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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
Tins OREGOII lLILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. , TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER f j 1ECJ. WEDNESDA Y SALE, These PECt At PRICES prevail All Day Wednesday! PhoneOrders :-. Promptly filled , and Delivered Fret Prly&UExchanQe 11 Woodard, Clarke Company, 4th and Vashington 4- Sundries ' Res-. peolal ' TSo ' 52 se $3.98 Shaving Brush and Hn( ' Ever-ready Safety Raaor and 24 blades, sold on A Hiwl' trial ,. Long Curved Handle Detachable Bath Brush ..... TSo ' 64 IH-lnch Whisk Broom . . ,. zoo . German Alcohol Gag Stove.... 450 Hardwood Toothpicks Be I for lO 1 Ox It Dutch Pictures, colored o 94 B3CBO ' Ta-ai TBS BAIB CBOW AJTD OVIII . . sAirsmtrrr. WE don't have any particular faith in the old saying anent there being luck in odd numbers but wrjen the ad man called for items for the big Wednesday Sale the heads of every de partment but one handed him a list of Seven this one man wanted to put In at least twenty Just because he knows that he has the best stock to choose from in the Northwest- the ' Photo man of course but we vetoed it and decided we Would make it seven all around so here you are. Check off the articles you want and bring this ad with you, and save from seven to : v seventy per cent on your every day wants. ' ' Drugs Glycerine and Boea Water, l-oa. bottle .....L....1 5a " ifla Glycerine. S-os. bottle is. ' bubv vi nana, per pound .....,.;...,,.,, x&q Sulphur, per Pound ,;.; ,eo Bay Rum, l-oa. bottl M , ,5o 100 Quinine Tableta, I-t., Sugar Coated ....... 40e ae 5v 14 134 25e) IOBO BULBBB tA- QBOW ABB , CVUM9 BABOTS. Soaps RS. Special. Cutlcura Soap, per cake lOe, 16d) Imported Sandalwood, per cake B&o .15 Vestal Violet or Rosa Bos. S cakea 2 So Balaam Honey, per doien 0s Kleen Esy, per cake to Witch Hacel Complexion, per box, I cakea........ ISa Wild Locust Honey, per box. S cakea Ho 15 SO 34 84 84 Brushes Photo Department '.' . Reg. Spool!. 1x7 Poco Holder $1.25 : 764 Wire Photo Backs ISO 15 Seneca Cameras. Beat on Earth $13.50 Eastman Cartridge Kodak .......... $20.00 $12.00 Century Petite Camera '......$26.00 f 12.50 Pony Premo. 4x5 ...130.00 f 12.50 Eaatman a E. Bpo. No. .$22.50 912.50 Leather j. ' ' Reg Spaolat. All urnew handbaga at ..$1.50 99 "'Nobby Handbaga . 50 89 . New Draw String Novelty Bags 60o 2T Natural Calf Skin, Puree, Inside pocket ......... ..$1.00 " 59 . Men's Riveted Purses, double pocket ........I5e to Ten 19 Coin Purses, Inside pocketa ............... .IBo to ISs t for 25 Traveling Roll-ups, empty or fitted complete ; 15 per cent discount. '.": ' Liquors Fisher's Pure Halt. jt . ..'.,;..' wawun unci nrt qL ,..,... II II uewmr'a Bpeclal Scotch .... ...,$1 II Rock. Rye and Tohi (for your cold) '4 uro' , T . J' ' '. ' ' i: v . : $i.o vm. via lAiiAursut iuhj vfine Biierx via uurgunay Reg. Special. So 67' SOo (00 77 77 59 72 87 88 Rubber Reg. Special. ............. - Prophylactic Tooth' Brushes "Tooth Powder and Brush 11-Row Willis Hair Brush, unbleached briatlea Scrub Brush Looiieua InBtanUneoua Brush for cleaning hair, nail or tooth brushes; no Injury to bristles Adams Shampoo Brush Camelahalr Complex Bru I5o 40o - 25 28 xxroo zs buixt o eozxsrrzrxo PBiircmzs. $1.S - 98 10c ISo Oa 4 So 3 15 49 39 Toilet Preparations . ' -N , Reg. peolal. Bafcheller'a Bathasweet .fVf4H.... 2Se 13 Pompellan Cream SOo, 33 .Borated Talcum Powder IKo 7 Antiseptic Witch Hasel ..w.... 2So 14 Violet Ammonia 28c 10 Swan Down Powder, ell colors to 4 Tettorvs Gossamer Powder 17o 12 Welerware Pottery ' Reg.- psoUL Jardinieres, 1-inch , .... IBo 77 Jardinieres, 10-inch 11.15 77 Jardinieres, 11-inch . $1.51 , , 77 Jardinieres. 14-lnch ....... .i... $1.85 93' Small Vases. (-Inch , 5o . 39 lugs. 1-inch ....$2.00 fl.37 Rose Vsses, riu ran za c. mn IBB TOT7 SB? SBASOBY Reg. BpeeWL VI 4 i-lnch $10 fl.09 h , .....$2.00 $1.27 Vases. 11-inch Vaaea, 1-Inch .' $1-2$ T8 Stationery . - . - ' Reg.. ajpeolaj. , Writing Fluid . ..' lo ' . 8 , Scotch Bond Writing" TableU ISo 10 Eaton Hurlbnrt's Writing Tableta Ito "14 ; Eaton-Hurlburfs "Antique- Parlaiene Paper and Envelopes . I5o 29 Letter alsea Writing Tablets I5c 5 Special Unen Box Paper 50c '17 - 100 Paper Napkins, hemstitched ISo 15 wa bo Dimonga aid pbibtibo Aan xo zt BIOKT. ZJ TOTT XAVBaTT VSBD Z43CBO, TOT7 : XOrB TOB BTZOBO MAXBB ovurr bosb OBOW. ' Hot Water BotUea. I-qt ...."...... ..v...........$i.o vomoinauon not nun ooiua ana Fountain Syringe. 4-it. ,...$!. 91.93 Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe ....... ....... ...... ti so il Rubber Gloves. aU slses ; T8o ' 63 t-Tlp Atomiser for water or oil $1.50 81 1S Red Rubber Tobacco Pouch. Just suits the old n . s. I5o . 18-: Vaginal Spray .....$1.50 03 Bath Towels Rg. tpaetaX Ilx40-lnch Bath Towels, Brown too 3T IIx4I-lnoh Bath Towels. Whits hemstitched.. 75o ' 532 $Ix40-lnoh Bath Towels, Brown Heavy, with - ' . . fringed edge ........ I0o 68 ' I7xB4-lnch Bath Towels, Gray, very rough........ 0o 69 IlxSO-lnch Brltlah, rough finish, fringed ....... ..$1.11 89 2Sx4t-lnch Gray. Extra Rough $i. - 97- . I7i0-lnch White, hemstitched. Soft Roughing, extra uuaUty. ,$I.T 91.87 . ' Remember 7 to 70 Per Cent Saved During This Sale Woodard, CJarke; ; &. 4th and Washington MOClem DfUgg'tStS 4th and Washington 'Company: Economy V Corner Canadian Money Taken at Par CAPTURES HEARTS OF ALABAMANS Roosevelt Welcomed to Mont gomery by Immense Crowds introduced by dovemor. ADVISES NEGRO STUDENTS 1 TO DEVELOP INTELLECTS : Says Ignorance Is Most Costly Crop - That Can Be Raised and Negro Most Develop , Capacity ' for Self Help If He Would Advance. , (Joarnat Bpedst Strvlee.) . Montgomery. Ala.. Oct. 24. Ever since yesterday thousands of people from the surrounding districts began to pour into this city ' eaa-er to see snd welcome -. What is luck? It's preparedness; that is always being ready to take advantage of oppor tunities. ... ItH be your lucky day, if you take advantage of the opportunity offered at1 our splendid display of Men's Suits, . ( -j f Overcoats ; ; J II and Raincoats, $1.25 AU-Woof " Under wear, in tan and , blue, at ...... .....85 Stiff Bosom and Negligee Golf Shirts; $1.00 ' kind at .......... .65f I'ic:iC!rtmiiii30 Qu3tfuhn-Prc Oatfl tsars Bten and Boys. , X a4 18 Third etrvet, , a-s BCerrlsom,' - President Roosevelt on his first visit to Montgomery." The hotels are crowded and there la more life and buatle In the streets thsn ever before- to- the reoollec tion of the oldest Inhabitant .. During the forenoon the last touches -were put on the arrangements for the reception to the president and when the hour of hla arrival came everything waa 1? readiness snd order. A battery of the Montgomery field ar tillery, stationed on the river bank, fired the first shot of a national aalute of $1 (una when the special train bearing Prealdent Roosevelt snd his party rolled Into the station at II o'clock this noon. The president wss enthusiastic ally cheered by the enormous multitude surrounding the station when he stepped off the train and was welcomed by Gov ernor Jeika and the members of the gov ernor's staff, who were dressed In full uniform. After having ahaken handa with the governor Prealdent Roosevelt exchanged greetlnga with Mayor W. M. Tee rue, who waa assisted by a recep tion committee of 50 prominent cltlsens, the members of the city council, the di rectors of the Commercial and Indus trial association and others, ' : The president and - his party were escorted to their cs Triases and driven to the s'ate capltol. along Commerce atreet and dexter avenue. Governor Jelks rods with the president In the first carriage, which waa - aurrounded by a mounted escort of cltlsens and members of the militia. The buildings along the route over which the presidential party drove were handsomely decorated with flags and bunting and presented a bright and cheerful picture. When the head of the line of carriages resched the capltol the president, escorted by the governor, tht msyor snd other officials, took a seat on the grandstand which hnd been built out from the west portico, of the capltol building, and the others aa well aa thr Invited guests occupied the remaining space on the platform. From -that point of vantage the president reviewed the psrade, which was headed by a platoon of mounted patrolmen and was led by the chief marshal and hla .brilliantly uniformed staff, the reception commit tee, the Montromery city band, the -vari ous Montgomery military organisations and the visiting militia companies. After the parade had passed In re view Mayor Teagus formally welcomed the president to the city In a well chosen address. 'Then' Governor J elks Introduced President Roosevelt, who de livered an address to . the large crowd filling every available Inch of space In rront of the platform. His address wss well received and frequently Interrupted by cheers and applause. After the ad dress President Roosevelt was escorted bsrk to his train and at I o'clock be left for Birmingham. , chance for success awaits the intelli gent workers, in soma mechanical trade or on the farm. . - "Ignorance la the costliest crop that can be raised In any part of this Union. fTLVery ddlhr put into education, white or Diaca, yicias ncn uiviaanu. tu vii. community. It Is in the Interest of the whit . man to educate the negro, but despite all the" white man does, no per manent good can coma to you save as you develop the capacity for aelf-help. "You young men and women of Tus kegee must lead your fellows toward sober, industrious and . law-abiding Uvea" . , , . The prealdent waa received at the In atltute by Booker Waahlngton and driven to the office building In a car liage built by students, driven 'by stu dents and drawn by horses that atudenta had raised. He viewed the educational and industrtal parade and waa driven hurriedly about the grounda and ahown the extent and scope or. the . work. Thence he went to the chapel, where a short program preceded the prealdent'a address. ,-. f: AT THE THEATRES. Why "Ben Hur" Pleases. - AT BIRMINGHAM. President Is Pros eased Gold Medal and Sees Confederates Parade. V; TALKS TO NEGROES, President Baoourages the Black Maa 0 . . BdmU and Develop Blmsslf. JoeriMl SiweUI Strvlee.) -1 Tuskesjee. Ala.. Oct' 14. President Roosevelt expressed himself as much pleased with the work of the Tuskegee institution.- In his speech to the negro students he said: "To the white population, as well as to- ths black, it is of the utmost importance- that the negro be encouraged to make himself of the highest type of usefulness. Within the last two years Industrial operations In ths south have ao Increasednhat there la a scarcity of labor everywhere, ao It la the part of wladom for all who wish prosperity to ttie south to help the negro become In the highest degree useful to himself, and therefore useful to the community In which he Uvea - It Is .necessary to train every avail able man by developing- his Intelligence, skill and .capacity In oonerlentloaa af. fort Mercantile" averfues to success-are overcrowded. ror the present the best (Joeraal Special Serrlee.) Birmingham, Ala Oct. 14. The spe cial train with Prealdent Roosevelt and hla party on board arrived here at 4:10 o'clock thla afternoon and everything is in readlneaa for hla reception and entertainment- Upon his arrival at the city the president will be received by a sps clal committee, headed by Mayor Ward. The mayor will welcome the president In a brief address and will present him with a handsome gold medal struck In honor of the president's visit to this city. Then President Roosevelt and the members of the reception committee will take carriages and dcjve , along Twentieth street to the Capltol park, where the reviewing and apeaktng stand 'has been' erected. AU' building on that atreet are handsomely decorated with flags snd bunting. The platform from which the president will review the clvio -and military parade haa been erected in front of the recently erected monument to the Confederate soldiers and sailors One thousand school chil dren, each bearing a small t American flag, will assemble In front of the plat form and atng national songs. The Jefferson County Choral society will also sing several numbers. Then Mn Rufua N. Rhodes will address the presi dent welcoming him to the city, and President Roosevelt will deliver an ad dress to the sssembled people. . The president will leave in hla special train shortly after o'clock. .,,) t . i ' - THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOYx BECOMES HORSE THIEF ' (ftnertal Plsiiatcb to Ths Joorasl.) Chehalis. Wash.. Oct 14. A lt-year- old boy named Don Homan is reported to have stolen a horse from Heber Pope of Napavlne a few daye ago. The horse waa ridden toward Tacoma and left somewhere, but Just where Is not known. The animal has not been recovered. The boy has been located In eastern Waah lngton and Is expected will be over hauled snd brought bsck here and sen tenced to the reform school If convicted. Prlgatfnl Safferlnr Believed. Suffering frightfully from ' the viru lent poisons of undigested food, C G. Q ray son, of I.ula, Miss., took Dr. King's New Ufa Pills, "with the result," he writes, "that I wss cured." AU stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. l6o at Skid more Drug Co. 11 Third street; guar anieeo. The extended engagement of "Ben Hot- Is the laost significant proof of the nnperslleled snetms It met during Its angsgeaient at the tarqaam last week, yesterday tbe advance sale for. tbe additional serformtBces at tbe ead of fhta week begaa and tickets sold rapidly. Tbe eonpaay baa played to a fall noose at every performance. Many who are not aeeoatomed to UMatre-gotng make an exception ef this play sad leading ministers are among those who go to see tbe twaatuul story e( "Ben hot" produced. Oeaersl tew Wallace's book Is so well knows tor aU tbat It Is needless to recite tbe tnHdents tbat make np tbe story.- The most striking eaes bar. bees selected and gtvea magnificent stage settings. Tbe prelnde of tbe appearance ef the Star of Bethlehem to tbe wise men ef tbe esn is beautiful and solera a and prepares the audi enre foe a strong performance. Jernsalem as seen from the roof ef Hot's palace is Jen aai the galley, where Ben Her waa enslaved for the accidental killing of Oratlas) the etormy sea from wbtck be was reamed; the taxertoo apartments of his wealthy frtood Btmonldes st Antloeb; the race coarse, where he was tbe vlctorions charioteer over hla false friend ate. sala; the tomb where bis leprous mother and sister eoaght refuse, their healing In the trt- ampbant procession ef tbe uotd all are de picted la realistic manner with wonderfol beauty of color. Tbe incidental masle written for tbe play is a feature. It Is dignified m tone end suggestive of tbe Incidents of the story. The costuming is rich Whjr Women Sin." 5 The Kmplre theatre waa crowded again last evening with enrtoua spectators to witness s good melodrama and incidentally- to discover tbe snswer to tbe mors mooted question of "Why Women 8m." "Why Women Sin" Is ptesenled by a capable company, beaded by Ulss Bernlre Howard, snd sorb well knows exponents of tbe melodrama as i. r. Wblte. Will H. yield. W. H. afcPbenon, Atnsworth Arnold, Little Margie and others. There are a number of- nn usual settings la the story, and the Introduction of ssveral variety etuatg add noes te I entertammeaL "Ben Hur' Matinee Tomorrow. Tomorrow Wdneeday) afternoon et t e'elork a matinee will be siren st tbe Maranam Orand theatre, when Klaw A Erlangvr'a stupendous production of General Lew Wsnsce'e great drama, "Ben Hur," will be the bill. , V "Prince Otto" at Belasco. . The Belasco theatre, presents Wblte Whittlesey nd the Belseco stork company In "Prince Otto" all this week, with the saint matinee. The play aehlered wonderful success last ovealas. and doubtless this week will prove en of the most profitable ef Mr. Whittlesey' engags meat .. - -. ' - The Sultan of Sulu Coming. The musical satire, "The Suttsa of Suls," will begin e short session of merriment at the Marqnam Orand theatre next Tuesday and Wednesday nlgbta, October SI and November 1. It Is -not the beautiful scenery, the pretty girls or the oriental costumes with their ra- gaiiee of color that have made "The Rattan of aula" tbe most popular of all comle operas, but Its genuine humor and delightfully catchy music. Tbe words and Vice are by George Ade and the musie is oy airrsa u. wataau. Jolly Grass Widows. The Jollr Orasa Widows are attraetmg sn a sual attention at the Baker theatre this wees. The bargain matinee wtlL be glrea tomorrow. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "Camille" st the Lyric . "Csmllle," which opened a week's engage ment et the Lyric yesterday. Is destined to le the moat popular play yet produced at that boose If yesterday's business Is eay criterion. Camille" will coatlnee all week, with a atat- kit dally. . Big Grand Show. , Crowds at the three performances , yestsrday ex the Grass's sew Urn mtwmm To Astoria and Ocean Beaches on J tt o steamer uuirainie The Day Boat -Down the Columbia - Leaves daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A.M. Call up MAIN 613 1 I .MtMMMM 2 . 7 a . t -v ' LWriJst7u4fe4J" teas mmmmmmmmmmmm . m ' jw aBBBBBsspsssw - , t aanasawasSBwawawanlj vasdevlll sin. Tbe Hat ef eatsrUlners M headed by Thomas Meegsa and compsny. pre senting a dramatic aketch. Oa the program are Madam Wanda, accompanied by ber trained coach dorsi the Malcooiee, Weston ead Truei asntaasin, tie sins or the airi rred Purinton. In a new illnatrates ballad, and the Grandlscopa with a stirring ear lea of pictures entitled "Aa Adventuress Auto Party." Star's Feature Bill, Rverythlng le new at the; Stat this Veeh. even tbe Illustrated ballad singer. Pretty Win ifred Umu M now warbling the llmmmatea songs. Tbe wonderful MeDoaall trie, the Pred erlcke family.' Billy Dnraat. the best Ohmeae Impersonator oa the stage I Leonard and Bernard, Jugglers) Lola fawa, tbe charming soubrett. and the fanny pictures oa the Staroseope com plete the attractive vaudeville show. Mrs, S. 9. Xaasoa Sum. Forest Orovs, Or., Oct. 14 Mrs. X p. Hanson' of Dllley died at her horns yea. terday. Hhe had been sick for some time. She leaves, besides her husband, two sona, ' Walter of Portland and Harold of Dllley. She had lived In and about DMay for I rsars. , ,( ; am. 9. r ww. aWaBSnaBBBBaBBBBBBV IT piDlN'VcMUlT : ';:';, A'' BIX la what they say ef ear miBwSs ef gstag destal work. Ws de work far sesple free) eat ef the dty eulckly te eveM ssy eater, verytklag as te date, Osea evesiass sad Saadaya, Mala Soke. WISE BROS., Dentists The rsoauj, esr, Tkkd sad WsssJsartea, OB. W. A. WTSS. tAtt mi AT1D OFFICE RAILING Barbad Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing; ' , Poultry Netting. Eto. . nnnTi i tm iiTtnr t inni ranfwe.' riiuii n Nil iiiirr. ct iiiiii. liiiitkii s- m sv m m m mm mm mm . , ae "bb mm m ' w mmm mmmw c Phone Mala aooo i -. - 963 FLANDERS' ST., Nmtr Third V