The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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    ;r- .. . . " :;. .. -!.. v.. 1. . . ' .
chlnery and furnace will aiKrfva In a
raw daya.- i ni lurna
capacity and local people ara eager to
see It go Into commission, believing that
there will be ehunaan w.i.
S1EEI Plft" '
operating,, vf,.. . . V.: . !
3ir iC iD)I
o)i U
D c r
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large Mill Assured Next Year
for Which Reduction Jests
i V.. Art Being Made. -
Development of Opp From Mill Level
Hu Bepui by Meant cl Doable-
saw. a am, " ' . vers e t WMMl'"
i V i rtc.,aiinnei, whichj. ,wu
ir.! Considerable Depth, i . ;'V -,
, v J- ,...,,, . .-!:;; '
- 'i ' (Sosrlai Dispatch Tke Journal)
f f Grant Pass, Oct:.-rThe New Tork
WeKtara Mlnee conlpany,- which re
eentjy acquired the Opp mine., Jackson--villa
district haa begun work Uial will
make thla ona of the largest producers In
:t Oregon.,! Foster Gunnel of ' Grante
. Pass who have charg of tha mine for
J tha company, have commaaoe4 enlarge
r mnt of tha plant for tha greater de
, i relopment of tha mine and increased
' milling capacity. Next aumroar a plant
i t capable of treating 20 tona of ore dally
la eapectad to ba placed on tha Opp.
Thla week a carload of ore . waa
? shipped from tha Opp - to Denver for
"thorough treatment and.analysia. that
tha beat method of reduction might be
' ascertained. 1 A larva buildkic now hi
being erected at the mine for a la-drill
' eotnpreasor which will, be- driven alec-
trlcally. '" Jk machine ahop for general re-
'pair work also la being flttedUup In thla
t- building.- A double track tunnel la being
. r-drive into the mountain ' on the mill
level' to tap the Opp veins at depth, and
: ' all ore for the. mill will coma through
thla adit. Nlght and day crews are em
. ployed anarwork Is being -pushed with
tha best poaalbla epeed. .
' The 19-atamp mill whlchwaa built
by Dr. Reddy on tha Opp waa to teat the
:' property, aa ha always had ' confidence
that a 49 to t stamp mill could be op
i ersted there to. greater advantaga than a
5 smaller plant. . The mill building waa
. jnada to aocommedata Ja stamps. The
present plan of Improvement contem
r platea giving tha Opp tha largeat milling
i capacity of any existing mine In the
i,, state, and when the mill level la ex-
tended to tha Hirer main veins, drifts
; and raises completed' from this adit,
'mining men believe' that an Immenae
1 reaerva will be blocked out
Xattla Wlady Arm aUlvav ZMatriot of
Alaska Assured Baah la the gprtag.
'." 'fiiMri.! niKMtc te.Tke Josraal.)
Baattie, Wash, Oct 21. The, Uttle
Windy Arm mining district, . which la
near tha Interaatlonal boundary, on tha
line of tha White Pass xuaoa ran
way promises to be tha center.;ot tha
moat exciting rush in Aiasaa .next aea
aon. One sale has Just beert made of
two claims, which are near tha Conrad
ntnntrtliM. the consideration for 10 par
w - - ... . . . mr n n m .
cent being iu,wvw. o wurcn u,w w
cash. The high grade allver ore that
has been taken from both the J..H. Con
rad Consolidate and tha J. H. Conrad
Bnnsosa croups la pronounced the rich
est aver mined in the northwest- coua
try. Bharee of the White Paea t Yukon
railway advanced $-3t In one day when
it waa learned that tha Windy Arm
district had such promise, the advance
being in anticipation or me .man aura
in ty expertenceo: mere. via miners
are confident that tha Little Windy Arm
will be scoured by a multitude of pros
pectors next spring when the Conrad
properties in all probability will com-
mence producing. ? r . , -
Taooma Oompaay Xaa Bavalopaw Breat
Bed ea Oaa ef Alaska'a Islaada.
(Spwlal atsasteh ta Tee Josraal.)
Tacoma. Wash., Oct 21-Work ta to
commence here the 1st of November on'
the manufacturing plant of the Paclflo
Coaat Gypsum, company. .Development
of the. big bed whence the company la
to receive Ita material has been in prog
ress for several' montha on Chlchagof
Island, near . Sitka. A narrow gauge
railway 4.700 feet In length, connecting
the workings with tha beach, la about
complete, and shafts,. drifts and many
open cuts; have been finished to prove
tha alse of the vein. - It la found 101
feet wide, with no evidence ef the depth,
the quality of gypsum found being re
markably pure. Tha company will enter
upon the work of producing large quan
tities of building piaster and otaer
gypeum producta. ; ; . ; ,-
-V -:' .' fomroal Agsnoy Morse. . '
The Journal agency at Salem has been
tranaf erred to 1. B. Driver. The office
la at S7I State street, telephone Main
120, where alt subscriptions, paymenta
and complaints will be promptly at
tended ta , , , ; ''..' - .,
Oraate Vaaw'aiaat la ta Be Blows U
; Bew TeaCa Bay If Work Croe WalL ,
(Bpselst Dispatch to The JoarsaL) .
Grants Hasa, Or.. Oct St. By . the
middle of this month the ore blna of tha
Roguo River Smelting A Mining com
pany at thia place ready to re
ceive ore. and It ta the purpose of the
management to ' blow - the furnace in
New Year a day., JUwmtly a number of
Boston people are said to have been In
cluded in the company, and they are fur
nishing the funds required for complet
ing tha plant am) , getting It in, ahape
for commencement of redaction. Man
ager Pearson has a crew busy laying tha
railway track for the apur to the
O. SC. Karrla Deed.
' (Bpadal Duipateh to The Joarnal) ' '
Dayton, Or., Oct , 2(. O. M. Harria,
for years a realdent of Dayton, but for
the last few montha a druggist at Am'
Ity, died at his home In that place Tues
day night ' He leavea a wife and Infant
daughter, besides father and mother and
many relatives and friends. . .
"' Tast Xope Taalahed. -
When leadlna physicians said that
W. M. Smithart of Pekin, la., had In
curable consumption, hla last hope
vanished; but Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds kept
him out ot his grave, tie says: "Thla
areat specific -completely cured me. and
navea my lire., since men l nave used
It for over 10 years, and consider It a
marvelous mroat ana luns cure."
Httictly scientific cure for Coughs. Sore
Throats or L'oias; sure preventive or
Pneumonia. Guaranteed, 60c and 11.00
bottle, at Skldmoro Drug Co, It 1 Third
street, inai ooiue iree. ,
't .
Water Board Decides to Consider
5 Bids for Such Material
-for Conduit. T . .
Mayor Save' That All WLU Be dven
a Fair Chance and Prejudice Will
Not Be Permitted to Influence Its
'DecUionv " - , .' '- ' ; ,f . .'
At an informal meeting of tha city
water board yesterday afternoon It waa
decided to receive blda for at eel plpa aa
well aa caat Iron pipe fo tha Blah-pressure
service on the eaat side. This de
cision Is the result of a telegram from
the Rladon Iron Worka of. Ban. Fran
cisco, which reads aa followa: '
Wa understand . that all . plpa blda
have been rejected and that, new tend;
era will be aakad for cast Iron 'only.
Wa want a chance to bid again on steel
pipe and . have tha blda compared on
their relative merit life and coat of pipe
to be duly considered." v r - .
"Aa soon aa I received' thla 'tele
gram," aald tha mayor, 1 called the
members together for an Informal meet
ing and told them that J thought tha
request 'of tha Rladon Iron Worka waa
nothing mora than legitimate and rea
sonable. , The board decided that while
It doea not Invite them. It will conalder
blda for steel pipe which may be sub
mitted on their merlta. , '
"We will do anything for tha benefit
of tha city. We, want to- secure the
best material for the big water mains
and ara perfectly willing to consider all
blda which may be submitted, wa want
no prejudices to away ua in this mau
ter." ' : - .':,''..
- What Contract Oana Tot.
Sealed proposals for - furnishing tha
plpa . and specials will be received by
the water board until November 17,. aa
followa: . . --,.'
Two hundred and tan lengtha lf-lnch
cast Iron pipe, weight per length.-1.1(0
pounds; 460 lengths 20-inch pipe, weight
per length.-1,620 pounds; 230 lengths
24-lnctt pipe, weight per length. 2.200
pounds; 170 lengtha 24-Inch pipe, weight
per. length, 2.660 pounds: S26 lengths 24
Inch pipe, weight per lensjtb, . 2.7S0
pounds; 1.100 lengths 24-Inch ' pipe,
weight per length, 2,000 pounds; total
weight of pipe, 4.16 tona. Special cast
ings for cast Iron pipe, 160,000 pounda.
Engineer D. D. Clarke or tne water de
partment will furnish detailed specifica
tions and forma of proposals to persona
who desire to submit blda. " ' ...
Biddera must state tha price of plpa
per ton of 2.000 pounda and tha price
of special castings per pound, all de
livered f . o. b. cars Portland; delivery
of the aama to begin within 40 daya of
data of order and continue at the rata
of not less than 700 tona per month until
completed. .-' v . i . 4
t. ' 0e Olaee of Bide Totaatary. .
With each bid muat be deposited a
certified check for $1,000. payable to the
order of the city auditor, and bonds to
be approved by the mayor win be re-
iir i'ko;!' it ti Mr "ij: id
r r
Js mm
.'-v'V ' V
' ' '" '
.' ' . 1 '
,i ":'--V
Quired of the ameoeaaful bidder. The
contract will contain a provision for the
deduction of 1160 a day from the final
payment due for pipes and specials aa
liquidated damages, for each and every
day of delay In the delivery of the regu
lar Installments of 700 tons per month.
.Inasmuch aa a request from a ateel
pipe factory haa been made that further
blda be received for ateel riveted pipe,
such bids may be submitted voluntarily
according to plana and specifications In
the office of the engineer of tha water
board. Tha plana and specifications are
tha aama aa those named In the adver
tisements of the city of Portland, In the
New York Engineering News ot Septem
ber 14 and. 28. and Engineering Record
of September 1 and 23. and the Port
land Dally -Abstract from September 1
to 7. Tha right la reserved by tha water
board to reject any or all blda. A
' Tou can take moat of man's boasts
of good, qualities as advertisements tr
mtaalng ones;
Women arc Great
ltoaers ef ads, and Is these days tkem
la-bo do sot read stars ses are ttavee was
Icaaaot read at alt . . ' ' .
' . r " r ... : ; j. : ; - j ':..' ... .. V , .. .. , " , vv i- ' ' "'' '' v " ' j J . . '. ' ". .-.':,'., ... "'":''-.'.'";.,..'.,' ,".'',.' , '...'. .1 . t 1 -. i. "' . : '. '' '.'.", .', v i .'.."
a IS k o . iBeUveenTaylorandSdmon l . JV, . i JjS J? 0
' " ... : . -if (.- '',.'..'.'. ". ; : . . r . ' .. , .- -' . . , . ; . ..' : , .-."'.' , ' .. .' - . ' . . '. , I . ' '.. , ; ' , . . , : , ... ., :. ';...- - . .'. :' 'i -. : ... ., ,-
, . -v nprecedenteQ Sale ok IPamts, Varmsiiss, bmim am emsiies . '
,.t' Tirt is the cause of this eruption in the Portland market, and as the insurance companies have paid us the damages incurred, we are permitting our friehds to reap the benefits of . Uieir seyere--losses, ..
These goods did not burnin many cases were not even scorchedbut all were soaked by water. The cans are somewhat rusty and the labels slightly defaced, 'but. the contents.are every(whit ss.-, v,"
r ' good as theyx day they were shipped from the factory. WE HAVEN'T THE TIME TO REPAIR THE DAMAGE I WE DO NOT WANT' TO DO IT! We want you to come and take the mer- ' " , ;
. .V ''"; " chandise away, as we must have room for our new stock now; being shipped from the ACME WHITE LEAD & COLOR WORKS of Detroit, Micjw the largest j paint and varnish factory in the. world. r . ' .
nn.!. :. e . t-. t. t.i ' t j :r ..i m::n tu,!Uinm Vim'nr if rrmt' ?nten A tn Art it nnt vur. vnn cannot afford to iflisi this '.: - '' '
. ; 1UI II I.UKU1C UMl WUI lUICir UlUTC UK llVkk it UUIUUl IV, aUUl ll fUU SUB wukiuvhiuiie uwuuiib jvui tuuug ua - j j ; "' I ,
great sale
of high grade goods.'; Every, package has the "ACME QUALITY" trade mark, for years the standard of excellence in paint manufacture. You know the kind of 'goods you are ; buying.' ,; jfy-;-
A certificate of purity attached to every gallon
- can; former price $1.75 per gallon. jjJ 2
, The kind, that stays on your floor; f AA
, ; iormer, price $1.75 per gallon. .Now. epleUU
Wears well, won't fade; former price 7fl"
j ; . $1.25 per gallon.' Now. . . . . ; . ... . I Ut
That smooth finish; so easy to keep clean; for
, tner price $2.50 per gallon. : , , . CI
' JJow. ..... '.J.-. . .;...',., . ..... . . . . . .ePl easfO
Makes your pine floor look like mahogany; for
' mer price $2,75 per gallon. &t l?A
; Now. , , . ; .'.; .. .$1 eOU
. Transforms the old zinc tub to porce- 7Cf-
. Iain; former' price quart $1.40. Now.,; I DC
-:.. For steam pipes radiators, gas rane
- etc. ; former price quart $1.85. ,-Now
), The Old Originall former ; prfce,- quart .JjjJ
fpfooronatc reduction in all sized pa
entire stock is disposed ot
K '''