OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. TQiyTLAIID, "AY EVENING, OCTOSr.! T7. UCX vll CELL COS XjTOaT SEALS TIGERS Iflfif; u 7ER THE 'Y,rt2 Frrtarnity of Bay City rz.z Come Long Monty bn Chances of New Man. ; JXZRS QUIT HARD X TRAINING iYESTERPAY leaey Advance Sale of Tickets Presages a Big House to Greet the Two Clever Exponents ot Fisticuffs O'Brien Should Be Favorite. San Francisco, , Oct, 17,- Everything la In readlneaa - f or the Kaufmann O'Brien contest thla evening baton the Can Francisco Athletic club. . Tbat tb right "followera of San Francisco -have confidence In th proweaa of Al Kauf Mann, even in a battle with so clever a ninu Illaselphta Jack" O'Brien, was evidenced last Bight when there was some netting with the local bey on the long- end "r at ten to - nine. 'Logically Kaufmann 'snouhT not' be the favorite over O'Brien; In tact, there la no real "dope" to warrant making- him. better that ' two to one short-ender. -Is his seven- fights he -has cleaned up his op ponents wUa remarkable neatness and dtepatcbbut none of them : waa In O'Brlen'a eiasa. Kaufmann la now pitted sea Inst ao oldster at every, trick which the game kw. TBy the same token, too, Ai has the strength and enthusiasm of a youngster things which will most likely be lacking with the veteran. , White the price at which pools were old last nfgflt la not Justified by the "dope4' on the two fighters. It la perhaps natural owing to the meteoric career of tba e-01ymplan. Everything that he has done since he went In tba ring has been of the sort to Instill confidence In the bettors. . While O'Brien. la regarded as a- very clever, boxer It Is thought that Kaufmann's youth and strength and weight will be sufficient to carry off the honors. O'Brien did the last boxing of hie training season yesterday afternoon at Kheehan'a. ,' Three rounds each with Freddie - Frtedlaajder and - Joe Gonna wound up this feature of his dally pro gram, Frlediander's brother. Sammy, long-distance runner of apma repute, ar- rived yesterday morning and Joined the -hoisi . H took the Phlladelphlan out for apln on the road before luncheon. They went down the beach four .miles and back, and O'Brien came In with his wind strong. He said that when he enters tho ring tonight .ho will weigh 1(1 pounds, or within one or two pounds either way of that figure. Kaufmann did no boxing at all yester day. His trainer, Billy Delaney, la tak ing no chance these end-of-tralnlng days, and by eliminating; tho sparring stunt from the program he Is sure ot ending his heavy charge Into the ring with, a pair of good, handa. , There waa a heavy advance demand for seals at Qreggalna' .place yesterday and last evening, and the Indications are that the bouse will be well filled,. f - . Ooaalaff to rorUaad. ,'V;V ' " (Special Dispatch U Tb Joeniai t '"v Astoria, Or.. Oct 27.-Foothall ' en thusiast of this elty will organise an excursion to go to Portland for tomor row's game between Commercial and Multnomah. ; 80 far as Astoria is con cerned, this la the biggest game of the season and ' the outcome Is enxlously awaited. Coach Abercromble haa been hard at work with, the local aquad, and. while the tram . haa not- had aa much practice aa It should -have had before tackllnr Multnomah, the coach -expecta to make, matters Interesting for the Portland clubmen. Thus -far the team haa not played a game thla year and Its work has been confined to Indoor algnal practice. Mr. Abercomble went to Madi son a few weeka ago and there con aulted with Coach King of Wisconsin from whom he got. the new formation Ha has been drilling his men In new tactics since hla return. The line-up of the Commercial team haa not yet been announced, bnt several of last year's veterans will be out Of the Kama thla season. . fc- t- . V , " Brlgrs and Oote. ' (Jeeraal Special BarrlcO ' . Blddeford, ' Me., . Oct- 17. Jimmy Brigga of Chelsea and Arthur -Cote, a local boxer, will fight a battle here to night under the auspices of a number of sports from thla pert 'of the etate. The fight will come off before the new Blddeford club, which waa recently or ganlsed. The fight will be of IB rounds, for the championship of New England, .-A story of Sooth Dakota ranch ( f a new miter, with tome Uenendonsty stronf sltnatlong , . tzi a spleodU Westers etmoe- ' here. The hero is a veriuble "' .k r:ncx Lochinvax, and his success li both life and lore, la spite of ' r i r-pareatly hopeless handicap, c es a stirriasj tm4 vital story. .7 ..LL DCCrrSTORES TO DAY ' A. C. HcClarg a Ce,, PubUshere , : LOSE CI IKC3 ' Another;? pefeat, at. 'Frisco's Handa Sends Portland Down ; ;th Udder Next to Bottom. - f MuiM,t iMrfll fcnlte.l Baa ' Francisco, Oct. S7.-Tbe Oiants succeeded In getting beaten again yes terday by the Seals, after outbattlng them 11 hits to four. : Sweeney waa the visiting hero, having three errors to his credit Ferry was 'pitching good v ball but waa- succeeded by Oarvln In the eighth, In the sixth Inning Portland scored three nine on four hit! and aa error, and Immediately Jimmy Whalen saia oreerea to- ine riring line, noiaing tne Olanta safe la the remaining chap ters.. The game was rather quickly played, but waa not of the exoiting kind. Portland had 11 men left on baaea and her men ran baaea aa a lot of eowa com ing home, ,The score follows ( -':.... 3 - . PpRTLANTX i ' " R R II po. A. e Van Buren. If. ...... t SIS 00 MoCredio, rf. ........ e - S .-1 MltchelL lb. .. a t 1 Hchlany, 2b. ......... I ? 1 McHale, cf. ....,... a i 8 weeaey, aa. I 1 Catea, lb. 4 S Oarvln, p. ... 1 e Ferry, p. .,,.. t 1 t Mi Totala. . ..... J.t.IS I 11 It II 4 - - SAN FRANCISCO. - '-. . - AR. R. If. PO. Al R. Waldron.' ef.' ........ i - S ft. S Mohler. Zb. 4 S lllldebrand. If. ...... S Neglon. lb. ...I..... 4 ; t Householder, rf. ..... S - 4 i . e 1 H I 11 Irwin. Sb. ...... 4 1 0 Oochnauer, aa, ...... S. Ski Wilson, o. - j Williams, p. 1 1 1 e 2 t I i e I Whalen, p. 10 4U TeUls . . .......S 4 4 tT 14, I - SCORE BY INNINGS." ; . Portland .,....4 4448 0 OS 1 Hits . .........4 1 1 4 1 11 San Fraaclaco ...4 4 0 1 1 4 4 4 4 Htta 401141 4 SUM MART.- ' una, i Runs Off Oarvln. 2; off Williams, Hits Oft Oarvln, 1: oft Williams, 8. Three-baae hit Wllllama. Two-b hits ochnauer. Sweeney. Householder, Flrat base on errora Portland, t; San Franclaco, 4. Baaea on ball a Oft Oarvln, 1; oft Williams, 1; off Ferry, . Stolen baaea Mitchell. Schlafly. MoLatan, Wal dron, Irwin. Left on baaea Portland, 11 ; Baa rranciaco, . tunica out nf Oarvln. 2: bv Williams. : bv Ferry. 1. Time of game One hour and 2 anln- utes. umpire jja via . . C PACIFIC C0A3T LEAGUE, ! Ctt'BS. Angvln ...... Oakland .......... Saa FraaclMo .... Srattle Portland 101 SI H AW .610 .510 ,4TI .478 .& 'i I I0I1S ..12110 s .. s s e Tacoaa ........... S T 04 I ! lMas8TlTo5!40' 21 l , Oaklaaa atlm On. ' : - (Jouraal aoaelal lUnlre.t ' Oakland, Oct. 27. Brown shut out the Commuters yesterday In easy, fashion. Score! .j. r.f -. - y .t ' ' Tacpma . .. .'.,.. 2 7 Oakland ."...... 0 a 7 2 Batteries Brown and Hogan; Iberg ana syrne. umpire ouiiivan. ', 'i -l; f: SUajB 2tlt kard. ; 9 ' ' Ueeraal Speelat Swrlae.l Ia Angeles, Oct. 27. Baum -was hit for "sweet alxteen" hits yesterday and tho Slwashea had no difficulty in pranc ing on with the game. . score: ' R. H. IS. Los Angeles ... 1 41 71 Seattle 4142422 7 1 Batteries Baum, Goodwin and Eager; v;. nan, uianaensnip ana rary. um pire Perrlne. OREGON 'VARSITY PLAYS INDIAN? TOMORROW Spedal Dispatch to Tke Joaraal.1 1 TJnlveralty of Oregon, Oct. 27. The Oregon Woven will play its first foot ball game with aa outside team tomor row afternoon with the Chemawa In dians. The recent game the Indiana put up against Washington shows that tney are a husky lot of player. Yesterday a. band was organised and tomorrow the largo rooters' club and the band will Joia forces and furnish the noise. The band waa organised however for the O. A.. C. game the farmer lads intending tc come up to Eugene with a large band and 40 rooters. The 'varsity intends also to send- the rooters to Port land for the Multnomah game and ar rangemcnta are now being made to take nearly, the whole achool to witness the annual match between Oregon and Mult nomah Thanksgiving day. The glee club which gives Ita concert In Portland on the same day will alao bring a large number of studenta to the metropolis In tomorrow's oonteat the lineup will be the same aa In the California games, with the possible exception of Moores, who Is out on account of Injuries. Uls place at end will be filled by Hammond and Whittlesey alternately. ACADEMY ELEVEN TO PLAY SECOND CHEMAWA Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the Portland academy- eleven will (meet the second Chemawa ; team on Multnomah field. - Both teams are evenly matched nd a lively Scrimmage le expected. The lineup will be: Portland Academy., Second Chemawa, Cook , tc. ..j. Toby Hurlburt........ R, O. ...........Colby Ankeny. l O. ..... .Charles, J. Williams , R. T. Booth Clark.... L. T. ....Ooudy, Scott Thorns R. E. . ...Queahpahma Hart.Corbatt... U B. , Brother Wood..,..,,.,., q.. B. Casey Reed R. H. B .Willing Hart,Polhemua.U H. B..., ..Wilson, M. Flavel F. B. .Charles, N. wemlts at Jamaica. tJoaraal Special Berries.) . New York, Oct. 27. Jamaica Park race reaulta: Six furlongs Frontenao won, - Ruak second, Wotan third; Time, l:i. Mile and quarter Jack Young won, MacBeth second. Our Sister third; time, S:07 4-1. Mile end sixteenth mameaha won. First Mason second, Benvolio third; time, 1:47 t-l' ' Handicap, six furlongs Handsarra won, Santa Catallna second, Aeronaut third; time, 1:12 2-4. Five end a half furlongs Benevolent won, Birmingham second, Herman John son third; time, 1:0. Six f urlonsn Mollis Donohue won. Old Guard second. Battle Axe third: time, POOR SlIOr.LJG Captain Cooney'a Eleven l Not Coming Up to the Expecta ' tlont of the Student Cody. MANY NASSAU PLAYER3 . ; ON INJURED LIST Columbia Plays Princeton Tomorrow, Yale Tackles West Point and Har- , yard Engages Brown Review of the Situation Among Big Teams. It now seems to be Princeton's turn to undergo a period of hard luck. The Tiger la roaring that the outlook le blue u, ill m ivr sutx-VN xao, MB Ulie appeara to be the fact at the, p reseat writing. Only a short time ago, the-fol-lowere of . Old Nassau were pluming themsclvee on Saving a wonderfully fast team, and tha easy way Bucknell and Georgetown were dlapoeed of waa war rant enough for 'the feeling. But para luck haa come upon the Tlgere. : , - For the first time In six years the coaches have been forced to aak through the college organ for the aaalatanca of every student In getting out what mate rial there Is In the college. Coach Ed ward said In hla call for aid: "It le doubt lasa apparent to every Princeton undergraduate as he watches the dally practice . that . our .football material la very much limited. Many of our men are Injured, and to win from Yale we need the help ef every Princeton man more than ever. Will not every under, graduate, take a personal interest In the matter and urge all possible men to come outr :;?. .-... ' A great number of the-TIgera' are on the Injured Hat, and 1 three of them, Dutcher,- O'Brien and Jennlnga, - are ae badly crippled that they are probably en the retired list for the rest of the sea son. . .i.-.i.i iv-'., .1 The state of the Princeton , team will certainly causa keen regret to the lovers of the game. Every one waa looking forward to a great battle between -Yale and Princeton for the championship, and If the latter doea not find good aubstl tutee for the men loat the beat game of the year will be spoiled. The Princeton Yale game la always the best, for the Tigers always ight to the last ditch. They are never, easily beaten . by the Blues like the sons of Harvard, 'who are practically stunned with aatontshinent when they score a victory over Yale,, - , ae False Cry. "A While It is evident that this Is no false cry of distress from the Jersey man. It Is still a bit too aoon to count the Tigers out They have still the nucleua of a great terfm and only need a few more first-rate substitutes. It Is at the enda that they appear to be weak est, and Princeton haa alwaya had the knack of developing men for this posi tion. Fryer and Brasher are doing very well at the ends, and Tooker la also a good man. In Tenney the Tigers have a fine quarterback, and hie rival for the poaitlen, E. Dillon, can play the game. ttotn can run tne team fast. The line is not very heavy; but It la full ot snap. It will be hard for any line to get the Jump on the Orange and Black forwarde. Cooney and Herring are a great pair of tackles, although the latter la not ae -'finished a player aa Cooney, - the Princeton captain. Bard- and Daul are pretty near topnotchers aa backs. In short. Princeton can put a lively aggre gation In tha field for a first line-up. " In the matter of a flrat line-up Co lumbia la also fairly good, ao the Tigers strength will have a fair test when the Morningslde Heights men are met' at American League park tomorrow. Thla game will alao be Columbia s first real test of the season. Just now the New York eleven la not; re carded aa a shining light la football. Lit tee la ex pected of Coach Morley's men. this sea son. The team haa good aubs for the backfleld only, and apparently haa but one quarterback and he la not a star. If Donovan la Injured the new captain. Fisher, can take hla place at quarter, but Fisher plays thla position very In differently. He ahlnea as a hard-buck ing back, who can alwaya be relied upon to gain a little distance. . Columbia haa ona back. Freshman Hodgklnson, that may cause Prinoeton a lot of trouble. He Is at present oa the hospital squad, but If he cornea to before tomorrow the Tlgera will see a youngster who promises to be greater than Harold Weeks or Morley. Hodg klnson played fullback against Wesleyan and hla work alone made Columbia ap pear to outclass wesleyan, although neither side scored. He Is a bit green, however, and likely to be guilty of a fumble at any time. His merit Ilea la fearlessness, tremendous bucking foroe and the speed of a sprinter. . Columbia has no kicker, and aa a mat ter of fact, all the Big Six are short of kickers thla year. None-of them haa found a drop kicker reliable enough to be allowed a chance for a .try at goal during a close game, i;' ' ' Tale aTeartaf Ferae, Little can be said of Yale.- The Ella seem to have pretty nearly reached championship form and there la fear at New Haven that the team baa developed too quickly end may go stale before either the game with Harvard or Prince, ton. The work of Shevlin aa captain haa ailenoed hla enemlea among the atudent body. He la filling the position quite aa well aa Hogan did, and eome think even better. One reason for the rapid development of the Ella la the desire of Captain Shevlin to get square with West Point for the defeat by a score 6f 11 to 4 last year. The Ella will probably wallop the soldiers good thla time aa West Point waa beaten recently 14 to 4 by the .Virginia polytechnic team. . Harvard and Pennsylvania appear te be all right. The Crimson' eleven will undoubtedly be a bard team opponent for Yale this seaaon. BUI Reld has at last got his men working together, and those who have aeen the recent practice work with the scrub say that the team Is the Speediest Harvard has had In years. Cornell Is a mystery even to her own coachee. The team was given a rest Just to find out-what was the matter with It, but tne rest evidently aid it little good, for the play wae aa crude aa ever when real scrimmage work wae re- eumed. The material Is good, however, and the team la likely -to wake up, as Harvard's did. at' any time. - Secret practice la now In vogue at all the big universities, ao from now on only the work of the teams In practice caa be relied upon when doping out' the re sulta of the big eon test a i - The 'games of the big teame scheduled for tomorrow ere es follows: IT. of P. vs. Carllale, at Franklin field; Yale vs. West Point, st West Point; Harvard vs. Brown, at Cambridge; Columbia va Princeton, at Columbia ovaL The Princeton-Columbia, Tale-West Point and Pennsy-Carllsle gamee are all Important and will give. a better line On the form pt these teams than any gamee yet played. - .'... ' Fref erred Stock Oaaaed Ooeda. ' Allen 4V Lewie Beat Brand, ;, ,( m: m I ..'" : km V 10.00, 812.59, S5.C0, 17.50, 02O.CO, .. J GS- ELEVEN WILL 1UI. LIT THE ASTOMiS Club Men-ln Good Trim for To . morrow'a Struggle With tha : Husky Salmon-Stickers, a ... ,, ;. ...:.,.' : - ' i : i i, : ' '- - -. f ? 0 ..- ' ' - The salmon packers from Astoria will strive in Portland tomorrow morning a few houre before lunch time and la the afternoon at I o'clock wlU engage the Multnomah club's football eleven on the local grldlroh. That the game will be for blood le aaaured, because the Ae- toriana recently have charged the club members with. .ell aorta of tiicka, aape- clallya Jaat Satawday'a game. In thla wise the JPortlenders feel Justly lndlg. nant and It Is quite certain that the fur will fly tomorrow. :' ' - Captain Jordan and Coach Overfleld had the aquad out last evening and put tba boys through a long and exacting practice The local boya ahowed up In fine form In practice, going through the various plava with promptness and ac curacy. Tomorrow the entire aquad will be given a chance la the game, and it la quit likely that -the aeaaon'a 'varsity team will be chosen from the men mak ing the beat showing. Multnomah will line up in thla fashion: Center, Overfleld; guards, Wilson and Butler; . tacklea," Keller, Seeley and Breed; enda, Alexander,, Foley and Smith; quarter-back, Jordan; half-backa. Smith and Owena; full-back, Auatln and Down a " ' lite House MMMX ; The recognized x authority. We have juit received a shipment of 1,000 . of these. They occupy considerable space.', For a few days we will sell them at ' Posuge 25 cents. TKE J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers and , Stationers. THIRD AND ALDER Crtat TklniJ at Little Prkts 79c . : : -j NOT because we need the money; but because you need to know that here .is a type of cut to FIT EVERY BUILD. ' ' That in the essential points of y nearer the custom tailor's product than you ever supposed would t ' l be' attained. ' v .: - ;! " :' V : ! - - .'i f That they are sold at most to $3.00 less than other standard makes, i :-,V''aw sen1 a, ev"ai wmn ' .-1. . . 87 Third St. & Qtnoen Stark & Qak I!0SE1EVES CAPTURED IV1TII FOUR AKIMALS " - ... , . . , , ";Vf "-a:,- -vi.v- Mulatto and . White Man . Raid f Bams Near Colfax but Are : 'Overtaken by Sheriff. - U (Special Dlspatek te The Joaraal.) S Colfax. Waahv Oct, 17. Teddy Rover, a mulatto, aged II. and Charles Klttrelt. a white man of about the same age, are In the county Jail with almost a ear. talnty of a term In the penitentiary confronting them. Monday night they were put off a train at Garfield. They were beating their way from Lewiatoa, Idaho, where they had attended the fair, to Spokane, Near - Garfield they atole two horsee, a bay and a gray, from a farmer by the name of Hale. They went southwest and the next night stole a bay and a gray horse from William Lee, a wealthy farmer living near Ut Biding, if miles west of Colfax. With two well-matched teams, each worth SSOS. the pair aet out for "The Bocka," a desolate region near the foot of Bock lake. ; Deputy Sheriff Nessly took the trail early the next morning and followed them until evening, when he overtook the colored man with tha four horses and captured him without resistance., t ,, . f " The mulatto told the officer that be had been accompanied by a white man who "got cold feet" a short time before the officer overtook them and had hid den in The Rocks." He gave a good description of the white man and the latter waa captured last night. He gave his name as Charles Kittrell. The pair claim they met for the first time at the Lewlston fair, but the of ficers have evidence that they have been together about Bpokane for severe) montha and era believed to be members of an organised gang of horse thieves operating between Spokane and Colum bia river. ;. .. : FORCED TO GET OUT. ,-t. v,. Am Omaha Clothier, Drives to Beepera . Hon,, Sella Mim Steak Of Fine Ker. dlae ae Fertlaaa Sense. The London's Clothing company,-171 Third street, haa been eo fortunate In securing a tremendous stock of clothing In the Omaha market at a mere baga telle that Manager Lowlta la wearing a emtio akin to that of the father of the firstborn of the home. In a great two-page advertisement In todaye Issue Mr. Lowlta telle all about it, and the large number of salesman another ad vertisement calls for le evidence of the tremendous business the gentlemen an ticipates as a result of the announce ment. It happena now and .then that surprising bargains are secured In stocks of merchandlee, and It would appear that thla ia one of those fortunate buya on the one band and an exemplification of unfortunate circumstances compelling a merchant te go out Of bualness en the other, - '. The London's has abundant occasion te rejoice. It may live a hundred year and not have another en oh an advertise ment In The Journal Thla one, however, win attract attention all over the north west ..:,... -., Zaterotvy olf Mates.- j '-' IJearaal gpeeUI arrlea.r ' New Tork, Oct. 17. The Intercity golf match for the Lesley Cup, between teems of IS players each, representing the Metropolitan Golf association, opened thle morning on the links of the Oarden City Oolf club. Under the terms o ths eentest each association le repre sented by team eompoesd of players who are bona fide residents ef the dis tricts covered by the reapeetlve a sec rlatlons and members In good standing of eluba belonging to the competing aa. soclatlons. At the opening this morning a large gallery was present. - An Inter esting and spirited contest la expected. hand-tailored ready-for-iervice garments fabric, style and make they are reasonable prices, averaging $2.80 ' tFa ft ym4 ft fnre : DIAMONDS WATGHES JEWELRY ON EASY WEEKLY OR . MONTH LY PAYM E NTS: ... . s Hundreds of Diamonds and Watches have been sold by our I "liberal credit system," and we have yet to hear of a case where a customer complained of misrepresentation. We are - not infallible, but if we ever make a mistake we will make "."..'''' it DIAMONDS OUR SPECIALTY We know people are more skeptical when buying diamonds' than, when buying anything else the most timid buyers, cannot help but place confidence in us. With every Diamond we sell we give a certificate absolutely guaranteeing the ' ' , 1 quality and value of your purchase. ; ' EXAMINE OURJSTOCK. GET OUR PRICES. ' ' " t; MARX ft B LOCH, Props. Great v xAva vow oxosw ova avverxow saxjis ajto wzxx. orvra to rmm fvbuo ovm umu sroox at omsAT bsbvotioss. . - On account of the great number of auetlona r and the overstock ef . goods which we had on hand, we decided to have an auction, but are now of the belief that there ia more satisfaction with the people to 1st them have theae geoda at a reduced rate, They then know what they are get ting and what they are paying.. .-.-.. ,W carry EVERYTHING- In the ORIENTAL line and style. Olve ns a (all before pureheelng elsewhere. .' . .. , . 0r help Uke pleasure In shewing the stock and the best of attention ' Is guaranteed those who calk ; s -. . A ; 4 . -; -w - H-" Western Import 329 Washington St. tmptrlat Hotel Did g. CHAS. B. TOUNO, President. - JAMES M. KAN, Oen. Manlger. 11 IS OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL A HB W S A If, rOH 'A..' ' J -, V!' :"t 825.C0 good. ' ' . - v"::-' THIRD ST. ' ALL THI rlOrLl i v mm EDS'. Reductions 7 '' VV,..-