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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
: X l THE ? OREGON DAILY JOURNAli, PORTLAND. TUESDAV EVENING, OCTOESa CI, 1CX r 17ITTE WILL PLANS TO FORTIFY FIFTY KILLED AND ' FIRST KO 10 jlSK FOB StilR Erastus Richardson Hs First of His Race to Seek' to B a Policeman.- , DOflE: III'T. COO ;as . emi is ' FIVE HUNDRED HURT : , . ... i '. HEW CABINET FR0MW0RLD L FOR Dffi ' Joureal Buenos Ayres, Oot 24. A dis patch says that 10 persons were killed and too. wounded In the recent rioting In ntlago, Chile. The disturbances continued all day-' yesterday and far Into the night A detachment of troops, finally arrived and had a quiet ing effect. Many arrests have been. made. ChM of Peace; Envoy I Ap pointed Minister of Finance ' ' t by the Czar. M.;: Grim Stockade Surrounds Coke Taft't Visit to Declds Upon Sites Bird of Peace Flits From Camp Comes to Portland, Falls to Find Relative Goes to Seattle, ' Gets a Job, Falls in Love. Worker-Employes Live and Labor Within Its, Walls. ; for Fortification Upon ;: ' , the Isthmus. ... ; of Harmonized Multnomah Republicans. vi:' - WILL CONTROL DESTINIES NOT ALLOWED OUTSIDE - AN INCREASED NAVY TO IS SIX FEET TALL AND , - OF FINE PHYSIQUE REST OF THE STATE CHEERILY SHOWS UP -WITH SMALL FORTUNE OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE WITHOUT PERMISSION GUARANTEE POSSESSION WILL FACE A WILL BURY HATCHET FORQ ClffOFFlVORKDEfJ PANAMA CAUA 0I1H Liberal Policy Expected to Prevail General Durnovo Is Made Minister ,r-.. , ; . of Interior and Grand Duke Vlad- r . Imir Will Resign. -: " u . " vonrasi ppnu srrnc., 'St. Petersburg. Oct., 14. It U ten- altely announced that Count Serglua -'Wftu has tmn appointed mintater of finance, and General Durnovo, minuter of I the interior It Is, proposed to form a new eatrtnej. In which-Wltte will be the controlling spirit. V :j Since hie return from the United States,. Wltte's star haa been In the -cendantf He hac confided Ma vlewe to the emperor and haa been given aseur anoe that the csar favors hie plana. .Wltte haa taken the aide of the Llber ' ale, and favora complete liberty : of - speech of the press and urges an ex tension of the powera of the coming . Douma alone the Unea demanded by the reformer. A broader f ranchlae la eJeo advocated by Wltte n u to allow of , fuller representation from the ranka of labor, aa well aa the cultured classes. " The empresa yeeterday received -the 'Counteoa Wltte. She had never before been received at court, and thla la taken aa an Interpretation that the csar haa turned to Count Wltte aa the one man to right the preeent serious situation ' that now confront the throne. .' The resignation of Grand Ouks Vlad imir hae not been accepted. He resigned aa military v-Sramander of the district - of St Petersburg because of the action taken by the csar agalnat Grand . Duke Cyril after his marriage. '' .. " At Kerakow .today - a conflict took place between troops and strikers. The Coesacks opened Are on the, mob and : many were killed and Injured. ; FATALLY HURT WHILE RIDING OnOP OF COACH "i, ' . , eaBwaBsaawasBsnwaBBsABssawasanaB. . Fred Heffner Struck and' Killed ;. by Bridge Enclosure Near ' , ' , i Aurora. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Wood burn. Or., Ocf St. Fred Heffner, who . with three others was stealing a ride oa top of a coach of the Southern! .Pacific south-bound overland last night, 1 was fatally hurt at Aurora.' .As the train , approached 1 the bridge at that point Heffner stood up to roll a clga- rette and waa struck on the temple by the enclosure of the bridge. His three companions kept him from falling off and called for assist sues upon arrival at Woodburn, where his pulse -was found to be faintly beating, but. soon, ceased. Heffner was about 20' years of age and a' barber;, having been 'working In Port land foe the last yesr. I Hs was fairly well dressed and bad til and hs rasora in nta pocaeta. ' - '-.-.. ' The coroner at Oregon City was noti fied ..and sent word to bury the body, which Is In possession of Moshbergwr 41 8on, undertakers. The father' haa been located IS mllee out of Roaeburg and Informed of the death of "his son and word from him la now awaited.- . MAJOR LC.GARRIGUS ' ;-; CHOSEN AIDE-DE-CAMP J"' V:i'--,7;.:; ,1 Butte. Mont. Oct 24. Paul A. Fuss, major-general commanding the United States confederate veterans, haa ap pointed Major Lewis . C. Ganrlgus of Portland to be aide-de-camp on his staff. Other staff appointments, are: Major James T. Moore, Spokane, Washington, aide-de-camp; Major John C. Weather red, Tacoroa, Washington, aide-de-camp. t ' Major L. C. Garrlgua la an attorney With offices In the Chamber of Com- nerce building. He has resided for - number of years tn thla city. COLLINS IS ARRAIGNED i; IN CALIFORNIA COURT (Jeenat BpeeUl BtrrUO ' Ban 'Francisco. Oct ' 14. -Oeorire Tf. .- Collins, the alleged, bigamous lawyer, returned this morning In the custody of an officer after an absence f three ' eSonths In Victoria. He algns . of hie reported physical collapse aa ..the result of his strenuous light' to es MXaBCamradltion at Victoria. He was : isrraigned before Judge Lennon, but oh- -jerUd strenuously to arraignment on - the ground that he had not hadf time to . prepare his case and that Lennon did ' Siot have jurisdiction. The court over- ruled his objections and the case will be . tried Fridays Results Count Xsi the seleetioB of a medlolae to restore your sppetlte, steady the nerves, pro wiote sound sleep and make you well, again you should choose one that hns a sveord of auch oures baok of It Then your choice must be the famous Hosteller's : Stomach Bitters CiOMAr.n wa nave re ceived letters from thousands of peo ple wna have been cured by ', taking the Bitters when other remedies failed. Incases of 'A rutnlaacjr, Xearthara, TsmltUr, ,,.'.,' Indirection, smioaaaesa, '. Dyspepsia- of v. Vemale .Troabtes It la especially ef fective A trial will convince e-err- hick man and aroma V I 'I Curfew Law Enforced and Laborers Must Not Attend Dances or Enter tainmenta Outside of Inclosure Only Foreigners Are Employed. i . ' " i (Joaraal Special Berries. I . Chicago, Oct. H4. South Deertng, busy , settlement at South 'Chicago, awoke today to a new epoch In history. The big coke ovens of the ,8emeth-8ol vay company sprang Into life and the mode of life that employes began re- eembles that of frontier settlements. i A grim stockade sarrounds the entire plant Three hundred Hungarian and Austrian employes, with their fare 11 lee population of 1,000 will live and labor within its walls, practically cut off from the outer world. The stockade surrounds a CO-scre tract . 1 ' t The rules follow; V - ' ? "No employes will be allowed outalde the gates without permission. "Curfew will ring at S o'clock andfstafes artlrWy and. furnished with the every man, woman .and child must be within the Inclosure at that time. ' ' All entertainment will be provided by the company. "Employes must not attend dancea or other entertainments outalde ther .Inclos ure. " . . . The dance hall opened with a big ball. The stockade is calculated to keep residents away from low saloons and dance halls In the neighborhood and to prevent children from wandering away. it win aiau discourage burglara and toughs and will be of use in case of a strike, although no strike la In prog ress. . V '.;.''-'''". V ., SURVEYING FOR ROAD , IN CENTRAL OREGON 'i Jt ...... (SprrUI Dispatch to The JoeraeL) Bend, Or., Oct 24. Engineer Graham and a patty of It surveyors are in camp on -the road .to Forest, about a dosen miles tM side of Madras. The camp Is equipped for the winter and It la evi dent that the aurveyora will spend the winter at work. The routs traveled la the same aa that over whieh the Colum bia Southern located five years ago, crossing the river at Forest heading direct for Bend. Surveys will continue through Bend to California, locating a line on the east side of the Cascades. STOCK RUSTLERS SENT , TO JAIL IN PRINEVILLE ' (Spaclsl DUpsteh to Th JoaraaLl : Prtnevllle. Or- Oct 24. Stock rust lers who- hava been' Confined In orison here for some monthe are feeling the law as fsst as the court' can grind out justice.. Lee Goodwin, has been cdrv rlcted of horsestealing. Jeff Varbrouah pleaded guilty, aa did Amos Burrls and r i kiik iiiiraou, ana an win receive sen tence this week. The trial of Lark El llott resulted In a verdict of not guilty on the first Indictment, and the district attorney has dismissed the .second In dlctment ...'-', . : -v Harry Pitser, who was indicted as an accessory for an assault committed on Walter Smith, was discharged upon mo tion of the district attorney. .. FIRST OF GREEKS IS ' ; FOUND GUILTY BY JURY (Special Dtapatck to The JosraaLl " Roseburg. Or., Oct 24. The jury In the case of the state against Anton Mists, one of the Greeks indicted for rioting, brought in a verdict' of guilty late this afternoon.' The case "went to the jury about,! o'clock and the ver dict waa reached In less than If mln Utes. The trial of two of the others indicted begins today.". They have changed their plan of . demanding separate trial since Mia verdict tn the first case. Two gangs of the Greeks. about 10 in number, left last-night for Portland. The balance are kept here aa witnesses. . . HAINES LIGHTING PLANT FRANCHISE IS GRANTED ' (Mpeelai Dispatch to Tba Journal.) Hainea, Or., Oct 24. At the last meet ing of the city council a franchise was granted to J. F. O'Bryant to Install and operate a power and light plant In the corporate limits for a period of 20 yeara The application of the Powder Valley Rower company waa not granted. O Bry ant haa a contract with the Rock Creek Power A Transmission company to con struct a line to -tap lte Baker City line at .the nearest "point , s . : m I j A, ; , ' WU1 2sattfy b!a-Bt Ooatraot, ' -;' A special meeting of the city execu tive board has been called by. Mayor Lane for 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of ratifying the amend ments made to the contract between the city- and the Portland general Electric company for street lights. The amend ments provide that a penalty of 60 cants shall be exacted from the company for all lights out for an unreasonable length of time. President Goods of the corpo ration will start east within a few days to arrange for the Installation of the new lighting system for the city, -t f 1'-. Thieves Bob Salooa Twloa, i y- Thieves broke Into the saloon of (R Schmld, 410 Water street, Sunday night and" stole about 25. Detectives Carpen ter and Reslng were assigned to Investi gate the affair. Before the officers had completed their work on the case this morning they were Informed by Schmld that his place was broken into again last night and about f 10 atolen from the cash register. -r- . . twi Children Mlaaiaav The polles were asked thla morning to try to discover- the 'Whereabouts of Frank Dunn, aged 12 years, and his sis ter. Bertha.,, aged . S. , They left., thelf home on the east side yesterday after noon 'at 2 o'clock and creased the river. Since then, they have not been heard of by their parents. ' " . . ' Mrs. BSward Key Dies. 4 (Special DtSf-atcb Is The JoarasLl - Eugene, Or., Oct 24. Mrs. Edward Key, wife of awell-known farmer, died at her home west of Eugene yeeterday. She' waa born In London, England,' com ing to "America with her husband In ISM, They settled in Lane county in i0i. .. " ; ', 'f President Will Ask Congress for Ap propriations for ' Forts ' and New Wsrships to Maintain American Control of Big Ditch, r. (JHirasl Special Berrlee.) ' Washington,-Oct 24. Plana of the government leave, no room - for doubt that the Isthmian canal will be an American canal and wilt be run for International good, but protected by an increased navy1 and defended by Ameri can guns on snore, Congress will be asked for a suitable appropriation to provide fortifications In the canal belt The amount e pended will depend upon the Teports made by engineers and other experts who will accompany Taft to the Isthmus. T im MfUlB that th 1TnltA4 fitaM fhfli aeoraa"that it baa a right to fortify the canaLland by this Is meant such fortlflcatloVi as forts manned by United biggest modern guns. It is etated offi cially that no sites have been selected for the fortification a. ,. , . , The speech of the president the other day is apace .with the plana for for tification of the canal. The president's Ideas are that possession of the canal by the United States , and continued possession demanda a greater navy. He stated that such a navy was well under way. . The fortifications Idea and the greater navy idea were significantly announced about the same time. Another-suggestion. of -the president wss that by a chain of naval stations, such as Porto Rico, Guantanamo ..and the canal terminal, possession and 'use of the canal to the United States was assured forever. , 1 OREGON BOY SHOT TRYING - TO HOLD UP SALOON L " til - red Wright Is Seriously Wound- - ed at Hatton, Wash-, -:' '" : ington.. ' (Rpecial ntspstrh' to The Journal.) ' Spokane, Oct 24. While attempting to hold up the Billerbeck saloon at Hat- ton. Washington, about o'clock last I night Fred Wright an ll.-year-old boy, whose home Is In Fisher,' Oregon, waa shot In. the side and seriously wounded by Thomas Ochiltree, who happened to he in the saloon at the time. The rob ber was captured and taken to a hospl- tsl In- this city. ; ,He will probably re- ONE KILLED AND ONE ; FATALLY HURT AT ELGIN (Special Dispatch te The Journal. ) ' La Grande, Or., Oct' .24. One man killed and another probably fatally In lured is the record of the new railroad camp In Elgin this morning. A laborer whose name; Is unknown here, while working on the roadbed was -willed in stantly . by a log rolling on him., i A premature explosion of , dynamite, while blasting, probably fatally Injured a man named Johnson. 'Both men were atran gera in thla vicinity. FALLS IN FRONT OF " TRAIN. AND IS KILLED t t V ' (Journal Special Service.) Philadelphia, Oct. 24. B. F. Clyde, head of the Clyde Steamship company, fell in front of a train at the Fifty second street station on thf Pennsyl vania mad today and hi a Jbody was ground to pieces. He was' about 62 years of age and owner of the Goughacre stable of running horses. - A few months ago' he married Mrs. Bloom field Mo- Ilvaine. Clyde wss very wealthy. SPOONER NEVER HEARD OF PUGET SOUND NAVY YARD (Soeclat Dispatch to Tbe -Journal.) Seattle, Wash., Oct 24. United States Senator Bpooner of Wisconsin arrived In the city last night At the Butler hotel this morning In an Interview he was asked what he .thought would be the future disposition of the government to ward the Puget sound navy yard. He declared that he never In his Ufa had heard that the government had a navy yard on Puget sound. ; i WORK TO COMMENCE ON GALVESTON CUTOFF i (Journal Special Service.) Tone kit. Kan.. Oct 24. A director of thar gajrfta Fe today eaid that' the Gal vesitbh cutoff to the Pacific coast would probably be started within a year. The stockholders' meeting Thursday Will ap prove the purchase of the Oakland West ern and Jasper Eastern in California. Three directors will be elected. Stubborn, Boy dives In. John Johnson is Orle Hanavan, a-l Mount Scott boy. After being In Jail over night In consequence of his re fusal to tell Police Judge Cameron his name and where he procured liquor, the boy capitulated and told Captain Bailey his name and, address. He was released this ( morning on his 'own recognisance, after promising to conduct an officer t the saloon where he purchased .- the liquor. ' - ,. ' -i. ' . . , : i . MiW, Xacey Drops Bead. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Seattle. Wash. .Oct 24. Mrs. Hannah C. -Laeeyi wife-of the marina superin tendent of the Great Northern Steamship company, dropped dead at 'her home early tins morning. Besides her hus band she leaves two unmarried daugh ters and a son snd a married daughter, Mrs. A. J, Turner of Sen Francisco. ' . . To Vaeartst Scandal. . , . ' (Journal Special gervlea.) - -Pittsburg, Oot. 2. Comptroller of the Currency Rldgeley Is n, route here,' ex pected hourly,-to personally unearth th political scandal connected with ths fail ure of the Enterprise National bank, . GRAVER CHARGE ' Man Who Attacked Ben Ely Will Answer. to a Complaint of Murderous Assault. 'Jolntle" Hlgglns, groundkeeper for the Portland Baseball club, who at tacked Secretary Ben C Ely and beat and -kicked 'him until be la lying at the point of death, now faces a serious charge. Instesd of answering a com plaint, of aasault with Intsnt to kill he must defend himself on a charge of as sault with a deadly weapon, with intent to commit murder. s So far Hlgglna haa not retained an attorney. W. H. McCredle, hie brother- in-law. who is manager of the ball team. held a conference with Attorney Dan R. Malarkey yesterday, aa the result of which Judge Cameron today set the pre liminary - examination of Hlgglna for November II; , Ely's condition remains critical. He slept fairly well last night but not until strong opiate waa administered. When he is conscious ha la very ner vous and excitable and suffers severely from the blow delivered . behind . his ear and In the region of the back 'and stomach, where he waa kicked..- Hlg glns ball of 1260 haa not been increased. - - PATERNAL BLESSING AWAITS THIS COUPLE That William Sawyer and Ella Carder. the youthful couple- who eloped Sunday night have succeeded In 'reaching Brit ish Columbia is made practically certain by railway and steamer folders found In the girl's room and pieces of paper on which she and the boy had been flgur- ng the expenses of travel. It Is known that- they took the 11:46 o'clock train for Seattle Sunday night, arriving In time to board a steamer for Victoria or Vancouver. i O. I Monroe, the girl's ' stepfather; told Chief of Police Grltsmacher thla morning -that If the elopers have suc ceeded In crossing the boundary line Into Canada not to have them arrested. "If they are already- married I guess we might as well make 'the best of it and receive them with open arms on their return," he said, v '-.' i NEIGHBORS D(X NOT i v - LIKE SEPTIC TANK , E. Luckje, who resides near the county poor farm1, alleges that the stench whteh arises from the aeptic tank at the farm j is almost unbearable, and that people residing in the neighborhood, and , those who have to drive past the Institution wish to have the tank removed. The tank is said to have been put In at the poor farm a year ago In the hope of solving the aewerage problem there, but Lucke aaye that the atsnch Is 'worse now than ever. He alleges that numer ous petitions have been sent to the county commissioners by people residing In the neighborhood against the keeping of the tank, but that . nothing has been dona. ..' , .- v - -.. ALLOWED tfIS WIFE A DOLLAR A MONTH Jamea . Campbell, who represented himself to the landlady of the Witch Hasel "lodging-house as a deputy sheriff of Vancouver, Washington, and was per mitted to 'ransack the trunk 'of his former wife, Minnie Campbell, securing letters and photographs, pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny before Police Judge Cameron thla morning and was sentenced to sVrve three months In the county Jail. His wife allowed him to keep the plcturea of their children. Though ordered by the circuit court to pay her $20 a month alimony, to be used- In aupport of the children, Camp bell had paid her only f S In as many months. - ', v 1 - . BALANCE OF POWER; MEN GET TOGETHER The first step that may lead to the formation of a strong balance of 'power league In this .county were: taken last night when a number of men met at the T. M. C. A. and discussed plans. The meeting waa called at the Instance of Rev. O. L. Tufts, superintendent of the Anti-saloon league of this state, Rev. Mr. Tufts, Rev. Dr. E. P. HUE, ..Miller Murdoch and othera spoke, r Such a league haa been organised In Lane coun ty and plans are on foot for Its exten sion all over the atate. - The Idea back of the movement is said 4o be to unite all electors on a nonpartisan bails In elections tit thla atate. v . :. '' 4 XCrs. Sargent's Skull rractojred. (Journal Special Bervtee.) San Francisco, Oct 24. An Investiga tion made late yesterday by physicians shows that Mrs. JI. A. Sargent of Port land,, who waa thrown from a dogcart snd hurt near Menlo Park last Friday, hss sustained a aevere fracture df the skull and her recovery la now consid ered doubtfuL ! n; MUTUAL LIFE PAYS FOR NEWS AT DOLLAR A LINE ' T 4 ' ( Journal Special Service. ' m New York. Oct 24. Before the - e legislative commission '- inveetl- - e gating life Insurance Charles J, e e Smith was called. He said that . e 4 he was a newspaper man whose, ' 4 4 ' principal, work was to dlsseml-1 e 4 nate "news" to combat the- evil ' 4 Influence of the Inquiry. He said that he received 22.000 from ' e the Mutual for his services, i . 4 pmlth .said that the "news" e whs disseminated through a news 4 ' bilreau and was paid for at the 4 rate of ' fl per line. , The total e cost of publication aometlmea e reached 11.000 or 1 1.000. Ha said e that this sort of news was aent - e to 100 papers. - - ;' ' 4 Six Applicants for Captaincy Also Are t Being Examined, Fivt ' of Whom Now Aria Members of the Force and Seek Promotion. : , 5 Erastus Rlchardsoa Is the. first col ored -man to make application for a po sition oit the local police force. . With 14 other applicants Richardson is taking the7 examinations for the position of patrol men before the municipal civil service commission today. ... Richardson is a man of fine physique. Ha la more . than six feet tall, welgha more than 200 pounds and Is wall edu cated. ' He has been a cltlsen -of Port land for some time. - . Secretary O. L. McPheraon of the elvll service Is conducting tbe examination, assisted - by . iClty - Physician Cauthorn, City Health Commissioner Matson and Claude Demmer of the city engineer's department . The phyalcal examination la being given today. - Tomorrow , the written examination . will be held and the following day the athletic test will take. .place on .. Multnomah field; when each applicant will be required to run 100 yards In less than 16 seconds. a , Six applicants for appointment to the position of captain appeared this morn ing for their physical examinations. To morrow morning they will be called be fore the members of the commission, who will question esch applicant. Ex perience will be given considerable weight in marking the grades. This examination is being held under - the new rules, which ..went into effect yes terday. ....'.'- Five of the applicants for a cap taincy already are in the police depart ment Including Acting Captain Quinlan, who has been filling a vacancy caused by the appointment af Captain Grlts macher ' as acting chief. Sergeants Blover and Foster and Patrolmen Isaak san and Lee. The sixth applicant is Patrick Bruin, who has had consider able experience In the army and in po lice service In the Philippines, As soon aa the eligible list la fur nished the. police commission by the civil service commission, two captains will be appointed, one to fill the va cancy In the central atatlon . and the other to take charge of the - Upshur street force. The men chosen for the Upshur street post will be transferred to the East Portland station, which ia to be established as soon aa the Upshur atatlon la abandoned. . I": KILLS WOMAN WHO REFUSES TO MARRY KIM Assyrian Peddler of Seattle Mur ders Widow of Former :, Friend. '. , i (Special DIsBsteb te The JosraaLl Seattle, Wash., Oct 24. Kecause she rerusea to marry mm, jos aonn r ayaaa, an' iAssyrlan. peddler, at S o'clock this morning shot snd instantly killed Lottie Nicholas, an Assyrian widow of five months, in her home, IZOS Eighth ave nue. . The murderer escaped and the police are aearchlng every quarter off the city for him. The dead woman ia it yeara of age and the murderer the - same. Five months ago Mrs. Nicholas' husband, who. waa also a peddler, died.' In the flat abovs them lived several Assyrians, among them Joe Fayaad. The latter at once began to make love to the widow. Several times he hss offered marriage, which she refused, 'the last time being last night This morning after eating his breakfast Fayaad crept down - the back stairs of the building. Mrs. Nich olas was In the act of putting some meat In the oven and had her back to the door. Fayaad - entered - the : door quietly and without uttering a word, so far as any one knows, opened fire on the woman. Both shots struck her in the back, piercing her heart The sound of the shots brough the other Assyrians from above, but by the time they arrived Fayaad had disap peared. . Si HOLD SECRET SESSION . ON DESCHUTES MATTER "" (Sped. I DlsDatek ta Tb Jovaal.t ' Salem, Or"., Oct. 24. Representatives of the Deschutes Irrigation A Power company again appeared before the state'land board yesterday In an effort to prevent the board from Interfering with the company In Its dealings with the settlers. ' The meeting was secret. Attorney W. T., Mulr and Vice-President J. O. Johnston appeared for - the company. . The members of the board will say nothing more than that the matter wna discussed and that they have not yet arrived at any conclusion. WOULD DISCOURAGE a HAZING OF FRESHMEN (Special Dispatch to The Journal. I "University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., Oct. 24.- Distance racing, sham battles. speeches and abort dlpa Into the cold ml 11 race and . naddllna contests forced on freshmen by sophomores last night has csused the president of the univer sity to cell a meeting of the two classea for tomorrow night, when he hopes to put an end to basing. - . . -j. , RUSSIAN CRUISER LENA SAILS FOR VLADIVOSTOK Vallelo. Cat, Oct 14 The Russian cruiser Lena, . Interned at Mare Island for It months, leaves at noon Thursday for San Francisco, where she will SoiW and try to, get away Sunday tor Vladi vostok, Una arm make a rest trip and hopes to preach that port before Ice forms. - ' , Jrving't Bucha Wafers ran Sr.Mlef frloe, Baekaehe, Rheumatism. Net rawness, t-oss of Flesh, - Sediment In the 1'rtne, Kessl ( alrull, Diabetes sad all Kldnry troubles, Inelndlng BrlsM's Disease. They are rarely a veaetilile eonponnd andet Alrtetly a he weakened tWweea and Blond vessels at the kidney and arlaary organ. Sold st cji bos by S. 0) Skldmore m Co, srufgista, 1ST Third at sola agents t os rorUaad, Or, Old Factional 1 Fight, y However, la Kept Up by Portland War Horace and Hold of Chairman on State Printing Job Remains Firm. - Apparently the only definite result from Frank Baker's Republican peace conference has been a widening of the breach in this county between the Simon and "Mitchell factions. The. conference slmolv -served to show the lmnosalhllltv of harmonising . the hostile' clans and the deep-seated antagonism in the Simon ranks to Baker and all hla works. In' other sections nf the state there haa been some disposition to bury the hatchet but In. Multnomah the old feud ia as bitter as ever. Here it was well known that Jack Matthews and Frank Baker,- the two men most detected by the Simon Republicans, were the prime movers In the scheme for a peace con ference, which waa looked on aa noth ing more than aa effort to re-eetabllah the old Mitchell machine. ' Wallace McCament was the only one of Senator Simon's old lieutenants who. took any part In the peace conference. all of hla former, comrades being con spicuous by their ebeence. -What can the Mitchell faction offer usf wag the common remark among them. .' : "Their leaders are all discredited and their organisation is a wreck. If they have chestnuts to pull out of the fire. we will not be their catspaw. . Frank Baker's personal Interest in maintaining his hold on Republican poli tics Is welt understood. He owns the printing plant in the state prlnter'a of fice and derlvea from It a substantial yearly revenue. He Is credited also with receiving a fat slice of the state printer's handsome profits and Is there fore deeply , Interested In naming the next incumbent of the office. According to the gossip, that la current among the politicians. Baker's chief object In hla effort to-reunite the factions was to be able to name ths next Republican nomi nee for atate printer, thereby insuring the continuance of the revenue which he now enjoys, i 1 ' Some of the aspirants for Other state offices who reside In this county -have been' regarding Baker's movements with jealous eyes. They suspect hint of a desire to sacrifice" all Candida tee from Multnomah county except bis own choice for atate printer. . , . "Baker Would gladly give every other place on the ticket to the outside court ties If ha could only name the state printer," said ons.ptominenf Republican who attended the peace conference. "He wanta to be able to compel every candi date In this-county to coma to him -for supoEt and then he would throw them 'Multnomah wants nothing but the atate printer;' give us that and you' can take the reef" . ' - - The orlginsl acheme, of which the peace conference waa but a feature, was to call a convention next spring in ad vance of the primaries andL make up a slate to be ratified by the votera in the primary election.; So much opposition developed, however. . to this suggestion that it wss reluctantly abandoned; -This was peculiarly unfortunate for Baker, for the difficulty ' of programing , the ticket la vastly ' Increased when ' the nominatlona are made by the votera and not by the bosses.' Nevertheless, he Is aid to be still hopeful that! the Re publicans of Oregon will show a proper regard for his private interests when the nominatlona are made.' makesseco;;dv;ithdrawal of oregon lands Another Addition to Cascade For est Reserve Is Contemplated Area Is Mountainous. ' (Wasblnftoa Boresa ef The Journal.) Washington, Oct. 24. The secretary of the Interior today ordered the land office officials at Portland to withdraw temporarily from all form of .entry ex cept mineral 1.220 acres of vacant un appropriated public land in their dis trict with a view of attaching it to the Cascade forest reserve. The land thus ordered withdrawn la described as fol lows: Sections S, 4. S, 8, .10, It, 13, 14, 22, 21, 24, 2( and 26, township 4 south, range t east " The lands today withdrawn are the northern half of township 4 south, range ( east of Willamette meridian, and are in addition to lands announced yesterday as withdrawn to be added to the Cascade forest reserve. ' The area is for the most part covered with timber. Is mountain-ous-and unappropriated. r - - GIVES GOOD FICTfON : . TO FIREMEN'S LIBRARY ' " '''.;'-. , ''- The Iflremen at engine house Nov 1 todsy received from C. A. Dolph a sift of 20 volumes of well-selected fiction and ' history and have expressed to the donor their appreciation of his . gener osity. The books Include "The Luck of Roaring Camp," by Bret Harte; ."Man From Olengarry." by Ralph Connor; "The Bridge of the Oods," by' Herbert Batch; "Captain of the Oray Horse Troop," by Hamlin Garland, . and "Across - the Plains," by Robert Louis Stevenson. The gift about doubles the books on 'hand In, the engine house library. C0URTMARTIAL HEARS - CLOSING ARGUMENTS - (Journal Rpsclsl aervk-e.) ' Vallelo, Cel., Oct 24.i Judge Oear. counsel for Commander Luriien Young of the Bennington, Ibef or thecourtmar- tlal board at Maret Island, occupied all morning tn summing ud the evidence and will llfrely conclude lata this after noon. - He asserted that no evidence to show that Young neglected hla duty had been! Introduced. - - - . '"rietim ef Tragedy Burled. y - (Special Disputes to Tbe Joaraal.) Eus-ene. Or.. Oct 4 The bodv-of J. A, Armltage, who was killed by Mrs J. O. Stoop at Marshfleld Jast week, was buried In the Gillespie cemetsj-y, near Eugens yesterday , , . ' .. I .. - -'' . .'"" " Returns to Live With Friends Here; Bringing-. Seven Hundred Dollars Her Swetheart Had Left ia Her Care . '-"."';''"' Missing for mora than a month, sup posedly penniless and forlorn, the po lios aearchlng everywhere for her on the . theory that ahe had met with violence, 14 -year -old Benton Harl appeared at the home of her .. brother-in-law, George Bchlelger, thla mornlna. In eood health and spirits and carrying $700 belonging to m j acoraa youth , named Jefferson Haven. ; .- ; ... Miss Hsrl earns to Portland a month. ago from Kansas, arriving at the Union depot at 4 o'clock In the morning. She was directed by Patrolman Smith to the house formerly occupied by her brother in-law, 41T Ruesell street Albina. Ac. companied by Haven, aged IS yeara, ahe wajaea to Albina; - but found her rela. tives had moved and was denied admit : tence by a woman who had the apart ments rented.'--- . Patrolman Glttlnas saw the airl and Haven coming back' across the steel - onage about I o'clock that morning. She was wearing the boy's coat, the night being cold, and ha carried a suit case In each hand. From that day un til a week aao nothlnsr was n h and Schletger asked the police to make ' an Investigation. A few aays ago her grandmother 1n Kansas received a let ter from Mlaa Harl. who was worklns- for a family named Dane at Seattle. "I cam up here with Jeff Haven, a 1 friend I met on the train," aha wrote. "I am working for a family named) Dane and receive - 212 ' a week. Mr. , Haven and I tried for two daya to locate ' my sister at Portland- and finally con. eluded to come here. Mr. Haven la now working at Tacoma, which ia his home. - If you don't mind I wall fall In lova with Mr. Haven. He la an awful nice boy.- And he haa lota of money, too. - I ' know what I am talking about for I am carrying 2700 belonging to htm for re-Keaning. . H, has -sold -ma to usa any of tins' money T want to." This letter wss forwarded Schlelser by the girl's grandmother, from MUford, Kansas. Chief Grltsmacher Intended aendlna m detective to Seattle for Miss Harl this afternoon; .this morning, however, ha waa telephoned by Bchlelger that . the girl had Just arrived here from that city. -. . . . - MANY TAKE COURSE AT y FREE NIGHT SCHOOLS Portland's publio night schools opened - for the fall term lest night at the High, Williams Avenus and guimyside sOhrls with a total attendance 6f nearly 300 pupils. Professor- M liner and five as sistants were kept busy at the High . school attending to the . registration of nearly 100 pupils; H-.R Wlnohell, print clpal of (he Sunnystde school, had a larger attendance than expeeted, and may require an assistant, and Professor B. K. Hughson and assistant at the WIN Hams Avenue school reported a large attendance. . ' r.-." ,... ' Among tne pupiia were noys and gina ranging - from s years- up. young men and women i who" work- during the day and" who have no other means, of eecur. ing an education, and also many men 26 or 10 years old. The branches taught include reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar and geography. For the .mora advanced pupils a courae In bookkeeping la given. ; . : , ., i i i ii i j GOVERNMENT TO RECEIVE ; . BIDS ON BUILDING CANAL ' (Joaraal SpeeU Berries.) Waahlngton. Oct 24. Secretary Taft makes the announcement that there la nothing to hinder the letting of any pert of the construction of the Panama canvf by contract ahould the government deene It practicable to do so, and that the government Is willing to enter Into con tracts with either individuals or cor poratlona for such work.- The Culebra ' ' cut Is of such magnitude that it la not - thought any contractor would care t take the Job. as the amount of ezea ' vated earth to be disposed of would b a task of great magnitude. . . n i . .. . . ' May Build' Branch Xdaa. - ' (Special tlspatch to The Joaraal.) " ' ' Riverside. Wash.. Oct " 24. Rumor ar abroad that the W. A C. R., a branch , f the ' Northern ' Pacific, ia to build branch line from thla plaoa to Turndf -Station, touching Prescott and passing -through the northeastern part of Eu- -reka flat " The proposed line will be about SO miles in length and will open ' a country that la not touched by rail roads at the present time. ; RlgJt.Of Way haa been bought '''-'!',; '. : . -. Tasmere to Open Store. - i Turnar,Waah., Oct 24. Several farm era In the barley belt, are planning to open a big general merchandise - store , and implement house here about Dae cember 1. The new company will be in corporated with a capital stock of 2t 000 and 120,000 of this haa already been subscribed. Harry IB. Gllham, ex-county auditor, will bo the manager of the com- pany'a business. ' -i j aMng Poudcr is n ... ' ' '.' UNIFORMLY GOOD ; Because the largest aod beet faciUtie (d i " ' J . ',--' -, ., ' , ( .' .- - ' ' V , V . the country enable- the jmanafacturers 4e -avoid variation in materials and Id the pro- ' eee o( manufacture,. . , - 250:r.::ofcr2oc:r.b