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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
onzcc:? daily punii.L, Portland. tuz:pay irzmNa; ocrcr ? 'ci. ncx To;;; yc:;g Torxaxrs Aum Marquis Crasd..... Ifelaaeq bakr "Bes Har- "Prtnee Ott" ...Muakal BarlM Km sir.. ......... . KlDBln Waaa Ml.' LrrW u "UmIH" Urn4 ,. ....... ..I. ..VodTlll, , Star VaadaTUle AH auegea if piumoing cm oejcupioa .the attention or circuit Judge at. c. George, a deputy dark of th court, two attorneys and several business men all morning. . United -Statea District Weather Forecaster E. A. Basis waa a wHiwh In tha oaaa and waa kept away from hla office nearly an hour on thle account.' And all because Q. W. Far- ; riar au4 W. U Bartlatt and M. XL Pal- -mr for IT alleged to ba dua for plumb lag oone iaai winiar. Mr. Bsaia - waa called to "testify regarding tha fraaaaa of - lest February. Tha defendant say that tha plumber waa called to repair a ..-' leaking pipe, but that tha leak waa nerer a topped. Tha.- plaintiff alleges . that ha performed hla work but that the leak muat have been eauaed after tha re pair had been made and orer which ' he had -no- control. im irouoies or me noon eaiaia were aired In Judge Fraaer'a court thle morn ing when Attorney H. M. Cake and J. r. 000m ergumentea ror ana against tha motion to refer to a referee anuch of tha tcetlmony that will ba Introduced In the trial of W. C. Noon, Jr.. T. J. Arm strong and H. M. Cake, admlnlatratora of tha aetata, against IL H, Clark. . Booth, Clark's attorney, objected to a teferaa, '.and the case will begin nest , Friday. . Clark ranted tha Noon farm in Columbia county , on aharea. and It la alleged that ha did not account for many product sold. It -la- aald that' many cord of wood, doiena of egg, pound of butter and other farm product" were aold by Clark and no account mada of tha aal Jo Nook It la alleged that tha .unreported good were valued at 11,000. Charlea ifeyera, aged It years, waa . sentenced by Presiding Judge Fraaer this morning to aenr one year In tha penitentiary for stealing a cow. Meyer waa allowed to go on parole. It having . been ahown that ha was .a half-wit and '. that the cow had been returned, to Ita . owner, Mrs. Clara Buahong. . Meyera has only been In this country IS months, and speaking of tha affair Deputy Dis trict Attorney Moser aald that the Im migration lawa muat b enforced very ' loosely at whichever port Meyers en tered tha United Bute. .1 A circular Issued by President F. I. . Fuller of the Portland Railway com pany, announces tha appointment of F. 6. Prak assistant manager.' In charge ' of track, repair and mechanical depart ments, succeeding C F. Swlgert, re signed. Mr. Drake has been connected with atreet railway operation for II - years, and recently came to Portland from Philadelphia, tha home of the new 'owners of tha-majority of stock In 'the Portland streetcar system. , r t Nelson's victory' at Trafalgar waa ap . proprlately celebrated last night at tha Seamen'a Institute by British seamen . and residents of Portland. Tha hail waa decorated with tha (lags of many na tion. Among thoas who delivered ad dresses are tha Rev. Mr. Bornaya of the , Institute, British Consul Laldlaw. Robert Livingstone and W. R. Maekensia. The musical program waa much anjoyad. At ,th conclusion, of tha exercise tha large audience sang "God Sav tha King" and "Star Spangled Banner." - . - . . . . Anna Wright aged It years, for avnom the police have been searching fot weeks, waa discovered yesterday by Acting Detective Hellyer In a lodglng heasa at Front and ' Madison streets. Tha girl Is an orphan and la known aa a kleptomaniac. - She has bean In tha . habit of working In families and after : stealing whatever at value aha could find. It la alleged, ha a disappeared. Baa has bean given Into tha custody of tha Travelers' Aid society. t. Hereafter ..minora who-'ge Into 'sa loon and' pure has drinks.- or Into to bacco stands and bay cigarettes, wilt ba ' prosecuted. .The custom la tha .past haa aeon merely to prosecute tha per sona selling them such things Illegally , and use tha boys as witnesses) against them. Failure to break, ap tha practice by granting tha offending youths im munity from punishment has decided Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald to maks an example of tha next boya taken Into custody. . .- aalMMlaalK ... Dr. 3. Walteomb Brougher of tha White Temple lectured last night at , Christiansen hall In Seattle, under tha auspices of tha North Baptist, church. His subject waa "Home, Sweet Homo, or How to Bo Happy Though Married." A- largo audience heard him, . Dr. Brougher returned this , morning. , To morrow evening ha will bold a special preaching service at Central Baptist church, baptising a young man. With a membership of It. a local lodge of tha Theatrical Mechanical association was organised yeaterday. Of flee re were elected aa follows: Georgo 1. Baker, preetdent; Anthony Labrecae. vlee-pre Meat; Ed Rutherford, recording sscra ' tary; William XL Day, financial eecra. tary; Dan Bowen, assistant financial secretary: E. I Sackett, treaaurer. and John Salnpolla, Herbert Asbton anj George Bradley, trustees. .'. Complaint waa mada to the police yse terday by residents ot Fulton that C ' Grohs has been, keeping his saloon, the - Wllbelm Garden, open during prohibited ' hours for soma time and that women era heard carousing there vita mala companion antU I or I o'clock m the , morning. Tha place will, be watched and arreete mada at agy lima proper ; evidence 1st secured. . .Netlqea of awards have been sent by . tha Lewda and Clark educational jury on wards to tha Benedictine Bisters. Gold . medals were given tha exhibits prepared by tha pupils in tha following schools: Mount Angel academy. St. John's school, i - HZsn's ;Fcrc!sI:C3 in Gscsrd - . j. ' . VVr always have th nw ,st, wost stylish, and moat-. .: tasteful stock of thoac ar ' tides of Men's Dresa fen- , " erallv known as Men's Fur- '., niihing. : . ,'. IlstrtteaayCiCo. , KJUCnauMMMM, ' ov uzi cr o. w. t. XXX7XI0 bt, pr m xx AST of ttb run o tx airumi xrrx. a rorozAS jtxiT T w ssobsatiob ( ... Uwlt. 4 t IfoexUls eUnMngi traet flAlne. IO-eer -Bin fir serk. lartf daaelM sartiioB. kl prv144 with city wur asd eleetrte Iifkta, fine batbi. ttUpaoae oliect te for l Una. TVwuil ef acne of fir brat tames the reeaa eUr e Setaeada. ss snug raox romrtAna ' Rates per Ur ,.... f-SS RttMHf weak., ..........111.00 gpwlar tick!, laetadlag reeaa trls . far aad dlasar -n Special ticket. Isdedlng leaad trip a.s ncxrt pma ran aid aldx gtf. L. B. MARTINEZ. Manager ' StTACASA, OlttM. St Benedict's school. Sacred. Heart school, St. Mary's school, St. Scholaa tlca'a school.. Mount Angel . Parochial school. ' ':.,..,"'-... ' Presiding Judge Ftaser thla" morning Issued an order granting B. O. Woods, receiver of tha Muck Hardware com pany, tha right to dispose of the prop erty of tha company In a lump Instead of retailing it. Tha liabilities of the company are reported to ba 144,174, while tha asset are 117,110.. ; Articles of Incorporation were filed In tha county clark'a office' thla morning for tha Paolflo Soap at Chemical com pany. Tha Incorporators ara Rudolph Becker, J. M. Parka and a - B. Smith and the capital stock la 110,000. Leland 8. Cook, formerly chief clerk In 'the freight 4 claim department of the O. R. A N. Co., has been appointed manager and superintendent of the Ce ll lo portage road. He will have head quart era at Tha Dalles. "' - Portland . Tamala Parlor, 141 Park street, between Alder and Morrison, th only place In town where enchiladas, ehila con earn with f rljolea, Mexican style, also tha celebrated Frits' tarn alee, ara mada. Open from" II m. to 11 p. m. Great auction eala Tuesday. October 14. at 10 a. m. All palms and plants must b sold on account of moving." L. O. Pfunder, florist, . 417 Washington 1 Rummage sale, by ladles of Presby terlsn church, at Hi Union ava. Oct. 10. 17 end ZS. Donations solicited ond re ceived at I H Union ava. any day thla week. Watches and diamonds 11 flown and lOo per week. Goods delivered on first payment. Xmaa la eomlng. Metagar Co-, Jewelers, opticians. 111 Sixth. We clean and press your clothes and sbjna your shoes for. 11.00 per -month. Unique Tailoring Co, 147 Washington. Main Hi. .: '.. . : This la painting weather. '- Paint now at your own price at fire sale, 141 First street, between Alder and Morrison, Mrs. Mary R. -.Thompson ' and her daughter. Genevieve, arrived In New Tork this morning from Europe. Why pay lt.&e to 110 for eye glssseS whan wa guarantee a perfect flt tor SI? Matagor t Co 11 Sixth street. , Portland's beat dancing school. SOI Aldsr. Prof. Rtngler, Miss Buckenmeyer. Remember tha paint fire sale going sa at 141 First street. Tel. Main 1021. "Ladles' gymnaslum class, tha Rlngler Physical Culture schooL 11 per month. For packing and ahlpplng phono Main till.- Walborn, 2S4 Seeond atreet. We will call regarding your signs Phone Footer 4h Kleiser. Ex. It. Try a meal without meat at tha Vege tarian cafe, 101 81xth atreet. . Frits' tamalea ara the best. FREE LECTURES AT SELLWOOD LIBRARY The library board of the Sell wood branch of the Portland Public library haa arranged a course of lectures to be given under Its auspices throughout the winter season. Thsrs will bo an adH mission fee and tickets may be secured on application at tha library room on Umatilla avenue. The first of tha series will be given this evening by Rev. Henry Marcott on Robert Browning. The other lectures are aa follows: November II. Rev. H. H. Pratt, "Sid ney Lanier; December IS. Dr. J. R. Wil son, ("View From Attica and Argolla"; January IS, Rev. A. W. Relnhardt, "Ger man Charactertatica"' February I. Dr. 8. S- Wise. D. D.. "Shakeepeare"; March 10. Rev. Clarence True Wilson, "John Brown- (O. A. R. night); April 17. L H. Welts, "Caves of Washington"; Msy Ilk Dr. T. 1 Eliot, "Japan. - The members of tha library beard are; A. N." Wills, president: D. A, Thompson, vice-president; Mrs. Helen Kerr, secre tary; E. O. MUler. treaaurer; Miss Dela Taylor, librarian. . , LATIN VS. ENGLISH. Be Vsad to araka Xaw a ' trails sal rran. .. . 81c semper tyrannusv a plurlbua unum, ntx' vomica" that' Latin. "The Hotel Oregon la; without a rival In th tlty that's English. - - Tha contest for supremacy among tho hotels of tha city haa been a keen one. and now that' tha smoke of battle haa cleared away, tha Hotel Oregon is found te be tn the lead. Thla la sasily ac counted for in tho fact that It excels in Its equipment and gtyee perfect serv ice to Its patrons. Ita rathskeller grill still continues to ba tho moat popular dining place In tha city. Symphony orchestra after 1:10 p. nv Comer Sev enth and Stark. . -'- -' USTVEEK N. Of tksr Tie Bk nL Th ladles who have failed tJ attend Mrs- Haffnar'a leeturea should) do so thla weak, every day at 1:10. Hundreds have axpreesed themselves as being highly pleased with her work. Every body welooYne. Honeymsn Hardware sompany, eornor Fourth and Aids. " 1 ' 1 f Dancing School Prof. Eaton. Beginner every Monday - evening. Class Thursday evening. Art on halL LeesoB by term, II cents. Phono West 1048. - ' ' " . '1 . Mihetauki Country Club. Eastern and Seettl rases. Take Sell wood and Oregon. City cars at First and Alder, '., j-i ; . . . , T Alien A Lewis' Best Brand. ciiv urn ci3 cfliitaiiiKi k.,rr. . ;;:f :.v Presldsnt and Secrstary of Na tional Educational Association Looking Ovtr Ground. ' WOULD BRING TWENTY . THOUSAND VISITORS atepresenUtives of Association Arc ' Being Escorted About Portland To day, and Ita Many Advantages Arc Being Explained. . ' ; j : Nathan C. Schaefer of Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania and J. N. Wilkinson of Emporia, Kansas, president and secre tary of tha National Educational aaao- ciatlonj. reached Portland thlsimornlng for tho purpose of looking over the city with a view to recommending;, that the next annual convsntlon of the assocla tlon b held here. The next annual convsntlon will bs held during the month of July. 1100. The place of holding the convention practically will ba decided by tha- two officers who are now In tha city, for It la assured that thslr report and recom mendation will be adopted. Mr. Schaefer and Mr. Wilkinson have vtaltod other western cities that are strong competitors In trying to secure the convention. San .Francisco, Denver end Salt Lake are considered tha moat likely .rivals of Portland. The other cities have been visited and tha two representatives of the. association are looking over Portland today. Several Want Convention, At tha last snnual session of tha as- soclatlon at Asbury Park and Ocean Grove. New Jersey, there are several Invitations from western Cities. ; Tho delegation wers unable to decide which city to 'select and a committee, con sisting of the president and secretary, was appointed to make a personal In spection trip to each place. The probabilities of Portland's secur ing the convention are largely dua to tha efforts of the Commercial club of this city. When the president and secretary of tha association arrived in Portland this morning they were met by Tom Richardson, manager of tha Commer cial club; Frank Rigler, superintendent of tha alt? schools, and Wilson Me Murray, assistant general passenger sgent of the Hsrtiman lines. J. H. Ackerman, state superintendent of pub lic Instruction, met tho visitors at Sa lem and accompanied them to thla city. They were escorted to a hotel from the station and were taken to tha va rious points of Interest In the city today. Arrangements have been made for a re ception In tho parlors of the Commercial club tomorrow from It to 11:41 o'clock. followed by an Informal luncheon. -' Portland Well Baalppea. a. Portland la . regarded aa especially well equipped to entertain tho delegates to the convention.. The Armory might bo used for th general sessions and the city could provide IT balls jor sectional meettnga ' . Tha conventions of tho National Edu catlonal association ara the largest as semblages by any organisation In the United States. . Two , yeara ago at the Boston convention thero was an Attend ance of 17.000. ' a It Is astlmatsd tlftt 10,000 people will bo brought to. Portland as a reault of the convention. iLvery state In tha union will ba represented. . In order to bring as many people as possible Into th city In case tho. convention la held here,- th rail road a have offered a special rate of one fare plua II for the round trip from Chicago. Tickets will ba good for SO days. Those Interested In secur ing tha convention have made a canvas of tho city and have been assured by business men of ample funds to take care of tha convention. Thousands Weald Coxes. Effbrta . have been mada far sev eral montha by the Commercial club to secure tha convention for thla city. Extended correspondence haa been car ried on by tho club with members of the association, and It la .declared that If Portland la selected there will bo a larger attendance than would bo th case If any other western city were chosen. At 10:S0 o'clock this morning tho ed ucational association officials msda a hurried visit to th exposition grounds. After luncheon they visited the Armory and Investigated tha capacity of tho theatres, churches and? school buildings. At 4:10 o'clock this qgternoon President 8chsef-r and Secretary Wilkinson will address ths schoolteachers of th city at tha High school. Th visitors will leave th dry tomor row avenlng for Salt Lake City. Thev will -proceed from there, stopping at' Denver aad other cities along the way. Preferred Stock Caaaed Seoasv Allen A. Lewis' Best Brand. Is th cornerstone ef the business world. It is many a business man's chief capital. All stills Its bene fits. Why should not you, since it is freely oSeredt We'll sell yod a standard mov mont i ss good a wateh sa is made en tho eaay payment plan. Call In and talk It over with our watch mam Don't seel tat to accept evodlt, for w ar anxious to accommoOata. . GEVlOTZGSQrJS 17 First Street .. Always ay So gate. Xt la ths - eastern now Uea of saazglaa ' -i - Family trad I what thla rata la for, and for a ring of tho tele phone we will tell you all about ,t ' Our wagons go "on ths wings of ths wind " wherever tneyare sum-; monad. . INIOrilAKSIlYCO, saebvD aaV ooivvsxa. ' Tel. Mala SSC ' Matquam Grand Theatre TOVMKT AT S 0'OX.OCS Every Blent this week except Satarday, . .MatlBM To Borrow aad Satareay. THS KLAW A SRXaNGER CO. (INC.) . Staprsoous Praductka, , . h m UM' bfasesMnt extesoed owing te sspreeedeated aemud far seats. i -AT1VANCB SALB TOD AT EXTENDED f r OHM A NCKS Prices, both MattSM'SSa ISUi oe. Tor., gl. Il.JO 13, AX.60. Cartels at S sad S p. m. share.. - Marquam Grand Theatre htuiij tntlni. Od 23th, at MS The Popular XjooSarat ' Mr. Barry Bulkley of Washington. D. C, will deliver, his . celebrated Illustrated talk upon THE TfMOIlE RAIIOIU FUK Assisted by ltrst Boss' Blook-Banar, Mrs. Walter Bsed. Miss Btbal haa, Mr. Bom J. Ban. Pronounced by eminent eritlcs' "The Lecture Hit" of the year.- Delivered at the St. Louis Exposition and during ths entire period of the Lewis and Clark Exposition by invitation of ths U. 8. Eovernment. Illustrated' by over one undred beautiful views. ... By special requeet Mr. Bulkley will deliver during his forthcoming tour of ths osst snd middls west his lecture upon "Portland, the City of Rosea" Tickets, 1. For sale at Portland Cigar Stand, Portland Drug Store, Woodard, Clarke A Co. Under the personal direction and su pervision of Armat Stpddart - Bclasco Theatre uZmu BXLASOO BATES, FkOM. rmrlM rtswta an Wuhlnctos BOMia. X. D. TtU, Oes. Mr. X. L. iMsett, Sea. Bgr. - TONIGHT AT S:ls, ."JWHiret W1H VYiHTTtCSEY With ths BELASTO TREATBB STOCK OO Is OTIS BKIMNEB'S DELIOHTTUL COM ED t "PRINCE OTTO" rrem Kobert Leais gtrmaom't Sosmses. Kti, S9 te TSc; Mats. Set, Bob.. Me te Bfcs. Next Week WHrTB WHrTTLESBT . b) THB MANXMAN, by ban Calne. Ongea Tkeati Oa Mgr. tMuu w.f ianV Rnoi me Maalral Barhre. V.uiii, f AWn TUIIII ITXKRTB. & i i. . TU -- " Vmm . mTrj giifm. " " - Not Bargaia atettawe Wsaaaaaay, .U p. m. SAe Aay Seat. TfM JoHv Crass Wklowt , Bkitos - Hbj TH BUt. wiy Mttec IV, Bft. S5s 60e; Wtdatstta BSinWW, W atxi seat. . fitst WssbsI fAMKicuxa mocmxT vwm. T r.t- Tf.AAw.A Twdftllafrlss LUipiIC lUCdUC neagMafBin PORTLAND'S POPTTI.AB PLATHOCSB. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Maaam. Erery Nlsht Thla Wen at t:la. Beniar Matinee Mlrnhr. t IS p. m. Is M. W. TarlW Bis Sent Prataettea of ths Why Women Sin wim Mtn. ISe. SBe. SB aag Box; siarlMe, Ie. ISe aad SSe. . Next Attracnoa -uon xwmrmm. THB ORAND TbMaae sTeea Ce. . Bsdaaw Wuda's Xdaeatad Caaeh Bags. Tha Hal man Skantlssllt Warn Ir. ;" ; FariaSm. - anlaakiB Mel evmtna. tmmimn ami HolMar. rtwmd ta m loww Onor. SOe. Dan matiaee. entire towar flear. lOt; sex THE STAR The rraesrleks VsaUIy. Tas aiupesaia. to . Late Fswa. leaara si pmm Billy Sweat. :atftad law, sr. The Btaffeseaee. (Womt admiastaa. Me: ermines, Ssaaars and bnlliias, mined seats aa lower flnoe. ; itallr mathwee, eatlre lawer flaoc, toe; Liberty THcatre 11513 IfaaagesMBt at Beating A need. Hanis6mst VaIcvae Thastre on the Coast 1TCI C?ci I!ciay.Cd5tr : j:a .. Watek ror armaa oyesisg rugiam, PsMte Taaderllle aad Beat Aet Only. LYRIC THEATRE WEEK STaBTOre) MOWDAT. OOTOBXB SS. Ths laeaaxsarakla tyrta t Cesesy s the "CAniLJLE" A tnarhiar elary of life B Parla. Admtoma 10e. Baarta aeata, g0 . Clcrcniont Tavern v - "TTlneet Roadhouao In the West I " VAxtovs roa mabtiajtb oxacxesar. BFBCXAX? - Korthenr Paclflo- Puswt Sound Umltsd leaving Portland dally at 4:10 p. m. stops at Claremont. Re turning sama train) leave Clarsmont St 10:45 p. m. THERE MAYBE A "want" ad. In today's Journal whose errand la to And TO IT. . Look for It you will recognise tt when you eea lt H BOLL PIANO STUDIO BOW OPBN 0A ttHX , rarlars aad 10. 14814 Waihlsgega at, ' HAL? PEOPLE IN PORTLAND Visited our store Saturday night, , jr at least the crowds which came and went between 7 o'clock and 11 :30 o'clock gave that impres sion. , . ': ' . ' "'''. ''.'' . t The visitors thoroughly enjoyed , ' the music of the. Royal Hawaiian Quintette, and many expressed their appreciation of our efforts ,' to entertain them. . ; c v. 'v. '- ; ; ' ;' "" -The display of Gold Medal and : Honor Roll. pianos pretty evenly divided - honors with the . Quintette.- These notable instruments are still on exhibition, although nearly all have been sold. Remember that our pianos were the pnly official Instruments at the Lewis and Clark Exposition and.'thVonly ones awarded Gold Medals. They are pianos with ; a history, , ; m ' ' , . . These are left out of the Thirty three Gold Medal and Honor Roll Pianos. ' ;'. .. ; . : fi , . -'':' Crowds Coo4 Tfcas Hosors. ' Evob ' IBS Onry Ones Better TKan Evsr These pianos are better than new. Come in and see them, consider their history, note their appear ance and tone, and then think of , 'the price. v ; '''-y;-:':.':. , Mason 'it Hamlin Grand, Regular price $900, Present price $580. Conover Upright,' . . Regular price $550, ' Present price $338. Conover Upright, Regular " price $600, i Present price $370. Cable Upright, ' Regular price $400, Present price $270. Packard Upright, V . Regular price $480, Present price $323. Fischer Upright, - - v Regular price $775, Present " price $480. If you do not Writs to Us and want one of the pianos, write us or wire and we will reserve it for Ou. You may buyjrom us just as safely as if you were here. The word of the oldest, largest and strongest piano and organ house in the Pacific Northwest is as good as a bond. .Write us if you , are interestedin any o( these splendid pianos. Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. Z ' - Sxth tsi Cerrlsea Streets. NEW Trimmings end Dress list Mcterids. By ospresa. P1va largs shipment alrsady thla week, dlraet from snano (aeturers and Importers . ' , . WAamx COavOBS Alice and Navy Blues. Pearl and Odn-metal Gray a. OUva and Reseda Oreens. Champagne. Castor snd Golden Browns,' Prune, Wins and Cardinals. All thee colors . In Velvets, Ribbons, Silks, Braids, Wings, Plumes and Pelt ehapea. UT its BSATOXi TOVB) BBT aad make the bat yon want at th prlc you w1h to pay. i Otrm SPBOaXTT In Dresa Hats, from th flevef eopylsts and trim mere In our own workrooms. Is sttrectlve head wear at popular prlcea. - Now te ssnr gatesrootn svsr J frssh, styllsk trlssss4 tots at 03.60 to 07. BO BECKER'S mc3 '-Edith K r ' : Pormerly ei Chicago, will revolt pupils at tadle, 11 Morrison t ,-V' .live in Portland 4 t Third and Colmon " -- nr-"e v- , j L iVw.. .... .. NOT since the season - began has our show : ing of ladies' tailored street and evening suits and street, tourist and evening coats and , wraps been so varied or so extensive AH ths choice fabrics and colors are shown. Almost every day new things are added novelties from 'eastern fash ion centers which have been introduced since the season opened. They are priced very ' low many ; of them lower than cash houses ask, and in no case more. Choose your wear and make a nomi nal cash payment balance 1 a WcA (There's a extra sharg fv eredlt. -so So not hesitate to 1 ask to -nav IS ahargsd." J Eft'STEBr. 0U1H1TITJGCO The Stare Wears Tear Credit 1 Seag WASHINGTON AND TENTD STREETS Men's good waterproof Shoes, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00; boy's sixes, $1.25 and $10. Men's rainproof Coats, $20; $4.00, $8.00 and $7 JO; boy's sizes, $1.60 and $2.00. Good warm Underwear and Over shirts. $35c 60c, 75c and $1 ; also the best grade made for $1.50. All kinds of Sweat ers, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $2.00 and $3.00. Good assortment of men's Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats, complete fine of ladies' and children's Shoes; also a full line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters at very " low prices. It is to your interest to look us up. r Cor. First taiVtni orCor.ThirdacdCavij jm Emn,Frcp Case After Case Filled With the Rich Gl2cn ciGcIi Th shen of sllvtr, th glowlrj color of tema, fashioned f artist fingers into, lovely neck laces, dainty brooch, Jw!l ' mI tka sisii beaut." I trinkets that worn err lor t i trear. ' We sr showing th vcrv latest from th best factories c I th world. Th prlc ar 1 1 low roa wonder how w o i- . Keep Dry