e In GOOD EVENING Journal Circuhlicn ' i THE WEATHER. - ; , 'f Yesterday Occasional rain tonight and Wednesday; moderate southerly brceae. Was VOL. IV. NO,' 189. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, r OCTOBER 24. 1905 FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO . CENTS. SJKWroir3 DROPPED ?SI1 ABROAD LOQTirJG " ' '. ', '..". ' r f -' ' : . G UK OF .6,000 Emery; McClintock, Actuary of ,the Mptual Life, Say That v Late Investments Yielded " , . Smaller Returns, . POLICY-HOLDERS ARE SAFEGUARDED BY LAW Statute Does Not Permit Additional ' Mulcting Orange Bank to Be Ii I veatigated TarbeU'a . Costly'1 Tripa . Around Continent Hyde'a Sweet heart Returns to New York. ' 4 (Joarasl Special Sot(m.) -.New, York. Oct, 24. Emery McClIn--. toebvjtctusry of the Mutual Life Insur ancs oompany, was ths first witness this morning before the leglsletlv in vestlgatlun commutes, which resumed , Ha sessions after a three days' adjourn ment ..McClintock; was called upon by President Richard A. McCurdy to glvs' ; explanation of matters In which he him ' self prof eased ignorance, and waa ques tloned ss to why, in spits of Increasing ' surplus and business, dividends to pol . ley-holders had ae greatly decreased. - McClintock stated that his salary was 125.000 a year. He gave ths history of life Insurance during the past 40 years snd reviewed the numerous failurea of Insurance companies In the early '70s. New methods wers then adopted wtf h greet success, r . - v, . -. Explains lose Of Strides. . McClintock explained at length ths ' . dividend system. A committeeman asked him to- re-explain, snd he gave : a technical dissertation upon- why the policy-holders' 'dividends dropped. This he stated - was due to the fact that the rata of Interest on investments . had dropped snd money did not com mend the return that it formerly did.. ' "If ths dividends dropped below 4 per cent, would tils ' policy-bolder owe 1 you anything?" , asked Committeeman , Rogers. '.'. : "No. because ths law would not permit If replied McClintock. ' n When the investigation of ths loss ts policy-holders In dividends Is com . pitted the commission will taks up the investigation of ths purchase of the '.controlling interest In ths -Orange Na tional bank of , .Orange. , New Jersey, ; which In addition to the Morrtstown Trust company Is said to have resulted - in many changes to the , betterment of the McClintock. " , Following' the Mutual will corns ths instigation of the Equitable and ths ' examination of James Hasen Hyde and Gaga K.' Tarbell. The latter will bava to explain some of his spectaculsr trips which he made in Hyde's car to agencies at ths expense of the Equitable. . TarbeU'a Xxpencive Trips. . ... In 1801 Tarbell decided to visit the Pacific coast He used Hyds's magnlfl " cent private car, for which It was nec- csaary to purchaso 1 first-class tickets , from New York to Ran Francisco, and he took with him a valet. cook, a man servant and maid.- His companions were his Vlfe, Miss Annie . L.. Amend t, his . - iii udii a year secretary., ana a woman stenographer. At all the large cities of ths west Tarbell entertained agents or trie company, public '. officials and prominent men at expensive banquets. Ths trip la stsd erix-weeks.- .......... James Hasen Hyde's return to New York is said to be due to ths arrival here from Newport of Mrs. Admiral Charles W. Baldwin and ' her-beautiful . granddanghter. Miss Edith Deacon, -to whom Hyde la reported to bo .engaged, . who will live at the .Waldorf-Astoria - this winter. - ,.....,...!.....,.. TRAIN IS SNOWBOUND -V FOR A DAY IN MONTANA (Special THspatrk to The-lonrnsl.t " i i Butts, Mont, , Oct . 24.A passenger ' train of severaX. coaches was snowbound . for a day on ths Montana railroad, ac cording to advices from Harlowton to. 'night An Immense drift of snow was encountered between Harlowton. and 1 Garnelll. and 'aid effort to dash through resulted In ths' train getting stuck eo - badly thnt It reqnlred 12 hours' work of v a large force of shovelers to free ths ,. ears,-- - ', . , ' Ths Montsna road traverses a remote . sectronr'bf ths stats. Last wlntsr a train was lost for sight dsys as ths re sult of deep snow. Ths railroad - Is . without telegraphlo communication. Heavy snow at this time is very un usual. ., SAYS CANAL WILL BE OPERATING IN TEN YEARS (Joeraal Ipeelsl Serried.) Washington.- Oct 14. General Isham Randolph, ths man who bnllt ths Chi cago drainage canal and who Is - mem ber of the consulting engineers of ths Panama canal, today sxpreased publicly his belief that ths Isthmian ditch will be completed and In operatloa within 1 years. Ha says that 14.000 men will at least be needed on ths Job. C0RBETT AND M'GOVERN ; MATCHED TO FIGHT '' ' (Journal iperlsl BVrrtr.) . ' aanjFrsnrtsro. Oct 14. Charlie Pol lock of Philadelphia, who la ' looking after ths Interests of Jack O'Brien on the coast, received word this morning that Young Corbet t snd Terry McQovem were today matched to fight before ths National Athletic club In Philadelphia next Monday night at catch weights, six rounds. English Capitalist Says He Will Torce Construction of the ' Portland. Nehaiem & Til- i ' ; lamook Railroad. ; ;"J HE SAYS LYTLE IS ' . , n IN WITH HARRIMAN Declares That Failure of Atlaa Con- '( atruction Company Need Have No Effeet on Building of Road Lytle Denies That Southern Pacific Is In. terested. ' i ; ' " Individual, members of ths board of directors of the. Port!a"nd. Nehalem Tillamook Railroad company are threat ened .with a suit by H. Melville Walksr and ths London Snare dc pebenturs com pany to -compel ths Portland company to accept the sum of 13,560.000, deliver the t, 000, 000 bond issus proposed under ths contract between . Mr Walker and ths Portland company and proceed to construct ths railroad as projected be tween Portland, Nehslem and Tillamook. -I It la said ths money Is ready, and the English financiers Insist- upon going ahead with arrangements msds on the right of wsy between Hillsboro and Banks prior te ths failure of Edward Records and ths .Atlas Contracting . tk Supply company. Mr. Walker arrived yesterday In Lon don, from New. York. 'Prior to his de parture from New'- York 4is received news of ths efforts that are being made to dispose of ths rights - of wsy and franchises of the Portland, Nehalem aV T411amook ' road to the Lytla Interests, and ho aerved' notice on the Portland directors of the road that he would not consent .to any change of the program. Demands That Work Oe Ob. ' Mr. Walker said that he had mads ell- arrangements for floating the bonds. and demanded that they be delivered Ss sgreed upon, at the pries stipulated. and that the company proceed upon con struction of ths line as begun. He said the failure of Reoords was wholly im material, and was simply an incident In the matter, and that ha would find a new contractor to talte up- the work. : In a letter to ons of the local directors of ths Portland company, under date of October li: 106. he wrltea: "I note the efforts you have made to get rite to cancel the agreement I have with ths railroad company. In. the first place Mr. Lytle, who offers to take this road. Is a personal ' friend of - Elijah Smith. In point of fact Mr. Smith has notified me that Mr. Lytle expects to build the road and that he sn sgent for Mr.. Harrtman snd the Southern Pacific Railroad company. It Is the old story over again, where your company will be again caught" I wrote you ths other day that we would not on any account cancel the con tract which we have with your raldroad company. - I am perfectly willing to provide a contractor In the place of Mr. Records. But your com pany must keep Its agreement with ma I leave for London tomorrow. Saturday, therefore you can understand that 1 hare not much time to discuss the mat ter. But I wish you to distinctly un derstand that we do not care with whom you enter into a contract I shall still enforce the sgreement which you have with. me. . .In the meantime I shall go on, completing my . arrangements with my people in London, under your con tract. , . "It Is no business of mine and I am not at all affected by Mr. Records not carrying through his , arrangements With your company." Meetings were held In ths offices of E. E. Lytle, president of ' ths Pacific Railway ft Navigation company, and William Reid, secretary of the Port land. Nehalem ft Tillamook, In ths Wor cester building yesterday afternoon tt endeavor to determine ths fsts of the project for construction of ths proposed road from Hillsboro to Tillamook. In Mr. Reld's office wers - gathered ' the stockholders of ths P N. ft T. snd In ths office, of , Mr. Lytle wers his at torneys and representatives of . the Hillsboro board of trade. , . (Continued on Page Two.) ITIHTFJ Ths venersble fraud who presides over- ths editorial - destinies of ' the morning paper mskss. pretense of a part in a local drama for which hs is peculiarly fitted. He would havs ths public believe that hs Is a "reformer,', a protector of, the public, while hs rests secure In the' possession of pelf snd power which he won in devious and dubious wsy a This editorial ogre would have ths , publlo believe that Ths Journal Is sn "organ of plutocracy" In ths face of ' ths life he has ' lived as a servant op money, and as ths ghoul of greed snd . avarice.. . If there ever was a newspa per thst ran its hand deep Into ths publlo purse and took therefrom ths public money, with no pricking of con science, that newspaper Is ths one this frenetic fellow uses ss ths Im.. plement Of his personal , Interest, ' whether It be financial or political. Scott would havs ths people believe, by reading, the Otegonlan, that Ths Journal la owned and controlled by e WW vvvvv AAA A iiijl lift fcT 1 r. 'iji' ' (' ' 2. j f J! li DEFENDANTS PLEAD NOT GUILTY Idaho Land Frqud Trials Begin at Moscow- Speedy Trial ; Is Requested by Defense. (Speelsl Dispatch te The JoarnaL) Moscow, Idaho. Oct J4. -The . land fraud cases were called in ths federal court at 10 o'clock this morning before Judge Beatty; and Messrs. George It Kester, William Kettenbach, William Dwyer and Clarence Robnett entered pleas of not guilty to ths charge of con spiracy to defraud the government out of Its public lands. W. E. Borah and I. N. Smith, counsel "for the defendants, stated that they were ready for the trial. District Attorney Ruick stated that the grand jury was about to be lmpan eled; That "a? large number of witnesses had been subpoenaed, and that his time would be fully taken up before that body for an indefinite time. Mr. Borah asked him tq set a time for the trial and to designate which defendant was to be' tried first To this suggestion the district attorney replied that ha would give them smple time to get their wit nesses and arrange all details. Mr. Borah, responded that the counsel for the defendants preferred to exercise their own discretion and not wait upon the Judgment of the district attorney; that while there wss no desire to press the trial of ths case to the Inconvenience of the prosecution, he felt that the de fendants had rights entitled to consid eration; tr.at they bad been indicted and entitled to speedy trials; .that three months had elapsed since the indict ments, and that they were at least enti tled to get a day setst this time and to have notice "as to which defendant It was the Intention to try first. The district attorney still declines to divulge his program, but the court will give blm until tomorrow morning to set a time and to designate which defendant will be tried first . Ths federal 'grand Jury la being Im paneled tnjs .afternoon. It Is expected that oj Indictments will be returned. It Is rumored that Senator Heybursi may become .involved in the investigation. MRS. ROGERS TO BE FREED FROM EXPENSESTSr" cr,,m,."",,ner" -L. ' (Jooroal Snsfltl Berries.) ' ' Washington, Oct. - H. The law per mitting papers in docket cases to print records of the United States : supreme court waa Invoked ' today to aid Mary Rogers, ' the Vermont murde'ness, who is trying to escape the death penalty.' Thb chief Justice ordered-the-woman to be freed from all expenses.- , 1 " W " ' 1 1 1 -.ii . . . Mr. Vr.- M.- Ladd, when he knows and has sdmitted to several gentleipen-In personal conversation that Such Is not ths case, snd lhat his Insincere stand la nothing mors or less thaa ''newspa per , policy and diplomacy." ., Scott knows thnt ths undersigned Is ths largest stockholder snd bondholder In The Journal; knows that Mr. Carroll Is not nor am I, ths "dummy" of any man. and In his heart of .hearts wou) confess ths' same, but -he prefers to lie In print to serve bis mallrrteua and venomous purpose, . t - Mi'., For three- years past, ever since the beginning of The Journal under ths present management ' It hsa . been known whs the stockholders were. Ths . full snd complete list, ss printed in the morning paper, hss been circu lated In hundreds of printed copies . throughout Portland and Oregon. Why? - Simply because' the standing of the. men wss a -testimonial to. the' strength of . ths paper, a rock of Gibraltar sgatrist just such plrstlcaf attacks, ss would . bs msde "from covert" snd "into ths open" by those who ones had "a good thing". In their AAAAAAAAA av a. A. A. A. A. a a. A. A a a A a a a a in u a li CITillS OVER BRIDGES No Glaring Adyertiseinents ; Will Be Permitted to Deface the H Draw. Rests. -i ' 'i No glaring signs will bs painted 'or advertisements plastered on the draw rests of the bridges across the Willam ette river. , The protests' of the cltlxens sgalnst the proposition, and the strong denunciation by the city executive board ef the attempt by the county commis sioners to let a contract to private par ties tp use the bridges for sdvertislng purposes, have been effective." ' As the result of a conference between County JudgfvU'abster and Mayor Lane yesterday afternoon, an understanding regarding the matter was reached. The former admitted to the 'mayor that he did not approve of using the draw rests for advertising, purposes, and thought the county, had no right to .let' such a contraot, and that the power to regulate such matters rested with the city execu tive board. - - , the mayor"'- said this morning that ths executive board had already placed tts attitude on record In the resolutions unanimously aaopiea r riaay condemning requesting them to refrain from entering Into any contract 'At the next regular meetlngof the board It will be definitely decided that no advertisements shall be. placed oil the bridges. ' - - sjhlp ' on ' atawaUaa Beef. Honolulu, Oct. 24. tThe ship Ernest Beyer,' from Newcastle, Is on Diamond reer. She hag a( good chance of being floated off. .-...,. . control of ths newspsper situation ' "here . tserore . I entered this Held I pre pared for- war,' nrst making sure of full- control In both letUr "and spirit or the destinies' of The Journal, and that control still rests with . me In -apite of Scbtt's pawing and bellowing. snd bo ons 'elfs has raised hand or voles ag-lntt It ' - i The "Bully of the Tower" says: i "Mr. Iadd, more than others. has been spoken- of by the Oregonlan, be cause hs Is the chief promoter, has ' supplied most of the money through his bank. Is-treasurer of the concern. isnd Is the chief adviser and director with . whom, the . dummies constantly confer and from whom they get their main orders. Bonds for a very, large sum, covering part of ths money lost, ars of record st . the county court house, running on Interest payable at the bank of Mr.'Idd." Mr. . Idd Is not the "chief pro moter" of Ths Journnl, snd Mr. Scott know hs lies when he says It; has not "supplied most of the money"; Mr. Scott knows he lies when he writes this! In fact Mr. Ladd haa contributed A A A A A A A A A A A A i A A A A A A A A A . FIGHT nm rm'TTV IT T ttsa.. TT Nr ll Police Seek Strange . Man Who Pursues Boys and Girls of Qckley Green With a Ready Lash. POUNCES ON VICTIMS ON WAY.T0 SCHOOL Follows Some of Them for : Blocks but Always Escapes Before Help Comes Work of Volunteer Chas tiser Not Appreciated and Detect ives Are on Hia TraiL . ..... .- ' Frightened by the peculiar actions of a man believed to be a maniac, who pur sues them and lashes them with a whip. (Continued on Page Two.) mi . if, i hi i - At the top if an exterior view of No. 28 East Twentieth street; New York, " where " President -'. Roosevelt was bom. In the center is the room in which he first saw the light of day and below is a portrait of the presi dent at 21. The house is now oc ' cupied by the Roosevelt Home club which will there hold a banquet in celebration of the president's forty, seventh birthday next Friday. teel Srldgs Closed Tomorrow. . The) steel drawbridge will be closed October 26 and 2t, from 1 a, m. to S in. on account of necessary repairs. The public is notified that they may not bs inconvenienced more than necessary. THE JOURNAL IS FROM THE. OBEGONIAN COCOANUT 'less thsn ons seventh of ths money. Mr. Ladd is nominally treasurer of The 'Journal Publishing company, but does not' concern himself other thsn as a member of the board of directors, Isfues no orders, "main" or otherwise. 'The interest on The Journal bonds is nor paid at "the bank of Mr. Ladd,! snd ths coupons on ths bonds so show, which Is snother exhibition of Scott's malignity snd venomous disposition to manufacture evidence ' to suit , his selfish purposes. i. Scott takes occasion to herald ths prosperity of his papers: states how well" they sre doing and how popular (.they are at this time. In this hs pro testeth Overmuch to justify any. ons in believing him. The fact of ths mstter Is, the success Snd prosperity of The Journal is""tH burr under his mule's tall and svery .time ' he switches ths appendage ths -more It hurts, until hs simply cannot help from bellowing with pain In the edi torial columns over which hs presides. If It cnuhj bs shown to him tomorrow that Ths Journal wsa "no more," Im mediately hit passions would suh stds and ths, frequent- attacks, ' A AAA A A AAA A J Robbers Boldly Dynamite vault and Walk the Streets Firing at Every ...thing and Everybody. , h Running Battle With and Two Robbers Are Wounded, Bat Band of Burglars Make Good Their Esape. - (Joeraal pedal arvtas.t Rldgevllle. Ind.; Oct 14. Burglart this morning dynamited the ' Bank of Rldgevllle, securing fS.OOO, snd then proceeded to shoot up ths town In Jesse James style. In ths running battle with cltlsens following Cashier Branson snd two of the robbers wers wounded, but all ths bandits msde good their escape. Posses havs started in pursuit.' For over sn hour the town was st ths mercy of the bandits, who boldly walked ma aireeis, inwiins m vv.ijnumi u. sight and apparently taking their time about leaving. . Electrlo lights wers shot out and every one who showed himself at a window or on the street had bul lets fired at him. Several who wers aroused by ths explosions snd firing snd started to see what the matter waa neat haaty retreats when ths bullets pattered about them. - '-, - There wers seven In the gang or rob bers. Four of them wers stationed ss pickets around the bank to prevent in terruption in the work. Entrance was forced by the others, ths plate glass tndtfws belng 'smashed. Tne xirst charge of nitroglycerin, exploded st 1 n'eioclc but did little damage. A second explosion Is minutes later looseneu- mm doors of .'the vsult and aroused Cashier R. C Btanson. who lives near tne nana. HOLDS HER HEAD JU SCALDING IVATER Octogenarian Woman , Seeks a Hideous Death in a Tea : ' . . kettle.. :,: (Joornil Special Srrlce.) ' ' Kalamasoo, Mich., Oct 24. Mrs. K. Champlln, aged 8, for years a resident of Three Rivers, Michigan, committed suicide laat night by putting her head in a kettle of hot water and holding It there until life waa extinct Her face and head wers fairly cooked. Some time ago Mrs. Champlln with her husband and many other old people of Three Rivers joined a religious body known as "Mind Healers." Repreaenta tlves of ths cult went to the village snd secured members, most of whom were wealthy. Four months ago Champ-, lln died after a month's suffering, re fusing medlcsl gld. - Since then his aged wife has taken morphine. - She ssked Tier daughter: for soma of ths drug and being refused the .old woman slipped from ths house, carrying a kettle of hot water. At the corner of ths house, where It was Impossible to sse her from tne street., sna piungea her head Into the kettle and her lifeless body was found soon sfterwsrd. " SAFE CRACKERS LOOT . M'MINNVILLE STORE v (Special nispttck te The Joarnal.) McMlnnvllle, Or., , Oct 24. Last night the safe in Schomus Co.'s store was cracked snd 1150 tsken from It A hole wss drilled beside the combination and a bolt forced Into It until the back plate was forced off. No trace was left of ths burglar and no . arrests hsvs yet been made. . No suspicion rests on sny person hers. DDAWING MILK paresis, as well ss fits, would pass into local history. - ... - v But Ths Journal Is hers to-stay, and the success it has met with la : but a msrker to thst of which It hss most generous snd fruitful promise. It now being prepared to prove thst .Its circulation In Portland and Ore gon equals, if It does not exceed that of the dally Oregunlan or thsr Even ing Telegrsm.' , And here ths public, thst has ap proved and encouraged The, Journal -in the most liberal fashion with its patronage, can find the true resaon for Scott's attack upon Mr. Iidd and , others, as well as for ths exhibitions, pretty frequent of lata, of a partly dethroned intellect that ones was politic, tactful and running as well as powerful snd forceful. It Is pitiful to contemplate thst ths light that wss once so bright and -j cheerful haa .reached - the flickering stsge, threat- enlng to pass nut entirely by Hs own forces of elimination. But such Is the soan of tire. In the meantime give the r-'f more and , more rope . I M i rst to Mm. C. t. . Gtizens, Bank Cashier j Branson, thinking an attempt at bank , robbery might be in progress. ; hastily ran down ths street toward ths bank, but as soon aa hs was sighted, ths bandit plcksts opened firs upon him'snd Bran- son retreated horns for hlsj gun. He went then to the home of President. M. T. Sampton, aroused the latter and the twd turned In a fire alarm, arousing ths people generally. .' ' In the meantime the - thisvea had forced the doors of the ssfs and by ths -time the citlaens had gathered . the cracksmen had obtained their plunder. All -electrlo lights were . turned on and the cltlxens sttempted to. surround, ths bandits. They were . too panic stricken to accomplish their purpose. Ths rob-, bers had evidently little fekr Of cap-. ' ture and deliberately walked ths streets, shooting out the 'lights snd firing at svery man that showed himself. Many shots wers exchanged In the darkness. Cashier Brsnson' receiving a flesh wound .;. In the head. The 'bandits wers heard to say that Branson bad shot two of them, which was confirmed by blood stains lfound at daybreak... - A large posse started out at daylight. Great excitement prevails and If - ths burglars are caught violence Is feared. The entire countryside is participating , In the' man hunt and a speedy capture .la sxpscted. ' , J, - - - . ;. SHIPPERS" TO 01 BENEDICTS No More Sweethearts or Wives for Those Who Sail the . ''-' ;; V SurgingMain. : :;, ,;; , Married men ars being driven off the sea and forced to look for employment ' elsewhere. " r The owner of the Hamburg-American liners, which sre plying .regularly be tween Portland snd ths fsr esst sre ths first to declare war against ; bene- . diets. While ths steamship Arsgonts. which arrived last night., was lying at Hongkong. Captain Schulta waa relieved of the command of the vessel for no other reason than ' that he had a . wife and family. The vacancy was filled by Captain Ernst a young man who haa never entered Into any matrimonial al liances, r " :- , . .; - 4 .: At ths ssms time. First Officer Kir. berg waa succeeded by O- Vogeler and Chief Engineer Hukan by E. Funnecka. uotn of . these old officers sre married ; men, and every one left on tbo ship is single. In specking of the changes this morning. Third orricer Tesas remarked: ' "You might announce ths fact that If there are any nice American young ladies st Portland who are In search of husbands they might look ua up.- Wg are on the eligible list, and If ths In centive la sufficiently ' strong I think we might be Induced to give up our sea faring life." . , . ...... It is said that the same plan will bs followed out on the other -steamers of ths line lust aa soon ss suitable un married men can be found to take. the places of those who have families. Ths ruling will havs ths effect of forcing a large number of grlsaled . officers to shore to maks a livelihood. ' Whtle no detailed reasons-have been given but 'Tor the Introduction of this new order of 'affairs, th generally ao. cepted theory Is that ths msrrled men were constantly asking for leave of ab sence to visit their families,' who reside in Germany. It la supposed that ths owners arrived at . ths conclusion that getting single men for ' the positions would eliminate further difficulty. (. FIFTY PRISONERS v I ; . REFUSE TO ESCAPE (Journal Special 8erTle.t -Sen Bernardino, CaL, Oct. 14. Harry ward, serving a six months' sentence for. vjall-brenklng. John French, els months for besting a board bill; Ed Walker. 100 days for larceny; .Wesley Stewart 20 days for carrying eoacesled weapons, sawed their wsy out of ths county Jjsll early this morning snd s eaped. They secured sew left by workmen Fifty other prisoners refused to escape. ; ''? OPENING OF FLATHEAD RESERVATION POSTPO-MD '".,' i' i r --m r -?. i ' " ' f - I t r '