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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
. "II.. , ,. PERSONAL. WANTOD To oeofer with Umm enatemplas- 17" Bwaaosee i your personal m iina.aciai ntaran w ursauaaia. i ' 4a. eift JoaraaL MOOBBFIKLD Turkish sad eteam bath, aalt flow, mineral be I tie ; rbeuinetlanj glrea apectnl . - aiieniion; tree trial treatment. W) -Sixth. B.MK.' M ATI v BAM E a, hair apMtaltat. Sue I . suia at., pnone Main dzzn; arjr, but air or I attain aad ub baths, resomsieBded by all LADIES Ton appear SO years younger. ; i lU wrinkles, bar- akin Ilka vslvet ' aat2o-T "" QnV ' rood, Phoae MKNI WOMEN! Baymend-s tymead'i allla ej care Berroaasaaa and lack at Tltali awaaa aa- riamai rummer brae EaO Third. VITB praaart wblkt jroa Valt. (0a. Ladlaa aairia preaaaa aup. l Inert. lmiVi Matt at., mwm w it. ywui, - rDOBt VMy BUD. . PERSONAL Inatrartloa In aborthand. hookkean. Inc. etc.; poaltioa when eompttant; laexpea- ' oauiaaa m oe, rare oaraat. ; LILLIAN R. CBAM Chlropodlat. maalearlai and abampoouic. Par 'or 4M Abmftea kldd. ai i lorraanona wita meal ladlea: aome wealthy ; addreaaea frae. Star Box 288, Baa ranrMGd, vailiornia. . . WANTED Bma II aama to pat aat ea abort time: v paymaat aacarod and svaraataad. SU The aiargoam. . . : MI8B BERTHA MARTIN Boo Sit, Allaky hiUr. sumplnf and fine aaedlawarki laaaoaa . airaa. : , . rHEH Aa X-ray card for the aaklar. at S. i-ea-n. me jrwiar, loo virtn, cor. Aider. PRIVATB home for the mantally tnTIrm aaar lee en. . aggraaa r aa. aare ot Joornai. Tl'RKISH BATHS, BOO OragonlaB bldc.t gaat an nij-ni, laqiaa au aay. Mala lass. FBEB aaaiple aora, vantoa aad wart care. wlarU Oaaat dept. B. Taaataa, htaaa. BXPERIENCED draaamakar will auka eaae- bbsbis in saauuaa.. tuoa aaa. XD EILKB, . blacksmith, write N. Second! at. as Haasaa, Sdl ARCHITECTS. CHieAOO drafUmaa arin draft building plane I - bbu svore rtxinree oa raaeonsoie termsv- una- I sen tariier, 800 Fifth. Mala B22S. , CLARK ENNIS. archltecta and, builders; ee-1 tlmates glrea ea all klnda sf work. sea I atara at. rnoaa cast azHa. f M - . ASSAYERS. MONTANA Assay afOea and tsstlng works. 18 .Morriaoa st. ART GLASS. PORTLAND 'Art fllaes Worts Plata and oma- ' mental glaaa. - 1M4 Taylor. Phone Red toot. v,;C ; AUTOMOBILES. " WE repair and rebuild, aatomobtlee. gaa englnea, arlntlna areseea. time weke. safes. odb lock. ' outs, do all klnda of machine work. Columbia . naa cnrino naia worka, sax at road at. Pbona Pacific 76. Ftaak J. auper, aupt. HOWARD COVEY, Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadillac and Pierce automobiles; machines rented, repaired and atored. ATTORNEYS. A. R. TANNER, attorney, en Commercial blk.. Second and Waahlngtoa ate. Phone Mala est. B. T. TAOOART. attorney and rovnsslloT at law. 4ia Chamner ot uommerea Baog. H. P. BURLBIOH. East Portland. lawyer, 121 Oread are., ART EMPORIUM. THB LATEST FAD" 0t bays a pea aad mk aketca- or yoaraeir rrom pnoto or lira, ray King. S38 Raleigh St.. aaar SMB. M. asl PROrESKOR R. MAX METER. S4S Alder. Portrait aad landscape artlat and teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. BIRKENWALD CO., S04-S0 Erarett at. Largest butchers' supply hones oa the eosst. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. ' BOWE, DA Via KILHAM. 10B-111 Second at, , Blank book manafacturerat agents for Joaea ' Improved Looss-Lesf aao a era; see raa Eureka leaf, the beat ea the market. BLACKING. WEB FOOT Blacking, absolutely waterproof, are ' serres the leather, makes eboea wear SO per cent longer. For sale everywhere, as cents. BATHS MASSAGE. TOl'NO sclent I Be maaseuae glee electrical, thermal, alcoholic and medicated treatment; chiropodist, pedicuring and manicuring. Re ef nt Ion room in, lVnsoa hldg., cor. Fifth ' and Morrlsoa its. Phone Pacific EM. . XOI7NO arlentlflc masaenee glrea magnetic, al- coholie and electric treaimenis.. Tspor, nomaa . i and medicated hatha. 21 Taeom houae, Burk, net. 1 nira ana yourtn. - . . COLLECTION AGENCY. YiORB anvhnde owe von enr m on art Wa eol- I , lect bed debts of (11 kinds from II Bp. 12 I Grand aee eooayOa. Cat this eat. THE Blue Bonk Mercantile Agency, rnllectlons. law snd reports. 310 Oregonlsn hldg.-. CARPET-CLEANINQ. , VBTANDABD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largeet plant f en the coset, Iorlng sod Harding sis., pnma siasx snv arpewe eieaeeu., :. sewed and laid; both steam and latest eoaa- - preeeea air procem; reuova tiog msitreeeea i - tea there a specialty. aaniiAHX carpet cieanmg. eociioa enu ew . pressed air combined; carpets cleaned oa floor I witnont removal. Main host. Kaac aova. 1 .. vanraig civaaea on the tioori are raiev aw dust. Phono Clay Ml. free ee monatratloa. . HCNTER Bream rarnet and aiattri cleaner. RSO Jefferaou. Phone Main 114. CAFES. THE OFFICE tM Wiahlagtoa at. T71. Rasiael Vla-neaax. Pbewt Mala COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS General enmmtaaloa Be chants; fruit and produce; consignments ee. ' i,""1"'! eroaipe returaa. 1BO rreet at. IF yna want to get good retaraa for year -preouce, enip to ns: say hlahesl prise lor 'eggs f. a., b.. P. Miller ft Co. . - .ENkC'll RROM:, com to iss ton merehanta, flour. , feed, bar end produce, atlg te Uoa Fraal at. Phone Mala 2W0. ' ! i .' , I, i . (VERD1NO ft FARim.L. nrodare and commie. ioa merchan'.. Id 1 u et., rurtlaed. , Or. 1 noes 1 a 1 . COAL AND VOCD. KINO COAL CO. Sol agents for tbe (won Diamond ruel; try It snd roa will alwaye bay It. Wyoming and WaeliWtoa house eoals. Virginia and Wsaulngtoa emliulng coals: (all weishi guaranteed. 11. Mala laZo. A. t. oiepueas. CHUBCHLKT BKOS. bar removed from f Derla at. to t Kearney at. Bear lltbi Bow tb largest wood yard ta the city, carry war ail ainas ex weoe aaa eosi. saaia vni. lOHIOOBT MOBKIS, aattaiaara ta Cala d) MeKuna. dealers ta wood and coal at loweat prices; aatlafartloa guaranteed. Cor. Tewie aaa Irving. Phono Mala earn. WESTEKN racd raal Co., aa Front between ones aad Hoyt, Sealers ta all kino of house coal aad klackemltt eoals, Phoae ftj.i. ,o,a ' ' ' I ALBINA FUEL CO IV aim la eocdwood. aaal I ana green and wry aiabwooa. H. it. aad au blna are., I blocks aaat of ferry. Beat 474. TCBL BBIDOB FUEL CO. Dealers la coal. eurdwood aad dry alabwood. rhoee Baal 4S4. BOXWOOD and d laser trlnunlnaa. Standard wooa tj. rnone aaat xaia. root eaat riae. i OREGON FUEL CO AM ktada of aoal aad vooa. sua aioer at. raoaa ataia aa. KIKK HOOVES. Ml Water et. wood aad eeat i-aoaa Mala aova. ' FOR tULB 1,000 eorda flr wood. Pbone Eaat ID75. CHIROPODISTS. IF year feat are eat of order, ro to Dr, Worley , Benjamin. Berentb aad 8tark. taa toot ape- I i. BereDtb aad 81 Pbone Black 918. eiaiiat. CLEANING AND DYEING. UP-TO-NOW CLEANING PBBS8INO COM. paoy Suite preeaed, BOe; pasta, Ida. Fboaa faeina tad. S4a Aakaay at. Portland Steam Cleaning Dyetac Worka; prae- ncai Batter in connection, zii atn- cuy to. CLOTHES cleaned aad preeaed fl per mouth. unKjae Tanoriuat u., HI rvaanintrtoa at. B. W. TTTRNEB, profeaaloaal drar and elaaaat. Qua jerreraoa at. rnone Main xnia. : CHIROPRACTIC. ' POKITI VRI.T Ineatlna and ramorbir the ca aaa or dlaeaae. Ir.. Era HOfaa, SWd Hall -at. rnone Main . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. KBBEHO-Ol'NST CO. - uuuioatora oa . riB CIOAKfl. V Portia nd. Orafoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. PALMER, elalrroyaat hnd trancemednm. wiu reaa year aaat, present end Tut are ure wlthoat a mistake; ahe cornea hlfbly recom mended by vice-president of the Psychical ateaeerca . aoeiety . of reaa., lecturer aad writer! prices wilbla tbe reach of alL Hours, a. as. w p. m. lap Morriaoa at. MADAM! JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, armlet. card reader! I glee facta reliable and Impor. I tant oa an artaira oi real ilia, jteaaiaga awe. d he Tenth at.. Bear Oak. CROCKERY - AND GLASSWARE. i i -.---,.- i -,.1 -. ,-, .-i..ri n-u- .- i WHOLESALE crockery and glassware. Prael, uegew at co., iuu to too ruth. cor. atari at. DANCING. WOOO WARD'S dancing school af the Westera AeaJemr of Music Mondsr and Thnrsdsy. novrisioTs uniea. Mssnns ovr. . aMBClBg e to 11. Onr. Seeoed and Morrison. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS a) WOOD, aarpeatera, buUdere; ra pairing aad Jobbing t store and office fix tor as ouiit. anop sua txiamma. main dwi. WiaHRlllNl A rilTD. waama halldera and general Job work', aa 5th at. Phone Mood hu f. E. TANDERHOOF. carpenter and Jobber, ax 7 Btsrk st. rbene msib 14T. DETECTIVES. DKTECTlVKaar secret Berries work; strictly confidential; difficult esses aouettad. .Room 14. washlngtna Bldg. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.B.BROWN.D.V.S..D.O.M. Dear. Horse has. pnal. 7 Burnside. llhonee: Msin4ei ; aaaraa-io i - DRESSMAKING. J LADIES Hare roar aklrta made ta order: saving or to per cent : a Better eiirt, artier made and atltrhed with allk. Mrs. Lkuie Kerley. 230 Twelfth at., cor. Mala. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, made for si at); shirtwsist suim. aaa aaat siar- ket. Phoae East aeoL DRESSMAKER will make a few gageawata la families, Phoae Intoa 044. DRESSMAEINO Strictly ap ta data; Is test da slgns. aao Clay ex. DENTISTS. KEY CHURCHMAN, deatlat, SS4 Manna bldg.. Sixth and Morrlsoa Pbona Mala 1700. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Uompany, MS Btsrk at., portlaad. U. a., tuc rieri thing la the electrical Una. Phoae Main 1888. - PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO Enrloeera, eoatrae. tnra, repairers, electric wiring, eappuea. V4 1 First, cor. Stark. Mala BSB, B. H. Tate, m I THE Electrical Appliance Or-, 480 Wssblngtoa st. Phono Msin 4W4. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manaractarera at iHraitara nt nt traoa. Portland. Ot. . 1 . ,- I rtJRNlTTJRB mseiufacrurlng and special erdera. L. Baesnsky'a furniture fsctory. aTO Front at. FRENCH BAKERIES.' TH B only place, la Portland to gat French bread. oerrere m Mayiie. strr aula at. vaiiy osur- ery. rnone ureen bub. . i FOR pot pleats aad nit flowers, Joha B. Boldea, ana lent a st. - msib bsiv. FURNACES. BOTNTON wara-atr fnmaeea save fneL I. C Bayer Furnace Co.. tno Seeoed. Mala 481; GROCERS. WADHAMS ft CO., wholesaw gioceia. facturera snd eemmlesloa snd Oak ata. , mercbaatB, Foartb ALLEN ft LEWIS, eomtaleatoa and produce ebsnta. Front aad Davie era.. Portland. Or. I , i , . HAY AND GRAIN. B. a, COOPER ft CO. Potatoes, feed and flour. 1M I'nlon eve. Phone' Baat IS17. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Ca, aulldte opportunity ta quote prlcce. 1R8 let at., eor. Alder. Mala 1M4., HOTELS. 1 V 1 IIOTEt Peadletoa, Pendleton. W.A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portlaad. Amertraa plaai 13, SB per day. HOTEL St. George. Pendletoai leading hotel. BELVEDERE; Eampeaa plan: 4th and Alder are. ; LOCKSMITH. .... J. H. RlCIIARIio.N, oxperl lock aad keyemlth) general repairing; caeilma hraalng; all work gaaraniee.1. toil Fourth at. Phone tloud 17 U. BROWNE1B IN TOWN Ein-rt lock smith end rwTCr , repairing, awn Ftark. Day TIIS OREGON DAILY JCUniTATJ, PORTLAND. TUH2DAY IKSUSANCa LAMBEBT. WHITV! CO. Flra toaaraaea ana real aetata; ea HU-1 1 aaarioea Old I. Mala lOOSi dept. aud East Aider.. Baat aL JAB. Mcl. WOOD, an-rtorrra Bablttty aad la ainauai arrMont auraty boaoa ox au aiaaa. raoaa 7. wu McKay ald. H. F. BAHTBI.B COMPANT rtra raaaraaaa. m amrtort bld. Oreaoa Fbea Clay saw. JEWELRY. JEWELKY and watchaa af all klnda I en eaay payawata. I. OerarU Bona, taa nomorurniahere. - - ' - . . . LADDERS. LADDERS Palntara axtanalon-Uddata, vaaar. oanarra- treatiaa) are aaa root laaacra) plaatarara and farm laddera aaa cataloaaa. I'boa Eaat 70. Portland Ladder Ca., a4T Bhlna at., aaat aide. B. W. Hayward. prop. MONEY TO LOAN. " MONET TO LOAN Oa lmproTad city property or Cat aafldlaa purpoaae. Any amount ea from t to 10 yaara time, with prtTllefe ta repay all at part ec loaa aner aae year. Loaaa ap prorad tram plana .rod BMaey adraaoad aa enlldlnc nruarraaaaa; aort(asaa takea ap aad repiarea. . FBED H. BTBOWO, Ftnanclal Afaat. ' M Btark Btraet. THE IT1K LAAM CO. . Any aalarted employe, waae earaer. caa fat ea hla aota, without morta(e Moptn. H BtoaiB. weea. flO.OO Renar ha aa alfxa ar Mai aw M.IB 2fl 00 Repay to u I d.S or ii.K or 11 08 I1S.0O atapay to aa i 4.00 or 4X00 or $1.00 sio McKay oiaf. uwwv . . . . . A . . "vn e b aipaa. aaianaa people. veeniataBB, wituout aacurityi eaay pay mania i largeet bualneea' In 48 principal eltlee. Tolmaa, XU ABinctoa hide. . Pheaa Mala daoT. . MONET ta lean oa real, personal aad collateral aecunty; epeciai attenuoa to cnartei morf aayee; uotee Donrht. c W. railtt, bum rentoa olda.. B4 8Uth at. HIOHLT raapeetabla placa where ladlaa .. aad enta caa Borrow money oa diamond Bad lewelry. Collateral Loaa Bank. t Wash' Inctoa at. Phone Black Tl. I CHATTEL loaaa la amoaata ranting from 93 to ao.uuo; roominc-bouses a specialty, new era lau Trust uo., aoa aningtoa Diag. WE mak all kinds af loana ea rood security at loweat rates: acerlal attention aires ta ensile j aoana. lua jaorriaoa at. . -' I MONET to loaa la anme af from W.000 ao.uuu; terms to salt the Borrower. tuO-10. Commercial blk. MONET to loaa la large or small (monnta oa good security; loweat raise. William W. Back, COT FalUng bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loana from three ta six months; eoBfldaauai. tlT Oregoaiaa. MONET to loaa on Claehamaa county lands. E. F. aad F. B. all ley, sua Chamber ec Com. " merce. I LOWEST rata aa furniture and pianos. Eaat- era uoaa co.. aaa Bnarioca tuf. wiay TO LOAN u me ta suit oa chattel sseurtty. sw si. rrama. aia 'aaa martiaam. MONET ta loan on all klnda of eecarlty. noil, room-a, .wasningtoa Biag. - I I ii III I .,1 IBIS STREET-PAYING. WABBEN CoastraettoB 0a.. street paring, eld. waiaa asa crosswalks, tio uregonua aids. I THE Trinidad Asphalt Paring Co. ot Portland. vines ooo Worcester Dik. musical: VIOLIN, guitar and maadoHa, all and water color leaaoas. Studio, aSIl Hlbbard street. MoaUTlUa. Phoae Union tdST. SAM SYLVESTER, teacher of rtnlln: annate turaished for social gather toga, ana Belmont. rnoaa least 4HB2. PIANO, Ttolln. atrlng and wind rnerrumeuta Pmf Kdwla A. Smith, SD4 Twelfth. Mala ' 470, LE880NS 00c; plana, gull I tar, banjo, mandolin, noun. Mrs. Martin. 341 H mi, cor. msib. PIANO toning. $3; perfect work guaranteed. v. w. jotiusea. rnone msio mil. MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. L. H. HART treats all diseases, stomach trouble, nerwjueneae end functional weakness. Conaultatlon free. 280 H Park. ear. Jeffersoa. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS aad 1 cbanlce' clothing; anion made. Heaatadtar Broa., BMnufseturers, Portland, Or. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX NORTH RUP. 41S-1S-1T Dekam bldg.. Third and Waahlngtoa eta. . Paoaa msib aaa. . axaxnl nations ires. DRS. 0TTS MABEL AKIN, 40S Maeleay bldg. tiay tin. nee. at. sua. umanitauoa use. THE rerr beet ledy osteonath t Dr. l. u. jotmaoa, Balmon, near Birth. PLUMBERS. DONNRRBERO RADEMACHER. aaoltary piamoera. as roarta at. hou phoaea. FOX a CO.. sanitary plnmhera, 131 Seeoad, bet. wain ana Beimoa. uregoa rnoae Mala tool. PLANING MILLS. ENTERPRISE Planing Mill Co. Saao. doors and woodturnlng. aud Ksst Yamhill at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH CO. The Pkmaar Palat Co.l winnow-giaaa aaa giasiBg. loo gvst at. raena lnoa. , ERNEST MILLER ft CO., Second and Taylor- wan paper, palat. all at market prices; tree aeurery. BASMUSSEN CO Job here, paints, ell, glaaa. aaan ana aoors. second ana laymr. PRINTINO. WELCH ft DAVIE. - Printers Doeri of clever things with Ink aud type ea paper. Sti bldg.. Sixth end Morriaoa. Mala 414T., f ANDFBSON ft DUNI WAT COMPANT. pr1atlB. lithographing, blanjt hooka, raoaa Mala IT. tna Alder at. ' j ROPE. POBTLAND CORDAOB CO - aad Northrap sts.. Pert Is sd. Or, RUBBER STAMPS. fl . STAMP WORKS, S4S Alder, pbone Mala no: runner stamps, seals, stencils, neggage, trade eheeka; eend for catalogue No. So. ROOFINb. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general joootng. t. lost ll, zii jeirereoa at. SPIRITUALISTS. r MIXPAH. medtllm. glrea advice la tronhla and meet tens snout mines, nnltee the separated; telle about loved ones who have paaaed beyond and brings Jny to those- who grieve. 224 St nrst st., room is, ; SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated: ahampno. ing, .manicuring, rntrupody. lacs work. Mrs. n. r. ryne. ln&w yourtn. cor. Morrlsoa. Room 82. Phone Pacific 20.1. TALKING MACHINES,. GIBSON CO., MS Waahlngtoa at. Complete afm k of Cnmnibla grsphonboare sad reeotds. WIRE GOODS EAT POHTLAND IK NCR ft WIRE WORKS second-hand goods., I AM the msa who paya the highest cash price fur- second hand furniture end household Address P. O. Bus 111. Xilwsrd B. MlelB. .., e OOODrt Furniture Koeae Hlgbeet pel res paid aeennd-hand furniture. Sift Beooed ab Fhoaa Paetde dK . . . TO bay or aril second hand furniture. Call at Hard caah Furniture Store, tOV First et. 8HOWCASE3 AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very desert pttoa; bank, bar end store ditarea made to order. The Lathe stannracturing Co.. Portland. SIGN-PAINTERS. an aajaaWjassajaam SOLD BION8, window aettartag, cloth bannara, aooaomical electrle tana aad eigne af eU klnda made quickly. Footer aV Klelaar, Fifth ' aaa STerett. rhooe Bxchangs aa. SAFES. DIE BOLD Maaasaaas as feel rlra aad bars Is r- arscr wort; tsu aad prleoo work; loekeata renatre. J. B. Dsela, A Third at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap, 1-per amnta. Lawrence Broa.' Towel Supply ewvua ana uobcb. raoaa aav. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, planoa and furniture moral. Backed ready tor rblpplag and ehlpned: all work guaranteed; large, t-eturjr, brick, are-proof .eram sue etorege. oince lXB Slrst st. C. M. Olses. PhoBS Mala 64T. C. O. PICK, efnee ea rira a . mtmm Btaek and Oak ate., phone MM; planoa aad furniture eo aaa paeaea lor ablpplug; eommodloaa brick warehouse. Front and Clay sua. OBEOON TRANSFER CO.. 1M North Sixth. PbeaeMato aw. Heary banting aad storage. IEB Baes M. Plnmmer about atoraga; Are proof; cat -rates, tat Third at. Pbone Mala tM. AST SIDE Tranafer Co.. A. EV Holcomb, rop. taa nasi nates at. Phone Esst Aaa. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No, BOOM Wash. , lnrtoa et Phone Mela BSX VIOLINS. A. WESOO. vlnlln-anasee a ni. mmIhm Ma Brst class, ta Bussel bldg.. 4th aad Morriaoa. WALLPAPER. at., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland n.uurnraa vJ.. lBting ,ncu FINANCIAL. DOITLABD TRUST COMPAXT OF OBEOOaT. I The Oldeat Trust- Com Dane la Oreaoa. : . KESO LUCES OVER 1,250,000. , General hank ln hualneaa enndnetsd Maetnes dapoelU recelred. Time certllcatea leaned. to 4 par cent; epeciai certificates (sot under 600) Its to 4 per cent on short call. Chi! ror nook of "ILLrSTRATIONB." - Phone Malm SKB UA a. BENJ. I. COHEN r...f. President H. L. PITTOCK ..Vlce-Prealdeat B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. 0. OOLTRA Aalataat Secretary UMITXD STATES ATI0MAL BANK OF PORTLAND. 0REOON. XOXTKWZST OOJl. THUD AMD OAK ITS. Ira aaa Ota a osnerai Bsnaing Jnalaaaa, DRAFTS IHHI'P.n Arallable In All Cltlea of the.Tnlted BUtse . and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE 0 TAV0XABLE TERMS President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AVER Vice-President R. LEA BABNF.S Cashier B. W. SCHMKFK Asalsrant Csshter A. M. WBIOI1T AesiaUnt Ceshlsr. HOLT riXSZ VATIONAL BANK I OF POKTLAKD. OKEOOV. Designated Denoaltory and Flnaaclal Agent at ma united Btatea. Presldsat A. L. MHIB Caehler .J. W. HEWKIRK Aealatant Caehler W. C. ALTO HO Second Aastatant Caehler. ..... B. F. STEVENS Letters ot Credit Issued Available ta Europe and the Eaateva Statea. i Sight Exehanga and Tclegraphle Tranaferg old oa New York. Boa ton. Chicago, St. Louie St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points In the Northwest. i Slxht and time hllla drawn In anms to salt on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfnrt-!n-tbe Main, e Hoorkniu. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrlatlaala. Stockholm. St, Peterehorg, Mas. cow, Clinch. Honolulu. Collections Made oa Favorable Terms. LADD -TIIjrO, BANXX1S. T , (Established la 15.) ' Transacts a Osasral Banking Bualneea. Collections made et ell polnta on fa von Me terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In ths United State. Slxht Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafer Bold oa New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Loula. Denver. Omaha, Baa Fraaclaeo aad Montana and Brltlah Columbia. Exchange Bold on London. - Pane. Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and nonoiuia. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OKXOOaT. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L, Dt'RHAM, Vice-President R. W. HOYT...... Caah lee OEOROB WUIOTT Aaslatant -Caehler Trsnaaexg a oeaerai Banking Bualneea. Drafts and Letters et Credit leeued Arallable te All Parts af ths World. Collections a Specialty. . SK0TRITT SAVlsTOS ft TRUST COKVAsTT. M Morrises St., Portland, Or. , Tineas lite a General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed en Time and Savings Deposits. i Acts as Treat ee for Eatstes. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available la An Parts of the World. C.' r. ADAMS ...President L. A. LEWIS ..First Vice-President A. L. MILLS ...'....Second Vlcs-Presldsnt K. o. Jl'BITZ Sen tarv GEO. P. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary MOBKIl BKOS. II First It., Portland. Or. Offer Gilt-Edge Investments la Municipal sad Ballroaa uonds. write or call. HE COKTIKErtAX COMPANT. " rinanctal Agents. , 148 Stark at Pbone Mala IwTa. MORTQAQB LOANS Oa Portlaad Baal Estate at Loweat Katea. Titles Insured. Ahatraots runilahed. TITLE OOABANTFE ft TRUST CO. 44 Washington,. St. Oar. Seeend. ' Scott's Santal-Pepsln Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Catarrh of the Bladder and Dlaeaaed Kid sera. BO 00k! B0 PAV. Cures ouickly aad aermanentiy the worat caaea of alaaaiihaae and eillevs, bo matter of bow long standing. A haolntely harm less, gold by drngglsta. Price tree, or by mall, post paid. fl.OS, t boxes, tS.7. HIE SAMTAL-PEPSDI CO. Betletowtelaa, OhK j Weedsrd. Clarke Oa, Evory Woman wiiHsiewaU am enonia inow anop, uie wonaarrui I The new Taseaai arHaga. J ft. iwu anM Mwrtnui, Het Par. ttfi fM Wi,alt aW at. MARVKLa aVOOt tMt OCtVr, lU Wtitl miAVUtp fee llln.trmiMl brtok mt4. Tl fall pcrtleoltarf aVrxt .1 trwv' ir. MuAbto to lft1f-. M U r l, 4 4 em wl. mmm mmvm tiiBk. P0B SALB BT W0ODAKS, CLAKXI ft CO. RELIEF for LADIES , FRENCH - Tanay Wafra OrlgW nal and only genuine Put tip In yellow ' wrapper and "Crown" trademark. For hale by the ,t LEADING DRUOOIST8, VV jrV n OL N T eea sioaa i onvenienl; 'ai aaV'ir!) laalaatly, nVZIUNO, OCTC7 T 24, lose asm poiiici;,;:s Over Half a Million in Notes Held by Defutict Allegheny Bank . Are Mitcfng.- CASHIER TOOK HIS LIFE , TO SHIELD HIS FRIENDS Notes Believed to.Havt) Been D- - ttrored at Time of Suicide Senator - Penrose Said, to Have Borrowed Money Shortage Over a Million. .' (Journal Snaelal Serrlca l T Plttaburs, Pa., Oct 24. John B. Curt- nlnghanu facelver of tha Enterprlaa Na tion bank of Alleghany. Pennsylvania, has discovered that notes for f 600,000 hold by tha bank for money lent. by T. Lea Clark, the cashier, who commit ted ulclda, are misalnc. .Whether Xtheaa1 notes were destroyed or whether no notes were taken, for loana, Cunning ham does not know, tmt la of he ODln- lon that the notes were destroyed. The notes, the directors of tha bank suspect. contain tne names or politicians. i From what Is learned of Clark's past, it appears that he 1iad no arstem of recording; loana, much leas Informing directors about them and setting- their approval of the securities. 1 William A. . fiddling, a director, said thathe directors learned several weeks ag-o that tha bank had notes aigned by state politicians, among them, it was said, one signed by United States Sena tor Penroae. Clark, liowever, denied that he had any obligations containing, Penrose's signature. Borne of the directors believe that they will find that these notes were de stroyed by Clark when he decided to take his life to shield bis nam snd his friends. " . Fred Owlnner. president of the de funct Enterprise National bank, when asked today what the shortage of the Enterprise amounted to", said: "It . will be very large; much ' larger than Alt first supposed. - From what I know now H will reach $1,600,000. None of the directors or offlcera had any idea It would reach such an enormous sum." HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF CrjURCH CONSECRATION (Journal Special Serrlce.) New Tork, Oct. 24. Today Is ths one hundredth anniversary bf. the conse cration of BL Paul's Episcopal church at Eaat Chester, near Mount Vernon. The event will be celebrated In an ap propriate manner . and many distin guished clergymen ' of the Episcopal church from all parta of the state and even from some other states are here to tak-part in the special services this evening. .The Rev. Dr. William F. Cof fey, for over is years rector of BL Paul's church, will conduct the aervioea. 4 It waa In 1700 that the first church of East Cheater was erected, and In 174 a new church was built In 177t the old church ' was torn down and the wood raed as fuel in the new church, which waa then uaed aa a British hospital. The church first took its name as St. Paul's in 1784, when It waa reincorporated under the Episcopal church act. ' Among nne bodies resting ' In the churchyard are those of Comfort Sands, S member of the provincial congress In 1775, and for five yeara auditor-general In tbe American army; Captain Jona than Fowler of the French war: Major George W. Provost of the British army; Philip PelV Judge advocate of the Amer ican .army, and Major Samuel Pell. WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS VISIT MISS ANTHONY (louraai Special Service. I ' ' Rochester, N. Y., Oct. J4. Woman sufraglats from all parta of the state are assembled here to attend the five days' convention of the New Tork State Suffrage aasoclatlon, which will open at the Universalis! church this afternoon. Mayor Cutler will welcome the delegates and after the meeting they will attend a reception at the houae of Susan B. Anthony, Among the speakers who will address tbe convention - will ' be Mlaa Susan B. Anthony, the Rev.' Anna" H. Shaw, president -of the National Woman Suffrage association) Mis Florence Kel ley, vice-president of the National as sociation; Mrs. Ella H. Crossett, presi dent of the State Suffrage association, and Miss Harriet May Mills, vice-president of the State association. It la ex pected that about 200 delegates from all parta of the state will attend tha con vention. The local members and the cltlsens in general ' have arranged an elaborate program for the entertainment of the visiting delegates. . . Blew. Charges la aVmndiL 1 ' . f (Journal Special Service. I J Chicago, Oct. J4. The policy-holders In the Western XJfe Indemnity company have filed new charges against the of ficers of that institution, In which it Is charged that the funds were squan dered .and that a conspiracy existed be tween W. It Gray, General Manager Rosenfeld and Prealdent . Moulton to wreck the Institution. ' j We treat successfully all private nor. j vous and chronlo dlseaaea .of men: alas Diooo, stomarn, nenrx, liver, kidney ana throat troubles. We euro 8TPHILIS t without mercury) to ntav cured for ever. We remove BTR1CTURE. 'with out operation or pain, in 1( daya We' stop drains, night losses and spermatorrhea by a new method in - week. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under 60 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. .j Cure Gonorrhoea ' ' lll!l. i .... H. in a vvecK - The dfetora of this Institute era all regular graduates, , have - had- many1 yearn experience, nave oeen anown Portland far It years, have a reputatlos !n( to maintain, and will undertake no case unices eertala cure can be effected. Wei oiyarantve a cure In every ease wa rindei'take or rharge no fee. Consult. tlon free. Lettira oifldentlaL Inatrue- ii.. Ttrrzr vrm urM k.i i., . , plain wrapper. We euro the worst cases of piles la tlon. Cure guaranteed, , eessfur"' emnrot emJI "c' wrtw Office hours, to nd T to t. I1N A DR. w. Nor Offleea la Van Nay He, 1SC5. TRAf!" "CITATION. tne qomrcxtAXiz way. City Tiakat Ofles, 1M Third nWPheae tea, 2 OVERLAND T2AT.S DAILY 7 Taa FOyer a4 taa Faart JKall. BTUBTDIS MBTZOm- VP-TO-BATBl wQTrTjrBrsrsTT. COUatTBOTB LEAVE :10 a. m. 11:41p.m. Fls p. ta." ARRIVE 7:00 a. m. 4:60 a. ta. ortlaad ' Tta Seattle Tie. Spokane tO. B. k BT. Oo. :60 a. m. OBVBAT BrOBTBTMamBT BTKSmdaTTl OO. ITXAlas ' Sailing From Seattle . ft. . atXhTirXBOTA, BfOV. .' B. S. DAKOTA, Dae. IS. ' For Japan and China Ports and Manila. XTPPOBT TTSBaT BTATBBA y (Japan MaU Steamship Company) . S. S. KAIAUlTi HABV Sails from Seattle for Japan, China and all Asiatic Porta About Oct. IK. For tickets, rates, berth reservations, etc., call on or address '. v ,.i - ... X. DIOUOX, C P. eV T. A. Portland. Or. Jt - ' ... .1 for ' modern dental work. " World -rw- nowned apoclallata. Lowest prices eonaistent with firit-olaag work. : i- !-..- ' r-H V . riM tm ttkm J' NEW YORK DENTISTS . roumx AMD XOBBZSOS? Ti'l Open ay and night, from ; anv ,. BBtU ) B. SB, I i NEW BOOKS FOR THE , LIBRARY RELIGION. .!'..-";; : Clement. W. Christianity in Modern Japan.- . r. - - ' SCIENCE. .. ' ? Comatock, O. C Textbook "of Field Astronomy for Engineers. 10J. . Oelkle. , Blr Archibald Scenery of Scotland in Connection With Ita Physi cal Geology. 101.. -. ..... .. ... - .. USEFUL ARTS. Campbell, Mrs. H. 8. Easiest Way la Bouaekeeplng and Cooking. Godfrey. C How to Mix Palnta. 105. Ktnealy, J. H. Centrifugal Fans: 10S. .. . ' f FINE ARTS. . ; (Including Amusements.) Blashfleld. E. H and Mrs. E. W.-r Italian Cities. , . Davis, R. H. Mlaa CWnisatlon. Oeffroy, Oustaye National Gallery. Gibson. L. H. Beautiful Houses. Longfellow, W, p. P., ed. Cyclopedia of. Worka of Architecture in Italy, Greece and tha Levant. Lynch, R. I. Book of tha Iris. Newman, Ernest Musical Btudlea. ' Romney, George Romney; by T. H. Ward and .William Roberta. " TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Brown,- Alice By Oak and Thorn. : McGarVi B V. American ,- Girl - In Mexico. , ., . , .,,.., ...','... McLaln, J. 8. Alaska and . the Klon dike. - .. .. .. ' HISTORY. v Bain. R. N. Scandinavia; a Political History, COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHT AND GE- NEALOGT. ' Allaben, Frank Concerning Genealo- glee. McCarthy. Justin British Political portraits. . INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHT. Balxac, Honor de Honore de BaJsac. oy at. r. sandara. Erasmus, Dsslderlus Erasmus, by E. F. H. capey. . Gladstone. W. E Life . of William Ewart Gladstone., by H. W. Paul. . Jackson. Andrew, seventh president of tne united Btatea General Jackson, by James Parton. Thomas. G. H. General Thomas, bv Henry Coppee. - , -e. , . j . FICTION. . At the Sign of the Fox. by Barbara. Boyeaen, H. H. Falconberg. . Cholmondeley, Mary Danvera' Jewels. Fraaer, Mrs. M. (C.) Maid of Japan. Mason, A. E. . W. Courtahlo of Mor- rice Buckler. . Sedgwick Paths of Judanent. BOOK8 FOR CHILDREN. Abbot. aV.-J. Battlefields of '11. Goose, Mother Mother Goose; or Na tional Nuraery Rhymes, set to music by J. W. Elliott , Grant, u. 8. Reminiscences br Per sonal Friends of General U. 8. Grant Compiled by J. L. Poet Huntington. Faye, pseudonym 8tories Of Great Men. Shakespeare. WilliamStory of ths Tempest retold by A. 8. Hoffman. May Beplaes AUaska Cable. (Journal Special Servloe.i Seattle. Oct 14. The entire cable line from Seattle to Sitka may have to be replaced with a new cable at a coat of $500,000. . The line Is now out of order and It will take about a week for the Burnside to go north and repair it before, Seattle can communicate with Alaska.' : i. Preferred Stock Canned ' Qooda. ' Allen at Lewis' Beat Brand. I TtV.u' V-L - -. . - a T j Va- " tM uveas, .ln,. ltk., " "r trwatmenta, wlthwat w-rttoe. wtotnh. Roaow ti-amtsseat r u Jana BBaeeaaj' BBBaBBSBg' eaa jstas ''.'?- : I -.'- I ;r. . - ,w..- . . , am TP .S::oiiTlJLL-z: uruorfE'.cins 3 Trains to the East DaiIy-73 Throagh Pnllmas etsadarn aadnaaw sloaee fagare dally e Omaha.- Chicago, Bvokax! hparwa sleeplngere 4 ally te, Kanaaa Curl tareugh Pallmsa tosrlet sleeplnssre (peeeeee ally eoadeetrdl weekly to Chhragw. Keellmag ehalresre eeaM free) to the Ksst dally. UNION DEPOT. Lea Tea. Arrives,' CrUCAOO-POBTLANV J" - SPBCIAU For the East via Beat lag toe. . Sim a. a. Dally. I Wa. at, Dally. , SPOKANB FLTCR. For Kaatern Washing ten. Walla Walla. I li a, at. Dally. Srosa. av, Dally. . oa. Ceear dAlene tsreet Mortasre holnta. ATLANTIC nrirM l5p.m. Dally. , T:lSa. av Dally. teg the Beat Ha Uaat- . ingtoa. Colombia Blver Dtvlaaea. Fob AerrnniA .a oep. di. Dnlly. Splata, eoaaectlng With Akowr 4 :00 p. BV ex. Soadaja, srmr, for Ilwaee sad ''"T "each, strar.aa-jfeturday ex. Sundsy. alo. Aeht. 10:00 p. m. Tamalll Blver Beuva."T" FOB DlfTON City aad Yamhill river aelnrs, stmre. Rnrh and T-ie p. av Dairy. Dally. aaonoe, ASB-St. deck. IWater permttttng. ) ex. Bai ss. SaadafV m Smaks Blver Beats. FOB LKWlSTOir. Ida., aad Way points freai Klparle, Waah., stmre. Spokane sad Lewietaw. 1:40 a. m.. 4:00 p. xa Monday Wednesday Saturday or upon ar rival Trala No. 4. Sua Tnee, Thor. TICKKT OFFICB. Third aad Weebtagtsav Tehs. , - . pww aaaia TIB. ' -e A, L. .CBAI0. Oeaerel Passeagee Ageat, r-sri-r " tAo I "A SOUTH a r... ' i' - VMIOM OVBRLAMD EXPUESS. Tralne. tor SsUml Uoaa- borg. AahUad, Seers- mente, Ogdea. Baa Frea- aa.av na.ah, cateo, Btocktoa, Lea Aa- Ieiee, ej raao, Mrvf lane aad the Baat. Morning train esa- aaete et Woodbure gaily except SaaOay with trala (or . alt. Angst, S 1 1 T e t en, Brownsville. Iirlll- 8d p. BV fleld. WeadUag aad Natron. Kugena pamangar e tilth B.BV : .0b. at, Becta at Woodborn wits hit. Anral land Silver, ton local. . Co rvalue paaawnaee. Sberldaa passenger. -Foreat Grove passeagee. T:0 a. aa. 4 BO o. aa 5:1(0 a. av : a. as. llo:4S p. Ill -.60 p. as. Dalle. llDally except Snadar. ' ? , ' Psrtlaad-Oevrage Suburhaa nWrlee and TamhU . Mvietoa. Depot tnot of Jefforeea street. Leave I'orlUnd dally for Oew4ge I:0 a. ea t 11:60, 1:05. 4:00. S:a0, S.BB; T 46: 10:10: 11:SS p. m. , Dally r except KarnUj), 8:30, :90, t:U, 10:211 a. m. Sunday e5nly, 0:00 a. m. Returning from Oewego. arrive lortlend datt S:SO a. m.1 tM. S:0B. 4:M. d:. T !U. S:BS. 11:10 p. m.. II IMS a. m. Dally (except Bandar), e:zn. 7:ao, a:u. ii:a a. m. Bsnaay eauy, 10:o a. m. Leaves from seme depot for Dallas and rater, medlsre notnta dally 4:00 p, av Arrive Per, land 1040 a. m. The Iitdemndenee-BtVmmnata at o tne Ltoe eperates dallv te Monmouth and Ah He. eoe nectlnar with Sonthem Padne eompaay'a tracks st Da Ilea and lnleoend-nee. B-lrst-elsaa fare rrom Portland te Ssevaiaoejte and San Franrlseo Ro, berths IV aieanil -close fare 1S. second -iriase heetks St.So. aricka a r.atero sot n la and Foroee! ekes la re a. China. Roololu and AiMtralla. City Ticket OfSeo ceenev Third aad aaaj lgrn et.eela. Phoae Malu Ttt. C W. BTIKOIB. A. Im caauw. City -rioavaT-WageBa, weau arsa-a. s TIME CARD OP TRAINS Portland: DAILX. CHIOS DEPOT. Depart. Arrtrs. V.Tlnwetone rar-Kaav eae Clty-St. Loala Spe-I Mai for toenails, v tralla. Olympla. Oraya Harbor. Hi nil xsenu. i : a. aa. 4:X0 p. as. one. Seattle. Sookane. LavrUtno. Botte. Bill-1 Ine. Denver. Omaha. Kanaaa city. bi. aaasaa snd aoo thee at. North Const Limited. electric lighted, for Ta-1 coma, Seattle. Sookene. :00a. tM a. I untie. Mlnnee nolle. SL Panl sad tbe Ksst. Paget Sewnd Limited. ror vneDBiiB, t. en tralla. 4:0 p. m. Taeoma Bed Meettle 10 d p. av. only. Twia City Brnrass. far Taesaai, Seattle Spe- aae, neiena, Butte. Tallowstone Thr. stls neaoolla. St. laal a 11 lag B. av 4ar- av' ths Beat. A; D. CHAKLTON. Aaatstant General' Psaeaager Ages. , KU Morrlsoa St., eer. Third. . ' '' Portland. Oraaoau 1 Astoria ti Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. S:OOs. I Daily. Far If a Teste Rainier. tt:Ms.Sv Daily. Cletahanle. West port. Clifton, .Aetorla. W ac re at oa. . rlavel. Ham mond. Fort Start av 6 earn art Park, Sesaide, aataria aaa aeeaaure. Bxprees dally. '" . Astoria Express. T-oo p. av llDally. t-nn a, av tuny. a MA TO. . P. sad P. A "trie. oe. C A. STKWABT. Comawrelal Agent, .. atreei. rnoae Mala AljASICA PAST AND POPCr.AR BTBAktSUIPB Lease Sea l tie t 4. sv yprrvskOB," oct"bb so, ss. ' "DOLPtUsl." OClO.vA U, Be. ... . :.. calling at Krrr't(, l''vT'l', T' VA , ' ""' P. a. r a I ' JrcM i-iV'': I Q loco (H AStu 1 OSrOT. Arrises. t . U; ulgbt phoae. MaU USB. .. JM Esst Morrlsoa at, . rboae Beat 2t.