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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
THIS OREGON SUNDAY J" :t:.u romx .:::. AY OCTO f gfcgfcagfck A A A - - ... . ti 'G d c::i , FCCll Tl! Ti:::s Superior Pitchlnj Cives Angelt the Came and Increases Chances for Pennant. , aa cm .. FLAY TIE CM fifteen Brilliant Inning, With No Result, Pleaaeathe Fans . f , In the Bay City. ' . , TT1 O ; T7T iiiiaLV L:i,a Mrs. Henry A. Cwsnt of Port- Und la Thrown From Dog ' I Cart at Palo Alto. s '. LIES ALMOST WITHIM , THE SHADOW OF DEATH Accident Comet ai an Unfortunate ' Climax to s , Brilliant . Series ' of , Social Event Which Were , At ; 'ranged About Recent Wedding. " .. ' ' ' ., ' . , (Special DUpatrh by Lnm4 Win "to Tk Joaraal) , Palo Alto, CL, Oot. SI. In ft darkened room, under the unremitting attention of trio of physicians, SeYa. Henry A. i Sargent of Portland, Oregon, wife) of H. A. Sargent, manager of the Stmonda Saw Manufacturing company of Portland, Ilea almost within the shadow of death at the home of her sister, Mrs, O. A. ' Batohelder of Menjd Park, the result of a dlaaatroua runaway accident late ' yesterday afternoon. With her akuil fractured and her body bruised and ' broken. Doctors Black, Reynolds and Moss of Palo Alto, who have been at the bedside of the Injured woman since the time of the 'mishap, express little hops for her ultimata recovery. ' . . The accident comes as an unfortunate .climax to a brilliant series of social events which were arranged about the recent wedding of Miss Doris Batchelder to Delancy Lwls of Ban Jose. It was to attend these functions that Mrs. Bar- 'Kent left Portland to visit the Batch elder boms at Menlo Park. - . With the. Intension of doing some shopping In Palo Alto, Mrs. Sargent drove away from the Batchelder boms late yesterday afternoon In at fashion- ' ' able dogcart. A spirited eolt was bitched Ho the rig, and Mrs. Sargent bad scarcely turned Into the county road from Ather- ton avenue; when the accident occurred. . A bit of flying paper frightened the young animal, which shied Quickly to ' one side, overturning the cart and break ; ing a wheel. Mrs, Sargent was hurled from the elevated seat for distance of almost I feet, landing heavily upon the macadam surface of the hlghwfty. .The cart was dragged on for nearly 180 yards before the frightened animal was - captured by a pfVserby. ; The accident was witnessed by H. O. r Hathaway, ft Palo Alto contractor, wbo hurried at once to the assistance of the - unconscious woman. He applied emer- . gency bandages to the wound and then, with the aid of passing automobile, carried her to the . Batchelder home. Medical aaslstancs was Immediately ; called and every effort was made to ' resuscitate the Injured woman. The husband was telegraphed for and I now speeding her in ft ' desperate at- tempt to reach hie wife, whom he be , lleves to be dying. A . 1-year-old son ( of the Bargenta Is with his mother at i Menlo Park. ' - This afternoon, after. medical con sultation, brief announcement stating that Mra, Sargent was suffering from" ;very severe Injuries about the head and shmlders was made by the' attending physicians. . . "The condition 'of 'Mrs. Sargent Is most 'grave, but the fact that, she Is till alive is favorable Indication," said 'Dr. Black. . . v Mr, Sargent at once started for Cali fornia. The family occupies the home at III Johnson street and friends are anxiously awaiting news from the scene t the accident. . ... , -1 . - , ' " Win Coach Bftkea sag. (Sseetal tHepetch te Tse Joaraal.. Baker City, Oct. 21. William Smith, a graduate of the University of Missouri, has been secured by the Baker City High school to act as coach for the foot ball teanv Mr. Smith played the posi tions of halt and. end on his college team for three years and Is recognised as one of the best players of the middle west Manager Dodson of the High school team bar secured game with Bolee to be played here on November 4, and return game for Thanksgiving day. On November It Baker City will meet Pendleton In thta city. Other games are being arranged with La Grande. Ontario and neighboring towns, EuD full tl - 0LU3 c:;ase After a Long tide Over Cleverly ; Selected Course, Judgo i Tanner It First. 1 r'O-,;' ; ;V The Hunt club members enjoyed their second paper chase of the fall season yesterday and a Urge crowd of riders turned out to enjoy the sport. No more Ideal day could be wished for and the 'splendid course laid coincided with the pleasant weather and every body declared the chase ft most enjoy able, yet exciting one.. Hares Downing and-Muehe .did their work well And It is difficult to, see how ft finer course could nave been selected. t one time the entire -string of riders single filed after the paper up the side of ft small moun tain and the feat was no mean accom plishment - , The chase began at Wlberg Lane and Base Line road at 1:30 o'clock. Master Latta sounded the bugle. Mra. Blyth en Rocket took the lead and the rest followed on. - Mrs. Blyth bandied, her horse In clever fashion. There were numerous blinds and about 10 good Jumps throughout the course, and the blinds were corkers. In turn Mr. Mo Uath, Mrs. Bsffum, Dr. Coghlan, Mra. Buffum and Mr. Strain discovered the lost paper. - ' '-. The finish was real sporty end It was nip and tuck between Mrs. . Buffunai Judge Tanner, Tom' McRath' and- T. T. Strain. Judge Tanner winning by a bead, McRath second, and Strain third. A orowd of Portlander rode out to Grav elly Hill to see the finish. The riders and horses were: Mrs. C H. Lead better. Chief; Mrs. F. O. Downing, Tom Mrs. Brunn. Misty Maid; Mrs. T. O. Buffum. Will Wehrung; Mrs. P. H. Blyth, Rocket; Miss Pittock. Raatus; Mrs. J. R. Stevens, Dennis; D. A. Pattullo, Barnato; It H. Jenkins, Jane; William Walters, Frank; James B. Alexander.' Tica; Si. R. JCldrege, .Uncle Paul; James Nlool, Snap; F. Wilder, Breta; T. & McRath. Call Bond; T. 8. Brooke, Joe Jewett; J. N. Coghlan, Hum bert; W. M. Davis, Stimy; A. H. Tanner, Buster; T. T. Strain. J. H. Bennett: Ed Sterling, Bedad;' S. C Kerr, Dexter; H. H. Herdman, Peggy; J. E. Laid law. Sam; John Latta, Quidado; J. A. Horan, Granger; J. C Muehe, Nigger; F. O. Downing, Budget; Miss Alnsworth, Mo wltsa; Miss Flanders, Johnny Moore; Utmm Wmmh link ., JAMAICA AND LATONIA RACETRACK RESULTS ';-- .... .' V (Special Dlspatea by Leas Win te The Jearnal) Jamaica Track, N. T., Oct tL To days results at Jamaica track were: Six furlongs Monet (Sewell). 4 to 1, won; Mad Mullah, second; Geranium, third; time, 1:1c. Mile and one-sixteenth Yorkshire Lad (Wiley),-10 to i, won; Jack Younfc-, second; I Arrah. Go wan, third; time, 1:4 1-8. " ' ' ' ' ... 'live and one half furlongs Snow (J. Martin), I to 1, won;. Zlenap, second; Disobedient, third; time, 1:07 t-t. ; . Six furlongs Aeronaut (Miller). to 1, won: Race King, second; True Wing, third; time, 1:11 2 1. On and on stxteenth miles Bril liant (Motter). to . won; Maid of Tlmbuctoo, second; Gambler, third; time, 1:4. ' One- and one eighth miles Louis R (Sewell), t to 1. won: Palette, second; Ostrich, third; time, 1:S5. , ...... . Cincinnati, Oct SI. Today's results at Latonla were as follows: - One mile Asellna (C. -Morris). 11 to I. won! Bonnie Prince Charlie, second; Jungle Imp, third: time, l:4t I-S. - Six furlongs Lieutenant - Rice '. (C Morris), to 10, won; Gold Belt second; Magistrate, third; time, 1:1 -5.' . One mile and 100 , yards Brancas (Nlool). 11 to 10, won; Estrada Palms, second; Slss Lee, third: time. 1:S 1-8. - Six furlongs Kercheval W. -Allen), I to 1, won: Sister Francis, , second. Orbicular, third; tlmcl:l 1-6. . Mile and (0 yards Clinton (Digglns), It to I, won; Little Elkln, second; Plxutus. third; time. I:4TH. ' Five and one half furlongs Tinker (C. Morris). 7 to t, won: Valencia, second; . Lady . Esther, third; time. 1:11 1-5.. v.; . ' - T .. ... i , . . 1 , Johnny Say.'papal , " Papa Well T "I wish you'd lick me as soft as you do the carpets ma gets you to beat"' (peekd tkstch y Leased Wire te The JbareeQ Los Angeles. Oot Jl. The superior form of Gray and the timely hitting of his team mates today enabled the Angels to pull away and lengthen the dlstanoe between them and their nearest contest ants In the pennant race. Although allowing one bit more than Brown. Gray kept them scattered and saved his game. The score: : ' a t - . LOB ANGELES. V AB. It H. PO. A. E. Bernard, cf 1 1 S 0 .0 Flood. 2b 1 , 0 Smith, Sb ...,.,.(.... I 0,1 Bra shear, as ,. 1 Dillon, lb t' 0 Cravath. rf ....... .,"4 0 0 Rosa. If . ... ...,,. . ' 1- 1 Eager, o S. 0. 0 ay - Gray, p ... e f . o t l l .tt 4 J) 37 10 t 0 1.7 Total ........ . . TACOM A. . - - AB. R. H. PO. A. E Doyle, rf ...f.i.... 4 .. l. I i 0 0 Bheehan. Xt S . u Nordyke. lb .."4 0 Eagan, ss ........... S O McLean. If 4 1 Lynch, Cf ............ 4 A 0 Casey, 2b S 0 Grahanv 0 ........... 4 -0 Brown, p S O Hogan 1 0 S '1 S i 0 0 0 Total tt S 14 O S Hogan batted for Brown In the ninth. SCORE BT INNINGS, , Los Angeles "! Hits ., ,1 0 1 H I 1 I 5 Taeooift ...0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0- H1U 0 0 110 1 11 -SUMMARY. Stolen bases Bernard. Dillon. Lynch. Two-base hit Nordyke. Sacrifice hits Flood, Casey, Bheehan,. Bmlth, First base on errors Tseoma 1. Lett on bases Los Angeles I, Taooma 4. Bases on balls Off Brown 4. off Gray L Struck out By Gray 4. by Brown S. Double play Brashear to Flood to Dillon. Balk Brown. Passed ball Graham. Time of game 1:10.. Umpire Perrlne. , SALEM TEAM OUTPLAYS PORTLAND HIGH SCHOOL - . (Special Dfepatch to The Journal.) Salem, Or., Oct 11. The Salem High school football team outplayed the Portland High school this afternoon, the game resulting nothing to nothing. Balera had the ball on Portland's 10-yard line In the first half and on the 7-yard line one minute before the end of the game. Each time the visitors rallied and . held the locals. The first half ended with the ball la the possession of Salem In the middle of the field, the second with the . ball In' possession of Portland on its own IB-yard Una. The visitors made their yardage around the end on fake plays, the locals gained mostly through the line. ' The Portland team average 14 pounds heavier than the, locals. Bradley, . Zanders, Geonung and Casen were stars' for Hh visitors. Rhodes, Mattbews, Cross and Williams were th stars -for Salem. j. PULLMAN NOlMATCH FOR OREGON AGRICS " ' (SpeHal THapateh te Tbe Jeoraal) ' ' r Corvallts, Oct tl. The O. A. C. eleven defeated Pullman this afternoon by . the scors of 3 to 0. The visitors were outclassed at every stage, . The lineup was: - - Pullmsn. . ... o.A. C Stewart ........... .C ... Walker Morgan .......... R, G. ......... Bundy Collins .......... .L. O.... Dunlap Thayer ......... ..R. IT, ,...... Dolan Sapp ............. L. T.. 'Laurence Goldaworthy .... .R. E. ....... . Cooper Reed E. .Griffith, Ennly Hardy ......... ,Tu....... Abraham Spalding Q Rhlnehart Jones M...CR. H. B..... Root Miner.... ...... L. H. B. Williams Length of halves. 21 and SO minutes Umpire, Ray Klrkley. Referee, W. Lair Thompson. ' - ., BIVTea Senteaoe. - ("pedal Dispatch te Tbe Journal.) Spokane. Wash- Oct tl. Harry Al len, recently convicted of holding up and robbing the postomce at Camden, Wash ington, wss sentenced today to eight years In the penitentiary on McNeil's Island.' The amount taken was less thas S10. i em w mm am am Mwrnm. r u mwmh. w i in mrm . i i-n mm -mm RU HIU V Just - Received New and latest designs, strictly up-to-now, in so large an' assortment of the very latest you will find the one yon 0) . . 4. . That Cold East Wind Is an Impressive reminder that the autdmn is here and the cold win t e r weather is rapidly ap-r proa chine. You need that heater now. and we can' show you a splendid lineu v Call before they have been vpicked .over. . They are going out every day, get .yours early and get the use of it now. Special Prices AH This Vcck On everything in the store. It is time to "fix up" for the winter. The bargains that we are offering win surprise you. wzsys p:mT street A I (f 1'' - I SONS Cor. Yamhill ISpedal Dbpatah hyUestd Wire Is The leans!) ' San Fraaclsoo. Oct. SLt-Darkness stopped a -winning tie between Oakland and SeatUs today. It was a bard strug gle all the war . through with both pitcher at their beet, and- errors at critical momenta responsible for nearly all ot the runs. Sensational 'fielding stunts were pulled off by both sides. Walters, Strelb and Croll shining in thin respect although an error by the latter was responsible for two ef Oakland's runs.- Shields struck out 11 men and but lor crows error would -have won. Score: ' VV SEATTLH , ' J .. an. w. Wfl. A. W Bennett. Sb' ..... V.. . 1 10 S i - 0 Kane.-ef ..J,... ;.'..V T ll' t f 0c0 S 0 Walters,. rf .....wj.... 0 Blankenshlp, o ..,., f Lauterborn. tb 0 Shields, p O S 11 e .e 17, l r l r Total .11 I 4S It 1 1" .' OAK.LJLND. r, ," ' i AB.B.Sr.PO.A.B. Van Halt re n. of ..... e 0 S 0 0 Krur, It 1,11 S O Dunleavy, Sb .'!.,.... I l"l Mo.klman, lb ...0.0 17 1 Hogan. rr e Devereauz,' ss . 4 ' Richards. Sb 1 Byrnes, o ., 4 -0 i, e I s o s rs x e o l I B t BlSKruiL iv . a a I t 5 TOtai ' 61 S IS. - - - SCORE BT INNINGS. Seatae .....0 0 0 0 S 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 J Hits ...v..0 10 tlO'l 101-1 1ft Oakland ..... 90001100 00 00 0 1 H1U 1001 S-0 110100 11 . . .. BUMMART - - . Three-bas hit Byrnes. Two-baa hit Dunleavy. First base .on errors Se attle S. First base on called balls Off Shields 1, Blesrud 0. Left on bases Seattle , .Oakland ... Stolen bases . Blankenshlp, Strelb. Struck out By Shields 11, by BlexruS 4. Double plsys DeTcreaua; to Dunleavy, Mnaklrnan to Dunleavy. Wild pitches Shields 1. Time of game Two hours 1 minute. Umpire Davis. - v 17ashi::gto:i scalps the CHEL1M7A IliDMIiS Puget Sounders , Outclass Red- skins and Defeat Them '.," Eleven to Six. V.;- ; . v (apeclal Dlspatek te The Jeamat) Seattle. Wash.. Oct ). tl. The die mawa Indian football team went down to. defeat her today at the hands of the University of . Washington by the score of 11 to 4. After th first eight minutes the Indians were badly out classed. Rube Saunders) was. the" star for Chenjawa." Rube took 'the ball on his own- 10 -yard tins on -a' criss-cross play end ran S yards" for the touch down, Washington bucked the line, and aided by many penalties, carried the ball over for touchdown and goal. The sec ond half ended with Washington In pos session of th ball en Chemewa'a S-yard line. Chemawa's great weakness was off -aid playing; being penalised th first half Mime after time with but small Improvement In the second half, side -cfrom off-side work th Indiana played a good game. In the second half Washington walked through th Indians for . another touchdown and goal. Shouchuk was responsible for many . fumbles on the Chemawa team between center and quarter. .Saunders retired from the gam early In. the Drat half on account of injuries and was replaced by Moon. Washington showed a great improvement over the Whitman game, showing a stronger line and faster back field. Tbe lineup: Washington. - ' . Indiana Christie ....... ..LB...... .... Sorter Pullen ,i.LT James Almes ...........I O...... Green Crlm ............. C Shouchuk Bants ........... R.G........ Paanoni Reser, Lasater, . .R. T. ..... . Wlhiams Smith .....R. B.McCuUey, Foster Wlnsor ,,.. ., .Q. B. , Poland Shaw I H. ......... Payne Tilley R. H Whit Bear McDonald F. . ..Saunders, Moon Referee Charles Best Umpire Dr. Counde. Attendance SO. Hal 2S and SO minutes. - , , pome ten pi:i boys ARE fiETTIKG BUSY ' New League Is Well Under Way and Regular Games Will -Begin Next Week. , Only on more week and th Portland Tea Pin league . will be doing things.' Th post-season games begin October SC. Each team will bowl Sv games, then - captains will get together and equalise th team cither by switching men from on team to anottiar or by handle ping. Tb - prospects for th league are very bright already 10 teams have antered'aad more are organising, so at present It looks like SO teams for th league this winter. All captains of the different teams will met at 'the Portland alleys Tuesday evening. Octo ber 14 prepared to hand Secretary Ls mond a list of their 'teams. The following tearne hare entered: nsuraac Ball. Crooks, McGregor, Lamey and Mallet L. press club Moray, Flood, Bowe. Kewbera-er - and - Buna, Red Cress Schana Fuog. Barr Wil son. Dolphin, Berkey and Ku finer. Lip man, Wolfe " at Co. Uamowe, Reeee, Swinney, Kees. Osugh and Christian. Hoaeymaa Hardware company Woelm, Parrot t Popple, Day and Oaburn. Gold Lat Oalllard. Kneya. Boulanger, Pol lock, Krupke, Landauer . and Flrker. Ooldea Wemt Closaet. Mueller, Hoff man. Hlnnenkamp, Felron and Peter sen. Roberts Bros. Roes, PanneL Campbell, Anstey, Case and Hanson. Portlands McMenomy, Mackey, Her rert. Ken yon. Woodman and MrDonald. Neustadter Bros. Bailie Schad. Bsc- r1t. Ollltland. FVohwian end Milne. ' . Stop TsalsfasaV . Whea leading phyetrtas said that W. M. Saaithart. of Pektn. la., had In curable eoneumptloiw hi last hope rani .bed: but Dr. -Kins s New Mecwvery for Consumptkna, Cooghe and Colds kept him ot of Me grave. He aaye: "This great specific completely cured me. and sevrod my Ufev. clincw then I have used It for ever 1 years, end consider It a mamlMt throat and lung cure.' Strictly srteatlnT ears for Coughs. Sore Throats or Colds; eure-preventive of Piwtuaenla. Uuarasteed. !o and tl. bottle, at tfkldatore Itu Co, 141 Third street. Trial aotUe free, . - . F To Astoria and Ocean v Beaches on : K:'- JuiirMinie : T'Thc Day Boat Down the Columbia ; les daOytAn Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. ; CaU up MAIN 613 f ' "',j-f. -V. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew : Tbe Chicago ' Painless Dentists Corner of Fifth St.'Opp'jPcrldna - Hotel Waahlnttoa St Didn't Hurt a Bit We are rivinf special prices Ion iu wuia. iu w v ucja. Kemember tbe Chicago Dental Parlors nave ottices in ail large cities throughout the country. Kemember our practice ia limit" ed to high-grade work only. Fine Set Teeth, war - ranted to fit or no Ipay .. I;.... .Z...L $5.00 . 22k Gold Crowns $3.50 22k Bridge Work $3.50 Porcelain Crown $3.50 Fillings .. 50c A 12-year protective guaran--tee with all work. Come and take advantage of our Fall re ductions. Save your teeth and your money. Open evenings and Sundays. The Chicago Dental Parlors 303 Washington Street, Corner of Fifth. . " RAILROAD FARE $2.50. OUR CHARGE ; 1 tor llRiie KMcfl Tiriip " To Cascade Locks and Return on the Magnificently Elegant r M MJMJUJ m,mivuijiLi 7 .; CAPACITY 690 PASSENGERS .""''"'"'': ' " - :.;"' '" Come Along Tomorrow end See How Happy You Will Be DOCK FOOT OF OAK STREET Round trip every day but Friday, leaving' S:30 o'clock a. m. 'fan- days at 9 o'clock a. m. Telephone Main 2960. :4 aTBtr: 7,tr.i,;r;.;;;. J ' BS. 9. WltS. IT DIDNT HURT ' A BIT -.. y U wait tbey ear et ear suracss1 ef Ma eesUI ererk. We a verfe lot seoele IM n ef tke efty eaVrklf te eveid ear eaUr. Bnrrtklag a to Sate, Osea snalsgs ee Baaoara, Mala Sags. WISE BROS., Dentists Tke Vmllato ear, TbM aaS Wi M.w. a. wm.' Big Dogsv ' ; Little Dogs, " Pedigreed Dogs, Yellow Dogs, ' and Dogs ' All Thrive and Grow Fat on a Diet of tnamp non Dog Biscuit p ' 60 Pacbp Woodard-Clarke & Co. Schlllers Kntsav Cadwell. . Vlgneaa, Ham by aa4 Aaniersotv . Woodard, Clark aV Co. Ortnaa. SperW Stoehr. Oulld, Kreb and Kllhav El Bldelo nimtn, Mc 34cm lee, Capn. ntubbs and Travla Oreaotm Keating. Moore. Brraa, New- saaa. RetUord. Al Aadarsoa and Aadf Aiulersosa, Br una elcfca Williamson, Bloessv uaaord. Georg Vaughn. Orubla, Jobjt faogha and Norton. Oeorge Law rence eeessaav Hrsmlth, Roberts, Slcbels.. Statu. Aastev and Krleger. Tl - a TlUagl tire. CaUmbyMy! I was at th den- Hat s this afternoon, and b snad me keep mr anoath open whol hoMr. It nearly killed trie. Mrs. Stillwater Tea, but It rr.'-vt te-ve1 been worse. If he bad r - " your mouth shut f"r 1 would hav killed yoa . DISTRIBUTORS OF GOOD FURNITURE AT LITTLE PRICES ' 364-6-8 East Morrison St. Three Blocks East Morrison Bridge Out of, the Hitb-Scnt District. ' Nothing succeed like success. The success of our business is no accident, but the inevitable result of our adopted policy ol always giving the most for the least. We could not give our customers ae much for their money as we would like to have done on the West Side, therefore we moved to the East Side in the low-rent district. ' we arc saving nutiij aawuras w dollars each month ia rents alone, and we are taking these dollars off the prices of our goods. The following is a sample- of our prices with tbe dollars taken off Model 21 -For Wood Regnlar price $ie.St tror pries f . ' 'v '"aJ . Designed to meet the demand for a First-Class High-Grade Heater, mounted with first-quality heavy polished steel and lined full height with extra-heavy cold-rolled steel, acknowledged everywhere as being the beet ateel lining. Thi H-r is a winner SO IS THE PRICi We can furnish your bouse com plete, from cellar to "garret, a Easy Payment Plan at Hc vmarllably Lov Pricco Buy where your neighbor buys Save money where your :."-- ' saves his, at ; the i-:bu: