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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1905)
THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. I . "?AY EVENING. OCTODm 7, 1SC3. lii; GER Canrttry Conditions atMt. Tabor Schools Alarm Teacher amI DnmrM ' . fiO RELIEF MEASURES . . 1 ...CAN 0E,EXPECTED SOON So Serious' Is "the Situation That tha Mncinal Notifies the Board, inat ' He Will Not Ba Reiponaibla for Any Epidemic or Contagion. ; tract. ?! .U 76- y, ; j v Sanitary Vondltlona ai twa;J,' tA.t ohoole in the Mount Tabor district n-iHina1 Adams nM ISO tlfled th. -oho boar l5jlTn,Ut??J b reaponstble for aw epidemic-that may-result from the -unnitfural end de plorable drain sewrlce. -For more then yar Mount. Tabor facen aVTnSs toKsaswers. ThiaWm tha oondltlona at th. schools ar. worse than tbey war; laat spring-. when th.'Joard "J"""1 Tnere are -r . - Tabtw ,achoola.Lnd "u r,tJ2 mat. Olenowi-bulldlnaa,- W '";''1" 460 puplla spend-most hours. The Vault .ara . ditlon. to put If.mlHlly nd thr,,b una of lime ia not .unu.- - ndere from being obnoxious many feet from tha buildings. Every messure tha. pan be suggested la being tried to keep ,. .. . l- .a aa" nil Htlln .... i- .jiiinx n hadithe teachers 1 1 1 13 uiu , -ara'- frankly ' alarmed - and regard that week aa won which aeea no. evidence of epidemic . . y. - " " ' '! ' i" . ' , The rooms In tha schools ara crowded, thara being- pupil enough for three ad ditional room" in . uie . "" """" Ing, and thii congestion la (regarded aa an additional source of danger. v :i : The worst feature of tha aatlra situ ation la that relief cannot coma soon. Tt. rinn la now within the city Umlta, ahd the residents feel they have a right to expect that sewers .will be laid (hMinrh tha atiat rl-t to connect with the city mains. . Pending such, construction neither the taxpayers nor . the V school hoard desire to install other costly san itary arrangements, and aa , the newl of sewers for the homes and school" waa one of the chief factors in deciding the voters of the district for annexation, tue, light will be made for this .relief, rather than for other and more costly ones., y-- " ; '- So acute was the situation . at the close of tha last school , year. however, that the board seriously considered the aeptlo tank as ' solution, but It was found that the tanks could not be used because .the overflow . would , have to drain across private property . and tha rltlsena would not permit such drain. - : , BOOST TO STONE ACE.ti Oemaat Bloek Taotory at ; MoataviUa A factory has been started Ja-JMoDla-vllla that will supply a need before left unfilled in Portland. Tha Modern Btone St Supply company has been In operation about three weeks, and though two machines ara working, tha demand in the new field has - become greater than the supply, and additional machines soon will be installed. ' . The factory la devoted to tha making of cement building material of all sorts and with .new-processes and machinery the management asserts that a bouse more durable than stone and stronger than pressed steel can be built for but littla mora than the coat of a frame structure. Several residences and one PUMOiH DIDTK naw Hn. DUIll. ga IU0 east side out of artificial atone this eason, and have proved so satisfactory that many , butlderw are planning to erect at . leaat . one cement building as an experiment. , The' Montavilla plant has a site of 2S experts have pronounced to be the beat And VANDUYN (D WALTON H009 T4, S70 WASOgZaTOTOar ST, BBT. TXZaUl AJTD rOVMTM." axgMaUUiMM .a - V Coupon Free Ha tvallan Trip - 5 1 .' -' ' ' rfoaolalu, Hawaiian; Ulead . ' 4 ;"',:"", 'n.'.-.'-i.' V .'...' :-. -y . ,""'.-': '' ;'..' -v-"-' ; ..,?'',!..,.., .. ..-- , I vote for.. ........... ......... This coupon must be voted en or before November t, HOI. ' new'deslgns recently have been tested and found perfect, and at preaent th homebullder caa choose cement' Mookl that have the color and rough hewn lootc of brown atone, without tha molaturo conservlng tendency of stone and at half Its cost. The company waa Incorpo rated by O. K. Baker,' fL J. Eaton and B. E. Baker, and has a capital stock oi :S,00. fully paid u. t .. , HEAD CONSUL TO COME; Komit Tabor Traaamal Tesaplo WtU Bo BaiUoatao U Styli aText aaoaAay. . ' Monday evening tha new hall of the Woodmea of the World will be dedicated by Mount-Tabor eamp, Head Consul L V Boak officiating. A program of In terest has been prepared an4 thaMount Tabor Woodmen expect to celebrate the completion of their long atruggle for a home with due ceramoiiy. The degree teams .of tha . big Portland camps have been invited to assist in the eeremonloa and aa many of tha city 'Woodmen have become Interested In the game atruggle tha Mount Tabor camp has made to coni plate an adequate fraternal temple out of debt, the'' general acceptance of these Invitations la assured. , . - The hall has two atorles with amnle room for dancing In tha big lodgeroom above, and - smaller rooms below foi special committee meetings and smaller gatherings, i - It is a replica' of th Multnomah temple on a smaller seals ana as one or .Tne Deal eastside 'fra ternal buildings. On November t the hall will be given a social dedication when the. first dance will be held underl ua uvni caw p. v- PtANS CREATER.VVORIC. Cluk ef SeooBd Baptist Obarek Bsasta Bathaslaatloally o aw Taa. The Touna Men's rlnh o .k. a. x Baptist church,. East Seventh and An kenv a treat a haM i.a annM.i laat evening, Rev. S. C. Lapham. pastor. presiaing. -; me -reporta ror tha year showed a growth "of Interest among the vouns:' men of the MnmMtiiM i. um. work of the organisation and, plana for an emargea usefulness were adopted. ' The program of the club for the Im mediate Future la flsK.I-.l . 1 1 . . enertalnment." November t; musical and uwrarr -mwnunnmil, november 14; publlo receptions and social entertain ments, November It ana) .December 4. course . or . lectures - will also be given .during the winter, and a com mittee Is at Dresent mmkafnm a list of BDeakers.- ffflcera fnv th. Ing, year -were efe teed aa follows: Pres.' laeni, ,.- r. xoung; vice-president, AHofnh Da n tanKel n ajMratarw an., ft.-. urer. J.' Richardson: assistant urnt.rv and treasurer. J. Wallace Burgle: in structor. Rev. S. ' C Lpham. 0KI6IM j0;i:i DOE PLEADS , 6UILTY TO Wl ; ;"; ' ' "I,; . 1 Man . Arretted for : Petty Theft Sayt He Never Knew Any . V, , Other Appellation. I -A w ...... ., ... .". V,-: v . 4' ' - V '. . -i-i ' - -' yj . ;;;. ; " Tor these many ' years the orla-tnal John Doe has bean wandering around tha earth without a brand on him to establish bla Identity. Thousands of men have aaaumed or been given his name oy the. authorltlea for . ournoses of laautng warrants. Now John has ap- pearea to ciaira nis own. r r John Doe waa arrested yesterday bv i-airoiman to. Hurxe ror eteallna some table legs and a broom from a house at Grand avenue and East Stark street He had bla arms full of the ourlolned articles wnen the policeman f alight htm. Ho was taken to tha police station. -What la your nameT" asked Cantata vuinian. - - v i -John Doe. waa tha anawer. ' - vtuinian looaed at mm and saw no smile. Ha told John that he should not become so reticent on such short ac quaintance.. . . ' ,! .. , . - "Tou asked my name," aald tha pris oner. "I gave I you John Doe. That is my real name and tha only on I have. so far aa I know. It la tha ono under whloh I was christened. John said he waa born in Mlchlmn and gave hia age as S6 years. Ha would not tell where bis relatives live and said he took the table" legs and broom be cause the house looked deserted and ha inougni no doc y wounr want them. ' yiefsiied snook Oamaed wooda, ' Allen A Liewls' Best Brand. . : THERE IS A DELICACY : - OF CUT IN . OUR 3.50 Sboes That immediately places them in the foremost rank of fashionable foot wear. Combined with the lone life of a ahoe of this superb quality of stock, these at thia price are moat excellent value for the money. Indeed, it ia not boasting to aay that they are the equal of the kind usually sold at $4. They are swell enough tor any occasion or function, but any who may have a de sire for something fashionable In the extreme the perfection of swelldom will find THE NETTLCTON , ' $S and S6 Shoe The very thing to fascinate and cap tivate their most cherished fancies. there is very little new in hosiery worn Dy, men that may not be had from ua. . ; ;r fl- uuuiinmnHMia. - 1 uTTTTn CIIAF1IJG OIOII IS r,in f r . .' . . . . '. With It Cooking School Teacher "t V Heate Water, Cooke Mueh V . and Fries Eggs. '- : rin e PORTLAND WOMEN f NICE AND ORDINARYJ : v- ' . , ... 1: " ' i - ' ; Have Sensible Ideas for the . Moat Sort, but an Overwhelming Fond- neas for Salad, Says Miss Lillian Tingle. . . - '. : ' ' ' There Is one time that Miss Lilian Tingle of the Domestic- Bclence school grows tndlgnsnt and that is when you dare to smile at her chafing dish. Truly is it a friend In need and long acquaint anceship with It hss brought her affection- to the demonstrative point. And by means of this little arrangement wb'ch ehe sturdily holds is equal to and better than moat 4 or 111, chafing dishes though not so elaborate, aha can demonstrate how to board oneself- On a miraculously small sum and still grow fat. For such a course or instruction vouna- women are now paying 10 cents a lesson at the T. WV C A. fortnightly. And It la worth all of that. t A- "reform alcohol lamp" forms the foundation of Miss Tingle's domestic economises This Is an apparatua which generates more heat and burns less alco hol than the ordinary lamp. A granite porcelain lined saucepan, an interjected plain pan, a tin cover and. presto, you have a complete outfit for a made-while. you-walt ' breakfast " , Mush is cooked and 'water and cof fea heated simulta neously, and while you eat the ono and steep tbo other you turn in your aggs to f rv. The ' really luxurious girl can add to thia. a toaatar, but that (a an extravagance, for toast can bo prepared over the flame with a fork. The lamp coata l cents and -the double boiler pan contrivance 40 cents! "Three things," says Mlaa Tingle. "1 could absolutely not have done without In Dakota. Flrat waa my fur cloak and hood which made me vary popular with my friends. on cdldV.days; second was an eiderdown quilt; and third .was this little lamp. Ha may not be .beautiful but he Is a warm friend and ha took me through a winter of 41 degrees below in Dakota without a frosen member." : Mlaa Tingle ' takes - great delight In her , work and expects to derive much pleaaura from her bachelor f .glrla' course. But - her interest in her otner classes Is In no wise lessened. ' When asked to give some of tha salient char acteristlca of - Portland ' housekeepers she threw up her handa in deapalr. - "There are so many different kinds." she said. "How can I say anything about them. They are much the same aa m other places. ' There is none phenomenally stupid that I have seen, and there are. no sparkling geniuses. They are Just nice and comfortable and ordinary. They do not aeetn to be phenomenally good cooks or phenom enally bad ' cooks. , They have sensible ldeaa and for tha most part they wish to lesrn good, plain cookery. , , ; "Many want to learn to make bread, Tha only peculiarity I have' noticed la an Overwhelming fondness for salads. J have had, of course, soma foolish ones ho ooma in and want to learn to make difficult and fancy dishes because they know how to do the plain thlnga and Usho, whan they begin to work, I find do not know the flrat principle I was going to say of boiling an egg, but that is really something to know, so, say. boiling water." Ono thing that pleaaea me la the number of good cooks who come here to learn about food princi ples theugh- they know how to cook well already. .They want to know the scien tific reasons for mixing two Ingredients and the wherefore of certain quantities and why oertaln elementa ahould never be omitted. That la tha right spirit Lin this work and It la what I want to set grow.' . .; ; ... ,.; FOREST GROVE EDITOR :. BUYS MICHIGAN PAPER ' (Special Dlspstch to The JoaraeL) Forest Orove, Or., Oct. 27. J. F. Woods, tha editor of the Washington County News, a local weekly paper, will after November S become Interested In the Flint (Michigan) Daily News. He formerly ran the gpringfleld News, and came here a year ago. The plant here will be continued under the manage ment of A. E. Nourse. . ; EASY TO PAINT NOW. The waw Bra raiat and Taraiah Co.s ; Big Five Bale WOl Be the Cause of .'. Brightening T7p alamdreda of'rortland w Baildlaga. . With paints at ajbout half price, hun dreds of Portlsnders are preparing to brighten up their buildings, Interlorally asjwell ss exterlorally. . The, destructive fire that visited Front street on the night of October S created havoc with the 150,000 stock of paints, varnishes, enamels "and stains of the New Era company, the Portland headquarters of one of the largest psint companies In the world. Not that tha stock waa In jured from the heat, for -very little of It waa, but the packages were bruised by firemen In tumbling them out of the way.' The labels wars soiled, the tin cana blackened with smoke and water that fell upon, them from the charred limbers, tne great mass or brushes were Injured from their contact with water, end tha whole concern left In consider able of a dilapidated condition. When the smoke had cleared away the manage ment declared its purpose of clearing out everything In the place at aome figure, and after reflecting decided to reduce ordinary paints to cents per gallon, selling the 1 1.71 product at $1.16, tha $1.7 floor paint at 91. tha tt.BO Interior enamel at il.Zft, tne 11.71 Varno-lae, the kind that makes the pine floor look Ilka mahogany, at f 1.10. and so on all down the lino. These sur prising reductions have., awakened the sleepers, and more palnr has been sold st the New Era's store, 101 Front street between Taylor and Salmon. In the last six days thsn hsd been retailed In all of Portland In the Isst three months. ' This monster sale will be a gond thing for the city. Many a dingy building will be made to appear as spick and spaa as a new one. aa a result of It. 'It Is an Hl-wind that blows no good to Sny one.'' People generally are the gainers by what the New Bra people and the Insurance companies lost. , ' Journal A Agency Moves. ' -The (Journal agency at Salem has been trsnsferred to I. B.' Driver. The office Is at I7$8tste street, telephone Main 110. whereatl subscriptions, payments lit HEED LI IfllOOG Sevtral ffitasons Given . Why Mayor's' , Budget Thie Year , t Will Call for Jncrease. FIRE DEPARTMENT. IN , NEED OF EQUIPMENT New Police Substation on Bast Side Will Cost a Good DcaV-Iri Other . , -. '.. . f . Departments No - Large Increase .Is Expected.,;; '-.-':' ' Mayor Lane arranging to compile his annual budget, which must be pre sented before the end of the year In order that tha council .'may know' how much money will .be required to run the city next year. Each of tha depart ments have been asked to aubmlt to him before the second Wednesday In Novem ber ah eatimata of its probable expenses of io. :., . ,-.; , . '. No idea can yet be gained of the prob able eatimata -of ' the -coat- of running tha city government .next year, but It Is thought by. those In -a. position to know that it 'will be mora than this year. Aa soon as tha mayor'a budget Is submitted, the ways and meene com mittee will be able to fix the tax rata of tha city for next year. It la ex pected that r the rate will not exceed 4V6 mills... At inis raie, on ins new assessment of property, the sum which will be raised considerably greater than laat year.- . One department which will need more funds -than waa allowed It-last year, la the fire department. Property owners lnell parts-of -the city are -clamoring for better' fire protection, and with the limited amount of Apparatua it has been impossible -to -Improve the service. ...A newv engine will- have to be purchased for North Portland, 'a bouse and fix tures must. be . provided .for Third and Oliaan streets, another new- engine and truck company is needed on the eaat stde. An entirely new. tire alarm system Is a necessity, r -.' ' . . r : A new police substation on the east side will require considerable -funds to erect, equip and. maintain. The present police force is. agio to be large enough to meet all demands mads under present conditions.,-. ...... ' y Slight increase In the aums necessary to run other departments may be needed. but the amounta required will not dif fer materially from those . necessary during the present year. - ' i . .' I YAQUiNA WINTER RATES.- Delightful Weather Host ef the Time at 'Bewport Beaokae. The people who visited Taqulna Bay last winter were surprised at tha de lightful weather at that popular, resort The Southern Pacific and the Corvallls ft Eaatrn rallroada have resumed thelf cheap rates to this place for tha winter. Particulars ' by. asking at city ticket office. Third and Washington streets Portland. r . This Store is TIE HOUSE MUST BE CLOSMBWEffiM WRIG; .The building in which .this, store it located must be rebuilt. -The walls burned by the fire and the. ceiling just ready to 'drop upon the tables loaded with merchandise, must be replaced with new walls and a new ceiling. The burned shelving must be torn out ahd the building undergo a thorough renovation, and i n.,, ,'. ,J', V.t.' ..:' ... While J mm Some $2.50 welts and turns......... .....80 ' Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values,' heels just dampened by water.. v ...........90 $2.00 and $2.50. values, not discernibly damaged ....... ........... v.... f 1.00 Regular $Z50 and $3.00 values, only shoe boxes i T soiled by water and smoke., rv,. . .. .f 1.10 Misses', slightly damaged, regular $2.00 values .8 1.44' Women's spring heels, regular $1.50 value. 45 CKOOL SU::,:3 s JAl t . V , a-aaaw ,0 ' . FOOT MOVE at 20f First Street, Dct Taylor and Salmon We Have to this is going on. We will be out and during that period our stock of new goods will have arrived and ; THIS SMOKE AND WATER DAMAGED CLOTHING AND SHOES ; NEVER AGAIN BE PLACED UPON OUR SHELVES.. ' 1 . ............ I - t . ' . . ... ..... The stock will not be offered for sale again. It must be sold now.. Ir must be taken off our hands by the men and women of this city who need the garmepts and footwear. NOW BEING SOLD AT PRICES; THE LIKE OF WHICH , WILL NOT BE" KNOWN AGAIN IN THIS CITY IN THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS. In truth we are almost giving the goods away,' as may be seen by reference to the prices quoted here: -V-;. ) " ;;. . J. Overcoats The $35.00 kind, f 10.50; the '$30.00 kind, 8.T5- the $25.00 kind, f T.50: the $15.00 kind. fe.OO; the. $12.50 kind, 4?5.10;- the $10.00 kind, f 3.98; the $8.00 kind....f S.S Men's Trousers ' $2.50 kind at.... . . . . ; . ........... i ... . T5 The $1.50 kind for working-men, ntw..... ,.BOf The $3.50 values, not damaged except by smoke ...... .;.,...........,...,.f 128 All our $4.00. $4.5(X -$5.00 and $6.00 Men's , Trousers. . Fire Sale Price only...... f 1.95 Odds and Ends V Cravenettea, worth $15.00, now 93.90; 50c to ' $1.50 Straw Hats, 29; $2.00 to $3 JO-Hats, - 794 i 15c Sox, 4; ISc Handkerchiefn, 4f ; President Suspender, 19f ; 15c Tiea, 4; $1 to $1.50 Shirts, 1U; 50c Golf Shirt. 29 f MEN'S AND .WOMEN'S SHOES Children's regular '$1.50 values, damaged by ' smoke onlr ..V.,.. .......60 Boys' Shoes,, reguUr damaged Dy lire..'. ..................'? Misses' Sandals' and' Leather, regular $1.50 values. Fire Sale Price.. ...... ......,69 Black and Tan Bovs' Shoes, values uo to $3.00 Children's All-Leather " values m Mm 1 H ' THE MOST SERVICEABLE SCHOOL SUITS ia town-tha DUDLEY, 7. Have t vyo pair of trQusers-onq plain and' one- knickerbocker r the jacket can be worn plain or v Norfolk styles-ra WONDER-. .FULLY; GObD SUIT at a 'modest price FOOT BALsLi'S AND GIVEN AWAY With all purchases of $5.00 or. over in our Boys and .Youths Department' V When You See It In Our Ad therPremises of business for an indefinite length Men's Suits Elegrantiv Tailored All-Wool $35.00 Suits for mercat.. .810.50 Nobby All-Wool Men's $30.00' Suits .....,..i....,....t8.T5 gtylish, Fashionable" All-Wool $25.00 . Suits for men. ....... ...... .87.60. Dandy $15.00 Suits, all wool, at the unbelievable bargain of, each.f 6.00 $12.50 Suits, good enough for business ' - purposes ......... . ..,...... . , ... .85.10 Men's $10.00 Working Suits, at half the cost of sewing them., ...............i... .83.98 Men's $8.00 strong, substantial evey-day Suits, down to the Fire Sale Price of. 82.95 Umbrellas Tha $l!50 kind. 23; "the $4.50 the $5.00 to $7.00 kind.. ..S1.O0 $2.00 values, boxes only -1 "! Men's' Shoes, -.,.. .. ,81.12 Sandals, regular' $1.25 .50 J2Q7 FIRST ST. B ET. TAVLO R AN D OALMO N PANTS - It's So lTv . OAK of timet : MUST V ;-' - kind 89f;' and f l.lO Misses' and Children's White' Canvas Oxfords, regular $1.50 values................. .189 damaged, by fire anl.-water, reg. $2.50 and $3 values. resale rnce.79 Men's Box Calf, Vki, Blticherfahd Bals..$2.50 and $3.00 values, now. . ... ....... . . . . .915 Men's Box Calf and Vicl, Blucher and Bals., $3.00 and $4.00 values; Hot noticeably damaged, now .................. ,f 1.54 Infants', Shoes,' regular 75c values..... ...40 nd -complaints will be promptly at-i L -""an C assxaixa-iSTr-rJ