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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
r , THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. CUNDAY r MORNING. OCTOBER 2, 1C5. a C-w, I at tba int. mm a PartaxaaL Onm tor trajaaatataaa tMeogk th Mia M mull Met sasttor, c Ftog fa atari Far u t, H 1 pa paper, 1 seats UkH MM 1 am U te 44 I. sosts. ' nxzraorctv . MKarial lw .'....Meta M I gtflM ....... ...SU1B BMW rout urniam xranntTATrrs. , Vreln4-Beajamte Special Advertising irorr, ; 160 Naeeea etrect, New York; Tribe Bolld- tag. Cfcieig. - .. -r tmwrrio Kim. V- Tkabsn JouraaL with Suaday, 1 T'-" ' Dally Joarusl. 1 Taer a m The flalle JareaL wlf Sam. aanatha. TB Th pally JoarnaL month. I t Ths Dally Joarnal. with Sunday, Tb Daily JoarnaL 1 month Dally JoarnaL with Sunday, wootn. l.s ... I"' Dalle JMrul with Umiif. I month. th DallA aar wsk. delivered. Sudsy ta- .U ; the Dally, Mr waak. d11vrd. Banday am. ' etptot ,...,....,...... . v " 1 " Ti kv HalL 48 Jh Daily FoaraaL wltk Bandsy, 1 J...fTM T? Datlr JoaraaL I year I M TM mm; JosrrnaL wltk Bandar, aSMta. .ts The Dally Journal, oxontbt 3 TB fba Daily laaraal. with Sunday, I axostks. 180 Th nllf JoaraaL I moo ths.' s." LM Imtiy Journal, wltk Bnndsy. 1 BaatB. T Km Xlall 1 mmM fka Busdsr Joaa-ael. 1 rear .' -" Tee kaiu Iaa-aL moots... 1-00 Th Bcesi-Weekly Jsanwal. Xka ftemt-Waektv Journal. I t. II MM sack baM, fllMtnted. tnU aarkt fa- K. I TT $IM Uttaaraa aknaM k Bad kr drafta. poatal katoa, axpraa ardar ad Hull aoMaata r aaaptakla la . t and $ mt Mtar ataapa. t. TKKlfnMtSm ' f. . Kor Itt. PartHad. Orrana. .wxxu m nnw ur s rovsu ' Tfc Joaraal eaa k kaaad a Ml at Ik Mlowlna alar: K)IS. IDAHO H. Mut Ca. W. K. M Intrr. . CHICA0 aaofTiM Maw raapaajr: 1TI Daar BKNves. OOL0KAD9-X Buck, flitaaatk aad KANftAS riTT Taa Hot Raw entapaer. afrVNKAPOUS M. J. EaraMtuck. $0 ' -rnutr arrw. . KBW YORK rTTT Bratana. TTnloa OMARA Mlltard Hotl nwi atand: MrMtk " ' BtNttoaarr'eontiaar. IN raranai atraat. - iALT LA ICV CITT Raaroa H4ol anra ataad; Barrow Brea.. 4S Wat Vootid atrart. csatk. BT LODTB Fkllla Rod. did Locaat atraat; , M. T. Jtt. Mnd Ollr atrwt. 4UN rEANCTSTO W. B. Artttnt. rSlara HaM ; aw atand and 1 00 Market atroat: Oold. . railtk Bra.. XM Battar (treat and feint fVaaeta kot4: Foator A Oraar. rrry kalld . ; ttt WkanT. aaarakl aawa ataad, anr- ar klarkat aad Kraraar atroata. BBATTLB Balolor Grand aaw ataad; W.' la Bhanka. Hotal FVattla nrwa ataad. BPOKANB. " WAJHINQTON Joka W.' Orakaaj TACOlf A- WAmiOT0W Otirr.1 Haw aaaa- Wnanr; Hotal Taroma aaw atand. CTOBU BRITISH COLTMBIA Ttrtarla B'"k mattnaarr wwawaar. WEATHER REPORT. Cload r kecinnlnc ta father alea tk Waaklnctoa eoMt aad la tba ana ad raontrr a a raaoit f tka Mitward BKrrrmaat of tba kirk araaaar ara that ka brrm rostral to tka rt few day arar Idaho aad waatarn Montana. Ma rain ka fallra anrwkar wcat f tka Barkr fBntalM and tk Umparatan ara raarrally "rttlj hlrWr tkaa tkrr war yaatardar. Tk iadleatkNa ara far lnrroaalnr rlaadlara Bandar waatara Orrana and woatara Waak inrtoa. wltk akawar arar tba raaat and lawar toaneratana In tba rntarW. In aaatora Oro on. raatara Waaklnrtoa and Idaho fair wmU r will eoBttaM wltk alowlr rlalna tanwara- Oka lattoaa aa t a. a.: kfasianai torn Mratnra, WX dacraaa: arinlawa teatparatnr. M 'rm lr raadlnt at 11 a. m.. 90 fat; rkanra ta aaat M koara, 0.J foot. ToUl proctpi '" . BU. wma: tU! pr. rtpltarloB mime Votonihrr 1. 1908. T 28 lactam : twrajal araelpitatloB atnra Srptamkrr 1. lets. d.M terhc; axoaa. S 00 Inrna. . Total aaa. kin. Octonar SO. IPOS. 10 boara. 2 aihrataa: paaaiBie Maaaiaa, octoMr SO, 1900, JO , 4S ailnataa. . 77 . UARRIA0E LICENSES. Ooraoa B. atcPkaraaa tS; Kara Bbda Caaldoa, : Toay Arnaad. t; Baa baa.. H. PwJoknaaB, loa. Orogua, IT; Oln KaW aar . ST. . . -: Wrddlnr Card. W. O. Smith m Oo,. Waak bids. aar. Fpartb ad Waaklaatoa at. DEATHS. BALDWIN la this city, October 91. 1S0B. at . S71 North NtMt.anth street. Prank Baldwin. aged S9 year, g saoatbs and 7 day. Tb funeral err-rlc will be keld at the a bora real , dene at 9 P. ai. Moaday. October gf. Prtead - hrrltad. la I ail an t Loa Pkr oametery. . , aUTEBTlrW CZBTXTIBT. Blag1 graves HO. Panlty Ma gro to tl.OOO. The aly MBMtary la ForUand which per petully malataloa aad care for lota. Par full laformarloa apply ta W. B. Mackensl. War. city. w. at. Ladd. prldanx. J. t. Pin ley A funeral Slraceara aoS Third aad Madlaog straeta. Office at impaow Mala S. MoBsto Jj OUbaark. andertakrra and emhalaasra; aaodera ta evary detail. aWreatk and Plan. Mala dSO. Lady aaalaUst, .. . Tk Bdward faaarel dlrereoi Sola Undertaking compear. zw Talrd 07. Paaarel wrMtk aad cot Bower a specialty at Bom City Grenhoa. Twenty saeaad aad Fa at Morrlana. epposlt cemetery. FUNERAL NOTICES. JOHNSTON la thl etty, October 91, 1S05, 1 .uv i.wiu imwiH, rvwvu ou i , Wflllaai C. John. ton. aaed tT year.- 10 . ntontba and day. Tk funeral cervices will be bald at tba above raaldene at 9:80 p. at. today.. Prteada Inrlted. Iatersarat Laa Plr ' cemetery. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. A. ghartlc t H. B. Oocbraa. eoatb 46 feet of lot 2, block Sod, Couch addl- rlon i , 2. W. McBollaad asd wlf ta P. N. Mr-' , Holland, lot 4, block 4, Englrwood Park . Title Onaraate A Treat company to N. . W Upson, lot 27, stock A, Holladay . Par addition k. A II. Hoffman to W. 0. Hoffman, t acre It. B. Jones' D. U C H. M. Jenaoa to E I. McCoy, parcel land, lot T. block 237. dty.. . .' . .77. W. Ketdt and wlf to M. Harbaurh. , weat H of lot 4, block SO, W heeler's addition ,.,nA . H. a. Bow and wife ta I. 0. m. ' lot 4. block 16. JJtwoln Park annex... A. 1. Haga and-rlf. -n. K. Stemler, lot U, block 12, William Atcdu ad dition , .If. 0. Blley to W. J. Rtley, eaat 4 of 2.260 228 00 1.900 9.660 2,600 2S en iiwi w, v "ifn a aaoiuon.... -tTnloe Traat A Investment company ta w. n. AjaeMBB, lot a, block S. lyanboe - f addltloa N. J. Bebartaoa te L. Bmltk. lot S, north U of lot 8, block 7. Hlhland Park addltle Titl Omarente A Traat company to H. J. Honrhtoa and wife, lot 6, block 17, Holladay Perk llrt addition I. V.noarn Bad wife to C. B. gwanton, parcel land beginning at east tine of Jaraey, anr threat 00 feet, aoutheaat 26 feet, aoathwaat SO feat, Sorthweat 26 feet .Im AdasM aad kaaband to 0. Brlcaann; lot . blerfc 12. W 1111a aa Aveaa addi- 160 90 lot 660 una U. E. Miller to P. Blckbtr. eaat H of 1700 toJet 16, 10, ataad Mack 14. Albln kome- ItOt - Bad year Issaiaim sad she tracts to real aetata Woe. tke Title Oaeraatew A Treat eoss pany . SeO Walngto etreet. aasii Baooad. NOTICE. fj'a- win be race red aattl . Wedwesdsy. the S, anr ae veie xf xne pi . on i bi.. .Hag. eat ranee a xne exnoeitwa sronrras. annas, r x pr.aa or nee, uninai rae- i i. iia.ii' afrirea. ate. I al, Baadatssd. trie llekt fJ.teree and auada, electric . , ra, water pipe, water-tank., pempa, m fwrsjtar, fiar, etc Uts arfll be at t office erf tba director of works, ready k laaynfasB ky Mda, tk SM. , ' , FOR SALE BY HARTA1AN. THOMPSON & POWERS Room 3 C of C TaUpboad BohaVOT 10. , flS.OJKV Elrnnt lt-rootn houda err tba weal B1UO in uvoi iwauuu jiiiuanau m hnrdaood: a barraln. 17,600 Klcsant houaa, bat raaldenca part or wai aiao, vuxtvw iuut tui wiva moaarn nina-ruoin nuuaw. 9d,000 Good modrn t-room houae, with ivvxivv, on una vi ma paai wruora in Irvlnrton. . fB,000 i acra of land, highly Improred, with modarn d-room houaa coat 12,500: all necessary outbulidlnga; plenty or fruit and oarrlea; within i mlnutea walk of Mt. Tabor car Una.-' $4,700 New modern T-room houa. on waaco airret, rioiiaaay pars; beauti fully finished tbroushout: fin lawn. $4,500100x100, on the aouthweat corner or iwemn ana uii eutra atraeia, with -room house: easy walking dis tance to cent or city. - 4.000 t-room modern houae. tOzlOO root tot, on autnt ournaiae, between Twentieth and Twenty-aecond atreeta. A flue location and good aurroundlnica. IIdO 60 100-foot lot on the aoutheaat corner of East Tenth and Schuyler afreets, with new, modern (-room houae; streets Improved and cement sidewalks. - - $a,soo Modern -room nous, fireplace ana otner iroaern improvements; dux 100 feet. In Irvlnfton. qn East Thlr teenth street. 9B.T00 C-room house. EOxIOO-foot lot, on iaraoe atreei; line view or city ana river. $,760 For a modern (-room dwelling on lot as r-xt( reet. near tne corner Of Twenty-first and Vaughn streets; !?nO cash and t2b oer month. $$,700 New 7 -room house, fiOxlAO-foot lot, with alley,-wunin two diooks oi Thomoson school. In Central Alblna. $9,700 d-room modern house with gus rixiure ana ail moaern conveniencea, on- the corner of East i Thirty-flrat and Couch streets. In Hawthorne's First addition; terms 00 cash and 125 dct month. $9,860 8-room house, almost new, with lot II 1-lxtT, on tne aoutneast cor ner of Twenty-first and Wilson streets; terms; $600 down and 126 per ' month. t $360 d-room house, BOxlOO-foot lot. near corner i weniy-ninin ana r-asi Salmon streets; small payment down and monthly Installments. - - I $9,000 d-room house, 2Sxl7-foot lot. on west aiae on nail street, near elev enth; within easy walking distance to center of city; house now renting for fiO per month. $9,000 New C-room houae." SOxlOO-foot lot, on iaai eeventeentn atreet. be tween Clinton and Division; house now rented for til per month; easy terms.' $9,000 (-room house, BOxlOO-foot lot. on waveny-wooastocK car line, near Sixteenth street; houas now rented for til . iter month. $9,000 For new -room house on East Bixieemn street, near fiviaion; win sell on easy terms. $1,600 t-room house, with basement; hot and cold water, bath and all mod ern, conveniences, oOxlOO-root lot, on East twenty-sixth, near Clinton-Kelly school. Vacant Building Lots 0x100 on northwest corner of Jnlon avenue and Tillamook street: good location for store building. 100x100 on the southeast cor ner or East r ourteentn ana xiuamoox street; fin location for beautiful linma. $9960 to $9300 For several fin lota on Overton ana XMortnmp atreeta; gooa surroundings: streets fully Improved. $975 to $000 For 10 lots in Lincoln fan annex, near union avenue; atreets graded and siaewaixs. BBSS ka B&OO For I lots In Central Al tuna, wttnin a zew piocas or tne Thomnaon school. das to B70O For 20 lots In South Sun nvsiae: tnia oroDeriy is on tne aouto side of Hawthorne avenue, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth; atreeta Jradea and sidewalks; every lot two eet above grade. This Is on of the most desirable tracts on the market. Terms 160 cash ana no per month. To Investors 4-BOO Bun corner with two good aweuings tnereon, bringing in saw per montn; gooa location, sure to seep well ranted. $lB,SOO-r-Buya business corner with good , improvements, in una location, bring ing income of tKZ.60 per month. Any one having money to Invest and want ing a good safe bargain should In spect this. $90,000 Buys 10-foot frontage on Front stsBet, covered with three-story brick leased to responsible tenants for $2,100 per year; a .safe, good invest meat.. $99,800 Buys 10-foot frontage on Front street with two-story brick building, near Washington street. Renting for 12,400 per year. This Is a good in vestment. , ; $30,000 Buy choice quarter block on Oliaan street. This is sur to be a money-maker, as It will greatly In crease in value. Low rentals; can. b Increased. . - $7,00O Buys quarter block on Sixth street covered with three-story new " brick buUdlng. Will bring good rental and sur to increase in value. Other good bargains In business or residence property. If you want good prpperty b sur ana can upon . Charles K. Henry ' BTS BTAJIK BT. NOTICE. NOTICE Off BAU OF BOVM. Notic Is hereby given that tk board of directors of tb Hood River Irrlgatloa District Is Waaco eonntr. Oresoa. will sell ike hna.ii of aald dletrlct la the ua of Idn.ooO oa Tue. say. is miB ay or uctaoer. ibos, at the koor of 10 o'clock a. m., at the office of said board, at the residence of J. H. Shoemaker la aald district, snd- that sealed propoeala for aald boads will bs received by aald board at aald place for the porchaa of ld bond antll tb day and boar abov aoeotloeed. at which time the board aball opea the proposals snd sward tbs of the bonds to the highest bid ponalble bidder, the board reserving tb right to reject any and all bid, bid to be accom panied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount at tbs bonds for Which tk kid Is admitted. ' Bald bond .ball b cayabl la money of th United Btatea. In 10 aerfee. mm Coltnwe At the expiration ef eleven years, five per rent of the whole number of said bond.; at tb expiration of twelve . all per cat; at the expiration of thirteen rear, serea per cent; st tb explrarlo -if foarteea year, eti-bt per cent; at tb xpirtlow of fifteen veara etna Jwr cent; at the expiration of all tees years, xa per eentt tt the eintrttlne of aevn.a yer. clevea per cent; at th expiration of Chteen year, thirteen per cent; st ths expire, lion ef nineteen years, flfteea per eaat: f tb esptratloa of twenty veer, el It cat per cent: and ah. 11 bear Intereat tt the rate of atx per cent per ttnum. payable aeml-aaaaally. (h rlrat day ef January and Jul. of cb year. Th principal and lntaeea.t shall bs payable at the place de!(nafed la tb bond and bidders srs gives the option af kavlng aald kond para ble tt Portland, u tb atate of Ovecoa. or la the city -of New York, la the Mat f Hw Trk, and aald bond will he teased la accord, tnce wltk tb election of the Mcceaefal bidder, eld bond aball be each af the denomination ef not lea tkaa 1100 aad Mt seers tkaa SAOO, snd shell be In form and eon none, for the Inter! ah. 11 b attached to each toad signed by the ecretary. , Dated st Hood River, Oregos, this 1Mb daf f September, 1006. . . H. HOIMAKt. . ' ' . . . . earatary. ; BaBanaaaaaBSfiaBBBBBm aBtaMaaanBaaaanann aanaBBBaBBnBnaanaBBvnaaan aaraaaaa aiuvinni .mil fa-.'-a.i aattpaaa MEETINd NbTICES. COURT BCANPIA. NO. T. P. OP A All anaa. Mr ara roqaaataa w aaaai at renaier- .ball. uiIh. Ortober 22. 9 B. Bl ka ardar to at. taad tk fuoaral of our lata brotker, William Lund. All court utim. ry oruar.of u. a. v AAaiu a. SUwaua, secretary. 0BBOON CIRCtB. F. 1T1, W. O. W., Berts Moaday al(bt in lmm- aau. eoraar wu liaais ava. asd Baaaoll at., at o'clock. aki uaniLb Ckwb. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Pox terrier dot; whit wltk roand klaeV apot ea back, both eye brow a aad black. K-tura to iMO BereDtb St., or pkoM Mala loss; rewara. LOST Pox terrier pap: while wltk black spot on back; bead ta noatiy Drown. jKatara I 670 rtftk St.. or pbon Mala StW; reward. LOST Satnrdar. lady's sold Mai, Initials W, reward, lioom jut bsiob aotei. LOST One ball and two kaifers aronnd Moant do; ill If H wltk rope on. tinder souiy Pr. "anrtenherf, Bfllwood. Or. HELP WANTED MALE. HANHEN'S KMPLOYMRNT OPPICB... ' kojiae csrpentera. railroad depot work, 13, tree rare; X machine arm aan, as; tool car pester. 13; kaad faller. $3: ncond, 3; back era, 12.75: woods laborers. 12.28; qaarry drlllera aad laborers, 12.60, fre fare; laborers, Minim. n.-kin,n f.a aaatern tlreaoB. east- rn Waahliiftoa and Idaho, fro (are, a year's work; sold qaarta miners ana marsers. HANSEN 8 EMPLOVMKNT OPPICB. 2d North Ncond at. Opm till Burning. BALE8UKN WANTED. for eout; men with MUbllabed dry gaoda. traoe to carry nrstiaaa walking Skirts; line opportunity for rood salraman; side Ho or axclaalye: (It full Infonaatioa la applica tion. Address B 44. care Journal. 8ECI BB A GOOD PO8ITI0N. W ualat competent offtr men, bookkeepers. stenocrapoera. caaniera. eouectors. Din Clerks, general rlerlcsl, techulcal commercial . men, Boaluea Men' Clearing Boom, '110 Second. Hl'STLINO sdvartlshig ollcttors: mining week- lies, trade ana religions publication, newt papers, marsaln, programs, etc.; stesdy position, liberal commission. . M Cham h..-1-w or commerce. , WANTED Toong man, stenographer preferred. to taa nan intereat m gooa paying o small capital required; mnat be ooer snd vf Bring sooa neons, sooo'i),, itn rirst si. iam aa. MBN and boy wanted to Mrs 16 day, after two months' toe tract kin: position guarantee, Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Bcbooje, N.w York. Cincinnati, 0., 8U . Lsois. Mo. (Fn eata logne.) v STBICTLT klgh grade typewriter aaleemaa for roas territory; aaiary, commusion sua expenaes; atate referencM and axparleoce Bmltb-Premlar Typewriter Co. SALESMEN to aell famoee Trinidad ASPHALT K00P AND IRON PAINT; good commlaaloa. Pacific Dlatrlbntlng Co., lid BacrsBMat St.. Ban Prsnclsos. WANTED Clerks Snd vrladow-drMsers to stady a bow-card writing at T. M. C. A. aignt ckaol: personal loa tr actios. Apply for per tl rule re. WANTED Solicitors. IS to 18 per day; sslary or coaamlsalon. Call or writ w. at. layioc Co., room 8, Labb bldg.. Portlaad. WANTED A man to take contract to clear 90 seres st city limits; stamp-puller on greana. Apply 64 Oxford St. WANTED Toang mas to drlv delivery wagoa: att experience ana ,rierenct. Aaareea a 48. care JoarnaL WANTED A rallabU man who baa kad sstn experience aa a eaadj-maker. Aaaraas so, ear of Joaraal. , MAN to learn trade; fine chance la union shop: y required. Aadreo 0 62, JoarnaL JOB and cylinder prsa.mas wanted st once; sober; snioa wages. Evening Journal, Mos cow, loa Do. WANTED Plrat-elBM sslesmen In Portland .and country; big wage. 908 McKay bldg. COTNB BROS. CO., New York. Clnehmarl. Bt, Lools, will fornlek plumbers on abort notice. POUR good solicitors wanted for the ten and corrae trsae. noya xes t., morrison at. WANTED Men to go sooth, company work m .it. , I . f w w tt It . rniiiip ninpiujriHvn. ... nwwu,, . WANTED Men st the Portland Brick A 'Til Co. Apply at brick yard, i-innton roaa. WANTED flood tailor, by tba week; steady work. Call Monday, as Mussel! St. COAL miners wsnted. Call st Big Poor Em ployment Agency, 10 North Second at. B0Y8 wsnted to wrap aoap. Lacks!, King A Cske soap C., oes iiooa sx. WANTED Bnahelmsn. Jacket maker aad coat maker. Apply li rourtn st. WANTED A good woodturner. Eighteenth snd Vsughn sta. Inqalre WANTED Experienced Japan waiter. 92S Weat park. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO aeamatreeara, store work, 11 and tl-3S day; hotel cook, country. ISA: boarding bon cook. 16; reataurant cook, 110 week; wait mm. chambermaids to saalat wait, botias gtrki snd family cooks: colored waltreea, flft, room and board : otbsrs. . HANHEN'B LADIES' AGENCY. Phone 2893. 64314 Washington al., cor. Berraia, apeiaire. WANTEDiotrkt for ktad and machine saw ing; experiences neip prexerraa. rnon. r. elflc 470. Bltokla h Green, 664 Washing. ion ax. rDT.a.rwrtxt'ra w .u...l, emM. ea. travel and orranlss for Vlarl company. Call or address room 28. Lewis bldg. WANTED Nest, reapectabl womsa aader 80 .. bonaekeeper, wloowars lamuy. Tamhlll. Pboa Main mis. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84IH, Washing. ton St., cor. Beeaaxn. opaxa 282. . Pemala help wanted. xon aa.. oor. c-.."i". - xtri wrrn fhocol.t. dinner for eat of town: good position for right girt. .TslepboM Scott lea Bunasy b- awnw, WANTED Olrl for genersl housework In small family, tall Vt ft., riixevnw at. waia. keny or rioe ax. care. - , WANTED A -girl for general hooxework m a nlc famllyv "Jsii st ones, us ixvrxa awenxy first, corner Lovejoy. w a Trn Wom.n. ared SO. as koooekeeper btcuelor gona oom lor rxgux party, aournsa P 64, Joarnal. WANTED Competent girl for general work; .mall family. 181 East 16th, konss- YsmblU. OIHL wanted for gener! botiaework, woman prererrea. . km toun. .. . mnmim -. P0RTLAND Sewlnr School, girls do owe. sawing while learning, mi Morrlaoa, room 0, W ANTE l7 First -data dressmaker aad led tea' tailor-mad aults. nn lamniii ex. AN expetieoced conk snd a nurae maid. Apply before noon ai oov tinyx ax. WANTED Yoang woman as koosekeener. A4 dreaa P ST, car journal. GIRL for general housework. Call 668 Eaat Ankeny. inon u 00. WANTED Working bonaekeeper at roosting- bona. 44 Bixtt t n. HALE AND FEMALE HELP. EXCELLENT oppnrtaolty. If yoa want per mtnency and tutor where yoa eta build Bp large income; so books nor In. lira nee. Call moral ng. only. Porter, 107 Sherlock blk. WANTED At one, a bright, energetic, pre. entabt maa or woman, a good tsjkar, t ' tak np a tttractlv Ion. laqoirt - 7D8 Ckamber of Commerce. S a., aa. HELP wanted tad n tolled, mil er famale. B. B. DAAA.B, 908a) Wtsklsgtos St CUy 448. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THB -d.naaat for eom potent bookkeenars aad steaosrsnkar la greater tbsa tbs Mpply. Proca Augnst 1. 1804. to Asguat 1. 1S06, w placed tut la good pool t lone; bad calls for mora tba o0; our graduates are ALL employed I w . will taster yoa to a poaltloa wbea ompetat Mroll mw; day or algal. Behnks-Walkar Bualnea College, Sixth aad Morrlaoa sts. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or a to work la Oregon, repreaeatlag Urge msaufscturlng company t salary 40 ta too per axootk. paid weekly; axpsases advanced. Address with stamp, j, u. Moore, Port Und, or. ' WANTED 9 w.ltreaaes, 4 domeetteo, rh.a- Employmaat Co.. Morrlaoa at ., Pacific WANTED Immediately, 8 men er womsa to do Mnvnselng Call ap Eaat H7: god prepoattloa. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MARRIED maa, 86 years af age, 14 yar' ex- perlenoa aa manager, oootkeeper, also as aaleemaa la ' geaeral mercbandlM; beat ref erence. A 44, oar JoaraaL TWO boys, aged 16 and IT, daalre Indoor work where advancement can m mane; will start for low Mlary. g OS, ear JoaraaL WANTED Work ef any kind; a good maa about market, grocery or geaeral merchaadle. Ad- drsss 0 as, care Journal. YOCNO attorny wants work la law offlc; a Ku, A, MfMMaa A - Slu U I lea viara ex., aau A a our. A YOUTH . wl.hes s position la a drag store where kt caa lssxs boalnsas. Address B 61, cara Joarnal. WANTED By a young man not afraid of work. a position or aotue sino. Adore gj 41, care journal. - j 1 BE LI ABLE young ana wanta work; Inald work prererrea; Mtiarsctioa goaraatMO.' W a, care Joarnal. RELIABLB German maa want houeec leaping or gardes work by us say. f bone Main 107a. A BOY 18 yea re wanta job after school aad Saturdays. Addreee V do, JouraaL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE TAIT experienced koasekeepar wltk child S years old deems poaluoa wltk widows or bachelor la or near city, or sear school. L. M.. 424 BuaaeU at. - .- BY S woman wltk small child, aa housekeeper. where there are no children; caa com at enrer stats prlc. Address box 41, Corn Una, Oregon, . . , WIDOW with gtr) of 19 desire houaekeeplag ror wioower or Mxcneior; win xna cnarg of roomlnj; -houae, Addreaa B 48. JouraaL EXPERIENCED yoang lady wiahea poaltloa. of nee work or easmer; apes as gooa uermaa or Engliak. Phone Blsck 111 76. YOUNO lady wl.hes to do bouse work la good bom plac; west side eniy. uu stonasy, 076 Hoyt, corner 21 at. AN elderly lady' would ilk position aa koase- keeper. . oo lajwr. . rnooa io. WANTED Curtains to do ap, sad also work by ths dsy. Main emi. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.' ' - HANSEN'! EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. ' ' FOB MBN. 98 N. Second st, . Pboa Mala 1B9A. JAPANE8E-CHINE8B EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. Heory Tahara, SOT svorsti x. a-aaxs ra clflc 640.. PACIPI0 Coast Emp. Co. Reliable employBMnt areata. 1X4 n. xa ax. nm main ai PIONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO. laihor eoatra. tors; seip rree to employers, us axorrxawe. A CMS EMPLOYMENT CO. 211 ' Morrlaoa at, soppuaa mea ror an Kinds or worn. BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help snppUsd free. IS n. Second st, raon sum lsio. NATION AL Employment aad Labor : Agsacy, six Pin at. rnoa Mam lau. THB PORTLAND BMPIXIYMRNT OO, 906ft Morrlaoa at. Phone pacific ssa. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to sell "SermoM by the Devil "; tb fastest-selling nook on in market; 46 per cent commission; outfit fre. W. R. Taylor A Co., Labb bldg., Portland, Oregon. AOKNTS can (sslly mak 10 a dsy selling ear (told 'Window letter. Novelty sign ana Changeable Blga; catalogue fre. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Vsa Bursa at., Chicago, 11L - AOENTS wanted to aell nursery stock; MW snd complete outfit rarnlahed xne; ca.s weekly. Capital City Bursary compear, Salem, Oregon. AOENTS wanted for nor "Mendarlp": it It rivets; and oar "Farmer Standby," S tools in so, roots Co., st BsncMt su, lm as gelea, CaL WANTED An treat who make bualnea loca tion a spectelty; moat liberal eompeneatlos for quick result. Address F 4. Journal. AGENTS WANTED Commission snd1- Salary. BZBi rirst st. asw I org outfitting to. WANTED TO RENT. WB waat desirable bona tad flat, til parts of tb city 1 bar airn eiae Clients waiting; rent collected, property eared for. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 949 Stark St. Phone Main 1076. WANTED In private family, two furnished housekeeping rooms, either sids of river. Cad er addreaa Anarbutx, 2S-.Strk -eL-w WANTED To rent farm, II or 90 seres, sear cltr; honae sad barn. M. O. Morgan, 070 Mllwaakl t. BOOM and board wanted by tragi gentleman; must be Cloac to. Addreee box C 47, JournsL OFFICB room for real estate .basin. . F.l, care of Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED T rent, from January 1, a good chicken ranch, complete with aeceaaary build intra; Iocs t loa must be near streetcar 11m; win bay rrom 100 to zw ctiicgene: tie price. Addreee Poatofflc box 878, Portland. . CASH Investor it looking for Portland resi dence property, bets-- Improved snd unim proved. If yon want te sell, sddress, Wltk full particulars. B 46, care JoarnaL FARM wanted, Mt fsr from Portland; 60 to 100 teres; soma Improvements: quote price for" cash or time; nd map snd psrtlcalsrs. . O 81, Journal. . . I HATB buyers waiting jo bear of small homes In or nesr Portland, any direction; If yoa ara ready to Mil addreM r g. cara joarnal. BUILDING lots for cssb In any part of -Mk' , city: stst price and locsttos. Address BitT Journal. WANTED 4 or R-roooi bows ttd lot or vacant lot;' most b cheap for rash. -C 64. Journa 1. WIKH to Invest from 811.000 to 140.000 In good, ; Income-bearing property. B 40. Journal. "Heaven's Sake Slop the Ad' Th Id below was lnaerted fa The Joaraal "Prson1" cornma wrHr-h -result that tk young lady received 87 replies ror heaven' sake, ttoo tbs sd." wst tlx remark the young lady mad whan tb waa glvm the 8T letters. YOUNG LADY, 18. etranger hi city, Mk tru. honorable friend; only thtsw with hoc eat Intention need nwr, Addreee L iS86. ear .Joarnal, ' . Advert lee menu anew other elaeelfleattoM ar getting results In proportion. Th claea If led. columM of The Journal are growing every day because of th ranlt obtained. If yoa have a "wast" of toy kind, aae Tk JoarnaL . Wanted real estate. LIST year property ' wltk ne. Oar motto 1 . Quick Mies, short protts. Hoys Besl BsUt - - ieu KiM, m vu. v im u , ,w, Tm - -- - r' WANTED 6 or d-room cottage, close in; mnat be cheap. I'koue Kt 626. . 404 Eaat Mur rlaoaat WANTED MISCELLANEOUS - EB tk Lewla sad Clark fair at horn; send 40 la .tain pa for htndaoms photo book, nearly 900 -hotoa of fair. THxlW Inches. Weetara View Book Cow. Portland. Box 904. PAINTING, spraying snd wklteweahtng trees, basements, barns, docks, ate. ; largest g.eollae sprsylng outfit oa tbs eoaat. M. O. Morgaa A Co.', 070 Mllwsukl St. Pkons Bast 9817. ORCHESTRA, 8 piece, want an gag men ta tvenlnga, Sunday; mtwle for all occaaloM very reaao sable. 4d Lacretla St. TL Mala Ootai HIGHEST cash pries paid for bottle snd joak of every deecriptioa. rwtiana Bonis supply Co.; 831 North Eighteenth. Pbon Main 'XtlA WANTED Return ticket to Kansas City for sisnder old lady. Aourea nil AlDlna tv., ar bow car bars oa Bt. Johns lino. WANTED Piano for aeme good mining stork about to pay dividends; wxeatif its this. Ad dress 0 48, care JouraaL . WANTED Oentle driving bone for Udy tilt prior, tor Its keeping; good tofarsjacas, C 48. Joaraal. BOOKS bought, Mid and exchaaged at tb Old Book a tore, 92 YamklU at. F. J. BYDER. printer. Second Snd Washlagtoa tt. Pkom Mala 66S8. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.! FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT- THB KINO 80S Jefferson at., , new balMing. ksndsomsly faralehed, wltk every modem coavenicne: nL' oatsld rooms, with beat, ga or electric light, porcelala bath; rate 60c, 76e and f 1; apeclal ratM ky tb week er month. TUB BELLEVUE,. 918H Foarth st Neatly famished rooms for gentlemen; all oatsld rooms; electric lights, porcelala hatha: rates. 60c, T5e, l; very low ratea by week or montk. Hood 701. . . - THB HAMANN. 188 N. IStfc.. cor. Hoys Newly furnished rooms, 1.60 ap; convenient location, 16 mlnates' walk to fair groends: Morrlaoa ear st onioa depot direct to houa. Phone SI 70. LINDELL hotel, new management, rarnlahed new throughout, no dark rooms, Try thing modern; comfortsbl bom; xnveatlgetloa to- - llclted. Mr. Emma UcLu, proprlatreM. ' NICELY furnished rooms In new hooae at SS0 Everett at., clngl or ea ulte; furnace heat, bath snd phone; rstes very reaaon.hle to per manent. Call er pbon Main 6U8. KING'S HEIGHTS Desirable neighborhood. near St. Hslea't Hall; nicely faralahed room for oo or two, with -privet family; perma nent preferred. 788 Mala sL . , . . THB COZY, 1S8 8 Tenth, oa of tb most pn- oiar roocnin- nooses m city; nss niooera, ap-to-dsts rooms and la a home for the traveling public. Clay 1713. ..... DE8IBABLB ' front rooms, saw ' koneekeeprng rooms; nosra ana room se.ov per week, otix Wnahlngton, cor. Fifteenth and Washington. MARQHAM HOD8B. 14T4 0th Boom ea ult or aingw; nooarsceping rootM) gas stovss, bath, atectrl light; tranalenta solicited. FCRNI8HED rooms, single or a talu, IS per MMth mmA en Ttntml Wei. m.i.l Tw.1.. alxtk and TJpabor and Vangha tta. MANHATTAN OCRT Flrat-claa rooming houa; everything clean, neat and reapectabl IllVh Stark at,, near Sixth St. GOOD, dean moms, tad reaaonaMa rent, by Jay. week or month. Oo to Tba Rutlaad, 10Vi First ex,, earner Clay. A QUIET, reflsed widow woald Ilk en or two gentlemen roomer; age 40 or ovsr: ga and pboa. . B 67, car JoaraaL MRS. JOHNSON'S rooms are now ready for permanent roomers; fnrnaes beat, gas, bath. 263 14tb st, Mala 860s. 887 TAYLOR, Bwly fuiulsusd rooms; eenace, gas, baths no object lona to light boasekeep bg. PhoM Mala 1427. FOR RENT Nicely farnlahed rnotns. gss, hot snd cold water, furnace beat, reasonable. 943 North Twenty-third at. THB APPLETON, everything clean ratM reasons bl. 71 H North Sixth St.; Mt; flrst-clSM houas; I FURNISHED rooms with light, bath snd fnsl; prtvat family; price 115. 781 Union v., corner Fremont. ELEGANTLY tarnished rooms; stesm bested: hot And cold water; ratM reasonable. 88 1-t North Sixth st. NICB tarnished room, saltsble for 1 or 1 gent tie men: as af pbon and bath. , 478 Union av.. North, - LARGE, sonny front room saltsble far 9 peo ple, men prererrea. - hiii n, . roon Pacific 101. NICELY ' farnlahed large snd small rooms for 1 or z, not vary low; mib, poone. XOI Twelfth St. ' . FRONT parlor tor gentlemsa sf re floe meat wti wtatM room near tb Mater of city. 881 Everett et, , ELZOANTLY farnlahed room for on or two entlemeu; prlvsto family; heat, bath, gas. 661 xayior. 1 ......... r THB OLADSTONB S12H Bevter at., furnlahed rooma; aader new uugat prlcas raa ao sable. TWO targe pieaaant rooms. Mltsbl for tare or four gantleawas best, bath, phone, gas. 864 Taylor. . CHEAPEST snd best loci ted room la Portlaad, 1 week aad an. Oilman. First snd Alder sta. The H.nderaon, 2nl4 Alder Elegantly tarnished rooms for permsMOt snd transient roomer. NICELY fdralehed rooms In ftrst-clsaa bnaa for rant at reasonable rates. 62 North Sixth, THB BUTTE Famished rooms; ratM reaeou able; transient trade solicited. 123M Sixth. LARGE room, tnltabl for two gentlemen. Call . 184tt Grand are., cornea. Esst Morrison tt. THE COTTAGE Farnlahed room. Mr. Wood, prop. RatM vary reasonable. 108 Sixth at. FURNISHED rooma to rent vary reasontbl. Call 41 North Fifth St., cor. Couch it. . FOll RENT 9 nicely furnlahed room, wltk or without board. 664 Esst Ankeny at. . THB ARCADE hotel, 804 North Sixth it; farnlahed rooma at reasonable price. THE OR AND Newly farnlahed room by ' th weak or month. 2b3Mi Grand tva.- COMFORTABLY, ftirntahed rooms; privtts fam lly. 161 Lownadal at.j THE IDEAL rooming hoaM 968 Everatt; good hwmia at all rtrlcae. FURNISHED rooms by tbdy or weak, 66 North Fifth at. 0NB nicely fnrnlahed room for rent. Inquire al 827 Dsvle St. FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN B room flit, attic tnd basement. Esst , Twenty-fourth it., bet. Hawthorne, tnd Mad ison. , 5H01CB new 7-rootn fist, vry modern eon veasVac,' beat location. Pbon Esst 1300. MODERN B-room flat, cor. Plxoa.tnd Benton. Inquire 424 Larrabee. Phone Union 6684. NEW mod era 8-room fltt,'Fe0 Unloa tv., anr Holladay, 120. TO LET l-room flat; modern. Inquire st 868 Oak tt. FOR RENT STORES. ON Washington tt. Plst glass froat. elean tnd airy 1 liberal termi to right parties. Ap ply 80S Morrisn St. LA RGB store on First it. toltraL mt Lead C., 16 S First U FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB RENT rural. bed kosaekeeplnr roeaw la beet brick block ea Mat aide; gaa ranges, bath. .ta. ; no traual.aui price oxoderate. Logsa blk.. 1084 Unloa sva., earns Bast Aluer. Phone Ksst 424. NICELY furnlalied front cult kooMkMPlog ruocna, 8 blocks front Hotl Portland.- bat. . Morrlaoa and Yamhill its.; modern, rraaoaa. bl; gas. bath. pbon. 170Vt Teth st. 30 XnLalBY. tot. Tenth and Eleventh; 10 minutes' walk fro Union depot north: 3 pewly furnlahed booaekMpIng rooma complete; rent 10 par inouth. FURNI8HED houeekeeplng room from 110 per month up; gaa range, free pbon and uor Ca lais bath. I'M Columbia, 127 Lowosdalo It. DON'T fill to se sur housekeeping suites; rant ressoMble; walking distance; tranalenta; clM rooms. Ths ButUnd. 8101 Flrat St. , 10 PER MONTH 481 Second, corner Arthur! good location; upper floor of nlc boo; four row ma suitable for houeekeeplng. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooma, best psrt of city; ts free; rent 1 10 to 20j phone Mala 4601. I 64, care JouraaL FOUR furnished housekeeping rooma, 26; 9 sio, ana s fiv; gss, rine locality, dm Overton at, , ' THB MITCHELL, Flanders snd Seventh Rooms, housekeeping ana transient; oosvculeut; pries reasonable. - , HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS RaMOMbl ratM, electrl lights and pnona Included. BOlVk Water SL NICELY furnlahed housekeeping and stngls ruoma; gas. bath, phons. . 2714 Third at.- FURNISHED kooMkMplng-rooBis. SM sd pbon. gs per awntk. Sod Seventh at, 82T THIRD ST. Nicely fnrntabed room for 9, a par montn; nouaeseeping auu cueep. FURNISHED aad housekeeping tor reaL X.ll St SOXI LfSVHl St. - ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS room and board tor parmaamt people, au.ou aaaaan- per monia; tsois soar 14 psr WMk. A.tor beoss, 7tb aad Madlaoq sta. TaL Mala Xlt. EXCELLENT table hoard, 14.60 per week; alao newiy rurnianeo rooms, nudsra, Tta . WW Park, four blocks from portlaad hotel. THS ILLINOIS, 16SU Tenth Large handaeme xrooi ruoBi. witn sosra; single rooms suit able for gsotlemsB. BOOMS with board for persu sent tsoanta. reaaoaania; rirst-claat Sixth at. - awaking, . XS1 $20 FOB room tad board, on twe; refer. euc. a seat ismta at., h. GOOD rooms with bom cooking. 494 Bast ursnt at. 1'uooe gut S41S. BOOMS and board for gentle mea only; $20 p xoontn. nixta r., n. . . FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS.' FOB RENT Part ef bu.tneae efdce. Includ ing aa. of private offlc pboa. light, et. 146H Tklrd St., roaai 1. ALL ar port of farnlhd salts of offlc rooms. rms -location. - Call srternoons, zig Allekr bldg.- ." FOR RENT Deskroom snd everything fur- Bisaea. b. a. Jsctaoa ak Co,, s6 BUrk st. FOR RENT Centrally located office, wlU pnoM. at. a. usts, lis Bacon atraau DESK and office oora to rent. Inquire 983 sturrison ex., room ail. OFPICB-ROOMI Apply elevator. HOUSES FOR RENT-r-FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOB beat rsaaltt ea FURNITTJBB." Whttber to boy or Mil, ring ap Vara PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 911 First St. NICELY farnlahed t-roeta houa. complete, with piano; rent $30; 4 rooma apststrs can be rented for 847.60 per month: price S00; $260 cask, bslanc on yearv O 68. Journal. FURNITURB 7-roem houa for Ml; bona for rent, 20; price 1100; alao good reelauraat, 1000. Call ISk Flrat tt. 80 CASH, balance 10 per montk, bay 10- room rurm.nea nouse: rent uu. invMtigst this. Phon Main 8108. ALL or part ef furniture for sale, r will rent boa furnlahed.- 00 up lata; 8 rooass, modsrs. 463 B. Wtablngtoa at. NEW fnrnlrnr of modern fist 8260, If taken , at mci; rent 826: rooms rent tor $48 a month. 401 Flrat at. FUBNITURE ef 4-room bona for sale; boa as for rent, S monthly. 648 Fourth St. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOB - RENT Three front aofnrnlsbed bnnae keeplng rooma In private home; yard, pbon. bath, sink, pantry, closets; lft block to car; close In. Phone Eaat 4680. - LARGE airy anfurniabed rooma la print houa, 13 Including balk, phon and water. PnoM Ka.t HUM. . . THREB anfarnlsned rooms with phon and Mux. Pbona seat lniu. 10 Eaat inirtieta at. UNFURNISHED room, for maa tad wife eniy. Inquire 8811 Ksst Morrlaoa It. FOR RENT HOUSES. OWNERS AND AGENTS will find It to tnalr advantag to Hat their vacant hob and flat wltk ear Fre Rental department. Our vacant bona directory Bai became recog. Blsed Inatltutloa la Portland, hundred of . tenants being weekly placed la suitable quarters. We msks no chars whatever -tnd owner ahould tak advantage of thl service by calling at nur rantal departmenl ttd filling ia aa "Informstioa Blank." If yoa have a vseelt boas, paoo the psr. , tlculsrs snd leave the rest to M. W woa'l allow It to remain long id Is ' H. E. EDWARDS. HOL'SKFUBNIBBBB. - Free Rental Department. 186 to 101 Flrat St. RENT A HOUSE FROM US. 810 8-room house, 9 kits, poultry park, 883 Howe St. 16 Nice aew groom bos, 400 B. 37tk, Ml Clinton. - tli Furnlahed 8-room cottage, . 46th, seat BUrk. ' ' . i jlll DUNN-LAVRENCK COMPANY, imy, Klrat at. ' 18-ranm fnrnlahed boardlnr-honse. rent 840, price 1100; 800 csab will hsndl this, balance $40 Kr month. This Is a paying bene and will totter after tbs fair Is ver thai It Is now. H.' E. Edwards rantal dept., 186 1st at. FOR RENT 8-room house near Columbia snl verslty; bath, cellar; abed for horse; rest . reaeonahle for permanent tenants. Gus New nana. University I'trk, netr Baptlat church. FOR RENT Hooae tnd flat a. all part ef the city. Rental department TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, .tiB.Btark at. FOR BENT Modern new groom houae oa Union v., Juat ftnlahrd, reaaoa.hle rent to per manent party. 8ee-lee. 817 fraton bldg., 64 Sixth St. Pbona Front 172. . TV ART static. Moant Scott ear 4 Urn rooms, outhulldlnga, modern; partle vrttboof CBiiarea. rnrnitnr ror mi, can tne Me ne vus, Fourth and Sslmoo, A COMFORTABLE, convenient 8-room furnlahed , cottage oa K. Mth it. ; reasonable. Onindy. Melrath Co. , Phoae Bed 2071. 946A ktprrl on at. NEW B-room hooae and quart block. Hancock tnd EaH Twenty Sixth ate, 1.17.60. B. U. ' Lombard. 814 Chamber of Commerce. ' EE HERE !arr S-ronm bntst, finely located, east aide, for rent. 1.10 Eaat Bliteentb. Hat ter Inveetlgale If yoa are . permanent. FOR BENT Modern groom koo, all conven iencea, walking distance, rent rMSonsble, A8 Ksat Ssveatk St., near Osk. ' -BOOM flat, gss, bath, electrl light, 4 block ,to Wtablngtoa at,; rent $20; Would Mil lar itara. 08 NofU Trstk su ( JOURNAL "Want Ad" Rates UNDER ANY CL ASSIFICATIQJi . t Five Cents per Lhe . , " d tskea' for leoa'tkta 18 psr dsy. . Seven words, tt t rule, constitute a Baa, bat seek line tt charged regardlea f tk number t word a. .... WBEZXT BATE T raMrtion (bvalndmg a Issm) 80 CENTS pa Ua rr..m rtoslndlsg" an BosAsg stMM) $1.08 per line sex saMtk. ADTEBTTBZVENT mart V ta Tourasl M'isees eftos ky IS e'eleoh week Asyl s by 18 e'slsak tots -day area lag fas 11) Bojxdsy Isaus, to. sear ,lntularlM. Display Mtot gtvaa npoa tppUattasa at tk efsoa. THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES U)TlBTISIJOtKT9 Win b - received at regalar atata-ofSe ratM. - Follewln a. s flat ef eatkorlard asMto. who will forward year advutlee. meot la Una to pobUcarlca ta tk asst ;'- S0BTS bob. : ' H. A. Preatoa. dragflst, TsrMtylklrd and Tbsrmas atreeta. Nok HIII Pharmacy, 880 sTlttta strMt, earner Tweety-srst. A. W. A Ilea, pbarmtatst, Blxtoratk tad Msrahall atrett. MeCommoa'a Pharmacy, Mlarteaatfc sad Washlagtoa streets. SOtTTaT SXaTB. "' . -. Jones A Cow. draggtata, Froat aad Glhhs streets. Cottsl Drag sompasy, Flrat sad Oraut strsets. -. Fablta ByerleyJ dnjrgl't. 408 JafrartM trreef, eeviMr Tenth. Bettm' Phsrmssy, jara ' Btxta and Herri ao atreeta. - Plnmmer Drag eoapaay, 980 Third strMt. earner Madlsoa. . EAST BISX. - : W. B. Love, druggist, eoraar Oraad avian aad Kat Bornalde atreat. - - Nlchol A Thompson, 198 Bsasall stfMt, eornrr Alblna avenue. Janck Drug company, soraor Bawtherat tad Orsad sveuurs. W, 0. Cable, dragglst, eornef Botlsdsr venae aad Larrabee atrMt, near ateel bridge. x. R: wnf"- II Grand svasao, aaat Est Morrteod.. B. W. Ball. 968 Esst Beveath strert. eoraar SUpbeta, . . . . HI0BXABT. , "' B. I. Clark, druggist, 1008 Nortk UoJm s venae. . , . . , UBBYSIDB. 2. BL Worth, oharmscist, BBS Beiaaa, ! BBOOaXTB. Mtlwankis street' eOBM'' r(r,r1, aa AKUTA 0BIOOB. -Arlet rfcaraacy. Mora aad Fester atreeta ZIXW00O. -Hamttork'a Pharmacy. 88 Umatilla lva lue, corner Eaat Thirteenth ttrasU FOR RENT HOUSES. 116. $20 TWO. 8 and rooms, modern, nlc location, b. Nelson snd lul Mala and Tulr- tleUi. Phon Dr. Darling. 1U-ST0BT cottage, 6-rooms, nod kaaeroent. Kod condition, modern. $16 Eaat Nlalk t Market and Mill at. FOR RENT T-room boom,. 671 Best Stark. . . Apply to Oglcsby Young, Chamber of Com. f NEW groom sous with bath, 18 per month. svppiy ax arag axors, n.rn 1 ara, ait. ocotx FOR BENT New 8-room ottaf. nicely fnr alehed; $20. 1088 Froat tt. TaL Wet 9867. S-ROOM bona, very raonabl. Inqalr of xxurna, tn grocr, ist -inira St. ,t, NEW T-rooca boa. Nob Hill, all modern eoa . venlences. Pbon Main 8707. ; , .. . NEW kouae, reasonable, on East Tnlrty-foartk L Phoa Eaat 4104. 8-BOOM sou as . tor rant, , farnlahed. -, Baron's snos store. . 480 FAILING BT. For rant, modern 8 room; bath. ga. , FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Highly improved 2S-ers plac. II fenced and in cultivation, rick anil, neat 4-room house, good bama and other balld Inge, choice fruit; st railway station, ( 10 Bile out; a very convenient auhurbao home, THB DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, leOVi First St. FARM FOR RENT. 27 tcrat near Troutdale, In good state of eultlvstlon. rich land, fins for ksy, garden, etc.; rood bouse, barn, family orchard; 1 mils R. R. suttoo; rent raasooahle. Se Mr. U. Hayne, 820 N, 18th St., er 106V4 4th St., room 88. FOR rent or sals, S level land with 8-room - bouM, barn. 1 horse, 1 cow. 3 wagon and other Implements. Inqslrs 1088 Holgats at.; Woodstock car. - TO RENT A wbest ranch sf 3.680 a free, with or without stork; this Is s euap, but mnat he tsken tt sncs. 206 Morrlaoa t.. room viu FARM to rant tt once. Apply 918 Esst Taylor St., N., Fortlsnd; reference. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BENT 100x100 northeast corner at Third and Madison sts. for present occupancy (liv ery t.ble or otherwise. Apply to Eaute of D. P. Thompson, No. 7 Flrat t BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB BALE On account of alckneae, nice, clean, money-making bnslnee on Mat tide; Mice from 18 to $38 per day; price 41.400, r will Is voice: no agenta wanted. O 60. Tb Joaraal. $S,nno CASH A strictly gllt-dred Invratnaenl; will yield quick returns; closest Investiga tion given to party mesnlnr bnslneas; ap agenta. Address E 68. car Journal. IF you want a good country store. -1 hav a fw good on for aale from $2.000-$16,00O, any on of which will -tsnd closest lavestl gallon. F. Kucha,, 140H rirst St. WANTED Psrty to loin an light aianu- racturinr pianx, j,o" ,i"-";i , , ". T. tale. If roa mean buslnraa call 1110 Ksst . 1 giual 1 .J Kir BX., US puvue mmm wv FOR SAI.B Fine line of mll!!nry snd ladle.' furnl.lilng goods la live town of 1,600; n ' cellent opportunity! 00 com petition. K 42. car JoarnsL 'r IF wanting strictly flrat-claaa Investment, gold ' or coal stock, gnaranteed or otherwlM, seat Tliomtoa, 31T CUsmber of Commerce, 1mm dlately. . . , FOR BALE Barber-ebep 8 eh sirs; modem for- nltnrs. long less; on Third st.; 830 rant; a tntp. for $1.700. . Addreaa C 68, Journal FOR BALB 8m.11 bosln-as ch.ncee requiring from $40 to $260 capital. BuslnsM Men's Clearing Houae. 110 Second it. HOTEL with bar tnd dining-room for Ml er trade; will sell bslf Interest to the right psrty. Address 0 40, Journal, .. . MILLINERY STORE: good loeattoa. locT bust . ness snd a good buy. If Interested call tt , 36 Morrtaoa at., room 311. WHEN looking foe a locatln. 1the etty ec country, mil oa tk NorthwMt Lead Ce. 968 Morrlana t. room 311. , WANTED Stock grocerle or empty jtnr to rent I aend fnll particulars Is first. Addreaa , 0 61, rare Joarnal. - COMPLETE wagonmeker' tnck and too la I . lively town for Mia. Inquire of . Bilbtvy, 8.126 Good paying reataurant ; best I treat en aat aloes $200, balaace eaay tortna. Addreae 4J 43.jajrnal. YOUNG lidy would Ilk to Inveat small . capital la a paying bu.lneee. . AddreM B t2, car Jonrs.L FOR SALS Cheap, battannllk w.gna' Vlth good bnalneas; without ken. Ctll VH tfurlh . I'lftMBtk at. ', . : , : . -1 ' ' " -u.