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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
i:vz onrGON i daily jour-: w -rouTLAKD. Trir "day : .vsinwo. , cere: r c:, u:?. toxnsr s Jjnrezxzmk ITerqaam Oread, lielasce ......... baker Lmplre. ,.,. v,, bread . Hut v ..."Bn Hr" "Frlare Otte" ........Mimical BurtcxpM Women Bui ' .r.. ...Camilla'' Veedarllle Vaadetllle Samuel Kafka hes- receive- word of hi appointment as on of tha commis sioners - from Oregon to tha - National I rrl ration conference which will b held y In New York. City on December and T. Mr. Kafka recently returned from Buf falo, Mew York, where ha attended aa a delegate the national-convention of For ester1 of America. Fon Ban Francisco and Los AngeleaA The steamer W. H. Kruter aalla Batur v day,; 1 p. m. Cabin. BeaFranclsco, lit; . Jjo Anseles, Ml. 60. Steerage, Ban Fran ' Cisco, 8; Los Angeles. IIS; aneals and berth Included. C. H, Thompson, agent, i:i Third street. . . , , i . ', s 1 . Plunder.- the' flortst. will be at the old stand the balance of tha week, and to curtail removal expenses will sell palms, plants and ahruba at greatly re duced prices. " . .,-.. ' Window ' guards or anything In the wire and Iron line, phone East 70, Co lumbia Wire Iron - Worka, - -70 East Washington street.- tuV man wlU call. '' '' ; Watches and diamonds It down and 8 00 .per week. Goods delivered on first payment.- Xmaa la coming. Metagar fa Co.. Jewelers, opticians, 111 llxth. Rummage sale, ladles Third Presbyte rian church. H Union ave.. Oat tt. 37, St.. Donations solicited and received at H Union ave. any day this week. Steamer F. A. KUburn for Ban Fran cisco, calling at Coos Bay and Eureka, from Oak; street 'dock. Saturday, October 2 IV at p. in. Tel. Main 20.. . Paints, varnish, enamels, stains etc, going cheap at fire sale, 141 First, near Alder. Tel. Main IfM. , . V . . Why pay to tit for eye glasses -when we guarantee a perfect fit for lit t atetiger 4k Co 111 Sixth street ' Now' the time to paint your. porches, . floors, brighten up your' furniture, eta. . Paint Are sale. 141 First. ' r . - Our. large ahop means quick deliver Foster 4k Klelaer. signs. Fifth and Sv v erctk.; ...:,;... -, , v ..J. -j Portland's ' beat dancing school, 101 , Alder. Prof. Ringlet, Miss Buckenmeyer. ladies' gymnasium class, the Rlngler ' Physical Culture school. 11,, per month, For packing and shipping phone Main - 1121. Walborn. 214 Second atreet., - FriU'a female are tha best. : AN END GAINED. , .'The Hotel Oregon ataa Wot Than Xs i eeeded the Bzpeetattoms of Its Ova- Y; ,...:.'.;,..,- i:. That- the above-mentioned hotel baa -. scored (he greatest auocess of any hotel Mn the city la already known to Port- Jand people. Starting out with a well- ; defined plan, the result of years ef -fc.perienea, -nothing has- been -allowed to i'tand In the way of its consummation. 'When one considers the' large amount k expended - In Its sumptuous furnishings, 1 ts It any -wonder that its patrons are loud in their praises as to Its merit T A single visit to Ita Rathskeller grlU will demonstrate Ita popularity. Bym- phony orchestra each evening after 1:10, Corner Seventh and Stark. - ' . - ' dur Claims Not Modest. , v That la what our competitors tell customers- of our Ceclllan. and It pleases tia, for we can demonstrate every claim. : First, we ran subdue the baaa acoom- ' panlment while the melody sines a beau ' tlf ul legato, 'This Is a positive fact, at we have a divided keyboard;' then it pumps twice as easily, aa any other ' player: "h child can operate It. All the ' delicate parts are all metal and ennnut rust or get out of order by any climate or changes, and you know In Oregon this Is of Incalculable value. Call and aee ft before you purchase; we will take ' pleasure 4n explaining It to you: ' ' MANUFACTURER S PIANO CO.,-; . i . 16 Alder street, -J . : v - W. T. Bhanahan. Vice-Pres. - J, Fredrick Kessler, Prea.- i , LAST WEEK: t Of tto Free Sekool. ' The ladles who have failed to attend ' Mrs. Haffner'a lectures should do ' so this week, every day at 1:J0. Hundreds " have expressed ' themselves aa being hlahlv pleased With her work. Every body welcome. Honeyman - Hardware company, corner Fourth and Aider. - f j- Science.4: There la a science In marketing, and. -ladles. The Journal's spectaC feature. "the market and grocery page on Fridays. is worthy your consideration and you should by all means read the advertise ments, as they represent tHe leadingand beat In the city. ii - -' -1 - . dancing ' School Prof. Eaton; -- 1 Beginners every Monday evening. Class Thursday evening. Arlon hail. :Xsaon by term, ti centa. Phone Weat ,. teBaaeanasaaaBBBawaaawawaaaMieBMaaBsnaMa . ' Milwaukie Country Club. ' Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City car at First and ' 'Aldan,, : ;. Freferred Seoek Oaaned eoda. Allen tewls Best Brand. ' THE ESTACADA o un or o-.'W. . sixotjuo ax, . m njtT or m rma oa : ni 'olaozabtab array ; . ESTACADA. JC2EGCN a rorvzAa ssAttw m axoasAnoa . : . . . axaoax. . ' ateaiitan) eHoiMag, tronf flihtns. l6-ere alBe fir park, lent eenelnf , eavlUoa. hotel prevised with Hty t.tpr aa eieetrte lekta. flee beta., telephone direct te Portland. ThoaMixle et met of fir loreat arreead the yoanc elty ef Batatada. m mm raoK FoanAirs. ' Itetea per aar...,.,..,....,,.....,,,.! SBO Rates per week...,,...., IU.0S perlaf ticket, laeradlag - reand trip fare aod dlneer. I 1.T1 peclil ticket, !ocloIlnf renad trip - tare. ,eee al(ht loddog aad three eels. ...... . 1M noxn omoi nut awo aloxa m, . L. S. MARTINEZ, Manmg' ' ," XtTAOADa, e"-".' - to no Cornpany Cats Contract for Con structing Irvmgton Drain and Gives Large Dond. " The Pacific Bridge company has been placed under ISO.OOS bonds by tha city executive board fof faithful performance of the terms of the contract for. con struction - of the Irvington district sewer. The price to be paid the con tractor for laying the conduit la 1113.- 74 ' ' " It waa the opinion of members of tha board, that a bond equal to tl 1- per cent of the contract prloe should be re quired, but It was suggested tha the board had better flx the bono at su,auu. The bid of the Pacific Bridge company waa lowest of several for the contract. All the other bids were csrrled out In detail while that of the Pact no Bridge company waa a. lump bid and specified that the -company would build the aewer according to the plana and specifications of the city engineer lor tne sum nameo. There waa some, discussion regarding whether the contract should be let to the company becauee It had not carried out the different Items of the bid in de tail, on the ground that ft might leave room for n charge tor extras arier me work waa finished. Investigation by the rules ana ewer committees of the ' board allayed all fears along this tine and the contract waa awarded with the understanding that the company should complete the aewer for the amount namea in lis ota. according to the plans and apeolncattona of tra city engineer, wtiicn were eon aldered sufficient to cover all details In the conatructlon of the drain. ' .. ' . ; DISTANCE NOT A FACTOR. " - . ,111.1 ii , - .V '.'.' ' . K Continued f(om Pago One.) V 1 ln SoatUe October 1 was tha last that will (dear for Nome this year, aa boats that might leave later would encounter danger of being' caught In the Ice. , If the Nome trade alone Is so much greater than -the capacity of ahlpa to carry It thla year,, merchants are won dering what it will become In the next two or ' three years with the present prospects of development of Industries of m permanent character, such as coal, oil,' copper and' gold mining. ' The rich eat part of Alaska trade of the future will be at : points west 'of Sltks. and extending to Nome, and back Into the Interior along the lines or raiiroaa now being projected.' ' , -. . t- ' "If Portland merchants would pull together on the steamship question as they are doing on the railroad question, I believe we would have no trouble get ting an Alaska line established," said koule O. Clarke, president ot .Woodard. Clarke Co. "While we are working for the construction of needed railroads to conhoct Portland with distant points, there is already a basis of tranaporta tlon by water front Portland to a very rich trade territory la'Alaaka, and all that Is necessary Is the boats to run' on the route. Our firm would be glad at any time to cooperate In any effort to establish and maintain a ateamahlp Hne between Portland and Alaaka porta." . Wholesale Senses Handicapped. . . Ten or twelve Portland wholeaala houses send traveling men- regularly to Alaaka territory They arw favorably reserved, and do as much business as la practicable "with ' the present - methods of sending Portland ahtpmenta by rail vis. Seattle. When boats are crowded end space la hard to get, the Portland shipments ' are naturally left ' 6n - the docks, and the Seattle goods go. Con sequently, the Alaaka merchant who has ordered his goods -from Seattle houses gets them first, and the Alaska custo mer of the Portland house has to wait until the next boat arrives. ' "We tried at one time to. work up Alaska trade by entering Into a contract with a boat Una. and guaranteeing a certain revenue to the boat. - We nearly got Into trouble, and lost money by the attempt. But our firm IS still ready to help In any effort to establish this trade, and will agree to aopd a man to Alaska to work for the business." said Edward Ehrman of the wholesale gro cery firm of Mason, Ehrman A Co. -, ' Wholesalers Beady s Kelp. , A. H. Devers - of Closeet A Devers waa strongly In favor of a united effort to Intrench Portland In the Alaaka field. He said: -' ' ' ; " "Our firm Is ready at any time to as sist In- subsidising a steamship' line. and- sending a representative Into the Alaaka territory to work for trade." The development of ' Alaaka la rap idly Increasinr the volume of business between Pacific ' coast points ' and the porta of the far north. Next year -the trade will be greater than ever before. It Is said thla business la almost tha sole cause of Seattle's growth snd pros perity, and that all of It would have been Portland's share had this city retained tbs hold It once had on Alaska trads. : '.- -, ; ' ' " "The' people of Alaska want to trade with Portland. They are very tired" of Seattle, for they, know they are being cheated by many of the Seattle mer chants." said J. T..McNamee. who goes twice a year to Alaska representing Flelechner, Mayer A Co. "The only thing needed Is a tins of steamships. At leaat four boats - would be required at the start,' to ' enable Portland to . compete with Seattle for the business. A boat weuld have o leave Portland for Alaaka every four days. - Going up by the Inside route, and : coming back direct from Nome to Portland across ths open sea, the trip could be made with that number of boats often-enough to accommodate the trade. The boats and the merchants would probably havs to operate at some loss for the first two months. After that the trade would be profitable, and could be worked up to very large pro portions." " ' ; ..-4, .-'Ths Tmds ts Tmsss.' . About eight years ago D. C O'Reilly, then In the employ of . the O. R. A N. Co., waa sent to Alaaka to Investi gate conditions and report on , the ad visability of running boats frcm Pot land in this trade. He visited every len portant . point, and reported - that the trade waa there, and thar It was feasible for Portland to compete for It An ef fort to operate boats followed, but It Is aid did hot "receive the support of Portland merchants, i . ' ' Y Since that time there has been great growth of population and business In Alaska, and alao a aweeplng Chang In the attitude of Portland merchente. Theyare now almost to' a man In fa vor of ;goln grafter , the Alaska trade, ind are awake to the Importance of supporting-a boat line that will'-operate from thla city to Alaaka porta. It Is be lieved that If the attempt wars mvle again the line would receive : enough business to support It At one time last summer. It la said, ths local offlcd ' of the Pacific Coast Steamship company applied' for a boat , to run from thla port to Alaska, and guaranteed tot pas sengers' for ths first trip, but ths com pany was crowded with - business ' at Brattle, and could not par s. bpa - - 1 an 1 i . y 1 SLAVERVIE1C3 10 THE POLICE " !. Aim Kintal Wanted for Kill ing Countryman, Leaves Hid-;.', ing Place and Surrenders . ; -' " l " CLAIMS-HE WUED'-''':r''-.. f IN SELF-DEFENSE Japanese Gives Statement In Which He Saya That Mataulhita Whom He KUled. Drew . Knifa nd D manded Money. - : , , Kasaoka Klnta. the Japanese who stabbed to death B. - Mataushlta last Monday morning In the entrance to a loda-ina-.hnuae at tIS Everett atreet. gave himself Into custody last night, follow- Inr neaotlatlona extending over a penou of three days between his friends on the one hend and Chler or roues umi- macher and Detectlvee Day ana vaugnn on the other. He la the aecono Slayer who haa surrendered himself to the po lice In the last month, the other being John D. Horan. who killed Louise Jenkins by striking her In ths eye with an umbrella. . - : -.. Klnta. aava that he killed. in seir- defense, asserting ;that Mataushlta at; tacked him with a aniie on oeing re fused loan of 110. - After killing Matsushita, ths prisoner saya, ha went to Mount Tabor ancf stayed with a friend.' When Maurakaml. who con- ducta the .house at U North First street, 'where the trouble originated which ended in the Killing, promising to stand the exnenae of his defense, he agreed to deliver himself up to ths of ficers. Kinta mads tne louowing siaie ment this morning through Interpreter Takahtra: -. . ' . ' ' "Matsushita cams to ths house, at ii North Flrat atreet drunk. He had more drlnka there and refused to pay for them. He alapped a girl named xosm Al and others. . Finally be struck ms and to avoid him I left the house. ... "Ma mat me -afterward In the door or the lodging-house on Everett street and grabbing me by the lapel or tne coat. asked me to loan him 120. I said I did not have It Then he said I Would have to set It because- I spent a good deal of my time around Maurakaml'a place. and he knew Maurakaml had money. ', Threatened to Ul XUbu "I sot away from him and went to the Washington restaurant on Third atreet He came there and again threatened to kill me., I ran to tha rear of the res taurant and bid In a cheat He ate a meal and leftA Aa soon as he wss gone I went Into the restaurant and waa cau tioned to avoid him. as he had maoe more threats after I hid myself. "Then I- walked down to the lodging- house, and aa I passed the. door he grabbed me again. This time he held a knife. I had my knife In my hand. In anticipation of attack, and when ne drew back the knife and demanded the money I stabbed him. He dropped his knife and In the atruggle.I stabbed him several time mors. As soon -as hs re leased his clutch on ms I ran." v Klnta and Takahlra any that Mat sushita served, alx months for stabbing n countryman and when arrested slashed an officer's. trousers, 4 .. , ;. ?, . THIEVES LOOT SALOONS ; ; AND STORE AT DALLAS -'''.' - (Jooraal Special rvlee.) ' ' ' , Dallas, Or., Oct 2. Burglars robbed two saloons and srtSindy store hero Isst nlcht Ths loss Is 1160. Four guns snd a big supply Of liquors were taken.'- No one la under, suspicion ana mere is no tracs of the thlevea. , T ' '. Several Mew. slonsss. - Building permits have . been Issued to W., B. Steel, Jr.. two' dwellings on Monroe street, between Rodney- and Williams avenues, 11,400 each, total tl.ROO: George Langford, four dwellings corner Brooklyn and East Seventeenth streets. H.lGe each, total IS.000V John Pearson,-dwelling corner of Schuyler and East Twenty-third atreeta. It.euOr En terprise Brewing company, brick ware house oorher of Johnson and Thirteenth streets, 13,500: W. P. Thomss. dwelling corner Ivan and Division streets, 1100; Oregon' Foundry, foundry building cor ner Eaat Eighth and Eaat Alder streets, 1800. ;- ' ' Repair permits have been Issued to Marquam estste. store 145 Sixth street 175; R. B. Lsmson, dwelling at 14 North Thirty-second street, 11.600. : , Sea ton Flays tn Astoria. ' ' Carl Denton gave an ojgan recital Tuesdsy night on the new pips organ recently installed In Grace Episcopal church, Astoria. The program included worka from Oullmant, DuBola. Brasa, Blset and others. ' Hainea has ita first cement sidewalk, and la to have electric lights.' SALE OPENS TOMORROW ' ., ' v . U A. K. ' - rilarquam Grand Theatre ' An xxa ooktast. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th $ Plreetlea LoU atwrs-Wyna Con. . - ; SIOTBi 11.00. l.aO. W-50. 3.U" 4.00 Boxea. 128. Liberty Theatre iYilII . Uanatemeat ef Kranng riood. " -. Handsomest Vaudeville ' ' Theatre on the Coast ; WEI Cpta VLtzisy, October 38Si ; Watoh far Araad Oyeaiag Frograsa. , Polite Taadevllle sod Best Acts Only. - LYRIC THEATRE nt sTAmmra mokbat. oorossm 3s. fke Xaeeatperakle Lyrla Stonk Oeasaay la ths CAniLLE" A toochlny etery ef life la Paris! ' Anmlixlne for. 11 err-d urttm. ani. Voice Production Pianoforte. Pipe Orfis, naranny Snd Compnel ties. ' atedle ef raiSXmiCX W. aOODEIOK. Btlstost street Phase Ktft I9M. - . ' ..' w m - ' ' ' ''-'Ii ....'.';. Lvv'vi . . ' ' - WHICH BlUi 'f worr.D TOTJ , RATHKR PAT! WIS DO , Fcnlly Uc!:a ct c per p: J Saving the fatigue and Ills that often follow this debilitating la - bor. One doctor's bill would pay fifty laundry bills. Which would . you rather pay? WhUtle through the 'phone snd - we'll tell you all about It; iraiiiAiEnYcd; noon An oot.wbza. ,-. 'Tel. Kate m l.C0;fe Tor 10 weeks, with opportunity to secure ISO suit at II to ISO. Meetings every WednsdAy oven ing. : Investigate ,;r Jolinston Sd t Xhi5 ( soo WA5HINQT0N ST. Remember the new number. corner Iownsdale, four doors east of old sddresa. . Increased busi ness forced us to secure larger quarters.. Better accommodations. Better service. - More room, mors JUght ',.-,. George Lusich 114 V Secured the' S0 suit In the J. H. JOHNSTON SUIT CLUB, 500 Washington street,, Wednesday evening. October 16. fc SBMBVBawasVJBBSJBBlBlBiaMi ,'- AJruBzarxaTTB. "; Marquam Grand Theatre OHLT TRBEB WOBB PERTOKm ATCK8. . TOmOHT AT I O'CLOCK. rrlday Mght aad Batorday Matlaea. Kit A Ertanger's ' Bropesdoes Produetles Oeseral Lew Wallace's Crest Draws, -, iiir" Altboagk the sale has bees very Isrge good , seats suy be. sad at -JOe,' T5o, 11.00 tl.K, r S.M aad W-M SeaU sow selling for the eatire eBgaseaient Marquam Grand Theatre ' Jatnrday Evenlnt Od 28th, at 845 'was ropnla Ietturs . Mr. Barry Bulkley of Washington, D. C. will deliver his celebrated Illustrated talk upon liiETfaOMf BATIOBAl M Assisted by Mrs. ' Boss Blooh-Baner, Mrs. WaHes Seed, atlas Bthsl V . Bhea, Kr. pan- 9. Mmu, Pronounced by eminent critics. "Ths lecture Hit" of the year. lellvered at the 8t Louie Exposition and during the entire period of the Lewis and Clark Exposition by Invitation of the U. B. Eovernmont Illustrated by over one undred beautiful views. Rv anerlal reaneat Mr. Rulklev will deliver during his forthcoming tour of the east and middle west nis lecture upon "Portland, the City of Rosea." Tickets, tl. For aale at Portland Cigar Stand. Portland Drug Store.. Woooara, jiarae m to. Under the personal direction and su pervialon of Armat Stoddart - Belasco Theatre ftu BELABOO MATES., PEOPl. -Fnnrteentli an4 Wathtoetnn Streets. - E. B. Trice, Sea. Kgr. X. L. iaekett, Bas. Mgr. TONIGHT AT i:lV w HITEC win I HITTLESEY With the BELAWO THBATRB STOCK CO.. Is OTIS SKINNER'S DELIGHTFUL COM ED t "PRINCE OTTO" rrooi Robert Vovim BtereBsea's Boauacs. XTgs 1& to TSe; Uats. Cat "on., tse l 901. Next Week WHIT , WHITTLK8EX . la "THE MANXMAN." by i.aU Catoe. Phone Mata 1S0T. . Rome ef Moeleal Barleeqwe. l uutl AWn TRIVIt HTRaCTSI ' Toolsht. Tomorrow Night, Saturday MathMe, " - : . 1 , Saturday Nlfht Presntlnr Bnrleanne RitrarasaBsa aad as . ALL-STAR VaCDBVILLR BILL. . The Jolly Craaa Widowa PRICKS Even las, 2Se, Me, Sfte, T5e: Bit arday stattaeea, I5i 2fie, SAe, 00c i Wednesday siitmee. 8e to any seat. - . - Next Week"Wahlnt Boeiety OhlS." ' Emoirc Theatre TwirtkNsrrisea rasas Mala 117 POKTLANtrS POPtTtAR PLATHOI78B. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Maaaser. , i . ETery Nlabt Tela Week at 0:15, Reniat Matinee HatnnUr. 3:10 . Bk B EUNICE HOWARD 1b M. W. TTlor's His Sceote fradnetloa et tbs i Bttrrlng Societr Mdodrasia, . , Why Women Sin PRICES Bvealag. l-V. tSe, sOa sad sse) matlme, Hr. l.v aan ane. , - ..Nest Attraction "Dora TborBe. THE GRAND ' , u ' Thoaaa Blearaa a. "" !' ktsdame Waada's-Edeoatad Oaaeh Bags. .' -The Maloeau. , Skaatlaalll. Wei tea A True. . . . lied faitatas. The Oraadlaooye. ' General' admlaaloa IOe; ereolns. Bandars and Honriare. reaerres aeaia lower ikott, m. Dailr matinees, en the tower floor, Ue; box aeau.. see. Tbs rreaarloka raaUly, The sToDoaald Trie. . . Lela Fswa. Moaara a awraara. ' Billy Daraat. V all red tseus. Tbs Btaieeeeye. . General adlSm. 10et eveslssa. Sandan and bnllrtara. reeerved' ea lower flout. Sue; dally matlneea, eatire lower floor,. lOct bna, aeata. . - . Miss Edith Kelly rarmerlv. of Chicago, will receive piano 4upila at studio, IH Morrison street XMAOMMTmO, BMTKOV. "Ben OPEII HOUSE AGAIN NEXT ' If NIGHT V . SATURDAY f '':" Announoemcht Ths Allen ft QUbartRamaker Co. Invhe you to another musical evening, Saturday night, October 28. The following well- ..'-,vshi.Ui- known musicians wui entertaw yout . Misa Eliaabeth Harwia. Vocalist Uiaa Ada WlUiama, Violin ' ; Mr. Carl Williama, Piano , ; You are Invited, Saturday night, ,t ... We wish to talk to you about A piano . L' one . piano a Ma'aon'' & 'Hanilin. ; ' Grand.; - , ic .;V- This particular piano wap awarded a-. ' Gold Medal by the , "Medal Jui" of j the Lewis and Clark Exposition, p. ' This Gold Medal Grand stood in our booth at the Fair for seteTaf months. Musicians from all . quarters of the world visited our display and many ' were invited to play upon this, Mason Froai AB the l WofM - & Hamlin Grand. v Artistic' folk, you know, are apt to go ; ' into . raptures . over things that please . them.;, .v '.- . Nothing but a phonograph could faith- fully reproduce the good things said . . -4 . about that, piano. I We are just as them.. .. - -. ' - ita' -T' Whoever hears its rich, singing, vi- . Sweet V . brant voice will partake of pur . ehthu -Voice - siasm and understand why we devote , ' ' this large space' to a talk about one -t , ;';''' instrument. i: r V' ;' VV-'.r,'--."-.; '-"A ' i -v ','"' Whether or not you think of buying ' "this "Grand," or any other piano, come ' ': . in and see it; listen to its sweet, al-' ,. - ' ' ' most human tone. You will have had ; s - J1; the pleasure of hearing the best that ; the instrument-makers' art can pro- ; :. '.. " ' v ,' ' ; ;. .' duce.". ,' ' v" ':- ' ' ' : X ': :' '" :-: The regular price of this . Mason & i Uamlin Grand i. ... . . . . . . '. . . .$900 , ,We wUl sell it for..::.....;.?580 There is not a scratch on it It has been declared a perfect instrument by Dsclared Perfect a jury, which awarded it a Gold Medal, . ; and by musicians who Jbave played .', , ' upon it. ,": V . ;. , , Come in and ask to see this piano, ' 'whether you think of buying or not. J" We have these dther especial bargains . rj'-,, ' ' to offer today i '' ' ... ;,- . .... -..-V -. '; A $600 Everett Upright, just as good' ' v , as new but a little shop-worn. Present . selling price ....... ..........?390 . A brand new Kingsbury, scratched in . ; ; - handling; regular price ....... i .$375 , ' , . S Present selling price........ 235 " j A Conover: Upright, regular r!."'; ." . 'y " price. .................. .$550 -' - Present selling price. . . . . . . .'. . .$335 If jyou dp nof . live in Portland and want a piano, write us or wircand we - ; . ; will reservV it for you. You may buy Zr ' from us just as safely. as if you were . - l. here. -;' '.- t' -y ', ; The word of the fdestv largest 'nd . ',';7" sti-ongest piano arid organ house m Write to Us the Pacific Northwest is as good as aT '5 ' ' bond. Write us Allen & Gilhia-ncr.::.:? Co. V v - . -V i'- . .... ll f ' Mil -1 "AV . .--V you and all your friends, October ZB. . ; u ' enthusiastic as any of ...:---s.'" if you are interested. . ' . Baa Aa " JJLdl 'W U 1 U . y v,'- I ' ... . - :, - - Nr.' :'v ? " .'f V- II III l.atee- JM ' TZf. ti VV - I STUNNING new press ed velvet shapes, - with velvet facing caught up in the colonial and other shapes which are so becom ing. Indeed, - they are very pretty and the . materials are . excellent. . ' : All colors to choose ' I rom. - -TEEKS- SOeAlVEEG (AaUefre 'say. el Bats la frea theae we are' eaewias etaer new aad Smart CaeailW aad ' Velvet, OUlMTiNGCO The ItoM Tmr Oidtt U 4 WASHINGTON AND TENTD STREETS ASK They will tell you all about the system of John Dellar's way of doing business. We buy direct' frpm the manu .facturers, ' discounting our bills, which enables us to give the consumer up-to-date style, good quality and low prices. We carry a com plete stock of Men's - and Boys Clothes and Shoes, a full line of Ladies Shoes;, also a good assortment , of Blankets, Comforters, Suit -Cases and Trunks. We guar antee 20 per cent saved on v ', - price.' JOHN DELLAR Cor. First and Yamhill and Cor. Third and Davis. V ; 'i Ants av2. raw w . a- a m e "PutKoIaTty; Ton will If you purchase a plan from We have the leadln pianos of the world . , The SolimgF -And also the matchless . . '''.' ' ' ,i - .- '' ' ; " ' :, And many other flns makes. pc?cua pcices pcevah Ch Or fiaar Payment A j- V - 1, , , ass s bwb . Hcnufcclcrcr's Ffco Co.. J. FREDERICK KESffr.ER. Tres. ' W. T. BMAJfAHAK, Vloe-Prea. EASTERN VCUR FRIENDS