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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. ' WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 25,, 1905. - -10 ffly INTEREST JOIIIED III BETTERMENT Improvement Association Selects : Leaders and -Coee After Big Objects. DEPOT IS FIRST THING . -, tTO BE SECURED BY IT xtena!v Campaign for Street Fills If Inaugurated and Property Owners : . Will Make Sloughs Into Factory Z Sites and Millions Out of Mud. .. The east sMt of of The Journtl to Is tht v of 1. J. C. MUlfr. WU- kt atocritoo . enrcet. Ti Vpbout East 378. I .r When the call was issued for. a man ttneetlnff of east aid citlaens to con- ?lder the renrssnlsation of tha Eaat Bid mprovement association It waa not con i' tJldered that anything of greater tm - jortajice than tha securing .of an aat Ida depot would' comer Tip. but at the meeting last night aeveral other, quea tlona of far morar moment were dis cussed and a campaign waa started that HV expected to result in doubling tha ' property values of tha central' district ' within tha year. ," Y The eltlsana present When Chalrttfan JtVuitney L Bolsa called tha meeting to 'order last night in tha eaat aids court room represented tha largest' business Interests of tha eaat aide, the east side ; " -ouncilraen. the executive board and, tha pioneers, who have been working j. for a-lvlc lmnrovement for the paat SO years. : In hla ooenlna remarks Mr, Bolsa called ' .the attention of the members tp tha tieed of a general depot on the east aide. A I W flv4 VI . ....WW.,.. w..v J tn tnat side or tne river, me wonaeriui sjrowth he suburbs are making and tha demand, for an active improvement as sociation to do things before it is too "...'Jata.- -,- -- ' ' - , W. X Bolsa Gnoses rldnt, v .. Election of officers followed and the following were chosen vlya voce: Preal- 'Joseph Buchtel; secretary, I. 11. Wells; treasurer, 11. H. Newhall. The mem- tiers, present decided to meet each Tues . -day evening'" In tha courtroom and each , . ,one of the ITS members was delegated a . special committee to see that at leaat . -one man not a member attended these Hirelings. - - - Mr. Buchtel. for tha depot committee, 'reported tha progress of the campaign - iand stated that when he had last talked '-with Mr, O'Brien snd Mr. Craig of the O. R. N. ha had not known of - fine existence of thi-.old franchise that 'required tha company"'l6'""'malntaln a , 'general depot somewhere sauth of what formerly was 81 Rm street and what la Jiow Hoyt street. In closing Mr. Buchtel 'Stated that he had lata In tha rfterrkxin (received word from "Mr. O'Brien ststing ,'he desired a conference. He thought that perhaps the company, learning of the old franchise provision, had da- . c aea in arrant idi dduul ,3 : Baqnlnenan BtUl a lading-. - Judge 'Magera followed and told of ithe Inveatlgatton- he had made Into the .provisions of tlVe old charter and atated ' ithat in his opinion tha requirement con .. -corning tha maintenance of tha depot t,ti still binding and might be enforced 'easily by an appeal to the courts. The -' (Judge then took up tha general outlook . 'for tha east side. . . "The Pacific will be the ocean for '.American shipping within 10 years." 'said be. "Already competition In Europe 'is closing the Atlantic to ua and the rich (orient is now our Held. This world trade I -will make Portland one of the- great ) cities of the nation In few years. The ciiy snoura nave oeen oum on me east is Ida of tha river in the first place and (future growth must chiefly occur on thla Me. - Factory altes, room for cheap jfibmea, room for tracks and warehouses. . .room for the world, are on this side of Guarantees to Cure Rupture Celebrated Expert Is Meeting WiOi Marvelous Success With a New Home i Invention. Cures Oases Considered Xopelees and Positively Guarantee This Woaderf ol Basalt. Beware of the Knife. ! f Every ruptured man, woman and child .may now throw their truss away snd Ifure themaelvea at home. A celebrated xpert haa Invented a -treatment that ttoea away with operations and the an noyance and nulsanre of wearing a truss. It cures without pain. Is per fectly harmless and the result Is sorer tain that the cure Is positively iruinn. . teed. , Among those who have been cured are I Mrs. Axel E. Johnson. HUlmsn, Wssh., i ruptured 10 years; Mrs. L. D. Smith, box . fit Port Townsend, Wash., raptured 1 . years; Thomas C. Heaton. 28 Autumn St.. Ran Jose, Onl., ruptured 41 years; H. C. Arnold. Cor. N. Fair Oak and Mountain sts., Pasadena, Cat.; J. r. ' Wmlth, Lama Iteer, Mont., ruptured 40 , yea re. and hundreria of prominent people throughout tha United 'States. Rend your nam and address to the Elertrus ,'.. JTM-Woad bldg., Ryracuse. N. T., 1 anal tha complete details of this won derful cure will he sent you free of charge in plain. senjei wrapper write T Immediately, as this notice will prob ; ably not appear again. Fill out coupon I below, today. . . . . . wmma uranui ootnro. ELECTRt'B CO., 17 Wood Bldg., . Syracuse, a. T. ; r My name Is .7" m ., .jty Address Is , Town ; ; ;.;.; : v." ; v.. County , . . . . . .' etate. stAZaV rwaa tooati: OF EAST SIDE 18 WORK tha river and nothing we may do can atop tha growth of East Portland. Our only care should be to hsvs sites ready when ' factories come, to have trajne arrangements that will beckon trade and to have car aervlre that will make the east side ss accessible as the west ide "; xO iSe momenta Zrftrge . Oeorgfl C. Flanders of the Standard OH company, who. has been aiding In the light for ah enm aide freight station,' aald that annually the eaat side sent out 00 ears of freight In shipments of less than car lota. Tha number of cars sent out loaded fully on the east side were several times thla number, but It was the unexpectedly great num ber of small shipments that had aroused him to sctlon and had surprised the Southern Pacific officials. In his opinion the company would grant the eaat side depot without further parlay, sine It had been discovered that such 1s tha plain provision of the franchise. Con tinuing In general ter'ma Mr. Flanders aroused the association by hla business like estimate of the certain future of the district and his matter-of-fact plans for the Immediate improvement of the central region. , , ; , IM nttnl AdvaawHr. "As has been said, tha city should have been built up on this side of the river In the first place." ha asserted, "and every natural advantage haa been given the east side, while the west side has been built up only by hard work and against great difficulties. But with tha growth thst Is coming, and we have been growing over here five times as faat aa tha west side, there aoon will be a time when' extensive improvements must be made. At present Sullivan's gulch divides tha eaat side and halves Its usefulness.; Tha talk about steel bridges across this gulch on Union and Q rand avenues Is a mistake, for the gulch-can be tilled for-one sixth the cost of such ah improvement, and no man can guess how much a-fill would mean to adjacent property and tha en tire east side. - If five feet were- taken! from Union avenue between East Burn side and Holladay avenue there would be enough dirt to fill the gulch and the ascent - to upper Union avenue would be less of a burden. The gulch must be filled before we can grow as a unit, and steps should be taken to further such an improvement by this association." To rill Streets. By this time every than present was anthuslastio and President Boise added to tha fervor by stating that definite plana had been adopted and "preliminary work already commenced on the gigantic contract of filling every street south of Eaat Washington to Hawthorne avenue, thua making the entire riverfront dis trict eligible for factories. "East Washington street was filled at the outrageous charge of 39 cents a cublo yard," aald he, "and the executive board granted the contract at thla figure only because tha people on tha atreet were willing to pay anything to get the fill completed. But, despite the great coat,' the raise in property values on the street already haa mora than offset the assessment. One piece of property be fore tha nil went begging at $7,000. The fill cost the property-owner 14,000 and a few days ago the tract waa sold for tlt.000 snd tha purchaser agreed to aa sume the assessment for the fill, making the increase in value almost threefold. - Will Out laaaranoa Kates. '. "No one can calculate what It would mean to East Portland to 1 have every street brought to grade south of Wash ington, but we know It will mean enough o that few property-owners can object to the improvement, and we are going to get the consent of tile" majority of the property-owners In this waterfront tract and go ahead with this work. When It Is done Insurance rates will be cut down enough to pay the cost of the Improvement, factory sites qf reat value will be ready for big induatries and there Is no reason why we should not take-away half tha wholesale busi ness the west side haa. Trackage facili ties at present are better on this sids the river, sites are cheaper, waterfront property Is mora easily secured and If we had filled streets we would secure every new Industry that cam to the city." O. ' C. Flanders. Joseph Buchtel - and J. P. Sharkey' were appointed a com mittee to wait on oeneral Manager O'Brien, of the Harrlman lines ' In Ore gon, to take up the eaat aide depot ques tion with him. To ssslst in the work of filling the eaat aide streets, ss outlined by Mr. Boise, a committee consisting of O. C. Flanders. Dr. 8. E. Josephl and Samuel-Woodward waa appointed. , roe Better Oar Service. A committee waa also appointed to take up with the Portland Consolidated Railway company and tha Oregon Water Power eV Railway company the establish ment of a through east side transfer system. ' It being composed of the fol lowing: J. E- Magers, H. H. Newhall and M. B. McFall. Councilman Sharkey expressed the de sire he snd his associates felt to promote the Interests of the east side, endorsed the plans proposed by Mr. Flanders and Mr. Boise snd aasured the members of the association that whenever It could the council would help the eaat. side. After announcing the next regular meet ing for the coming Tuesday evening In the east side courtroom. East Sixth and Washington streets. President Boise adjourned tha session. . , COMPLETE WATER SYSTEM. lg- Mala of .slew Mount Soott .JPtaat Finished aad BUra Freesure Assured. Work on tha big water main that, wilt supply the entire Lents district next season 'practically has' been completed. The main hns been run from the well aouth of Lents to Myrtle Park, where It terminates In the big tank which waa built some time ago. but which haa not yet been used. The main Is of new con struction, consisting of a wooden pipe built up by dovetailing strips of cedar together, cementing the whole with tar snd aspheltumr covering It with another coat of tar and nonconducting material and a final cost of fine gravel. ' The pipe has not yet been connected with the smsller branch, pipes, snd will be pumped full of water and allowed to sosk for 10 days before these connec tions are -made. After the fortnight's test, .If all Is well, tha smaller service rlpes will be connected and the doxen suburba In the Mount Scott region will be given- adequate water service at a high, pressure. The big tank at Myrtle Park will insure a constsnt pressure at the far end of. the system,-wher tha chief .trouble before haa occurred. The supply of water at the new Lents well Is said to be Inexhaustible. BIG LECAL BATTLE. Jastloe Comrt ' Cass Fi aetata Several Unique Complications. . Though but 111. to Is Involved, the caae Of tha Morgan Mercantile agency against E. C. Rossmsn- in tha east aide Justice court has raised mora legal dif ficulties, and oaused more strange com- iSOII CASE TRIED AT A I ' Oscar Rogoway Facing a Jury for Burning Mother's Store at Lebanon. DEFENDANT ALLEGED TO HAVE MADE CONFESSION Defense Will Try to Prove That Statements Were Extorted From Accused Youth by Means of ' Threats of Bodily Injury. (Rneelsl Oiitrh to The Journal.) Albany. Oct. ii. Tha second trial of Oscar Rogoway. charged with burning his mother's store In Lebanon, Decem ber Z0, 1(03. for the Insurance, promises to last for several days. Kngoway waa convicted, but oo appeal seoured thla new trial. Rogoway la represented by Hewitt sc. Sox. W. R. Bilyeu and Judge J. J. Whitney, while the state's Inter ests are looked after by Acting District Attorney C. L. McNary of Salem. Deputy Oale P. Hill and Special Vwputy P. R. Kelly. Mr. Kelly was deputy for this county when the-crime occurred. Rogoway Is alleged . to have made a confession to some of the cltlsens that he set the fire and the defense will fry to prove that the confeaslon waa ex torted by means of threats of bodily Injury. ' At last evening's aeaalon of the court, one Inauranoe agent who had written a policy on the stock of goods later burned testified that he had can celed the policy for the reaaon that it was not considered a good risk, the stock beliut bankrupt goods, and the aame day a new" policy was issued by another agent. plications, than the average hearing of The aaenCv brought suit some weeks ago for $11.80, which It la alleged was due rronvKOSsman on certain accounta- which iie had given It for collection. Roasman In the first trial Said that the contracta ha had m-.ra unlust and did not bind the sxency' to anything, while they bound him to everything. - juage eeion louna for Rossmsn. tki. t...b iMiuiff filed a 'remiest for a new trial, alleging that the evi dence adduced at the former hearing wtnt anf firlent to tuatlfV the deci sion rendered.- A new trial -was granted Dy Xno COUTl ana Itonsman si uni-c mu a petition for a change of venue.. It ma tha ftrrt Km. In the tudae's mem ory thst the msn winning a. suit had asked for a change of venua because he -A. -a . Mi. mii-t mlvhl he 'nrefudlcsd against him. and the change of venue was not graniea. rne case win m V. a rA ...In 1 n Ih. Mlt Ma COlirt. Meanwhile.' the original $11.80 aued for has been spent several limes in attor neys fees and court costs. - ANNUAL CHURCH' REUNION. .A.., . '1,.4- .i Kvery Department of second Baptist Church Beports (rood Fiufiess. - The annual reunion and dinner of the Second Baptist church East Ankeny and Seventh streets, waa held last night with 150 members present. The re ports of the vsrlous departments of the church showed the past year's work to have been good and that material re sults had been secured.. The church Is established on a business basis; 13 de partments with r their heads attend to .he varloua activities. During the year the Junior Boys' club waa organised The members receive Instruction and athletic training from a T. M. C. A. teacher. The Toung Men' club reported that a course of SO lectures to men would would be given this yesr. Rev. S. C. Lapham, the pastor, presided at the dinner and In his address expressed his gratification at tha work recently accomplished. WHITE RIBBON WORKERS GATHER AT LOS ANGELES (Joarntl gperltl Service.) Los Angeles, Oct. !!. Delegates and workers of the W. C. T. U. from all parts of the United States are assembled here to attend the . national meeting of the cmn a Christian Temperance union, which will open here on Friday evening. As an Introduction to tha con vention proper, the first board meeting was held this morning and the executive oommittee will hold a meeting thla even tng. The number of delegates Is un usually large and It Is believed that the coming convention will be tha largest ever held In this country. All states and territories are represented. At the opening meeting of the convention of Friday evening the delegatea will be welcomed by the mayor and several prominent local members. On Saturday afternoon there will be addressee by Mrs. C. IZ R. Hoeklne. Dr. Mary Fow ler Thompson and others. Saturday evening a diamond medal oratorical con teat will take place. Miss Elisabeth W. Greenwood will, preach the conven tion sermon on Sunday. Monday night the organisers wilt apeak and- Tuesday evening there will be a platform meet ing, with Mrs,- -Adrlanna Hunrerford. Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Deye Ellis and Mis Belle Kearney as the principal speakers. Wednesday night the Jubilee will be held and tha priie banners will be awarded. Scald head Is en ersems of the scalp- very severe sometimes, out it ran oa cured. Doan'a Ointment, quick and per manent In Its results At- any drug store, do cenis. - tabs ft ICarshaL (gseelal Dtuvstch to The Journal.) ' Wenatchee, Wash., Oct. 26. Amos Streets, a barroom hanger-on, while drunk, stabbed City Marahal Wheeler, who tried to arrest him. In default of f 1,000 bond Street waa committed to tha county Jail. 1 i - Humors Cured with BarSaa os. SklaHettltk Hat neat) and SklaHaaltk Tablets. A pnd tit aad speedy cure for eerry ttcaiag, boralng, Srsly, bleeding, trusted, pimply and blotchy snmor, with sjs of hair. Produces clear, brU- uaot, healthy skla and pure, rich, ted Mood, aUIfJ HEALTH (U Tremimant 75o LIU rnastett of ITa r a a a floa p. SResMdles ted, sett. eepuc: BbLiaiieaitSHoiat.), aae., totm frtna, il the skin, an4 SklaUcaltsi Tablets to expel vmor genu. All drugiiata, HsHsa Boas) for the) Camplexloaj, WW pimples, blsrkbeads, redness, rnatboMS. chit K, ebspplnc, tovgh hsnna. Notblnc wul glta tuck a speedy ear. SS). 8 eakee, 8. , Kend Se. pott re for -Free Sanaales and keofcleta to itUU HAT CO., KBWAltK, H. i. , W009AB9, C&ABXS Si OO, Foum ALDIDY v . . . GIANTS SHUT OUT BV THE SEALS. ' i J Jimmy Whalen Allowi but One Vagrant Hit In Nine Lonely Innings. . HOUSEHOLDER MAKES TWO OF 'FRISCO'S HITS Splendid Pitcher's Battle in Which San Francisco Twirler Receives the Better Support Ats's Error Re sponsible for Seal's Two .Tallies. (Journal Special Service.) - -flan Francisco, Oct. 2. Tha Giants were beaten "to a finish here yesterday by the Seals, the score being i to 0 Whalen was in the box for the home team and he pitched perfect ball, al lowing but one hit. During the nine Innings only three of ' McCredie's men reached first base. Ata'a error In tha first inning waa responsible for the Seals' two runs. Catea pitched a fine game for the visitors, allowing four hits, two of which were made by Eddie Householder. Jimmy Whalen'a pitch ing was the beat seen on tha home grounds this season. The score follows: PORTLAND. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E Atx. ss , 40 0 1 I I Van, Buren, If. I 0 1 S 1 0 Mitchell, lb.-.. : X 0"0.8- 0 1 Schlafly, lb ..... 1 0 0 2 S O MCLan, c " " v VfcHale. cf. S 0 OSS 0 Sweeney, lb. B 0 0 0 1 0 McCredle. rf. ........ 0 0 0 0 0 Cates, p. ....., 0 0 1 S O Totals........ !7 0 1HH BAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Waldron, cf. 1 1 J o Mnhlar. Zb ..i t 1 - V z Hlldebrand. If. ...... S 1 4 0 0 Nealon, lb. .. i ....... 0 0 10 0 -1 Houaeholder, rf. , . . . . S O X Irwin, lb 0 0 Oochnauer, ss. ...... 1 0 0 0 0 a t 2 4 03 W ilson, c s o Whalen, p. S 0 0 Totals ".... 2 4 H 11 1 SCORE BY INNINGS. ' Portland --,..-. ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 nits uvvivvvv v San Francisco ..,.1 0000000 2 Hits 10O1OU11 SUMMARY. Two-has hit Householder -Sacrifice hit Irwin. First base on errors Portland. 1: San Francisco. 1. Struck out By Catea, 6: by Whalen. 4. Hit by pitched ball Schlufly. Double plnys Oochnauer to Mohler to Nealon; Goch nauer to Nealon; Schlnfly -to Mitchell: Time of game One hour and 20 min utes. Umpire Davia. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. - cuBS. ! i : ? : r : ii : : : " : - - fiPli li; ? I Ut Anttltt. ......... ..I 11101 ftl T 141 41 .Sen Oakland .T&1810 s 41 8sn I'raaclsco 10 6112 A lw .IMVJ I'ortl.nd S14 .. 0 S 82 .402 Heat lie 4 8 A .11.. 10 X .47H Tacoma 4 11 HOT.. 28 .412 Lnot TTrT7T7.TT.-y.... MSI S7M3 4021ii . Bmerson Waa tha Star. (Journal peelsl Bervke.t Oakland, Oct. ?&. Emerson waa the whole show yesterday, shutting out the Commuter with ease. The score: R. H. E. Tacoma 0 0001120 0 4 9 0 Oakland . 00000000 0 0 4 ' I Batteries . Emerson and Graham Blexrud and Byrnes. Umpires Hackett ana Jiogan. Tha Fatal Zlghth. (Journal Special BrrrW, ) ' Los Angeles, Oct. .26. Jonea got wild in tha eighth Ignlng yesterday and after two were out- allowed Tha Angels to score six men. Tha score: R. H. E. Ixis Angeles ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 04 7 7 4 Seattle 0 0011000 02 8 1 Batteries W. Hall and Eager; Jones, Miner ana uianxensnip. umpire re- SPORTING GOSSIP. The Giants took a tumble yesterday when they went up agaiast the clever Jimmy Whalen. - But one hit was made off Whalen'a delivery, that being made by Van Buren. Ats's error In the first Inning gave, the Seals their only two scores. Cates pitched a star game, but his support was not up to the standard. a If "Al Kaufmann beats Philadelphia Jack O'Brien on Friday night at San Francisco, Marlon Hart will fight the new professional a 'finish contest for a 115,000 purse.' Mr. Kaufmann will have a busy time whipping Jack O'Brien, If any ona cares to know. e It waa rumored about the Multnomah club yesterday that George McMlilen and Chet Murphy would soon turn out with the I club's . 'varsity. The addition of these two stara will strengthen the Multnomah eleven considerably. The lateat . addition to the club eleven Is Jimmy Alexander, a clever young player. Alexander la a fast end rusher and will probably take Eddie Dowllng's place at right end. . - Tha Commercial club team of Astoria will invade Portland next Saturday to take a whirl at tha Multnomah club boy a. The Astoria boy a are very confl dent of giving the locals a hard run, and as they have a good team,. a lively gamt la looked for. e , . .Sporting Editor: Will you please tell me when is tha best time to lay In my preserves T Answer Suit yourself; w are not in the habit of treating our pre serves in that manner.' e e . Cheater Colors for a football eleven are all a matter of sentiment. Tha most correct rolors this season, and the most popular, are black and blue. '- - e--s..X How to become popular: .The only human beings who endeavor to become popular ar girls between the ages of II and 17. A girl to be real popular with her sex should not cultivate the friendship of men; a girl Jdollsed by the men should be popular with he set. There are many requisites essen tial to a girl's popularity. Some glrlt are monopolists, I. a., when a young man pays a visit to the city they at one engsge him for morning walks, after- noon strolls, dinner engagements an I theatre parties. Other girls should never "butt In" on these engagements. Alwayt tell the girls that your latest tallnr-mad gown, cost 1200, even though It wai knocked down to you for I2J.S0. In company with a crowd talk louder than anybody, alse, as the men will aurelt think you have a good voloa for sing ing. Also tell tha girls that thla man or that man tried to kiss' you. but you promptly aquelohed him,' adding thai you are not that kind of a girl, -and 4av sldes well, besides. Last of all. be a knocker, a first-claaa knacker. For this carry a aledgehammer, becauae tack driver would, be out of place.- After doing all these things, go a way back and alt down. - ' ; : . :- . How to make a typewriter: There are several varieties of typewriters Smith Premiers, Remingtons, Olivers, blondes, brunettes, lean ones, fat ones,' short ones and tall ones. All typewriters ar hot alike. Some have the universal key board and. othera affect the camel-bark aklrt. Some, too, - have an extension roller, while others have wide hips. Some have a light touch; othera touch you foi all you have got. Some have a spring geared, well oiled, smooth-running car riage, while other walk like ao many cows. All kind of typewriter are pop ular with business men and ahould be well made. Therefore, take great pains In selecting the parts. - They -consist principally of a bottle of hair dye, 'a powder puff, an Irresistible pair of hook ona. a peekaboo shirtwaist and socks, low shoes.- a rainy day skirt, a mass of yel low hair and a pair of goo-goo eyea. Put these together properly and you will have a pretty good-looking typewriter. It It amusing to n6t'a few of the tricks displayed by self-esteemed bail playera. "Walt" McCredle, who ia a right fielder by supposition, 1 afraid to participate in a game In thl city, on account of the established hostility to ward him by the funs, who claim that lie Is no player at all; but aa soon-as he gets away from home, ha enter the game, knowing that the home crltlca cannot see him perform. On tha laat trip away from horns he played in Ave games and didn't get a hit nor a putout in ona of the Ave. -That 1 why he won't play in Portland. Yesterday ha played at San Franclaco and "divll" the hit nor an assist nor a putout did he get. . WHITMAN READY FOR , THE MONTANA ELEVEN ' (Soeclal Ditpttch to The Joarasl.) Whitman College, Walla, Walla. Wash., Oct. 26. The Whitman college football team went through its final hard prac tice last night In preparation for the gam with the University of Montana today. The game between Montana and the University of Idaho gave the boys an Idea of the strength of thl new team. It is feared that the lineup Will not be so strong aa waa expected. Hill, one of the whirlwind halves at tha Washing ton game, ha a bad leg a a result of that game, and the coach may not allow him to play. Dlmmlck, tha heavyweight tackle, who also made a splendid repu tation at Seattle, haa a game leg. and may be kept out of tha game. If so, his place will be taken by Phllbrook or O'Neill, and Graham put In their vacant place on the line. Oldrlght, who waa a large ground-gainer aa half on the sec ond team last week, will take Hitl' place ahould the coach not aljow him to play. . ' atsclng at Jamaica. (Journal Special Berries. J - New York, Oct. 25. Jamaica Park race results: Six 'furlongs Water Dog won. In quisitor second. Hector third; time, 1:11. Mile and one sixteenth Sun Ray won, Wyeth second, Flammula third; time, 1:48 1-6. Five and ona half furlongs Leonora (Q(D)ILD) QUICKLY CUEED IT Foley's Honoy and Tap There is no case on record of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after Foley's Honey and Tar bad been taken. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough, and heals and strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient Consumption and even in the last stages will always give comfort and relief. - Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath ing at once. Remember the namer-Foley's Honey, and Tar and refuse substitutes that cost, you the same as the genuine.- Do not take chances with some unknown preparation. --Contains no opiates. , Curid f TirrlbU Cough en Lung N.,Jackson of Danville, 111., writes: "My daughter had a sever attack of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried -Foley's Honey and Tar, which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since." . Consumption Curl1.. . Foley & Co., Chicago. Dana, Ind. Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Tar cured me of Consumption after I had suffered two years and was almost des perate. Three physicians failed to give me any relief and the last one said ha could do me no good. I tried almost every medicine I heard tell of without benefit, until Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended to me. Its effect fight from the start was magical. 1 Improved -steadily from the first doe and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with Throat and Lung Trou ble. Your very truly, MRS. MARY AMBROSE. - Three sizes 25c, 60c, $1.00. ; The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $ 1.00 bottle al most six times as much. XCLD AX3 eecc-ek:ed by Weoeard, Clarke m Oo. aad . a. Skld xaor m Oo. ittt a niATnm a .'ijyhfwPi- , If 1? ; vim L . i l ft fN' i si - I Priced at .'".' 1 ' ' ' "' '''-It . ' . fir frr Third st.Jietnven Stark a Oak 4 i C2TLANDS FAIR CLOTIilECLO Wr won, Benevolent second. Hontanu third: time, 1:07. Mile. and one sixteenth Sidney C. Love won, Monet second, Camera, third: time. 1:17 4-6. Mile 'and one-qoarter Hlppocrate won, Mabel Richardson second, Banker third; time, 2:07 4-5. Five and one half furlongs Meddling Daisy won. Swell Girl second, Duenna third; time, 1:08 i-6. ' PROJECTED MOTOR LINE ASKS TERMINAL GROUNDS - ' (Sberlal Dispatch to The Jearsal.) ! Wood Burn, Or., Oct It. . At the Armory In thl city last night a largely attended meeting waa held, having for its purpose the - discussion of the pro posed electric motor line from Salem to Portland, ' via Woodburn, within the next year.- Mayor. Frank Waters of Salem, representing the company that desires to build the road,-was present and aald the line would be west of the Southern Pacific and would cross the Willamette at either Boone's Ferry or Buttevllle. He aaked for sufficient grounds here for terminal, depot and warehouse facilities. A committee wss appointed . to select the sit for the ground and the route through the city and then confer with the council. ' Abolish land KeoelTers. . (Joarasl Special Btrvtee.) Washington, D. C, Oct. 28. In tils annual report Secretary Hitchcock will Include a auggestlon thst' the position of all land office receivers shall be abol ished. Thl would result in a saving of $260,000 a year. rf erred Stock Oanned Good. Allen 4 Lewis' Best Brand. HOME FIRLAND WITH TOVB MSfT MOSfBT, . S da d - FIRUAND Is 20 minutes from city, on Mount Scott car line. . Fare 6c 16-mlnut car service. Best water, streets graded. Outgrowing all other suburbs because It Is the bast. Homes built and sold at rent rate. LOTS $130 (3 BOWBT, S3 imm SCOaTTaT.) Take Mount Scott Car. First and Alder Streets. CH30. W. BROWN 803 ralllaa: Bldg. Fboa Stala S19S. (Open Evenings.) RCBT. A. TAYLOR orrzoai rarASTD btatiov. Lots $90' Moore to $400 Easy Terms Investment Company 151 Sixth Street ALBJNA LOT ON STANTON STREET Between Williams and Rodney avenues, for sale chesp.- T. V. ARTSBBWt Ii CO., amUtoa Bing., 131 Third Street, . TL Mala S34t. t ..... wwiuj rmJrvTi a a I n i miv. v vThat keep out the wet That's the Priestley ' ,kind our kind. - A stormcoat when it storms 1 A dresscoat when it shines No need of any other kind of overcoat in Oregon. y We show about 30 styles plain and mixed colors. . Mil thsx dirts vm. our PAinis.ou; jiKiADYoaits ' Tkeassadt ts'PortlaaS ss all ever the aerttawaH taa testify e ess great aad aa. exaapltd sstessa, ' gonorrhoea; Kay be attendtd with the gravest eeatpHea ttoRl if atgled or lapraparlr ttesteS. W ssv. s BpedOe tnttmaDt wslob earn sickly, safely asd pslskiesly. SYPHILIS ts ssether aeqntrea aleaaea. the ravage at wblrt trbvn roily Aenloped aa ptu eaa SMcrlhe. Wkn It shews by skis traptioes ar bj sores la stents or throat Its htrtuis are slroady btgas. We saftlr aad tbaf 08(1117 car ye aad as Mineral salseaa are enplored. - VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE We treat sad sore, ant by the eld ssraieal roeMtare, hot br s salnltes SMthod eolalr oar ews. We likewtoe will rare roe anl save 70a tbt ssfferlna saaseistoS with Merveae DoMtlty, Lost hteahooa, Imsetssey, Bporatatarrhota. aTottaraal Tmlstlaat, IS. starare DaoHao, Loss attmtiy, Zaorty sag AaMtlea la the bri.fost Um it ets he Soae asd wo Insare yea a safe sad patltlrt eiite. OosssMstloa asd eaasilBanoa froa. Write for ayatptoai blank sad hook If yoa eaaast -tall,. -.-. OfSee Hoerti S a. at. ays, 10 U IS. st. 1 ST. LOUIS Mmdlcal and Jurglcal DISPENSARY Oar. B4 aad TasaaOl aba, lrtlaaa. 0. MO acres fin timber, near Portland 112.60 per acre, leoo Oood S-room house, near cay line. Improved street, eaat aide. 98500 Modern 0-room colonial house, close In, eaat aide. 94B00 100x100 and modern colonial T- room house, on Union avenue. A fin horn. , 97000 A fractional lot en Washington atreet. . 9750010 Hat, paying 20. per cent; best Duy in tne ciry. 910,500 100x100 on 17th st; good tn-r com and worth f 2,000 more than asking price. 911,000 Fin corner lot en 10th st 9150 Lotson csr line, only 20 minute from center of city; water and graded streets; 6 psr month. Worn fin warehouse property on wast side. Sahlstrom & Patterson 1S0H Tonrth et, Oo. Horrlsom. LOTS 911S AT 100 A BAT XM EVELYN These bargain cant be bat anywhere. Every lot a snap. Take Mount Scott car at First and Alder streets snd rid to Evelyn, 28 min utes from city, fsr 6c. 1 Every convenience in Evelyn;' bast r 1 tstsslUksd water, best car service, etc. . 1 Bom nut nunutr or -weeaaay and Da convinced. B.ALFORDSON orrzoai BraiVTaT statios.' i DCSIOItRH ahd BUILDBB. SOS aSttt St. BOUtCS BCILT ' ON fHSTALUf SlfTS. . OET raiCaaV ' aja-, a 1 asSfc 7 1