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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
rizz cnrcoN citndav jour.::.L, pohtla::d; cu::dav i:ch:iino. ocTC-m 2. isci "Y012P ' EIohg Voi-oZa, clj , "Zoup Hoiaoy. ' Back" 7ciea' Extra Cized r UITDBBT7EAE A Cpcclol Gale Tomorrow T7oncaf a Outsize Stocldngrs Extra Large Stockings for Large Women. 200 dozen, Imported German Hosiery, Hermsdorf dyed, all black, black with un bleached Waco soles, plain welt or ribbed tops; these are unusual values at 35c and 40c a pair. Tomorrow w place them on . sale at your choice, . . rtl g the pair ...... ... J T7intcr T7eight 80 dozen Women's - Extra Six Cream Colored Vesta and Panta; garments are nicely fleeced, full aired and nicely trim med. A - real 40c, quality for- Oftm tomorrow only, each . . .'. . . r if V FSIPIEA AIL IJ This is to be a great bargain season at Roberts Bros.' store and it is especially worth your while to watch our announcements this week. Reduced prices fire the 'watchwords in every, section.' : Youll find it hard to make a mistake in trading here. The people of Portland have learned that they can choose here with perfect safety asxily reliable grades of high class merchan dise are given a place in our stocks. We have now on display our.latest arrivals in Fall and Winter merchandise at prices Interesting Newo fpr Men The biggest and best GenuV Furnishing' Department in the city, holds many money saving, opportunities for. you. that can't be found anywhere else; for tomorrow the most important item will - ; be the offering of .. ; ',' . . 01,500 Worth of Sample Underwear, Shirt?, .Sweaters, at 50o on the Dollar Oui New York buyer has been fortunate in securing an im mense sample line of everything that's new and up-to-date in Men's Hosiery, Underwear, Sweaters and Negligee and Dress Shirts ; also a handsome assortment of Neckwear. If you are in -need of any-, thing in the furnishing line, purchase here and save money on the . best and most fashionable goods. Every article can be bought to morrow at a saving of at least 50 ON THE DOLLAR. Hun dreds of pleased purchasers crowded our aisles all day Saturday. Hundreds will be here tomorrowv- Extra salespeople to serve you come early. . - ;'s' ','. -' ,'' .:;,v:;';w".' ; . r '':'V '"'.". ''' ' Blanlieta and Comforters ,. ! TJmisiial Values v"r '. ;.V- Housewives who know blanket goodness and blanket economy do not come here by chance. , ' If you have never helped to swell the crowds that buy blankets here it's our fault our fault in not keep ing you posted as to our blanket doings.' Just such values as these that make this the biggest, busiest blanket section in town. Read the particulars of this particular offering -then come.' 10- 4 Cotton -Blankets tan color only, good heavy weight, finished with colored borders; usual 75c, values. On special sale . . CQ ' at. ( ? i'ei7 . . .'. wvkl'iiv;l . . . ...... .h l . . i .UUV' . t ' 11- 4 Cotton Blankets,' extra large, colors tan and gray, fin- CCf ished with fastNcolored borders; best $1 values, at. .. ....... OtJv 11-4 Cotton Blankets, colors white and tan, extra large d Af "and hifavy ; sold everywhere at $1.25. Our price. . . ... . . . $1UU 11-4 Cotton Blankets, colors tan and white, fast colored borders in pink-and blue; splendid values - at $1.75. J Tomorrow J 12- 4 Cotton Blankets, tin and. white colors, extra' large d TP and heavy; regular $2 yalues. Tomorrow only... ....... $lUts White Wool Blankets, 11-4 size, cotton warp with pure wool filling, extra -large and heavy, finished with pink and blue bor- fry fJA ders; $3.50 values. On sale at........ j)?U Gray Wool Blankets, full size for double beds, 6-lb. Cf .weight;, regular $4.25 values.. On sale at. ............ .POUU Gray Wool Blankets, i splendid values at $5. ' Gray Wool Blankets full size, extra quality, 7-lb. weight ; fr i A Un special sale at only pxl v Comfortero--Very Special $3.00 Comforters Tomorrow, at $2.25 Comforters, full size, white laminated cotton filling, covered with fine flowered satefen or silkoline, yarn tied or quilteil. 7 fl C ' Special value at, each. $LLd 81.50 Comforters Tomorrow at $1.25 Comforters, full size, white cotton filling, yarn tied, silko- d OCT line covered ; well worth $1.60. Special. 4) 1 LD $1.75 Comforters Tomorrow at 1.40 Comforters, full size, white cotton filling,11 silkoline cowjered, yarn : tied, large assortment of colorings ; $1.75 value. , (1 in Special. 5)1 .4 U $2.00 Comforters Tomorrow at $1.05 Comforters, ful.lize, white cotton filling, silkoline cov-' if C' ered, quilted or yam tied ; a good $2 value. 1 Special ....... $1 AID " Four Special OfTerincs in the DOSIESTIC SECTION 2000 Yards of Ontinc Flannel A most important money saving' sale a full third less than the regular selling price, splendid quality in a big variety of first class styles to choose from ; never before sold for less (f than 10c .Tomorrow only at. . . ... . . .................. J$ Novelty Flannels at lOo just received, a very attractive assortment of new Flanneletfes, in all' the new designs, light, medium and dark colors; other t(r stores would ask 12c and 15c fo.r same quality. Our price, a Uw . , " "Bepp Portieres (h n Worth $4.50at ipO;70 Heavy, mercerized figured Repp Portieres, plain colors, red, blue and green," 50 inches wide and 3 yards long." "Splendid '7C . values at $4.60. On sale tomorrow at. , . ...... ....... .)0 I D Ihiplex Portieres Gr tti -. Extra Values at j)0OU Extra heavy mercerized Portieres, in handsome duplex styles, in all the best colors, .finished with deep knotted fringe. Un- jT JA usual values at only... ................... $l0U Secular Prices 03.00 and 83.50 Our Price AU Styles All Qualities We purchased the entire; Queen Quality stock of a leading merchant. , m all - the famous Queen Quality f styles and leathers. It is the first time in the history of Queen Qualities and Portland that a single pair of these famously advertised shoes have ever been offered at less than $3 and $3.50. It is another example of our alertness in procuring well known lines of shoes at little money and then selling them for but little money. When you get right down to facts, it is Roberts Bros, that you must look to when you want to buy any well known line at a money saving price. These hundreds of Queen Quality Shoes are placed on bargain tables along with' thousands of $3, $3.50 and $4 hand made shoes at the uni form price of $2.27. ' They are the regular Queen Quality Shoes with the Queen Quality stamp and trademark in top facing of every pair. The sale starts Monday morning. Sale price $2.27. : ... V ' Bargains New Fall Dr ess Goods If you are going to buy the makings of a new fall dress this season, take our ad vicebuy it tomorrow. The 'savings youll make will not only pay for the trim mings, but for the making of it as well. Just glance at a few of these examples of tomorrow's bargain opportunities. You'll not find a value exaggerated nor an item overpraised. The lot embraces the newest and most , desirable fall weaves and colorings. -', 01.25 Values 52-inch Scotch Mixtures, in the ' new shades of blue, brown and gray ; excellent values at $1.25. . On sale tomorrow at. . . . . .98 Extra Special at 98c Q1.25 Values 56-inch English Tweedsin shades of a blue and gray, a 6tylish and durable fabric for' winter wear; real $1.25 values. Tomorrow ....031 tf( Yards of French Venetian (Hi f OUU on Special Sale Monday at p AaJU An extraordinary offering for Monday's sale, 600 yards of genuine French Venetian cloth, strictly all pure wool, beautiful finish, 42 inches wide, comes in all the new shades of red, tan, brown and blue; one of the most popular fabrics of the M A A season. On sale tomorrow at............................... ...,..)1UU 01.50 and 01.75 Values Scotch Homespuns and Tweeds, full 62 inches wide, all new fall colorings in neat invisible checks and stripes; real $1.60 and $1.75. values. Tomorrow at S1.25 Extra Special -Tomorrow 01.50 and 01.75 '.Values Jamestown . , Suitings and terseys, 64 inches wide, in neat broken checks and salt and pepper effects; most de sirable for jacket suits; usual $1.50 and $1.75 grades. Tomorrow at $125 Unparalleled Silk Offerings v A sale of new silks, two Immense lots a rare opportunity to secure thoroughly reliable silks at a saving that easily averages 331-3 per cent below the regular values.'- - " !.-' .' . : ' ' " . Black Taffeta Silk ' 24 inches wide, very fine soft finish, deep lustrous black,, guaranteed to wear, woven in the selvage ; generally sold at from 85c - to $1 a yard. On sale tomor row at v..,.68 85b and 01 Qualities Tomorrow at. "(38c 10-inch Taffeta Silk In plain Swiss and Messa line finish, good, dependable, quality, in all the new shades of red, ' blue, green, tan, brown, slate . and purple ; best 85c quality. To morrow only at,...'. ,.68 In Our Suit Room ; Tomorrow will see extraordinary selling of high class tailored garments for women. There is something very distinctive in all the styles shown here, the charm this year lies', in the neatness1 of the tailoring and making. Some popular prices for Monday's sale: "W"omen' "Walking-Skirts kv $0.50 Values for. . . . ... . pOOU Large and beautiful assortment . of Walking Skirts, in Panama, cheviots, broadcloth and mixtures; the greatest skirt opportunity that has ever been offered in this city; they are worth d(J PA from $6.50 to $8.50. On special sale tomorrow at.......$dOU "Women's Sateen Petticoats if $2.25 Values for ; . . . . . . . . . 31U V Women's Fine Petticoats of extra quality mercerized sateen, made with 16-inch . accordion pleated flounce, edged with bias ruffles;! also deep flounce trimmed in tucks and deep hem. On f Qf sale 'tomorrow at only. ............... .,............4)l"U ."Women's Salts"' ! $20 Values for Models f clever designing, superior tailoring and beauty of out- line. Among thejnT are those charming long, graceful Coat Suits, tight fitting or semi-fitting, or the jaunty coat; short Jackets and fancy Eton blouse styles ; materials comprise fine broadcloth, chev iots, mannish mixtures, worsteds. Some skirts have panel Jronts, -others flounce or pleated styles ; coats half lined or lined M i A ft throughout. On sale tomorrow..... ........... .414UU $14 Women's Uoats r4 a k ' $15 .Values for P 1U.OU The three-quarter and seven-eighths lengths, as well as the ever, popular short tight-fitting jackets, in fine Kersey, mixtures and Montagnac, plain tailor made effects, tourist effects, lined through out or half lined, with finished, seams. They are ex- f A C( traordinary values at.:...... .................. .,.,..,1U0U , New Ilodelo R &Q, Goroeto One of the Important features of "Style; &is fall and winter is the new rounded, well defined waist line. It is an effect that de pends entirely upon the corset, and the only ready-to-wear corset that gives it correctly is the R. ft O. Tapering Waist. Special attention is called to the new Circular Hip" style No. 379 at 91.50, and the already popular style No. 384 at $2.00. ' These represent the newest designs in the Tapering Waist. ; Ready-Hade Flannel TJnderrrear ; Two special lots for big selling tomorrow, not a woman who reads this will want to miss the chance it gives to get a season's supply. . , J : . .- Flannel Gowns, $1.25 Values for 89o Women's Heavy Daisy Flannel Gowns, in plain colors of pink, blue and white, having double yoke back, with collar and ruffle on sleeves, finished with braid, that regularly sell at $1.25. OA Tomorrow only , ...... . . ..... . . . ,OyC Warm Petticoats, $ 1 .75 Values for $ 1 35 . Women's Petticoats, made of good flannelette, knee length, deep flounce and scalloped edge, yoke bands with drawstring; CI 3 C $1.75 values. On special safe at .. vleOO . Handkerchief Aprons An unusually attractive display of the newest ideas m WomenS. Fancy Handkerchief Aprons. The colorings are all shades of blues and pinks in beautiful floral and conventional, designs. Aprons are made with waist band and pockets; made to sell for 75c.; CA. Special price tomorrow only, at.........,.............,.0Uw Our Art Department Is now complete with full assortment of Holiday Novelties fancy braids, stamped linens, doilies, centerpieces, cushion tops, pillow shams and squares. 'Below we mention a few-exceptional values to induce your inspection : v .' . iff. Fancy Battenberg Braid, at, per piece.....,.1... ...i.........25 Duchess Braids, per yard........ 3- Flemish Braids,- per yard ..... . . .". ... . , , rj V , .4 Point Lace Braids, per yard. ....... i... ... ............. ,2e Stamped Linens, size 9x 9 inches. J Special at, ...... ...... ,10 Stamped Linens, 8ire 12x12 inches. :; Special at....,..,. 15e Stapmed Linens, size 16x16 inches. Special at....... 20 Stamped Linens, size 20x20 inches. Special at.... ;,.;,24 Stamped Linens,. size,, 24x24 inches, f Special at. ............ .35e Sillc rioss Cushions ; T Size 16x16 inches. Special'atV,V...........i.......,..i20 Size 18x18 inches. Special at. ,3f Size 20x20 inches. Special at. . ... .... ; ....... . ... ...... . . .S54 Size 22x22 inches. 'Special at...,...4.. '....43 Size 24x24 inches. Special t. . .CSj Size 26x26 inches. Special at ..!.....,..................... .CZ f v ';): 1 Golf Gloves ; ; ! - ' Children's Golf Gloves, all colors, per pair. ' Misses. Golf Gloves, plain or mixed, per pair..... Women's lf Gloves, plain or mixed, per pair. , , ssssbssLms''