cr.rcoN daily j-u: W l at. i:cr:Y to lc TrA::spr.R and r ... : . :? FOR SALE TIU2ES. DO rest want timber f awn 1A M.00O. Which I will Mil foe 44.400; aa sbee. luiair mm invesiuieai. u OA. cere rarui FOR SALE Two homestead eellaoulahasnat , eiaimai aeoona growtn; wiu mii cheap, m, P. . Meleoo. Hotel Rholaptsla. CKBTIiriED scrip, (or alaa Hnm , price. W. O. Howell. 5i Chamber ef mere. 1I0M E8TBAD timber relinquishment, anger pins, rcMsiun. Address r u, cara jourusl. FOR HOMESTBADS. timber etaun aa4 eerip ppiy to commercial am. TOEXCHANQ'a.' r e C'ii ".w."..... w 7.un ror rtai estate, oa well rurnleheil, very mitral, good mouev making bnelnee, on account of other boat' oesa. Call li3 811th at., room 1ft. . central location, rbaap rant, alwaya full; will frada -for city ' or farm property. O 46, euurnai. I EJIALU, neat tork of fro"' for acraag property; price nuat ba taaaooabla. . Address H an, journal. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAFES t new i re -o roof eafee (not af manufacture! vary cheap; 8 sees -hand aef . siao we genuine nail m. , JUTLAND BAfS C0MPAHY, TO Sixth at. . FOR SALE MsgnMcsnt BmeTeoa upright piano, 1. Barly new. tba tergaat ataas coat i.'iO, will .aall to flrat buy at practically tola awa prica. aianaiactorarr riaao uo IM Ai der at. DAILY BAROAIN BlLLBTIlt ror aal. flaa Stack uprbrht plana, coat ! iflea. hie, nobla tona; will act! at a craat aacrlflca. at UO Alder at., Uaaafacturara' Piano Co. THB BRUNSWICK BALKB COIXBNDBB CO. aiu,iKw uu rwu taotaa auc raai a i a la ea aair paymanta. a Third at. PartlaaaL ' - WB prist yowr aana oa m callloa caraa. pravat alaa and atyla, IScJdO bmloaaa earda, )L orowa at Bcaaaaia, nrai, rortlaaa. or. LARGEST atork of bottlaa ka aorthwaat flllad promptly. Portland Bottla Pooply Ck, mi norta BifnoMwa- at. ataia xjas. BH0WCA8BS AND riXTUBBS nada to ordcri aactNul-liand ooda for aala. Carbmi Kail- - atrom, 388 coocb at. Pkaaa Clay 07 L. VO yaa wait a new arara In roar fireplace aiwnmii at narunan-are ckwiu oai taair ' atuck betow coat. , 188 Plrat at. PORTABLE locooKitlTa boiler and en tine; . than price: Ay, horacpawar. . C H. totfa law oflea. i Ualkey bide. PI d-HORRB boiler and enftn with dracaaw; rana . an i arm macmnery; a narnn. v, U. Baa 1- am rim at., room j. roR SALE Btiff Orplnatea chlckena. f. Marphy. NaahrUle atatlon. 0. W. P. By. 6c ear faraw - . A SNAP for a tinner; Toole and baalneaa: lrav. In atata. 381 E. Wae Inftoa. Phon Eaat TWO Jtaenllna enflawa eery cheap. J. P. Hart ma a Boa. BM Olfaa Inqulrt af A LABOR rock aa aala at bartala prtoea. and look: them aver. STO Pint at. Call PERSONAL. T. P. Tlte!-Power tahlata will raatara ta . - yon tba aaap, rim aad aiaor af aMaaoodl If roa are lacking 1a tba pewar of TlUllty. It loaa rcaaltlna trea Indlacrettona and eaeaaaea, aaad for a boa af taeae tablet and ba eea- Tloeed of their aMrlt. . By aaaU la Plata akf., SI. The Arawtroaa Tablet Ca., toa SM TaUtaa blk.. Detroit.. Itlaa. DETECTIVB agencies Confidential laraatlga. tlons; re porta made oa any Individual baalneaa or property; hooka e a per ted: beat city refer. , race; charge reaeonsble; correspondence so licited. Oregon Peteetlve Service, sfflce S14-81S Columbia bldg.. SS Waablagtoa Ot., . Portlsad. Phoa Mala MIS. XPIBON pbonoaraph aad records at factory prices, delivered anywhere oa receipt of full . amoant of retail price; largest etork of Edl smi recorda west of tho Rockiest send for cir cular!. Fetor BarlgalnpL. wholesale aad re tail. TSS Mlealoa at, Saa Franelsoo . W. M'KINEIB atrared away October SB. H ta 8S year old and very feeble-minded. He la wearing every -day clothe with an eagle oa hi coat. Aaron ' seeing him will pleae notify hi wife, Mr. L. M. MrKlnde, S Eaat Tentb-st. . I . i. I. i DI8EASBR of women a specialty! maternity - esse given special sttentlon, privato hospital . accommodation; pmfesslonal lady aorsss la attendance; consultation free. X-Hadlaa - lnatltnt and Sanitarium, Third an ; antraaca Zfid Alder at. ' - i. MME. ANNA LUCKET, principal af the Amorl raa Beauty parlors. Is now located nt MO Taylor St.; ears all scalp disease and pool. lively grows balr ao .'barsv: liivia retlng ' cabinet bath aivea for the cur of rbrama. . ties or lumbago. IP seeking a congenial Ufa companion, tola tb InterMalaVlnrrodortng Hoclcty, end meet . correepood -with repntable reeldents of this section, many wealthy. Th October Regteter, 10 cents. Salts no, Koaaeu Kig.. ear. roartb and Morrlaoa ata. Pbona Pacific SSS. NO DRUGS, ao operational Prof. Dana ia (tires rodBcs eeteonathv and maanetie treatment. your flesh, relieves suppreaaed monthly lrreg- , . nieriti. tMnseitauoa tree. uf tie, Good nou rk bldg. WINONA MILLS ee a in lee noetery for seen, women and ehlldrenl any weight or material to order. fl Commercial blk. Phoa Mala 4HSS. Be oar iulllt. Mauofactaroa bldg4 " ba. . MANLT rlror restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Global. On month' treatment, 3 I aaontba, PS: sent ecurel sealed bf mal. Agent, Woedard. Clarke ft Co.. Portlsad. Or. ROOKS! Rare the are I "Decamsraa. ' tameroa." "A Hot Tamale." "Fenny Hill," "Twenty Tear a Faker." 'Torhldden Fruit. " SO each: Hat free. A. Scbmals, g First tt. LOST power leeluiei By ta greei wr. iverve Tenia isdistsi sdc per aw. S bexe for SI.SS. Writ or call ft Eyamll't Pharmacy, til Morrison, sot. lit and So, STEVE I win -and. FJ can depesd. Know II a hoot tb little affair, but that doe net deter me. All I ask t fair play, aad think ' you'll a cord that. W. M. inn MTRTLB CREEK MAIL, pnhllshed la , the heart of a greet fruit snd mining roan, try, 4 month for SOe. Address Tha Mali, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. WANTED To asafer with those wotsmpls leg a assises coarse; m your pirssnal and fin idal Interest to IkvesUgau. Addram ' I 4S. faro JeamsL MOORBFIELD Turkish nd steam bath, salt glow, mineral hatha; rhenmatlem give special attention: fr trial trealsxent. 1081 Sixth, Pacific STO. T - . LADIES Toa appenr SO year soangor, re move all wrinkle, have ah la Ilk velvet . by aatng Oregoa Orapo Skla FaoaV East ISoT. .A WIDOWER with aema . onalntance of nialdene oa lect true snpanlonahlp, Jonmal. i wlahea so Xonng widows; on ddrM O 41, oar MENI WOMC1VI Raysmad' pill Bol pill poelttvelf viul (v: II. 4 cur Berrnusaee' and ch f elUl tyi hoxe SB. Plai amor Drag Co.. W Taird. DR. ATWOOD, M Ruasel bMg., IWIU st. Fe - r -.-a end ennneeent; I '"1 ' . t.. . . .Bioa epea fro. w a r v . 4 tn. i , u I f t u - c --.-. i - rl a . It U,T. vrt too srtlst; tattooing Be, 4 cf All 6 piMioa; raws mm' e. 1 i.o north Pi 'o. at. UUIAN B, CtAM lrse-jt. uanmrtng ti MBpnetM. I"! " 4e ortlaxt. or. Mac hedS. MA HIY 1 Cwrmmd with wssltby; aiMreasas free, Francises, talliornla. kal ladlost o tar Box US, b ANT OX1 rmg ta Kaaaaa City. St Loala of mtra.(iai point a, would natter center wita u ouw oniraai. WAHTRn Small mm to ml ant aa abort time; payment aacnred aad fuaranteed. 614 Tba kierauam. . U"9 BPRTHA MABTm Baeat SIS. AUaky b 4. Suait g aad flaa aaaaiawwkl iaaaeai araa- w . . . PBIVATB home for tba mentally Infirm n tba alty. Addreaa P 4S, cara ofiouraaL TV.KI"I BATPS. a Orefontaa bl. aA albt. ladle all day. Mala laS; I (eata PBBB aamol earn, feonloa and wart core. BaV wia l Deaa. dept. m. Taaatoa. aiaaa. : BXPRRIBNCBD dreaamakar win auka eacaaw mant la famlUea. Uaiaa S44. . RD ZILKB. blacksmith, VrlU a Baaaea, M ETHEL C. Thareda Blfht, aaaM place, Waeb- marca) at. ARCHITECTS. CLARK ESN 18. architect and bnlldera: ra ti ma tea girta kind of work. 408 B. Btara at. . mona saat am ASSAYERS. MONTANA Aaaay. Bce aad Uatfetf worka. 1SS - aiorriaoa mu ' - . a 1 i ' 1 i ii asaBtga ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art Ola Work Plain aad orea mcntal (laaa. tSH Taylor. Phone Bed too. AUTOMOBILES. ( WB repair and rebel Id automobile, (aa engine. printing preaeea. time toe, aarea, apen ioc ont. do all kind of machine work, t'oltimbla Oaa Bnalne ft Set Worka. S43 Saeond at. Phoaa Pacific STS. Frank . bo per, aupt. HOWARD COVET, Piftaentfe and Alder, ageat tor Cadillac aa pierce automooiiaai macnina rented, repaired ad atored. ATTORNEYS. A. R. TANNER, attornty. Sot Commercial blk., Second aad Waablagtoa at. Pbona Mala wSL B. T TAOOABT, attorney aad raaaaalVar at law. 4ia Chamber or Oommerea bMg. B. P. BURLBIOH. lawyer, UU Oread are.. Eaat Portland. ART EMPORIUM. "THB LATEST PAD- 80e bays a pea aad tat Ketea oi yeareeii treat pnoto or lit, ray Blag. SSS Balelgk at., near Bath. M. ar. PR0PER80R R, MAX MBTEB. S4S Alder. Portrait and landacape artlatana teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B BI RKBM WAI.D CO.. 804-SOd Ererott at. 141 rr eat botcher' enpply hoaa oa the coeat. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB. DAVIS. A gILHAM. 100-111 Beeoad at. plana nook maaoractorerat ageat ror joaea tmprored Looae-Leef tedgera; aee the new Eareka leaf, the beet o the market. i ii i 1 1 i iim BLACKING. WEBPOOT Blacking, ahaolately waterproof, pre eerr tba leather, maara aooea wear v per cent longer, rot aal erery where, 10 and is cent. t BATHS MASSAGE. TOIINO adeatMe bmsscobo giro electrical. thermal. lenone sno aieojcatca trssimsnt, ehlropodlat. pedicuring and manlcoring. Re- crptton room 10. B'neorf bids., - cor. Fifth and Morrtaoa sts. Phon PsclSo S8S. TOl'Na cientlfie wiawnn giro magnetic, al coholic and electric treatments, vapor, itornaa nnd medicated baths. SI Tacoma house, Stark, bet. Third and Fourth. TOITNO lady, expert rosssinat. green Turkish hatha, alcohol and oil rabs: also cures rben metlsm by electricity. 140 4 Sixth, cor. Alder, room 34-Sft. - COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES' anybody ewe -yoa yoa - any monsyT w col all llnd from SI ap., US hxt nag debt or all Grand a., room IS. Cat thai oat. . THB Bin Book Mercantile Agency, collections, law and re port a. lift Oregonlaa bldg. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. targoat plaat aa the meat. Tneine? and Hardlna ata.. tele Eaot xbq crpem eieanea, reniieo. aad iia: both eteam asd) latest aoat- ptateid alt fee then a apecUlty. SANITART carpet cloaking, aaetloa aad com. preened, air combined: carpet cleaned on floor without removal. Mala KU. Bast SS84. CARPETS Cleaned oa tb dust. Phoa Clay SSI. fr floor: we ratoa aa J. HTJNTER Steam trt and mattress desner. ISO Jefferaoa. Phoa Main S14. CAFES. THB OFFICE BBS Wsahlagtoa It. T71. Ssmasl Vlgnoanx. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glata Hegele ACo.. 100 to 104 Fifth. a. PraeL Stark at. COAL AND WOOD KINO COAL CO. Sola a (aula lor tho fmut Diamond coal; try It and yoa will always hny It. Wyoming nnd Washington house coals Virginia and Washington smithing coal; full weight guaranteed. TL Mala 142S. A. L. Stephens, manager. CHURCH LET BROS, hare Dart W to 428 Kssrnrr St., near 11th: I . now th largest wood yard la th city, carry ing all kind of wood and eoaL Mala , OREOORT ft MORRIS, oncccaaora to Cala A McKua. dealer la wood odvol at lowest Brieve; aatlafactloa gnaraoteed. Cor. Tetrth nd Irving, phone Mala 48TB. WESTERN Peed ft Foe! Co.. oa Front, betwoea Olleaa and Heyt, deslert la all klada of aouao coals tug blacksmith ' coals.- Phoa Main 1014. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la eardwood. anal . and green and dry alahwood. R. B. sad Al bin are., S block eaat of ferry. Eaei 674. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealers la eoaL eordwood aad dry alabweed. - Phoa East 44. BOXWOOD and planer trim Bines, Stsndard Wood Co. Phono East 8811. Foot Eaat Fine. OBEOON FUEL CO lit klada of coal Phon Mai OB.f aad us Alder st. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Watat at., wood aad essl i Paoao Mala 4404. ' i.r ' FOR SALE S.000 aorda fit iflTS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS DAVENPORT BBOOe General enmmlaetn mer Chaata; fruit and prodoce; aotwlgameat a Uelted; prompt returns. IBS Freat ac LENBCH BROS., eommbnton merrhsnts, f feed. ky and pradaaa. S4S to S4S rroal floor, t st. Pbona Mala S588. BVRRDINO. ft FAR BELL, prdas and mam , ' tserchaats. 140 Froat at Portlaad. Or. P-kooe Mala ITB. CHIROPODISTS. IP yowr feet or eat-of ert.rgo to Dr. Wormy Ben la mis. Seventh ad Stark, tha foot apo naueL Phoa Black SIS. , t'P-TO-NOW CLEANING P' r Satt pr .J. bl P&. acifle So. M Aakeay at. Portland Steam Cleenlx: ft f"" ' l prae- uoal hatter la ooaaeciwa. kil ah. t T TV. CLOTH IS Cleaned and P" Unlioe Talwriug C.. 1 B. W. TVRNEB, prof looal dyer aad alaa Bat, SOS Jefferaoa at. Phoo Mala tla. CHIROPRACTIC. POflrrrVELT locating and roaaorrng the eaae , oa aawaae. Dr. era uogaa, au man nv hone Mala H maj aan ! CIGARS AND TOBACCO. O-OUNgT CO. . ktamaatora of PIItB CIOABB. PortJaad. Oreawo. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. PALM IB eUlnoeant and trance medlam. will read year past, present and future lit without a mistake: aha oieMi hlahlr recom mended by eiee-presldeat of tb Paycbtcal neaearch society of Pena., lecturer ana writer: price wlthla the reach af all. Hours, v, s. m. u s p. m. too morrnoa sc. MBS. STBVBNH PorUsnd' dmtlngalahed paluv let. aatrologlat and spurltasl Ills reaoer. wo yoa want to know facta Important and roll. able? If an. call noon this sifted and act entlfle aeer. 18 Serenth at. Phoaa Paelfl T14. . B. H. KNBE8HAW. healer and trance aaedlnm. raa be ronsalted at lsSVl Sixth at. Boar IS to 4 p. m. DANCINO. WOOOWABD'S dancing choot of the Weareri m M.iam . nr hiui. aaiui ena inniur Bpectator Inrlted. Leoaona BOo. Dancing S ta 11. Cor. Sacoad and Morrison. MRS, NINAV. LA ROWS Larows hU. Twenty third and Kearney; else aad prtrau leo aona. Mala 2328. - ' T I P- ' II I II II. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS ft WOOD, carpenters, builders; re pairing and lobbing; store ana orttce nxcare bsUt. Shop BOS Columbia. BiU axT. WA8HBURNB ft FLOTD, tragoa bonder and general Jut work. S3 th at. I' now iiooa owe. P. B. TANDERHOOP, irpoa' lla iter aad ZST Stark at. Phon TIT. DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE er aeeret aarrle StrUtty ronndentici; airncoit eaasa aouai 14. Wiahlagtoa bldg. DOd AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB.C.E.BB0WN.D.V.8..D.0.M. Dog. Horse boa. pltal. SMT Bnraslde. Phone: Mln4qB;Bata DRESSMAKING. LADIES Hot year aklrta mad to order: a earing of m par cent; a Better eain, aecter made aad stitched with allk. Mrs. Ltsst Ksrley, 230 Twelfth at, cor. Mala. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash allk, mad for 11.25; ahlrtwalet sulm. SS.S0. 483 East Mar. act. raoao aat aau. nREMVUIl will make a few gag .meets la leiniiics. roono mm no. PORTLAND Bcwlnt school, girls do ow sewing while learning, itih storriaoa, room v. DRKMMAKINO Strictly ap to data I latest do. aign. aa cuy ST. DENTISTS. MET - CHURCHMAN. daathrt. SS4 Mara nam bMg.. Blith and MorrlaoB. Phono Mala 1700. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL RNQrNEERINO ComDsnr. BOB Btark St.. rortlaaa. U. Bar ever j thing la tha electrical alaa. Phoa Mala ls. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, eon tree-to-s, repairer, electric wiring, Mpnlle. S4 First, aor. Stark. Msla BBS. R. B. Tat. Bagt. THB Electrical Appliance o- t. Phono Main 4HA4. Wash lag to FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OP WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal . society of northwest: protect th living. 413 Msrqnsm bMg., Portland, Oregon. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Maaufaetmrlng Cempasy farBitar tor the trade. Msnufaetarers Portlaad, Or. FURNITTJRB maaufacturln Se Baroaaky-a rarnitar ; at at. FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only nine to Part load to got French broad. Herrere a May lie, rr aixu a. Itu; liv ery. Phono Green 408. FLORISTS. FOR pot pleat aad cut Bower, oh a Boldoa, ana Testa . mala aaio. . Ml' ' T, BeaanBa FURNACES. BQTNTON warm -sir furnaces fooL J. Bayer Fumac Co.. BM Second. Mala 481. GROCERS. WADHAMB ft CO., wholesale mcsra. maas facturers and eemmlealoa marcbaat. Fourth aad Oak ata. ALLEN ft LEWIS. eommleetoa aad ntodsce cheat. Front and Davis eta., Portlaad. or. HAY AND GRAIN. E. 0. COOPER ft CO. Pitos, feed aa ava. phoa East 181T. flour. 128 Unloa JEWELRY. JEWELRT and watch a of all kind Bold on eaay payments. L Osvurta ft Bona, th Homcfnmfeber. HARDWARE. Portland Hsrdwar C. aolldta opportunity ta smote price. IBB I at at., cor. Alder. Mat is. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton. Pendleton. W.A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portland, America pi; SS, SS par dap. HOTEL St. George. Poodle toe; mediae aotoL BELVEDERE: Earopeen pta 4th aad Alder am. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHIfB. firs Insursnc. SOS Dekam BMg. LAMBERT WHITMER ft CO. Fir two rase ad real estate: office 107-108 Bborloek bids. Mala 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Alder, Baal 481. IAS. MrL WOOD, employer' BaMllty aad ta- oivtnuai accident surety a ax an aiaoa. t. " Mcstsy oiag. 'J BABTET.B COMPANY Pie ImnrtM Bborloek hide- Orecoa Phase Clay S2B. LOCKSMITH. i. B. BICHARPBON, xir sack aad mit I repairing; eoeiiroa erasing: all work guars' toco. SOS Fourth t. Paoao Bead ITSS, BROWNE'S IN TOWN-tExpert lockemlth and axeyem ropsiring. sv Btam. way Clay StS; night phone. Main 8MB. LADDERS. . LADDERS Painter c I less! oa -ladders, paner. hsngers trestle: Br and roof ladders; Fleeterer' and farm leddeB s aatalegue, hone East TOO. Portlssd Ladder Co., s-T Bhlna at., tsst aid, B. W, Hay ward, prop. 1)1 a jf e. i , er tt oa"1!M . a kc . S to 14 Aay tat- t yenfa Part ira p.,.-. to y U or attar Pro red frees hi.m j,j m advi bollaiag progn. ; artg. e tasoa rftaib B. m"IM, risUl Ageat. SS htark Str(. THB STAB LOAN CO. Aay salaried employ, waae oaraor. " hi Bate, without mortgage Woe is. ti Month, Month- Weak. B.OO Repay 00 Repay .SO-aUuay ta a Siial ar a.4 oa S4.eS to u I S.M or 44 W tor (l.M b H i 4.00 or ii.0S O U.00 110 McKay bldg, MONET a leaa. aalutad pooplo, teamster, ate., without escarttyt sasy payments; largest baalneaa In 40 nrlBripal cities. Tuinwa. bib too bldg.. Phoo Mala S40T. MONET to loaa oa real perse sal aad collateral eeeanigi special attention to enatiei sw (gee; not hoght. G. W. Pallet, S044 reatoa oldg., S4 Sllth at. BIOHLY reanocuhl plac where ladles aad feat oaa borrow money on diamond and Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Baak, o Waaa lagtoa at, Paoao Blach Tl. CHATTEL loaa la amwsnta ranging from I. . to S5.000; rooming -haoaca a specialty. A Bra Loaa ft Treat Co., SOS Abtngtea bldg. WB make all kind af maae oa good aaeorlty at low eat rate; special attention gla to chattel loaaa. IBS Mor rises at. , M0NBT ta loaa la mm af from ft. 040 . so.uuoi terms to salt tho Borrow. StW-lo. Commercial blk. ' M0NRT to loaa la largo or small. smoaaU oa gooa oecarity; low cm rales. wuuam w. Beck. SOT railing bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN COM PANT Salary' loaa from thro to sis assatha; ooafldaatlal, ail uregonian. - MONET to loan . E. P. and W. B on Olackamea aonntr BUey. SOS Chamber af Ooav- L0WE8T ratoa oa fnraltnrs aad plaaoa. era Loss Co- 44S Boer lock bldg. Clay Eaa TO LOAN Horns to mil ea chattel B. A. Prams, S14 The Marqaam. MONBT to loaa on all kind of eecarlty. Holl, room S. Wash lag too bldg. STREET-PA VINO. I WABBEN Constrsctlon Co., street paring, aid. wsisa bbo craaawkiBS. Tia wrogoaiaa eiog. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paring Co. of Portland. urnce ooe worceoter DIB, MUSICAU VIOLIN, guitar aad mandolin, oil aad water color Iroeooa. stadlo, S21 Hlbbard strsst, MoetarlUa. Phone Unloa tdST. AM STLVBSTEB. teacher of rtolin; maeto ruraisBed lor social gatkerloga. sos naiawiit. Phono Eaat 4832. . PIANO, Tlelln. string and wlad btstrnments. rrotosanr sxiwia a. amita, m xwottta. Main 470S. LESSONS S0c plans. baa Jo, mandolin. noun. Mrs. Mar tin, S41H Plrat, Hill, PIANO tuning. $S: perfect work goarsBtsed. C. w. Johnson. Phono Mala 111. MAGNETIC HEALING. MBS. L. B. BABT treat all dlaeaaea, stomach tronbla, nerrouasrsa and rnnctlonal wea Knees. Consnltatloa free. BHOSa Park, cor. Jefferaoa. OVERALLS. e BOSS OP THB B0AD OVERALLS and Bac chantes' clothing; anion mads. Beasts disc Bros., manufacturer. Portland, Or. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX ft NORTHBTTP. 416-14-1T Dekam bldg.. Third and Wnshlngtoa at. Phoa Mala S49. Examlaatlon frea. , . . DRS. OTIS ft MABEL AKIN, 40S Madeay bldg. Clay ttb. - stos. m. iioa. uoasaiiauoa mo. THB vary bast lady osteopath la town. Dr. l. ta. J on neon, axs neimon, near nixtn. PLUMBERS.' DONNERBEBO ft RADEMACHER, aaaitarF plumbers, a ronrta st. tjota POX ft CO., sanitary plumbers. 21 Second, bet. Mln and Balama. Oregoa Phoa Msla BOOL PLANING MILLS. BNTEBPBISB Planing Mill Co. Saab. nd woodturnlng. 80S East Tamhlll at. PAINTS. OIL AND P. B. BEACH ft CO. Pkmeer Paint Ce- window-glsaa . aad f lasts. isb rmt at. Phoa IBM. - ERNEST MILLER grswO., Soeoad and Tsyler wall pa par. paint, oil at aisrxst price; rrss dsllvsry. BASMUB8EN ft CO Jobbers, paints, oil, glass, aash aad door. Second and Taylor. PRINTING. WELCH ft DAVIS. Printers Doer of . thing with Ink and typo on paper.- Steam bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa. Mala 414T. ANDERSON ft DUNIWAT OOMPANT, printing. lithographing, blank book. vPBOBa Maia IT. SOS Alder t- C ROPE. POBTLAND COBDAOB CO.. aad Morthrup at.. Portlaad. RUBBER STAMPS. r. . STAMP WOBKB, S4S Alder, paoao Mats llv. iiidw, .new trade check a; send rubbar atamp. esis, atencii, oaggsgo, far est logos No. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing (ad gmaral Jobbing lH Loetll, lis Jefferooa t- SECOND-HAND GOODS. HIGHEST CASH PRICB Paid for orond-haad clothing, household good aad furniture. ABRAMaT AUCTION HOUSE. Hood 1S4. 408 Morrlaoa rt. OOODR'S Fnraltara Hoaoo Blfhest prico psld for second hand furs I tars. SIS Bicoad t- Paoao Pads 488. TO buy or aril second hand furniture. Call at Hard Cash rnrnltur more, BHOVi rirar at, SCALP TREATMENT. SEAT, falling hair, dandruff treated: shampoo. nig, manicuring, cniropoay. iscs wots. mrs. B. F. Kyne. lSSVa fourth, eor. Morrlaoa. Room 82. Phono Pacific SMI. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very deecrlptlonr bank, bar nd'stor flrtare made to order, in bata Msnufsrturlng Coi. Portlaad. '' t SIGN-PAINTERS. SOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners. economic! leetrle rase and aigas or au kind msde oulchly. Foster ft Klrlsar. Fifth ead Everatt, Phon Eichangs SS. SAFES. DIEBOLD MagBaa-aafi fir aad burglar rbt U asd -ertaoa work: esefcoats ran Irs. I. R. Darts. 0 Third et. TOWEL SUPPLY. RAN TOWELS DAILT-oanV, brush, aoep. per amntk. 'Lawrencg Broe.' Towel Supply . Fourth and Couch. Phoa 418. VICLINS. I. -A. WEBCO. tollB-mke aBd repslreri work Bret elass. 28 Bnssel bldg., 4th aad Morrieoa. WIRE GOODS. EAST PORTLAND FENCB ft WIRB WORKS 2B8 East Morrlaoa tb Phoaa East S2L . MOM -1 "t. phiaes and furalta - -oy fur hlppiog and i I -ranteed: Urge, g-etur warebonee for eterage. C. C M..Qlee. fkons Mala a 7. i. Backed 'l work i 'O-aranf srst L 1 0. O. PICK, arsoe St., itml Stark eso aad fnrBltore and Oak ate., pheoe S. mwsa saa packed Par a, nn ' anck wsrehsoss, froat aed Cuiy ata. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1M North Slate, Phone Main SB. Heavy kaaliag and atarago. B Boa M, Plammar aboat storaya; treeeeof j wt rstaa. SSS Third at. Phoaa Mala tea. IAST SIDB Tranafrr Co.. A. E. Hoktoenb, proB. ItS taat Water at. fnon Bast aaO. POST SPBCIAL DELIVCBT H. SOOfc tsgtoa t, Pbes Mala S4S. WALLPAPSav MORGAN WALLPAPBB CO.. 184-1 M t., net. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. DORTLABD TBUST OOMPABT Of 0BIB0B. The Oldest Trust Company la Oregon, U80UUCea OVER 1.2o0.000. General banking baalneaa ootid net ed. Baring depoelte received. Tim certlScatea Issued, to 4 par cent; apeetal certiorate (not aadat 600). i u to 4 per cent oa short call. , Ct for book of 'IU.I1STRATI0N., .Phone Mala 4SS. lu Third, at. BENI, I. COHEN 7.. .Proelitont H. L.. PITTOCK Vleo-Presldent B. LEB PAGET Secretary t. 0. OOLTRA AsalaUnt Beeretary U RITES STATES VATIOVAX BANK 01 PORTLAND, ORIOOaT. VOBTHWZST COB. THIRD AND OAS STS. Transept a Beaeral Banking Bulla. . nnarTH'En AralUbw In All Cltle of the Tnlted BUtar aad Europe, Hongkong and Manila. COIXZCTIOm MADE 0B7AV0B-ABLE TTBhTS President C, AIN8W0RTH Vice-Preat dent , .".W. B. AVER Vlce-Prealdoat R. LEA BARNES Csshler ,B. W. BCHMEFB Aaalatast Caahler... .A. M. WBIOHT Aaalataat Cashier... HOLT PST BATIOWAt BANK OP PORTLAND. OREOO. Designated Dcpoeltory and Financial Agent of the United States. Prealdeot..... ....A. U MILLS Oaahler :T..X ...J. W. NEWKIRK Aaalatant Caahler W, C AT.VORD Second Aaalatant CaShlar B. P. STEVENS Letter of Credit leaned Arallabl la Baron . and tha Eaatora State. Sight Exebang and Tolerraphla Tranafrr old oa New Tork. Boa too. Chicago, Bt. Loom, St. Paal, Omaha, Saa Franetae aad tha principal point In the Northwest. Sight 4 time hllla draw la a am to milt on London. Perl, Berlin. Fnakfart-ln-the. Msln. Hongkong, Toknhama, Copeahagea. Chriarlanla. Stockhnlaa. St. Petoroharg, Mao ow. Emicb. Honnrala. . Collections Mad oa Fsrorabl Term. LADD ft TTXTOB, BABXZXS. (Xstahliakod la lSSt.1 Trs Besets a Samara! BsnklBW Bmal Collections made t all nolot oa favorable term. Letter af credit Waned a Tellable hj Enron nnd all point la the United State. Sight Exchange aad Teleerapalc Transfer (old on New Tork. Washington. Chicago, St, Lonle. Dearer. Omaha, Saa Francisco gad Montana rod Britleh Cnlnmnta. Excpiang oid oa uasH, pan, worn Frankfort, Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila fionoiuio. MEECHAVTS NATIONAL BANK, POaTLABD. OBXOOB. J. FRANK WATSON Preside. W. HOIT....J....L ....Cashier 0E0R0B W. HOTT Aaalatant Cashlef Traaaaata a saoral Banking Bualaam. DrsfU and Letters of Credit leaned Arallabl to All Pert o the World. Collections s Specialty. .' Sicvmrrr savtnos tbttst ookpabt. . SSS Morrwoa St., Portlsad. Or. rta a General Banking BnetnseB. SAVTB08 DEPABTMCBT. Istersst Allowed on Tim nnd Saving Deposit. Acta a Trustee for Eatate. Draft aad Letter nt Credit Arallabl ta All Part af tba World. - 0. P. ADAMS. Presidest L, A. LEWIS... ..First Vleo-Presldent I A. U R. O. GEO. A. L. MILLS., ........ ..Second Vice-President O. XUBITB .. J........ Secretary P. BIIB8EU, AsslsUnt SeereUry MORRIS BBOS. . US Flrtt St.; PertUad, Or. Offer Ollt-Edg Investments la Municipal aad Railroad Bonds. Writs or Call. , THE OOBTIKEKTAl OOMPABT. Flaaactal Agaata. ' 24S Stark at. Phoaa Mala 1878. MORTQAQB ' LOANS Oa Portlaad Baal Xtttto at Lewset Titles Insured. Abstract Furalshod. TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST CO. B48 Washlngtoa Bt., Oar. JEROME'S ELECTION NOW : SEEMS TO BE ASSURED (Journal Special Bervlce.) Now Tork. Oct 7. Tonight tho Navl Tork county Republican eonntlon wHI roooriTono ln accordanca with a oa.Il la. suad by th county commltte. Th oonvantlon will sot on tha rout (nation of Charlaa A. FIammr snd will nomt nat WIlllAm Trsrars Jarom for dis trict attomoy to fill th vacancy cre ated by. Flam mar. Asacmbly Diatrict Loader Abraham O rubor opposed trill action and says that his constituents will not rota for Jaroma. It ts con sidered that th nomination of Jarom will slv I vine decided Btrensth, nnd practically aaaur Jeroreo'a olectlon. Every New Tork paper la for Jarom, with th exception of Hoartt'a. , . Watt One's la Zer. ;.. ' From th EL Louis Fodt-DlapRtch. When ft Rlrl 1 In love ah says: ' Not "I could Uv my life with him." but "I could not llv my . live without him. Not "He la perfect, but "I don't car whether he Is perfect or not" Net "He will be good to me." but "I will be Bood to him." k. Not "Ho la wormy or m, but "Am worthy of him?" Not "I see much in him to Admire," but "I se nothing In Any on elae to, admlr." Not "I believe him because what h ay la true," but "I believe him because h say If" Not "I could endure poverty , with him," but "I could endure nothing with out him." ' ; A Life Story in ;i THIS TH7iT A- CLASSIFIED ;. EXCHANGE ?v tVAV. L TNSCsr City Tlohot Oftaa. US rA 2 CVKITD TZ'ZJ C.ULY 2 The flyer asd. r a raTl sCsJl, aVUBTBKB Bstaf s. e ' '-. Vr-TO-ATa .wtr aj " t OOVaTsWwA LEAVE . IS.!. 11:41p.m. Til p. mT efroam VmrtUutd TsBBaabO AKRIVM 7:00 a- m. S:I0 pm. ' Tt Epoksuso (O.B. ft BT. Co.) itobi OMAY BTOSTmaaVBT WTtMXMMXf OO. 4 Bailing From Seattle ;'. i' B. B. suTBTBniBOTA, Wow. S. . . DAKOTA. Be. V For Japan and China Ports and Manila. tnvroBr tttbbbt (Japan Mall Steamahlp Company) Sallg from Seattle for Japan, Chlrla BBdJ nil Aaiatie forts About uct.. a. For tlckata, rates, berth rervatlona, tc call on er address X. JUOXSOBT, G P. a T. A. ' Portland. Op. THIEF LEADS OFFICERS TO FOlULOOT' ,; :r" ,' ' " ',-'' J-;-:.- Train . ' Robbor Confttt and Go Out on 0Mrt to Bo- - tray His Companions. (Joorul SpocUl Sarvlr.) Loe Angel, Cel., Oct. 17. Deputy Sheriff Franklin and a special stent of th Santa Fe railroad, ar on their way to the desert, with Burglar Fred Zlegler handcuffed between them. The prisoner was quietly takon from th county Jail and every effort mad to keep the my terlous trip quiet, .- After ZtegUr arrest h made a ae ries bf confessions to Chief Plnkbam of Pasadena. He said that he robbed th Santa Fe station, and told ot a plan to rob the wealthy Boasts of a Maryland hotel durln the winter season. He rav details of a holdup of a Santa F train near Needle last aprlna. In which th Bprea meesenfer was shot and Instantly killed. The robbers, who wer thre In lumbar, aocurcd $1,000. Zlegler aald that he had taken no part in thla affair, , but his brother was one of th man, and he afterward accom panied his brother and another man to th mountain, where they burled a box containing th eocurltlea stolen. H offered to lead th offloer to th apol and take them to whore th two men can be captured. He Is now en th way to keep this prorata. .;. . f BONAPARTE CHANGES OLD ORDER IN NAVY ' (Journal Special Sei atte.l "..V WaahlnBton. Oct. 17. By order cf th secretary of the navy, Bonaparte, that section ef th navy regulations -fjann Ins th duties of th asltartr eeJcrotare of th navy has been materially modi fled. Under tb new rule the aealaUnl aecretary of the navy will be requled to via It every flrst-clsss ship and every naval station on th Atlantic coast each year, and. If he can And any tlm out- aid of these trips, be is expected to a to th Paclfle coast and Inspect th ship and atatlbna there. Confidential and oral port ar to be mad to th aecretary. Tn new regulation aoe not ay how much of his tlm ho shall b actlnc aecretary of the navy, but It doe slv his other duties in detail. Th as sistant secretary Is to determine all matters of naval militia, what loans ot t Ifts of public pro ports' tn th posaasslon of th navy shall be given to It and what service of ships In commission or of officers 1 snd men In th marln eorp shall be granted la connection with state, municipal or private func tions; rapalra to ship, advertlsins;. and th newspaper whloh shall be employed to that end. He I also to Investigate th personal character ef every appli cant for a position In th marine or pay corps, and wherever else laj th navy ap pointments ere mad from civil life, and mak confidential report t th eocre- Urr" - " - . - Work- Baadoa Jetty. ' fSpodal Dispatch to The Journal.) v ! -Bandon. Or Oct. ST. Th government work on th jtty bar Is proaresslnE nicely and th contractors expect to commence unloading rock at th north Jetty th coming week. '. A new schooner for th Coqnfll river and Frisco, run will b launched next week. .. The tag Itosco, from Florence, ar rived here Sunday after a consignment of SS ton of freight for th Sluslaw. . . '' rmbl aUiaai. " Lawyer (drawing will) rTeur aetata Is much mallr, sir, than la g no rally suppod. Sick Man Tea, but keep that quiet till after the funreal. I want a good hove cf grlef-strickeR mourner. "Poor fellow! HI doctor tails him th only thing that will cur him I a coarse of mud be tha. and he can't afford to go to tn mud springe." "But aarely he ' can go into' politics and let th mud com to him." Phila delphia Ledger. Classified Ads: : u St.. rhoa SSS. All men are born traders, in this you'll agree; We all like to trade when a bargain ' '' we see.-"- -. : If you wish to exchange anything ' . you possess,.' . . ';' We'll tell you a way that will sure . ) bring success. V Do ss our heroid, rcgd each, day with csre " ' ; . The Journsl Want' Tsges-yonll find bsrwsitis there? - Or, put in sn sd telling what yon - will trsde And what you desire food et - changes are msde. "There is no wst b earth, te It . freat, be it small, -. That we cannot -supply, for we , satisfy sll,' The proof rf the furl -Jing i b jn : chf ' f " ' "Ktsults -J." i Ai - ' w -v ' r ,i BufVwwalTaJ3-.- . - . . u m . - - -. vaWBT "-cars Sally Osssaa. Caeraso. a usururt aleenla- asiiy to hsaass thranah Nl nil taan4s eJeenleo-aua f- ally aooSected) weekly as laa. . V J ejraara tseaUl rrea) as cao UWIQB PIPOT. Leaves. Arrives. cnicaoo-poBTLaJiu , - BPBCIale, SrlSa.ak S:B.Bh Fa the East via Beat- Dally. Deny. lag toa. . SPORANB rLTBB, ," foe Bsstera Waahlar teo. Walla Walla. Lew S:ISf.ak. SS,Bs. . Ceeur r Alee Dally. Dally. n4 Brest Borthers pelst. 4TL4BTIC BTPBSwa g ) a, au T:I4 a. as. sr th But vi baa- DaUy. Daby. tngtoe. ; Oslnmbia River Dtilalin. "" AUTTjaia aas wsv aoluta, oaaairMag wlri rnsr. rVw Ttmm s .. Pally. s. Snnoay. hoturoag. AbwtI 8:00. I Mortk Beech- atase. Bss-i esaa, aea-ot. SecB. M O p. blI TaaablU Bres'Bns. JOB DATTOit. Orwrau City aad Taaahlll near aolBta, atnra. Bath and Ties a. av Dally. T:a n. m. Dally. awma, aea-er. oeea Water onatttl. leg. Baneiay. aaudsy. Snshs Blvat Basts. FOR LBWIBTOV. lea. 3:40 a. B.. or anon ar rival Train No. 4. Sua Toes. Tbur. 4:00 p. a. Monday WeoneeSay and polata Cra Slips ri a. Wsa etairs. pokaaa aad Lewtstsn. Satareay TICKBT OfnCB. Thlr as4 WasbiagSso. Ts . FTwe evsiu via. a J?;J,VsaK' at 4 swat. - tV CSAIO. Oeaeral Paasesger Ageat. EAST" SOUTH Cmon DBFOT. OVBBLABTD XXPRIBS. Tratna, for Salem, Bn ourg, Asaiaae. aaci Bento. Ocdea. Ban Prao- t M B m. dsco. terete, Lee is-l giee, si rao, new wr lean and tie Bast. ' MoralneT train sw sects r at WooVum ' . : i ;;' osny sicept Baaflsy 8:80 8.8. with traia Bar mi. Augt SllvarfoB. BrowMvUle, Syria 1114. VTwedllaB aad Kitroa. T J: IMp Bl. VrSS. bv sets at Waawnura with aft. Angsl aad salvor- n:.n. C 111:58 p. W- toa local. Corvallta :. a I10:4 p.l Sberloea paaoeagir. Forest Prove pesos agar. . . ; . . a rtall. llDally mopt Buaday. Ta. II I flanaaa Saibaraoa and TnsasBl - Bepot feat of Jfteroa street. Leave PertUnil g.lly far Oswego T:S . t 1J BO, 4:00. S:SO, S:SB; T.4B; 10:1; 11:88 p. m. Dally (except Sunday). 4:80. :S0. 8:84, 10: e. Bk Sunday only. 8:00 a. Bj. Retunisg fro Oswego. aiTt-re rortlanS Jae S:M a. m.' IBS, 8:05. 45. IS 11:10. ., It:5 n. am. DsUy (except BaBOSr), S:. 714. M. llT a. 8. Suaoay ealy. ''tNvsjfrea aaate depot Ssr IMtaa aad 14. seellave point Sally S:0S B. Ba, Arris rer. Il.tsiw a. . . eieeetaa Sails to Monmeoth an Air hIhi veia eaatlBV'l rirsv-cieev tmrm ip-i , at4 Ban yrucieo rzn. Fer. e. fare SIS,; semod -class hevtke St.8. , TIC ere ver nnim pe, r -"-e Is nes. filial. H"vlal 4 ftrss City TVket OCc evser TMr ead WaB hetni e.. Phoa Mala VIS. O. W. BTTBSZst, A- i711?' Orty Tssaet . I Ago., Svk Bsa. AuJS. TIME CARD TRAINS Portland: BAIL I. 4 OTI0S BBFOT. Depart. Tenoostaner 'r.Rsa Lost Spo-I rtreJIt. LsuM .i to. rhehalsa. Cen tra 11 a. OljTspla. Onynl I J a. aa. Ms SSSB.av iJSB, I Barber. Bcnta Bo mi Co ass. Besttl. "aokS Lewlatoa. Bat, Bin- ins. Deevse, Osaaas. Bans City, Bt. sa4 aoatheevt. Berth Coast U electric hgbte. for Ts-4 1M a. av osena. aeattle. atviBsns. Bstta. Mlnnea nolle, Panl aad tha Beat. Paget Seaad UntifeC for ChebaUs, Ceatralla. lSMa. aa, TseoaM 4d , BaatUe only. -Twia nty TeeoBM. Beattla. kana, Ralena, Butte, 11.4SB. as. :. Bh, zeiiewssauo mra, Mia Bee po tie, St. taal aad the Beet, A. IX C SLA hi. TON. Aantstsnt Oiawal faaeaa at - S3 Merrtso -. see. lakr Portle. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Ca (th q "I I Arrives. Lose. BRIOM PBPUT. Arvlvee. SiW 8. BS. 4W Wavgars. Ratnier. II :.. Daily. ' Cfstakanie.' ' Wast poet. Dsilyv Cllftss, Astoria. War- rente. Plevsl, lies. ' sson4. Port Staves. ' ' Oearbart Park, Sesaid. BbbbV bssut BT. ttftA . ubWbbIJ v trnaue ny. . ., t-M a. av ' ah ttorrs. I. C VATU, f. A a-n. rlsl Age-t. -S A , V r. mwm v. . IT A I Saw - - - See ALASKA past vt popttAR irsAicrr:- Leav Ssstti S . m. i.ieaaaog .1 BCTeaH fj, . ImUtmiM," Od.A CAhXIta AT r ts. I'""". ' i. 1 1VU. 1 1 At i . K.., tuC A. 1. . Ves, a. fl 1 ' f 1