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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
tii::. on-con 'cu::d.v jiur.::AL, iotlai:d. cu::day :io::ijing, ' oerczzn 12, im. , mm wits I TODAY'! AMPiocxrrc Belaeeo ... "Bbcrtdu" Katplre. "Vr Weae le" Baker. Musical Bvlnqu I.rrle GatelUe" ttrasd ,. . I Taeorvllle tw Tasaevlue Newton 'McCoy, attorney- f6"f- Mr. Mary A. Ban. hM filed a motion In the county court to hav th estate of Mrs. Ban closed and H. H. Newhall dis charged aa guardian. . McCoy wishes Newhall to maka full report regarding ' tha reported aaia of aavaral artlclea ' of furnltur which belonged to tha estata and which are alleged to have been aold without tha order of tha court. - The attorney also. -requests, that ooplea of - eontracta made for plumbing, painting and labor oa behalf of tha aetata be , filed tn court. Verified ooplea of clalma . against tha aetata are asked for. Mrs. Bana'a estate consists of two houaea on . East Sixth and Washington atreeta val ued at M.00O. -Mrs. liana was judged In- - aana last April and aent to tha etate asylum. - 8ba was discharged front that ; Institution laat month. ; ' BL l Keyser appeared yesterday In . tha circuit court and waa given until Wednesday .to plead to the charge of having allowed a girl under tha age of -.11 years In a saloon. Keyaer is pro prietor ef tha Ban Francisco saloon, at Sixth and Darls atreeta. He la charged with having permitted Ina Abraham, aged 1 years, to be la hia saloon. Pre siding Judge Fraser set the cases of Thomas MoUllnn and Xdwin Johnson for November II. They ax also charged with having permitted a minor girl to be In a saloon. . Tha arrested men were formerly proprietors of tha Tuxedo sa loon. Their lloonae waa revoked by the city council. , A petition waa filed in tha county court yesterday afternoon asking that a guardian be appointed for D. K. Abrama, aged TT years. Matilda J. Simmons and N. C Ball appeared aa petitioner be fore tha court and stated that tha estate, though worth probably $10,000. has o,- - 000 tn debta agalnat It, and that Abrama, owing to his advanced age. la unable to take care of tha litigation and eee that His Interests are properly protected. Mr. Hall la guardian for Abrama in Clarke county, and request a that O. W. fftapleton be appointed guardian of tha ' eatate hare.- Judge Webster set Novem ber t aa tha data for tha hearing of tha . pernio, j -, . .. . ., , ' ' O. Rogers, evangelist, formerly United State detective, and for several ' years a deputy United States marshal In Arlaona, will opea a brief evangelistic campaign at th Olive Branch Gospel missions. First and Clay, oa Wedneaday evening, October II. Mr. Rogers has bean engaged in evangelism for several yeara and has achieved considerable success. AH are Invited, t hear him ' P. ' ... .," Article of incorporation for th Round Top Coal company were filed Is . th county clerk's office yesterday aft- ernoon, Tha capital stock la 1100.090 divided hit 1.000 shares, H. H. Parker, A. B. Oebherdt and 8. K Ltnthloum are the Incorporators. Tha snme men filed Incorporation artlclea for tha East Creek Coal company, which also has a capital of 100,000. I Charlaa Zueblln. professor of sod logy at the University of Chicago, wUl give an address, for Men only, at the ' Touag Men's Chrietlaa Association this afternoon. Kla top to will be "Justice." , Professor Zueblln has shewn himself to be not only aa authority en matters par- talnlng to municipal affairs and socio logical problems la general, but also a moat attractlva speaker. , ' B. a.- Bah. an employe 'of the Port land General at tha power station at the foot of Twenty-first street, fell a distance of II feet yesterday- morntng, striking oa hi face and right arm, frac turing th forearm and severely bruis ing hi face. He was taken to th Good ; Samaritan hoepltaj, where his Injuries were dreseed. . One hundred and on times ha James Sheridan, known far and wide a "Um brella Jimmy." been arrested for misde meanors. Now he la accused by - Mr. Jama Sheridan, hi wife, of coming to their horn at tha foot of Mill atreet and "administering- unto her person diver blows." Liquor la aald te have beak ' th can. ,, ! . Trolley Trip oa O. W. P. Today To Oregon City and Greaham, 16 centa: Boring, Eagla Creek aad Batacada, It . centa round trip. Dinner at Hotel Beta . cade, 71 centa. Cara leave First and Alder atreeta for -Oregon City oa the odd hour and every 40 -minutes; for Estacada, 7:10. 1:10, 11:10, l:to, 1:10, 1:44 and 7:11. ... Car Denton'a program of organ musio at Trinity .church today la aa follows: II a. m., "Intermesso," from "Sixth Organ Sonata" (Rhelnberger): "Oon delUed" (Merkel); "Hallelujah Chorua" (Handel); 7:10 P. m., "Fantasia la B minor" (Merkel); 'Serenade" (Gounod); "Prooeealonal In B flat" (Quiraud). Tha annual meeting of th Manufao ,' turers association will be held text Sat urday, October tl, at I p. nu, at AUsky - hall, corner of Third and Morrison streets. Following the business meeting ' TASTE Portland People - Whs desire some little UWIS ' AJTD OXABX SCSMOBY S1K. one that will sadar, alway aaat ana fitting, wtn dad u Bewlg aad Olark Souvenir Ooid Dollars just th thing. They sstasd by the v. a. ev- bi o aid th Bxpoaraoa, leaaeate more laatlag or gaggaativ aaa be found. Oa way -ef saeaatlBg theam . la any form you may desire, vis. I. StUkpia, XJnk Buttons, Brooehea, rob, ta ta made) a kit wtth our Val viattor this ruuur. We mount these ola to preserte theea aad they , are not la the least mutilated. ; Mo f Brooah, laelading oota, Ilk out, Stum, postage paid. ' maUr glsa S440 aa SSJO. tce g. eqtke::pe2 CO. JVwelaro aad SUveramltha. . 21 lIcJTtia SUtd '3 1 Use the savings bank ours, if you like us and believe In us.' We are trowing bl;j;er every day. We were strong when we started. We are stronger now. " Our strength and reliability that i for ; you (o investigate. A strong , , bank shares its profits with 7 you. That is our proposition. k . . ww civ . : : INTEREST, I -. V Oregon Savings. Bank 321 Morrison Street, omom W. H. Moore. President. . . E. Lytic, Vice-President W. Cooper Morris. Cashier. 8. Logan Hay a. Ass' t Cashier. '' BXBBOTOBS " W. H. Moore, - B. B. Lytla, Lso Frieda, W. H. CopeUad, ! - v , W.Cooper Morris. there will be a smoker, at which refresh ments and general good cheer will be enjoyed. . Non-members will be invited to attend tha smoker. A large attend. anc Is expected, '.. .' We are headquarter, for fin rosea. Stock , healthy, strong and" true. Now la the time to plant. Catalogue free. Th Gibson Rose nurseries. 1180 Mil waukte avenue. Portland. Oregon: tele, phone Bast 111.. Take Sell wood ear.; The deaf mutes of Portland ara to have a service this morning at Grace church. Twelfth and 'Taylor- atreeta. where Professor Went Interpret th paetor' sermon and th entire service la th deaf language. I Chairs, table, couches, dresser and ther furnltur. all new. caa be had at tlltt Fourth atreet for two third what they can be bought for elsewhere. Com and see our selling out prioe after. Mon day. . ,- ,-. ; . , ; . Today musical program at tha First Congregational church will Include th famoua aria from St Paul, "O, Lord. Have Mercy On My Soul." to Tte eung by J. Adrian Epplng. baritone of th Jawlah Temple. ' ' - ; If you want beautiful etchings, Bio paintings, or other pictures, ;all nicely framed, call at tUtt Fourth street and see the largest and finest stock In tha city, , For sale at half price. ; Presiding Judgs Fraser addressed thej schoolchildren or xroutaai las roaay afternoon and lav the evening apoke to th parents. . At both gatherings. Judge Fraser was greeted with large audlencea. . Eugene Wackerow, arrested oa a Stat utory ehsrg a few day a ago, waa held to th grand Jury by Police Judge Cam eron yesterday morning. Ills bond was fixed at $600 In cash or $1,00 paper. For ' Ban Francisco Th steamer Northland sails direct Wedneaday, Octo ber St, at 4 p. m. Cabin,- til; steerage, IS, Including meal and berth. C H. Thompson, agent, lit Third street. ' Th meeting this afternoon will be at 1:10 and will be without charge, but for men only. Walter J. Gill will sing a tenor solo and Professor Wilder will have charge of a song aervioe. Hunter - Special - Rate Today To Qreaham. tl cents; Boring, Eagle Creek and Estacada, 10 cent round trip. Cara leave First and Alder streets, 7:10, t:t. 11:10, 1:10, 1:40, 1:44 and 7:11. ' Great auction sal Tuesday, October 14 at 1 a. m. All palms and plant must be sold on account -w moving. L. Q. Pfunder. florist, .417 Washington treat. -. Great auction sale Tuesday, October 14, at 1 a. m. All palm and plants must be sold on account of moving. L. G.. Pfunder, florist,-477 Washington street Watches and diamond tl down -and 10 per week. Goods delivered on first payment. Xmas Is coming. Metsgar Co.. Jeweler, optician. Ill Sixth. ' Dr. IX I. Wadsworth, th dentist, re moved to 6eI11ng-HIrch building. Tenth and Washington streets, , room tl-l. Phone Main l"ll. . . Why pay 11.10 to $10 for ay glaaaee when we guarantee a perfect fit for $17 Metsger a Co., Ill Sixth tret, forUand' best dancing school, $0$ er street. Professor Rlngler, Mist Buckenmeyer. ' Ladle' gymnasium class. tha Rlngler Physical Culture school. $1 per month. Join now. ' . Paints, varnishes, calcimine, ele at your own pile now at fir sale, 141 First street. (i . . " . ' . K For Inside lnromo-beerlng real eatate see B. J. Daly, ta-tK4 Failing building. George W. Hasen and family are again at their old home. 141 Twelfth atreet. .i t - -i FrlU's tamales are the best. ; , ' , Whera to Dine; -"'. "Watch th Omaha Grow.". 'Clean, modern restaurant. French dinner, with wine, 10c. New management. The Omaha, 41 Sixth. " ' 0BMaskBBuawa w French eook will serve you with a genuine French dinner, with wine, 71c. Manhattan Buffet, Sixth. ' ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT. Only Oa Stssmer Bw Bmxnlag to the Qaaoade fcook aad Betara Baca Bay. "The steamer Telephone, dock foot of Oak street, la th only boat now running to th Cascade lock and return each day. This Is th great ecenlo ride of the American continent. - Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Seattle racea. Take Sell wood and Oregon City ear at First and Aldr. Off, door lettered promptly, loeter Klelser, phone Ex. tl.- , MM v - ; Ji- ' ': OFF TOO SEE HIE HE KIO . Three Portland Lads Ctek Land of Cl-aretts, Where Cchool Books Ara Not Known. TEN CENTS TOTAL ' CAPITAL OF TRIO When WUUo Balrd's Fatbtr . Whips Him for Smoking;, Easil Kay and Harry Jones Consplrg With Him te Esp Parental Tyranny. To search tha world for plae where there are no school or book, and to find a spot where they may smoks ciga rettes free of Interruption, three Port land lads have disappeared mysteriously, and three Portland mothers are dls- trsoted a result. It was last Monday that they lert. Sine that Um poile headquarter have been besieged by relative and friend, description of the wandering trio have been sent broadcast - throughout th northwest and the big' city of Portland baa been combed by detectives, but no trace of the youngsters has-been found. Detectives of other cities have been en listed la the search. . Th youngest of the thre 1 Basil Ray, who has the experience of 10 short yeara to- his credit - Until last Monday ha lived' with hia parents at 111 ' Beo- ond atreet , Willie Balrd, tha oldest, has uvea tnree more year man Basil an with the exception of th past week- has spent the whole of hi youthful career with, his parents at Second and Clay streets. Harry Jones ha been a resi dent of this world for a dosen year and rwf5 is-.Iu.'ot.i, BasQ Ear, From a Photograph Taken With His Sister. ' . - his stock of worldly wisdom has been acquired at the home of hia- parents, fit Third street, and within a few block of that place. It waa tha chastisement of the. Balrd boy. It. I aald, that caused the exodus of th trio. It 1 stated that hi father punlahed him for amoklng cigarettes, and a council waa held immediately after tha pain had worn away. - Th conference was called by th Balrd boy, who told hi companions briefly of th occurrence. At once he became an object of aympathy and of admiration. Student of Juvenile na ture assert that boy are hero worship ers, and Willie Immediately "became a hero. Ha had been punished for a principle. - ' . . "Wut's a kid goln' ter dor" asked the hero of the others of the triumvirate, "if his dad won't atand fer do wheat straw and Bull Durharnf . Ter don't expect to trifle and fuse wld da school books yer whole llfec De ole man and me gits hooked up whenever he sees ma wld a pill, and It's me to the ever glades. No more school for dta kid. . I kyou teller gamer They, were game and began laying their plans, i Without th knowledge of their parent they arranged for the escape. Not even their playmates were taken Into their confidence, though a smaller brother heard them talking and told all about It after they had gone. Basil Bay had the sura of 10 centa at the time of their departure. It waa th combined capital of the three. Whither they went no one know. Sunday after noon they cam down Into tha city. They were overtaken, however, and es corted back to their homes. It I be lieved that they premeditated flight at that time and would have gone then, but for the unexpected Interruption, which delayed the start a day. Toung Ray waa a pupil at th North Central school, - while th other two attended the Harrison school. . Balrd Is on parol from th Juvenile oourt, offi cer of which are extremely busy In their effort to locate him. Mr. Ray, mother of th youngest of the runaways. Is distracted. She ha aided tha polio la searching for th lad Iq every way possible, and say that th search will be continued until her son Is located. "I can't Imagine why he ran away," she said, "unless he was persuaded by the other. He was a) good boy and I don't think ha ever, smoked clgarsttea. He 1 small even for bis 10 years and w ar vary much alarmed about him." Free School Domestio Science. W have a ecu red the services of Mra. Bertha Haffner to give a are course ol lecture at our. store In cooking and kitchen furnishing. Tbese lecture will be given dally at 1:10 p. m. Every one la cordially Invited. Honeyman Hard ware company. - - THE ESTACADA o toi or o, w. . axxOTaio t, nr m kxakt or tkb rnrrs oa , m CLACKAMAS inu ESTACADA. C2EG0N A roroxA axatnr ass axcasAnos axaoax. Meantals eUtoMng, treat flaklnf, 10-eere pin fir park; farre eaoHas eavtuee. soul riraTtded with city war aa elertiie lbtf. fine hetbs. telepksae clrert i Perflnsd, Tfeeeeaeee ef serra ef fir forest eorroeod tse rasas ettr ef Bataeaea. ,, as HILM raoB 01TLajrn, Rate s-r s. t J hM per week , .sla.0 tprti rici.t. Iseledlag reasd trip fare SB otaser.. ............$ LTI gpertal Ucket. laelading tesad trip . (re. eee Blgkt's kxUlag ssd thres sieals as ticxiT omct.rxasT An albsb rra. L. B. MARTINEZ. Manager . SSTAOA&A, OaiSOV. is. t r-v:d:.T.TnCIta ; TO KFrESIuT CITY Will Attend Conference to Sup- port President In His RsJI road Regulation. To support President Roosevelt In hi proposition to give the Interstate com merce commission power to settle and establish disputed rata on th railroad of th United Stgte, a convention of business representatives will meet with the Bacon commission at Chicago Oc tober it. Portland oommerclal bodlea will be represented. ' Wallis Nash will leave tonight for Chicago, as a delegate from Aha Port, land board of trade. Herman Witten berg, who la now in tha east, will be present at the conference, la behalf of the Portland chamber of commerce. After the meeting Mr. Naah will pro ceed to New York, where he will assist Reu H. a Wallace In closing th final negotiation for financing tha co operative Christian Federation, taking ever th Frenoh-Glenn ranch of 110,000 acre In Harney county and th Willam ette Valley and ' Caecade Mountain Military road land grant of 000,000 seres, extending across Oregon, and pre paring for th construction ol a rail road following the route of thla grant from Ontario to the Willamette river. The consummation of theea plana 1 th result of several months' work by tha promoters of th federation, and Mr. Nash as its . legal counsel. It Is said that before ho returns from th east th final papers will be algned af fecting deals aggregating nearly $f. 000.000. and that the financing of these prellmlnariea will be followed by th issuing of bonds to th amount of $10, 000.000, from which will be realised enough money to put Oregon's now famoua cooperative colony plan fairly on its feet, with .upward of 1.000,000 acres of land for its purpoeee. v . HERE ARE SOME OF THEM , . . , - Ued Flaao Boost ve at BOat te Fart V Faymeat for Costll Oaea. ' . Elegant rosewood Stack, splendid case, a' trifle out of- data, $!$ style. $211; largest walnut case, Jateet style Fischer, $111; elegant largest slsed si hoe-any Knabe, usual price $600. now $t$t; splendid medium slsed walnut Vose, regular price $11$, now $112; oak case, largest slsed $150 Everett, $114; beautiful Omaha exposition style motUed walnut $575 Kimball, hows but little use, $11$; splendid little $$00 Em erson, $14$; another Emerson, mahog any, $200; very showy, brand new wal nut Starr, $211; three Hamilton pianos that war one so popular, every ode Ilka new, $116,- $111 and $1TS respect ively; splendid large walnut-cased Hard man, $211; beautiful little Victor, $1$$; largest slsed nearly new. mahogany Kingsbury, $1$7; elegant mahogany Bai ley, only slightly used, $11$; good fancy mahogany Jacob Doll upright. $210; Wing St Son, new, $141; another Knabo, rosewood ease, $2$t; great big, oak oaaed Ludwlg, $11$; splendid English mot Ued walnut-cased Kimball, colonial, equal to new. $214; splendid mahogany oaaed exhlbitton-elxed , Lester, oaea somewhat marred, that $171 style, for 1125; other uprights In good shape, of mora or lass musical value, at prlcea ranging from $111 down to $85. We want all of them out of the way. Will never again be able to make such low prices. Will ship subject to examina tion and approval anywhere, pay on tenth down, balance at $4. $$ Or $1 a month. . . EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Equal Rights to All. The real principle of democracy, of equal right to all and apodal prefer ences to none, has been the Alma Mater of our establishment sine Its Inclpi ency, covering a period of IS years. During this long period our etrict ad herence to this principle, which, by the way, ha become our religion, ha not only been not lacking tn conscientious execution but the success achieved by It aad through It has awakened our dor mant anergic and filled our whole being with a magical Incentive to do mere aad better by our patrone. Wa are, by our direct connection-, with the manufac turer, by buying only for cash, enabled to undersell . all competitors in our wlnea, liquors or cordials. . As an ex ample we will, until further notice, sell a regular alss bottle of genuine Rock and By -for t .cents a bottle which you cannot buy wholesale within 20 cents of our price that would be 70 centa We - sell It for 60. Beside on all our other good, oonsl sting of everything that appertains to 'wlnea, liquors, cordials, domestio aad Imported, we will allow- a discount of 1 per cent a advertised th prevloua week by re ferring to thl advertisement All goods guaranteed In regard to quality of being the best as well as to prlcea of being the lowest and most reasonable in the cty. D. OERMANV8, The Family Liquor Dealer, $2$ Mor . rlson street. Paul Strain Goes East. - Leavee for th east tomorrow, topping at Denver, Chicago, Rochester, N. T Philadelphia, New York, snd returning via Kansas City and Bah Francisco. Mr. Strain will be accompanied by his bust- s - , i ' V ,5 ness manager and -buyer, N. SU 8 ha f aril Clothing, hat, shoes and - furnishing snrlng stock for ths entire system of store will be bought A Mr. Strain 1 the largest buyer cf mens clothing that visits the seat from Oregon on.Washlng- ton, his trip win b for th purpose t Placing upward of I1M.00 worth of orders for system of four tore, aad to which he will add on more in January next Tha new store will be the largest of th five. Mr. Strain, la very enthusiastic over the future f thl stats aad th Pacific northwest and will oa his return commence, a general Exclusive Patt ems ' - : ' . . -V- ARE PROVIDED, . . with a large and hand some assortment ol desirable fabrics for your selection. Let tig take jmu measure early this season for your winter's Business Suitit will ' facilitate our work, snd yon may choose now frorA ex clusive patterns which cannot be duplicated. A E Griswold Successor to ORISWOLD PHEOLBT. , ' !3! Sixth SU Portland, 0r. CARD OF TOAK3S Th following is one of th many In dorsements that have come te our notice regarding tha success with which Pro fessor J. Friedman, tha well-known ax- pert masseur. III Chamber of Commerce building, treats his patients. --- Portland, Or., Sept 11, 10I. Prof. J. Friedman Dear Sir: Oladly yleHlng to your request for a short testimonial, I beg to sax, that for tha past 1 years I had been a great sufferer from rheuma tism. I had tried all kinds of medicine and medical treatment'- had tried hot springs here end In Europe, but never got any aura or lasting relief. On Janu ary lsst I commenced taking treatment from you. I waa then so alck that I was ' unable to sleep. I waa a total cripple, out of shape and In pain con stantly. After a week of your cupping and mas sags and general treatment I no ticed a great improvement which, by keeping to your treatment has resulted in what I call a complete euro. For the pest five month I have never had any pain, thi first experience of the kind for m In II years. I moat heartily rec ommend your treatment to all martyr to rheumatism. , Toura very truly, J, CHRI8TBNSEN, O. K, Coffee House, 111 First street . 7 Marquam Grand Theatre Saturday Evening. Oct 2Sth, at &M5 , The Fopulajr Xeetare Mr. Barry BulRIey of Ws shine-ton, D. C, will deliver hi celebrated illustrated talk upon HI! TCUOVSTOnC DATIOffAl MM Assisted by Mrs. laoa aUoch-Baaar, waiver sieea, suss A. Pronounced by eminent critics "The Lecture Hit" of the rear. Delivered at the fit Louie Exposition and during th entire period of the Lw1 and Clark Exposition by invitation of the U. ' 8. fovernment - Illustrated by over one undred beautiful views. By special request Mr. Bulkier wtlh! deliver during nia tortncoming tour or the east and middle west, his lecture upon "Portland, the tnty or Rosea" Tickets, 11. For aala at Portland Cigar Stand,- Portland Drug Store, woodaro. ciara at jo. . Under the oeraonal direction and su- pervislon of Armat Stoddart Gustaf Adolph c4nhivcrsary Will Be Held Saturday Evening, Nov. 4th At BE. B. Oaarok. Third aad Taylor Sta, Under tha Auspices of mm pmarjra oz,ira oox.tmbxs. assisted ty Madams Noreiu aad other excellent talent . .. , ., 4, aioaEATiov tkxm. eeraer Taagaa aad Tweaty-feaTta, . Portland vt San Francisco ADMIBIIOV, Me. . oexosta SO. iL . ORAXDftTAND, Xoe. CHILDREN, Ue. Bos tickets and reaarved eeata oa sale at box eface. Dally. SaadayJ:sO. Art Furnlhircv r.Ianufccturino Co. C A. WALKER, Mgr. Manufacturers of DRAPERIES) jfecui iesiciw 111 njwnrott ANsCAUXCTVIIK Kat ties eee StaAVaad Beaovat. Special Atteatloa Olvea te Bepals Work. Pstterf as4 VsrtaMM 404M-4S3 leyt Street, Prtlsl Orcfe Phone Main 141. - R. ANDREWS, Pree't - LOUIS H. BOLU riAKO STCDIO ROW 0P1! F0S PIPUX Parkrs aad 1. sjt Waahtagtea St Una of improvement and enlargement of two of the stores now operated, be lieving that Portland will grow faster In the next 1 yeara than even tha moat expectant of Oregonlan think for. Mr. Strain will deliver an addres en "Pro gressive Mercantile Methods" at tha custom tailors' meeting la Chicago next Saturday " evealnav v-. Tfliir R VftsT ML V eftw sfXBBXTH . TEE CTCvATCeC CATCS all Tormtr owned by P. r. Castlesias. baa chaaa-ed aaaos sad Is sow eondaeted by Ir. and Mra. N. A. MlaoMtu . Tee place ha been thoroughly renarated, aw aa svtders apparataa added. It te Dr. Ntobeth'a Inlen tUm to esaduct aaaie aa aa up-to-date Seal turlam, where Um people ot Partlaad eau receive aa sood tree meat aa U tbey were to so abroad. Dr. as Mrs. Ntoeta have bad years ef experlear Is their line ef work. They have suay teatlmealals from yatleaBi aad eraail seat Barak-laae ot Spokaae and surroaad iaa eoaatry. waere tbey have bees located for ever years. The Sorter had hia early t retains la Sweden and i yeara er. Ileal experleare hospital aad orrve prac-tl-o has uaxht blm te saeceaafally treat Idaey and. troublea. t'hrenle CoaatlDatlna. Oeeeltr In feet, all Names aad Ohranle Dleeases No dress, se knife need: only setentlfle as plleatluna af Lltht Kleetrlcttr. All fora of Bathe, Chiropractic, Swedish Maaasge aad BMveakenta. TreataMals at efflee, $10 per steam. Patients treated st tbew hoaaea tt ste- Ooaealtanea bee. Vhiltsrs wel- 411 Kv2lSC!i STCEET whose Bood 1921, . rortlaaa, Orogoa. WKaJe It 5P aS $1 Down; $1 a IVccIi; Owners of the fundamental patents. Largest Talking Machine Manufacturers in the world. -! Grand Prix Paris 1W0. Double Grand Prize St. Lotus 1904. COLUMDIA Phonograph Co. M5471 I7ts!a!ss!sa Street Next doer to Skr Tfcettre Open Saturday evenings un tU 10 o'clock. Ho Guessing Matter TOLU-EIR Really Cures Coughs and Colds We Swear by It And Guarantee Results .50 Cenu-v. ' Woodard-Clarke &Co. More Nutritions Creed Th bread mads from White River v .. a. -nl m.p. ann.tlrin mrtA r IUUI ! UV . W .u Haw. v " - " W delicately flavored, more tootbeome, more aatlsfylng But n am n .iMrv minute nartlM Af the flour having been treated by Ion ised" or electrified air, tt 1 more easily assimilated by th stomach, and more nutritious. -r"V -nikro-it which rnH with evp sack Insures not only your satisfaction, but your preference for Whits River win.. a w a r t.v nlh.f rtrtnv mi K ever used or the cheerful return . of your money. aiioh ex uvii, edera dental wont Wsrld-eo aowned a pedal lata Srtoea cesieiatent with Srst-elaa NEW YORK DENTISTS rOTTBTX ABB BtOBBXSOB STS. Opaa day and night, frosa lst a. say aaUl 1 a. as, . Voice Production Haaatmle. Pipe ftrees, Wn mm aM 0- ""H tine. Stadia of raaiVa.ibj( W. 5ft BMamnt sereet. I'koa ImI J. .lies Ecl'iri Kelly - , "'"I rre!e r BwXeSsXessa-wXxPJaxoBsx TEETH 1 .' , twiJ Our stock of lien's ai Boys Suits and Orerccti are newly arrived, cf Ca best quality and latest p li tems and make. We hav no firs sals nor removal sale. We have and always do ac compliah a good trad by selling in a legitimate way. Our prices are marked fa plain figures as they beat all other humbug sales. Com- lete line of Men's Furnish ngs, a general line of Shoes, also Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and - Ccraforters. JOUTJ DELLAR Running two stores Corner First and Yamhill and Coo Pier Third and Davis Streets. EBX0U71A Successor to A. J. Farrntr WBOXJsSAXB AXZj SSlrSSS'SaS t-to.f Prices quoted below .wfil eave yew t - least 1 per cent: Best Dry Granulated Can Sagas 100-lb. sack ......,....v.. It lba Best Pry Granulated Caa' Sugar" Beet Dry Granulated Sugar, aack...l ll 1-lb. can Royal Baking Powder too 1-lb. can Schillings' Baking Powder, .tie 1-lb. pkg. Ana and Hammer Soda... to Shredded Wheat Biscuit par T lbs. clean whit Rice ...Sfo It bars Royal Savon Soap ....... ..tea Hard Wheat Flour, par Best Eastern Hams, per pound lo Picnic Hams, per pound............. to Shredded Coeoanut per pound lie t-lb. pall beet Lard. .......tee lt-lb pall beet Lard L0 10-lb. pall beet Lard .l-0 Best Soft Wheat riour, per Java and Mocha Coffee (regular It). per pound ,tt I lb a broken Java and Mocha (equal to 10c) ...IS t can Primrose Cream.... ..It Tiger Cream (regular lc), per can., to English Breakfast Tea freg. He) .Mb. Isc Fine Gunpowder Tea (special), lb...lto Scotch Oats, per pkg. .....loo Tar 8oap. 3 bara 0 Pels Naphtha Soap, per bar te Postum Cereal, per pkg. ........ ...loo Soda Crack era, To-lb. box tc Best Ckpe Cod Cranberrtea, per st..lo Uneeda Biscuit, per pkg. to KitcHen Brand ; Parlor Matches - ( to pkg.). per dosen 7 to Lenox Brand Parlor Matches (It to " box), per dosen tic East Side deliveries Tuesdays snd Friday. Woodlawn. North Alblna ina aad Piedmont. Wednesdaya . 'Great; Auction Sd3 Of Chinese snd Japanese CURIOS The fair trade being about over, we have concluded te dis pose of our entire stock of hist, class Imported Goods,, consist ing of rino Silverware, Clots sonne, Setsuma, Ivory Carvings, New Brats. Silk and Satin Em broideries, ' Kimonos, Screens, Decorated Porcelain Tea Sets, Matting, etc ; , ' Sale commences at 2 JO and 7:30 p. m. daily. ; Andrew KanfiCa roam aad sim. Wilh the Supply cl I ttmt n nnATrnn I PllruiunvyiMUiiS) continnally decreasing, the mar ket and pries increasing, some body will get left by ths way. Oar stock, bought before ths 'rise, will be sold at before-the-riee price as long as It Itats, They have an attractive Invest ment feature st the. prices ws are offering them. Oar Jewelry snd Optics! goods are right soi . the price oa them is right. - ..ft3 a. .j.Yviu'- ;THB IOWA jrVVTI t:3 Morrison Ct t:'-z TbBMwe a-a '