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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
ohzgon daily jotj-::ai; -fohtlaiid, tiiu-iday - evening, octoel tx isoj. A 7 I a? (til ii 1 1 v -'-" I FOR SALS FARMS. FRKB -government farm lands. Just opened to .settlement: level valley land, no atona i timber; watar and aoll ftrat-elaaa. Boons M Lbb bldg.. cor. Second and Washington. roR BALE Stock raaehof 2,400 arrse near uoourg, 9 ml lee aoruiaaat ol Eugene, Lao , bounty. Ore (too; price low and term y. ' F. D. Chamberlain, Labb bide.. Portland. FREB LAND IN OREOON under tbe Carey irrigai ion am. ieea. atrecc . rrom atate. Writ today. Booklet' and map fret. B. S. Cook a Co.. Ill Alder at. Portland. Or. A 20-ACBB (arm. all la cultivation; I mile from coqrrnouss. i mile from o. w. P. A By. Co. I 12, 7W) ; term to suit. Jobs P. ttharkry,- 101 Chamber of Commerce. WILL aell 240 acre on Colombia bear Lylo; 85 acrea bealina orchard. IK) acree enltlvstr-t. level, beaatlful, cheap; leaving. Writ T. B. , una, iyie, w esmngton., , ' d ACRES, 40 fro It tree, berrlee. S room bona. spring. 14 mile out, on o. IV, P. A B. R.; price tisno. 284 Second at. FOR SALETIMBER. DO roe want tlmbert I awa 160, wortk e.OOO, which I will eetl for 14.600; aa aba. tely safe Inveatmeet. . D M. car Journal. FOR 8 AXE Twe homestead relinquishment , claim; aond growth; wlU ball cheap. . M. P. Nlalaoa. Hotel ttbelupfala. TOR SALE A timber claim rav eoutheast part f liar loo county . Call Depot saloon, ear. Water and Columbia ata. ' .... . CXRTIFIED scrip, any eta alee: price. W. O. Howell, Set Chamber of Com- COR HOMESTEADS, timber elaio apply to SOt Commercial bib. and eortp HORSES AND CARRIAGES, FOR HAI.B Good speedy Bora and new rubber tlrad buggy, cbeap If sold anon. Addrea F , 41, 'Journal HORAE8 of ail kind for eal at ery reabaav able prla. Inquire 230 Jefferaoa. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANOK Pot real aetata. M noma, . well faralehed, rf ceatral, food aMtwy ' making bualneea, on aceonnt of other boal aeaa. Call I4t Sixth at., room IS. -. FOR Bale or trade, 27 -room nomine bonae, central location, cheap rent, alwaya, full; will trade for ,- city ' or farm property. 4G, Journal. trade well located .bomeetead or timber claim rellminlahment for rood furnitar of rot tar or email flat. Addrea O 40, Jooraal. WANTED To xcbnir a modera t-room bona ' la Dea Viol nee, Iowa, for Portland property. 812 Alder t. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAFKfl 2 new nr-prof aafea (not of ear . manafacture) ery cheap; aecoad-haad aafea; , alae U geaniae Hall aafea. , ,. PORTLAND SAFE. COMPART. . TO Sixth at. FOR RiLl btaenlflcent Emeraoa norlrht nuinfl. . nearly new. tbe largeat alae; coat fefiO, will -' cell 14 flrat buyer at practically hi awa prlc. klanuffeL'turrra' Plane Co . SSO Al .' der at. -. , , ' DAILY BARGAIN BULLETIN. For Bale, tin Steck upright piano, coat flOOj but, noble tone; will aell at a great sacrifice, 5 Call at 860 Alder at.. Manufacturers' Piano Co. THB BRUNSWICK-BALKS OOLLENDEB CO. BILLIARD AND POOL table (or Mat e car aala ea aaay payment. it Third at. PortUad. . WB print yoar aame aa SO calling card, prone ' elae a ad etyle. Sac; SM buainea earda, L Browa eV gchmale. EM Ftrst. Port la ad. O. LARGEST stork ef bottle In aerthweet: rdera filled promptly. PortUod Bottle Rnpply Cw 281 North Eighteenth at. Mala 238S. . BHOWCAftK. AND FIXTTRES mad to order; , second hind rood for sal. Carlson A Kali strom, 3Ka Couch at. Pboaa Clay 71. LA TNC PI for sale, length 2S feet, 10-H. P. aa glne. large carrying capacity t prle vary chegp. Address H as. care Joawaal. PO yon want a new grata la year fireplace 1 Krocbmaa Hartman are closing cut Uieb ' stock below coat. . 168 First at. PORTABLE locometlTa boiler and en fine; !) , than H price; 4H horsepower. C H. Pig gott'a bw office. I hlulkey bklg. a-IIORMR boiler and engm with dragaaw; ran . all farm machinery; a bargain. C. 0. Baal , alone. 203 Vina at. room 1. A SNAP for a tinner; tool and baaineaa; lesr . In state. 282. B. Waal-lag ton. Pboaa Eat 4622. FOR SALE fte?ral pair of second-band eboee In good coadltloa. cbeap. at 2N8 Eaat Mornaoa. ONE buggy, three wagon la good conditio for sale cbeap. 461 OUaan. cor. Twelfth. TWO gasoline engine very cheap. Inquire of J. P. Hartmaa A Boa, 282 Oliaaa at. FOR SALE Andaluelaa hen, cheap If takea bow. 110 Grand are., aear Alder. OTSTKR cnanter aad helrlng fbd cupboard fin eatflt, cheap. 208 Fourth at. A LARGE stock on sal at bargain ark. Call and look them orer. 270 First at. FOR' BALE SB feet good, aolld counter, vary cheap. MS Northrup St. . ., STOVE for aal chaep at SSS William .; in quire morning. PERSONAL. BE MtNI ' T. P. (Tltal-Powar) tablet wtll rest or t yoa tba map, Tim and vigor of manhood; If yoa are larking la tbe power of vitality. It less resulting from Indiscretion asd excesses, (end for a bog of these tablet and be eoa rlnoed ef tbslr merit. By maU la plala pkg.. 21. Tbs Armstrong Tablet Co., Ue., SM Totem hlk.. Detroit. Mich. DRTECTIFB agencle Confidential lueeatlg . tlon; report madam any Individual baalnea or property I book experted; best city nfee. ; eoce; cbarge reasons sis; oorrepndsnce se . Ilclted. Oregoa DeteetlTC Berrlre, office , 214-1118 Colombia bldg., S Waahlagtoa aU Portlaad. Phone Mala 261B. ' DRH. N. A. NIHBETH, Swedish pedallet. cures rheumatlam, kidney, atomacb and User trnnhlee, chronic enoatlpatloa, bealty and all chronic and nervous dlseesea; no drags; a knife: fio per month. Consultation and dera- ' onatratlona free. Hood 1822. 411 Morrison at. BDIIION nbneingrapha and records it fsctory prices, dcllrered snywher cm receipt of fnll amount of retail price; largest atock of Edl- - son record weet of the Rockies; eend for cir culars Peter Raclgalnpl, wholesale aad re- ' tall. TM Mkwloa stM Ssa Fraaclsco. .DlftEARES of womea a eneelsltyi maternity case glrea peelal attention, ornate hospital . accommodation; prnfesslonal lady nurse la atteadMBOs; - eoaanltatloa free. X-BadlHm Inatltnte end Sanltarlaaa, Third aad Alder, estrssce 2M Alder t, MMK. ANNA LTJCKEY, prtnctpal ef th Ameri can Beanty Parlora, Is now located at SM Taylor at.; en res n acalp dleeaee and poai tlrely gmwa hair or no rharaes Inrlcratlng cabinet bath glrea for th cur of rheuma tism or raajibago. . , IF seeking a congenial life rontpanlr), Jnla tba Interstate Introducing Poclety, and meet it cm respond with reputable resident of th la . section, many wealthy. The October Reftstor. 10 cents, gntte 24, BnssU bMg., nr. Fooxtb aad Morrlaoa ata. Pboaa Faclda a2a. MO DRL'UB. bo (wnthM Prof. Dune gives osteopathy ana magnetic irwimmii, nauw your flesh, rellevee supprtsa monthly lrree alsrltlee. Coosultetloa free. Office, Bui Goodnough bldg. v ' WINONA MILIB tHIilMf boalery foe , mes, (owl snd children; ny wetht or material to order. 911 Common-id bl. Pbooe Mala 4NK4., Be . oar. hlblt. Manufacture bldg.. blk. 21. ; . , If ANLY vigor restored br Dr. Robert' New Global. Oh Booth'! ImlnuL $2; t moatne, an; era! eerurery mitg or mat'. Agents, Wuodard. Clark Co.. Cortland. Or. BOOKS I Her they aret "Decameroa, 'Hep , tsmeroa.T "A Hot Tamala." "Fanny Hill," Twenty Tear Faker." "Forblddra Fruit." aue each; liste free. A. Bcamaie. zza nrst rt. LOST Bowees restored br th ere I far. Lcrea' Neree Toole Tablets; 2Bc per hex. . box re lor f l.SS. Writ or call at ByaaaU' rnsrmacy, 21 MorrsMa, dm. isi aa ao. STEVE I will and you caa depend. Know : all about th llttl affair, bat that doe not deter m. All I ask le fab? play, and thins. you u a cora mat, w. at. . - WANTED Te sonfer with those aeatempuiV Ing a baaiaee courss; to year peraonal and ftaa urlal Interest te laTmtlg't. Addraa i i 42. ear Journal. MOOREPIELD Turhlah sad tm bath, aalt glow, mineral baths: rheumatism given epectal attention: free trial treatment. 10tt Six lb. Pacific 2T0. LAD IKS Toa appear . 20 yssra yonngar. re more . all wrinkle, bar akin Ilk velvet by Jn Oregoa Grape Skla Feed. Pboa A WIDOWER with some me ana wisbea ac- Slctance f maldene or young widow; eb tru rompantoaaulp. Adtlresa O 41, car raal. ' MBNI WOMEN I kaymood'e pill positively cor aereousaee and lack of vitality; fl, 4 box 22. Plammar Drug Co-. 20 Third. DR. ATWOOD. 12 Raaasl bldg.. 185H Fourth t. Female dlseaaee and conflnementa: epsa Wed. and Sat. avealnga. Conaaltatloa tree. SUITS preaacd wbll ydo wait. 50. Ladles' skirts pressed BOr. Ollbert, lost Sixth at., aext to the Quelle. Pboaa Clsy Sua. PROP. KELLT, expert tattoo artlat; tattooing and dcalena of all descriptions; rata reason able. 27S North Fourth at. LILLIAN B. CRAMffhlropodlst. maaJcnrtng end shampooing. Parlor 424 Abtagtoa bldg., Portlaad. Or. Black 2S6S. MARRT1 Correspond with local ladlee: soma wealthy; addrease free. . Star Box 288, 2a a . Francisco, California. - ANT ONB going to Ksnsss City, St. Loam or intermediate pombj, would batter confer with O SO, Journal. . .. t, . ui . t WAHTED Small aums to pat oat on abort time; payment secured aad guaranteed. Bid The Marquam. WANTED To correspond with a nice gentleman not anoer v year or age. Jaaarea u x. Journal. : . MISS BERTHA MARTIN Room 212. Allsky bldg. Stamping aad fin needlework; lessons ' given. - PRIVATB home for tba nentsUy tnftrm near tba city. Addrea P 45. car af JouruaL TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregoniaa bldg.; gents an aigac. aaaiaa u aay. Mai luaa. FREB sample earn, baalaa and wart cere. BaV wla L. Deea. dept. B, Tauatoa. Maaa. . BXPERIENCED dressmaker wlU make agg BMBte la families. Uuioa S44, EARNEST Tell A. B. will writ Sunday; don't worry, n. o. . , BD EILKR. blacksmith, write to Hansen. 29 n. aeoona si. ETHEL C. Thursday night, same place, Waab- ingtoa ar. ARCHITECTS. CHICAGO draftamaa will draft building pUna ana ator nzture on raaeoaabie terma. . Boa aell Carrier. 20 Fifth. Mala fi22a. . CLARK RNNI8, architect and builders; es timate given ea an Kinds of work. oa K. Stark at. Pboaa Raat SZ88. ASSAYERS. MONTANA Assay eflce and testing work. 184 iui i tanuBi art-. ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art Glaae Work Plala and orna mental glass. 886H Taylor. Pbone Red gong. AUTOMOBILES. WB repair and rebuild automobiles, gas engine, printing presses) time locks, safes, open lock- Ml. A. ell klns a easehlne work. Columbia Oae Kngln A Safe Works. 242 Second St. Pboaa Pacific S76. Fraak I. Super, aupt. HOWARD COVEY, Fifteenth and Alder, ageat for Csdlllae and Pierce automobile; maculosa rented, repaired and stored. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, 200 Commercial hlk.. eased aad Washing toa ata. raon Main ata. B. T TAOOABT. sttomey aad counsellor at law. ajlTJ lOBUlWrr V aaiyui luajl vuj wiui - H. F. BURLEIGH, lawyer1, 122 Oraad av.. Bast Portland. ART EMPORIUM. THB LATEST FAD" 0e baya a pen a ad Ink ketch of yourself from photo or life. Fay King, 82 Raleigh St., aear SBth. M. car. PROFESSOR R. MAX METER, 248 Alder. Portrait and landscape artist ana learner. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD CO.f 804-806 Everett at. Largsst butchere' enppiy sou on rne cosst. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Second at. Blank book manuracturarai aganta tor eone Improved Loose-Leaf Wedgers; aee tbe aew Eureka leaf, tbe beet aa tbe msrket. BLACKING. WEBFO0T Blacking, absolntely waterproof, pre serves the leather, make snoe wear w per cent longer. For aal everywhere, 10 and IS cent. - BATHS MASSAGE. TOUNO selentlfle aissaensa give 1eetr1cl. thermal, alcoholic ana menicsicn ireeimeni, chiropodist, pedicuring and mantearlng. Re ception room 10, Benson bldg., cor. Fifth and Morrlaoa ate. Pboaa PsclBe 73a. TOUNO scientific mass cues give mernevle, l- cohollc nd electric treatments, vspor. nouiau nd medic ted bath. 21 Tacoma houae. Stark, bet. Third and Fourth. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS anybody ewe yea ny money T W col. tecx Dea eetrs er an amns i "r- Grand are., room 12. Cat tbla eat. THB Bloc Bonk Mercantile Agency, collection. law and re porta. 2IB Oregoniaa blag. fARET.CLEANiN0. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest pis at an ta coast, uonng ana naming am., ew pbone East 280 Csrpete cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid: both steam and Isteet com- Kaeed air proeem; rsaovatlng mattresses aad thsr a apedslty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, euctloa and. mm- prew, sir mnnanen, curi'vie iirenwi iwn without removal. Mala fAS4. East S&84. CAR PIT eleaaed aa the floor 1 w rales auat. rhoa Clay gsi, rose oemooetrsoo. J.' HUNTER Steam aernst and mttr Cleaner. BftO Jefferson. Pbone slain gl. CAFES. THE OFFICB f Waahlagtoa at. Mala Til. aamuei vigueeaa. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALB crockery aad gtaaawar. PrseL Megi v- 100 loa ruu, aoc. stars ax. COAL AND WCCD. KINn v.f rvi S..L. e hmm ttw the fsl Diamond coal: try it and yoa win erwuye My it. Wyoming and Wshtr"'oa bouse cosle. ISM. full weight guaranteed. Tel. Wain 1424. , ' Steuliena. manager . ; . CHt'RCHLET BROS, have ramwred from foot Dsvl at. te 428 Kearney at., near llthi H now the Urgset wood yard la raa cur, carry log all kloda of wood and coaL Main al. OREOORT MORRIS, successors te Cala A McKune. desler la wood nd anal t lowest nnciu; eatlsfactloa guaran'e.v cor. eu a no irving. pboa sia snia. WESTERN Feed Fuel Co.. oa Front, between Ullsaa and Hhyt, dealer IB all Kiaoa ar houae ex wla aad hlackamltb eoala. Phna Main WIS. . ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la cord wood, coal and greea and dry alabwond. R. B. and Al- aina are.. 2 block east ol terry, saai oia. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers ta anal, cordwood and dry alabwaod. Phone Bast 424 BOXWOOD and planer trimmings. Standard wooa vo. fbone Kast 2910. - worn, vest s-isw, OREGON FUEL CO All kinds of coal ad wimma, SUB SIOffT St rHM mmtm w. - KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at., wood aad eoaL ram stain eovu. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT It BOS General , . cbautat fruit and produce; consignment Ilclted: prompt returns. 160 Front at. LENSCH BROS., commumloa aiarchaata. flour, feed, bay and produce. 262 te 80S Front at. t-nona nam Kuw. . EVEBDINO A FARRBLU prodaee ad sommls- moa mercnanta, 140 f ront sl, rwutao, ur, Pbone Malu ITS. CHIROPODISTS. IF yoar feet are oat af order, go to Dr. W or ley Benjamin. Seventh sad Stark, the Wet Hallat. pbone Blaek 81A CLEANINO AND DYEINO. UP-TO-NOW CLBANINf) A PBB8HINO COM pany units pressed. Doe; pant,, 10. raoa s-aciiie an, saw All en j si. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work; prac tical Batter la connection. 211 4th.-, Clay tu. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 21 per avmth. UBlqn Tailoring Co., XT waacingtoa sc. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and eleaaer. mai jerrerson St. t none si a in ma. CHIROPRACTIC POM1TIVELT locating aad nmarlng tba eaaae or aiaeaae. nr. .. sra uogaa, xoa uau sc. i' none Main on. . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. E6RERO-GUNBT CO. Dutrlbatera af -, FIN B CIGARS. PortUad. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. PALMER, clslrvorant and traacemedlnm. win reaa yoar paai, prssen. ana rutur 11 r without a mistake; abe cornea highly recom mended by vice-president of tbe Psychical eteeearcn - society 01 reaa., lecturer ana writer: price within th reech af alL Hear. V a. m. to p. m. 18S Morrlaoa St. MRS. STEVENS. Portland' distinguished Palm ist, aarroiogiat ana epirituai lit reader, im yoa want to know facta important and reli able? If so, rsll upon tbla gifted and aci entitle aear. 108 Seventh St. Phone Pacific T14. - B. H. KNEESHAW, hesler and trance medium, caa b consuitM at lOi Jlixtn su uours 12 to 4 p. m. DANCING. WOOOWARD'S dancing school af the W eaters acajemr er Moem. aonaar ana 1 narsnar. . Spectator mvlted. Lea eons 80c Dsnclng 8 to 11. dor. Second and Mornaoa. r ... ' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpenter. . builders: re pairing and Jobbing: atere aad office flxtare bant, aoop xue coiumoia. sun ozari. WASHBURNE A FLOYD, wagon builders aad general job work, ag etb St. raoae atooa saw. F. B. YANDBRHOOF, carpenter aad jobber, 287 Stark at. Pbon Msln T4T. DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE ar secret service work; strictly eonfldentlsl: difficult cases solicited. 'Boom 14. Wssblngton bldg. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.E.R ROWN.D.V.S .D.C.M Dog. Horse hos pital any Bnrnstde. Phones: Msln4086 :Rsst2KM DRESSMAKING. LADIES Have yoar skirts made to order 1 a saving or 25 per cent; a better aiiri, octier mad and stitched with silk. Mr. Luune Kerle. 230 Twelfth t.. cor. -Msln. SHIRTWAISTS, wool er wash Bilk, mad for 11.20; sbtrtwslst suits. 12.80. 482 Bast Mar at. Pbon East 8281. DRESSMAKER will make a few mora 1 gsgementa la families. Phone L'nloB 844. DRESSMAKING Strictly BP to date! Isteet signs. ao nay ST. DENTISTS. NBY CHURCHMAN, dantlat. 824 Marquaia bldg.. Sixth and Morrison Pboa Mala 1T00. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 808 Stsrk at.. Portland. 0. K. for evert thing la the - electrical Una. Phoee Msln lacA. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, eoatrae tor, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. P4 First, cor. Stark. Mala 6B8. B. H. Tat, mgr. THB Electrical Appliance Co., 480 Waahtagto at. Phone Mam skh. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OP WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal society ef northwest; protect the living, aiy . , . kM. II . , SIS-HW1 . n 1 n in, , v, -.i FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furnitar Msasfsrtarlng Company Naaufactarsra ef rural tar ter th uaoe. Portlaad. Or. FURNITURE msanfaeturlng and eperial orders. . L. Ravensky'a furniture factory, 270 Freat at. FRENCH' BAKERIES. THrVraly place In Portland to get French breed, D.S.r.-a.- U..IL. .l..k . ImiII. 41.11. cry. Pbone Oreea 80S. ' FLORISTS. FOR pot plant aad cat Sowers, Jobs B. Holdon, . .288 Tenth St. Main 8410, FURNACES. BOTNTON warm -sir fnrnscea ssve fuel. J. G. . Bayer Fnrnac Co.. 2R6 Second. Msla 481. GROCERS. WADHAMB A. CO., wknlesal grocers, maaa faeturereand aommlaaloa msrebsst. Fourth and Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, mmmlselaa asd it odors mee ehsnts. Frost and Davie era., Portlaad. Or. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A CO. Potstoes. feed sad flour. 128 laloa are. Pboaa Raat 161T. JEWELRY. JEWELRY and watches of sll kind Sold a eaar peymeeta. t, Ckrarta Son, th , nDrafaralabr. HARDVAna Portland Hardware Co. snUcite eoporrunlty te quote prices. Isft 1st st.. cor. Alder. MalniSSA r HOTELS. HOTEL Fend le toa. Pendleton. .W-A. Browa. mgr. HOTEL Portland. A merles a plaa: 82. 88 per day. HOTEL St. George. Peadlstoa; leadlag hotel. BELVEDERE; Fsropesa plaa: 4th and Alderai.V INSURANCE. ISA AO L, WHITS, Or lasaraaee. 80S Deksm Mtte LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO. Fire Insurance ana real eststs; office 107-los coariocm oioh, - Msla 1008; dept 404 East Alder. Eaat 41, JAS. Mcl., WOOD, employer' liability aad la- . . iuu. , erxinn mireij ewe - - Pboaa 47. 80S MKay bldg. H. F. B ARTE 1-8 COMPANY Fin Insnrsm 44S Sherlock bid-. Oregon Pbon Clay 826. J ' 1 LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICH A R WON, expert lock and keyemlth; genera repairing; caatlroa besaing; all work awaaweo. sua roarta at. rewsw e,e. BROWNB'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith and Mn.U . 1.1 seel ...k tka . Clay 822: nlgbt phone. Mala SSSB. LADDERS. LADDERS Painter1 extensloo-Uddera, paper- . haagers' trestles; 8re and roof Udders; Phone Eaat 780. Portland tedder Co., 847 Hhma t., ssat side. B. W. Haywara. proa. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property er far banding purpose. Ay amount oa from 8 to 10 years' time, with privilege ta repay all or part of loan after one year. Loana ap- f roved from plana and money advanced aa ulldlng progresses; mortgages takea ap aad reuisrea. FBXD H. BTRONOP Financial Ageat. 242 Stsrk Street. THB BTAR LOAN CO. Aay aalsrled employ, wsge-esrner, caa gst aa 01s aow, without mortgage Month, hi Month, Week. 280.00 Repay to a 113.83 er 86. 66 or 8S.88 128.00 Heoar to ua 8 a.SB or Sa.xA er 81.83 $18.00 Repay to as 8 4.00 or 82.00 0 81.00 . 210 McKay bldg. MONEY to loan, sslarled people, teamsters, etc.. without eecsrltr: esar nay meats: largest business In 48 principal cities. Tbbnaa. 222 Moiagtoa Biag. rnon main aeoT. MONBY to losa ea reel, pcrsonsl asd sollstersl aecurltr: soeclal sttantloa to ehsttel mort- gages; ante bought. CW. Pallet, 804-A rsntoa eiag., a Bixth st. HIGHLY reapertiibl place when ladle aad ! rente caa borrow money on - diamonds and ewelry. Collateral Loan Bank,' 268 Waao ngtaa st. Phone Black 71. CHATTEL loan In amounts ranging from 228 to 89.000; rooming-houses a apeclalty. New Era Loaa A Trust Co., 208 Abingtoa bldg. WB make all kind f loaa oa good security at lowest rate; special attenttoa given to ' chattel loana. 182 Morrlaoa at. MONEY to loaa la sum ef from 83,000 te 85,000; terma to aalt th borrower. Booms 208-10. Commercial blk. MONEY ta loaa in large er small amount ea good security: lowest rats. . WUllam O. Beck, 207 Falling bldg. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANT Salary loans from three te alx month confidential. 217 Oregonlan. MONBY to loaa ea Clackamas county land. K. r. and r. B. Biiey, aos caamber eg uom LOWEST rat oa fnrnltnre and pis no. East ern Lroaa ua a Bbarucg bug. viay ra, TO LOAN Sums ta salt ea chattel security. R A. grama. 814 To alarqaam. MONEY to loan on an kind of sscsxlty. Was. Hotl, room 8, Wasblngtoa bldg. STREET.PAVINO. WABREN Coae traction C., street paring, tde- wsis SB crosswalks. 71 urogoniaa Bldg, THB Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of Portland. Offlce 668 Worcester blk. MUSICAL. VIOLIN, gnttar and mandolin, oil and watar color leasoas. atunio, bzi nipoara 1 strsei, MoutsvllU. Pbon Union 2667. SAM SYLVESTER, teacher of violin: music furnished for social gatherings. ONI iteloioiit. Pbuo Kaat 48.12 PIANO, violin, etrtng and wind InstrutDenta. rrorssaor sown a. emits, as .wsiua. . mam 4702. LESSONS BOc; pis no. gnltar. banjo, mandolin, wLnlln Um Biaelln Ulli Vlee . Uelw. PIANO tuning, 2; perfect work guaranteed. v. w. jobnaon. rnoa siam iwii. MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. L. H. HART treats ail diseases, stomach troeble, aervousneaa and functional weakness. Consultation free. 80 H Park, cor. Jefferaoa. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad me chanics' clothing; anion made. nenstaater Bros., manufacturer. Portland, Or. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTHRUP. 418-16-17 Dekam bldg.. Third and wasblngtoa ata. - raoa Mala 248. Examinations free. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 402 Marleay bldg. Clay 778. Res. M. 2181. Consultation me. THB Terr heat lady osteopath ta tow a. Dr. L. O. Johnson, 824 Salmon, near Bixtn. PLUMBERS. DONNRRBERO A RADEMACHER. eanttarj plambera. 84 Fourth st. Both pboae. . FOX A CO., sanitary plumber. 231 Second, bet. Ifsta ana salmon. Oregon f none stain xtau. PLANING MILLS. ENTERPRISE Planing Mill Co. Sash, doers and wnodturnlng. S"6 East Yamhill at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The- Ptooeer Paint Co.; wmnow-giBS aaa guuuug. is First at. Pboa 1884. BRNEST MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor Wsil paper, plat, all at market price; free delivery. BASMUSBEN A CO Jobber, paints, oil, glsaa, sash aad amor. Bemad and Taylor. v PRINTING. WEIX-H A DAVIS. Printer Doers of rlerer thing with Ink and type ea paper. Stearns bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa. Msu 4147. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. lithographing, bunk book. Pbon Mala it. 2ns Alder at. ROPE. PORTLAND COBDAGB CO.- aaa nsrvarap ata.. r-ertisaa. or. RUBBER STAMPS. P. S. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder, pbone Msla 710; rubber tie Sin, seels, arenctis, eaggaga, trad checks; ssad for catalogue Ne. 26. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, gntterlng, repairing and jovDing, sapj(ii, sis ,f iieravs v. SPIRITUALISTS. MI7.PAH. medium,, glvea s dries la trouble and love; tell about mine, anile th eenaratrd: tell alamt loved one who bare psveed beyonil and brings tpy tovthoa a he (tlava. 224 First tt., room IS. i I SECOND-HAND GOODS. . nitinr.rir AI"II 'ri" Paid for soiaiu iiaad elotblng. household goods and furniture. . . ' M ABKAMS AUCTION I'OUSB. f Ueod 1804. , dug Uurrlaoa it. OOODE'8 Furniture Hous Highest price paid fr second haud furulturs. 218 Second at, Phone PaclSe 492. TO any ar aril second hand fnrnltnre. CaU at Hard Cssh Furniture Store, 2W0'4 First st. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, fslllng hair, dandruff treated; shampoo ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mra. B. P.. Kya. 163W Fourth, cor. Morrison. Room 82. Phone Purine 268. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very description; bank, bar and atore Stture mad to order. Th Latk Manufacturing Co., Portland. ' SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGHS, window lettering, cloth banner, economical electric fan ud sign ef all klnda mad quickly. Footer A Kletssr, Fifth nd Everjtt. Pboa Excbsnge 68. SAFES. DIEBOLD Maagines ssfeel fire aad barglar proof work 1 )all aad prison work; lockout opened: repairs. J. B. Darts. C6 Third at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap, -81 her month. Lawrence Broa.' Towel Supply jCo.. Fourth and Coach. Phoae428. ,. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, piano and furnitar bmv4. packed ready fur shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large, 8-tury. brick, are-proof warehouse for etnrage. Offlce 128 Flrat at. C. M. Oisea. .Phone Mala 847. a O. PICK. ef!lc SS Pint St., between Stark and Oak ata.. phone 800; pianos snd furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick warehouse. Front and Clay at. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Malo 68. Heavy hauling and storage- 8EB Rosa M. Plnmmer about storage; fireproof; cat rate. 22 Third St. Phone Main 202. BAST RIDE Transfer Co.. A. E. Holcomb, prop, 123 East Water St. -Phone Eaat Shu. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 20014 Wash Ington st. Phone Main 8412. VICLINS. J.'A. WESCO. Tkilln-miker and repairer: work Brat class. 28 Kuesel bldg., 4th and Morrlaoa. 1WIRE GOODS..' EAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRB WORKS 288 Eaat Morrlaoa at. Phone Beat 821. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-184 Second at., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. POBTXAsTD TRUST COMPANY OF BE00V. Tbe Oldest Trust Company ta Oregoa. RESOURCES OVER 81.2&0.0OU. . , General banking business conducted. Baring deposit received. Time certificates Issued. I to 4 per cent; special certlncatre (net boost $600). 2)4 to 4 per cent on short call. - can tor book er -li.t b i ka iiuhb." Pbone Mala 482. 108 Third St. RENJ. I. COHEN , ...President H. L. PITTOCK.v Ylee-Presldsnt B. LEE PAOET. Secretary J. O. GOLTRA.. ....AsslsUnt Brtary u NITXD STATES NATIONAL BAVK or KitTtisn. OBEOOhT. BORTR-WZST COB. THIRD AND OAK STB. Transact a Oenerai sensing sua maaa. nxtAFTS ISall'ED Available In All Cities ef th TTnttsd BtAts aad Europe, Hongkong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADI 0B FAVORABLE TEBV8 President ...J. a AINSWORTH Vice-President , W. B. AYEB VloeJ President R. LEA BARNES Cashier , R. W. SCHMKEB Asalatant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier.. W. A. HOLT FIRST HATI0WAT. BABTT v OF PORTLAND, -0BEOOBT. Designated Depnsitnry and Financial Ageat ef the United Statss. . . e aeev r a rTwsicien...,.,,,...,.,.--,-i.--A. w. n.., caThier..:::.: Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Aeetatsnt Caabler B. F. STEVENS Letters ef Credit Issued Arsllshle la Europe and tbe Eastern mares. Irht Plvehnnea snd TelerrsDhl Transfers sold em New York. Bis ten. Chicago. St. Louis, St. rani, Omaha. Saa Fraaclaeo aad . the principal point In tbe Northwest. Slgbt and time bills drewa in sums te cult on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-la-th-Msin. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrlsttanla, Stockholm, Bt, Petersburg. Mos eow. Enrich, Ilonohil. Collection Made ea ravoraum inwa. LADD.A TTXT0W. BABTtXRS. ' , - (Xsteblbuwd ta 1888.) t TranaaoU a Oeaerai awnatng atuains. rnlleeflnns made at all bolnte on fsvonbl terms. Letter ef credit Issued available la Enron and all point la tbe United State., tipkinn and Telecranhlr Transfrrt Mid ea New York. Washington. Chicago, St Louis. Denver. Omaha, Ssa Francisco . aad Montana and Brltiah Columbia. , Exrhang sold oa London.' Parte. Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. M1 ERCHABTS NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. ORZOON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. U. DURHAM. .. VIC-fresinenx R. W. HOYT Csshier 0E0R0B W. HOYT Assistant Caahlrr Traaaaot a Oeaerai nenxing nuainsaa. Dtaft and Letters of Credit 1-ened Available te All Parte er the world. Collection a Specially. SECTTBITT BAYTK0S A TBTTBT OObTPABT. 288 Morrlssa St., Portland, Or. Traaaacts a Oenerai Banking Buslaee. BAVIBOB DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tim and Savlnrs Deposit. Act a Trustee for rotates. Drsfta aad Letter ef Credit Available la All Parte ef the World. C. F. ADAMS .President U A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. I 1!I.I 8..... Becona vice-rresiaeni R. O. Jl'RITB..... Secretary GEO. F. RI'RSELL.... Assistant Secretary MORTGAGE LOANS 0a Portlaad Baal Batata at Lowest Batea. Tit'es Iired. Abstract Furnished. TTTtF 6UABAKTFI A TBTJST COr I B40 Waahingtea St., Car. BeesaA - We treat aueeeesfullp alt prhrate ner vciue and chronle diseases of men; also blood, atomaeh. heart, liver, kidney and throat tro tibiae. We cure SYPHILJS I without mercury) to atay cured for ver. Wa remoye -STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In It daya " Wa- atop drains, night loaaes and spermatnrrhea by a new method In a week. Wa can restore the aexual vigor of any man under 88 by mesne of local treatment peculiar to ouraalvea, - , . Wt Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week , IN A The dootors of this Inatltuta aVa all f?' regular graduates, have had many ' r yaara experience, have been anewa In Portland for 18 yeara, have a reputatloaf to maintain, and will undertake no cas Unless certain our can be effected. hi We (ruarantoe) a cur In every case wt nndertake of charge no fee. Conaulta tlon free. - Lettarg g.-nndantlaL Inatruc tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la plain wrapper. WV,cnT wrrrat eases of piles la twa or three treatments, wltBaai afrarae tlon. Cure guaranteed. 1 If yoa cannot call at ofTce. write for TaUoa blank. tTeaae troatxaeal am ' teBefiiL Offlce houra. ta I and T to . Bundaya and holiday. 18 ta'lA . . . V I Wh It f ' F. TeV rv"-"- V w-v a y g - e Offload U Tan Noy Hotel, 11 . , ' TRANSPORTATION. t TNC COMrO-.TAXlX WAY. City Tickst Offtos, 122 Thtrd St., Fhea 886. 7 OVERLAND TCAir.S DAILY 2 Tba riyer acd th TasTt ltail. n&KJTB BBBTYOB - . TJF-TO-DATB BQULPMBBT OOUBTBOTJS at-FIOT LEAVE . rrom ARRIVE . 8:20 a.m. ortUi.A - 7:00 a.m.' 11:41 p. m. TlaStaWls aj0 p. m. Tll p ru. YU Bpoaoa M m. ' . (Q.m.isB'.oo., OBXAT STOBTaTXmaT BTIAlOmTP OO. Ji Balling From Seattle f ' u. b. asTjarnsoTA, stow. b. B. B. DAKOTA, Baa. l. For Japan and China Porta nd Manila. BTXYrOM TVBXsf WBTrlsIA Japan Mall Steamship Company) B. B. 'XAlf AOAWA MABV 6alla from Seattle for Japan, China an4 all Asiatic Porta About Oct. 14. For tickets, rates, berth reaervatlona, tte call on or adrlreas ' S. PXCXIOIT, C P. T. a. - Portland. Of. ' $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish 1 Bath .. 'and good bed to tlva nlA-ht, AO for B. King's Baths awantk and Waaahe , tnstoB Ita. Ilnaat and larKaat sshtfea - tB tt aits. - - --f--. s jsBawaBBae' jsaasaaB 8 LH for modem dental ' worn. ' World -re nowned apeciallata. Lowest price consistent wltb flrgt-elaaa . work, i-oo u to !i,t.:'"f;- NEW YORK DENTISTS rOTJBTX AMD EOmBZSOaf, STB.) Opaa day and night, from 8:28 a. nv . on til IB p, m. Scott's Santai-Pe;sin Cc?s':!:3 A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Oatarrt. of tbe Bladder aad Diseased Kid neys. M0 00B2 B0 FAt. Cares kiulckly aad permanently th worst case of ieiearfcai and l, a matter f bow longstanding. Absolntsly barmleas. Sold by druggists. Price 81.08. or by mail. Boas paid, 81.00,8 boxes, 88.T8. .TKESAHTAL-PtraSCO. IVMMeatahBa, Obla. by Weedard. Clarke A Oa. ' Every Vcaan la uttsrested and should know aooni the wonderful MARVEL wMriiao Sorav Tbe new Tsgaasl Byvsars, Aiea. naaaaai ammo, llsst Bat. -3loel canvnlnl. Aek rear resvWt Bw K. If he cannoteUFOly the sis aojept ao other, but aend suunp for llluatrated book eeeW Tt full nartlsulars and dlrsrtiona in. Tajushle to ladles. Jrl tflVEl, CO., e, " v. mmww iusbm FOB SALS BT W00SABA CLABB1 A OtX, I CrralairtRelk4sadAssBsrtrfrCBrs kJIarra. I.e ta the Head, La Wlpps, i lecautcs aaa raowa ta ta ears, rr.c I Omsmiiu aeCeisise er eAerereejam sVa. 1 fj J SoU yfd'rrr'ferysiaIprpalA r. C KEITH, Prop. Ureeksd. Ohm. GEO. M. STRONG. 163 West Park St. EXCLVSIYK OOBTBrXBOIAT. lB0TOOBAPBIB DHHTH COPYING AND ENLARGING IIIUIU A SPECIALTY Seaidenoe Tlewa, rnaarai Work, Tlaak- FINANCIAL. MORRIS BB0S. . , 131 First U Fartlaad. Or. v . .. Offer Ollt-Edge Investmenta la Municipal aad Railroad Bonds. Writs er CaU. JHB C0NTLVXBTAX COMPANY. , ' , - f ' , Financial Agent. j 248 Stark st. Pboa Main 1T. f , . . A. VBttoaaU HalrloOThV From the London Magaalne. One of John Bull's reatet treaaures la simply a four-volume book,- worth over $100,000. even though many page of It are miming. Th "Codex Alexan drlnus." the book In question, la In the British musmim, and consists of the Old and New Testaments In Greek manu A&gipt, dating from the firth century. . .j 8 - . i I , I Fa Bala 1M assssvsJ! uuaesse Isstssuy, la.-'J I r- 0 . TKA::r?cT' 3 Trains to tfce Eiit Dily C -ThreegB Pallmaa stsndard and teartst aie I'g-esra dslly t Omaha. Cblease, Bpok- ' -ri.i (Meping-car eauy to aaaaaa Mraaah Pailiws seen-tea sleenlse-rsrs lairM ally eosd acted) weekly te CaJesee, F-cussarf ehalreare Is sets free) te th hast 4a..y. ,' UKIOB DEPOT. Leaves. Arrive. CRICAOO.PORTLAMV 8PBCIAU , as, B:t5 p. Bs, Fa the Esst via Beat- Dally. Dally. lagtoa. ' . SPORANB FLYER. For Esstera Waaklng- ton. Walla WaUa. Lew- 8:18 p.m. 8KWa,sV astea, - Case K Alear Dally. Dally, and Orsat Rerthsra ' ' poiata. - , - ATLANTIC RXPRBBS. 8 IS p. av T:1S a. m. Far the Beat via Beat- Dally. Dally. Ington. ' Columbia River Ptvtmae. FOR ASTORIA and way 8-nep. akl .. aolnta, coeaectlag with Dally. Aboel tmr. for Ilwao and ex. Bnnday. 8:00 p.m. North Beach, stwe. Bss-Sstnrday. sx. Sands m selo. Ash-t, dock. . 10:00 p. m. Tsmhill Elver Bent. FOB DAYTON. Oregm : , I City sad Yamhill river Trio a. m. T:SS p. a pointa, stmrs. Bath ssd Dairy. Dally. Modne. Ash-t. deck. 'X. Sondsy. ex. Saaday. (Wster permitting. 1 hill Blvar Boate. FOB LBWIBTON. tda.. 5: - 4:00 p. as. nd waypcJata frea "PC ar- Monday Blparta. Waab.. rtmra. rj'.1"11" WsdnevdF Spoku aad Lewtstea. No- .? Balarday Tne. Thor. TICKET OFFICB. Third and Wash tug toa. Tskf Sonne atsia Tig. TINGES, City Ticket Ageat, A. U CRAIO, Oeaerai Paseenger Agent, tA5 1 SOUTH OYBBXAND EXPRESS. Tralna, for Baleas, Moe burg. Aehlsad. Sacra mento. Of dee. Saa Fraa- 8:41p.m. k - . 2:80 a. sx. . . . t . .'' 8:09 b. m., Btocktoa, Los aa few. El Paae, New Or- lean son u aaar. - Moraine train Beets , at Woadberra dslly except Sunday wltb train roe ait. Angel. S 1 1 v r t a SMp. as. orvviwiuir, m y . m m field. WeadllDg aad Natron, Rn gene pe assurer ene necta at weodbura wits Mt Asa-el and Silver- 18:2S S-sV ton local. Corvallta paaaenger, ' Sbertdea passenger, TrSO a. i 4:80 I 1110:4. 5:80 8:28 a- - a. as. p- roreat tirovs pi lll:IM en.lle 1 1 Dally ept Bnnday. PsrUaad-Oewege aVurhaa Barrio aad Yamhill Dlvlalea, tVpet foot ef JefferaM street. ' Leave Portlaad dslly for Oswego T:0 a. m 12:80, 2 08. 4:00, 8:80. 8:881 T.4B: 10:10; 11:28 p. m. DIIy (except Sunday). 8:80, 8:80, 8:98. 10: a. m. Bundsy only. 8:00 a. m. Returning from Oswego, arrive Port lend dalle . . . . s.ak S VO V XA B:IUk 11:10 p. m.. 12:nS a. m. Dsllr (except Saaday). a:z. t:zo, f.v e-. se.- - - ,0LeeilfroiB earn eVnot for rHBjd rwrsf. medlsrT point sally B:0 p. m. ., Arrjeg pert- ''lTie ' InoVpenilenee-Morirnooth Mote Uasr eperetee dallr. t Moa month and Alrlle. eoa acerjnc with rtontbera PsHSe eompsay a tracks at Dsllsa and Inepedeee. .,.,, Pirat-rl" fare from Fartlaad L te Ss era me re and gen Franrtar 820, bertN -ecoad-cUs. fare 818. aercmdlass Jbevtts W.W. Ticket, to Eastern point yitd Feeepet am Japan. Chin. Fnwotula d ntrarla. Cltv Ticket Office ceewr Third aad WaaV a . Phaas Mala T12. o."w. BTTBOZB. A. I CBAI. City Ticket agsax, TIME! CARD ... --x TRAINS" Portland. DAILY. UNION DEPOT. ppr Arrive. (.Ikntaa Psrk-Ks- ess Clty-Bt. tout Bp, del tor Cbebell. Cea tralla, Olympls. pray 8:80 a. i 40 p. sV Hareer. Bcata Bene, ir lib ma. Best tie. Bpoksua. LewUton. Batt. Blll In... Denver. Om.aa. Kansas City. St. Laals nd eathat-. North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Te enme. Brattle, dpokaae, Bntte, Mlnneepolla, St. Psnl and tbe Eaat. Paget Bonnd Limited, for Cheball. Cn trails Tsroma ad Heaul nly. . Twin Cltv Ft IS ess rar 2:00 p. m fbl 4:20 p. av 1048 p- sV Tacoma, Seattle, Bpe- asae. neiena, Bntte, Yeliovranwe iSrk. Mis. espolls. St, Psol aad th Beat. 11:48 p. ax. :BBp.sV A. D. CHARLTON, r Aasiatiat Oeaerai Paaaeager AgaaSW 880 Merrisoa at., c. Thar. . .. Portlsad. Oreeea, Astoria & Columbia Riyer Railroad Co. I sail ao uTt a. 1 el PWIOS) PBPOT. I Arrives. Leavse. UKIOM DEPOT. ArHvee. 8410 a. as. Far Maygsr. Balnlet, 1 1 M a sx, Dally. Chtskaale, Weatport. Dali. Cllftoe, Astoria, War- , tenton. KIsvsL 11a ae mono. Fort Steve, Oesrbsrt Park. Seeaed, Astoria aad . . " . ' Bxpreaa dllp. 8 so a sv TB p. as. Dally. llDauy. Attoria Expreaa, v ' U. MAIW, . P. aad F. A Asb'rls, or. C A- STEWART, Cemmarrlal Agent, 88 ALASKA FafT AD poPtl.AR STBAM8BIPB Lear Best lis 8 a. m. "rtFTTBSOW." OCTOatB 28, 88. "D0LaiIB. OCTOhtA 1. 28. CALLIM0 AT HAISi t. KAOWiT. t-ee p. A t. r-uis ter Ai"X Kome, e 1.1 i T t ee y