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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
TUB OREGON DAILY JOUr.!! L. PORTLAND. TUZIDAY EVESIINCf. I OCTOr St. 18CJ. TODAY OTHERS WW. iiliD II HOLD California Onion Growers Dlspos. ing of Their Crop to 7 Oregon Trade. hop's ARE LOWER ON A SMALLER DEMAND. Fancy Potatoes Have Better Feeling ,With Some Inquiries : and Orders From the South Beans Drop and Canned Tomatoes Ar Up. ; nraat gtrsst, Oct St. The principal features , ' of the Portland wholesale narkats today ares... . Orape siarket In better ahsus. ,r yanry potatore filling better. Onions are Srm bat quiet. , , '": Another car California anions In. Hope are now dull; bo burins. SWIII ailk.. .lull... I - f.nnajf tma ttm aa an. ..u J ,, . Car sweet sotatoes thla mornins. . Peary applea are beet sellers. .. Chickens very slow Is en-trine:. ' Esse are arm at fraetlonal line. Pomearanates errlTlaav-sssr freely. rtnry hey has sa ImArme -tone. . 1 . ff. X.,.l -.- - -u J I I ' ' Frets. SMSta tin but Unchanged. Oreea Heldlag While Onllfsrut Sells. Oregea ealoB-grewers ire holding1 thew sap. Carets growers ere selling ss freely at they ..yes ship the stocks to market. The Portland , territory has been turned ever to the Call' forataas tor this ressoa. Another ear of ealoss arrived en the street front there this Borates , la California there was e very good cro of - wi. mmmm nuif . wss mur mem ever end enellty was ahoat sqnel to . former rears. California Is, hoursre. not whit tosy ; be termed the beat enlon-erowlng section, sad ' lltheufh the supplies from that section sre quite good while they last they do not last - long enough to keen then from eeaeon to eeaena. sa do the Oregon. Oregon onions sre slightly stronger men the csurornie storks. But they htvs a sweeter taste, the strength not being : of that bitter quality so preralent among strong onions grows la soma sections. The ' crop of onions la this state during the season ' la said to be fully np to the aeersgs, hat the . colore are set quite so bright ss formerly. Quality H nevertheless as good ss ever. The smrhet Is arm but anenssged. f -.J Tteiiil fa Sum Tat.tri.a " California polnta ere sow asking for limited ' supplies of tsncy Oregon potatoes. Dowa there they waat the Bnrbsaks and are willing to pay a small premium for fancy goods. S Oregon produced a heavy crop of potatoes thla season bat, eontrsry to genertl expects. .ion, ise qua ii i j is not as gsou as formerly, in normal wesson the eaet side of the Taller . raises potsteee of beet qnalltr. while those from west side seetloss. slthough choice, do not hsve that . fanry look end therefore sell for Thl. luM. ta mm amam,Lkm a A. hU and weet tide potatoes sre turning out the Deet. Market arm but nceenged. wrsse market is Better Bhase. " The grape market showed better share late beet quality are net so liberal as generally expected and this akrae had a stiffening effect , anon ruling values. Poor grapes sre ever- plentiful -end swr be purchased st any aid price, r Beet quality brings former qnetatkms. clearly show the earning of the end ef the neeson . Oaaaed Tsaaatees Seane sad High. inmn mi piy wwwwmj wniwa ee hf tbs strength at the canned tomato market, but today the .eons Is wild with qoetettoos very ev elred. ' Caltna tomstoea sre from AOs to eoe higher then recent beta end packers la Call- lornis art iwain auwi unirrq iron juoom ners at S3.0U. tbs lorai prior x.tb, bui .t thai HaM. afcw4ra am . tM ,n nl,,a I h . . Aaeuwv TaaUe la Biaaa, T Dews the tohoggsa been price ere still going, . there being s .decline la the market today. The crop has turned out eoneldersoly , larger than expected en ths whites snd pinks and these grapes sre eonsldersblv eft. New priced sre listed today. Bayous show a slight . .sdranc. . . .- . . , . I Chiokeaa Are Slew fat Arriving. i Bmalt srrivals are shown la the chicken market stain today and prleee are very Irm, - with ths likelihood ef a email edvanee If pressnt eotMiitiona are not enanaeo. ' - Essa are arm with small receipts snd sales are being made st 90c. Prices quoted Sodar reage tram SSc to 80e tor local fresh, Xsstern storsga arm rrom aoe ay. j ops Are Sell Dealers Won't my. ' Additional dnllness wes shewn Is the key t 'market during the pest S4 hours. The aborts , seem to here covered til their Immediate de - Hvertee and are unwilling to buy. . Every' saw eeesM to want to sell, while there m a general absence ef oarers, mean sre iMettoasuy merer today oa tnm account, t . Tbs following prices sre paid along front street by the retell trade for choice quality Is 'round lots, producers- pricee sre se spocisedl rala, rieur sad rase. - . ' WHBAT New eluh. TSet Bed Bsasiea, eSe; '.alueetem, TCe; valley, TaV. ; BARLBT Teed. Ml boqli Ot rolled. tUM 'OXSOOl brewing, Itf .602J.Oa. I ralN-Wbula. ta7.UUt eracked. tlt.OS nee ton. RTB-ai.U per ewt OATS Producers' price No. 1 waits. SS.Be MS.OUj grsr. t2a.O0. "LOUR New. eeatera Oregea patents, $4 SO; 'strslchts. 13 ona. &S : export. sa.SV0S.SS: val- ler. 14 eo; grsham. 14s, eS-OO; rye. Us, 10-00; belee, $a.TB. MlLLBTVrPS Brsa. $lS.m per toai arid' dllngs. 128.00; shorts, esuatry. $10.00; eity. IS 00; erop, $18.00. HAT Prodacere' price Timothy, Willamette - valley, fsscf, lt.OOttll.OOi ordinary, T.004S e oe; eastern ' Oregen, $14 OOeJlS-OO; mixed, SS.5oa.00; clover, $9 00 10.00; grsln, $a.eO ioo: cnest. r Wraaiw. Batter. Bscs ssd Veultrr. - BUTTER City creamery. 0taaVe: entail fancy, , STHtiiOel erdtBtry, sTaC. store, IS ' lTc. - - auQS He. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, O90e; eeld snd eeetem, SSCa7e. CHBadK New rul rream, twin. ltQUVtc; Toung Aster km, UsjUtic; eheddar, 14 w H. UAMB Jtekrshhltn. IS per doe. . PUULTBY Chick ens. lfc per lb; fancy hens, ISSe per lb; roosters. eM, S10e per Ih; ..v,a, Mac ya, v, awm. ,7. JT" w, dorks. I4nlle per Ih: seeee. tt per lb; tur heea. e mmr Ih? 17S nee m: snaaa. $a OOtJa 00 pe- dos. Heps. Weal sad Hldse. , HOrS 1900 Oregon. rhelee, llHAlaei UTuhi...!. tiiAii.. laoa - lUbt. . . , aa.-1 - - - "r -nv-a cholre. WOOtr ItOB ellp, valley, eeere to mediae. teHtJxSMei Sue, Me)Z; eeerern Ongea, ' ldl1r. .. .... - alalia in laeminsi, SOSJSIS, SHKRPSKINS hearlM. I3110e each) short wool. Ke eerb; medium urewt, WCiTOe each; e i.f I .w wa rm. TUESPAY PRICES IN ! THE WHEAT MARKET 'Dee. May. e Chicago ......... .S'HA .BSMAty New Torb. .$ $4 . . e) ,SSMAe a. ... Milwaukee .$T4A Minneapolis ... .tit, Duluth ......... .Ttu Liverpool ....... , s lIHd ..... a) Kaaas City .7HA St. Louis .$4Vb I Baa Tranclsce... l.l$A ... e) May barley. OOOO f0f)00 'SMARKETSfl JOURNAL'S DAILY-- TIPS TO SHIPPERS - Apple shippers outside . of .,thej 4 large unions cn learn a vary - e) profitable ' lesson by witnessing- e) th pack of the lsttsr lnstltu- e tlons. For Instance st Hood Rlvsr end- Rogue River the ss- e soclatlons put up their fancy 4) grades in a mtnner that will In- e stantly attract attention and 4) make yon buy apples whether 4) you want thsm - or not- The, . 4 apples are very carefully sorted and then as carefully wrapped In 4 clean unprinted paper. Between 4 each layer 1s placed a sheet of ' 4 blotting- paper so- as to keep the 4 apples from rubbing each other 4 and to likewise Uke In all the 4 moisture. These bring much bet- 4) ter prices than ordinary stocks 4 and many times over repay the 4 packer for the extra charge, r 4) t TALLOW Prime, set fit QUl Me. S sad gress., tfflliie. CHITT1M BABK mQ3e per w. HIDKS Dry. No. t. Id lha and up, MHO IT Ve per lb) dry kip. No. 1, a to IS lbs. 14c; dry calf. No. 1, noder S lbs, ISCI sslted hi dee, steers, sound. CO lbs snd over. lOtjillc; cows, tWfcBV: sta'gs and bulls, nound. OTc; kin. W to SO lbs. Ve; cslf, sound, under 16 lbs. lie, green, unssltrd. Is less; culls, le per lb less; noreehldes, salted, esrb, $1 I3fll.Tl dry, each. $1.001.0; colt hides, Seoloc; goat skins, commes. each. D)loc. Aagora, each, Set fl.Ou. - . rruKs sad Tegetables. POTATOES Best Oregon, SM saekt ear lots, SSaTOe sack: ordinary, e07Sc sweets, $180 ssck. $J.16tta a ersts. ONIONS Nsw Qregoa yellow Dsnrsrs, $1 5 1.3; tu lots. . Iiai-0; garlic. aQlot per lb. . rBEBR rBCITS AppIss, Oregon. $1.0001 Wl fancy. $l.TB; crabsppies, $1.60;., erangea, saw nsrel, IB.80; late Valendss. $4.T5to.25j bay naaas. Re lb; Ismoas, choice, fS.C0tl5.TS box; fancy, Sfl.00 hex; limes, Meslcsn, $1.25 per 100: Plnesppies. $4.00 dos; pesrhee. fancy. $1.003 $1.86; grapes, Oregon, oOOTftc; Oonrords Se, lftc; 10s. 0e basket; California, TSctt$lfi; pears, tl.25ttl.80 per box; Winter Nellie. $1.SB per box ; pomegranates, fl.zO per box; tangerines, VaORABLRS Turalps. sew. $1.00 per sac: carrots. $1.00 per sack! beets, $1,000 1 15 per sack; Oregon radishes, SSe per doe; eebhsge, Oregon, $1.00 per ewt; trees peppers, Se per lb: local tomatoee. BOsaeOci f-earenlna. $1 0041.18; string beans. 45j; csuiioewer. TBr$1.00 dos: rbuherb. per lb) horseradish, loe per lb; srtlrnnkes, 40 ft ooa per doe.) ho. house lettuce, $1.601.TS per box; frees, onions, per dot; spinach, 6e per lb; green corn. T5c per sect; nees, Se per ' lh : cucumbers, TSe per ssck ; celery, lorsl, SOtJTBe per dos; sssplsnt. $1.50 per crate; pumpkins, me; cranberries. Cape Cod. $8 M per bbl: Coos Bsy snd Tillamook. $T.0O. DRIED PRHITS Apples, evaporated. TttSa per lb; apricots. "4J1V per lb seeks. He per lb less; pserbes. SQlze per lb; pesrs, per lb; prunes. Italian, SVtfMHe per lb; French. SH64HC per lb; Sge. California bUrk. BOm per lb; California white. per lb; plums, pitted, per lb: dates, golden. Be per 16 1 tarda. $1.60 per 15-Ib box. V Sraeariaa. - BTuts. Vtc. ' ' ' . ' ui; .M; BrOAB Back hssls Cube. $9.80; powdered, rruir granuiatee,; dry granulated, Conf. A. S5.M): beet rranniated. gn.SB: .... 1 SJC AS. ulJb. n Sa OK. tk mIU. $4.SS;bIa. 10c; H bbla. toe-, boxes, BOe advaacs oa sack bssls. less 25a per ewt for eaab. IS days; msple. l4Q15e per lb. HONKT $S per crate. : . : CorrEK Pscfcass brands, $15.TB. ' MALT Cos res Half tround. loot, per ton, table, dslry. 60s, tll.OOt loos, , $10.75: lm- Krted Llrerpsol. SOs. $1T.OO; lolls. $150; 4s. $1(100: extrs floe. bhls. .7 as, 10s, $4.60415 50; bulk. $20 lbs. $4.00Qa.00i sacks, 60s. esejgfte. SALT -Cosrsa Half ground. JOOs. per. ton. $7.00; SOs, per ton. $7.50; Llrerpool. lump roek. $1$.50 per ton; 50-lb rock. $7.00; 00s, $fl.T6. t snore prices sppiy re sates ax ires tnss ear lots. Car tots st special prices subject to unrtustmns. j GRAIN BAOS Calcutta, ru. RICE Imoerlal Jaoen. Kev 1. Set He. t 44r5He; New Orleans head. Tc; Ajax, 4t; vreoi, ptc . BKANH Small white. SS.fR: Urre white. M.O.); pink. $J T8; bayou, $4. 15; Umas, $5.50; aieeirsn reoa. se. . , NITTS Pases ta. aeihoe, SHe per lb; Tlretnle, TUe per lb: roeeted. Sc; encoaauts, M4t90r per doe; walnuts, 154rl$tye per lb pine nuts. lOtallHe per lb; hickory nuts. lOe per Ibt eheetnnts. . eastern.. lS.JIAe See nV Brsstl suts, 14e per lb: filberts. 144JIV per lb; faacf pecans, uttunitc; snaKasas, aoRiie pur ID. Pabrta. Coal 00s. Xte, BOPB Tare Mantle. 14c: standard Mu slssl. 10,c; Hals braad eisal. s. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caeca. per gsl; wster white. Iron bbla, ISC per gal; woooes. ise nor gut Busuiigni, iiv-oeg.. ZZM,e per get. OAIIOL1XR S (Pc-AS-deg. eases, St Ms per gsl) lrea lie. lSe per gaL BENKINB es-dee. esses, SJe per salt trte BBss. le per get. TTJBPENTINB la title. SSsaptr gsl: taSla. no nee ssL WB1TB LEAD Tea Ms, T"4 per Tb; S00-B lots, sc per in; lees mis. shs per . in. W1RR WAll.w tteesnt Base at IZ.7U. . l.tvagcn OIL Pare raw. In S4M lots, ste; 1-hlil lot. 65c: retes. COe per gel: geeutne kettle boiled, esses. 'eJe per gsl; 5-bbl lota, ade; l-bhl lot. 67e pee gsl: greund eskev ear loui. $10.00 ir tost lees tnss cur win, ew.w pur sob. Mean, Ttsh sad rwvtslena. PRESH MEATS Pront street Beef steers. SOdc per lb; Blocs, le see ib; ers. TATtAe Mr lb: bulbx 406c .per Rt: mt! per tb; veal, extra, Tle per Ib; erd. nsry, le per is; peer, eo per 10; mutcea, taacg, TtT7He per R. . IIAMsTbacO. ETC. Port lend neck (lor.1) haras. 10 to 14 tbs. 14e pee IB: 14 to IS lha, lS4e per lb; breakfast baron. lStllSe pee lb; picnic. Be pee lb; regular snort 'leers, an rooted, lie per ; e looked, lSe per Ib; clear hacks, ausmoksd. '0e per Ibl ssaobad, 11 tie per lb: Union butts. 10 to IB lbs, en smoked, Se per lb: smoked, Se per lb; dear bellies, ansmoked, lie per Ibl smoked. Ue pet lb; shoniders, "He per lb. LOCAL LARD aettie leer. I os, live per Ib: Sa. 11T4S per Ib; eo-lb tins, HUe per lb; tteem rendered. 10s. 10e per lb; Sa, I0t CANNED SALMOW Oornmbla rtaer. 1-lb tails. s-lb talla. S2.TS: fanev 1-tb flats. Sl.POl H-lb fancy Ssts. $1.15;. fancy l ib evsls. $.T: A taika uils, sins, sstiwe: rsa.; aosunai 2s. t.tU $2.00. FIBH noes cea. re per in; Bounneru, se per lh: ksllbut. lUc ner lb: crabs. $1.50 eer dos: striped baas, lZHa, per lot estftsh, Se pee lb; sslmon, . sIlTsesides, So .per lb; bis, becks, Se per R; berrlng. 6c per 1B enlee. Be per lb; shrtmpa, 10c per Ib; perch. Be per lb; black end. Te per lb; sUvsr smalt, Te per Ib; sobeters, 15c; frssk meckanL Se per lb; erswSsa, SSe POTSTBB8 Shoalwatet bay, par gal, $X19; per ssck, $3.76. CLAMS zIsrd-eheB. . per box, $2.00; rasor tlame, $1.00 per boat. COTTON IS THIRTEEN , POINTS HIGHER TODAY Kew York.' Oct. St. 4ttou futures closed IS tv.lnfa klaka. Offlclsl Svetlons h Overbeck. iSttrr 'A Cooke, company: I Onen. HI ah. Low. Cross. January ......liW lt71 lim liwjmvi leoraary ........ lirrs ltmej liv'i Wanh,. ....Heat' HMS 1M liaw u AprU ......l'mi l)t Kmi Vsy ................ 1H) Hint lot kwuiki October .! lieut 120 -WUVM NeVenthet ...liin.1 144 1:'5 WOfiti? lumber rrr.r.rr:.io3triooij TwriiMi e a eOYIBBstlBT COTTOB BIPOBT. Washtneoai. Oct. St. oei numut esttoa re. rt: In tbe enttria hett the fare eart ef .he ending October S3, wee uulforaly warm end the hitler part eerjl smf frests more ee keea d.maetea in every pluesv However, ralae were preveient, exteaHimg ennui centre! .esse ro weetern Tenneeeee, uthile no anereelable smesmt sf rsla fell m Tessa snd eeee e tars pert of the gulf snd southland. Ptrkmg has pen. greened untrerrnptedly. It Is fmlsaed m esath .r tanrstW and swarlv as sa Leulalsaa a-vl Alabanut. steep m the me them uorHoet ef ih last named stste. It b also nearly cempleted ke sentheen Texas sed. with the eeeentloa ef the Sea Islssd crop. Is Houth Carnlrna. tn Tew neesee. Oklshnma and tmttsa Territory Btrkmg m tram one half to ter thirds eempleead. -Hesev rains interrupted picking sad caused consider. ahte damssw to epeaj esttnsi. tn eeatrel sael sort Hers Tries, pactions of oklshossa snd iodise Terrttery, Arhansaa, sreetarn Tennessee and lbs extreme port low a klhulsetppl. Boil weevils eeetkeue hsmaraue hi Texas.. I - - , aMsettag Bates, ' New Tor. Oct. Z titer ling raNai: DsmtsJ. i:3.oV3i9uJ0. SS ears, sao.iS)it4JS. lit Air Ccst Thrt Is Prices GENERAL DUSIUESS a WAS LARGER Chicago Wheat Market Stronger and General Cain l Made In the Various Options. PRICE A QUARTER - - TO A, HALF CENT UP Spread of One Cent la Now Shown ' Between the December and May July a Quarter' TJp at the Cloaa European New Still Great Factor. TUESDAY'S WHBAT MABKET. : J. " ' Close Close Osls ' OlosS ' Tuee. ' Mon. Tore. Tear Are ueeemner $ Ml J(7UA $ .mA 9 -00 $1 16'A .8h2a .K7A AOZ 1.14 ,.. SA-- X)hi , July .......... Cblcago, Oct; Si. Logsa st Brysa say: The wheat market was stronger today, with general business ,Bwch larger, we think that the local bulla bare accumulated s little store wheat and there was eoneiderable bay big by locals. We expect the siarket would bars sold higher If there had not beta se much praat-ttklng ea December at ST He. The trade la the May option le becoming larger snd meet of the out side buying orders bow are for that option. Armour Orewd la- Corn. The strength In cora today was das to a great sxtent to baying by the large Armour crowd. VelenUue bought about S.OuO.OOO bushels of May option. Aside from that fee tare the market wsa very ejulet. In eats the volume ef business wes not large. Bvery commission bouse seemed to hare eelllug orders st fir. Tb. strength in com helped this cereal te some extent todsrv Provisions were steady and firm, doe to local short-oorertng snd light ef (cringe by the peck- Official quotations Cooks comDanr : by Overbeck, . Starr A v WHBAT. Open. High. Low. . Jgl : .87. ;. JSm .SI ' Cloee. $ .74A i . JW-iA Ait ' ASkB Pee. . MHA.... July..... JIT $ .8T JI7 .88 B3 .S3 si COBN. Oct .51 .45 M . Old Dee., May..,.. July...., Oct...... jjec .a. a, July..... .1 -5 OATS. 'MS- .S3 Al MS Ml 0 S0 s MESS POBK. Oct.... Jan.".,. 1S.10 iao 14.10 . IS. 10 12.86 , IS JO v. MAS T-OS e.7 e.78 80 - i V '. T.6T 6.tT B.BT I . LARD. 6.PT 7.0S S.T B.75 .(v. B7T B.7B e.75 err ; e.ts e.B3 ' B.W ' eta BHOBT BIBB. T.6S ' 7.67 7.68 S.4A rt . e.tT ,. ' S.4S 85 B.o7 6.H6 Oct...... Dee...... Jan...... May,.... Oct..'.... Jen May...., .X irrEBPOOb SBAIV MABKXT. Liverpool, Oct. U. dose: Wheet. December, UHi, fed higher. Ah. n kWh R. Ifll 1 A . i i. uorn iecen d. 4.d hiaher: Msrch. 4s eVd. lu.i 0KI0AS0 BAJJf CAB LOTS. Cblcago, Oct. St. Grata car lots: Cars Grade Wheat ...,........'...........145 . 7B Cora ; 164 46 Oats ....83 sa " Est 14S 147 SS . TOkTOVAK MIBTBO BTOCKB. San rranrlaco Oct. St. Tooopsh stocks, of' aciai csose morning oessioa: . Bid. Bid. S .14 Montans Midway ,....$ .87V. ..... 1.S7H Cotambla Mt .Tt .30 .16 .07 .St .00 .28 .20 .21 .(7 .08 .10 .88 .14 .23 ,18 3 MrN .81 Jumbo Ex...... Belmont .... 1.87HiBlark Butte. North Star .., ,4S - jll-er Pick Rescue ........ .0 Golden' Anchor.. Gold Mouatala.. .11 Jim Butler .... .01 Nevads ........ .IS Bed Top .01 Ton. Ei tension.. S.00A GotdSeld ...... .67 Oa so. term . .... .4S Bsndstom Ex. . .88 Adsms ....... .04 Mohawk .14 Dixie .( Kendall .SI Ray A O'Brien.. Ohio Tonopah... O. Bull Frog.... DIsmondAeld ..a Lone Btsr ..... Home ' Cssh Boy ...... Eclipse National Bank. a Denver ....... a St. tree ........ Qold Bar BAB TEA CISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Baa lanrtaco. Oct. 24. Official class, mora. '" ' J ' BM. Ask. Contra Costs Water.. 48 Spring Ytlley Water.. , 40 U 40 Mutual Electric...: 16, P. Oaa A Electric.. J ..I. J.. M . , S4u Oktat Pawdsr....... s... 77 18 Hawallaa tommerclal. ...... ...... SS . .... Honokea Sugar... 18 Hutrblnsoa Sugar 16, 14 Is SB 22 0 103 B4m tvii Hiii.tu ugsr....... 4. ........... Ononsa Sugar. J $844 Pssunaa sugar...... Il Alsaka Paekera' 64 Oceanic Steamship.......... ,. 4 Pacific States Telephone..... 108 California Wine Pacific Coast Borax 103 California fruit Causers' bostob wrm btocib. -Boston, Oct. 24 Offlclsl cloee: era. 1 mi. AArenture ...S 00 A. (Old Domisioa. .$ si. 00 AtlanQe Su.60 AUostee 46.00 tiereoia ...... lis.xT Parrot 27 M Bingham .... WOO CaL A Arts... 114.O0A Calumet ..... 084.00 PnoentI 1.7B 107.00 A12Uj 138.00 . B.BO ; 84 00 -J : A02i 10.60 127.00 -47..TTH 86.76 26.00 Quinry ....... Sthsnnoa ..... Tamarack .... TrlBltr Copper Bangs. 74.75 Centennisl ... SS.7B Daly West ... 14.12ft 1' tilted Blm Branny ...... a.oii iTirenrm ... T.2S IWlnone 27 STft Woleerlne .... Mohawk .. 60 25 l-tah Mlrhlgaa .... I8.6O 10.60 r. S. Mining.. Boysl ........ HSSS Berth Butte.. 60.60 CXICAOO LOCAL STOCXS. Chicago, Oct. 24 Local Bid. I : Bid. . oASIpusMkM Mstcfc ,.H .liattiguaker Oats .....126 . Swift A Ca. ...... .114 . l2VTnl 47 . 11 I South Sid By ... te . flHIK. C. Light . Bkeealt do prePsrred. . Bo t wood ....... do ore ferred . . Can do are ferred... Carbon ..t..... Bsswsy .......... ss de prerrrres....iia 1 t comstocs Btnraia rroexs. Baa PTinrlses, Oct. Be. OfSctsI etjee. mil slsg PmlHon ........$ Savage ..A. ... .62 ........ .70 Belrber ... .SI Con. CeL-Vs... 1 "O l nto Con., Opblr A 76 Hale m Wir truss 1.16 rsieoonia ...... .es Mexican ...... ..3ft Yelsew Jsefcet... J2 Con. Merrar ..... AO ST Scorpio ....... .U BXW TOBJC COfTTB 1CAJKKXT. . Bewt York. Oct. York. Oct. 24 Coffee futaree ' closed sarhenged to 6 setnts ay. UfDCWI noTsiMSMi: ' Bid. lAek.t PHd. Ask. ...S7.86 S7.40 1 40 7.46 Jsaaart . ..$u.8 $H.sitJnly r.krsewy t so t.wm a Meech ..... T.OB ?.iv s.nther .. 1" T.M 16! 3rtnar S tn S.7W April ...... T .10 May . ..... t SO T tn' Nevember .. AOS, B.70 Jane . .... I.2S 7. SO. Comber ATS as Sew York. Cask Coffee. New Tor. Oct. St. Cssh seffset Ke. f Ska, SHi Me. 4 Ssntsa. t,e. POKTLAjrO SABS STA TXBTXBT. Ctesrmge ..'..$80 T. st .... ,,,...., .....a .... . asvaese Not Make Hop Market end ft Lack of Demand From the Are Down Ir the Local Market. IUDU8TRIALS UP; RAILS DOQ Sugar, Smelter and Pressed Steel Car Among Those That 'i Show a Rise Today. LONDON WEAKNESS IS v i BAD FOR THE LIST Toledo, St Louis 4 Western Moves Up One anda Three Quarters in Both Issues - Reading One Higher U. S. Steel Closes Weak. i - ' ADVANCES. Sugar ............ Illinois Central U Smelter a. Mlsourl fscUlc.... H - do preferred..,, IHiNurfolk vn .. 34 Car A roundry... H Psclnc Msll ...... H do prsfsrred..,. Preeeed Steel Car.. lSt Brooklrn . ., 1 Redliig . 1 C. A NW. tUiKepublte Btsel.... U Colorado Southern, I Southern By...... , do ad pfd.... Hiroledo .IV Loeemetlve . 1 do preferred..,. t LOSSES. aaaaiMin . , a , do preferred.,.. Atchison Colorado rati .... St. Paul Erie do Sd pfd ...... Mexican Centre! .. Ontario A Welters. . People's Oss ..... Bock Island ...... do preferred.... ... Chesspeake ....... Canadian LoukiTllle Metropolitta ...... N. Y. Central.. .. Henneries nlsf ..... Rennblle Html. nfd. 1 Tennessee Coal..., U Union Psrtflc...... H D. S. Bteel ....... de preferred..,. Wall Street, New York. Oct, St. fltocks bs S very bad break early In the day. London cables were very beaey. the leading lssoet being, considerably, lower. This caused the slump here. Later la the day there -.was s sharp rally, the strength being felt moot In the Indus trials. Kalla were weak. Smelter was vary active with a gala of In the com mon and 1th la the preferred. Toledo, St. Louie A Weetern had a bullish feeling, there being a riee of 1 In both the preferred and common. Isssed Steel Car was likewise good mover.' Official quotations by Overbeck, Starr A Cooks company: . . , kV BESCBimOR. Anaconda Mlnlus Co.. AmaL Copper Co....... Atchison, com..;.....,. do preferred. Am. Car A foundry, . do ore far red Am. Sugsr, cam........ Am. Smelt., com....... do preferred........;. mkiiai V2l 1221k 1134 tl Baltimore A Ohio, 11a do preerred .jlm17 Brooklyn Rapid TranslCTT7 V' 074 T 17lfi Cansdlsa Pacific. 172 W Csrlcago A Alton, com.., do preferred.......... C. A h. W., com Chi., Nil. A St. P C. A N. W, com Chesapeske A Ohio SO it 21 tt BO 21 2114 1M2. 221 1X1. 221 21 6714 68H 4M 07 H 40 ixua. raei ai iron. com. Colo. Southern, com... "Tk 27 do second preferred... do first preferred.... I 02 I BS us uelaware A Uodson. DaL. Lack. A Wes.. D. A B. O, com..... do preferred...... Erie, eon. 48 484 do second preferred... 12 72T4 do first preferred.,.. 81W 81 V I 111 note central 180 lnt) Louisville A KsshvUls... 168, 168H wet. B. mj. ...... .....Ii)14llin jssnnsiuiu tty. ......... lion lion Mexican Central Ry....l 2S, 2SH Ulnn., St. P. A Ste. M.I1.H9 1187 no prsrerreu. .. 10a I inn Missouri Pacific 11049.1105 M. at. A T, com j 821 s 1 do preferred I m I 60 New fork Central 168 l.V)H narmara 1 a cure ...aua Am. LoromotlTS........! 6Hi M a. preierrea. ........ .1110. jios Norfolk A Wsstera: com! m ana. North American I jf N. Y.. Out. A Weetern.l 64Vk S Psansylvania By.. P. O. L. A 0. Co. 144411454 Pressed Steel Car, com.. 63W 101 ? QO pIVrel'iajQ. a s' e Pacific Msll a. B. Co.. Beadmg, veom J.. 4V 12614 do second prererred. . do ftrat nrsfwiia.1. . . en BBS 714 Rep. Iron1 A Steel, com. do preferred. .v. Bark Islsnd. east.. do ore ferret .... 70 87 H BH Southern Ry., com do preferred. ... Soutbcra Pacific. . (ilk BrefCt'Tra . B s a 120 St. U A S. P.. Sd Pfd. 614 24 Vk 01 S5H 804 at. I., b. w., com... do nreferred... ...... Texaa A Plrlf! Tennessee Coal A Iron Toledo. St. L. A W com s4 80 Va ee prererreo. Calon Pacific, coca.... U4 do Brefeered U. 8. Rubber, com..... 68 U 634. nreferred 1114 111V C8. Steel 'o.( cess... 38. do preferred ......... 106 Wisconsin Central, com SI do prererred W. C. TsleerSDh........ Wabash, com.... 21 ii 42 Vk do nreferred......... Bubber (oodsi. ....... . preTerrea CaU monsr closed S. per Total sales fee day. 850,200 shsxee. ' TO CANCEL ENTRIES ON IDAHO LANDS (Special Dispatch te The Journal-) Boise, Idaho,' Oct. tt. Ths govern ment has Instituted proceedings to can cel 14 timber entries on lands in Boise and Washington counties, claimed to be fraudulent, Several quarter sections of land. Involved have already been trans ferred to ths Butte Land tV Investment company. Thla action la tbe result of Investigations by Special Agents Sharp and Caplee and la said to be tbe first of lsrge number of fraudulent entries unearthed. Is ia expected that a large number of .criminal. proSPeutlona will follow. Several entrymen have rone to parts unknown to avoid prosecution. ' m i Building permits have been Issusd to Mrs. LI sale K. Harper, dwelling on East Twenty-ninth, between Division and Clinton, f 1.309; H. 11. Pomeroy and M. B. Hall, dwelling on East Davis, be tween Twenty-second and ; Twenty-third streets. $1.4$0: Mrs. A. R. Wright, ad dition to dwelling on Taggart, between East Sixth atreet and Orand avenue, $1,100; George E. Walker, flat en Nine teenth street, ' between ' North rup and Overton, $4,606; William R. 8toks A Ca. flat en East rifteenth street, be. tween Belmont and East Taylor, $l.i00. Repair permits have been Issued tn O. M. Btryher. flu to dwelling. IBt Park atrewt. $J0; David Mulr. stalrwsy tn dwelling on fifth Street, between Burn, eld and Couch; streets. $2J. Siot .ta Assyriaa Oolowy. I Journal gaectsl Srvlee. New Terk. Oct, tt-Aa the reault of a policeman searching an Assyrian for concealed weapons a riot started be tween two factions tn the Assyrian col ony last night In which several hundred men participated.; Nearly a score of persons were shot or stabbed, some ef theta iBtally, , . . ' ...L. , YESTERDAY'S JOi; ' i La r 4. , .. I Livestock Markot In Eiccellent Shape and Top Values Are ' Being Easily Maintained. Portlaad Cnloa Stockyards, Oct. Sa. Live stock receipts: . . Bogs. Celtic. Sheen. Todsy US ; 112 128 , ... Prerious week 160 - 60 .,, Month ago ...., ... ... - eiioUdsy. 1 v Tbs demanit .. .haan was savee. Better In tbe local msrk.t than today and aU arrivals sre weight st ths price, r at esst-of-ths-moun. tains steere are wantao mt ths nrlce. wblls Boor stuff is toe nlentlfiiUy offered. Mops are arm, also reel calves, lu-f act all markets sre la Km) shspe at tbe advances exclusively told Is e Jour as 1 yesterdsy. Official prleee for livestock; Hogs Best eastern Oregon. $8.OO0,S.lBrtlork ers snd China fats. $; a lockers and feeders, $4.60. Cattle Beet . ssstera . Oregon steers. $3.60; light snd medium steers. $2.0012.28; light cows, $2.26tj2.6i: stoikera snd feeders, $2. 2.60; bulla $1.60. Sheee-kWetbert. 4Q4He: mixed theep, 4c; straight twei. 4t)4c; spring lsmbs. 41fllo. Csrrea Good reel, 160 to 200 pounds, tuVkci rough fceary, $t3V4e. ' , j " XASTXBB HOPS S7XAOT. Chicago, Oct. St. Livestock receipts: , Hogs. Csttle. Sheen. Chlrsgo 21.ai0 . 11,000 86.000 Kaoaaa City ..16.0110 . 2".0(K 1,0"0 Omaha 0,600 lll.iaiO lB.oiitf Hogs Opened stesdy for good with B.1S0 left over. Pricee: Light, $6.00ti6.4B; mixed, $6.00 ft6.62tt; rough, S4.70i4.0; hesry, $4.7&tJ S.62H. . t Cattle Stesdy, " ' Sheep Steady. . j, '' "-J . ,: , - . BXW TOBK CTfBB. Nsw York, Oct 24. Curb closet ' Bid. I Bid. Cta 10 I Int.- Marine 1444 do preferred.... 711 do preferred,... 87Vt Greene Copper ... 27 Interhorough SIS Greene Gold $ I Tenneeeee Copper. 83 U Auction Sale By J. T. WILSON AUCTIONEER. Special .Sale at Residence ! (Reached by East Morrison Cars), 474 East Washington. Corner Ninth Street, at 10 A. M. Thursday, on Account of .Departure. And by order of Mrs. Beverage, who le leaving; for Boise City, we will sell at rublle auction the furnishings of her 0-room dwelling, comprising id TARDS MOQTIET CARPET, In double parlors; OIL PAINTINGS, Box Couch and Cover, Lace Curtains, Piano Lamp, upholstered Parlor Furniture, Rockers, Tables, Chairs, Rugs; BRUSSELS CARPETS, SIDEBOARD, Extension Table, Dishes, Glasses, Halt Tree. COOK and HEAT ING STOVES; Bedroom Sets, Springs and Mattresses; Toilet Bets, Portieres; very unique Leather Brlc-a-Brao Case; WALNUT TEA TABLE. Steamer Chairs, Iron Beds. Dressers. Hanging Lames. Bed Lounge, Couch, Bedding; Cook Stoves, Kitchen Treasure, kitchen equip ments and miscellaneous. Sale prompt at in a. m, - J. T. wilbon. Auctioneer, BBOTHXa WILLIAM, TEX ttVAXU, Propest, Clairvoyant, Pijrshie, Psianist, Traaee kTsdlusi I ttaks s sole ma oatk to tall yoa mors sbsosuts facts la relation to sot ealy tbs past, bat tbe present and future ef your Ufa, well ss every bope, fear ee smbltloa ef year life, without asking yoa a question. This will do for yon, snd awe thaa ssy ether clairvoyant, palmlatj or eo-ealled forts se-teller la tbe World tea do for yoa. I advise yoa ea love, courtship, marriage, divorce, bealtk, bast- seae. lswsults. speculation and transections ef all kinds; ten wbe and wbea te Barry; set tle lovers' q narrate and family trouble; locate lost treseure sad tbseat fries as, etc S1$H WABKHfaTOST ST. Low charge. Dally, Sua daye also, B s. m. to S p. . 02i! ounci moaiB a Portlaad ssd all eeee tbe asrtkwest caa testify te ea great sad aav titsipled tut mt. GONORRHOEA Kay be atteadwd with tbe gravest ssevpnes tlons if segleeted a ImBroosrly treat. A We save a speeias treatsteai wait Blcklr. safely ssd pain 1 1 ally. SYPHILIS ) .i la sue flier seqirtred dtseese. fee ravagse ef which wbee fully developed bo sea caa describe. Wees It showe hr ski a st nations or ay sores tn mouth or throat it. terrors sre sweady Began. We anghlf ear Ton snd ae miners! tmpssyaaV - - A-.-i , VeARlCOCELE AND HYDROCELE We treet and rare, sot by tbe td sunrVsl seosadure, but by s astsleee ssatbed solelr ear ess. We BB m fas will cure yoa end esse yea the suffering sasrarlsfed with Tfm uss Dsbillty, lost t&abead, Imserasney, StaimstwiSnn. VosturnaJ Isaissleas, Pre mannre Da aims, tase ef M.S. mi, Xssrgy ssd Assaitlsa la Ike brtsfsst ttass It caa be dnae ssd ws Ins art yoa a safe east positive cure. CsassKstasa sad ssamtnatvw free. Write far sysiptoes bleak sad bush If yea ssssst call. i OfSev Houi-tt S a. as. ts $ p. av Ba says, IB te 12. ST. LOUI0 'Medical amd Surflerl DI3PEN0Ar.V Oat, Sd sad TsatklQ eta., Pertla sattaMhbsi 111$. '.v::V-:r-,i -..irji -V'".',. :A III, ' 3 aa- ; Live The Natural Life You can not do it if you are, a slave to the daily pill. Cast of! that slow poison t Cure your weakened , digestive organs. There's one remedy that is Not a Habit But a Cure It is the prescription of a once famous physiciantested and proved by years of success. Try it.' ; Chase's'.. . - : Convstipatioiiv Tablets the Velvet WorKert In watcK-shape bottles, fit vest pocket. . Your druggist, or " - . 25 c FOR SALE BY, WOODARD. CLARKE tk CO. ICIS mrmt. , mvY Iloore lavesbaeBl Company Uih SixQ Street Easy Terns Hotel Eaton Csraor Mirrltia sad Vest Vsrk Streets. ' NEW Bssdtooely farniebed, eletaattr mat p Dad, Srepeoet, Sea aslnutea wait front kesrt ef shop plus snd Business district, til larre, tlry. outside reoms, atesa, seated, a lee trte Usbts, telephone la each apsrtssent. etc. Lar(s erneee. uenciag. SBMtins, wnciss, Isdletr reeeptMa sartors. Iiiai br nsall or telephone. Vrtrate ssaalVas atests trstas aad oom fl.OO to $S.OO a Day , Bpeclal Rstes te CoatttMrelsl , Jes. , sUa. MAI lATOW.' (reraeerly ef Bote! Bsdpela, Spokaae.1 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish ! Bath; .aaa tteo4 eei se tbe Bis-at, aa fee fa. King's Baths Sereoth aa4 Wi laftoa Sta, lnnast an4 Isrratrt aaUAa sa Ike eiqr. ' l0WZsfa, SOVatDT m oa, (Established H.) w-caAT ajtd stock Baoatams. Boo at 4, aroanA rioots cunn or coiocBiaom. ,v rP., . w a. . sr ar 'ssv- m mm'- ivy $1.00 if " UsasBBjxsBaaxaaaaSexa OVBRBUCIC, OTAHn . ,, Members Chlcaao acAr-. r-'Ttwr-tosri. r i' J 10 Third "treet. I 1 t-t n a r : i "i It 1 , t ill H bLoL, Would . certainly believe your r.c fall outfit' to be the production c Portland's; , best custom uilor L you would not tell' therh that ccr CLOTHINO DEPARTMENT it the home of such . . t . ... ti . : , . , .- Suits, Over- . : VVUiil U1IU ( .. Cravcnettes They do Ipok, fit and wear as custom-made. Select your, garment, pay a portion of the amount at time of purchase and the ' balance at HOO A WEEK Eastern Outfitting Co. . Thm atorm whmrm your CrmtHtUCood WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS 1 THE CHASfi MFG. CO,' , Newburgh, N. Y. ' Cfs. " P f 3 V Portland PORTLAND. OREOON. ' , EUROPEAN PLAN OM.Y HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCLAXe . j. :- TRAVaEit4 - Ererythlns to eat and drink, aad It costs no more In the . Port! an Hotel Brtbefcaner than elsewhere tn the elty. Krerr weekday night from :3S to IX. s.a Btnrnsx PALACE HonrcL ' Whether bo svra by land or sea, the travelee will Snd It a deltfhtfot trip to Baa Francisco, where he shotLld stop at the world-fastest Pakcc Hotel and enjoy tts aasnw attrae tlve features. For fuller Information write te the Palace, er see . C. SlSsXT et the Portland Informa tion and Booklnt Aseney, Hotel Portland. p 0 X ta a J 1 n i Creealnstsul lie! sad ttunrlirrCares Catarrh, CtM ta the stead. U , HgiA Heaiaest sae itssjumj nu use sawn, , Soli ral!'rsfr't(iefTSiaU reeld. F. C KEJTK rVaax. CWsslOU GEO. H. STRONG, 1(3 West Per- I!. KXOLVSITS COstKI0IAt sTMTOwaAtrra KXOLVSXTI PHOTO ccpws ad E:ir A SPECIAL ' ' Betddsaee T,a. V t 1 r " r -