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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
IZ OREGON DAILY JOUHIIAL." PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVEIJING, : OCTOIn . 1SC5. ob in oo HOT FEilil U'l! ROBERT V, MITCHELL, HUMORIST, r EVERYBODY'S FRIEND IS DEAD will us EXCEED THE LAST? CwsteifflG - of 'MawanJaini T7TTT. BIG SALES RECORD AT EILERS PIANO HOUSE EXPOSI- . TION SALE CONTINUED t Algoa, In Harbor, Will Be Loaded ' ; : Down a Foot More Than i Y ; .'; Wat Planned. 1 - , : YESTERDAY. Lafib 'FALSE REPORTS WILLi ( . NOT rjURT SHIPPING Shipper PUtJ With Result of Re : cent Survey end Will Give It Wide Publicity WU1 Greatly Help Com. mere. - ', : ' 1 , .:-Y; i As a result of tha recent survey ef the Columbia, river bar ahowing that the .depth of water there la far greater than the pilot had led The public to believe. it Is said that the owners will no longer ejeet to their t vessels being loaded -down to a draft of at least 16 feet. The 'Algoa, whloh Is now receiving a cargo. will be put down to a draft of 14 feet - Inches Inatead of 11 feet, as was flrst Intended. "While It Is now believed to be perfectly safe for her to be loaded 'to a tl-foot draft. It will be too late to get permission from the owners to that effect, as an effort is -being made to gel her ready for the sea as quickly as pos sible. .1. r Shippers era more than pleased with 'the result of the i survey and declare .that they will tine their best influence to give It s wide publicity as possible among vensei-owners. mi is Deileved that the ill effects ca used by the pilots' .false report will soon be overcome and thst commerce at this port will not be Injured ftrany great extent. A letter received this 'morning from dward Bates Sons of Liverpool, owners of the. British steamship Imaum, states that they had been considerably (worried over Captain Pemberthys cable advices thst the Oregon bsr pllou had recommended him to load the steamer to only 1 4 feet. The declaration was further made that they were greatly re lieved on learning that'the vessel's salt water draft had finally been arranged at 26 feet. In referring to the pilots' recommendation for losdlng the vessel and their assertion that there Is only II feet of water on the bar at mean low stage, the owners conclude: "W desire particularly to point ouT n you mat unieaa mis matter Is at tended to promptly In future Portland will ee severely handicapped In obtain ing her ahara of . the -trade to the far east" ;i 7 t. , v 1 v 1 i ;1 SEE BIG FIRE. OOoere of Aragonta Watoa riames' ea Oregem Shore for Kenre. " While coming up the coaat from San Francisco Friday night the officers of the steamship Aregonla state they saw big fire on the Oregon shore, which Illuminated the sea, for miles around. At' first tbey were off at long distance and mistook the blase for the beacon light at Cape Blanco, but aa they ap proached nearer it resembled a forest fire. It appeared, to be on the ere at of mountain 'and during the six hours they watched It the flames were spread ing rapidly.- - On this trip' the Arxgonla came from "Hongkong and ' Japanese ports by way of Honolulu and San "Francisco, dis charging a small amount of freight at each place. FThe weather was experi enced during the entire voyage. About 8,000 tons of freight were brought to Portland, consisting vof . 7,000 rolls of matting, 8,000 packages of tea, too tons of curios, a small shipment of Chinese- groceries and a quantity of raw silk. The work of discharging the steamer was begun early thla morning at Mont gomery dock No. 3, and an effort will be made to get her ready for the return trip to the far eaat by Saturday. She will take out almost a full cargo of grain and flour. TO RESUME SERVICE. O. EII. S samara. Idle ea Aeoeunt ef Low Water, Will Sua Tosaomw. Beginning tomorrow, the steamers Tewlaton and Spokane will resume serv ice on the Snake river between Rlparla and Lewlftton. The vessels belong to the Oregon Railroad Navigation com- ? e.' "J V JS Colonel Robert W. Mitchell in the Uniform of an Officer of the Oregon -."-' :.4 "":.:- -,'" National Guard-Photo. Jy Aune. . -. : ' v ' Robert W. Mitchell of this city died last evening in the Elks' National home In Bedford City, Virginia, of cancer of the stomach." : "Bob" Mitchell, he was called by bis friends, who remember him ae. possessed of a lively sense of humor, which be often demonstrated In writings for the public press. Robert W-. Mitchell was born In Sche nectady, New 'York, in August, 1646. In 181 he Joined the Eighteenth New Tork cavalry and served In the depart ment of the Oulf In the civil war, at taining the rank of sergeant. After the war he was attached to the federal treasury in Washington, and was also private secretary of Carl Schura when Schurs was secretary of the Interior. . In performing his duties In that, de partment Mr. Mitchell. often came to the raclflc coast, and finally located here to live up to a year when he went to the Elks' National home, in -the hope thst the change of climate would bene fit hie health. : Id late years he had acted as agent for the French owners of the Willamette Valley Cascade Mountain , Military Road company, which holds many thou sand acres - In southeastern Oregon. Twice he waa connected with the state militia of Oregon aa adjutant-general. Many years agoafce was employed In ferreting out frauds in the acquisition of federal landa In California and Arl tona, one of the earliest of such ex posures, r . Mr. Mitchell waa married In im to Mlsa Anna O. Elliott at Greenville, Mas sachusetts, and Mrs. Mitchell and four children survive him Orrel J., Robert C. .WaltenxMd Elliott Maxwell. Mrs. Mitchell was with him when he died. She went to Bedford City a month ago. When she received word thst the recov ery of her husband waa tmrjoaalbn. Mr. Mitchell had many close personal! friends in Portland and Oregon, who will not soon forget the ever present spirit of humor that waa one of his chief characteristics. He waa an Intimate as sociate of "Bill" Nye. and by some wss thought to be a .humorist of much higher order than the more celebrated dispenser of witticisms. His body will be burled at the national capital. vany. , They have been lying idle for about two months.on account of the low stage of the river, .but from now on It Is believed thst they will be able to ply regularly, This la the first season for la years that It has been neceaaary to tie tha-boats -up. Because or it, mis yesr much of the fruit crop along the Snake haa gone to : waste. The Norma, which ia also operated by the O. R. N. Co., will also begin running regularly soon on the upper, river. CHANCES IN SIGNALS. Auouacement Is Made by Oommaader X a Ketlaer, Ug Mhoaee Zaspceto. ' The changes which have been made In the lights and ' fog signals along the Oregon coast recently, as announced by Commander I C. Hellner, U. 8. N.. light house inspector of the thirteenth dis trict, follow: Columbia river light vesseL moored IM In ll feet of water, about miles BUILT IN OREGON : LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINfcS MARINE AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ELECTRIC HOISTS ! - v HEAVY SAWMILL SPECIALTIES ' POWER TRANSMITTING .MACHINERY '.Guaranteed heavier, itronger arid of better design than sim ilar machinery built elsewhere. We believe what we say and ' stand behind it: , ';';;"' ' v';!"V ' '"T-. ' Willamette Iron and Steel Works , PORTLAND. OREGON. U.S.A. ' 88W. S-t W. from Cape Disappointment lighthouse, Washington. -,, , . Light vessel No. 60, which went adrift October has been temporarily replaced by Vmatllla reef light vessel No. 17. The latter vessel If painted red. without name er number, and during thick or foggy weather will sound, blasta of 5 seconds' durations, separated by silent Intervals ef 56 seconds. The lights snd other characteristics of light vessels No. 7 are unchanged, and are aa given on page 40, lAnt of Lights snd Fog Signals, Pacific Coast. 1104; and page 7, List of Lights. Buoys and Daymarks, racino Coast, 106.-- - - Light vessel No. 60 will be returned to her station as soon as repairs have been completed, of which due notice wlU be given, and light vessel No. 67 will then be withdrawn. Many Fine Exposition Pianos Find ing Buyers Prices Reduced , on 'Every Piano In Stock A Lot of Used Piano, at . Virtually Half . Price,. .' v , '' : . - r Another one of the beautiful Chlcker Ing Quarter Oranda was sold yesterday. Thla leaves only nine Chlckerlng Quarter nranda nut at the four Carloads Of nMnM Mlanna WM Inoluded in thC magnificent baby ahow or World's Fair aispiay or urana pianos im , v..-., V. L'H... DIUHn UnuM In addition to these nine beautiful Chlckerlng Quarter Oranda there are a large number of Parlor Oranda and a couple of Concert Oranda, all made by Chlckerlng. There are also dainty little Weber Urands ana large vwr r.. nn.a a mimiiar nf Kimball Qranos, and. two very fine little Lester diminu tive uranaa. r-ven now, assortment of three weeks ago la some what broken, we still have a grand show, which It will pay any music-lover and critical musician to eee. Pianola pianos are being sota in -numbers. . ' The Pianola Piano, as Its name Indi cates, la a combination of a piano and A Pianola In one complete, compact In strument. . The Pianola Piano ha a been fPtlv atyisd 'The First Complete Piano, for the reason that It Is the first piano ever produced which can be played with ar tlatlo efTect by everybody, irrespective of any previous study or knowledge of music. In the light of thla Twentieth Century creation,, all prevloua pianos, requiring a long And tedioua period, or practice before their owners could make uae of them, seem Incomplete. -In used pianoa we have a wonderfully large assortment Just now. Most of these used pianos sre received In part payment of costly Oranda, and Exposi tion atyle Tprlghts, and Pianola Pianos. All of these Instruments are In thor oughly flrat-claaa order. We want them out of the way speedily, hence these lit tle prices. . . ' -- Elegant rosewood Steck. splendid case, a trifle out of date, I5&0 style. 1236; largest walnut rase. Is test style Fischer. 615; elegant, largeaUstsed mahogany Knabe, usual price $500, now $2St; splendid medlum-slsed welnut Vose, reg ular price- 36. now 1182; ..oak case, largest-slsed 1360 Kvsrett. 18; beauti ful Omaha Exposition style mottled wal- .... !7I ITImhall shows but little UBC L31; splendid little $300 Emerson, 1148; snother very snowy, orana-nw Starr. $216; three Hamilton Pianoa that were once so popular, every one . like m, tiim nnd (172. respectively; splendid large walnut cased Hsrdmanrt $238; beautiful mtte V1otryll38; lnrgest-slsea nesriy new Kingsbury. H7: elegant mahogany -Bailey, only alightly uaed. $1: good fsncy mahogany Jacob Doll Upright. 1210; Wing Son. new, 6146; another Knabe, rosewood case, 3236; great h i oak-cased Ludwlg, $18; splendid English mottled walnut case Kimball, colonial, equal to new, J24; splendid mahogany cased ex-hlbltlon-slsed Lester, oasa .somewhat marred, the ST6 ityle. for $316; other uprights In good shape of more or leas musical value at prieee ranging from rfnwn tn iS. We want all of them out of the way. Pay as beat suits your convenience. ,. ' MORE DOCK ROOM. Olaa ; Corner Fifth and Stark Streets Tlkm Quality Storm Phone Haln 6499. ! A. ' -V National Wine Co. ... ' "' SOe tl.OO Table Wines If flavor Is the considers tlon that governs the value of wine, eur wines 'ere under priced; and If price' governs the quality you 'use In your . home, Improve the quality you are now using by spending the same amount of money here , for better goods, . ji Judge the wines listed here net by price; but by quality. Ctarmt, gmL , Maddmck. gaL Burgundy, gmL Zlmfamdmt, gat , St. Julimn; gaU ; DBLIVERGD FREE 42.00 . 73 e 4I.30 v, Xao7arlaas Ieavea Today, w Temiia Will lail. Tomorrow. Carrying 87,1 bushels of wheat valued at $63,000, the Swedish ship Mac Farlane left down the river thla morning bound for the T'nlted Kingdom. "The cargo Is being dispatched by Balfour Guthrie Co. She win report at Queens town or Falmouth for orders. The Russian ship Fennla has com pleted her grain cargo for Europe and moved out Into the stream. She will leave for the sea -tomorrow. .Her cargo la made up of (.677 tons nf wheat and la worth close to $100,000. The ship ment is being made by the Northwest ern Warehouse company. J With the departure nf these vessels It will be an easier . matter for the re maining ahlpe to get bertha at the grain docka. During the paat two weeks It has been necessary for some of the ves sels to lie Idle on account of the limited number of docks. Of late one ef the tramp steamera haa been receiving cargo from lighters,, but as this plan anas to the expense materially. It Is said that It will net prove popular. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Captain Lebe of the French bark Tour nine, which arrived yesterday from San Francisco, says he bad to remain off the mouth ot the Columbia an unusually long time? waiting for a tugboat This sort of thing appears to be a common complaint of late- The vessel moored et the Oceanic dock, where her ballast will be discharged. Advices were received by local ex porters yesterday that the British ship Kllmalie had to put Into Montevideo a few days ago In a pretty bad plight. She la bringing a general cargo from Antwerp to the sound, consigned to Bal four. Guthrie Co. Officials of the Clatakanle Transporta tion company, recently organised, say they have decided to name their new vessel now being built the Beaver. All of the lumber and" material for the new craft la at the Portland ahtpyards end It Is thought that she can be completed and-ready for service by January 1. ' Owing to their being no room at the grain docka the cargo of wheat brought from the tipper Columbia river yester day tin the steamer Kellogg could not be discharged until this sfternoon. With a full cargo of general merchan dise and all of the passengers she can handle the steamer Alliance will leave tonight for Eureka and way ports. . Thla afternoon the . work .of . loading the British steamship Knight Errant with" flour and grain cargo for Japan will be completed end In tha moraine she will aall for the far east by way of Puget sound where she will receive an additional shipment- ' t'nlted Slates Inspectors Edwards and ':..' :'.'. Here Are Orgn V Excellent used Parlor and Chapel Or gans are being sold at less than- half brlce now: An Eetey. 828; 8ears-Roe- buc. $23; splendid Kimoau. ;.'""; A- Hamlin, $43; Newman Broa.. $38; solid oak-cssea H-imoau - and others too numerous tp mention, all on payments of $2. $3 or $4 per month. Remember, there'e no time to lose, irk. di..., mrm here, tha reductions gen- snd there will be hundreds of homes anxloua to. secure one of them. t Mninr don t delay. Come, write or telephone at once. Ellen Plane House. Retail Department, 351 Wash ington street. "A Quarter Block of Fine Pianos." Fuller en at Arlington today Inspecting the steamer Columbia, which Is opented nn h unner Columbia river In the craln trade. . German ship Arthur Fltger will com plete her lumber cargo xor ron nne, Australia, this afternoon and she will probably leave down in xne morning. With a shipment of 1,400 tons of eul phur brought from Japan the steamer Aglncourt Bailed from San Francisco last night for Portland. She Is under charter to Mltaul Co. to load -flour end vrain for the return trip to the orient. Steamer F. A. Kllburn called from San Fnneleco this morning for Port land; she has been off the run for el most three months. . ' MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Oct $4. Arrived down at S a. m- ateamer Columbia. ' Arrived at 8:30 and left up at 1. 16 a. m.. ateamer W. H. Kruger. from Ban Francisco. 8an Francisco, Oct. 14. Sailed. schooner . Mabel Gale, for Portland. Sailed at 11:30 a. m., steamer Costa Rica, for Portland. " Astoria, Oct. 13 Sailed at 10 a., m.. ateamer Aurelia. for San Franclaeo. Ban Francisco. Oct 33. Sailed at D. m.. steamer Eureka, for Portland. Sailed at 7 p. m., steamer Wasp and British steamer Aglnoourt for Port land. Balled at 10 p. m.. steamer F. A. Kllburn. for Portland and way ports. Astoria. Oct 24. Condition of the bar it la. bl, smooth;: wind south; weather rainy ana roggy. XOls Companion Walle Xnntlmg. f Joarna! ' Special Service.) , Tillamook. Or., Oct 34. Late par ticulars ahow that the killing of W. O. Eddy of Lenta br R. L Holtse, hie com panion, while the two were hunting near Nehatem. was caused ty the two oemg separated. Holtse saw the bushes In front of him move and fired. Then after discovering his tntstske he wandered about loat In the woods for several hours before- he found help and Eddy waa. aeaa upon tne return ox tne reacu Ing party. :.,-, Saw BU Men Drown. - (Special Tnsnatca to Tbe Jearsal.l - ' Seattle. Oct 14. Watching a launch In which ber husband and five men to gether with herself had made the trip from Seattle to a point when the shores er Tseoma couia oe piamir seen, Mrs. Mabel Tate, the wife, saw the boat sink with the six men beneath the waves of the bay near Tacotna. The woman wan dered about without food for two nights and three days In the wood a before she found help. Honest is the best policy Schilling's Best: Your rrrocer't; money back. '.'.r c. v. x ..e?ns ft , - -J .. Prr:i i titCT " - ... . n V ") V) -r, fa, tafTirse r 1 , ' i - i - '" ''"1" rarrtaaw.1. Wti n n f IMIIIS illl Scraemciar Honoluhi The Journal Party will See during their stay on the hlszz ., i - .... , HERE IS THE WAY THEY STAND Votes received up to Monday evening in The Journal's Hawaiian Trip 4 ; CONDITIONS ... ............ j . -. ' ' - Of The Jcmrnars Hawaiian Tonr CONTEST, rnu-4sy yoasg lsy ever IS years ef sge nay be aonlaated tt say Hbm an ; Masks pesrldes by The lovaal. with tae eeeswMBMBt ef twe - TrtU-tsowa ettuwas ef tbe district la walca scs retiess. , - - StOOaD-Thfee Jadges agreesble to the siffereat sssdlsatas- saatl as eshwtsd te erBetally aaaoasee tbe wtaser la els trlrt. eas yoasg. tad te as ebtsea treat each district. , THT1I is la ether eleettoss, eSc5J dls Met sssTI vets sessrately. Tae vets la ' eaa eeaaot sffeet tbe ether. Mittors step erly esaeersliig tbe district will tie settled by the wtaaee of the SMforlty. - tbe wla aer sbstl have tbe right te ssbm a atesy H sable te attead benslf. " tOtniTS Tottag win eoaraeaes Thars day. Aaanet 8. 1SOB. ssd etess Satardey. Deeesiber 0, it S s'eloek a. si., IMS. Caspeas Blast ke voted wltbls sevea ears sfter Issae. Coupon cat frasi tbe Dally Jearaal siast be - aeatly - trlsissed. All easpess, whether etegle or spertal. sst bear the aaaie ef the csadidate to bs votsd Car. coutovs axi orm as roixowsi ITJTS fllagle esapeas, eat frasj tbe dally paper, sre goeeV inr jae rate. Saberrlptloa to tbe Bveslsg Joanul aad Sooday btoralng Joaraal. three .Month., a sperlal ' eoupoa ef 180 votes (paid la advsaea). Sabseriptloa te Bventsg aad Sasday Mora tag Jearnel sis eatbs. $8 TB, a sperlal eoasoa of ISO rotes (paid ta adraaee). Snb eerlprloa to tbe Evealnc asd Ssaday Mora-, tag Joaraal 13 amtb. $T.BO. s special esanoa ef TOO rotes (paid i sdvasee). Sabseriptloa to tbe Krealag asd Sssday Monrisg Zamrml. three amtbs by MIL 11. SO, s special coapoa et 18 rotes (paid la advance). Sabseriptloa to tbe veateg aad Sasdsr slornlot Jearaal br all sis awsths, SS.T5. s apodal eoapoa of 890 votea (paid te sdvaoeo). Sabseriptloa to the Breatng aad Sasday atorslag Jearaal by nail 18 ajoatbs, $1.00, s special eoapoa ef TOO. votes (paid la adraaee). Seail-Weekly Joarssl. $1.80 s yesr. special eoapoa of oe rotes (psld la edvsaee). - STXTB Oeapeos sbesld bs rated st the besdqaarOMS aearast yes m ailed to tbe ssapoa departasnt ef Tbe Joorsal. er st ssy point BSBMd below. Tote will bs coasted Mondays. Wednesdays sad Prldars ssd tbe totals saaoaaced to tbe pablie tbe foilowlsg dar. Aay sssdldsts nitbdrawtBg frow tbe cos test cosset bare bsr rotes eeaatsd tor as-'etber. KXADQTMlTTmS AXO TOTTSS nAOXSt ytnt Dlsli lot Mottsosiab sad Ctaekawos eeatitles. Totlsg ptae. Oospoa Departaaaat ef Tbe Joaraal oflce. . - BeoeBi Slstrlet Csloa. VsmHIIs ssd Wallowa eoaattce. , ' TUr PMihil Waseo. Sheraias. OrTU. Morrow, Wheeler ssd Crook eoastles. Orsst. Bsrsey ' Toarth IHstrle Dakar. ssd Malheur eeaauea, liftk PUtrlo ' ' CnlnmMa ' ssd ClabMfj eonnM, Oreson: Klickitat. Oswllta. Clark. PartSe. Wahklakssa ssd SkasMBia eeaaUae, . Wasblagtoa. , Sfatth aisUlet Martoa. Usa aad La so srastisa. eVwesth IMstrtot Wasblnrtos. THIasMok., TaaUlU. Beaton, polk ssd Lissom eeai BBttOS- 4 Xigfb IMatilee Dowrtae. ' OSes. Carry. Joaopulao, JaeksoB, KUwatk aad Lake esaatlea, v Any Information reg-trdJng con. ditions of the Hawausn tour should be addressed to the manafer of the Contest Department of The JournaL , ' BISTKICT VO. X. ' , , Mlas Minnie R. Pbllltp. depnty clerk elrralt court Mlas Balll Madlgao, Olds, Ws-toiap A King store Mlaa Radio Wlotermantle. t'lfe lye works Ml Lara Bat, 04O 8a a Rafael street.-.; ' Ml Mretrhea Kurth. teleiihone operaKw Portland hotel Ml Kutk Lee. eaonraed by reoerated rrane eoaocu , Ml Hem Sbaron. SIM gat Thirtieth street , , Mlas Henrietta WlnkN-mas, t)T Eaat Oourb street Mia Margaret Smith. MMt Wllllaaa STeaus .......v.. Mlaa Kdllh Hera. S-td Htrk street Mlas Lour Lrrbrblre. ewi Water street. Mlaa Kophia lna, ZBS Itt strrot.; . Miss Alreaa Horn, Oregon City , Ml Klaa (irlrwl. SuA - Kaat Thlrty-anrt street Mlas BIT Hnrlhert. St. J.s Miss Lvr (tould. telephone eprnitnr -Orrgoa hotel Mlaa GeneTlers Holavo, Olds, Wort nun A King Store Mlw Nrllie Manser. Md Raleigh street... , Mlas Oenrsla' Kluk. 22H Buraslde street Mlas Cor Jollr. TM first street... Mlas Marios Lease, Woodard. Clarke Prog . eooipasy , Mlas CornclU Barker, d Urand' aeeone Miss Burse Beddlek. Oresoa lltr - (Voting Place, Coupon Department. Jonrnsl Ofnre.) SISTUCT VO. S. Mlas Kstl lih. La Orande, Oregoo. i...... Mlas Mllle Pmehstri, La Oranda, Orios (Voting Plare. La flrasde, Hteluheck . Bieeer Confeetlosery.) Mies Agnea Fletrhor. Pendleton. Oregus. Miss Prsrl Hsrrls, Pendleton, Orrgns., Ml Oraee Hawks, Peadleton. Oregos. Mia Mania Johnson, Prndletnn. Oregna r (Voting Plare. Pendleton: Broek A MeComas' Drag Store.) Mlas Lillian B. O'Hsra. Athena. Oregos.... Voting I'lare, Athena, lelt Bros.' Store.) Mlaa try MrTallUter. Walla Walla. Waahingtoa .....j.... ' Mlaa Larlls Rarr. Walls Walla. Waahingtoa ..... Mlaa Mar Callahan, Walla M alia. Washington Hia tiattle nrown. TotU Vete. ....... BS.OM ........ as, 14 47.878 4S.2d M.nse SB Jul 87,878 3 rows. Walla Walla. Washington ... i- Ml Roir Yonns. Walla Walla,. Waahingtoa I i-lae. Walla Walla. Waahingtoa Bona nook.) : i . .. . IVntlne 1 Mlaa Stella La Lasde. Weston. Oregon SIBTAICT MO. 8. -Mlas Lnrills Crate. The DalW. Oreson....,..'.......... Mlas Kmllle frr a. The rlu, )rrna. 104 as.4HS 94.81S 2n.fM3 12. R:t 31. 1MB 81.104 .' .4. SO.OA4 10 SI. ..,..... . 18,418 ., 1, Tin) 8.srs ...... in tm . . .... l$.nvl. I U.08 e,n .... ... 48. 4 ........... 88. 1ST eoeo-seaee s aM.asAO .w-...,...w.o l.uiS ee)eeea U. 4 1 4,821 ............ 1.T89 S s a a re s5M3 8flO ...4.. : , itt L88 SDO . sn.ete SU.osa nmiiw traaa, i no taiuv, iwnpwm. ,..-,,....,,... . Mint Stella Richardson. Hood River, Oregon 1T.1SS Mlaa Lours Crnmer, Hood Hirer, Oregon.. lXfiBS t Voting Plare, Hnnd Hirer. Wright's Store.) Was riorenro Uenrge, Arlington, Oregon 11.410 (Voting Place, Arlington. Brabaat's Confectioaery.) , , . Mlaa Oftrude Shannon, t'ondoa. Oregon.,... (Voting Place. Cnndon. Jaekm A Ilornibronk's Store.) - ... i Mhw Ocrtrade Sharp, PriueTllle, Oregon . 4SS SISTUCT sro. ... Mlas Hat tie Barton. Baker Clt' Oresoa t 94. nM , Mia Ethel Tire. Baker 1tr. Oregna aajftl J Miss r.tbel psrker. Baker t 'I ty. Oregos rrwrri-sV lltaa "" J Ml airriie nrattoa, Maker t ity, Oregon ................,...4.... lu.sut (Voting I'lare, Baker t'ltr. LwTlnger's Drag Stars.) , Mia tiara Swain, Born. Oregon 14.448 (Voting Plare. Barns. Welcome Pharmacy.) Mlas EfSe Mae King, Ontario. Oregon tB.STS Mia l!r Betterler, Vsle, Oregon .....,.....9.....,M.....r... A.1IKI Miss Oersldlna IHtrkee. Snmpter, Oregon f..:... .............. '8,130 (Voting Place, Snoiptor, De Neffe Clsar and New Depot.) ; - ' - . BISTKICT atO. 8. ' Mlas rtnrenoe Havren. Vaneenrer. Washington ........ .... ...... (Voting Plsre, VanmnTer, 618 Main street.)-- Mlas Asiclln Williams. Kelso, Wsshlugtoa ............ .....a,. ...... (Voting Place, Kelso Confectionery. ) ' . Mlas Katherlne Oore. Kalanw. Waahingtoa I Voting Plsre. Kilama. Oof frr s Hroee.) , . -r ... . Mlaa Mary Brrge, Hoaw Valley. Waahingtoa . Mlsa Bather Anderaos, Aatorla, Oregon I Voting Place, Aatorla, Owl Drug Store.) Mlas Dal.r Watklna, St. Helen. Oregon (voting piaee. St. Helens. irer Kteee., Ml Oertrude Randall. Castle Rock. Wsehlngtoa Mlaa Orae Wright, t'aatle Rock. Washington (Voting Place, t'aatle Rock. Anders Drag Store.) MM Alice Perry. Rainier. Oregon.. "(Voting Pisco, Rslnler. FrlKtnnrgs yonfecloerrjr.) Miss Annie Perrlne, Clatakanle, Oregon......". (Voting Place, t'latskant. BlmnMina A Co:' Store.) BISTUCT V0. S. Miss Msrhre Bsttee. Rns-ens. Oregon...,...... .......... Mlas Rmma Mnffett. Eugene. Oregna 12. Miss Stena Bean. Engrne. Oregon fMS (Voting Place. Kugeoa. llnlls Drag Stare.) Miss Riant-he Brown, Helen, Oregna VT.TW , II. own ............... ii.eas e.nas ... . . ............. w Land ........ . . . i,8ue 90,844 ....... n.ees ie.ids .... 11 .TM . T.zie eeeVe l.TW Lite ... "1,831 ... l.we :.rm 4 is iaitltes IS.SR ................. ie, 1-A .. .............. ........ .m.. ..... atK83d .......... .............. lo ma ,...-. Itt.SrlT v.... T.toS S.0TS . trie 1.304 tsxen .......... 14. CM Mlas Mary Darldson, Salem, Oregon.. Mian U Belle Darby. Ha ten, Oregon.. Mlaa Minnie I re ton, Ha lent. Oregon. Mlas Pearl Shelley. Salem. - Oregon Ml Minnie Acnenhacu. Halcta. Oregna Mis Nettle Reddekoop. Salem. Oregon (Voting I'lara, Hakem. Haaa' Drag Stura.) Mlaa Lncy Morcoot. Wood hem. Oregon............. Mia Jdrrtl Traak,- Waodhnrn, wregnn (Voting Place, Waodhnrn. Bee bee ft Whitman's Store.) Ml Maode Blair. Cottage Uroee. Oregon Mlas Eftle Stewart. Cottage Orore. Oregon .... Mlsa IJasle Veatcb. Cottage Onree. Oregoa , (Voting Place. Cottage. Urore. Ulll's Coafectloaery.) .Mlas Kathrya (tnrvt. Slleertna. Oregon., (Voting Place, SI leer too. Brook Drug Store.) Mlas pearl Saesge. Altan.T. Oregna Ml Maggie Chambers, Albany. Oregos MM Alice Iorke. .Alhanr. Oregon i Voting Place, pawann' Drng Store.) s ddle SI tn peon, Lehnnon. Oregon. .......... (Voting Place, Lebanon. Cotton's Stor:)--- - Mlas Kunds Oleay, Aurora. Oregon Mini Fay Cooler. Brownsville, Oregon - DISTRICT 0. T. Mlas Bertha Coartemanche, MrMlnflllle. Oregon .. - (Voting I' lace. 1 McMlnnrllle. Hoaser's 8 tore.) Mlaa Hei Kennedy.snrette, in-rgon.... I Voting Place. irretfe r-ostoioce.) t Ml Minnie Rnr. Dalhw. Oregos .......u. .......... 11964 (Voting Plsee, Hallaa. Htaaft Confectionery.) -, Mlas Cora Hpangl. Darton, n-rgan ...... S.374 ' I Voting I'lare, Darton. Harris' Drug Store.) Ml Marie Iloatetler. Illllohnco, Oregon 1A14 . Ml Rons B. Bowser, Hlllahoro. Oregon..., 1,75 ' (Voting Plsee, Klllshonx Srhulmerlcb's Store.) : " - 1 Mlaa M rifle Butler. Forest (Jrore, Oregon....... SkMl . (Voting Place, rarest (Jrore La Voarse's Stars.) -Mlas Oil re St rat too, Newherg. Oresos S.83S (Voting dace, newnerg. t'siweii 01 10. a tn-ng siore.f - f Mlo Lillian wetxter. i-nimmatn. tn-egon Mlaa Koaale C. Holahelmer. Hearer torn, Oregon (Voting I'lace. rieaeerion. isumaa I king coaieetionory. y Mlaa Uraco Starr, Corrallls, Oregos BISTBICT atO, 8. , r Visa Edns Pa rale r, Rnaeharg.' Oregon. .,. 9d.a8 Ml Dale Harmon. Koerhurg. Oregon 90,114 (Voting Place, Rosebnrg. Hamilton's Ilrdg Store.) .... Mlas ntae T. Jones. Jackaouvllle. Oregoa 18,T4g Mini Mande Berry. (Irantn I'saa, Oreson. 18.34 Mlas Maane Kaber. Urant t'aae. Orrgoa., .77 (Voting Place, tiranta pas. Smith's Drug Store.) . . .. Mnw Jennie Wnodforrl. Meriford. Oregon 18,878 (Voting I'lac. Medford. Riisaell a t'onfsetloatery.) . Ml France, (lahnsne, Aahlsnd. Oregon.,.,..... S.8 Miss Lrilla Mct'all. Aabland. Oregon .............a . (Voting Place, Ashland, Battoe'S NewsaMsd sad Bayhr'.) S.1M .. S,8AI LIT CouponFree Hawaiian Trip - ' ",' BLAi a- . a Sva .li 1 , ' lioflotulit, tieiwalUa UUatU 1 Wtel afOff eve tt ,9 h'999W99 99 Thl copn muit Vo J en or bfort, October 11$ ItoS. Corat!3 I ca Mondays. Vci:o diyt ti Friiiys tzi to t i :