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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
TITS OHEGON DAILY JOUHIIAL, ' PORTLAND. TUTSDAY t EVENING, OCTOSrH J 1803. The Great Slaughter S ale of the Famous Welter 'Exhibit of Higti Art " Pottery From tii2 Expositioh.Continues oh Third Floorer Regular Values from 75c to $20, Special at Half-Price T DemoristrauohsivraR ' THIRD FLOOR. . DR. ALICE GOODWIN'S EXHIBITION OF WISDOM'S PREP , ARATIONS FOR THE TOILET FIRST FLOOR. , -EXCLUSIVE SPECIALTIES BONNET ET CIE'S SILKS, ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS, "QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES AND HEATERS,' RICHARD - SON'S BELFAST (IRISH) LINENS. at Makers and Trimmers in Millinery workrooms.1 Must be A-l. Apply to " Superintendent . ; Hoops ncoT op om o no o WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS For Mid-Wcek Store Visitors: MATCHLESS INDUCEMENTS FOR SHOPPERS Wanted Once This Month, We. Are Determined to Beat AH October Selling Records! That thia haa been a record year goes without aayiiWut we are In satiable. . We recognise only progress here know only. Advancement improvement. ' And now we atart upon '.he laat week of the pasting month to wind up a record .breaker with a garrison finish.' Prices must prove inducements backed by STYLE and QUALITY. Thia announce ment can only touch upon a bargain here and there among the multi tude of wonderful values that vibrate thro'out all the houee OVER WHELMING EVIDENCE OP POSITIVE VALUE LEADERSHIP! ! FASHIONABLE, DEPENDABLE FABRICS HALF-PRICE STAPLE BLACK DRESS STUFFS UNDERPRICED. ; J When dependable dress fabrics can be bought at the prices we quote below for tomorrow's selling then it's time to buy, and buy liberally; otherwise, some day later on when you need the fabrics just the ones r V OHmy bx.lot tjali to morrow y o u wilL ay.."OhL Why didn't I buy those goods the day they were on sale at- halt price and save the other Khali f the purchase money for other needs?' . Don't lake the chance of vain regrets come-tomorrow and share, near the slogan that callsf Dress goods the kind you want at half pricei Colored Dress Goods, durable, down-to-date dress fabrics, in all wanted colon, odd pieces -left from the greatest season's selling we have ever known--' ' - .v i , ' t '. ' ... ' - i- . - .Regular 75c Values at, yard.... ST4 Regular, $1.00 Values aUard..... 8O4 Regular $1.25 Values at, yard 24 ' Regular $1.50 Values at, yard...... ..; ; T5e Regular $175 Values at, yard 8T&4 Regulat$Z00 Values at, yard. .fl.OO ... - ; '. J-n .' ' V GREATEST VALUES IN ''!::.' BLACK DRESS GOODS TO BE FOUND IN ALL THE NORTHWEST, New Black All Wool Dress Fabrics, every yard fast color, consisting of shadow check Panama, shadow striped Panama and worsted pomtelle Panamas; also 'French imported Voiles ' .$1.00 Regular value. Special, the yard .694 ; $1.25 Keguiar value. pecial. the yard. '.. Tve $1.50 Regular value. . Special, the yard.. ....... . .'. .. ..J8f Another Millinery Marvel EXQUISITE $4.00 TRIMMED CREA- TIONS $2.98. "Bijou" Salons Annex Second Floor. The choicest productions of the milli ner's art are here the work of foreign artists as well as the clever conjuring of our own experts a superabundance of selection not even approached by any other Portland store. A description here of ' even a fraction of the magnificent creations is not possible. Suffice it to say--if you are interested in charming millinery and what woman isn't? you'll find a visit here to the "Bijou" Salons both pleasant and profitable. We shall offer a great special value tomorrow that is sure to meet a popular demand. A stvlishlv trimmed lot. of chic turbans- hand made of silk velvet and chenille braidfSrettily trimmed with fancy feathers, wings, pompons,. etc. All Fashion's favored colors em braced a grand value at $4 (most milliners would say $5).. Spe- -cial here Wednesday at.............. ....... ....82.98 Fancy Dress Goods These fabrics cannot be duplicated in the city at our regular prices, and at the lon special -prices marked will, as usual, bring crowds to the Black Dress Goods Section.; ' - ; , ; Pick-ups for the Penny Banks First Floor. There's many a saving to buyers in the small Wares shops among others these special for Wednesday:- - JAPANESE TOOTH BRUSHES. Medium sizes; our 15c value. Extra special, at, each. ....... ..'..,..,..84 LADIES' NICKEL-PLATED SHEARS OR SCISSORS. Best quality, guaranteed; our 90c and $1 values. Special at, the pair.65f . f BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING. Wth brush edge, in black, navy, brown, etc; our 12c value. . Special 'at, the yard ............... ..84 " " ' SHELL OR AMBER HAIR PINS. riain or crimped, smooth finish, 1 dozen en card; our 25c value. 'SpVcial at, the card..... , ....,1T4' . ' - - COLD CREAM. In large sixe 8-oupce jars; a pure, white, delicate, perfumed toilet cream; our 39c value. Special at, the jar.... .; ..... ..25f V .t, ; BOX WRITING PAPER. ..., Plain white, smooth finish, plain or ruled; our 18c value. Special at, the box 1 FINE LINEN WRITING TABLETS. , Note, packet or letter size, ruled; our 25c value. Special at, each... 144 i ENAMEL BACK PLAYING CARDS. ' ' t Finest quality, red or blue backs; our 25c value. Special at, the pack. .1T FINE TISSUE TOILET PAPER. Best qualityr totge size, 12-ounce rolls; our 10c value. Special at, the roi ouaiity? Jege size, i-ouncc rons; our iuc vaiue. special at, tne - -l'.i... -....:.. i. .....4.Te IVTid-Week Bargains for '' . 'IXTaOr "Th Hterdaherie"--Sixth ' VV'' .-'1YJLC11 ' Street Annex-First Floor , ; ' . J'.' At handy as the pocket In a shirt just inside ihe Sixth' Street en trance... .An all-right nook for bashful men who want to dress well at light cost..' : For price in our Man's Store are less than elsewhere. Spe cial, Wednesday ; , . , . ,. .... . .:. ':-.' : f.. i v MEN'S 75 UNDERWEAR 63c Men's "Wool Underwear, in natural gray,-winter weight; regular J value 75c. Special, the garment.. ..'.t ....i....-.V...v.....3 1 ' ur the suit ..... . , . ' MEN'S $1 OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS 69c f Men's Outing 'Flannel Gowns, in cream color with pin stripe, extra ' , t good quality; regular value $1. Special, each......;;,.... 60f " ' MEN'S 20c HOSE 12Vic . .. ' -.L'. Men's Fine Wool Hose, in natural gray; regular value 20c , " i Special "at a pair SSf MEN'S 39c SILK HANDKERCHIEFS U5c. A-Hne of Men's Prettv ' : I :fkerchiefs, with fancy colored bor- ders; rt' ''r ' 1 I. rch '..t 85 Great Silk Sale Continues NEW LINES ARE BROUGHT FORWARD FOR FIRST SHOWING Annex, Fifth Street These are busy days in the Silk Store. Fashion has never known such a season for Silks and it seems as tho' this store was .doing-most of the providing, not only for the wearers, but for the dressmakers, who in turn provide for their fpatrons. The dressmaker knows best silks and the store that carries' them: one of the strongest proofs" of the superiority of our stocks is that this house sells fully 90 per cent of Portland's leading modistes. But even with our splendid '. facilities we were unable to show .the entire line of special values either last week or Monday the balance goes on sale bright and early tomorrow morning. vSilks galore silks for street or evening wear at prices that must send hundreds hurrying here tomorrow. Read: ' Portland's greatest and best Silk Store offers for Wednesday and the balance of October our entire line of Novelty Figured Suit Silks, every yard new fall designs and colors; not a lot of old styles, but new, crisp, pretty Silks '" Uur Keguiar Z.W uraaes in. Hgnt ana aanc grounds, siyies ana coior comoinaiiuns. . opcciai oniy,- ysiru . j. t ! Our Regular $1.75 Grades Special only, yard. ........... ......... ..... Our Regular $1.50 Grade of Novelty Crepe de Chine, Novelty , Chiffon Moire, etc only, yard.' . i . . .'. ... ........... . . , , . . . ; . . .... ; . . . .i . . . . ........... . . Our Regular $1.25 Grades Special only, yard . . 1 ............... Also'10 exclusive Silk Suit Patterns, very swell ; imported goods for evening wear ; regular $85.00 patterns. , Special only,'the pattern. ...........u. ...'.i. ...j... ............ 72.00 91.69 Special 1.25 91.05 Correct Foot The .( rBoote Shoppe ; Smart Shoes for Dressy XMen and Stylish Women, Two things are absolutely requisite in the dress of men who care for that personal appearance which means so much to success in life. No matter how carefully the tailor has looked to the clotbes-craft of the garments that help to constitute a man's wardrobe, if the hatter and the shoemaker have not been called in then the effect is spoiled. A hat oft-times covers a multitude of sins of omission and commission in the male garb that a perfect fitting pair of smart show helps to excuse. It costs no more to dress the feet correctly and comfortably than it does to make them look gawkish and feel uncomfortable and really ill. But you must come to the store that knows how.- This store -it in4he shoe business with all its might; is better equipped in evesy way than any cither western store to do shoe business as it should be done. New models are here such as youll see only in the leading foot wear shops of the east shapely, stylish lasts that are exclusive with Olds, Wortman & King in Portland. - Yes ' we're hot after the man's shoe trade and going to have it the grapples are out "STYLE" and LOWER-THAN-ELSEWHERE PRICES. Dress 41 '4k 1.1 o ' First Floor Sixth Street " Annex V Of course, you know this great depot of footwear supply leads with HIGH-GRADE SHOES FOREWOMEN Even the exclusive shops cannot boast of a stock so large or diversified as here. Shoes at $3.50 are our leaders, better ones at $4, $5 and $6, to be sure and cheaper ones at the lowest prices quoted in the city on shoe of QUALITY. But the shoes at $3.50 are invested with as much grace, as much style and as much exclusive char acter as any five-dollar shoe of which we know other than ours. . Take, for in- stance, the world-famous "Gloria" Shoes, leader in quality and style Queen of the ' Filigree family of shoes yes, f 3.BO. A few distinctive mentions in SHOES FOR Men. A RARE BARGAIN IN SHOES FOR WOMEN: ;? tMEN'S BENCH MADE SHOES $6.00. , i O, W. ft K. "KUSTOM" SHOE FOR MEN $4.00. High grade custom work, all leathers, very newest Heft on the soles. In nnishina them in this war thev wear and stand the wet weather much better. All shapes and leathers., Our value, the pair-rrs-rrrrr. r. . .". . . . rrr ?.-tt; f 4.00 WOMEN'S $3.00 SHOES $158. We are introducing a new line of Women's Shoes made specially for us by one of the leading manu facturers in the country. They are In seven styles, " all sizes and widths; regular value $3. Spe cial, the pair,...., ....1.98 'designs, full dress, both button and lace, stout soles for street wear. Value at, pair...? 6.00 WOMEN'S OVERGAITERS 50c AND 85c J Just received, a new lot of black Kersey Over- j gaiters, good fitting. Values at. pair; .60 and of Large assortment of Women's, Misses' and Children Leggings. ... ... "' Children's Astrachan Leggings in white, blue, tan, etc , A Little . m ' ' Apparel K'r v " A Mighty Host of Distinguished New Arrivals Se Garment Salons Entire Main Seconi Floor. PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND FORE MOST DISTRIBUTORS OF WOMEN'S APPAREL. BjBaassssissss' This store sells more gar ments for women's wear u, aw -nnirn j - man iiii a r a - ax TWO rpRTLAND STORES COMBINED! Strong state 'ment, perhaps, but backed by FACTS. . If in doubt, inves tigate. , Nb wonder, then, we have such masterful control of the markets and are absolute arbiters of low prices on attire bearing the etiquette of STYLE and QUALITY. Monday's express brought to the store the largest single shipment of Women's Coats, and Tailored Suits ever re ceived by any western- house. Sent on by our buyerMiss L.' Bernardnow in New York. We shall start tomorrow AN UNUSUAL SALE OF WOMEN'S COATS AND SUITS MEDIUM PRICED Unusual because pf the' fetching new styles at the modest prices COATS AT, . ..... . .f 12.50, 15.00, f 16.50, f 18.50 AND ALONG UP TO ?60 SUITS in the lot of swell arrivals ranging tip from ...................... f 15 TO $75 Prices that make for mutual helpfulness. ? You are always served best here, even at the "me dium prices," else this store , would fail in its time-proven purpose of -progressiveness. Hand some, swagger Coat in loose, boxy effect ; Scotch mixtures, tweedish and cheviot fabrics, sturdy, natty, roughish goods in invisible plaids, stripes and mixtures. Some with velvet collars edged , with broadcloth, with, gilt ornaments at lapel. Cut steel buttons seem favored by the makers.' Broadcloths also figure in the materials." Of course there are other coats than these we tell of hundreds. But perhaps the few will interest the economical to come and see the monster dis play. READY WITH THE GREAT SALE OF MEDIUM-PRICED COATS TOMORROW MORNING I 12.50, ? 15, f 16.501 ? 18.50, f 22.50, f 25. 1 , , , (V J Names of Leading. 'Ten Contestants IN THE AMERICAN MANUAL TRAININQ. SCHOOL VOTTNO CONTEST WITH STANDING OF EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAY: JAMES WINSTON. HARRISON. . .V; . . . ........ ..10693 ROBERT HOLMES, HARRISON................. 43,476 WRIGHT BROWN, CLINTON KELLY. 37.745 GEORGE SLATER, LADD. . 1 .,..........'........"............ . 37,361 TRUMAN COOK. FAILING. . .V: V. .......................... 33.734 SIDNEY CRUM. NORTH CENTRAL. 19,994 MARION OGDEN, OCKLEY GREEN 18,438 ROLAND MALM, SUNN YSIDE. .... . . j . . 17,440 JOHN WILHELM, COUCH..... ...... 10.074 HENRY HAWKINS, DAVIS 8,909 SCATTERING . . . ' . .. .v.'y .. . . . . .. 34,462 TOTAL ....... .....36746 Sweeping Sale Women's Knit Underwear ; .Start Wednesday Firtt Floor. The tremendous selling of the past month his reduced many lines to mere remnants odd Inents and endments. s it were. Some of the best sellers cannot be replaced at this late day from the mills. " We never allow our stocks , to become encumbered by odd lots or ends of lines, rather a loss now all at once, and over with. What seems a remnant" to us would do some smaller-stores for a line, and there's a plenty of all sizes for the individual Datron. -But we must close all broken lines and propose to do it in one determined, sweep ing slaughter. It starts tomorrow. Thousands of dollars' worth of women's seasonable 'weights in new knit undergarments from the best and .largest mills in America also some grades of imported underwear at less than mill or import prices. All arranged for 'quick Sell ing on one long special table in Knitwear Aisles First Floor. Some of the special values WOMEN'S $2 VESTS AND PANTS $1.39. White silk plaited Merode Vests and Pants; regular value $2. - Special, each ;...fl.39 WOMEN'S $2 VESTS $1.25. : .": '; White fine wool "Zimmerli" Vests, high neck, ahort Ieevesi re8. tilar value .$2. Special, each.......... ..fx.aS WOMEN'S $3.25 PANTS $15. , V Extra fine white Swiss ribbed wool Pants; regular value $3.25. . m . Special, the pair.....................T.......,.... ....fl.a( WOMEN'S tlJJS. UNION SUITS $1.25. . "Mttnsing's natural merino Urifon. Suits; regular value $175. -; --K , Special, the suit............. f.2S, WOMEN'S $i JO UNION. SUITS $2 ; J '"Munsing's" natural all wool heavy weight Union Suits, half open front and open across bust; regular value $3.50. Special, suit.. fa- 5 WOMEN'S 50c VESTS 42c Winter weight Maco Cotton Vests, in cream tinted and blue gray; " regular value 50c. - Special, each ,...,42 WOMEN'S 25c VESTS AND PANTS 19c ' Gray Cotton .Vests, and. PanUi regulsr value 25c. Special, each 1 MISSES' 60c AND 65c UNION SUITS 39c Misses' Gray Cotton Union Suits, in large sires; regular values 60c. -and 65c. Special, the suit.. .........39 , ' ' . SPECIAL SALES . "'. Pretty Jewelry Novelties Sixth Street Aiinea Flrat Floor. . ';.! .' ;y,'. ' COLLAR BUTTON SETS 10c ? ; Four Collar Buttons on card one front, one back 'and two buttons for sleeves buttons are made with good rolled gold plate fronts and celluloid backs; a .good 15c value. Special at, the card ...10 59c FOR JEWELED COLLARS WORTH 75c , Jeweled Collars, with cit amethyst sets, on metal links; regular length ; our 75c value. Special at, each ; ;.'....'... .894 JEWELED COLLARS, same as above, but wider; our regular $1 T value. Special at, each...!............. ......T9 . 35c COLLAR SUPPORTERS FOR 25c We are showing a large variety of styles in Collar Supporters the newest and most practical contrivance for holding ladies' lact collars in place soma very pretty ones, made of mother-of-pearl, will be on sale tomorrow; a good 35c value. Special sale price 284 , 35c DRESS PINS FOR 22c ' , , A line of Pretty Dress Pins, gold filled, with rich, rose gold finish, well, .made and a good value at 35c for set of three pins. Special sale "price, the set ................. . ... ... . . . . . i . . . .224 ..... 25c PEARL BEAD NECKCHAINS 15c ' PeaM Bead Neckchains, suitable for little girls round and cov-shaped beads, strung on strong linen thread with metal catch; our 25c ' value. Special at, ech v .....;184 Special Sale $1.50 spreads $1.19 Mies A sale opens' Wednesday" morning in the Domestic Shop First ' Floor that should interest hundred of housewives and pros pective bhdes who nave bed millinery to purchase. Vvith the price of cottons soaring, and 'no signs or prospects of a descent, tt certainly seems ad visable to provide for all wants in the lines affected at . once. Especially when special sales are offered as here tomorrow. Handsome crocheted bedspreads in the popular Marseilles patterns, full sire and full weight not the stingy, skimped disappointments some store keepers offer for the sake of a tew extra cents of profit the best $1.50 values in full generous sizes. Special tomorrow at ....ft. 19 ' See the Bedspread. Display in a Sixth Street Window. . . ;-. , OTHER STIRRINO SPECIALS IN THE LINEN AND DOMESTIC ' AISLES. 1 .',: HEMSTITCHED DRAWNWORK SQUARES. Sue 27x27 inches. Special at, each i.. r irt i l c t . L one juxjw incnes. opeciai ai, cacn..... ' LINEN TOWELING. . A lot of Linen Toweling. Special at. the yard.... 10. 114 nd 1144 , 30c BATH TOWELS 23c ' , . Large site brown Bath Towels, hemmed, good quality; regular vs!u 30c. Special, each ..; ............ New, line of Wool Moreens for skirts. g ' ' . New Plaids for waists and dresses. ' -NEW FLANNELETTES AT 10c Y Thousands of yards of New Flannelettes, in handc and striped effects. Special at. the yard - r NEW DRESS OINGHAT"" ' A line of New Dress Ginghams, in p! ' ors and fancy raised effects, fci 34 434 . '