, 1 Tins outccn cuttdav ;-tj?j:ai, rc?.TLA:;, - . . I sue. . .(Gsmec . Wlho Fflacfoft GIcvo ' Bsen. Hc.7 ilC?? Seen:;:! DostbcJ to Vin Fame ciil For- . . tun3 acJ IEIM on be no doubt that Adair w . . I genius. Tbey begaa telling blm that , I wbB Im wi even at that early stage' of hit career when bis genluo feerea ta manifest Itaalf Is eorawliog verees oa hl composition paper In school., Hia folks at ' boiffa found tba veraes, took tham ta tha editor of tha local paper, and from thai amy Adair's doom was seeled. ' Ha wn labeled Genius," and wbeo ones M labalad bo mil escapes tba brand. Tba ' aditor printed tha verses because Adair's uncle ran tha largest dry t eoda stors In town, ; and. a consequence, wal a pereonage ta t, propitiate for as adttor who depended for hia ' . breed upon tha ada that a atrial! town pro . . dueed, and with tham faa printed a Uttla ao- ' . tloa of their writer, and In. tha notica ha did not fail to mention "genius M at laaat twloa. ' Twloa again at acbool Adair wret verse and had them printed la tha looal paper, twloa ba wrota eompoeUlona that wra read ' at school exercises. An wba ha wrota tba ' elaaa valsdlotdty aad described tba battles? and tamntetlons that tha vouns Bcocle of hia ' alata would bar to to tbrout h wbse thsy started out from tho sheltering environ- ' mast of tba dear old achool aad beyond tba - halptnff band of tbalr dee oU teachers and ; dear old principals, there war to ba seea tear among tha elaaa ana teacnere. una teacher klatad Adair when ba we through, and tha congressman who -had eome; io the acbool ta aoaoh tha young folk In their flrat leap at Ufa devoted at laaat five minutes to praUlnf tha young genius effort, and pre dicted a me for him hat-would maka bis bom town ring with prldtor htm. . ' Iff tt4 Ganltu at la ft, . Atar that AdtJr wan to work an tha looal : papar. whara tha principal dutlek of a yenlua , ara to aaa that tha Barton'o Coraara corra- . aposdact floaa not aaatha papar aa a Tahlola for abaalng tha maa who aanda Itama froi CobUWB, to And out who w viattinv w to wn and) to turn to and help f aa tha pony cylinder wbaft tba papaatoaa to praaa 4ata an a Thura day night. Of aouraa Adair aupplamantad- tBaM autiia by writing- varaa, which waa . prtntad alongalda fih inarkat raporta and halpad a tot to nU In batwaaa, .tha ada, and ka awaitad tba day wbta hli gmlua ahould ba raaofnlaad and a matropoktaa papar aa&4 for hia etrrleea. ', ' Bui tbif la ail af tba aarly youth of Adair: , What wa hava ta do with la tba way 1a which ' no fallad artar ba cam to tha elty aad avary thine waa aomlnc hia way. Of aouraa thara waa a tuna avan attar ba had ooma to Vja olty and aaourad amploymant on a bit papar ha rnrakawaaraoocniaadaaaa-etilua. Tha local ataff a of aU bit papar art flilad with fcaluaaa who sarar tot a ahanea to aarn mora than visa a waaxv A mil muai do aa KirioroioKx aora at a tanlua to maka any daoldoo) Un praaatoa - . ' ,'; ; . . Br mm .-- Tha fact thai Adair did maka a daddad lav praatioa, and thU within a yaar af tar bla ad aat aa a matropolitaa awwapapar man, arovaa that ha waa a raal tanlua. Ha waa '. ao flaih In tha pan, a man who eould do oaa or two too atotiaa ana tnn oia aown. " had It ta him " to do rood work and to do U right alone. Ha bad a whola lot of good work la him. and with man of thla kind It la only a auaaUoa af tuin tt out, and than mooaaa wrtttaa la bit lattara and Intar aparaad at fraquant miarrala with tba daalra kla dollar alga la taatra ta bava and ta hold. Adair had tt la him. If ho had only tot It out thara la ao tailing- whara ha might ha at thla day. But aa ha aarar did gt It out ka la atlU working or a raportar'a wagta oa amall papar down aouth. Whaa Adair mada hi nrat hit tha world opened up brightly tor him. It waa only a' eommoa aewspepar - story " that first at- , treated attention, but It waa tha kind of a . story that would have attracted attention If tt bad beea printed on yellow wrapping paper and put are and a bar of soap, other mea had takea tha same aubject for It waa aa How to i VURTBODT knows see national Ta. La., atamaea of money making through ad-varttstPw-bow X'e breakfaat food and Uaf T"e face powder, aad aye euro for I rkeumetUm mada X T, an mil lion al raa. Tba romaaoe of adverUalng baa beea preUy well handled, and tha proaala aide at It la not being negteored. Tat many people whoee lot areata, if they but knew it. aire deeply Involved In thle great modern agattt 6fHualneae have vague daa of Its real character. For lnataace. the small mer- chant la, ae a rule, unaware of the fact that advertising ig d game that everybody can engage lav Talk advertialna to a grocer supplying a baneful of famHlea In aa out-of-the-way corner of the city and "ha will think yott crasy. That la because he doea not understand what advertising mean. We are Inclined ta think and talk of ad vertletng aa something comparatively hew ta the world of buainaaa In Its more strik ing dvvelopmeata. at aouraa. it - la. The amount at advertleiag and the waya of ad vertising have mereaaed m the laet Quar ter af a eeoturrv-la the IaM decade, on might aay to a coloaaal extent Alto ebanges ' in buainesa aondlUcna. traaaportatloo faclli- .' tlta, pubHehlng eaterprlsea have made the preblam et advertising aa a whole a new aaa. But don't forget tha esaeatlal truth that adveraatng la almply making the pub lie acquainted with tba merchant, aad tba tnarcbaadtsa, and that ataoa 6 rat the aav age'a atora of food waa mora than sufficient for bla owa want aad he waated to exchange soma of it for aometmna wi aemewcr els had, advertising waa found aeoeeeary te barter aad exchange. A Jwartlalng Geta Mara Complicated Tha personal advertisement by word af mouth from th producer to the eoasumer haa been varied Infinitely with the oomplica ttone of civilised Ufa, bat advertaaing la to day essentially what tt waa at flrat; A tr" B that be la willing to exchange aome thing In hie possession for something In B's pos session, The exchange column of a news paper la theprototype of ell advertising. There te no merchant, la however email way of business, that doea not advertiser there le ecarcely one that could not advertlae better If be gave bla though te te It The av erage small merchant la bound band and foot by tradition and la perfectly blind to the possibilities which modern advertising ex rrtmce haa opened up to blm. Tradition U:7 Ho, Failed :. 1 ' yz RT ' By Norman Morris. eld oaa. aad worked at It hard without doing anything startling with It. But under the away of the young genius It became a thing for mea to alt up and gasp at when they read It. The faahloa la which Adair wrote mada It aa arte. It had evenrthlna- In It that the well wrtttaa story should have in It, aad be- aldee It had that which mea may alt down and try in vain ta define, the touch of genius, It waa a eeneatloa la the prof tsaioa for a full day attar It waa printed, aad thif la a novelty ta a profeaaloa where yeaterday'a paper la aa a thing of ancient history. It got Adair for W.D.McJunkin baa told him that when be open a little store he must advertise hia buelneaa by meane of a alga aver his door, by aa array of merchan dise la hia wlndowa, aad possibly by distrib uting a few bandhlUa the neighborhood. Bo he proceed to do all af theae things in a manner aa nearly Uke that of othera aa he can poaalbly attain to Inetead of doing It lut aa differently aa ctrcumatancee will per mit. ' ."' , ,v --r :, : . v -s : The fact ta there is aa much scope forand need for originality in the advertising of a M one horse " grooery as In that of the Mggest department store, and relatively aa great a reward for It. Cannot afford to advertise " ! a hade of Barnum I The mail eat grocer can by a little ingenuity make every womaa tat . bis neighborhood think hi atora the only emporium in the anieersc. He oaa handle . bla three atringtd advertising instrument sign, window, aad haodbineo aa to dis course maeto that will woo trade from blocks around. . " ' ' ' Sign Should! Ba Different. Take etrlng No. 1 tha alga. If tba grocer ta like -the rest ot tha bunch " ha will be . eatlafled with bis name to inartistic lattara spread ever a commonplace signboard, or he may add "grocer" or groeerlee" or something sejaaUy general and uninteraat- . tag. Why doesn't he tell us why we should buy aar groceries barer Groceries at bot tom figureepure goods at wweet prtcea "At the alga of the tree egg "-4et him gst a alegaa that will express his intention ta running the buainesa aad wake tha echoes . aU round his -aeighhorhood; and den't let blm be afraid to stir people aut at their sleep! The string Ne the window. What ta Unite peeel bUltlae at trade drawing It holds aad what a ludicrous fisxls It generally te. Tha same eld tinned meat and tomato cane, the aame eld fly papers reposing ovewdubl ous vegetables, the same old wboleaalers' aigns thrust Into the windows te be out of the war the eame eld tndleatioa that here la a grocery run In the same old dreary, un thinking fashion. - Why Doaan't tha Grocer WakaVp? Why doesn't the grocer wake up and make ate window, unlike that of any other grocer that has been, te, or will be, and make tt dif Advertise Iio:tIiG;Plcaa2r3 on4 offer from two papers and tt got him also aa advance of salary, ... ,V ' Walt aad Exyact Bl Thlafa. X yaar later Adair began to attract atten tion with hie feature startea. He waa then Juat 2. He wrote stories that mea who had grown gray at the trade would have given a hand to have written. He had a atyle about hia work that mada It popular without cheap enlnw It ta quality, and hia proapcote grew brighter day by day. He sold aaa or two atorlea to the magasinea, and a female meg- , Little Money. ferant every so often, and, above all. make It ao attractive every time that your mouth waters when, you look at It. And why doesn't he reflect that a window aaa be made an advertising medium with a circu lation that Includce everybody In bla viola Ity, a medium where he can puhlleh display advertisement that will eutahlne hia com petitor" effort aa the eua erase the star. It Is safe to aay that the grocer, wherever located, may make hia window space the high road to fortune. "Advertising wouldn't pay me" means the ordinary advertising would do htm but llttla good even If he could afford to pay tt. But he haa got so much good advertising Space la the wlndowe to fill aad fill profitably that It will occupy all tha spare time and all the gray matter he haa ta devote to the problem, not to speak ot toe questionable form of enterprise which Ut- fers tha- sidewalk with vegetables and men aces the footatepe of the unwary pedeetrlan. . a Hand Bill Mar Ba KffacMv. String No. a-the band bill, tha aid standby af . the beginner aad the bete nolr of the houee wife. Tet tt la a good thing. If different If It is unlike the thousand and one that have preceded It, It tt la attractive aad aays something worth hearing. But If It eon tain a dlamal announcement af the met that Bo-and-se la at No. suoh-and-such a Street, ready with a complete stock of gro- ' series ta eetlafy your hungerif It says a good deal about what doea not In the least interest you and leaves unsaid what would . really tntereet you there la so much money throw away. Tour general announcement la aa good. One might risk the Irish bull and say that every general announcement ahoald be a particular one. Tall the woman of the bouse. Mr. Orocer. that every day this week you ara going ta sell egga at a price unheard of In the neigh borhood and eee It the run on your ahelvee for other goods will aot Justify th loss yotf stand oa egga.' -,. ' a a Vaa tha Maana at If and. ' It te aot money ao muck, aa bralna that tha aaiall merchant wants for advertising the handicap ot deficient capital la aa nothing compared with the handicap ot defective thinking. Whatever excuae may be at va for falling la business, the lamest of all la " lack af meane to advertlae," because the buatneee does sot ex let that cannot be exploited pronr ably, with the maana e( sine reviewer swelled his head most shame fully by comparing hia work with tha early efforts of Kipling. His friends discussed him, and waited aad hoped for tbe day when M Old Adair " should some before the public with a book. " He'll show 'era what real writing ta when he gate started," they said. After awhile tbcy began to say: " Don't you think Old Adair loafs a llttla too muchf" A year later they were teUing each other what a fool Adair was for wasting his c ha noes. He had everything be fore him. he had the goods, all that waa neces sary was for him to put them oa the market And hia friend waited and waited, and tha gooda came not. The1 fact of tba matter waa that Adair had never adopted the habit of being Industrious. ' Hs didn't want to work any more thaa he bad to. Ia the early daya, when he waeenly are porter, he never tried to do any work outside of the mere routine of his assignments. When. hs had any spare time he got away soma place with the rest at the fellows and devoted the time to talk aad drink. The reat of the fat Iowa, not having any particular ability, were not to be particularly blamed tor wasting their time, but with Adair It waa different. He had not merely ability, but genius, and a genius shouldn't throw himself away. v.y.-;. a . , -v 1 iag1anlB af Ua Iai. After awhile his friends began to talk to. him. They told him that they were sur prised to sse no new work tinder his name. They advised him to buckle down aad turn cut something. Adair, being young, took this la the light of patronage and grew angry. When be wanted eny fatherly advice he knew where to go for It, aad he wasn't In need of any Just now, thank you. His friends, also becoming angry, told him to go where the Ice man comets, not, for all they eared, and left the young genlue strictly to himself. A few editors wrote to him at Intermittent periods asking for aome of hie stuff, and Adair drifted along, doing work of a poor quality and doing only enough of that to make a living. When he did decide to buck ap and work hard he found that he had the habit of not working So well rooted In his system tbat getting dowq to a deek for a pro tracted session of work was torture. Ae be did not love te be tortured by his owa hand hs didn't work much. People who didn't know tbe inside tacts of tbe case wondered why the brilliant Adair 'wasn't Breaking Into print more often than he did. but bis friends knsw. and called him a fool for throwing away hia ehaaoee. . 8o he drifted feom one paper to another, never holding a position for any length of time, never turning out anything but mediocre work. He te still doing this. Even now be could da work that would soon make him well kaowa If ke would apply klmself to the taek. but the " manana spirit " developed In hla younger days haa htm la Ita grasp and be ambloe along carelessly, filling poattlene that mea with but half of hla capacity tough at. and ao Bearer success than bs waa la the beginning. Other men eome and make a hit aad go oa upward. Adair stands still. He can do the work, but he don't. Other men doJt. And tbat Is the difference between the successful maa aad tha failure. America ;Bt;oiness Mad; . Prof ocoions Go BeggincS. By Jonas Howard. WITHIN a tanaratloa aomathlnt haa aomo aaar tba Amarlcak pubila taakinaT tha profaaalona aaooadary ta Importaaoa to buainaaa whaa tha - two dalda ara eoaaidarad for poaal hRlUaa tot tha yoaag man. Onea a fathar la boa In aaa waa aat from tha baginnlnt upea laadinar hia promlalnjLaoa Into a prof aaa Ion. Today tha ambfUdua fathar In kualnaaa n eouragaa hia aont to aour bualaaaa, taking tha atlghtaat aonaldaratloa at tha "arar erowdad profaaalona. Bvary llttla whUa tha itory la in print how the atblatlo aoa af a bit buainaaa man, fraah front Harvard of Tala. baa entarad tha " worki " af hia fathafa bualaaaa brardar raw" 9 Hiinara mmaaw wmw ha may laa tt from tha ground up. . that Ha pata aa a pair af araralla, a laathar a proa. hobnailed shoe, and a workmaa'a cap, proa ably going through tba " worka " ta tha attar damorallaatloa at auch fellow worker aa may bo ta hia rauta ta a abort ant bneiaaaa aaoattdancy. r - ' ; ' j faaldrkUt lmtt t Nui . farhapa aa aaa example ta Amerioan Ufa haa beea aa naeh wrtttaa about la thla ra apoot aa waa tha yount Cornetlua Vaadarbllt. Whaa Cornelluat fathar Anally had to let ga of tblagarba younger JUfred Owynna Vaa derbllt waa the favored one In tha will. Poor CornaUua waa left with a maaaly llttla $10, 000,000, for tha aole raaaon that ha had mar ried tba daughter of a rtoh hanker who was. not quite rich enough. - But. aothlng daunted, young Cornell ua put Oh hie leather apron and aooty face, want Into the ahopa and began to turn out Inven Uona that woyld help looomotlvaa gat thara Quicker than Alfred Owynne'e faateat auto raeer. "He patented thirty-one thlng-4aat . vera to have made rolling stock mora profit able on rebate principle. Than beeeema to have eleeaed up, pat on evening dreaa. and had euoh a cjoe time during Prince Henrye visit to thla country that Henry" brother wanted CornaUua to come over to tha court of Berlin, togged out la diplomatic finery to beat tha German band. , , . ' ;. " Haaar Bot Bttt 1 tft atalona. . Thla preeent point of view regarding a bul neae oareer for tha young maa of the buainaaa ancaetr) aeema to be baaed on tha fact that onea aoupled up with a bit bualneVa whleh employe a aorporaUon lawyer all the time, and even for time and a half, any aort, of a yount maa ought to be able to pick op a a aide line any poaalble dealrable thing In the profeaalona, tha art, the Derby, or along tha Rlvtera. And the soberest, saddest fact tn the new world la that this young man earn u is uus sad. sober fact that one of these days may leave tha rich, rich element tn eootety to the empgarment of a $960 a ysar surgeon and a fiddling I1J00 a year lawyer, te aay aothlng ef Ita having to dreee up and hear a Sunday sermon from a preacher who la to poor to- rlek turning around and facing the other way fa even bla beet bib and tucker. At the preeent time there are a few $100,000 a year surgeons, siren after they have paid commissions to ths doctor sending tn the sjeae. A $50,000 a ysar lawyer Is a whopper, almost anywhere. A $28,000 a yaar preacher would be made a better offer la a good dime museum. But James Hasea. Hyde's $80,000 oan-oaa dinner to a mere Incident et a eight In hia buainaaa eareer. Papa Hyde put Mtti Jama la the shop with hie apron on atralght. mussed ap hla hair a Uttla, and Jemee buckled dowa ta business la a way that la Jlt A.d- aashetp a tildh. . now giving a gooo - " overcrowded - prof essioa af tba law. r a a ... - . Why Wcfc Bon Co lata iaglaa.. Is It any wonder that a big meat packer prefera totting his sea la oa the basement floor at the yarde to work up to rebatee and the Intricacie ot tolng cars, rather thaa make of him a veterinary surgeon, hot oa. the track ot anthrax aad lumpy JawT r..f ertth the noble professions, bust- neee is Business " .. day baetno- 5T i-.5fo?5 - M 4t waa skArtlab wlbnral- A W ana then it ww - - the patron necessitous of ALL, ths " over crowded " professions. Buslass as this pa trca saint first endows the eoUeges ef law. medicine, philosophy, and theology, making mere crowded the already overcrowded pre feeelone. And then going out for more buai nesa aad Its wherewith makes double time Many-Side Lines Open New Field for Drummer. " By Fred Crane. ' COLTLB of traveling men have hit V upon a scheme which. If It has the IjL, growth they think It la capable of, will go far towards Improving tha condi , ,v. " n,rT and which will give poet- ttll to r7'"" ho aav. been tion of many traveling m thrown out ot employment or Into less oon-1 genial Held by ths trusts. It Is a fact weU known to every maa that carries a sample case tbat the trusts have made many veoanctee la. the field of travel-In-, it waa thla condition, which seems to be growing, that promoted the two mea woo. so far aa to knows, ara the ealy one lo the new line to take ap the plan under whloh they now work. HAny traveling maa who travel for regu lar lines of gooda add to tbalr Incomes by taking out a aide line. When they clean up a tow with their staples they go out and maka additional money by aelUng the line that they carry oe the etde. -. a a .' Carry Nothing but Sid -Line. The new Idea to to act out carrying aothlng but a line of aide lines. The plan to aa pro ductive af good results that experienced firummera cannot understand wby Its use has not become general long before thla A elds tins Is usually a line tn which samples ara not bulky. . Novelties, neckwear, Unen, and other 11 owe et gooda, the transportation of the aamplea af whloh la act an arduous matter, have engaged the attention of the plo-"- in f. f ill - They strike a town wlCi t r -- and trunks filled wKI r V I Kara. Where, it thtj "r L scfr-'ik iracaaaary for thoaa la tha ranka who a raady bara tba bulgo oa tha maaoao. Tblok for a aaamaat what would ba tha eoadltioa of tha profaaatoaa If tt wra not ' for modern buainaaal Thla buainaaa man without bla prtvata phyalelaa, materia madlc and bus roinloa would ba a hopeieaa wrack la any give atxty daya, to nay nothing of tha night. Hia aonaultint attorney might find hard picking, ta gaf nothing of tha aearea of other attorney who ara acefcint to gat at thla maa of buainaaa. Tba praaohar would , aoaa many a good teat and toplo If It were not tat tha al day aadaaTora of thla buay cnaa at affalra, whUa It ta atmpty awful to imagine wnat r:,,. a . ... l"oa Oladdana, tha Ita hf. TarhaUa. and the Prof. Bdward Atklnaona were not thla buatneee maa aUcklng ta hia aueinaee ao oording to buetneae method. from tha worldly and yet eober point af view auoceaa In aay of th profeaalona whloh anakea a IkM.OOO laoome poaalble x aou a the aama time tba maximum of la- -dividual effort aad eoncentretton. tying the ' prof aaaloaal to the environment at fcie pre - TraaaaddfU CkaJtctt Ut WaaJtlt. Tha'maA af baelneae whoae eatabllahmenc may make for him only thla $100,000 mini mum find hia peraoMUlty ao little a neoeeeity that he may leave hia affaire for Indefinite pCTloda. confident that hie Meutenenta wilt earry oa tha eatabMahad routine per ha pa aa wall aa if ha were there. He baa hi outings, travel recreation, and acorea of diverelona that are denied the prof eaalonal maa whoa 1 income may ba as much. : . But the great attraotlon of the buainaaa -field ever tba profeaaionai Ufa Ilea, la the tremendous" posalbllltles of wealth on tha one hand or the phenomenally ahort time In . WHICH me IU1U1 7 iwchubi uiu u, vubuwm , may reach his goal of affluence. Tha pro-. feeotonal man who has hia Income of $100,000 a year will have been yeara In preparation for his work, and' many more years of work and waiting to catebllah himaelf will have followed. In many tinea of buainaaa, how ever, tha atorlea of how maa have become " mllllohaJree almoet In a day ara carrying . with tham the long columne of yount man , who are entering bustneae moon, aa the ex plorer In years past entered the nn explored featneese af tha habitable globe. The successful father la buainaaa la train ing hia aona for busloaes for tha raaaon that ' buainaaa ta the source of everything which has made up his owa Ufa and satisfied hta iuxuiieua fanctea, The young man In collage and unlveralty la abown theae luxurtea and ..travSaaBces of riches on ill sides, and ha to asking blm elf bow he may attain ahem. The anawer Is.' go Into business. And ths young maa to going perhapa. Indeed, urged to it by a profeaaionai fathar. . f. ' a . a .' 'l- tWbintiei Tara Beads al Maa. As aa example of business cob treated with professloa, tbe'WVNd baa juat seen how tbe Immature James Hasan Hyde, a a business maa, paid ths comparatively insignificant re tainer ef $20,000 a year to ths hoary Senator Chauncey 1C Depew tbe maa once a can didate for nomination for president at the United Statea and long prominent in the world aa "tha, typical American." Aad when Cornelius Vandsrbllt II. died a few years ago, leaving almoet uncounted millions behind him, thla almost lifelong aeso cists ia . a professional way waa left a paltry $200,000 by tha provisions of tbawilL : Looking aaiy at the Vaaderbllta, why Shouldn't tbe possibilities ot business riches turn tbe beads ef the yoang and amblttousf , Cornelius HL waa left bla Inconsiderable $10,000,000, but hie business father eould leave to the son Alfred a clean $50,000,000 aa mere start ta buainesa life! Aad bow wide ly the Influenoea ot millions may dtffnsa themselves among the people! . a a -.-Traa Fairy Talag af Ba-laaaa. . These are eome af tbe true fairy tales ef modsra business In tbe business world. These the storie. that ara leaving th. y.un. maa, sow of a business father, the beir to buainesa Instead of adventurer la the pro fessions. Why should one adventure Into ao . Ill paid prof ssstoa when he may succeed to an eetebUsbed business? This te tba Ques tion. The aaswer may not be rational but tt la dead easy. they would have the town cfcaaed ap 1a day or two, they must, wits a una posed sxoluslvely of aide lines, speed time tn each town. This, ef course, cuts down their traveling expenses). They call i upotr aWetkMlfforsnt tradea. and the Hat et side line, to moreen, so rapidly with the jDCrWateJ 91 prUsllIll.- gUlw cwnganjuaeii, Mil for tDor cratUt for th tmintrf money that the field seems sxhauatleea, . Merchant en Hla Own Hook. - The Item of expense la doubly Important to the man who goea Into huainsse lor Umlt M s oicr ta aide lines. He to la reality a merohant upon bla awn account., He has no expense aooount ordinarily,. as th men who make the good that constitute . a aide line usually prefer to let regular drum mera handle them Instead 6t sending out mea to handle them tor the house, The new style 'drummer haa to pay hla own expenses, but hla returns ara ao large and so auiek (bat ths two men In mind make more money thaa they need to maka when traveling for some body else, although each of them had a good poettlon, and worked "tor a boss who waa not pettish about ths Sits of ths expense account ' Vnder the new plsn ths" setter Is at an advantage that he did not enjoy under the eld eyetem. Thea h mads regular tr" certain towns at ststed t:mes. Yet be r get ta a town at a f V. t v t r tloue en account of i waa merely t ! buslneea f 1 i cor ti : i