, in natural gray, winter weight; regular value 75c. Special, the garment.. ... .63 Or, the suit.. ..... . fa.2S 'MEN'S $1.00 OUTINQ FLANNEL , OOWNS FOR 69c . . , Men's Outing Flannel Gowns, . in cream ' color, with pin- stripe, extra good quality ; regular value $1.00. i Special, each.. .............. ....Of j ' MEN'S 20c HOSE 12jc ' Men's Fine .Wool 'Hose, in natural gray: regular .value '20c. -Special at........ 2 pairs 25 e . MEN'S 50c SILK HANDKERCHIEFS 3Sc A line of Men's PreUy Silk Haldkerchiefs, with fancy colored borders; regular value 50c. Special,, - each ... f.....,...... ..j.. '.i...'.. 35 MEN'3 J1.0Q OOLF SHIRTS 69c. Men's New Fall Golf Shirts, in Oxford and madras cloths of tan, gray and blue effects; regular value -$1.00. Special., each ........ : . ft. MEN'S $1.00 LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 39c. Men's Fine High-Grade Pure Linen Handkerchiefs; regular value $1.00. Special to close.,..,.. S0 ' MEN'S $2.50 UNDERWEAR $1.75. 'i Men'a High-Grade Worsted Ribbed Underwear, in fawn cashmere, the famous "Staley", make, now being dis continued; regular value $2.50. Special to close -at, the garment $1.T5 SATURDAY SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN IN THE - ;. KNIT UNDERWEAR AISLE. " vr... First Floor..' . I CHILDREN'S VESTS AND PANTS 25c Children's Gray Cotton Jersey-Ribbed Vests and Pants, all sices. Splendid value st, each.. ....... .25 , o Special Display of Chic -: v Veilings In the Women's Furnishings Store First Floor. '.','" t new veilings. Just received a new lot of Veilings in all the latest creations; new Tuxedo meshes, with or without dots. Values from, yard.... 25e to fl.50. New Brussels Net with or without dots, black or white and black and white effects. Values - - ' from, yard ' . i ... v 2Se UP New Fancy Mesh Veilings with or without dots, in new green, Alice blue and brown effects, and new Chiffon Veils in all the leading colors. ' ., ' Values st, yard.. 2, KOe, 764 and f 1.00 ' ANOTHER LIVELY SALE OF ' , ; " Beautiful Ribbons J . Special in "The Ribbon Shop First Floor. ' 35c AND 45c TAFFETA RIBBONS 25c '.. ' A great lot of fine All-Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 4 and 4' inches wide, in all the best colors and shades; our 35c and 40c values. Special for. Saturday at, the yard., ,. 2B THOUSANDS OF MILES OF Dainty New Laces and - Embroideries ?V ..? a Special Sal Tomorrow First Floor. 5,000 ykrds of Swiss and Cambric Embroidery and Insertion, 2 to 9 inches wide; 25c values, i On sale for; yard..................... i.(i..12e 3J ' '-In 15c to 25c Net Top Lace, ecru, at SI. $3.00 to $2.50 Allover Lace, ecru, at. 65c to 50c Allover Lace, white and ecru. j.ic io uo riau vai. Jace, at.,.. ...... 6 25c to 8c Torchon Lace st,, ,....... 2 1-2 $1.50 and $1.25 Chiffon and Liberty Silk ,.3e $1.00 Dress Net, white and ecru, at.. ...... ... 20c to 15c Venise Galoon, ecru........ Tf 35e to 25c Venise Galoon, ecru................ 8 ,75c to 50c Venise Galoon, ecru... ...... v.,..,, 2S 50c to 25c Silk Braid Trimming.,! . i i L ; A StartHnfr Crash in Silk Circles ! TOMORROW MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK WEXL PLACE : ON OUR COUNTER "r.' 990 Yards of New $1.00 Novelty Silks at . smt 39c yd Better hurry away the breakfast dishes and get an early car to the store. This offering consists as stated aboveof just 60 yards of choice new-Novelty Silks to a color range embracing navies, browns, reds and greens in neat and attractive designs and newest chiffon finish. - A splendid regular dollar value that we've elected to sell 990 yards of tomorrow morning at just !H- 39c Yd Other Great Silk Bargains: ) Our entire line of Novelty, Figured Suit Silks ; every yard new fall designs and colors; not a lot of old styles, but new, crisp, pretty stlks. ' Qur regular $2 grades, in light and dark grounds, all 'new1 styles and color combinations. . Special only, , , .r yard I.. ... J...... ... .......... .. .'. . , . . . . . , 91.CO Our reonilar $1 .75 trades, in liVht and dark crounds. all new styles and color combinations. - Special only, yard.. ...Q1.4S Our regular $1.50 grade of Novelty Lrepe de Chine, Nov- elty Chiffon Moire, etc Special only, yard...,...;..i".91-S Our regular $1.25 grades of Novelty Crepe de Chine, Nov- '-- ' . elty Chiffon Moire, etc." Special only, yird. ?1.05 Also ten exclusive Silk Suit Patterns, very swell imported goods for evening wear; regular $85 patterns. s Special only,. the pattern .". . . . . . i $73 Fancy Dress Goods FASHIONABLE. DEPENDABLE FABRICS. ?1 . , , -.' STAPLE BLACK PRESS STUFFS VNDERPRICED. " ' V When dependable Dress Fabrics can be bought at the prices we quote below for tomorrow's selling, then it's time to buy, and buy liberally; otherwise, some day later on when you need the labrics just the ones yon may buy for half tomorrow you will say; '"Oht Why didn't I buy thoae goods the day they were on sale at half price and aave the other half of the purchase money for other needs?" Don't take the chance of vain regrets. Come tomorrow and share, Hear the slogan that calls? DRESS GOODS AT HALF PRICE-i-THE KIND YOU WANT. ' i' , ; COLORED DRESS GOODS. . ' Durable, down-to-date Dress Fabrics, in air wanted colors; odd pieces left from the rreatest season's SelMnsr we have ever known J- Regular 75c values at, the yard;...,........ . . . . . . . ; . . . .87 l.e Regular $1.00 values at, the yard........ ......... ...... ..8v Regular $1.25 values at, the yard.... .a t-Sf Regular $1.50 values at, the yard;..,.. ,.......i...........T5e Regular $175 values st, the yard,. .:...'..., ... ........ B7X.24 Regular $2.00 values at. the yard,......,,.. fl.OO HALF PRICE I t . HALF PRICE I. ; GREATEST VALUES IN BLACK DRESS GOODS , FOUND IN " ALL THE NORTHWEST. M , v : -i :New Black All-Wool Dress Fabrics, every yard fast color, consisting of shadow check Panama, shadow striped Panama and, worsted pointelle Panamas; also French imported Voiles i- ' . , $1.00 regular value special' yard . . . .... V. ,1. ... . . $1.25 regular value speciat,; yard . .... ........ M .1 , T9 $1.50 regular Value special yard ................................ .99 f These fabrics cannot be duplicated in the city at our, regular prices, and st the low special prices marked will, as usual, bring crowds to the. Black Dress Goods Section. " ' : ' . v ; In Domestic-Aisles . SPECIAL SALE OF $U0 BEDSPREADS AT U9. With the price of cotton soaring, and no signs or prospects of a descent it certainly seems advisable to provide for all wants in the lines affected at once, especially when special sales are offered as here today. Hand-. and full weight not the stingy, skimped disappointments some store keepers offerfor-the sake of a fewextra cents of profit The best $1.50 values in full, generous sizes. Special tomorrow at.... ft.lt ; i : ' - See the Bedsprsa'd Display in a. Sixth Street Window. " ; ' " OTHER STIRRING SPECIALS IN THE UNEN AND DOMESTIC I i .t 'AISLES.:'- V V ?.. HEMSTITCHED DRAWN WORK SQUARES. ; Sise 27x27 inches special at, each.. Size 30x30 inches special at, each.. ........ ....... .A........ .434 ! - LINEN TOWELING. - , A lot of Linen Toweling. . Special at. the yard.. 10, 11 and IS t-&4 . 3Qc BATH TOWEL8 23c. -). .Large. size brown BathTowels, hemmed, good quality; regular , value 30c. Special, each.... ,..3 New line ol Wool Moreens for Skirts. . - , y . ' , New Plaids for waists and dressea. - ', NEW! FLANNELETTES AT 10c YARD. , , Thousands of yards of new Flannelettes, in handsome floral. Persian and striped effects. special at, the yard.. i ......... .:, ,,.,ave NEW PRESS GINGHAMS lOe YARD. A tine of new Dress Ginghama, in plaids, checks, stripes, plain colors and fancy raised effects. Special at, the yard 10 "LAST DAY TOMORROW OF THE BIO v: Special Sale of Indian Blankets -i Home-Fnrnlshlng Stores Fourth Floor, v INDIAN BLANKETS. :'?s'.s Regular $5.50 value special, each. ... .-,....9430 Regular $6.50 value special, . each . . Rearular $7.50 value special, each . : 7-S0 NAVAJO BLANKETS $4.93. ' , All-Wool Navajo Blankets, in pretty light colorings; regular value $7.50. Special, each.... .C5.0O .CO Names of Leading-Ten: Gontcs ten tz JH THE AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL CC'TXZZT. .WITH STANDINO OF EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAY. iamea Winston, Hlrrison. .,.... 1 ' 1 'ohert Holmes. Harrison..., 4 ' veorge oiaier, i.ina...,.,.,. t.,,.; iruman uook. tailing., ,.....,.......rv.., Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly........; Sidney Crumm, North Central..............;. Marion Ofjden. Ockley Green.......... Roland Malm, Simnyside,. John Wilhelm, Cmich. .'. i -ry Hawkins, Davis. nrj 41 4 1 T