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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
t cr.rrsu ruirs"' r"jr--; ror.TLA':: j::day ::cr.::mo, octc: " c;Lu::a c? i:cro cy kzzzi caxo th2 cAr.xrr cu:::a ths wnst a::d ' :'.WLL VALCI3 CHOVI A;CMALLVCSCU::2. FAVORITEO W Ti;: CTCCX rv LOCAL WHZAT DOWN CHICAGO t ; SUBTESTS NEE of m W ICr Buying of Hop by Short Con- ' , . - tinusd During ths Vssk v ' ; : at Lower Priest.' , ' CONRAD KREBS GETS . . V J RID OIL MANY, OLDS Sugar and Wheat Chow Upward and Downward rluctuationaChickeni Are Higher tthewi EggsFlour .Trade FirnvPotatoea Good.' 1 rroat Street, Oct. tl, a. m Th pctnerpl feature of tb Portlaad whole la aaihstf " ' W pat week arer -Heavy eale ef bopa at dUn: Conrad Kreba deposed m bop klaf. ,, . .. Sugar advanced; alio decline. Whoat move ap and the aim again. y - Flour trada h tern prlcea aaa. ' Cold aaaps kiQa vegetable. ' - Chicken improve and prloat rise, . . Eggs ara higher; supply ample, (irrat abortaga la freight eara. I ;, , CkKH and butter ara botb firm. Fresh BMata active; prlcaa earn. 'Onions ara flrmt anppUoa aaaU. ' ' Short Milan- can timed to nil tbair order '.. la tba bop Market tba 'peat araas aad tba tooa vwaa active pot vary weak. If aay eaa had prophesied month sgo that tba aituatloa would ba aa weak aa It baa beea daring the ' pait all day they would have baaa esssldsred - ' oltbar traitor to tba Industry at parbapa rather tight In tbalr thinking apartmeat. . Mot ' for four or five yr at beast baa tba taaa la tba hop market beea ao waak aa of lata. Boaaa attempt hare baaa Bad to "tolly" tba growr if Into believing tbat all waa still right ta tba . hop market bat tni louring nrcom baa be continued aa loa without productive taaalta (that gruwer ara getting tlrad af It. - Th : Journal la perbapa tba, laat en la tba stat to wlab for low prtaaa la tba bop market or any etbar aarket la fact. Blah prices paid ,. to farmara ara always balp to tba atata at . large aad vtry attampt I auda ta keep th mantle of profit quite larga to tba producer. There la however, aa an 1a ocarina: th fact Uat tba bop Barkat la weak. A reperf to tba contrary would ba leading tba prodaeera astray. They par to ret tba proper aawa of the aar 'bet. Bo bora It' la: The prodactioa of bopa throuaheut tba world tbla , eeaeoa braaka all recorde for tta larecaeaa. Every country there la aat aa aaeeprloa abowa a larger pra ductkm thaa tba arerloua year. Tbla la tba ft rut real' brOTy erop for three yemra. Laat ' ataaoa Knglaad -bad tba ametleet crop af bopa In the biatory af the laduatry of that eoantry. Small cropa war ltkewlae reported la tbat ccatiy aad other plaeoa during tba paat tbroi . reara. For three yaara prleee la tba bop aar kefbae been very blah af aeeopnt of tba aaiall yield. abort cropa hare canard brewer U ,ta ecoootula. and tba raeult la that tbay aa . loarrr lay In -beary auppllra of bopa aa a . a peculation. Tbny buy tram year to year, ana whe the product la eearee they pay the fid dler. With aa overproduction tbay aeek their , opportunity to buy aa cheap aa poaetble. Thtf la tba altaatloa daring tba . praeeat aaaaoa, Hopa ara erry plentiful. Btocke ara ao heaey that there ta ao diainaltkm aaaong tba Eagllah : to area enlldt aaBpiea. It baa bean aald that tba EngUeh tmy juat as- many hop fron tbla ' eouatry whether ' the crop there b heavy at ' lights bat the- following facu dlaproTe (hat - t theory: K i porta of bopa from tba TJultad , State for , the week ending . Beptember II i amouatad to X31 betea. The aaporta from. aVptember 1 amount to MB bale, . A year ago tbla time tba export amounted to 6.501 bale; a loaa la the wveaoat to Beropa thua far thla aeaaon of B.0OS be lee, ..Laat aeaaoa England ( bought hopa without tree seeing aamplaa, while , , thla aeaaoa brewers eu the othrr aid do awl aeem to rare whether we send them -asm pies v or not. Ksglaad produced nearly TOO.bM baa. ' sired wolght of bopa tba preeent aeaaoa. A larger portion af these were of Inferior grade, but - tbat tbay will ba Uavd by tba brewing trade, goea without saving. New fork pro 'dured good crop of bopa thla aeaaon, but they were net af the best quality. California pro. : dared a Boaster erop thla aeaaoa with quality prime to fboica. Washington likewise pro duced a crop tbat tba growera ara sot ashamed - of. . Oregoa raised a crop tbat will rua aroaad tbe nuo.uuo bale mark. A largjs part of these were rtaotre, bat there were Bora prlmea thaa tbe trada had been led to believe at first. Pot choice bopa tbe trada will enme to Oregoa, but itealere are of tba opinion tbat ao high price will ba offered because af tba Urge over pro duetto of lower grade bopa. It la atlmated by Th Journal tbat fully 1.000 balsa af bopa were sold la the atata during tba weeks th . top price for choice barely touching HVi rests. and some sales were made around the 11-ernt mark. There baa baaa comparatively bo demand for eff-grade bona, ao tbeae bava bee of freed ' at ridiculously low value. Belling by JCreba la. Hurtful. Wbea It waa announced by Tba Journal that Conrad Kreba, former king of the bop market, waa disposing aa fast aa possible of his boM taga af lSuei there .was Ins teat alarm fell among the general trad. Kreba baa been .th - Boat atubbora bolder of bopa la that stste, aad ap to the time The Joaraal reported Bis hopa oa sale ba bad control of about 1.S3T balee of hat year's product, Tbeae bona are aald t bare coat tba former half leader la tbe neigh borhood of BO cents a pound and carrying charges af about 1 cent a pound additional. Thla would make the bopa cost about BOO bale. Aa Mr. Kreba gold 600 bales af thee . at BH aad Bt rents a pound thla would value bla bopa at about .(IB a bale at the eresent time. Bla losses alone for the aeaaoa In thai way would amount to ever 150.000. Three la Seooiacldeooe af date ta Mr. Kreee eutburet against Pincua of Tscoma for selling bla bopa at the meeting of th bop-aiowsie f Oregoa thla work, which be attended, gad. tba eaia ' C bla boldlaga. - , .-TJp aad Down fat Bngar Market, fdr a week thing were Interesting la the sugar market the paat week. Oa Tuesday morning local dealera were notified of aa advance of IB rente per 100 poand la th former auotatinna making tba second advance wlthla practically S hour. What caused th adraacea aa one la thla city ie able to give aa' aaewer. It t alleged, however, tbat the 1 Western company bad derided to pat a atop ' tn tba epeculatloa la sugar by the Jnbbera aa Well aa large retailer, snd while th latter , were holding off their porch as ee boos see they V believed the market waa going down, the price . war suddenly boasted B0 cert per 100 pounds. New It transpire thnt tba Western Bngar Re fining company la not la a fall coatrol af- the eltuattoa aa It believed It waa. It happeaa that tba company had neglected to see what th beet anger, nmn thoaght af tba aituatloa before making tba late change. It likewise centred that the advance) In tba market were not only distasteful to th beet mea. bat waa about to rata their business. Thla. la the ettua tlna: It la agreed betweea the big eager com panlea tkat there must be a certain territory an on atde af which th opposing ennpasy v .won Id not b allowed to trad. There waa to be a rectal u aooe where all would compete, aad , eertsla price war therefore named la tbat territory. Orders for alrgar - IB one territory '-wee not to ba aerved by another compear' ealeeeiea. New It happened thet the free trad ing territory waa plsced In tba vicinity of th Kocky awaatata. Hera tb beet eager mea bold sway. Varlnn romp ales ara represented. The Ettera eompaay baa mad no materiel advance la prlcea af late, ao tba we tern beat mea .were placed at a dletdvaatage la tba trading;. thlr aeteee were 10 rents above Iboa , of their compel 1 tore aad thla earned them ta break away from tb former dtffetvatias of M rents per ion pnejada betweea beet aad can product and Bad the differ 10 coats. i- .Whether thai will cans a sugar war It only as Jed ere. ... , . . Wheat Moved V a si Then Dowa Again. : Vfortland wheat value ara fotlswteg eiesar ' aflev, tbnee named la the Uverpoo! market thaa ever 'before, might fluetnattooa there are In atantly felt la thla market and nine am ohangvi khout every day. Thla week the Livee puul. Bsrket changed from gmd to bed , very euddealy, aad the result waa thai Barbel ad- a aant and than hurt it aesla awreral tlmsa derlag tb week. Wheat vajuee la thla Barmat ara now at a point where aiUlara are awra wary In baying thaa formerly. They need fee wheat, hat are not willing to pay th extra premium they so readily agreed anoa a weeg or as aaa. Ploer value u the chief arorrf af tb trade, and there la an ladle Uoa every where la tbla territory that mlliere wilt soon try to advaae them. Wheat prlcaa ara toe atga eeneldrrlug tba price f flour, tby aay. There waa only moderate buying gram tba orient during tba week, bat California ao tinned a libera! purchaser, former order from Japan ara keeping the mllla grinding to their a pari tie, htuistaffe af very firm aa account of tba cold eeell aad bay valoa ara trifle more steady thaa formerly. - Cbiakao Improve aad Trios Me. Aa Improvement waa abowa la the too af tb chlekta merhet during the past weak. Be eelpte war not nearly so heavy aa dorian the preceding ala daya aad tb large retailera ware better surer. The demand at ths moment la mostly for baaa, bat small el aed aprtnge find a good call, larger sisea are not neglect. Sees and ducka ara fair, with prior tb aame aa tba previoae week. Very few turkey ar rived, bat (Jkert waa not much evidence of demand. Kgga wrre quoted firm daring the week, aad there waa a fractional advance la the price. Receipts ara juat a 4rifle better thaa the nra- nni waak, but the movement m atui emeu. Tw csr of eastern arrived daring the week aad helped to keep the price of locale down. Creamery batter showed a fair to firm tone during tba weak, bat price rem lead at former flCUrra. atata Kaxket la Sara, Kow that thr I some small demand for poUtoe from Arlaoaa there la a great short- sis of cars to transport tba ateeka. email purthaasa af fancy goods ware made at eouatry points during ine ween, aa in no aanca of eara la holding tbe Barkat back. Local eamaad hi good, bat it doc not MB nesvy shianmnta to fill the trade. 'The onto market waa vry firm daring tbe week t acoonnt af tba small storks and prlcea keld well at th top, iTactlcally no shipping datnaad a yet. . - eaa af Warn raedawta. ; Oardea vaaetablea were Marea account f the aald snap, and arrtvale win aoon beg la to come la from tba aeata. rbeeee eras firm daring tb week aad prices ruled a fraction uav - Tome toe cosalderably. alghar aa aecsaat af light ateeka. - Tba following asotations ara paid by tb retell trade along Front etreet for flratlaaa product la round lota, rrodacarr prlcea are aa apeciXled: . arraia, g ioar asa 'aaa. WHEAT Hear crab. 73c: Bed Btaasiaa. BSe: blaaatem. TBei valley. TBe. BARLKT reed. Kl.ootrn "0; rolled. BS.BB 023.00: brewing. a.Ovil.0. COBJt Whole, taT.W( araeaad. 128.00 pat TaV-Bl.BB Be aart. OATS Producers' Priea Wo. 1 white. e3-Mj ejzs.w; gray, axa.nv. rii:H New. eeetarn Orearoa asteeita. li sn srralHts,-0Ol6: axport Bl.att8.S: val ley. -o; graham. Ha, BB.B0; ty. BOa. fB.00; balee. $ TB. MILLBTUrTS Bran, tlS-00 par tan; mid dlings, 2fl.00s abort, eouatry, (10.00; city, lio.oo: crop,, HAT Prodaeera price Timothy, Wills setts vslley, fancy. B11.00O18.00: ordinary. BT.OOrl B OO; eastern Oregon. I14.00vllo.00; , mixed, r.hOOO.00) clover, ts.oooi0.00; grala, Ba-aOO 00; cheat. B8.00O8.5o. . amttar, Agga aad Taultry, ; BUTTTB Cllv creanierr. SOeX.'UlXe' anwl.1o ocy, , nigveuc; arpwary, ic; afore, , 10 JITc. fc-CrOB Ko.1 fresh Oreeoa.' aaadleaL-BBUetane! old store re aad eastern. 27(2Hc. vnccBB new -run cream, twia. llajiaej Xouag America. ltHOlhc; Cheddar, lie OA MB Jackrabbite. $8 per doa. POL'LTBY Chlcfcene. lac aar lh; fane hen. 13 We per Ibt rooster, old. BUexlOe ner lb: fryers, UHc per lb; brollera, 12 He per lb; ducka. 14tl5e per lb: geeae. Be per lb; tor key. lc per lb: dreaead. 17 per lb; quaba, (aOOt.OO pw do. ...... r Xepe. w 1 nod a Idea. HO PB 1006 , Oregon. choice. lSalBUct Whahlagton. lie: .1004 eroo. tUGtka u cboic. W(M) 11900 clip, valley; eosrs ta medtam. ShHOxSmCI Bna,. SOOST , setra Oregon, MOHAIR Nominal. BOOBle. ' ' 8HEEP8KIMB Sheerlne. lSatBOe eeeht sheet wool, Xo0c "ch: medium wool, 0ej7S each; long wool, TBciitgliW each. tallow Prime, par lb. BUOsct Ha. a aad grease, 2tV.e. . tMiTTIM BAKK Si4T3 per lb. HlIiKR Dev Na 1 ta mmA h ITVia DOC Ibl drv kin. No. I II the laei dry calf, -No. 1, under B lbs, 18e: salted bide, ateera. soosd. 00 lbs and over. 101 lie: eows. 8HftHc: stsgs and bulla, aound. SQTc; kip,' to 80 lbs. Be; calf, sound, under IB lbs, lie. greea. unealted.' la kaa; cull. Ie per lb lees: oreeisne. salted, each. fl.xnfftl.TB; dry, eeoh, l.OOOl.aO: colt hide. 2SUV)e: aoat skins. oommoa, each. JOOtte; A agora, each. SecQ " 'rrurte and; VaMtshles : . POTATOES Beat Oregon. 88 each! ear lota. B5jT0e ack- ordinary, goOTact awaata, fl-90 aark, llf,(ii M crate. ' unions New Oregoa yellow Imavsra, B1.T3 car lots, aJ.00Ol.0B; garlic 8a 10 r lb. fREan PBcrrmafw,iM rir-.. si men Mi fancy. fl.TR; crabanplea. 1.60; orange, new navel. fK.60; late Valencia. 8t.TStto.ZR; hey Banna, Be lb; lemons, choice. .MHrig.T5 box; fancy, 88.00 box: Urn, hlexicaa, 81. S3 per 100; "--K.. ei.w per soi; peacue. rancy, XJt&: cranes. Oreerm. SfWTSe, fWml. K. iv 10. 800 basket: relirnenia TKft,l M ml ll.SoOl.BO per box: Winter Nellie. 81.25 nsr box: pomegranate. B1.7S par box; tangerines, 81. i B. EOBTABLKA TnrnlD. new. 81 OO ner enck: carrota. $1.00 per sack : beet. 81.0048 1.15 pee Sack 1 Oreeon radishes fls u. Sm. cabbage. Oregoa. $1.00 per cwt! greea pepper. Vfc per lbt local tomatoes, SOtxOOc; parsnips. $1.0001.887 string be as. dOSiH caallBower, T8c4$1.00 do:- rhabarh, par lb; horseradish. 10c per lbt artichoke, 40 r) BOa per doa; . bead Irttnee. BO per doa; - greea ealoee, err dear - tolaarta, 8a per lb; greea eora. The paa see: pea. Be per lb: cucumbera. TBe per each; celery. 1. BOtlTo ner doat eernUnt. 81. KO ner rrate: pumpklaa. 1 He; cranberrle. Cap Cod, $8 .80 par bbl: Cone B.y esd Tlllsmook. $7.00, UBIBO FNUITB Apples, evaporated. TV Per lb; a priest. BH018 per lbt aark a. HC per IB leaa; peaches. 8B1JC per Tb; peara. per lb; prune a. Italia. BViQtH per lb; rreech, 8H04H per lb: Bga. Callfomls bbiek. BttaVte per lb; California white. per lb; prams, pirtea. per lb: date, golden, a per lb; tarda. tl.M per 16-lb bos. Orsoerlsa. Vata, Eto, ; BrOAB Rsek bails Tnbe. 88. M; nowdeeed. BB.88; fruit graauuled, $0 58; dry graaulated. H i; tonr. . n w: peer eranniatea, at .m; extra C. aS.Ofi: aolden O. Bt.aSi D v el low. B4.8B; bbls. 10c; H bbls, e: boxre, BO adaance on eacx nama, res aoc per ewx go aaa, B daya; maple. 144 too per lb. HOSBT 88 per crate. turrte-rscnagt neaana, fia.Tn, SALT Coaree Half groaad. 100a. per ton. -Hair groaaa. table, .dairy. BOa, $11.00: 100a, 810.78: lot. ported Liverpool. BOa. $17.00; , Ion. $18.80; Bla, 810.00: extr fln. bbls. Ba. Ba, 10a, $ 0018 80; balk. BBS tba,, $.00O8 B0; aacka. Ma. M4Mr, HALT Cors Half grownd. I no, ner ton, TOO: $0. per ton. $T.BO Liverpool. lump rack, 18.80 per ton; 00-lb rock. $T.0O; 1 00s, $8.78. (Above price apply to aalee of ten thaa ear bit. Car lota at special prlcaa eabject to fluctuation. UKAin BAOB Carrutta, TH RICE Imoerlal J a nan. No. 1. ' gr: nje. .Bl Sly.. w.m . k J lu.i . , a mj - . t ' vfiwmwm ewe. WTSVA iee. Te. WW ale. BHe. . - . PIANB small wnit. p.W! large white. 8-1 18: pBk. gt.BS; bayas, $aB Umaa, 88 .50; MeTlcnn reds. . NHT9 Pes nut. araboa, Sa per Tb; Vlrrtnla, TH per lb; roasted. Be: enon nets, sflrlaoc per doa; walnnta, 15lBt4 Per lb; plea ante, HMitlHe per lb; hickory nor. I Or per lb: rbeetnnta. eastern, IB llde per tb: Itrssll ante. 14c per tb: ftlbeet. 1481V per lb: fanay pec an, uveyinH! aimenaw. 1 sea 1 70 per lb. , : - ralata, Osal , Ofla, Eta. , R0FR Pure Manila. 14c: atanderd. IlUei Steal. 10c brand sls.l. Btt. COAL OIL rerl or Astre 1 c e-. 10H esr gal; watee white. Iroa bbm, l&c par gal; wemae. lae per gai aeeaugav, i fu-og OH per asi. oaboliiT r -. ware, tdH per Bat) Iroa bbra. 18 par gat BEWMfta 3deg. rsaea. B5e rear aal: kna bbls. 18-Ae per gsL , TVBPBVrmB la csasa. $ Bafl gal: vrsodee bbl. Me per gaL WRITE LEAD f a lota, T4 per lb; BOa-lh tot. Be ear lbt Vese lets, 8XA per lb. WIR; ."All. Present baaa at 81. TO, UNBEETV OIL Pare raw. In 8bbl Vita. Bart I -bbl kit. BBei esaae, BOe per gait genuine kettle boiled, ease. B3 per gal; 8 bM Iota, tdc: t-bhl at, BTa pee gwlt grsaad eek. ear mm. 830,00 teal less maa ear mra,. aso.m par ton. , alaata, 7teh Bad FiailaHng. PKE8R MBAT8 rront atrert Beef ateera. 84 per Ibl block. TV per H ssck- TtllH per in; an it, 4rM per R; sswa. SOBc per lb; veal, extra. TH per lb; oral. irr, T per ;,poar, ao per in; maitoa, faney, OTHe per lb. IfAMB. BACOW, BTr.-a-Pnrtlasd see (tocall aame, iv ta ie spb, a par rs; ta ta ja " -.VtvtO- v V GREAT GNUS HADE III STOCK . Ii i i m : .','."..''' Advances in Values Are Frequent and-: Favorites- Are Held With Strong Hand. BROOKLYN "L CUTS, . SLICE OFF RECORD Harriman lasuea Are Firm and Big Things ' Are Expected When the Chief Returna Home From Orient Lower Monty Good Influence. ADTANrTS. . H Colorado Foel ..... ft I Colorado gootbero. Ui do 2d nrefarrad.e 1 Denver VI Erie K do 3d preferred.. Amalgamated .... Atehleon Sugar ............ Smelter do Draferred erreo.... erred! "I iZ Baltimore .... - do 1st prererre. Illinois Central .... Dreferred, Brooklra ..... Metropolltaa ...... ManbatUa Mrxlcaa Central.... Missouri Paclfla... Norfolk ........... North American.... Peopie'a Oaa ..... Reading Repablle Steal .... Boothern Ry Alton, pfd ....... afc (.'. at . w i Cheaapeake ...... Katy....... ....; N. T. Central.... Northern Pacific. ' Pressed Steel Car, OS preierrea.... Rock Island Southern Pacific... 1 nt. l. a vr nra i Teiss PacUie.. t'nlon Paclfla .... 1 Ten r esses Coal ... 1 V. B. Steel... ..... Wleceaala Central. HI do pnftrrea. .... Tk nreterred.... U UIMKH. vsr si reiewr..., do preferred.... Oreat Waatarn ... Katy San BY- M pfd. Paaaeylvaaia ..... Cinadlaa Padflc... Alton St. Paul .......... Hiwabaata Vl do preferred..... GlSo. BaUway, pfd.. (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire t Tba Jouranl) x WaU Street. New York." Oct. 81. The lot- prevement In tbla market followed a elmllar betterment abroad. Monetary eon dittos abroad were am easier and tbe proapeet of a relaxa tion af th restrict lv Influeaoa af morjey tight neea waa bold to ba all tbat waa asrestary ta aacotrrsg a good bull movement here. Pars and Berlin bath closed atroog and Landon waa firm. It aomewhat dull. Americas were arreg. alar early at Ixmdon, but ahowed little tm- prDvement. Arattraga ousmesa a ere waa unea BaU ' Haw Xiserl far reohiya. Today'a atock Barkat ahawad a cantlnaatton of thoaa trade oc lea which bar been present since Tharnday of tba praseat week. There waa a further general extensive an weu sua tttned rkw ta prlcea together with taersssed activity and much greater activity oa the pa.-t of commission bouse. In tody'a dealing Delaware ft Hodsoa and New Jersey Central da fresh high record prlcaa and Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt advanced ta tbe hlgbeat figure at which tt has aokt In three years. It waa tba imon opinion that, tba etocs wa netng absorbed for Philadelphia account aad tbat the aMlmat disposition of tba ptwpany woo Id rd found to ba mdgeo with aitnsr ui renaayrrasui r th hum Island railroad. la tba railroad llat tbe leading nature war Boa th era and Caloa Pacific, both "of whHh stocks advaaeed an vary large trasaactloaa. Positive assertion were current that a dividend at th rata of 8 per cent annaally woo Id ba declared soon. Very atrong featuraa of tba New York list war New York Central. Bleeding, Southern Railway, Bt. Paul and Loumvllle.di Naahvllk. Tba mhrcellaaenue stocks eantlaaed exceedingly atrong aad active with very heavy dealing ta Amalgamated Copper. - Asserlca Smelting, tb railroad equipment, America Woom aad tba United Btataa Steel aharee. Tba quarterly etatemeat of the but named eom paay vrllt ba km aad a week from next Tuesday and. accord tog to present Mtunatra, a set is earn af eeaut aSa.000.000 will be afaewn. There waa aa aawa of aay anrt ever night and, aa usual aa Saturday transact toa la tba aaoaay vharket, were wit bent ignincanca. Th number of shares sold today wa 0B.MT, ag'lnat Bett.B81 the aame day but year. Ths tntsl nsr vstne f boada sold today -waa e3.8Bl.000, against 88.628,000 tb gams day last yser. ' . all BMeaa la asatasra x-aoui.. Oilea ta aald ta hsv sold 89.00 hrea f Soutbera Pcin recently: since tbea stack baa 181 per lb; breakfast bacoa. IBfJIBe per B. picnic Be pea lb; regular abort clear, aa- smoked. 11 per- Bl amoked. ISc per lb; clear bark, a n rocked. 10e per lbt araoked. ll4a per lb; caloa aanta. id aa is lbs, a Bikd. 8c per lb: eannked, 8 ner lb: clear bellies, aaeaaaked. lie per rh aaaeked, iBt pet Ibl sboulder. H per U. LOCAL LAB D Kettle leaf. Ifta. 11 aa tb! Be. Iliac per lb BO-lb tin. ll per lb tem readered. 10a, 10 par lb; Be, 10 CAnVt.0 SALhtOM OolnmbU rl'sr. 1.1b talk. 81.801 B-b tIK f3-T8; fsscy 1-th Bah. 81 ao, H-lb faney Bats. $1.18: faery l ib evale. it TBI Amsaa una, pias, aaawuai rag. Bl-tor a la. tell, riSH block cod. T per lb) aoaaaera, B per fbi halibut. TH per lb creba, 81.80 per doa) striped be, UH per Ibi rat ash, as pes bg aalmoo, allvarstda. Ba per. lb: biaebaeaa. Be per lb; herring. ,Be ' per lb sole. B per hi abrlaips. 0a per fb perch, B per wt black cod, Ta per R: silver aasert, V par mi hikeui. loci fresh BachareU Ba per lb) arawBsa. Ba per dna. OTBTRBrW-hoahrater bay. , aar gaL IXM: per ack. 88 TB. i 11.11 uorg-ebeiL per eex, BB.VP1 slaaw, . peg baa. . Trouble in the Bull Pea. rlaea abosit 8 posmta. En thus lasts declare that tba movemant baa only yaat begun and that it will go oa mull It discount development ua which It la baaed and which ara looked for oa tba return af Mr. Harrtmaa, now oa hi way here from tba far eeat. ' Tb Increase, m ash ahowa la .tba weekly bank statement waa wall below all the emalleet estimate in galaa ia cash Ogured aav Today's ngaree ahowed aa Bereaae of only B1.TPT.0UU. Tba kaaa account ahowed a further contraction to tba extent of 8S,o4.000, aad th deposits dteieascd 82.208,000. .In eormequenee of the other changes, surplus reserve ucreaaed 83.871, 000 and the bsakh now bold 813,108,000 ta ex es of the lawful requirements. . Official quotations: fin; DKBcairnoif. Anaconda Wining Co. . AmaL Copper Ca 118 oft 8 Atcamoa, com.......... ao ptsrerred. ........ Am. Locomotlv ....... da preferred Am. Car A Pound., cob do preferred'. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt, cob....... do preferred . ........ Baltimore e Ohio, earn. do nrefecrsd. . 11TH 10SH4 U2V, 121 118W Brook iVn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pae... asm.... Tl ITla Chicago Alton, cob.. ao prererrea......... ChL m O. W., com... ChL, MIL St, P... Cht. A N. W., cob... Chess peeks Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A Iron, eon.. Cola. Southern, com. . . do Sd preferred....,,, do 1st preferred..... Dels., Lack. A West era Denver A B. C, com. Brl. com do Sd preferred....... do let preferred...... Illinois Central ......J, Loulavllle d NaahvUla., Mstaopolltaa Bt. By.... ISO' I2rm, 221 BTi4 6TH 21 63tt 83 SI Maaaattaa Railway .... Max. Central Railway., llina.. St. P. m Bta. It. da preferred. ......... Mlaaourl Psclfld ....... IL, K. T., cam...... da preferred. . New York Central...... Northern Paclfie Norfolk West., coa.. North Americas N. Y.. OnL A Wmtera. 1044 104 am Sr. 1S1U 183 150 T anH saw 1b Bai 644 Peanaylvaala Rr. ..... . 14 H 145 104 tl 14 1 People' o.. u C. Oa. Prssssd Steel Car, an. do preferred Paclfie aiall 8. 8. Co... iuk lutiiM; 60 4 00 100 Vk a f 1334 Reading, 138 do Sd preferred....... da 1st preferred Ben. Iroa A Steal, com. do preferred Bock Islend. com....... do preferred ......... Southern Ky, com ..... ,do preferred' Soothers Paclfie ...... do or f erred ......... 8t. L. S. P., 3d pfd.. OB BBts da let preferred St. U 8. W., aoB... 844 244 84 do preferred Texaa Pacific Ten. Coal A Iroa Tol. St, L. W., com. do preferred ..... Caloa Pacific, com II, S. Leather, pfd..... U. 8. Rubber, com..... do preferred , . C. B. Steel Co., eomv.. do preferred Wheel. A L. B., com.. Wte. Ceatral. com ..... do preferred.......... W. U. Telearaah ...... 1335k 111 84 110 8Ka 104 1T!4 est Bsvr) Wabash com do preferred.. ........ Bobber Oeode ....,.....' ...4 'H le do preferred Total aalea for tba day. eoTTOOO soar. B08T0 corna stooxb. Boatoa Oct . OfflcUl etoaa : Bid. Adventnre .,.$ 8 89 Atlsatte 27.00 KM. (Old Imialoa,. 32 uaceoia ...... in.iei Parrot 1(7.1114 AUooea ..... 47.00 Rlnghaa .... 82.80 Cat. Aria... 118.00 Calnmet . ...-r 8x0.00 Copper Baaga Tft.12 (enumilal ... 82.00 Phoenla ...... I TS .... vm.m .... 82' Tamarack .... 138 on Trinity ...... B.T8 nly wt ... 14.1JH fBO . 281)0 00. TB IB BO 1113 83.60 United ....... 84.00 Victoria ' B.TS ' aim ......... Grenby Oreen Mohswk ..... Mlchlgaa .... MbbM . rta Butt.. Winona ...... 11.00 Wolverina .... iza.oo 1't.h 47.00 Se)82U M.UO n. 8. Wining. Royal , Krw york 0Tm. New Tart, Oct, 21 Curb fleeing: Bid. I . Caa 1 1 H 'Orseae Oold... - Bid. ... 8 o prererre.., 7114 inter porougn ,. ...213 e a tVt ... 48 Int. UarUrn hlarUm ..... 14 ITean. Copper , do srfrrd. bt ixtacaay to. s . B4 do nrafarred. 2T'A! . Pper Green Copper,. ... T3T4 tXMBTOcx itnrnre stocks. Baa Pr act see, Oct, 21. Offlclsl cloee: Bid. I Bid. Banisa Belcher .88 Savaga .' I .82 ..' .27 I Pet ol .......... .18 .. 1.00 Pntoa Om. .... .80. Coo. OaL-Ta Ophhr .. Da ledoula hfallcsa Aadea .. ..... B.83HI Ysllow Jacket.. .28 v ,B lxeaemer .01 . 1.28 Hl A Nareraa 1.15 M I feerptosB , !' BXaT YORK BABTX aTATaWCBT. Increase. .82 H71.7.V) . 3.74.t2.t . S.R4.2i . 1.2S Q .. .0iiO .2.Xa.0 . 024.700 Beeerv m v. B, .. .'. e ........... mna .... "... ....... ....... a peeve ... Leg Is ,. eiieiMalta Ctrculatloa ......... 1 ' : " BTKKLTBe mATXS. New Tnrk. Oct! 21. Sterlma rate: Demaad. 4.704M 80; W day, 488.80. . CATTLE AND SHEEP RULE HIGHER Former Market Has Rise of Fifty Centa, While Latter Is Up a Quarter. HOCS ARE WEAK AND STRONG BY TURNS Well Fattened Eaat of the Mountains , teera Eagerly Sought at , Three and. a Half While Poor Stuff la Hard to.QlTe Away. Partlaad TJaloa Stockyard. Oct. 21- d p. a. wLtvsstock reealntar . Here Cattle Bbeep Thla week B88 e0 804 Laat week 1.418 8MB 80S Previoaa week..... BOS 474 8,128 Month ago........ 404 Ml 2.810 There was considerable weaknaaa ta tba bog market daring tba paat week. Receipt were But aulte aa liberal aa the prevloo week, hat it waa not until tba lait of tba week tbat tba trade ahowed any excitement. Pnc, kenrever, te rn steed at farmer value. Tw Advance la Cattle Ifsrkst, Tba cattle market waa tba reading feature of tba paat week. Tbe ten waa atrong tbraaghout for good stuff. Each advance of 29a Bt with aa favorable response from tba buyere aa wbee th or Ices were lower. There m a very aeavy demand for flnlehed cattle -and for tbeae the market to ruling very atroog at Int. poor or hatf-fmlabed atock hi tba bona of the market and tba tone for thee la very weak, although priced ahowed aa raactloa during th w. ' Base sfarkat Bsoelvaa a Baaat, la the absep market there la aa Improvement IB IOC paying aurmg loo veseu. neoeipis were but a trifle larger thaa tba pre Km als oar. but were fab' la tba rear of tb rrivam af tba former tw weeks. During tba week there waa aa advance la tbe aheap market af SB and thla price continued atrong at tba close. Teal calve were a acarc article la th local yard daring tb week. Demand la very good aad at tbe arte all art! rata will find a good Arrivsla sf the Week. Durtag tba past week tb followtag tndl vidua ahlpmeata arrived' la tba meal yarda: Saturday, October 1 John Shaw at sea wa fa with ana cav af cattle. . Bandar J. W. Bedd of Osrltoa kroaght m ene dnuhhvdeck of mixed abeep aad bogs; Pa clfla Coast OaeeJtrmrtloa compaay bad tn twa eara of horses, golag to Maryavllla, California. Monday a, O. uenamy oraugBt u two eara af bogs from Central Point : C. Bergbeua brought m two eara af sheep from Boos burg, aa route to th Tacoma Meal company at Tscoma. Tsesdir 8. L. Blach bad to oaa ear th cattle from Bhanlke, and i. If- NKnou prougnt m ene car of eatti from tb sans place: 8. O. Tulnf namsd through with two csr af ailcb cow, going to Parma; Idaho; Browa A Blcbmond had ta twa car at mixerj nep ana nogs; vn Bavage bad ta four eara ef cattle. WslDdsr John Shepherd brought fc aaa ear of cattle from tlarrlaburg; Charles Bushy cam la with eh car of eattle from Condon. Thunder B. O. Xouag A to. or ua llano ant twa eara ef hogw) Mr. Berkley ksd tw car af hog from Dram; B. 1. Hack of Albany bad la ana double-deck of ehp and bog; J. B. Eelrler af Gervata ablpped te one double-deck ef abeep and bog; J. M. Edward of Junction City came tn with two car af bean; Jamea Mclntyra cam ap ea tb steamer Mascot from' KaavhM temnd with head ei catim; m. autacn ei Mount Aaael brought la One car ef beget W. A. Oellatley ssnt ta one car of cattle end ana af beep from BVadgett; en car af eowa from Osstoa. going to Kent. Waablngtoa. Saturday A. J. ncaara ar augena. taree rare at eattle; W. D .Jooe. en csr of rattle from Amity; A. Tboaaaa, four eara at eattle from Blgia. Oregoa. Official prtcee for llveetera: Moaa Best aaatsra Oreeoa. BS.TB418.00: blocker and China fata, f3.00QS.B0; Blocker and feeder, 84.80. Cattle Beat eeottra Oregon ateera. Hght and medlna ateera, 82.00312.29; light cow. $2.2r280; ateckera aad feeder, 82.28 2.80: bulls. 8140- ; . Sheep Wetbera, SUCtaHc: mixed aheap. SO 24c; etralBht.ewe. 8t48ac aprmg lamba, 4t4He. ' . . .... t.alraa uaoa veai, law se mru Beanos,' agfaci rough heavy. 80344. . .:' KABTKKK HOOB WXAK. ' Chicago, Oct. 21. UvseUwk receipts : llnga Cattle Sheep Chlrega ........... 12. 0H 400 8 O"0 Kisul City S.nsi 7m AiBUO Omaha ft 1008 1,000 lines opened weak to 8 coat lower, with T.BjiO left over. Beeelpte a yr age were B.ono Prlcea: Mixed. 84.noW8.oO: good. 8V.1tS ": Lrsngh aad heavy. 8.8OiB.0; light, 84 vot) A40, t attie nteaay. Bbeep Streag. , - CKICAOO LOCA1 STOCKS, Chicago, Oct, 21 Looal atock: Bid. I bia Blscalt 88 ICaa nu da preferred.,. Haul do preferred. ... til Box Board IICarboi , ... . ,,w Dlamsad Match. .141 Swift Do. 1'T Tod 47 North Sid By... M. Sabway r... B Quake Oat , .... do preferred.... West Hide fr,. South BIO v,.. FILLERS DUYEie juoimir At Every Dip In Pricts They Enter Market and Situation I Looks Rather Strong. FEARS OF DAMAGE ADD TO STRENGTH December and May Cloaca With a Gala of , Three., Elghtha Cent la Chicago Excellent ' Export Corn Demand Oata Firm. ". ' . ' . SATTJRDAT'B WBKAT MARKET. - s Cloae Cloee tisla Cloee 8t. " Frl. Bat. Year ago. ri. bsc. z ear sgo, SHff $ .m $116, TB . .00 5 p 1.1414 a 5 .ooj : f"..... .or rj u .am May 87!4B .87 aiy ... 4B4A JU Cbleaga Oct, 21 Logaa Bryaa aay: Tbs world a wheat hlniea .H..a - bashslajesa thaa a week ago. The . " eouHnueu loasy a marker, price amklng t advaaca for the day. Th wa if of a favorable character, one of the Boat significant Item earning Juat kt the close that 76,000 bushel of Mo. 2 red winter wheat had bean sold In stare at Ua aremTum ever the December artee. St. Louie advised soma time age tbet their aback at eoft wheat were about exhausted aad aalea today are significant, as tbay coaflrm oar arevwua sd rtcs. Thl to oa Indicate tbt tb miller bava bee d ara at the preeent argent burera. aa coupiea with the feet that mllla ara work 'ng Bight and day to flU their order, eoatlrnm tba report regarding the phenomenal float situation. Tbla seem astursl. aa -throughout the period of high prices last year miller bought wheat eparlngly. Under tbe eondl tioaa atocka of wheat ware not accumulated by th millers, the floor supply waa permitted to rua sown, aad la ardor ta Increase tba atocka ar now working overtime filling their orders. Thla naturally results Is ths nrraent lthrl and argent cell for wheat for milling parpoee. ine roretga eiruatlon to a factor tbat at any moment might bma ap aa aaa of serious pro portions. It seem only reaeootble to aaeume that the leading bull latereet, with world-wide connection. U touch with condition kaa not ealy bought wket aa the domeatl aituatloa, but hi la close touch aad fully aware of th eoodltioo prsvsllUg bread. Add te tbla tba fact tbat through mocb of the winter wheat coantrr the nsw eroo has not rseslvad a&atatur of aay kind alnc September,' aad It make it a aenoo matter, aa la cars af a bard tr much daaaaga to the new crop would result. aad Tipail Tlamaal While today'a net gala la eora waa aat larga, tb market waa atrong, wltk unimportant trade. It aeema to aa. notwithstanding that new cor la .already moving, Uat the market, backed up by a wonderful export demand, la shaping Itself to ao better. We are advised by a promi nent exporter In New lock tbat the export deaaad for on res grain rods waa tbe largest of aay Saturday si sea lftoi. Ki porter one- tlnos aangulna aad apeak la tba moat hopeful manner of tbe basins to no me ea tba preeent crop. Tbe one bad feature tbat hi ' causing Buck worry Is tba lack of facilities to handle the immense volum of basis. Tb gttaatloa assaa atroag. , Oata Trada Tina. Tb seta tnarbet Bade Ha aat gate for the day. with tbe trade ebowtag eome broadealng. Aa la corn, the atreurth M based altoaetber ea th foreign demand, which la geed quarters la expected to con tins. - Provulooa tamed Irregular aad dlsaonraglngiy Vw. Trad t no Urn gave gay Indication af being klgnlflcant ta aay way, or of getting oat ef Its dull rat. It la a market of tt pack' Btklaf, WBKAT. Often. Blrh. Law. Dee....! .88. 9 .87U .Sm .67B .87HB .484 .87 Inly .881 -S84 .82 .48 a COBN. .48, 144 OATS. Old Baa, May..... .' July..... - .44r, .44 HB De.M. ..28 May..... .81 July..... .80. lsti .80. 3? .88 ' .818.B . .80hA 18.18 ; 12.40 , t.10 S7TB B.T7B TBS ' . 8.80 bbsb Om MISS POBK. 0et.... ..... J.a 12.87 1240 12.8S . LARO. Oct..... t.OT T.10 T.08 Jaa B7T 7T S.TB a. .... 8.77 - eTT 8.78 SHOBT BIBS. OCteawtvee Ba1 a .' Jaa...... 848 8.80 , 8 45 May.,... tea " ' eer Bos : KIlfABT SBADf KOTKXXsTT. Chlcsge, 0t. 81. Primary reeetpta: s ... Today. Tear age. PlMhel. llnehelK Buehele. Iluahel. Wheat , 1,1 44,0I0 l.44,r.o , a&B,900 Corn WI.OWP Shtnmaata: Whsst 478.000 813.000 Coro- BSl.OOB 2H4,0r) CkMraaca: Wheat. T8.000 buabehi: no-. 44.- 000 barreies eora. 85,000 boah!; oats. 18,200 nunia. j CXICAeO CASH WHIAT. V Chicago, Oat, 21. Ch a beat: HM A.h. N. 2 red .88 . .80 Ka. 8 red JM .M N. 8 bard .8 -. XMl No. 8 bard SftH J Ne. A nerthera ................ ' d) .80 No. 2 northern .88 .he) N. 8 apryuj ........... , M t : zsraViah 9asm uaixxt. Uvernool. Oct. 21 Cloae! Wheat Bseam. bar, da 10. oacbangedi March. 8 10l4d, fed higher. Corn PtcoBiher. Ba Ad. Bacbanead: Jaaarv. 4 BMa, fed blghsr; Mardh, da d. aocuaagsd. BKW TOKK CASH COrTKX. New Tork. Oct. 21 (ash coffee: No! T io. 8 8-18 cents; Ba, 4 BSnto. Bm ceata. COTTON FUTURES ARE V y NINE POINTS LOWER ' aammmunsi aiaa aia ' ' , . . " . New Tork. Oct, . Cotton futarea' rlisif 8 point lower. Official 4 notation By Overbeck. Starr A Cooke compaay i Open. High.. Low. Cloae. Jenaary mis Iiii4 lots 1018 February . March .... ....... VJ r 1038 - Km -1048 1021 Vim 1084 1044 104M 1028 April ..... 1044 1060 1088 1048 l'HH 1(147 M2 1102 - ad m f ad bht 1012 1012 lool nij October .......... November ....... . December Bill T. A. Mclntyr Bt C. aayi - Froat ad-rlce war tbe really dominant Influences in this week' apward osevemeat ta th cottoa mar ket All tba latar advice froc th aoutbwaot, dld sot Indicate any active.- damage. . There waa heavy profit-taking aad aa UI pert ef the improvement waa hart. Mora atteatloa ta Bow being paid to tba poaltlea at tbe eeutbera farxaer aad ba ability to hold beck anthsa. We ar confident ef ultimately higher, prlcea based ea legitimate eoadltiona. urxmroox. cottok kakkxt. I iverpool. Oct, 2d. Cottoa futurua qaiet aad aaebaagedi aaeta firm, 1 to 2 point aigaer. ;. . - . r ri - . BOPS ABBITB AT trAanOTBSS.' ' IHpeclal I "tap rcb to Tba Journal.) Oreana t'ltr. Oct. 11 Pmar bsKtreS feeW mt Iwm bona are stored a the wsrh.ns.i mt ek. Oregoa Water Fewer tt Railway enwpnv. A4 dltlonel lots are being dally received fea eter- ase an awt " haa yet beea reriart. Member O.I-f -vkmary, 1 4Tt;-T, r " 101 ThtrS -MPect, 1 . tra t a c . j - - - v ' - SHALL m - 1 fJOT A HELP 'Frisco Hay Market Is Not Ctrosr . Despite Smaller Ar. rivals of Late. CRAPE SEASON IS JUST ABOUT CLOCZD Fruit Sales Growing Smaller and Watermelons Are About Thing of the Paat for This Seasoti Potatoes and Onions Sent to Philippines, (Special Dispatch by leraaad Win to Th raarual) Saa Francisco, Oct. 21. Tbe spot wheat mar ket waa firm at oaerhaagad prices. The reeaipt ware only 8.788 centals. An active ' Butopsaa demand for all feed gralna waa reported, ., Spot barley waa firm at nrevloue prlcea. The receipts were amy 8.782 centals. December bar. Icy eloeed e per cental higher and May IHo. All ether article war without aa ajnotabls change. t. Scott Magaar-a hay errculsr af the aoia ya:- .. , - '--. ' "Becelpt of hay aa tb Saa lanelaaa market for th week ending today bava amoontad to 8.200 tone. Of th abov amount a large pro. portion ha emanated of alfalfa atock aad oav elderable ef a poorer variety ef bare bay. Arrivals by railroad have been comprovely light. Thla kaa baaa aolely swing to tba acarclty of railroad eara. If plenty war avail able for bay aad tba ordore for shipment could aU ba filled thla market- might expect to ba heavily burdened with aa erersupply at tb bet ter grades of bay. Tba demand lately aaa ausea eff aomewhat, aa tb large consumer ar well stocked aad the local current rsqolreaesats aav baa light. .. - Hay Xsrhst falar. Vot withstanding the fact tbat arrtrakt bava baaa very atoderato, tba market during th put few daya haa baaa aaalar aad sffsrtogs C th varloaa grade bava moved eff quit slowly. The export demand la rather quiet aad there la nothing now In eight to lead aa to expect any activity la tbla dlractka for tba aaar future. It a only aa occasional rancy car ax waaax bay that will command top gnotatmna, aa the matarltr of all tba wheat and wheat and eat bay I ef tb median end Me. one varletlee. which aaU her at from 811 to 81 nor too: choice tame aat hay wlU bring ap to SUBJlSJO per top, Th Barkat for alfalfa Bay aaa eou- , tinned along ta about tb ame .way aa hut tested. Arrivals ara baths readily takaa car af, aa It la eipetd tbat tba laat ef tb alfalfa from tb fktld a now bstng aargaaaa, Btraw haa been te light supply and tba mark la a little firm for choice v art tie. Tb at soar I Doric took out 8,750 barral ef fkmr for Chbu. 1 8,000 fag Japan, 108 for Korea and 1.008 for Hasua. ' rta caang wr reponoo ounng aa day. -.'. ' - . tn Sale aaaallar. :.' , . Jtrrlng tb paat week th fruit market fan eff B activity aad Friday waa atated to bava beea particularly dull. Today tba xaarket shewed little or aa Improvement ta tbla re. pact. Several 11ns bava about bad their rua aad tba first good rata will wind op th remainder ef th grape crop, beatd asekma of all deserlptfcm. Thar Is asw hardly aay sale for wine grape except la a vary email way and at Irregular prlcea. Aa ka th case ef fruit, tb vegatabl tear, ket waa tarn aad without aay aotowmnhy change la prices. There ware obi pases ta to Manila ef 4.130 crates sf potato aad 1,000 , cratoe at onion. 1 A good quantity af bnttar arrived from tb aorth, bat for tb finest gtslia at creamery pries eon tin nod firm. Che wast well ma tamed, ala fancy ranch sags. Quit a saaatlty ad poultry waa aaaald at tba elos of th day, though tn receipts were light. A urge quantity ef wild gam arrtvad. but tb demaad waa good at slightly changed nriccs, ',.. ... TovoFAjr xisTnie rteTjrs. . Sa rranclac. Oct, U. Trmopab atirba. af flcls, .urn.: I g. Montana $2.7 KendaH ........ .18 Midway ....... I-37m uoiumua at.... .ina Jamba .73 Jnmb Ba...... Jtl Black Bntte... ..14 Silver Pick..... .07 Ooldea Anchor 85 Ry O'Brwa.. .ad ; Ohio Toaooah... .24 O. Ball Prog.... IHmoedflld ... Jl Lone Star .m... .f Horn ........... AH Ce.b Bey -1 MeNamara ..... .a Belmont ....... t.40 North Star .44 Beeroe ........ -Of OoM Moon tela.. .11 Jim Butler .... .S3 Nevada ........ .1A Bed Top .82 Too. Extanaloa 5 6" Ooldfleld ...... JfT S ad tor a ..... .43 Sndtora Bx.. .08 Adam ........ - A Mohawk ....... ' .12 '. Dixie - .18 Ecllpe ........ . National Bank.. , AS Denver ........ l SAB 1TUAK CISCO LOCAL BTOCKB. Baa rrsjscieco. Oct, 21. Official ekwai . Bid. Contra Costa Water ............ at Spring Talley Wator ...... ....... 404 . Mutual Electrle 18 S. P. Oaa A Electric.... H cisot Powder ................... Bl ASkh. Hawaiian Commercial ........... S3 Hnookes Sugar ......... .... 131 Is a Hltchhwaoa ur ....... 10 v Makaweli Sugar t, cmmmo Bnesr . . . SB, Paantoaa Sugar Alaska Paekera Ooranie Steaawhlp I'trlfle State Tchrpaema .. r.itrnrn! Win 22 BOV 4 .... J0B Pacific Coast Borax ..18j California Fruit Caaaare 88 . ITXW TOKK OOFTKK MABKKT. Kew' Tcrk. Oct. 21. Coffee futarea tlsaad 8 point klgher. Official quotation: Bid. Ak.f Bid. A--, Jsneary ...88 0 T.O0 July ........87.44 8 . rebrnary T.10 T.iol August J 88 T March ..... t.15 f.rptebar .. t o, t . April ...... 7 28 T.8 October .... are May ....... 1.80 t.SSINoVMhe 7 Jaae ...... T.40 T.46,1 RECEPTION TENDERED PASTOR AT GRESHA' a ' ' (SpeetU Plspalch te Joarsst) Ores ham. Or- Oct. 2 1. I Paatoc C. A. Nutley and Mra. NutUy- vorr tandersvl a hearty reception by th members sad friends at ' tha Baptlat church on Wednaadar avenlnt- Thr were many ne.ent A ahnrt mnslcsl nrram all . randerad. Interspersed with appropriate addreeaes of welcome, 8. C Kins en.j Raw. J. C. Oregory, of th Methodist church, spoke In behalf of tha lt church. H. L. St, Clair spoke word ef welcome and appreciation on behalf of tha community. Paator NutUy re ponded modeatly but tratefully. He frehrr,enU war than ervd by tta Udlea of the church And a aocUU fcouf waa anloyed by all , Paator Nutley la now beginning k' fifth yar aa paator of tha Biptlat churr. Of Orwaham and Pleasant Horn. ; owsrrjrv oanTS ft , itatobUahed lt.) wbcbat vr BTocac rcrr : : BUoa 4, Cramo e, C"i tl ( r"ird of ' . r y 1 ( 1