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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
I V It .,v . -.,;vi THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 1. 1BC5. Onjjcn iLFim aJLJ Si WMk FOR SALE FARMS. ' V li.sfo t nays' scy : btvrf at tba mIoMm af Port la ad. Oreeea. J Viae Bia tteC. , Postage tor single copiea: For sa 8, to at It naae uuir. l Mill una nag a mmutmi aa Editorial Room... .Mil SM Mala SuO I Uflleo.... ....... ...... ...... ninsi ummnM araaggzirrATTTR. - Vrerland-ReBjaBalB Special Advertising Agency, . '.; 10 Nasssa street. Aiow lark; TtUmm Build, . " ' log. Chicago. . - 't .. " nnmnmi unL ' ' ' L " Term by Carrier, Vl. hall Vm .1 .tlk mmAmm 1 M T Hfl , too Daily J nor sal. 1 yesr w... a. , T1m Dallr Jooraal. with Sunday, RioothB. 2.T5 . The Dally JoornaL aMnlka.... 2.0 T rallr Journal, with Sander, S asonthe. vane journal, a moniD. . The Pall' Journal, with Seeder, 1 awntb.. Till nlt na iUHhh Manila la. eluded JIB . ' The Dally, par week, delivered. Buaday a. pted ...... ......rine... .10 Taraoa ay Kali. Th fwfty JoaraaL with Sunday, 1 yeer...4T ft The Pally Journal. I year . 6.00 ..;.' The "" Joernal with Sunday. month. i J2 Tbe Pally Jonrnal, month. 1T Til Pr Jnarnal. with Sunday. moo the. 1 The nana Jnarnal. month If 4 The Pelly Jnarnal. with Sunday. 1 Bonth.. " Tha Aallv Immiil t Mnth . .80 a-K. a - . . a no - The Buadar Im-mI a ananrha 1.00 Tha Semi-Weekly Joarmai. Tha Seml-Weeklr JearnaL I ta II par aarh laaao. Ill net rated fall aaarket re. I Sort. 1 fnr...... II M Resjjttaneee ebon Id be mad he dram, noatal otra. axprrra aroWa and anal! anmanta ara ' aeaaatabla la 1 a ad ml pnataaa auaipa. ' THJ! tOVMMAL. " f. O. Bot 151, PWtlard. Oratwa. m mmtAt. max sx rows. Tha Jaajraal aa ha foaad aa -t Mlowlny nlaraa: aala at tha wr nft. i uj. n ij .. m Haiia at i n i intrr. . . -.... CHICAGO Pvatoftlea Mawa camnaaTi ITS Daar. DtSVr.m. COVOUADOt. BUck. Blitaanth aad ram. atrarta. KANSAS riTT Taa Iay Wawa enaapaar. -: M!VKrAPOLI M. i. Kaaaaaach. 60 Boath ThIM afnwl. KrTW TOR a; rTTT Brantaan'a. Tnlna annara. vmaha Millard Hntrl nawa atand: Mraatl ., ttloaarr rnmnaa. Htm rarnna atraat. ALT LA ICR CITTKanrna Hntrl aawa atind; " - RrOa.i 4" Waat Baesnd atraat. aonth. , mi, iiiLis minp Rnadar. aid Lacaat atraat; J J'tt. and Ollaa atraat. , FRANCISCO W. B, ArnMnc. Palaaa Hotal . at a a ataa anal Inna lf-.k- a.MA. flAM. - anlth Bma . 130 Ratfar atraat and Saint ' rVtatar Ofar. fW balld- . In; N. 'Whaatla. aiaaabla aowa stand, eof BarMarhat and Kmr atraata. V A a tJa M A at - SaaB . ' ? i nimi-T urifli mwk niBfli fT, lav Hn Bkat Bsttm.t laaMU - d - , aPOKANK. WASHINOTON-Jooa W. OrabVai T A CO If A. WATOTVOTO Oratral Raw Csaa- yanr: fTotal Taimia aawa atand. 'n2",A ""ITI8H COIXMBIA tatarla n- minmnT rtMRr. - - WEATHER REPORT. ninin.i.fc . nm i n ii .isMita A nrw inatarhanra haa aiada Ita appaaranra ' i" tvmnni waan v loinina rarer with tha ana raatardar north nt Montana. It - i." ' am-thwrat Oravnn. waatara " nlnrtoa and a narked rlaa la trmparatitra l TTh!ra In tha north Tai-IOr atataa. Tha IHmM .il.. k. . . ... Tnaa aaakaadla and aanard rain la New Mrtlra, Taxaa. Arkanaaa. MlnuHiii, Kaiwaa and aaat jra Nrbraska and warmar waathrr 'ln aaatara : Taiaa and tha- Inwar Mlaalaslppl Tillrr. Tha atnna rfatarrtar oar lb (irat lakaa ha dis appear and II rawltrd In nalr a small amount ot rainfall at wldrljr apattrtwd plaraa In that i aaptlna. Tba hlh praaanra -ara , wrar tba annthara atatra la avwlna ahrtrl aaatward and rlnullnaaa ta tnrraaalna; la tha aalt atataa. . Tha tnllratlnna ara for rain la waatarn rtra fna. waahhiatmai and anrthrrn Idaho tnalfht Wr'"alr with mild tamnara tares. It will pmhablj mntlnva fair ta aaatara Orraua and aoathera Idaho with slowlr rislna. temnera. AUCTION SALES. AT I First at.. Tuesday. Wadnandaj. Thars .dar and Friday, at 2 p. m. U. (.. Ford, auetloBaar. , "WKDNENDAT at lO a. aw at Mlaaronai. That at. Jv T. WUaoo. anrtlonaar. 1W BFECIAL'sala at raalnn. T Kaat Wa.hlna tna atX Thursday at 10 a. at. t. T. Wllaoa, anrtlnnsrr. ' - MARRIAGE LICENSES. ... Marae Wohbjaninth. IB. ;, . Jaatra.K. Wnnd. 41; Rata FViatna. 3B, ' .' Franklin. 44: LUxle Hli-k.r , - T BoHng. Oratoe, 21; Viola i ffjoraatt, XI. - i . Baauwl it. DnaUp, 60: Ada W. Bowman. SB. - 'M!'". W. O. Batltb ft Co.. Wash. Ilffcl-m KM ana taaalk . Al m.a a a BIRTHS. MTnwMoa- 12. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry .......... v . .. mn-r aireex. a oananfe. 't TRAGKB October 2. to Mr. and Mr. Job a ' , v'"' of East Rnaaell atraat. a aon. J WAUAfK October , Mr. and Mm. Elmer danahter. . ' DEATHS. MORTON 4a this rtty. Ortoner . inns, Wtl- orT"n- eo oa year and 27 dart. Fnneral aotlre hereafter. WIUWIN In thla rltrv Ortnher 9X ' lOftd . u . Joba Wllaoa. lata rest dan 4A6 North Fruat afreet. PkwmI ... CtHK Wed October 12. lWMh Bear Campbell's rtr7.i Rslnwn rlaer, IfUbo. Bona, helored . i' 'arrea K. Cook, and danabter of '''...Mr? Bernardl. of Halem. Orearni. M I.CBB la thb. city. October 23. 1U06, W!T1 . MrOure. uwl aa u i... m - Ixinnlna's rhaoel. Omaha (Neb I a,l II. n J "'.0,,.'Mn"'-, Pspers pieaat copy. WAK.VF.Ria this city. Octobar 24, 1008. Ralph ' C. Warner, (red 4H year.- at At. V t nr.. I . . . . - raw. vsnaiun.ioa due to cancer. Crematorium AI,PIIA(. K.N October 22, MeWla Walph.aen. aaed 18 year, at Bt. Vincent' hospital; ,S?.lr ".'."J"' "l'rtL ' nam.Tis. Orraon. . r W 'wence atreet; eanae. edematou Uryanltl,. Rurlal t Lone Fir cemeterT . o.5j . .-.?."r,, I-'n eemeterr. BIU.ITAN October 21 Mary R. Bnlllaa J"; 101 Vrentb atreetrcan" t r t fSL. "lL M""" CWary cemrterT tt M October 20. William l.ond ,ied a year, at Ht. Vln,nC. a. .CvL.Ti " i'r. niinsi at Lone Fir cemeterr B A I'MttARTEN October 23. TaVrle; i J.rten sard U yearn, at Vt vinceai V r c:r,erT,.'PhOM B" WFWH October 2T. Hoaa Welch aaed' Jl Beart dlaeaat. Bnrlal at Bralnard cemetery. RITKRTIIW CIMITERT. Rlngl graeea 110. raailly lots T0 tn 11 nno Tha only cemetery la Portlsnd which 'acU nemsny maintains nan raree for lot. For fall , , i , , r v tt . a. aiacaensie, Wor. eaater biocb, city. w. M. Ladd. president. , t. P. Flnley A Boa. fnneral direct ora and ambataiera, corner Third and Madlaoa streets Of ca of eonnty ejoronec. Talephoaa Mala Paanlng, MrRntea A Ollbangh. andertakera and rmhelniera: modern In.erery detail, fcrentb aaa fine, main .auax uoy aaaiataat. I ara. WrfaraeA tfalanaa 1 !.Awl.fcl. . roweral direct ora aad ambalakara. 220 TMri at. i-aaaa mn. - Ruiteral wreaths and eat Sow a (peetaltr at Hoaa City Greeahonaa. Twenlyaeeaad aad 'Mat Morrlaoa. eppoalt cemetery. Clarke Rrea. for floarera, 2S Morrlaoa atreet. REAL -ESTATE TRANSFERS. R. Rraa tn A. l-ampert. lot 14, block 18, Jrrlnr'a Hsrbor Ikf A. H. Dodd t A. W. Haaley. I OTB acre 1.100 aertbai C township 1. warth, ranga 1 east ; i rwtlend Traat roanpany to II a relet te R, t.4.-d; b IT. l 1. SU, btork 11, . riartaaauatli VUia i.f.,a V4l REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. 11. Kliia and wlfa to 1. T. Bonne, hit 1. block 12. J. Job' aaoaad addl ttorn BT3 W. C. Bmltb and wit to Hiiauona Vo lot 4. block liu. -wood ISO A. O. laesard and wire to J. Cosmo ra, 8 acre aectlua 1, township . 1 axma, ra rur 1 west 4.000 A. IC. 8le(el and J. Hleael to F. Rrneat, w lot X. bni ri. ftoria irrmaion. . . . 1.000 Blrer View Oinetery aaaoclatloa to P. Wkltcoaih. kt MO. arrtlou .i, t'aiua- terr T3 B. Kelllnd ana. wita to J. e. Heanioad, v lot . mock i, uureiwaoii rara 100 W. R. Hvbcrtaoa and wife to R. B. Lam aon. lot 1 aad 2. bhirk tu. Conch a ud- s Union $ 2,800 M. a. Morgan ana wire to i-. at. r.ina. lot 4. bkn-k T. Lincoln I'ark Anaet.... 1.T60 Tlllc l.liarantca lYuat company to A. Glchlai-b. lot 21, XX Block , Broadway addlitoa Ilsncork H treat ItupraTrmrnt rantpany to '. Joplln. lota T and 8, block 1, Broad- ' way adilKlon , L. L. Ilawklua to Z. VsalL lot 1. block 13, Mncola Park f : o lvO w. Huutaerriiic nd wira to I). C. Barna, lot 1, blm'k 2. lasurelwood Annex.... S. Bill at al. to A. Vrnable. 2u acre section M. town.hlu 1 aorth. ranee 2 east 2.000 A. W. Lambert aud wife to 11. E. BsIIt lot 2 and 4, block 2. aubdlrlaoa lot II, M. I'sttva Tract 828 W. J. Hi ley and wlfa lo,r LIU lata Ira. lota 1 and 2. bhrk IS. Muaat Tabur VHla. and otbor property ' ,150 6. W. Jtroan tu L. Coa per tb wait, lot 14. block d. Laurvlwood 1TB 0. W. Brown to A. rowprrthwalt. lot IS. block 8, Laarclwond 2U0 P. O. Martin to It. Hall, lot 1 and 2, block 2S, Hunnyslde - W. blckenaoa to I B. Illckenaoa, east H bit 4. section 22. towaablp 1 mirth ranaa 8 ". east, coatalnlor 14 00-luu " Hawthorn estate to A. R. Crouch, lot 2, block !. Mrllwood . 180 W. W. Labia ta W. H. .Nana, lot HI and south V lot 11. block. 1, Alblna Heights '. 1 11. L. Holbrook and wife ta C. Anderson. . lot 26. blork 8, 81. Johns Park addl- ' ttoa 200 Sheriff to D. 8.' Cohen, atrip ait, feet wlfa aonth of and adjoining lot 4. block . 61. Carotbera' addition, 6 D. 8. Coben and wife to William A. Mark, atrip 2I) feet wide aouth of and adjolnlna lot 4. block 01, ,Ca--rntbera' addltlna I J. H. Urlfana and wlfa to U J. Went worth. lot T and A, block 2, Central ., Alblna I W. Wbeatley to D. Kelt .11 acre sec- tloa 18, township 1 north, ranjre 2 ast : 1.100 D. Vansanta and wlfa to H. H. Pratt. , weat H lots I and 8. block 1, Mr Mlllen'a addltlna 2.000 B. W. Hoyt at al. to t. N. Pflnger. lou 1 aad 2. blork II. Sherlock' addlttoa. 11.000 ' Oaf roar Inoarsno and aba tracts to real aetata from tha Title Gaarsnte A Treat pany. 240 WaMnetaa atrcrt. comer aoaa 4 INTEREST Savings Bank .'; OF . The Title Guarantee & Triist Co. Pbjtb 4 ::pr cent on Certificates of uepoilt. fays 3 per cent interest on daily balances of deposit accounts, v- subject to check. Banking hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to lp.m. Saturday evjenings. . . r .. 5 to o'clock - DIRECTORS: W. M. Ladd. J. Thorburn Ross. T. T. Burkhart. Frank M. Warren. 4 : j George H. Hill. 240 Washington Street Corner Second. . PORTLAND. OREGON. ; The Northwesternr Mutual Life o jwntWAurzji, wis. Assets Over $200,000,000 Insurance Over $700,000,000 ....,' . T2 Great Life . Insurance Company -4 f the West S. T. Lockwood & Son - GENERAL AGENTS OobootA MUgn lMrtland, Or. NOTICE. NOTICE OP riNAIf SETTLEMENT. la tha County Court of tt State of Oregon, for Multnomah CoawiyA la tba matter of tba Ketate of Weelry N. Emmet. ' Deceased. Notice I hereby gtren that , tha dnal ac count of John C. Emma1, admlnUtrator of . tha estate of Wesley N. Enimel. deceased, baa beea rendered -to said court for settle ment and that Monday, tba thirteenth day of November.. 1904, at :X0 o'clock a. m., ha beea duly appointed by the said court fiof the final bearing and settlement of lb said account, at which time any person Interested may appear and file bis exceptions to aald account and contest tha as me. JOHN C. EMMEU . 1 Administrator of tba Batata of Wesley. N Km met. Deceased. U'Ren A Bcbnehel, attorney for admin istrator. Oregon City" Oregon, EXECUTRIX NOTICE. It la hereby Intimated that the undersigned baa duly qnallfled In tba county court of Oregon, for Multnomah county, as executrix of the last will of tt. II. Sctawsb, deceased. All persons baring rial ma against tba deeeaaed or bla eetate are hereby notified to present the earn to n undersigned st tba law office ' of Jamee tilcaaon. rooms 2 and 2 Mulkey building. Portland, Oregon, with tha proper vouchers and duly re r I tied wlthla six month from tba date of this, notice. Dated and first publication bad tba eeraa teenth day vf Octolnr. IbnA. , JENN1R Ta SCIIWAR, Execntrtx of tba Last Will af R. H. Bcbwsb, llecesard. ' i BIDS will b receleed antll Wednesday, the th. for tba sale f tba Mannfsrtnrars' building, entrances t the ei position gronnda. Press snnax, ("Krpress offices. Official Pho tographers' of f Icea. ete. ; also, bandstand, electric light fixtures and aland, electric wire. uraa. water-pipe, water-tanks, pa nips, office furniture, flags, etc. Lists will be at tha efflce of the d I sector of work, ready tor inapectkm. by Monday, the 23d. MEETINO NOTICES. VAKHOK Lodge, No. 1. R of P-Reg-alar eonTeniloa toalglit at T:80 oH-k In Pythian hall, eighth floor Mar xism bblg. Knight Rank. V letting kalghta cordially Inrlted. ' - ' II- R. CWHTH, C. C. FRED P. lloi-M, K. of R. and 8. PORTLAND TRAM 107, W. 0. W., will glra a military wlilat party Wedneaday srenlng. Oc. , tone 2 lu W. O. W. hell. Tenth end Waea Jn(Ma at, Adialaaloa 10c; rtfrralimanU. LOST AND FOUND. LOST I-ady's (old watch, bet. Raat Twelfth and Orand are.; return os aa iw roartwata at. aud recelr reward. LOUT Ha I urdaV. i leather carer contatnln meter reading. Electric Co. Retura fort land (Jen era! UT W hile female bull terrier, tall aad aare cropped; retnrn lo 41- Morriaoa at.; rewanl. T HELP WANTED MALK' RRCt'RR A GOOD POSITION. W aeslat competent office men. bookkeepers. stenographers, raaniers, coiiaara. oiii-ciarsa. yeneral clerical, tecnnicai rommarciai men. Bnslneaa Men'a Clearlnc House, no Bacoad. MEN and boy wanted to earn ' Id day. after twa month, instruction! position naranieeni. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumblot Schools, New York, Cincinnati, U.. at. laouu. aw. irraa aata. log ue.) 8TRICTI.T blKh .rada typewriter aalesmsn for road territory; salary, comniisema ana etoensea; slste referencea ana axparieDca Bmith-I'ramler Typewriter Co. . WANTED Clerks and wlndow-dre! to atady aboward writing at I. M. v. ' A. aignt arhool; personal Inatraetloa. Apply for par ticulars. WANTED Installment collector for merrban- dlae accounls: gmid salary ana eipanaea. au dreaa Manager, P. O. Box 1U2T. Pbllad'a, I'a. WANTKn Wlrewearer. 82.7n; apbokit 22.7S. and niattresa-maker. u..t. naaiunc toa Alattreaa Farnltnra tw.. Brattle. Wash. W A NTKtv-Carpenter to tak contract to repair 2 obi bnlldlnga In t entrai Aioina. 4. lainai can. 104 Dhermaa at. I'houa Hood) 142. WANTED Kollcltora. 24 to td per day; salary or commlasloB. tan or writ w. n. isyioc Co.. room 8, Labba bldg., Portland. WANTED A man to take-contract to clear 20 acres al city limits: (tump-puller aa ground. Apply 2B4 Oxford st 60 BOLTf,!TTTER8 wanted. Apply at Western Cooperage Co., room soeBteacoa bluf., nlxth and xlorrhtoar sts. WANTED Errsnd boy; good opportunity for adrancement. AITla S. Hawk Co., print era. 14AH Third at. WANTED Flrst-claaa salesmen la 'Portland and country; big. wage. 20S McKay bid. FOI'R good aoltcltar wanted for tba tea and coffee trade. - Boyd Tea let, 4za Morrison al COAL miners wasted. Call at Big Four Em ployment Agency. 10 North Hecond at. TAIIIR8 wanted; boshelman. eoatmakara, pants- ma sera, aeipera. 44a wuaington at. BOY wanted. 107 V, Hlith at. -J- HELP WANTED FEMALE. TRt'STWORTHTL enTgctle women ta trsral and organlas for Vlarl com ddrea room 2A. Lawla bldg. HANSEN'S LATHES' AORNCT. 24SU Washtna- toa sc. cor.. seTeata. apstaua. raoaa Mala SHU2. Famal help wanted. WANTF.D Woman, aged 8(1. a housekeeper for bachelor; good borne for right party, Addiaaa F 64, Journal. I. ' . WANTED Competent girl for general hoaa. work; email, family, mi East itn, aornaf l'smhlll. i 01 RI. wanted for general bonsework. woman preferred. 828 Fourth at. Pbona Mala 1243. WANTED Immediately, young lady to wrap randy aamplea. Apply Zll Columbia bldg. PORTLAND Rawing School, gtrls do own nswtof woia earaina. ai.a aiorriaiaB. iuuvb w. . . WANTKD Okrl for general ho ear work, part day; 2 12 par month. S1 Kearney at. WANTED First dressmaker aad tailor-made suits. 284 Yamhill at. tedleC MALE AND FEMALE HELP. TFIR demand for ' competent bookkeeper aad tenograpber la greater tbaa tba aapply. Prom Anguat 1.1S04. to Aognat 1. 1S0B. w placed 2oT la good positional had ealla for mora tbaa oofl; our graduate ara ALL employed; w will saalat you ta a position whea competent ; enroll now; day or algbf, Behnke-Walk Business College, Blath aad Morrison at. WAN1ED At once, a bright, energetic, nra aentabl map or. jeomae, a good talker, ta take ap- an 'attracUra aropoaltloa. j laqalr TS8 Chamber of Commarc. t. a, WANTED Med and women tot do canraaaing; good propoertlee). , Call at 223 Market at., , room 24, bat.- B aad 11a. in. aad 8 to 2 p. aa. ! WANTED Psrtlek for rnnaerrartTa mreatment. email capital; i opening for positions. 440 Sherlock bblg. WANTED Immediately, 2 mea or women to do caaraaalng. Call ap East 587: good proooaltloa. HELP wanted aad eupplled, aula or female. R. 0. DRAKE. 205 H Waablngtoa at Clay 445. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. HARRIED Baa. 25 year of aga, 16 years" ax. perlenco a manager, bookkeeper, alaa a sa lea man la general laercbandla; beat rat' arencea. A 44. care! Journal. j POHITION ta grocery at ore hi Portland or email town; raa glra referencea. Addreaa B 4,, rare Jnarnal. Tours truly, P. . L.- Hun tar, 148 Burraga at. - IP you want an energetic, bnatllng yonng man or good ha nit a, i can rill tn position: satis factory referencta guaranteed. Addreaa F 52, Journal office. WANTKD flood position by sober, Induatiion young man, willing to work; reference tot city. Addreaa F 43. Jnarnal.. BT middle-aged man a Janitor and ta car for fires. Addreaa Kodolph Hansen, Maw Weatera hotel. i PAINTER want work: am a etranger bora; muat bar work. Addreaa Anton ochoa, Ar- leta. oregoa al - WANTEIe Htadcnt want place tn work Bight and morning for board. . Addreaa w , Jonrnab SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE (JIRL Bome experience, desire altnatton to ew In dresamaklng-ebop or factory. . 230 H XambllL Pbona Main 8418. WANTEt) A position as com pan ton! to an el derly ' lady or Inrslld; can glra Vr reran era. Addreaa F 60, Journal. , m WANTED Situation a honsekeeper; accustomed . to farm; referencea furnished. Mrs. Ida WU soa, Urealiam, Oregon. i, BT middle-aged woman aa bouaekeeper. hotel or axlgmg uooaa. t-non uiara .tin. WANTED A place to work for board and at tend Brooklyn arhool. caai isxi. MRS. L. M. M'KINEIB wants aewtag by tba day or piece, no East Tenia si. WANTED AGENTS. ) f AGENTS wanted to sell aursery stock; new nd complete outnt furnished I,.e rasa weekly. Capital ' City N Dreary abmpaay, Salem, Oregon. AOENTS WANTED Cnmmlaalnn and salary. SJUU, First St. New lork Outfitting Ca. WANTED TO RENT. WB waat desirable aoueed add flsla, all parts . or tne city) Dare ntga ciaea ctiania waning; rents collected, property cared for. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 242 Stark St. pbona Mala .878. WANTED By elderly gentleman, room aad board la strictly prlrsta family; quiet place near car; widow' bom pref erred. Addraa F 48, car Journal. WANTED To rent fsrm, 16 ar 20 a eras, near city; boose and bare.. U. 0. Morgaa. 870 Milwaukl at WANTED -To rent bone near postofflce; will buy aoisa earpau. W. Hasty, 84T Ipabar at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. VOR AUCM. 28 N. Second t .. . , Paoaa Mala 152S, JAPANE8BCHINBKB RMI'LOVMRNT OFFICB, xtenry .aeaia, v a. , . a.. aavaaa ra ClflC 640. - , . PAC1FI0 Coaat Km p. Co. Reliable ampwyBerat agenia. Jay. x I aoue Mala oriiu. PIONEER RMPLOTMRNT CO Labor coatraa. tors; aeip rraa ampwyara. xia Morrtsoe- ACMR EMPLOYMENT CO. 211 MorrlaoB at.' euppuea saea) liar ui a iuu. n wwa. BIO FOUR EMP. AOENCT Help aupplled free. la n. ecoaa at. raoaa aisia ivia. NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agoncy, aig t'loe at. moo Main iwi i THB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO, 205H siornsoo si. raoo rraciTte now. WANTED REAL ESTATE. PRR.tON8 baring ) property aale or raat will p lease call on ar addreaa Campbell It McMillan. 27a, fifth at Portland. Pboa Pacific 624. HAVB buyers waiting ta bear af small homes la or near Portlsnd, any direction If you ar reaay to seu aaareea w a. care Journal. LIST yoar property ' with B. ' Oar motto Quick ssles. abort proflta. Royal Baal tatata company, larta rirat at., TVt. WANTED 4 or 5 -room boose aad lot or recant lot; muat be cheap for cash. C 54, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A aaddla bona to be from 4 to year old, to weigh from 1,1100 ta 1.10O ponuda: must be gentle, perfectly eound aad well broken. Apply Weatera Coopcrag Co room 808 Htearna bldg. 8EB tba Lnrta and Clark fair at boms; eend 40c la stamp lor aanaaoxa photo 000. nearly 200 -botoe af fair. THx8M laches. Weatera View Book Co.. PortUad. Bos 24, PAINT! NO, apraylng aad whitewashing trass. Basement. Darns, bocks, ate.; largeei gaantia apraylng outfit oa tba coaat. M. O. Morgaa A Co., 8T0 Mllwaukla at- Pbona Raat 201 T. ORCHESTRA. ' 2 pieces. - waata cngagemcnta arenlnga. Bandaya; mnale for all occaalon rery bla. 46 Laeretla at. TsL Mala aaoa. BIOHRST raah art re paid for bottles aad tank 01 eeery a script wo. rortiano Botiia ouppiy Co., 221 Nortb Eighteenth. Pbona Main 22S8. WANT to rent or bay on billiard and on pom table complete; muat be tn nrat-cmaa condition. P 45, car Tba Jaarnal. WANTED Oeotle drlrlng bora for lady till apnag, tor ita aaeping; gooa reiesencee, u 42. Jooraal. BOOKS boagbt. aotd aad exebaaged at tba uia boob store, xsr xamnin ex. - P. J. BTDBR. printer. Second aad Washlagtoa sta. raoaa Mala aoao. WHO IB It, O. MOROAR A CO. 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB RING BOO Jefferson et., bow building, handsomely farnlabed, with erery modem conrenlenc: U oatald rooms, with heat, gaa or alec trie, light, porcelain bat be; rate 60c, 7rte aad II; special rataa by tba weak or month. 1 . x. THB BELLEVI'R, 213 Fourth at. Neatly rurnlahed ronaa fer gentlemen; all oatalde rooms: electric Jlflta. porcelsln batbs; rata. 60c. Toe, l; eery low rates by week or month. Hood T01. HOTEL PALMER. Centrally located at tha corner of Alder aad Park sts.: steam heat, not end cold water, free porcelain hatha; rooms 50c, Toe aad 81f apeetal weekly rataa. THB HAMANN. 185 R. 18th.. car. Hoyt Newly rtu-BMnea noma, ai.av apt eearenient locatloa, 16 mtnntee' walk to fair gronnda: Morrlsoa ear at antoa depot direct to aooaa. Pboa 8470. UNDBLL hotel, new management, furnished new throughout, no dark rooma. erery ruing modern r comfortable home; Inreatlgation o llclted. Mr. Emma McLeaa, proprletreea. RLBGANTLT furnished large alcove room with board, private borne; gaa. heat, phone, free; suitable for man - and wlfa. 675 Glbwa at. Pbona Mala 1047. Oa M ear Una. KINO'S HEIGHTS Desirable neighborhood. near St. Helen's Hall; nicely furnished room ' for on or two, with private family; perma nent preferred. TS8 Mala at. MARQTAM HOC8R. 1H 8th Rooma aa aalta ar single: bonsekeeplng roeasa; gas storee, bath, electric Ugbts; tranalenta aoUdted. Fl'RNISHED rooms, single or en eulte, 88 per montn and ap. Hotel rairmount. Twenty. Ixth aad Vpshar and Vaughn ts. 287 TATIX1R, newly fnrnlehed room; furnace, gaa, bath: ao objectlona to light housekeep ing, ruoae aiaia FOR RENT Nicety furnished rooma, gaa, hot and cold water, furnace beat, reasonable. 24J Nortb Twenty-tbira at. THE ALDER, 4.16 Alder Nicely rurnlahed rooma, eery con rea lent, day, week or month; ratee reaeonaoie. B1,! . Wlf V Im-I.IuI mmms. . . k .J. not and cold water;- ratse raaaonabla. 22 1 i Norta mitn at. FRONT parlor for geatleaua of refinement wbe wianee room aaar ua eentar 01 city., hi Everett at. RLBGANTLT famished room for one or two gentlemen; private family; heat, bath, Raa, 001 xayior. . , .'. FURNI8HED 'room for rent at reaeonabl price. Inquire at 831 Oak, Bear Seventh 1 CHEAPEST snd beat located rooma In Portland, 1 week aad ap. Oilman. First aad Aider at. Th Henderson, 2A1 H Alder Elegantly faratabed rooma for permanent and transient roomera. NICELT farnlabed room for rent very -raa' aonable. Call at 28 North Seventh St. THE GRAND Newly furnished room by tb wees or momn. zoo urana v. - NICELT fnrnlehed rooms far rent. Ankeny, Bear Seventh t. Call 230 ROOMS for rent; reasonable price, cloee fex. 72 neventn, near uax at. . rCRNISHED room to rent very cheap. 82) Osk St., near Seventh. . ' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT -Furnished aonsakeenlng room la beet brick block oa aaat aide; gaa ran gee, bath. ete. I ao transients; prices moderate. Logan Ilk., 10. ty L'nloa ava., saran Eaat Alder. Puoaa Eaab 4(124. , , , . . DON'T fall to see oar haneekeeptng suites; rent reasons tile; walking distance; transients; cleaa rooma. Tba Rutland. 810 First 1st. 211 PER month, 4 furnished housekeeping rooma. large yard and water, im Eaat Thirty-ninth; take fitinnyelde-Meant Tabor car. THE MITCHELL, i'landera and Seventh Rooma. hooaekeeplag aad trauetent; eoBvealeat; price reaaonabl. t THB IIXINOIH), If)', Teotk 8 completely far- aiened noaaeiMping rooma; 3 aoauie. bed; reaaonabla. j THB GLADSTONE 61 H Barter at.,) farnkibed rooms; anoar new BuBagaaseat; price raa. aoasble. r ... 8 ROOMS fnrnbibed for bonsekeeplng, sill table ( .. 11 , . ri'RNISHF.D bnnsekeeptng rooaia at 411 Mala, for elngh) couple, al email rent;. s HOIlHRKEEriNG rooms to rent close to business eecttoe. Call 88 HeTntn (, . FOR RENT 8 anfiiralsbed boueekeeplng ranaa. .in n,aai xamam at. ROOMS AND BOARDS FIRST-CLASS raoaa' and beard far permanent people, 822 SO and 25 per month) table board 4 per weak. Astor hoaaa, Tut aad Madlaoa StS. Tel. Mala 8221. THB ILLINOIS. 1014 Tenth Large, hand soma fmnt rooant with board; amgbi guou fog gea tit mea; reeeunabl. ROOMS AND BOARD. NOTK'B the aame The Cosy, iwt-iaa Haraath. enr. Tajior Nb-ely rurnished roonim, ooe blork from Portland hotel. In awat eeatral part of tlie city. Tba fair la orer, aad that popular house u now prepared ta make ex tremely farm-able arrangemeala for ragaUr roomer fur tua wmiar, wiia or witnoat Board. Iirge rooms tor 8 or 4 atudeats; all mom ara bested by furnace; bath free. Pbona Clay i.m. . . ROOMS with board for nt taaaata. reasonable; . nrat-claas BlxU t aooklng. tai 220' rOR room and board, oaa at two; refer ence, as Kaat ninin n. COOD room with bom cooking. ,434 Raat urant al. rnoo aast aaio. FOR RENT FLATS. ROOM flat, gas, bath, electric light. 4 blocks to Washington St.; rent 82b; would, sail farnl lure. M North Tenth St. MODERN roora flat, attic and basement. East Tweaty-roartb at., bet. Hasthorn aad Mad laoa. .... MODERN 6-room flat, cor. Dlxoa aad Benton. Inquire 424 Larrane. PBooa Colon obsd. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. DRHIRABI.E aecood flonr. 20x60; hot and cold water; will rent part or whole. 1X8 rirth at. FOR RENT Deekroom aad ' ythlng far. - lahed. B. S. Jackaoa A Co., Bad Btai rk at. FOR RENT Centrally located office, with ,; phone. R. L. Cat, 118 Secoad atreat. . - ' OFFICE-ROOMS Goodnoogh elevator. . - Bldf. Apply HOUSES ' FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. ' rOR best reealta on FCRNITRR. Whether to bay or sell, ring Bp Mil . PORTLAND! AUCTION &O0MA, .211 First at, NICELY furnished 8-rooeB bouse, complete, with , piano; rent fjn; 4 rooma upstair raa he rented f 247.60 per month; price 800; 2S0 - eaab, balance one year.-. O 62. JoaraaL - FOR RENT t lower rooms ; bath, gas; furni ture for site, a bargain; raat fit. Inqttir 207 Eugene at. FOR RENT HOUSES. fOR RENT Honaea and fists, all part of in city. nentai Department . - " . THE CONTINENTAL, COMPART. 242 Stark at. STUART atattoa. Mount Beott car 8 larga enema, outbuildings, atod.ra; partlea without cblldreal furniture for aala. Call the Belie fs. Fourth aad Salmon. Va.M&HkW 7 -room colon tgl hoaa. aor. CHnton ad iwenry-eecooo: gaa, electricity, porcelain bath, stationary trays, rosss. lawn; Wovd a fork-Rich mood car. 1 ArCOTTAGR and bant for rent very reason- stile. Inquire of Mr. Hudson of the HiidsoB Anna Co., Third at., near Wasbpgtoa. NEW 8-room bouse aad quarter block, Hancock - and Eaat Twenty-atxth eta, f3T.oo. . M. M. ' Lombard, 514 Chamber af Oommaraa. MODERN boa. II rooms.- very well arranged for renting; central, reaaoaable rent, wake ' field Frlea. 22 Stark. FOR RENT T-moraf bonae, ATI Eaat Stark. Apply ta Ogleabyy Young, Chamber of Cota- A NEAT A-room cottage, 2T; minutes from Third at. ' I'm car line. 28 bona I'nlna 4044. 6-ROOM aooaa . tor rent, furnished, hoe tore. Baroa' FOR RENT FARMS. 1 FOR RENT 8 acre land with 8-room hnuee. bsrn. Inquire C. Hellman, 1088 Holgate t. ' Woodstock car. FOR RENT STORES. ' ON Wssblngton at. Plat glsss fronts, cleaa nd airy; liberal terma to right partlea.1 Ap- ply 2nd Morrleoa at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT 100x100 nortbeaat oorner af Third and Madlaoa sts. for preeent occupancy (Hv- rery atablel ar otherwtee.. Apply to Estate of t). P. Thomnaoa. No. T Ft rat at. BUSINESS CHANCES. ., 1100 ' 1 8100 Will boy established cigar atand. atock and fixtures.' with living room attached: rant raid antll November 21. 24t4 Bnrnelda at. nveatlgate. Abram'a Commlasfoa Ilouae, 408 Morrison at. YOUNG eaatera man can taveet, with aenkea, from 11.000 to 83,000 la a good eetahllabcd - bnalnees of any deecrlntbm; bimhertng or atock propositions considered, Addreea with full partlculara and detail, R. H Oregua hoteL CANDY rVrORB. WELL LOCATED WITH LIV ING ROOM, caa be bad at low rent by a desirable party 1 locatloa oa eaat aids eppn alte tba Alblna eeboolboaae. Particulars, call office 61T Commercial block. WANTED Tarty to purchaa undivided on halt Interest ta 8.200 acrea' of- saricnltural and graslng land la Harney and Malbear counties, Oregon: Bear Glen French ranch. Inquire room 202 Worcester block, city. FOR 8 A LB Oa account of letaeae. alee, cleaa, Bioney-maklng baelnee pn east aide; sales from 818 to 835 per dayi price $1,400. or will Invelcal ao agents wanted. O SB. Tba Journal. LAUNDRY route for est; ran mka 20 to $26 per week, Call City Laundry, Wednesday or Tbureday .et. 4 and 4:30, or call Kaat 2ATT rlumlay Imornlng. B P. Brown. FOR SALE Fine Una of millinery aad ladle' furnlahlng goods In lira towa of 1,600; ex ' eellent opportunity; aa eompetltlOB. K 42, care JoornaL FOR SALE Barber-abop 6 chair; modern fur niture, long leaeb; on Third at.; $.'10 rent: a anap. for 81.7QO. Addreaa C aa, JoornaL FOR BALE Smalt business chance requiring from 840 to 2250 capital. Buatneaa Men's Clearing House. 110 Second St. WHEN looking for a location, either city or conntrr. call oa the Northwest Land Co., 286 Morrlaoa at room 211. . FOR "ALE Reatsorsnt and ranch eonnter com- ninea; very cneep. . vava, prop., jnae peudeac. Or goo. RKSTAl'RANT fnrnitore for aala. W, H. I.attln. Hotel Fslrmoont, Twentyalith and ( pshur at. FINE opportunity la established buslaeeet need help and capital. Addreaa 0 64, rare JoaraaL FOR SALR Brick hotel, 86 room, good farol tare, eplendld lease; Is Portia ad. t 48, JoaraaL INVESTIGATE For a amall amount af capi tal, Urge return. 208 McKay bldg. - DESIRE ta Invest ahont liwxi In. some bualaeaa. Addreea J. A. Pippin, 3.T0 Fifth t. THR SUndard Ilonse Vot ssla Sixth t I; reasonabls; 2d moms. 181 4 Nortb FOR 8 A (.K r arnltur repair . boalneea. a gfij Hecond at. WHO IS M. Q. MOBGAN A CO. t FOR SALE REAJL ESTATE. FOR SALR at a bargalav aaadarB 7-room aaase aa Eaat Taylor, die ' la; terma . ta ealt portbaaer. Apply F 42. ara JoornaL FOR SALR Mod era enbarbaK aotuge. ta car line, Sne locatloa. ground lOOalWA O. W. P. Townalt C-, 134 First at. 8 ACRES, mile from 0. W.I P. electric line; no gravel and ey ta clear; 86; very assy terms. Addreaa C 81, care Journal. WAGNER A PBTTT. 802 Oammeretal blk., bsva ' some of th beat mtya m tne city, sea tbaa he f nee baying and be convinced. FOR BALB Bums' cottage, fair gronnde,' ' repaired by A. T. Swltii, A2 Ullaaa U MIJ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.- . I V ACBB TBACTBI ;. :' r' ' OPS SPECIALTY IB ACRB TBACTSI " lall-alaad itreeta, water ta aarh aara. -TERMS 10 PER ACRB CASH 1 10 PER ACRE PER MONTH. Taa an to theae acre aa th am eal RT the same 6a fare tba lot man pays. The : man la yoar neighbor, bat he ta re atrlcted la majority at teaturee thai laaka t. a wn BBnarDaa some. ., , A. C. CBTRCHILL A COh t V .110 Steaad at. SPECIAL BARGAIN 88 FOR 81. Tract 12 front foot, 218 feet deep'; caa bava aa Biaar front feet a ran waut from 60 feet ap; all la cultivation, all level and lightly, 6 minute to good 10-roeia school. 8 grades, ' Bear atorea, postofflce. church and car atatloa at Lenta; 6-cent fare ta any part of Portland. Thla Is 1-8 price ; term If wanted. O. H, Addltoa, treats, Oregon, ewoar. Take Mt. Soott ear, S oeata. . NEARLY S acree, 6H mile from center of city. an la coitivationr gooa nouse, large nam. cntcaea-uouaee, iota or rruit, good water, ca fines naid tn Oregon, 1 mile from electrle line; price $2,400: vary eaay terma. If yoa ar frrm "Missouri" I will show you; If from ny other arate. will au yoa If yoa aaa It. T 80, care Journal. WANTED Get la line If yoa ara Intonated a Wheat una snd ga wit oa aad see It. thea get ear prlcee aad terma and In a few year yoa will own a good wheat ranch. Per farther Information call oa ar addreaa NORTHWEST LAND COMPANY. S8S Morrlaoa at.. Room 211. Portland. Oregoa. A BARGAIN 12 room house, well built and plumbed; grounds ROxlSO; command .fine view of city ami barber; coat mora thaa 111,000; caa be had If takea bow for 86.800; 22.M0 cash, balance can ran for 2 yes re at 8 par cent. Dou't pay 116.000 for your swell koine wbea tbla caa be bad ao cheap, r Peary,. 2U2 Ruaeell st- . . BAST SIDR HOMES Three T-coora and one S-room hoaaa oa E. Third aad Multnomah sts.; new. beautifully flashed; fine Iocs t km; convenient to 8 car lines; easy terma. Pariah A Gourlay. owner. 84B Multnomah at. I HAVE 8 acree very fine aoll: new fano to band; a acre in cultivation, pa la nee very easy ta clear; right oa O, W. P. electrle line; 10c car far; price $1,800; caa glra term. T 68, car JoumaL A BARGAIN1 Modern T-room hone, corner tot. East Thirty-fourth at.; price $..tdo;- term 8.100. balance 220 per month at 6 per eaat. Portland Real Katate Co., SOSVb Morrlaoa at. Phone Pacific 232. FOR SALE 73x100-foot lot on East Seventeenth and Coach; win ecu tor ai.gao ir sola m next few days; feces eaat; well worth $1,400; will aell part of lot It desired. , Addreaa K 42, care JoaraaL . MODERN 7-room house ea Tblrty-eeeaad and Division, only 82.260; caa glee very eaay terma; hone ha beea built T BMatba. Ad dreea R 68, care' JoornaL A 8 STORY brick building. 100x100. von East Mde; win pay 9 per cent net aa $.10,000; price 128.000; caa give tarme. Addraa R 64. car JoaraaL TOR BALE Cheap, S or S ere improved land aa 28th aad Rnntt ate., seat Portland. Call oa premiers. W. M. Dryden, owner; tak Irving toa car. A SNAP. A splendid home, opposite Piedmont, for 12.600: terma; aa Woodlawa car. Apply 284 Oxford at. 1 LOOK thla: 6 seres, bo better aoll hi Ore gon, inc rare, nearly an clear, email aooaa, only $800; vary eaay terma. T 58, Jooraal, FOR MALE New 8-room bona. venlence. Improved afreets,' gooa cor eervlce, easy terms. 800 Eaat Main. Dr. Darling. fioo EXTRA urge tot. 25 minutes' ride from city, near etaiion, eaay terma; oniy a tert, Addreea 414 East Thirty-third t. SELLWOOD lot. 85 down snd 86 a moatk; irons . , a in eaw, nvwwwvn .nwiniii M. Phone East 4704. : 6-ROOM cottage, bath, hot and cold water, full lot. $1,200; $100 dowa, balaoc to eult - Pbona Esat 676. FOR SALR On of th finest 7-room booses la Irvingtnn; easy terma. Inqutr owner. Pbona Raat 2615. FOR BALE 8-room hoaaa on car tin with acre fruit trace, at. Inquire 281 Raat Sixth at. T-ROOM colonial house, $2600; $100 dowa, balance easy monthly payment. Pboae Eaat 676. 8-ROOM boo, full tot. $2,000; $200 Phone Rest dowa, balance . $20 par moatk. g75. .. . 1 . . FOR SALE FARMS. ntaeSee ..Neni DO YOU want a farm for tba coeVof Improve ' atentet Here la one. 200 acre, 2 ml lee from end of O. W. P. electric line, 180 acree ta fine atate of cnlttvattoa, 11-room house, large bara aad many other outbuild Inge; ateam fruit dryer, coat $2,600; 42 acree young orchard, bearing; all new fence: on good road; price 8.10 per acre. I 48. Journal. . 100-ACRB farm. 18 mllea eaat of Portland on Sandy river. 40 acree under cultivation, good Improvement, 16 acree oa Powell'e Valley . mad. mile aouth of; short dis tance from 2 car line. IT acre good, level ' land adnllnlng Motor addition. W. B. Feck helmar. 227 Falling bldg. . -. FARM LANDS. New railroad Una and big beet sugar factory tn be built hi Payette valley. Idaho, next year. Now hi tha time to bay fruit and farm lands; fond schools, cbarchea and social advantage, inaaell Carrier, 200 Fifth. Manx 6228. , FOR SALR Farm. 80 acre; 20 acres In cultiva tion, 10 acree In orchard; good boitae. barn and ontnallduiga; fruit dryer, 100 boabeia rapacity; household furniture, farm Imple ments and stork. For partlculara ' call cf adoree. 408 Raat Btark at., city. 6-ACRB ranch, 6 mile oat, aa graveled road. , near the car late; good 8-room bouse, barn ' and other buildings, well and lota of fruit. Tbla place caa be bought for one tblrd cash, remainder nine year at 6 per cent i Call 10TH Third St. , STATR LANDS FOR SALE - ' ; . Tba atate of Oregon b for kale a limited . amount of base for Hen atlectlons: price nntll farther notice $8.00 per acre. For par ticular addreea Oawald .Weet.1 State Land Agent, Salem, Oregon, , 240 ACRES of first -cUs land 21 mile from Portland, 10 acree clear, 80 acres alaahed and burned; fine running water, lH-atory log house: this la on of the very best hay In tlie northwest; price $10 per sere. R 47, Journal. $10.000 FARM of 400 acree. 220 cultivated, balance pea tare; 80 acree clover; bona., two barns; would aell In lota of 40 acree. Ad- ' dreae R. Bell. Ronta I, Rlrkaeal, Oregoa, . or 408 Raat Twelfth St., Portlaod. FARM FOR SALR 40 scree m mile from ', eoartbonee. Oregoa City. In high atate of ' cultivation; good boaae and bulldlnge; variety or rruit: tnia a uura noma. Apply 81 Nortb Ninth at. a i i $8. ToO BUYS 8 M.60O, -dartb 'of 1M acres. 8 mom hooea, barn, good Water, 2M mile . front warehouse. I U mllea la achool: $1,00$ caab. balance $ ears' time. e. J. Maboasr, Takoar Waea. FRBR government farm landa. toat opened ettlement; level valley land,, ao atone or tbnoer; wafer and aoll ftrst-etaas. Room 88 Labba bldg.. cor. Secoad and Waablngtna. FOR SALR StoCa ranch of 1.400 acree Beat Cohurg, 8 mllea northeast of Engone, La n county. Oregoa; price low and terma eaay. F. D. Chamberlain, Labba bldg.,' Portlaod. FRP.R LAND IN OREGON under the Carey Irrigation Act. Deed direct from state. Write today.. Booklet and map free.. B. S. tQWa m V, e, .nn, .. .wiianu, 4 ACRES. 4f fruit treee. berile. i room spring. 14 mllea oat. on O. W. P. A Cooke A Co., znl Ahier et, roriiaao, vr, R. R.; price $noO, 2M4 Second at. POR SALE 80 acre good lend; y cleared; 18 mile from Vancouver; $400. 0. A. Woe ter. Orchard. Wash,! . VARIETY of Improved farms, fme made all . year, near .Portland. La . Compte,200 .Altaky bblg.' f ; . " TWO rellnnnlahments. eurat pla. very gcceMl hie. F M. Journal. .. ,( ' V " -f if- ; . .'..' , : ; " SO-ACRR farm, all In eultlentaneit 8 mile from courthouse. 1 mile from O. W. P. 4V By.' iwi; . terma , to suit. jupa , r. nnsrkry, Till Chamber af Commerce. ' FOR SALE TIMBER. 120 ACRES. 80 acres good timber, 40 level, a ml lee from Sandy postofflce. on tlie Sandy ' flTrt living water, good road, no weave land, and only mil from cbaolboae and . H mile from mailbox; price $400. F 44, Tb Journal.- . , f . . D foa want tlmberf I ewa 180, worth 88.000, which I will aen en, a.iOo0; aa abeo lutely aaf laveatmant. ' D 68. care JoaraaL FOR J SALR Twa homestead rellnqu lab meat cUlme; . seeoad growth l will U cheap. M. P. Melaon, Hotel Kiulnpfala. . i rOR SALR A timber claim ra aoutheaat part npumr, an vepot aaiooa, cor. Water and ColumbU t.' WB know of a few good timber claim and homestead, that have beea overlooked. H. Hanker, 121 H Seventh. . i CERTIFIED Bticaa, W. erca. aerln.. aav alaa nieces l O. Howell, 828 Chamber at Ceav FOB HOMESTEADS, timber main and earls appiy to wwj commercial blk. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. 'J FOR BALB at public aactkm. four loads of iraae, etaiiioa, a reara old. weight l.aoo pound; 15 bead good milch cow; sale Thurs day, October 28. at 10 a. m., aevea mllea' weet of Portland oa Canal road, oaa mile north Cedar mill. Joha Iranelde. FOR BALE Good speedy bora and new ruhber- . v-wrap nuas nDUB... . Auurceo w 41, Journal. , HORSES of all klnda for saw at very v" -v.. nquirs aao egirereoa. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE For real eetate. , 68 rooma. well furnlabed.T very central, good money ma king bualneea, en account of ntbac bual- wau leoa BixtB at., room 10. , WILI, exchaoga alcely furnlahed rooming -bouse witn pi a ao. v rooma, ror up-to-aate country millinery a tore; value $Hu0. ., 0 62. JoornaL : HOUSE and lot. Alblna. $2,600, for email tract near city. Aaareea vox DM, city. FOR ' SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAFES 2 new flre-proof safee (not af ear manufacture, v.ry cheap; 6 seoond-bsod aafsa; alaa th genuine Hall aaf a. PORTLAND SAFR COMPANY. TO Sixth it. THB BRUNSWICR-RALKR OOLLRNDER CO. BILLIARD AND POOL table Bar raat at tor aala oa easy payenta 48 Third at.. Portlaod. WB prist yoar aame ea 80 calling earda, proper ma aaa eiyie, xoc- so onaineee ear OS, lu Browa A Bcbssale. 228 First, PertUad. Or. , LARGEST atock of bottles hi aorthweeti ardeta rilled promptly. Portland Bottle Supply Lav. 881 North Eighteenth ., Mala 2288. SHDWCASRS AND FIXTURE made to order; aecond-hand good for aale. Carlson ex Kail Strom. '2t Cqock at. Pboae Clay 871. LAUNCH for aala. length 86 feet, 10-H. p. ew glee, large ee trying capacity; price vary cheap. Addreaa H 8a, aara JoaraaL - j , PORTABLE locomotive boiler and engine; lea tnaa v. price: i nccaepower. t;. a. rig-- gott'l a fan sw afflca. 4 Mulkey bldg. A SNAP for a tinner; tonle and boalneea; leave - Inr tta. 808 K, waablngtoa. Pboae Raat a22..-- . .... . $360 NEW aprtght piano, $136. Fischer: $(5 organ, $20. Z41V First, cor. Mala. Luatslra. x'OI'NG lady going to Cbkago or Omalia will rind it to ner advantage to call ap Mala 171. ONE buggy, three wagnna la good condition for al cheap. 4A1 Ullaaa, cor. Twelfth. TWO gaenllne engine very cheap. Inquire of 4. r. uarimau e bob, bvj unaaa at. OYSTER counter and shelving and cupboards; fine outnt, cheap, sua roam et- A LA RGB stock ea aale at bargain price. Call and looa tnem over, bto rirat st. FOR SALR Browning automatic abotgua, at 461 East aignta at. . r -FOOT flst-top deak; make offer -for aame. . ii.. i, i, ia. personal: BR MEN! V. P. iVltal-Pnwert tablet win rest or ta yoa the anap, vim and vigor at manhood; If yoa ara lacking la th power of vitality. It loss resulting rrom inniecrenona aaa excaseee. aead for a boa of these tablet and be con vinced of their BMxit. By mall ta pla la pkg.. $1. The Armstrong Tablet Co., laa, 888' Tolama blk., DetrolL atlca. DETECTI TB ageaclee Confidential Investiga tion: report mad aa any Individual boalneea or property books experted: nest city refer ence; charges reasonable; aorrespondeBce so licited. Oregoa Detective Service, of f lcea . S14-818 Columbia bldg.. 888 Washlagtoa at Portland. Pboa Mala 5815. DRS. N. A. NISRETH, Swedish specialists, care rheomatlsux, kidney, atomacb aad liver troublea, chronic coastlpatlna, obeelty and all chronic and nervous; no drags; aa kblfe; $10 per Bwnth. Conealtetlon and dem onatratlona tree. Hood 1822. 411 Morrlsoa . EDISON phonographs and record t fsctury price, delivered anywhere on receipt of full , amount of retail price; largest stock of Rtll ; son records weet of th Rockies: send for cir culars. Peter Baclgslnpl, whnleesle aad re tell, 7d V lesion at.. Baa Fraaclaco. DISEASES af women a epedaltyi maternity caaes give spvclsl attention, private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurses la attrntlsace; cnnaultatlon free. X-Radlum Instliate and Sanlurlaav Third aad Alder, . entrance ,258 Abler at. . - MMB. ANNA LUCKRY, principal of the Ameri raa Beeaty Parlors, Is now located at W ' Taylor at. ; care all scalp disease and poet- tlvcly grnwa hair or no rhsrgei Inylgnrstliig cehlbrt bths glrvn for the core of rheums tlsm or lumhsgo, .' . IP eeklng 6 congenial life eomnanlon. Join tba Interetate Introdoclng Society, and meet . correspond with renntablo realdenta of bh ectlonVmsny wslthy. The October Regteter. 10 cent. Salt 24, Rneaell bldg.. ear. fourth and Morrleon sts. Phone Pacific 828. DBS. N. A. NISRETH. Swedish speclsllsts. enree rheamattsm, kl.lney, stomach snd liver 'troubles, chronic conatlpatloo, ohealtr'and all .chronic and nervona dlsrears; bo drugs; no knife. (Vmaoltatlnn end demon tratlona free. Hood 1822. . 411 Morrleon at. NO DRUGS, ao operational Prof. Dunn alvaa osteopathy aad magnetic treatment, reduce your fleeb, re! levee aaapreaaed monthly Irreg alaritlea. Consul tatloa free. Office, , 80S Goodaoagh bldg. WINONA MILLS eeamleea hosiery for mea: worn and children: any weight or material to order. 211 Commercial blk. Pbnae Mala 46. 8e ear exhibit, . Manufscturee bldg , . blk. . . - - - WANTED, LADIES Ray ear ostrich plumes; 12 Inehee long, black or white, $1.60 each; 16 Inches king, $2.60 eech; postpaid. Callfor . nl Plum Co., IS Grant at lUdlsnd, Cail fornla. MANLY Vigor reatored by Dr. Robert' Nerve Glonulea. One moarh'a treatment, $2: $ , BKMitbaa, IB; seat ecorel ssaled bf al. Ageata, Woodsrd. Clark A Co., Portlsnd. Or. BOOK8I Her they are: Tlecamerae." "nep temeroa." "A Hot Tsmsle." "Fanny Hill" , Twenty Years a Faker," "Pnrblddea Fralt.' $0 each; lleai free. A. Srbmale. 228 Flrat It. LOST newer reatored by th great Dr. . Let-ens' s Nerve Tonle Tablet; 26 ner bnk, boas for $1.29. Write or call at Ryaaeir . Pharmacy, 227 Morrlaoa. bet. let and Sd. PINK ribbon, wbR wslat. cap, black skirt Flrat snd Alder and Third and Washington last Sunday; black auM. Acquaintance. Ad dreaa F 64, JmtrnaL DR. AT WOOD, IS Russet bldg.. loAi Fourth at. Female dleesaee and confinements: coca Wtd. sad Sat, evenings, . CousulUtloa fx. A V: