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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
c'A 1 f ,"7 THE ' OREGON DAILV JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUZ3DAY EVENING. OCTOE II ,11 JL- L- - I'. 1 207 First St. SSS We Must Soon Box Our Goods Which arc hot Solely Because These Burned Walls and this Burned Ceiling Must Be Renewed ; f ; The landlord nd fire commissioners will not wsit forever for this $50,000 stock of Men's Clothing, and Men and Women's Shoes 4o be closed out, so all persons wishing to v ;take advantage of . . THIS BI(s FIRE Ought notto wait another day. We are averjt to packing the stock and reopening it again. We have new goods in transit that must be placed upon our shelves when the build ing has been repaired, hence " We will sell these Water and SmoRe Damaged Garments at some price or other within the Next Few Days or Know the Reason Why! Cast your eyes over this list of bargains and then come and see what you think of the fashionable apparel and splendid 'v,.'y.w-v-,v. ,, -' line of shoes: . '.'.-rCl ." . SALE $35 SUITS at . v . $ 1 0.50 $25 SUITS at V ; . $ 7.50 $6 TROUSERS at . 5 1 .95 $35 OVERCOATS at . $10.50 $25 OVERCOATS at . $ 7.50 $2:50JSKtfoES at . . v 90c Cravenette w'th IIS. now. f 3.80 'too to 11.58 Straw Hat....S9 1 t. ilH Hat........'.i...T9F lto Box ...,.4e ISO Handkerchief.... ...4 . president Suspenders .......10 lie Ties ............. .4 1 to fl.C Shirt... t 744 SOe Golf Shirt.-.. .....294 Man' V and fit Shoe. at. 804 ft Shoe ... .......... -fl.10 Box calf, vld, Blucher and - . , .: Bala ..-91.15 14 value, t .......... ...fl.Btt . Ladle tl tO Shoe at,......T5w I Xliiet' tl.tO Sandal........ 654 Mleeea' l.ft whit. canvss, Oxford. 894 Children'. 11.11 Sandal...... 504 Infanta' 76c Shoe. 404 EAST SIDE UHIT FOR DEPOT . This Evening Mast Matting Will "y Start Campaign Against Railroad. - - EVERY COMMERCIAL BODY OF BIG DISTRICT AIDS Standard Oil Lends Jlaiping Hand and Money Ii Promlaed to Take Matter Into Courts and Retain Best Legal Talent to Prosecute Cases. WWM1 tn test street tET. TAYLC2 AO SALl G!I MEN OF EVERY WALK ' ARE DRAWN FOR JURY Th followlna are th juror drawn for the November terra of th. circuit court, which begin. November :,. . i S. O. West, farmer; E. H. Moorehouse, ; wallDaner: Henry. Ceraon, clear dealer; i -Ik. T. Webb, farmer: Henry Baaton. farmer: P. J. Kerrlran. .rocer; Phil FlndleiL-Contraotor; Wv A. Gradon, dru- Kl.t; J. A. glavln. farmer; George Pear Bon, merchant; A. B. Manley. real e.tat.; Jame. Buck, capitallat; Albert F. Kills. 'printer; Jame. W. Akin, enalneer; M. C Banfleld,v wood dealer; Fred A. Ballln. ' engineer; Oecar Ballon, merchant; W. J. ' Burna, merchant; Jullua Kraemer, real eatat.; 8. M. Meara, manaeeri Herman . Waterholter. merchant; John Zeialer, driver; Carl Nlelaon. farmer; Meyer .Abraham. traveUna aaent; Charfea Rey nold., farmer; Isadore Lana. arocer; ': John T."' Miller. , manufacturer; Lewli .RuimU, real estate; Samuel Boehl, fro cer; C J. B. Malarkey. merchant; Fiiti -StroebeU hotel-keeper; H. Liatman. cabinet-maker: 3.-- M. . Hodaon. capitalist; William O. Beck, real estate; I U Clarke, drugaltt; Enoch ' BrettelL capl- Ultat; Jane. Sheehy.. paint.; J. M. Mer. chant, builder; Jame. A. Beckett, tailor; Bartholomew Coffey, capitallat; John H. Buraard.. Insurance; R. P. Ra.mus.en, farmer: Isaac Lawler. livery: J. A. John on. painter: I. Oevurts. furniture: Wll- Uam Frailer, livery; Robert Akin., cap Italiat; W. K. Robertson, hardware; P, J. Cronln. harness; Buaen. B, Jennings, farmer: R. M. Bates, capitalist; M Chapln. merchant; F. 8. Dunning, under taker; W. B. Chase, engineer! Peter Mo Cubbln, capitallat; George Fleckenataln. farmer; Charles B. Hand, mlllman. JToanal Aa-emey Xovm. Th. Journal agency at Salem ha. been transferred to 1. B. Driver. Th. office Is at (71 Stat, street, telephone Main 110. where all subscriptions, payment, and complaint, will be promptly at tended to. The east tiA ef ore of Sh loarrnl Is la the tor of J. U. C. Mlllrr, WJ M( SMcriaM street. Ilephooe. East 878. - A more thorough organisation of the east .Id. interest, for any purpose has not been perfected recently than the union that ha. been accomplished be tween th. central district and th. moat remote suburb, in the effort to secure an Mat .Id. freight and passenger depot from the Southern Paclflo company. At a meeting held last Thursday represent ative men from every section of the east aide were present, and thl. evening a mas. meeting will be held In the east side Justice court that will inaugurate the campaign, most of th. preliminary work of organlaatlon having been com-. pleted during the past 10 day., ' Th. ngnt lor me oepoi naa uy rtmA on hv the Central Eaat Bias im provement aasoclatlon. composed of 400 buslnea. man or tn. aowmown but thl. organisation failed to aecure proper recognition from th. company, and th. leader, at one took .tep. to call to their aid all the oth.r eaat aid. Improvement cluba. ' The Ideal officer, or tne Bianaara jh company are Instrumental In th. move ment, Mr. Flandera, th. manager, hav ing taken up th. Question irom m. freight- standpoint with th. Southern Pacific with no success. Th. backing of th. Standard, th. bu.ln.aa men of, the eaat side, and th. various cltlzena' or ganisations, insure, th. needed fund, and tonight It la proposed to formulat. definite plan, for a legal campaign that will take Into th. court, iwo questions. On. of the.. 1. th. validity of th. old franchise given tn. , company, which provided for an ...t .Id. rreignt ana paasenger depot, to be maintained some where aoutn or ouiiivaa suicu, other question la th. right of th. com pany to use the street, vacated for Us vards ana iracas. ii iws aejw maintained as agreed. Many .treat, in .... k th eomnanv and closed to other traffic have not been vacated, but merely have been taken-by tne company ana used because no on. naa onjecieo. Attnrnmvm have already Investigated these questions for th." ...t .Id. cltl- sena and report, win pe.maae wni.ui Mnnltiic the strength or in. cases niMt tha eomoanv. i A finance committee win wuwu o p nnlnted at the meeting thl. evening and will start at one. securina iunu .u carry tn. fight Into th. courts. As busi ness men' ot tn. east aioe naurw uwt th. cost of tran.ferrlng while they are (nmri to uee th. west aide station is double what It would be If an east aide depot wasln use. the work of th. com mittee will not be arduous. , SAILORS BUNKO CITIZENS. UNSEEN DANCE IS JCN Ct2 T2ACX From th. time of our birth till we tie down for th. last time. Th teat dtferiM from the danger of Mimam is visor Ol bod T and scitvltv of the natural func tions. The Mnd of as lUtance it lmparV sbV. It must not be stimulation for that give, but tem porary effect, and th. reaction Is mere than - depressing. Tak4 a totvieoo. that will re-esUb-llaa normal dlree tlon and aaalmlla-' tion and prove a reconstructive rather than a promoter of waste. This will W noturs a fair chuncm to put In motion normal work of repair and tissue building. Such a tunic was grown In Nature s Laboratory, hidden In the ground and brought thence forty year, ago by Dr. R. V7 Pierce, who ha made the treat hi life-long ment of lingering dl atndv and care. He nsea gly eerie ei tract. Instead of alcoholic onea, exactly proportioned and combined by procemee of his own Inven tion, first used In hi private practice and now given out freely to the world in hia Golden Medical Discovery, which I composed of Golden Seal root, Queen' root. Stone root. Black Cherry barkBlood root and Mandrake root. Mra A. T. Jonea, of ta Hayea Street San Frandsoa, Cel write, i "As a child I we. delicate, -and great an was taken of a. hMauae sum of tn V rslativea had dtad of eonsamptlon, althougti my father and mother were healthy. I grew ap with only the or dinary diseases ot all children, but about two rears aeo I contracted a sever, cold, which would not rleld to such homa-tmafc. men as was handy. Dec ton were tried, bat after three months of this treaemeo I was only worse. Then I was advleed te cry On Plerae's Ooldea Medical THmmrmrm. ud m glad to say that three bottles not only cared mesDi toe coia ana eongn, out ssaae me reel beRer than I ever had beRwev I will alwaya hav. a bottls of this medicine m the bouse. a". These tiny, sugar-coated aatt- Ml""'. bilious granuleat-ragulat. and Ttmivvivll invigorate stomach. Liver sod Bowela Do aot baset theBlll habtt," bat cure constipation. One or two each day tor a laxative and regulator, three or four tor an active cathartic. Once tried always la favor. Put as la vlaM l alwaya fresh and reliable. . It is common in Umatilla county to se. team, hauling wheat from the field, while other teama are angaged in . th. fall plowing In th. same fields. with English., (Scotch and Irlah clothe hv. recently. jfvlslted city tailor, with their pattern., and now they .re wait ing for the honest aallor to return. It was found that In every case the cloths were manufactured at. some local woolen mill. Bailors idling In port . take a run to Oregon City, atock up with a few odd patterns and with a mysterious air and a atock of ahtp'a cigar, go forth and dispose of these pattern, at twice what they would coat .in a local tailor shop. . On -several occasions the cus tom, officials hav.. run to rth these cloth smugglers who without fail showed them receipta .from" local mill for th. cloth, they - were aelllng, and readily convinced th. officials that they were not cheating th. government out of any duty money., , SLABWOOD NUISANCE. MERIT SVSTEG IS D00L1ED No Action Yet, but Plan Is Said r t& Hav but On Friend ; Among Dirctor , ; TEACHERS WANT THE i , MONEY VOTED THEM Merit Commiaaion Haa Filed No Be , port With School Board So Diatri . bution of Extra Wage to Daaenr- . ins Cannot Be Made. , aaggUag vorles aaa Some Oeoda at Boasle rrioe YleelmUe Many. Without knowing It many east aide resident. . hav. been patronising noma industry and paring double for the prlv ilece. During the summer and rail sail ors have been working tha various sub urb, with vaflaea full of cloths. The, cloth., according to tha sailors, were brought from far-away England, from Scotland, from Ireland and from conti nental mills, where labor wa. cheap and woolen mill did not know the use of shoddy. . The sailor, told tale, of smug gling these pattern. In under th. cabin carpet., and of bribing customs offi cer, with a few cigars. Thsy did not molest th. woman, but chiefly did their business with .mall storekeepers and rtrofesslonal men, who Judged the cloth by the .tamp on It, and by raveling out a string or two and trying It with a match. , Soma of the patrons who loaded up Paths, Walk, and It seta of aaa , Ben Barricaded. , . Th. alabwood nuisance 1. causing th regular annual complaint . throughout th. east aide and for th. rest of the year sidewalks, streets and crossings Will be blockaded. "With the commence ment of th. rainy aeason many of th unimproved streets on the east .Id are almost Impassable, a narrow rioge In the center of the roadway being the only route team, ean take. On the. narrow street, huge piles, of alabwood ar. ricked up until there I. often room for only on. team to pass, and traffic la delayed while driver, untangl. th. mase. Bicyclist complain that the few path left them are barricaded with theae pile of wood? ami even th. sidewalk, ar usurped. Along dark street, pede.trlan I stumble over slab, left by careless boys. and often run face to face wltn a tower ing pile of wood that covers the side walk and half the street. Many house holders pile up their winter, supply of wood on th. cycl. path, and leave It there ' for - weeks, while th. alabwood man In delivering a load leavea a trail of chunk, and alab sticks behind that extends for half a block or more. ; Th. dump wagon greatly aid. in covering th itreet with slabwood aa the wagon I. tipped and th. horses driven up until the last atlck is rolled off. which usu ally happens soms hundred feet from where th start was mad. Becaus. only thre. member' of . the board of school directors were present at the meeting last night, r It wa de cided not to take Mp th matter of th. proposed merit system. At th. first meeting when the whole hoard la present the report of th. merit ryatera commission ' will be . submitted. From present indication, the report will never be adopted a. It haa been .aid that every member of th board with the exception of H. Wittenberg I. opposed tc th. proposed .y.tetn. ' Members of the board hav told teachers that th action adopting th system would be rescinded. Last spring, after th taxpayer bad voted money for an Increase In aalartea, th. ' pay of aU teachers was Increased Labout ti a month. A portion of the money provided by th. taxpayer, wa. sot to increase another 16 a month th. salaries of teacher. Who were suc cessful In getting on a merit list. If th. board doe. away with th. proposed merit ' system the money which would hav. a one to thoee on th. merit Hat will be -distributed among th. teacher in some other manner. The teacher, are greatly Incensed at the action of the board. Th. money was voted to them and they want It. They were opposed to th. merit ay.t.m from th. beginning, but aa long aa It waa adopted by the board they thought they should receive what belonged to them and . when the looked-for Increase did uot come last Friday they began to won der why. - It was then learned that the merit commission had never filed Its report with th. board. . -'. . ' r K. A. , Blgelow, repreMntlng ' the E. Howard Clock company, proposed ' at yesterday, meeting to Install a system of clocks for th. High school and th new high school which will be erected on th east side this winter. He said that a complete ayatem or 'Clocks, in cluding large tower clocks, 40-room clocks, and an electric bell system would cost $1.700. , Action on the proposition was deferred. '.' A. N. Will, and D. A. Thompson. president and vice-president, respective ly, of th. Sellwood branch of th. Port Knd public library were given permis sion to hold a series of six lecture In the auditorium ot the Sellwood grammar achool in the Interest of the library. The lecture, will be given by prominent Portland men and will be free. A larsje number of map. and chart. and memorial tablet, hav. been loaned to the public achool by th government. These map were In tha land office ex hibit In th. Government building at the exposition. A msp of th. United State t feet I inches by 1 feet In dimension I th. largeat map of th. country In ex istence. Twenty application, for free tuition, th. majority from high school students, were referred to a committee., ., ftttHtUlE BLUL ST CM PATtrlf" uitDMiis oat k The superior, flavor, texture and white ness of bread made from White River Flour Is due to this fact: , ? ? ; In the milling process every minute particle of flour is vitalized by contact with ionized, or lightning-shattered, air. The'process imparts a lightness of col or and quality to hard : wheat flour and renders it more digestible. " v WHITE BlVtB Allen & Lewis wxoxBSAxa omocsma " SeUlng Ageawi, , rOBTXAJrp, OA, v.. A. y ' There't a guarantee with vary sack i, which' aajrs : "If yon don't like it better than any other flour, return the aack and. your money win be refunded." ' . wOU ataSAJ. UWTSiAJTD CXAJtX 1 I V WHITE RIVER FLOUR MAKES LIGHTER,- WHITER DREAD FEW STREETS LEFT. it St. Jonsa Council Bieooracre That Saa Zardly Any to Olv Away. ' At th. meeting of the St. John coun cil last night, that body discovered that there were but few street left to vacatt a an encouragement to those desiring to locate factories In the town. Th management ' of ' the 1100.000 sawmill appeared before th council and asked that certain street, be vacated on the town's waterfront.' Th council believed the Industry would be worth the price asked, but when an investigation was made It was found that former yaca tlons having nearly exhaustsd the re sources th council decided to delay ac tion on the matter until It waa definite ly discovered just what ' streets re mained. The board of public, works ordinance waa passed by for the evening 'and will be considered on its third reading and final pasaage at the next regular ses sion of the council. Plans were sub mitted by th. city engineer for a sewer system which would drain the bualnsss district of the place and his estimate was that but tt.OOO would be required to build the drain. The council, how ever, thought that a larger main ahould be built, to provide for tha future, and other plan, will be considered at the next motlng. , . ' REWARD FOR MAN WHOSE . DIVE SAVED TWO LIVES w - Believing that heroism- ahould be rewarded, the passengers who 4 . were on the stesmsr Iralda last d Saturday morning when Captain 4 , Hooghklrksmid hi daring leap . Into ; the - river and saved Mrs. e Clifford Harris - and son from d drowning toek up a purse, and 4 , .presented th. skipper yesterday d with a beautiful silver pitcher, tray and goblets. Th preaenta tloni was mads Just before the 4 etemaier sailed for Barnler yea- terday .afternoon. Th. paa 4 sengers stated . that th.'.llvsr 4 aervlc. represented - tn a .mall a way their appreciation of the 4 ' rapttln'a bravery in risking his' e. life to sav. other. On the gift , 4f were engraved the" name of th donor. Including th member of th. .crew, who also contributed w toward their purcha, ; : Cecilian Contest Closet., Tomorrow I th. la.t day for th. re ceiving of answers In the 1260 free Ceclllan contest. Get your answers completed and Into The Journal office not later than o'clock, when th. con teat closes, and don't forget to send copy to the 1 bualneas firm, you se lect. It will not take you long to writ them out, and although your answer may be th. last one received, you hav Just" as good a chsnce to win aa th first one. . Be sure they reach tn orrtc not later than , o'clock - tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, tne J&in. . j NEW CENT SOMETIMES . : AS GOOD AS A FIVER Two clever crook. a man' and Woman, hav been reported, to the polio for systematically bunkoing l milliner out of money , by passing off on thsm new copper cents s It gold coins, - Th. method followed is tor tn woman to purchase a hat and give the shining cent In payment. , In aeveral Instances the dodge worked, and in a rew change waa returned. In others . th. coin wa. noticed closely enough for the decep tion to be discovered. . When the- dodge wss discovered the woman would act a If surprised and look In her purse for another coin. Bh would then regretfully remark that she had placed the copper cent in th purse In the belief that it was gold and had no. mor money with her. -Her male companion would also volunteer the statement that n naa oniy a dollar or two with him. They would then leav the ator. I The woman la tall, a .rather pretty blonde, and dresses neatly. The man with her Is nght-compiexioneo, auburn haired and smooth shaven. He wear. suit of dark-colored material. - PUBLIC OFFER To AU Versos. In Portland Who Wish to Aoeept. .. ' Are you thin? Do you require more flesn to be really well ana atrongT To every such person In Portland we make th. following offer: Commence at one. a course of treatment with Vlnnl our cod liver oil preparation, without oil. snd if after you. Jm ttnken-what! we consider enough to restore , your normal weisnt. ana it naa not succeeded we will pay for all the.Vlnol you hav. taken. i , A prominent New Tork physician re cently said: "I am 'convinced that the best way to gain good, solid, firm flesh Is to take Vlnol. for In it you get all th curative, nean-maaing and strength creatine- oronertles contained In that grand old remedy, cod liver oil, without the nauaeatlng oil itself. It is dellclou snd the weakest stomach can retain It. Thin people sr usually weak and all tn day need.' Vlnol acta first uimrrthe stomach, ere ates an appetite for ".good, wholeaome lnr. and Vlnol la what ii urxw e for it food, atrensthen and tones un the dl geatlve organs. Rich, red blood Is sent coursing through every vein, firm flesh is created wherever it la needed,- arc mariitKl flaurea. hollow . cheeks and sunken eyee ar aoon a thing of .th past. v Kvery thin person In Portland ahould try Vlnol- on our guarantee. woouaro, Until ihe lot LjScIJ Cair t , ; G0CS iOT.U: " j te Patterns and j : Fabrics Would'Be : Bargain at Their ; Original Price of " " ;! Fifty Cents ' " ' i) l :. . A Good Chance to : : '-, Stock Up ; . - : .... I . : . - , FURNISHERS HATTERS CLOTHIERS .311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffi Agents Dr. Peimel Linen Mesh Underwear l Agents Jaeger. Sanitary Wool Underwear . - The Kind Ton Have lwoy Botigbt and which haa bvaa. In use for oyer 30 years, has borne tho fgrnatirre f and has been anade under nl . sonal BapervLslon alnco Its inliui All Cotuaterfelts, Imitations and Jnst-aa-ood m at Cxpeiimentx that trifle with and endanger toe alalia of Infanta and Children Experience against IxperlmenV What is A.V I-- '" ' Caatorla Is a harmless substltn'e for Castor Oil Pare- ; : ' g-oric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. - lb , contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti aabstance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms ' and allays Foverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind r Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation :i and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, cjiving healthy and natural sleep The Children-3 Panacea The Mother's Friend. . " fQBNUINBvQA Bears tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always In Use For Over 30 Years. Bom - 'T it ' ONE CAN GET A GOOD ' CONCEPTION OF OUR SHOES From th. accompanying Illustration. They are of selected leather, carefully ' made to onr order extremely atyflsh snd first claas In vry detail. Becauae these are our own brand, com direct ! to us from the factory and hv no middlemen' profit cnaraed to them, w. - sell thl footwear at 13.69 the pair, al though Of equsi quamr "J snu-. on the market. We dal In men' ho otily and most men- would rsthar pay ta SO th pair for two pair of shoes than 17 for on pair, because then they alway have a new pair for drees occa- w -also sell the NETTLETQN very well 95 and S6 shoe, and a superb selection of men' An hosiery, . Wx'nrow otrs ooodi abi rrasr Oiass, A am abb cobtzdbbtt ': WB'SATB atOBTBT rOB OUB ' '. YANDUYN 0 WALTON : rui. aioonT,' 'sto wAsmbraTO trr, t. Tsctbd abs rotrnTX. s : - ' ' (jiarx at to., aruggisis. it.