Tins OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, , MONDAY EVENING, OCTOEEH 3. 1905. ' Milliners w anteid Makers and Trimmers in the work room; must be first-lass; applyrat once to Superintendent- C:C73 CECZ3 c3 O A.C. TK3 fcccst cpnTc:nT nouca wcct op ouioaqo :, V ci o p. n. MONDAY'S BARGAIN SUPPLEMENT ,, , TO SUNDAY'S FULL PAGE OP GOOD NEWS OF MATCHLESS VALUES FORT TOMORROWS SHOPPERS AT PORTLAND'S FOREMOST .STORE Wanted at One Makers and Trimmers in Millinery workrooms. Must be A-l: Apply to Superintendent Today or Tuesday Don t Miss This Appendix to Tomorrow Shopping Aids YESTERDAY WE PUBLISHED A FULL PAGE OF INTENSELY-INTERESTING NEWS' TO-SHOPPERS, TELLING OF MATCHLESS ECONOMIES AND SURPASSING FASHION ' EXHIBITS THAT AWAIT VISITORS TO THE OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING STOlE TODAY AND TOMORROW. THE PA0E COULD NOT HOLD HALF-WE HAD TO TELL; SOME REMAINS UNTOLD, OTHER ITEMS CLAMOR LOUDLY FOR MENTION TODAY AND GET IT, DONT MISS TODAY'S AND TOMORROW'S SPECIAL SALES OR YOU'LL PASS UP BARGAINS YOU'LL NOT SOON BE OFFERED AGAIN. 14 M Artistic Autumn VI i o . . - r- "BIJOU: SALONS . , x "ANNEX, SECOND .FLOOR There' a roomful of new Autumn Millinery" hints that every woman 'will be glad to see. Advanced styles for the fast advancing seasons, Mil-; Jinery that more than keeps pacev. magnificent head wear that sets the pace, for Fashion's followers. Here are saucy creations from Paris as : chic as "she ever sent, over the seas,' and they" tell you exactly what Pa- -Tisians' are. wearing, in y the French capital today. Every day sees new "arrivals "cometrooDine in. models from the workrooms of, leading Paris and New York milliners and creations from the deft fingers of the artists in our own workrooms. Trimmings until you almost tire ofiobking af. them for the home milliners foliage, wings,-quills and plumage, ostrich tips, orna ments, braids and well every reamed of novelty. This week our milliners have busied themselves in bringing out a lot of charming hats at, popular prices $5.00 to $10.00. Over 200 hats on display today embracing every popular shape, smart style and late feature in air the wanted colors favored for autumn and winter millinery; all cleverly trimmed with artistic skill in fancy feather and silk ribbon effects. Hats adapted for wear of. smart dressers for street or'dress functions Large,' small and medium sizes in shapes be coming to every face, -styles for mis or matron an immense con course ot-uitra;stynsn- miHinery: wijn a. cnoice , wax . auows your choosing at any ,ol these points, --t,l. ,-."--' " N$5, $6; $7.50; $8 and $10 Hosiery: Stirring Sale In the Women's and Children's Stocking Shops First Floor. '. Four prominent special values we have arranged for four days' 'selling' . ' " ' " ' - ' : WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE 17c. Black Cotton Fleece Lined Hose, seamless. Special 17 a pair or three pairs for.... ..50 ' WOMEN'S 75c HOSE 55c. Black Cashmere Hose, fine quality, full shaped and finished, double " Soles, extra sizes for stout women, 8t, 9 and 9yi only; regu- :" ar value 75c Special, the pair. . 55 WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 25c. , Medium Weight Black Lisle Hose, finished foot, doublesole; ' regular value 35c. ; Specialthe pair.."...:..:. ......... ....25 CHILDREN'S BLACfK COTTON HOSE 25c. Children's Black Cotton Fine Ribbed Hose, fleece lined. Value ' ' . at; the pair. . .'. . . .25 A SPECIAL SALE OF if Covers and Petticoats Annex Second Floor. WOMEN'S 85c CORSET COVERS 87c , Fine 'quality Nainsook Corset Covers, full , front," trimmed elaborately with 3 rows fine Valenciennes lace insertion, edging to match, beading and ribbon ; reg . ular value 85c. Special, each. . . . .67 " WOMEN'S $1.25 .UNDERSKIRTS 89c Good quality white Cambric Underskirts, with heavy flounce, fine embroidery, JulK width dust ruffle; regular value $1.25. . Special, each . . .1 ..... . 89 Names of Leading Ten IN THE AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL VOT ING CONTEST WITH STANDING OF EACH AT 10 A. M. . ; 1 . - TODAY: ... ;. ;' ' . Tames Winston, Harrison . ..... .r. ....... . . . 1. . . . . 108,278 Robert Holmes, Harrison . . . , ... ....... . . 42,635 Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly. ......V..... 87,111 Truman Cook, Failing. . .... .. . .... -....i.L. ...... 83,097 George Slater, Ladd . . .'. ....................... ; , , 31,819 Sidney Crumm, North Central......?....,,..,,.,.......... 19,994 Ifarion Ogden, Ockley Green ..... . . , ; . ...... . . ........ , . . 18,438 toland Malm, Sunnyside ................. . . . .............. 17,440 , ohn Wilhelm, Couch. . ..... 10,074 ! fenry Hawkins, Davis. . . .... ..... ........ ............ . 8.909 Scattering ....'..:..,...!.. ............. 34,462 Total -Vi . ... . . . : . . : , mm The Reputation of This Store WILL BE ADDED TO TOMORROW BY THE UNMATCHABLE VALUES. IT OF V FERS IN DEPENDABLE SILKS AND D RESS GOODS. , v We conduct today and tomorrow another in the great series of sales in the Silk and Dress Goods Stores First Floor, Fifth Street Annex. These sales gain and thrive arid wax strong by comparison rwith values, offered elsewhere. We do not call your attention to these special attractions to convince you of the savings that are always obtainable here.' We DO ask your examination of them, however, as we believe that in this entire series we have offered nothing to equal them in point of actual, bonaJ fide value for the money. Beauty Exhibit of Correct Latest Arjcivals of Newest Fads in Women's "Fixin's" , . .1" the .furnishing Shops First Floor, j Charming New Veilings of chiffon, in black, white . v and colors. ' Priced at, the yard, 25c to....... $1.00 Tuxedo Mesh, plain or fancy. Priced at, yard, 25c to ... t. ...... ...351 Tuxedo Mesh Veilings, dotted. Priced at, the "yard, from 25c to.......; '.....'...... .,J&1J0 New Tuxedo Single Thread Veilings. Price, the yard .......2Sf New Tuxedo Single Dotted Veilings. Priced at, the yard 25c and..:........... .....35 HANDSOME DRESS TRIMMINGS IN ENDLESS ' . VARIETY. .. Elegant New Braids in Persian effects. Priced at, ' the yard, from 25c to. 4.50 Braid Trimmings in black and colors, and new novelty braids in black and white. Priced at, the yard, up from ......5f Cutout Taffeta Allovera in black or white. Priced at, the yard, up from . .$10 Point Venice Edges and Bands. Priced at, the yard, : . from 15c up to , ; ............. . i . , ... .75 Irish Crochet Edges and Bands. Priced at, the yard, . up from 35 -Valenciennes Laces and Insertions. - Priced at, the - yard, from 25c to.... . .$3.00 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GOLF GLOVES. Time to buy your Golf Gloves, now that these snappy fall days are here. , Our stock is full to overflowing of all the very best kinds plain or fancy; in black, white, red, navy, brown;-etc. Prices range, the pair, 25c to. ..81.25 ' SPLENDID NEW . FANCY RIBBONSJ , . Narrow Bayadere Striped Ribbons, iy2 inches wide. Priced at, the yard, 45c and... 50$ Swell Print Warp Ribbons, for opera bags. Priced at, the yard, from 60c to...., .$1.00 New Check Ribbons, in black and white, brown and white, blue and white etc, Priced at, the yard ...50 Narrow Dresden Ribbons. Priced at, the yard, 25c to ....40 ,- , .. . . ..- . Authentic Styles in Women's NEW TODAY '"-..W in Veilings, Dress Trimmings, Gloves, ' Ribbons Correct App are! PORTLAND'S LARGEST, FOREMOST WARDROBE STORES FOR WOMEN GRAND SALONS 2D FLOOR. . This department of this great tore rose early in its career to the first prominence. Immediately fashionable women recognized in it a dictatorial center at which, the freshest turns of fashion might be seen and judged. This has been intensely pleasing to us and no effort has been spared to warrant an unflaecine con tinuance of a patronage which has given us a mighty prestige, not f; stocks are' long. ' Our apparel buyer Miss Bernard now in New York, sent us a big shipment by express came yesterday con taining 63 large bundles of NEW THREE-QUARTER LENGTH COATS, HANDSOME RAINCOATS and SMART TAILORED SUITS the largest single shipment ever-made a Portland house, made up entirely of women's apparel. . . THE NEW JCOATS are of the popular mannish mixed materials, in dark, medium and light grays, tans and green mixtures, black, brown and blue both plain tailored and trimmed styles. 1 The as sortment is too varied and immense for detailed descriotion." and: our helpers are still .unpacking, checking and rushing the garments , ino stock as we send this to press. Come in and see them. If you wish to buy suit yourself as to price, the range is wide .... ........$7.50 to $28.50 ; . V PARTICULARLY STRONG LINES AT $13.50, $15 AND $18.50. 7 ' NEW RAINCOATSPlain tailored and smartly trimmed in chic,' fetching effects, swe'll enough for any occasion and made from best water-proofed fabrics a bigger assortment than ALL other Portland apparel stores COMBINED can show at ..i. .........t.. .....$12.50 to $23.50 NEW TAILORED SUITS among the prominent late arrivals...... $12.50 to $175.C0 A -GRAND TWO-DAYS' SALE OF I urpassin 1,800 yards of new Plaid SiQcs and plaids have fashion's first call this sea son in all the ' fascinatingly jretty color combinations including ; French Point elle : effects The best regular " $1.25 value in the city. Special ' today and Tuesday at, the yard. .89 Novelty "Suit Sillcs A splendid con vention of en dm en ts . and oddments consisting of lengths ranging from four .to twenty yards, ideal wearing Silks and grandly adapted for the "making" of handsome waists, smart suits, beau tiful skirts and for trimmings. - A gen erous color line to choose from that j. Embraces every fashionable up-to-date and' wanted coloring; usual $1.25 and $1.50 values. Special for today - - and i uesday at, yard. ......... T3f 24-inch Crepe de Chines in all the beau tiful evening shades and colors suited for street wear. Special a won derful value at, the yard...... .68 REMARKABLE VALUES IN Golbred Dress Goods SPECIAL TODAY AND TUESDAY. 54-inch Waterproof Suiting, in good color assortment. Just the thing for Raincoats and Suits; our $2 grade. Special only, : the yard $1.69 Cotes .J- 44-inch Imported Crepe de Paris, all pure silk and wool, in all even ing and street colors. These fabrics cannot be matched at our regular prices . - ,A - . - : 4 " f -'.v $1.50 grade. Special, the yard......V............ $1.14 $1.75 grade. Special, the yard. ............ ......819 $2.00 grade. Special, the yard . .$1.49 : . $2.50 grade. Special, the yard... .............. $1.79 2,000 yards of new Novelty Suiting, all new styles and colors r regular $1.25 value. Special only, the yard ....70 GREATEST VALUES IN Black Dress Goods TO BE FOUND IN ALL THE NORTHWEST J New black all wool Dress Fabrics, every yard fast color, consisting jof shadow check Panama, shadow striped Panama and worsted Pointelle Panamas; also French imported Voiles " )" $1.00 regular value. Special, the yard. I.... .69' . $1.25 regular value. Special, the yard... ... 70 1; ; $1.50 regular value. Special, the yard..... . .,... C3V ; These fabrics cannot be duplicated in thecity at our regular prices, and at the low special prices marked will," as usual, bring'crowds to the Black Dress Goods Section. .. . ,... u , .; , 'i . '. ; Gfiildren's Bathrobe : .'; . Specials In the Baby-to-Miss Section Second Floor West Annex. (CHILDREN'S $3.75 TO45.00 BATHROBES $3.49. Children's plain and striped eiderdown Bathrobes,' in. red, blue and pink, trimmed with frogs, cord and tassels, ages 6 to 14 . , years ; regular value $3.75, $4.50 and $5.00. . Special, each. ,$3.49 ; SPECIAL ATTRACTION IN THE : Needlecraft Art Shop ... .... Annex Second Floor. , CENTERPIECES AT HALF FIUCE. 18,20. and 24-inch Centerpieces with net founi'- --. t floral and conventional designs, for Mount J" ';': regular Vilres 90c, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.3. f. 1 yorr c: :z2 ft . ; j .- i 1 1 ......