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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
V T:: OnG0N DAILY J3U--VX r.CHTLAX.'J. V. J "JAY .'ZZUIW. CCTCI -.'JOUNDErr-BAY . AT 'PACIFIC fib:. ;: iv ISSI ISWIISSIISSPSJ - .:. ' y? - '-W-y fi .Mt: .-:Vw v Prwldtnt WzUt l.i Ar.r.ueJ id- drew to Creit.r Ci!:n Club WOULD GIVE TO OVERLAID TCJRI3TS Ueet Each Train WiA Wrjon Load "t of Blossoms for Free Distribution ' Work of Club for the Year Dls- continued. ' ' '' i - Campus of Pacific University. '-SYp St ' S-rf-'i ., I . I ' 4 " ' I t ; ,'""Y x .V -V ...'v. : - " s -Willard H. Wirt. - W. Pearl, Chandler. : ! V- ; ' ' .:. . r-r- I : . " .. ' . r ... f .'. Frances Sorenson. Rpctal Manateh to Tk Journal.) Foreet Orove, Or.( Oct. SC. The ta dents or Fscino university outdid them' selves In th manner In which they celebrated the annual anniversary of Founders day. Teatordajrs celebration ...was- the roost original aa well as moil brilliant held . hers . (or -;' nahy years, : Even the academy classes caught the nnlrlt tit that amiuIah nit aea, . n .A 'demonstrate their loyalty to the nnl 'vatratta' . . " f . Early In the mornlns the freahmTnT' colore were hole ted up th flagpole and wared triumphantly over Marsh hall during the, whole day1. Not contented with this daring feat they attempted to Irritate the sophomores by suspending : a dummy from . the chapel dome and labellna it 1108. -, v . For a half hour preceding- the formal opening of the exercises Marsh hall echoed with class yells.' ' !' " - Miss riincn Dorennon, prcnia-nii ox he senior 'class, presided over the exer rlses and stated that according to an honored custom the students were onoe 'again gathered to commemorate Found fs day and to remember the splendid exhibition . of loyalty displayed by the Student body of ll5. . The program was opened by s piano i solo rendered by -Miss Frances Clapp. The editor of the college paper. Miss Clara Irvln, of Aurora, waa-thea Intro duced and presented the needs of. the paper. '" - .-. . - c William , B. Rasrnussen. . flss; Llvla Ferrln represented the work of thef Christian associations and Invited new students to sfflllato. them selves with-these organisations.'. WD lard H. Wlrts, the athletic man l.etlcsand jpartlcularly . ,foptbaU-JHe ager, mads a speech In behalf of ath wished the school might offer Induce ments . to football players. He stated he had read letters from college presi dents who were doing It with good re sults. His speech was received with enthusiasm.'. - . : .' - ' . Chester K.-Fletcher represented the Alpha Zeta ' Debating society, W. H Rasrnussen the Gamma Sigma and Miss Chandler the Phlloraathean. Annoupoe ment was made that & -rival co-ed liter ary society, the P. ' B. C, had been organised and would meet' In Gamma Sigma, hall. .- .. . i. V r- Miss Ellen Brobst of WllsonvlUs then ! sang a solo, , ...... ,-.' . The freshmen , were .' represented by William Barrett of Hlllsboro,. who gave a class' " parody on "Spartacus to the Gladiators." , ; The sophomores got the best of the freshmen by presenting a bust which bore the alleged likeness of their presi dent. ' The bust was painted green and had long protruding ears. The dedi catory address was wads, by H. H. Arnaton and , waa -teplete with gags against the freshmen. .A poem, read by Miss- Heldel, ' also ' contained stinging rhymes pertaining to the Infant class. - The closing number of the program was that of 'the "Junior class, which pre sented "The Three Fates Weaving the Thread of Human Life." ' The fate of each member' of the senior class was revealed and considerable laughter was Indulged In at the expense of the seniors. I - fejfi mm 1- Wherein Miss Christine Garson, Living with Her Parents TustVOutside of Cincinnati, Ohio, is . Shown How the f. S' T ' ' T' aF-i- 1 - 1 m-Wt " ' A "T ' ' ' 1 4 I t ' at "' Aitairs oi uins ana -women are .? K.egamea oy . Men- in i General, and by Her ; Brother,; Lent ; Carson, Practicing . ;Law;inv-Ncw Yorkr;City,vin 'Particular.' ''-SPv 1 ": 1 , In Which the Brother Touches on' the Hysterical Adulation " , " . - ;" , :, -r of Public Idols by Women ; v ,".' S f v.-;' .: ,1 " - ' ' My Dtr Kltttnit You will be interwted, I think, if not altogether. pleased, at y'' t ; ; " . " an experience I.htd, spropos of your kst letter. ." . f pfou told me in that lettef about the dm'e of your Bret" that you girls had si ! ' i ' 5 : Muiic Hsll the other afternoon' W. a recital given by f how hit playing simply , "carried you off your feet" how it ('enthralled you and made you al feel thst ' " - thil pisnirt was "siniply divine." All the girfs htd "creepi down their spine " - , ' :. they were hot and cold all over," etc. In short, you had one of those hyitericsl flings thst seem to appeal to girl and women at these recitals. , -, - 1, , i ) "1 yb.u must read' the; brother's letter in full, in the ' NOVEMBER Number of ; , Journal The Ladies Home 15 Gents a Copy at All Dealers CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA ?A. v (Soaelal Dlraateh to The JoorsaL) alera. Or., Oct. S. Lst nlsht was the data for holding the annual election of officers of the Qreater Salem Com mercial club,- but the election waa post poned until January. A request waa made to the club by the Btayton Inde dependent Telephone company that the club make It posslbla for the company to extend Its line oa into Salem. A oommlttee was appointed to look into the matter. . ; - . A committee was also appointed to confer with the representatives of a large number of Scandinavian colonists, with a view to inducing them to locet in this vicinity. , . President Hofer made his annual re port and other, business of minor (Im portance was transacted. 'President uo- said In part: ...i ,';..'' , Vrealdeat's Address. ; . "The Commercial club has always been sn active and potent influence in protecting; and promoting the Improve ment of the Willamette river. , The past year boots have run to Salem all sum mer without interruption, and surveys have been made for a revetment of the west bank. Our successors in off les should keep a vigilant and watchful sye upon whatever la neoecsary to keep an open river, although the benefits are much lessened by the tolls collected at Oregon City locks. The proposition to make the locks free ahould be promoted by every possible means, and all com mercial bodies ahould sea to it that the removal of the tonnage charge redound to the benefit of the ahlpper and not be merely absorbed by the corporation car rying their products. v : This club, has done all In Its power to- promote svnd render successful ths Lewis and Clark Centennial exposition. Salem broke the record for attendance from any interior city,, proving beyond controversy that Salem Is the second city in the state In point of -population, public spirit and enterprise. - . "The Willamette Valley Development league was organised under the auspices of this club. Our organisation has been recognised in the proper sort f way by ths Harrlman system or transportation lines who are spending 'millions 'more than aver before in the development eg western Oregon; and' turvs- practically under way the conetrucrlOtf of a branch line from Drain to Marshfleld on Coos Bay, which will give the Willamette valley producer a second outlet to ths markets of the world. -; h , ; ; . . , Bemoval sf Stats Capital. - , Th discussion- of th removal of th stats capital should srous this com munity to a sense of '-its duty in the premises. ' This city should t one take up two matters that cannot longer be ignored securing a suitable water sup ply from some unpolluted mountain stream, and the expenditure of about f 100.000 annually in paving streets and constructing boulevards.' Having ' ear neatly undertaken these two tasks the people of Oregon will have no good ar guments and no cause whatever to re move the capital and state Institutions from Salem, k ' . , ' .n . TThs capital city was never more prosperous and progressive than at pres ent. Due to. the energy and persistence of the present city administration at least one mil of broken rock . paved street is contracted for construction. At least a mile of street car extension is under way, into the rapidly settling sub urbs on th south. Surveys - sre now making for a trolley Una front Salem to Portland, which will ' lessen , the ex pense of travel and connect aa the val ley towns in closer bonds of business snd soclsl Intercourse. . ; j ngg-eetloas for the rutais. '' "As Portland has made a great hU from advertising itself as th Rose City, Salem should take advantage of th sug gestion and also work en the proposition of making a reputation for being a flo ral center. . From February to. November large quantities of flowers can be pro duced out doors. Concerted action can maks our parks, college, statehouss and school premises bright with oolors snd beautiful with shrub and blossom. What better way to advertlas our city and in spire every on to beautify their homes? A ' Wagon-load of flowers distributed free daily to passengers on the overland limited would advertise Salem, mors than any plan suggested.' . , .!; JUNCTION CITY COUPLE Y SEEKING SEPARATION ';7-,,' - - (Special Dispatch te The Jeacnal.) ' ' Eugene, Or., Oct. 2. Mrs. Ellen N. afcParland Is ths plaintiff in a divorce suit Just filed in the circuit court for Lan county. Her husband, G. B. Mo Farland, Is a well-known blacksmith at Junction City.' They wer married in Eugene, December It IMS, and have a -year-old dauchten lira. McFa.rla.nd alleges cruel and inhumaa treatment. 8 he states that her husband eursed, and abused her while she waa sick In bed, spent his time In th company of other women and neglected her.- She asks for 110 per month alimony for th support of th child. - t f: MEMBERS MUST PAY A THEIR OWN HOTEL BILLS - - rspeelal tMsMteh te, Tke Sternal) ' , Salem, Or., Oct. 11. In response to a query from County Judge Scott of this city, th attorney-general yesterday aft ernoon rendered an opinion in which he held that th 1500 appropriated for the purpose of holding the good-roads con ventions, under - th direction of th Stat Good-Roads association, could only be expended for th actual coat of the convention. That it could not be used to pay the traveling expenees and the hotel bills of the membrs -of the as sociation While attending these 'conven tions. ' '.'.''- Znsaas Kssr Dead. (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Eugene. Or- Oct J0.-H. P. GUI, a well-known resident of Springfield, Who was committed to th lnsan ssyUim at Salem several week ago died in that Institution Sunday. The cause of death The Journal Piny Vi'i tt Entertained for a Few Days it THs Hotel Csrin j Itelr Miy a tie HERE. IS THE WAY THEY STAND . v Votes received up to Wednesday evening In The Jotrmd's HawSa Trip CONDITIONS X - .'' V " '", - Of The Journal's t Hawaiian Tour CONTEST ; fraST any yoeaS laOy ever IS yeare ef agi sisy be semlnatod at any tlma ea hlaeks prevldeS by The Jeeraal. with the adornment ef tw well-kaows dtlseas ef the dlatrlet la which ate reslass. .,, tSIOOMD Thre Jedges agreeable to the Cir larval caaaiaaue aaaii no ersdally aoaeeae the wtssar m each dts. trlct, ens rouog lady to be ebteta best each district . ; nms As la ether teetlsns. ea dis trict aheU vote separately. The , vote la one cannot affect the etberrV Hatters prop erly eoDceralBg the dlatrlet will ! aetttod by the wishes ef the mjorlts. The wta set shaU have the right saaw S prosy U aoabto te ettead heraelt. . ; , yOtTBTK Votlne : win ' eonmeaoe' Thar., day. Asxest S. 1S0B. ssd .eloes BaterSay. neraber SO. st S e'doek - p.. at.. IOCS. OoapoBS anet he voted, within eaves dave after lasso. Coo pons eat from the Dally , Joaraal nast be saatly trimmed. AU eoapona. whether single or special, stoat bear the saste ef the candidal te be voted for. ' oonrova iti omor as roixowa - ., FTTTH Single eoapona, eat from the daHy paper, are good for ene vote. - Sabscrlptloa to the E realng Joaraal snd Snnday hlornlng Joaraal, three moatha, ft. SB. e speetal coupon of ISO votes (paid la advance). . aabscrlptloa to Evening end Sunday Hors ing Journal all montha. SJ.T5, a special eonpoa of SBO votee (paid la advance). Sob errlprlon to th Evening ssd Sanday Morn. flag Joaraal IS swathe, ST.SO. special eonpoa of TOO votee (paid advance). '. gnbserlptloa to th Evening asd Bandar Homing fosroal, throe month by stall. ft. SO. a special eospoa ef ISO votes (pal . la advance). Snbacrtptloe to th Evening ssd Sanday Morning Josrsal by nU els BMOtha, flTS. a apeela) eonpoa ef SM votes (paid, la advance), fcbaerlpttoa to the : Evening and Sanday alnralng Joaraal by mall S3 swaths, ST.00, s special eonpoa f -TOO vote (paid ia ad ranee). Senrl- Weekly ' Joaraal, tl.tO a peer, apedal eeapoa ef 100 . votee (paid la advance). " BIXTB Oeapoee shosld be voted st 'the seadqaarrere twareat yea or nulled to th eoapoB depertawet of The Joaraal, er at any point Basted below. . Votes will he counted Mender. Wednesday asd rrldaye asd the totals asaoaad to the pa bile the following day... .- ..; ;, k Any sandldata withdrawing from the cet' ) nao hare her vote eosatod for oa- ether, . i - v . ' . nASUTAETXaS AJTO TOTTJia EXAOIBl Tfret Ulatrlot Molmnmeh and Clackamas counMee. Voting place. Ooapoa Department ef Th Joorna) office. , . , . . - Soooed Omtrlet tJsloa, .Cmatllla asd Wallowa aeBtlae...r .., ,; ) ... t m Third IMetelet Wooes. Bherswa. Oltllasa, Morrow, Wheeler and Crook ooontle. w yeerth IMatrlo Baker, Oraat Barney ana Mainour eoauiwo. ..- rifth ' Ptotiloh-CnlwaiMs ' and '' Clataop eountles, Oregon; Klickitat. Cow lite, Clark.. Paclftc. Wahklakoa sad Bkamasls eoentloe, Washlsstes.. . , v. --'H lath Bittrlot Mario, Una sad Less ecuuUee. . , ,'. - . . - hvnth PUttlot-- Washing to.' TinasMnh. TstBh:U, Benton. Pen ssd Lisenbl eeuntl. EU Watrlet Donrlea, ' Coo. Carry, JoeepLlne, Jackaoa, Klamath asd Lake eoentloe. , , . ., - '-s v" -. ...,.J.J- - Any Information regarding con ditions of ths Hawaiian tour should b addressed to the manager of the Contest Department - f The JournaL ,'. ,:, ''-;,' .'''"'"''," ' ' D1BTEICT 0. L . 4 ' Total Vote. flu Minnie 8.' Phillip, deputy clerk rlrrult court 4.................... B8.S04 Mia Belli Madlgan. Old. Wortmaa A King (tore B4.S01 Mlaa Hadl WIntrrmanll. City I'ye Work 47.6'4 Mia Lnr Betjr. 940 Ban Rafael afreet S.e Mlea (iretrben Knrth. telrpbowi operator Portland hotel ........................ rt.T4 lla Rnth Lee. enhired hy Federated Trade eouneU ............. ... 3A.S4S Mlaa ttnm Sharon. 210 Kaat Thirtieth atreet T.9U Ml Henrietta Wlnkleman, nT Eat Conch stmt S Mlea Maraaret Hmlta. 0t8 Wllllanie avena ., 9B.4HS Mle Edith Bern, 246 Ktark atreet .......... 24. PIS Mlaa Lauro Iv-rbrablre, eXO Water street. SH.S7S . Mies ao,)hla Olenn, 2US ley atreet 22.ft.Vt . Mlea A Irene Horn, Oregon Cltr...... ,.. 21.109 Mlea Khut (Srteeel. Mat Thirty-Ant atreet 21.1' . Mle Eivn llurlhert. St. John 20.nA4 ' Mlea I.ury Ooald. telephone operator Oregon hotel llt.aftl Mlea (lenevleve Holmes. Olda. Wort man King atar 1S.42S Mlea Nellie Manser, MO Raleigh atreet....... , 1,-T7 Mlaa Oeorgta Mnk. 22H Burnalde atreet.. 14.44 . Mla Cora Jollr. T63 Klrat atreet IS.aMe) Mlea Marlon Leabv. Wondard. Darke Drag eempaay,.... )2.SAT Mlea Cnrnrlla Barker, .IMS Grand avenue... ......... I.S'I9 MlBiir Beddlrk, Orrgon City 1,0UT . (Voting I'lace, Coupon Department, Joaraal OfSre.) , sibtuct no. a. ,- ;: -:', V.;.. Mia Katla Naah. Grande. -Oregon ...... 42.42S - Mlea Mollis Proelwt!. Im Oram!, Uregoa So, 1ST ) (Voting Piece, L Grande, Htelnberk ek Blerer Cosfeetmaery . . . Mlas Agnes Fletcher, Pendleton. Oregon............... ............T. SS.tSO. Mlea rearl llarrle, Pendleton, Oreuu.. .. IS.014 aiiaa tfrace tlawaa, rentlietoo. vregon. .. .r. . ....,. ivi.niw Mlaa Mabel Johnson, Pendleton, (Hegoe 3.SHS S.US ..........-. 17 .:. ass-. ..." 2HO J7T . m (Votlns Place. Pendleton. Brock McComaa' Drug More. I MM Inuan It. o Macro, jttnena, uregoa.. .......... uiuiao v. u ntov, aiaena, vreow. ... . . (Votlna Place. Athena. Dell Broa.' Btaeo.) - Mlaa Rosy Tonne. Walla Walla. Waehtngton Mlaa Ivy MrCalliater. Walla Walla. Waehtngtoa .. Mle IUella Barr. Walla Walla, Waahlnston Mia Mar Callahan, Walla Walla. Waahlngtoa ..... -UlM HUH. Krowa. Walla Walla Waahlnatoa (Voting Clare. Walla Walla, Waahlngtoa Book Nook.) Mlaa ateiia La uranos,. nana, urea. ....... ts.nas ....... 22.S33 ....... 21.01 ............. u,nu ...................... 2UB SISTaUOT 0. S. Mlaa Emilia Cruena. Th Dalle. Oregos Mlaa I.nrUe Crate. The Dallee, Oregon (Voting Plae. Th Dalle. Blakelr Drug Store.) Mlaa Stella Rlchardaon. Hood Elver, Oregoa ......... Mies Iura Cramer. I! nod Hirer. Oregon. ,v (Voting Placo. lliwd Elver. Wright's Store.) . ... .-i ., . Mlea Florence Oeorge. Arlington, Oregoa 11.430 (Votlne Place. Arllnston. Branem' Confectionery.) ..r. Maw tJertrude Hbannon. Condon, (iregoil UM ' '4SS ins loo I Votlne Place. Condon. Jackaoa Horulbrook s. Btore.l , Mlea Oertrnde Sharp, Prlnevllle, Oregoa... . Mlea tea.iHae. lieppner, Oregon..... Mlaa Willow Miner, Heppner, Oregoa Mlaa oraro Hager. Heppner. Oregon , (Voting, i'lace, Heppner, i-aiierono m non irag morv.f - DISTBICT SO. a. Mlaa Ilattle Barton, Baker City, Oregou. ......................,.......,... 'Mlaa Gertrude Tic, Baker City, Oregon. . ...., ....... ......... BO.IOS Mlea Ethel Parker. Baker City. Oregon ..,...,..,.,.....1 J2.4: Mlaa Mrrtle Bret ten. Baker Cltr, Oregou ...v... lOtaaj (Voting Piaeo, Baker Citr. Lavingrr'e Drag Store.) , . ... ' . ' Mle Clara Swain, Burne, Oregoa A... ......- le,44S ' (Voting Place. Bnrna, Welcome Pharmacy.) - . , Mlaa Effle Mae King, Ontario, Oregon...... 13.S7S Mlaa Daley Betterlejr. Vale. Oregoa S.l.'tt ! Mlea (Irraldlu 'I)tu-ke. Knmpter, Oregon S.24 v (Voting Plaee, Sumpter, XX Beff cigar and NcwaaUad. ', '' , ' DIBTKIOT MO. S, ,. " V.; : " Mlaa Plneeece ' Tleavreti. Vancouver, Waabingtoa 20.844 i Voting Place, Vanconvar, 618 Mali atreet.) . ' i'- '-. melia William. Ke Uo. Waahlngtoa , 17. (MS (Voting Place. Kelao Cosfectlonerjr. ) , . . Ulaa Eatherlne tiore, Kalama. WaahitigtoB ........... ........ ................. 1S.I4S (Votiug Place, Kalama. Cofter'e Htore.) r- ' , " Mlas Mary Berge, Home Valley, Waahlngtoa 11,74 Mlaa Kather Anderaoa, AatorU. Oregon .1,210 (Voting Plae. Attorta. Owl Drug 8 tor.) Mlaa Dalay Watklna, St. Helena, Oregoa.. w 0.012 A Voting Place. Bt. Helena. Oraya Htore.) , ,r ... J - ertrnde Randall. Caatl Rock. Waahlngtoa ', 1.S1S Mlaa Grace Wright, Caatlo Bock. Waahlngtoa l.m (Voting Place, caatle Rock. Aadpi'e Drug Star.) . , , Mia Alice Perry, Rainier, Oregon .1.031 1 (Voting Place. Rainier, Frledhurg's Confectionery.) . Mlaa Annie Pfrrloe, Clatakanle, Oregon ....1.143 (VoUns Place, CUUkanle, Blmmoae Co. 'e Store. 1 , -,. .,;. DISTBICT BO, 8. Mlaa Madge Battee. Eugene, Oregoo.s 23.20 t Mlaa Kmaa Moftett, Kvaeoe. Oregos.. U.4IS ' Mlaa Stella Bean, Eugene. Oregon......... 1.UMS , 4 Voting riaee. Kageae. Hnll's Drug Store.) . . , Mlea Blanche Brown, Balem, -Oregon........ 17. 7M Mlaa Mary Davidson, Salem, Oregon. 11.0US Mlaa L. Belle Darhy, Saleaa, Oreaoe... ......... ....a ll.ota Mlaa Minnie Ireton. Salem, Oregon..,, . S.Oiet . Mlaa Pearl Bbeller. Salem Oregoa .-.. 0.2" " Mlaa Minnie Arhenbaca, Salem, Oregon Mlas Nettle Reddekoop. Batem, Oregon l,SuS Votiug Place. Balem, Haaa' Drag 8 tor.) . .Mlas Lacy Morcon. Woodbnra. Oregoa.,. v. ....... 18.208' Mlaa Myrtle Traak. Woodburn, Oreiron (Voting Place, Woodbarn. Beehe s Whltmea' 8 tor.) . Mlaa Maude Blair. Cottage Grove. Oregon 12.T3 Mia Effle Btrwarf. Cottage Grove, Oregoa 12.27 ' Mlaa Llaale Vcatch, Cottage Grove. Oregon 10,87 (Voting Place. Cottage Orove. Gill's CcfetlOBry. ) , ! Mlaa Katbrja Oarvto, Bllrertos, Oregon......,............. U.S (Voting' Ptoee, Bllverton. Brook ' Drag Store.) , ., . V ,-. . Ml Pearl Bavag. Albasy. Oregoe 1 Mlaa Masgl Chamber. Albany. Oregoa.... 1.HT alias Allco Locke. Albany, Oregoa............. 2.8ul (Voting Place, Albany. Dawaoa'S Drug Store.) , - Mais Addle Blmpaon. Lebanon, Oregon.. S.112 (Voting Plae. Lebanon; Cotton' Store.) . ,..t - Mlaa Nunda Gleay, Aurora. Oregon...,,.., S.tHt Mlaa Fay Cooley, Brownarllle, Oregon 1.848 :. ' DISTBICT B0. T. , . Mlas Bertha Cnurteaianche, MrMlnnrllle, Oregoa ................................ 50, MS .(Voting Place. McMlnavllla. Hoiiaer'a Store.) Mle Ifaael Kennedy, Lafayette. Oregon , 14,25 (Voting I'lace, Lafajatt Poatufoie.) Mis Minnie Rnv, Dallae. Oregos ." 11. SM (Voting Place, Delia, 81 eat 'a Stationery.) Mis Cora Bpengle. Darte. Oregon;..,. , 12,274 , (Votlne Place. Darton. llarrla' Drug) 8 tor.) Via Marie Hoetetler, Iltllaboro, Oregon 10,818 , n , tl .. IIIII.Imva ,1.h.,m . . . . , T.M aiiae it. i i 0, iw.kii . . . . . . .... h' ............... a ., e (Voting Plae. Hlllaboro, Brhnlmerhm's Store.) , . , . , . " atl Mrrtle Bntler. Foreet Grove. Oregon g3t (Voting Plae, Foreat Grove; La Course's Store.) . Mlaa Ollv Btratton, Newherg, Oreson 4021 . (Voting Plaee, Newherg. Calwelt A Co.' Drag Star.) Mlas IJlllan Weheter. Philomath. Oregoa , Eire Mle Kneale C. Holehelroer. Beaverto. Oregoa t S.87V . (Voting Place. Bearer ton, Thosaa Thing Confectionery.) ' Mia Grace BUrr, Cor rallla, Oregon...... 1240- . ' DISTBICT B0. . Mlaa Edna Pereley, Bnaehurg. Orrgnu. ......... ......................... ....... 27.02 Mlaa Dale II armoo. Roebnrg, Oregrai.... ., 28,7111 (Vothrg Plae, Renews. Hamilfaa' Drag Store.) , -Mle Loulee, Tv Jonee. Jarkeonvllie. Oregoa ...................... .....j........ 1I.T40 Mla Maude Berry. Great Pa, 4-re.a, i..'................. 12. Mlaa Maixte Baber. Urania Paea, Oregoa 0,77 (Voting Place, (iranta Paas, Bnilth'a Drug Star.) , . ,. . ' Mlaa Jennie Woodford. Mrdfnrd. Orewo. '., ......... 10.878 (Voting Place. Murd, Roaeell's Confectionery.) . - Mlaa France Oahorne, Aahlaad. Oregow.. . 8.'1 Mine Lrdla McCall. Aahland, Orr-rna... , i-4 (Voting Place. AabUrd, button's Kewaataad snd Baylee'.) , ii i 1. . . - CouponFree Hawaiian Trip "';'," Honolulu, Hawaiian IsUnds . I,- . ,-vot for ,,...,.,....,................... This coupon must, be voted "overr.r 5, I UonCzyt, Welz::- was spoplexy. 1 '