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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
- ' . . . , . . onzcorr Sunday jcjijai; fohtlaud. cu::day .i:c:;i:;a.. octoi i t izzs. , ' . 1 r 1 1 .,.; t,.,,,..-..,- I !1 RSAL ESTATE NEWS j TLcro b TCc: n Foot cf R.C2l E:t3 cr a Hen col Co Cc'-J fc? All Ifo Vcrth if ic ;3uPc:irt-i( .. .. . S -The transfer of the northwest corner f Sixth and Oak streets to Uwli and bis associates thla week la taken by the atreet to. forecast another Urn building,-but those connected with the dee have nothing daflalta to ear. " It : la wsll known that some of the baayjr Portland pro party ownara have been ax- . pectant of a akysoraper ,ln thla city, and every tlma that an advantageous tract ta taken by man of Urge capital tba rumor la eurrent that tba daa! pre cedes most Important building opera, tlona. This tract, facing the alta ehoaea by tba Wella-Fargo company for a 1S etory structure, ia aecapted aa additional rsason why a akyacrapar ahould ba put upon tba cornar. SUtb atraat and Ita vicinity aaam to ba tba scans for tha largest building eontamplatad In tba , near future, and thera aaama to ba a concerted movsmant to gather a heavy percental of office and retail business - Into thla section. Until tha lease of tha baggage company expires, which will be soma tlma early next year, the purposes of tha purchasers will not ba known. . Filing bptlona for some of the North ern Pacific terminal purchases this . week carried a measure of disappoint went for the dealers, aa tba considera tion paid for tha property waa usuall withheld. Tbara waa keen Interest throughout north and property owners , regarding prices paid for thla terminal land. ' Some believed that tba railway company had paid mora than the pre vailing price, whlla 'othara thought that ' he average waa lower. Decision of : tha question waa expected when the . deeds-, were recorded, but tha first papers filed' mentioned aomlnal consid erations and tba real price la not In dicated. Varloua suggestions have been offered why tha full consideration waa not pub lished. It la tba general aentlment that other land la yet to ba secured and that possibly th purchaser Is not ready to reveal tha 'prevailing prices, so- aa to gain whatever advantage may be derived from secrecy In later work. This . theory has no confirmation In further negotiatlona by agenta of the railroad : company, as It wss given out that tha water front property and the tract ba tween Twelfth. Ninth; Hoyt and Front waa sufficient for all terminal facilities. Should . the company desire , to build large docks. It bss sufficient water front for thia work, all altuated most conveniently for the - depot 'grounds There la no need for further purchases. ao far aa tha promulgated plans Indi cate, but carrying out a project of the magnitude of that popularly credited to tha Great Northern and Northern Pa clflo might force . euch contingencies later, and It la tha part of wisdom te protect tba company for all futura work, When superficial Information regard ing the deal for the traot or tha Scott hotel alta were made public, there waa general surprise, among realty men at tha figure, 160,000. Further particulars explained the transaction, showing why ths Messrs. Malarkey could get a figure that tha owner would not have made to any other, and that the market value of -thafc tract. If It had not been Incum be red by a long-term lease, would have aeon so to (0 per cent higher. Two years ego at tha time C. A- T J. and J. A. Malarkey built tba Scott hotel on thla alta they obtained a le- year- leaaa on tha properly at 1180 a month "amt wjr "option -to purchase for ito.ost. This option waa In tares un til three or four months ago. ' . After It expired negotiatlona were entered Into again and for the past three months an option baa been, held at 150.000, Which was taken up thla weak. Owing to tha long lease, which waa made at a tlma when land values In that dis trict were not high and on tha basis of the existing, market price, tha ownet felt that he would not get any benefit for the enhanced value of realty for 10 years more and would rather get hla money out of tha property ao tbal ha could reinvest It The tract embraces half of tha ir rearular block between Sixth, Seventh. Ankeny " and Burnslde streets, facing on Seventh, and extends mora than lot by 100 feet At the prices for which property has been passing In that vicin ity tbls property would ordinarily have brought U6.000 or 1.0,000. Tha Oregon Savlnga bank has rented tha northeast corner of Sixth and Washington streets and early after the first of tha year will commence work on extensive renovations and Improve ments, to make of tha corner a com modious modern bank. Tha bank se cure a 40 feet on Washington street and 0 feet on Sixth, covering the tract now occupied by a cigar store, res taurant, saloon and repair shop. Ths building Is a two-story brick. An ex penditure of about 110,000 will ba made in putting tha comer In abase for oc cupancy of tha bank, tha Improvements Including a modern plate glaaa front on twa atreeta. A lt-year lease has been taken on tha property with option for extension at the expiration of that time. .-.. a W. C Morris, caabler af tha bank, left for Ban Franctaoo laat night for tha purpose of making a cloaa study of banking Institutions of that city with tha purpose of gathering the moat ad vanced Ideaa regarding arrangement and office economies. A modern safety de posit vault ayatem will ba Included In tha bank, the plan of which will beJ worked out by Mr. Moms, ho win be absent a week or 10 day a About the first of tha year tha present tenanta of tha property will vacate, when remodel ing will begin Immediately. A period of 40 to 00 daya will be required for thla work, after which time tha bank iLLADAn ADDITION For Sale A new 1-roora cottage, all OonveiMancea, full cement basement; streets different and better than any thing In the city: fully Improved; a very desirable location; convenient to two trolley tinea Sea the modem, complete, unique, t-room residence, corner nth and Clackamas eta Ready October It. Ixta sold on advantageous terms . to hemebullders. ... C3fa Oregon IXealEstate Co. . NH Third SV at 4. wiif be ready ta move Into Ita new quartera. "Residence, property f Portland! es pecially on the east aide of the .river, la selling- for less than a third what tba aama sort of property brings In Io Angelea altuated at tha aame relative distance from tha business center. This and many-other facta make Portland residence realty tha beat purchase that eaq be bad In tha weat today." Portland's champion In these ' sen tences waa Mr. Oourlay of the .Arm ' Of Parish Oourlay, who haa spent many years In tha realty businssa In Los An geles, n He recently came here. Us waa ready with many comparisons In favor of thla city, which are 'better under stood when reduced to ' exact flgurea, aa follows; ... - In Los Angelea tba beat residence property oannot be had olosa Into the business center. ' Popular districts have been built up where tha fashionable homes have been reared and you must take a car ride of at leaat 10 minutes to get to the best .residence property. This Is to ba away from the rumble of bualness. get freshsr -air and free dom from confined quartera. There wa find property soaring to high figures, because It embraces . all of tba ele ments of a good home. "The aama will ba true In Portland In time. There ia no reason on earth why residence property v on the west side ahould ba so much higher than equally desirable and perhaps more comfortable places on the eaat atde. Much of the central part of tha eaat side is not to exceed a lt-mlnute walk from the businssa center. Thla means ssven minutes on the ear, and yet this property Is selling for a small frac tion of what ia being brought by large areas on tha weat aide. "This bridge .bugaboo is nothing. When the bridge tenders are .properly regulated so that - they do not keep draws otfanlbritsr than la actually necessary there will be no perceptible delay in crossing tha river.' Streetcar service la coed and you will aee that -In a few years the finest homes of Port land will be put In your, oeauurui auo- urban districts. Instead of central realdenee property going to figure far above the suburbs desirably situated, tha reverse will ba the case, and the man wanting to erect a mansion will pay more for a tract well out of tha business center than ploss to the noisy business center. Then '20 and 10-mtn-ute car (idea will be nothing whatever. Of course.' thera will be rapid improve ment In tba car service for all tha sub urbs. But these are natural and Inevi table developments which are aa aura to ba features of city life In the' fu tura as Portland grows." "Why la it that thera ia such a dif ference la the.valuea of realty on the north and tha south sides of a Una drawn across the weat sldv district somewhere near Main, Taylor or Sal mon f Tha question waa put by one of the most prominent realty owaera of Port land, who la a hsavy business man and owna property in many sections of the city. Me emphasised hla question by aaylng that a good baseball tosser oould stand on a 115.000 or 120.000 lot In soma parts of the city adjacent to thls Intangible dividing line and throw a ball close to a lot that could La bought for from $4,000 to $1,000. This throw, be, says.-may -be made down any of' four or Ova prominent atreeta where thera ta no change in tba street ear aervlce. where Improvement do not vary .much and in a direction which is more alghtly and elevated for residence property. . ;-.'- .This statement Incited an Inquiry. with the result that It waa found a re markable difference in price existed on either aide of a general dividing line Indicated. But the investigation re vealed the further fact that a change la being worked. There has been keen interest In the south-central district of late - and many purchases are being made for flats, apartment-houses and residence properties. Conceding that the trend of business would be to the north, these buyers have been hasten ing to get good residence property out of the lines of business expansion, which la to be held strictly aa residences. The central-south district offers Ira mense areas of such, and It aaema cer tain that some of ths heaviest flat and apartment-house building to be taken up the next year or two will be In this direction. A series of nine new residence prop erties in the vicinity , of Second and Haasalo and Third and Multnomab streets haa lust been completed by Paiiat Oourlay and tha first two of tha lota were sold lata thla week aa homes, tha consideration for the two being approximately ,11,600. Each of the houses - is a two-story structure with aeven rooms and la commodious. modern and neat. The demand for each property haa been crowing rapidly of late, especially in tha oantral part of the east side, and tbara la prospect of many capitalists entering Into the work of building, and selling to home' seekers. ( " T. J. Hammer haa sold to Annie Her rol the southeast corner of First and Ash streets for 111,150. Tha property waa owned by Mr. Ooldschmldt and Is occupied by tha 3. M. Arthur Machinery company. No improvements on the eorner are contemplated for tha Imme diate futura at least. . , W! M. Lad haa juat sold to H. Wemme the one half block on Everett street between Eleventh and Twelfth treats for 125.000. Tba aale waa made by Goldsmith A Co. Mr. Wemme does not state the purpose of the deal, but It la understood that there will ba im provements made aa soon aa tha ten anta can be secured. - . ,, , The triangular cornar bounded by Washington and Twenty-third atreeta and Cornell ftpad having I feef on Waah lngton, 110 on Twenty-third and 118 feet on the Cornell road waa sold today by E. J. Daly- Thla la tha second time Mr. Daly haa aold thta property In 00 daya. which showa the great activity in upper Washington street during the laat few montha. The name of the new owner and price are withheld at present A F. Svenssca & Co. 2iiyt WASHINGTON STREET.'.. PARRiSH. VMTKIN5 & CO. Established 1ITI REAL ESTATE AJT8) JOAJr ASSETS 250 Alder Street . INVB8TOR8. 8BB Qmartea-aloek, llth and Thurman; four nouses, room tor more: price thou .. sands lesa than othara in aame vlcia- uunwuMi, inn and Northmp: per- ieci ror nata or apartmenf-nouse; ehaan. Qnarter-bloek, good Income; right In moii popular location ror rapid ad vance. I see $10,000 profit In thla la K uinn lima. Brlek building , paying 11 par cent: on iracuoruti 101 in neart 01 Heavy Dual, nees district. One lot on llth St. switch, between uiisan ana Hoyt; rents 1710 per an. num.. I can SUBDlv anv raasonahla diminili or investor or epecuiator. R. M. WILBUR, 306 McKay B'd FIRE SALE PALMS Stock Removed to 145 First St. BAROAINS ' For Next Week I ,a 12-room bouas oa Twntyvaccond street. " 7-room house on Kearney street. 5- room bouse on Wheeler street. 6- room house on York street. . ' - . 6-roora house on Twenty-first street. Two flats on Seventh street . Corner lot, Seventh and Montgomery. 50x100 on North Park street. Corner lot on Twenty-second street. block on North' Park street. , Yt block on Ninth street. V i block on Ninth street ,-: " yi block on Burnslde street Three S-room bouses on East Madison street - 16- acre tract near Water Reservoir. 17- acre tract near Mount Scott car line. ; Property. Owners Who desire to sell their property at fair market prices will find it ad vantageous to list It with us. Ws have numerous Eastern customers (or GOOD business and WEST SIDE residence property. ' A. F. Sweossoo & Co. 253 WASHINGTON STREET. Phone Main 3055. Portland ' . i e " " The Way. V V VEOOlA Y '.at The GDcry Is Over! "The Benefit Now Begins. The greatest advertising cam paign of the Pacific coast has ended in a blaze of glory. : To day begins the campaign for profit from that advertising. Portland mast now follow up its wonderful advantage, and grow and grow , and grow. But we cannot sit down and watch it. Not any. . We must go after, the people who have become interested, the indus tries which are needed and the enterprises already looking our way. ' . '. , v Eatabltshex tn 1888 For Inside Property (See ith & Company Real Estate ' Brokers ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL 442 Sherlock Building Etabllhej In 1888 I 0 I Crest ...... - ' . , . of the Peninsula No city ever had such an id- mirable location for its future growth as has Portland in its ' beautiful peninsula. Magnifi cent factory sites' with tha greatest facilities for transpor . tatioa ever presented to the trading world.' ' 'All backed by a residential seo . tlon unsurpassed for ' beauty, ', commerce and economy by any. 'i- city on earth. The Future of the Peninsula is - beyond all question one of tre- mendous growth and Vernon is the crest of the Peninsula, 7 , V VEKIWM Tq O ! 7 Thi?g V esm sa - Talk Up! Talk Up! Talk Up! Talk Up I Talk Up! -1' There is no doubt about It. . Oa . out today. See the splendid lots we are still selling at the . first prices, from (90 to (100, in the face of very sharp ad vances made by almost every ' other property owner out there. . City wate tV sidewalks, graded streets all ready now. Will start your bouse tomorrow if you wish. . , But if you want profit select a lot today. Just a little money secures a contract. A smaller monthly payment holds it and the sure profit is yours. Take a Vernon ear today", Sec ond and. Washington: Right " to the heart of it. ,..- -Moore tavestmeet Coe STREET SIXTH At the Sign of the Biff V DOUBLE YOUR MONEY SMOO Strictly modem. up-to-date, niniDnaoi r-rwra, well residence district, . west aide. .. .: S4S0e Vary swell, colonial t-room resl- . Ilehta and all other modern con . Tenienoss; cornar lot. elosa In, east aide. It'a a Jeauty. fSSOO Very attractive S-acre lot. with fWDanjini ,-iwib i ..tu.uto, ' (rontlne oa elactrto ear line. It'a . a beauty. S8S80 Vary desirable SO-acre farm, all . xancaa ana m Buiuf.iiun; inn , S-rooni dwelling, barn tiTd other butldinss; living water. S eows, horae, wa;on, harness and (arm i . Implements.. SISOO i Nice, new -room resldenoe. fall lot. Eaat 17th s treat, one block t11fYttne lot on Weldler Street. I Ox llUUloo, with cement sidewalk. d -gQQljtMxlOS on tUat Pine $ccAt0xl0O on Clinton street, on good, car jiBfc $7CrtEst Thirty-ninth and Batmont, Wisl0S; sawar. sidewalk and atraat unproreo.' .. ' S 600781' Xount Abor. : -... ' . $ 850 Vtrwe)tr E Ta,,0, $Ocr Full block In Woodstork. near OJW car and uader owltlTatlon, $ 25011' rort,and Halehta.' - PC2TU5D TCIIST C0XPA5Y CF CZECON ies SlSSO--Beantlfal -room eottaee, 99x uu-iooi lot. cioaa in, easi siae. It's a anap. SI 000 Nice S-room cot tare, S lota: a loveiy noma, ana diock et. jonns cars. f TPS Oood S-acre place, partly Im proves, excellent ror poultry or garden ranch. Oak Grove. S S0O I acres, frontlna; on Estacada eiectrio railway, nouse ani Darn, , llvlna; water. The bltaaat bar-S-aln of the day. Don't forret we are tha leaders for bargains In stylish and Improved city reeidencea of every character and price, city buslneea Investments, vacant lota, farms and ualmproved acreage. Toull never. And tha bargains until yoa sea THE DUNN.' LAWRENCE CO. J. W. Ogifbee . BOOK 11. 14,, SIBST ST. $1750 $1000 m acres garden land on east slope Mount Tabor, sightly: a Ana place for heme a ad very reasonable price. Two choice lota lvxl9 feet, with aaw t-reom cottage, en Hell wood ear Una; Una loca- . v ttorv: moeuy new reeidenoea; cheap. 1JSS aeree. with a fair amount af aider, marts and fir timber: would make fine farm land; finely watered. In Cowl Ita county. Weahmgton. T miles (root rail toad, at only ft per acre. BARGAINS SISOO I -room modern eottage, lot fOx 100, Eaat 17th. near GUaan. S1S7S s-room house, good location. East list and Pine. SISOO S-room modern eottage, Eaat llth and Ankeny atreeta. SSSOO (-room, new. strictly mod'ern house, Eaat llth and Davis sta ' 7 ASSES. , 40 acres, mllss from here, ill per acre. Thla la a good investment 110 acrea, II mllee southeast of Ore gon City; good soil: stream running through the placet Hera la your chance to make money. I and 10-ecre tracts en the O. W. P. R. IU. 12i per acre. - T V. SCHMID 109 Grand Ave., fcsst Side ffarebose Property 100x200 on Thirteenth and Love joy, with brick Warehouse paring per cent net oa asking price. x - . also '.- 2 vscsnt quarter blocks on Thirteenth street. For prices and terms see KNAPP & r.IACKEY JRoom 2 Chamber of Commerce. Washington St. lOOxloe eorner. 11 per eent net Income .flT.100 10x100. partly Improved 11.000 Corner, unimproved, ever I lota.. 1,000 I2I.00O First street, brick near Mor-i rlsnn; S "per rent net $l.S4 flats. Tenth, near Morrison; rents IK per month. $l.(e 11. Tenth, corner nan dare: rents f- par month. loealoe. Sixteenth strtet; rents 111 par month. J,lo Noe Hul lot; snap. B. JJ DALY sss TAttxar s&s A Bifj City That s big city will be built on the high' tableland between ths Willam ette and Columbia Rivers, no person acquainted with ths situation doubts for s minute. The rsOxosds, mills, factories and wharves now building along the waterfront that surrounds thia high land .will make s heavy de mand for homes and business then. University Park Is ths center of this high tableland. It is within easy walking distance of every part of the Peninsula where any enterprise may locate or can lo cate. It is ths only addition on the Peninsula that has Bull Run water, alleys, wide streets, s great university, boulevards and a building restriction. The better class on the whole Penin sula will seek homee at University Park, on account of the respectability of the place. The retail buainess dis trict of the Peninsula must neces sarily be at University Park on ac count of its convenience to every part. On account of the restrictions at Uni versity Park tha Whitechapel and shimmy districts will be elsewhere, but the bis hotels, department stores. banks, fine homes, etc., will be on the wide streets of University Park. Prices Jumping fVtM4i haw. wee Inttft Ka kmmmIa or get left. Prices will be advanced again November 1st. Yea, again, be- rrnnmm thla ejrfll Ml k. eKa. fi-.. m et. - . . vw w. a. a . hvi ui. last Jump, Hear ma I Prices of lots in universtry ran wui oa aavencea 25 each, Novsmbef 1st, 1905. Pres ent prices are tlOO to (330 each. Terms S pet cent cash, balance H-13 4ft a) , a. . s to i ixii per noma par lot, no inter, rt 11 tU rxymetta i (til on er be- "ii i. 3 t eLal J AeJ W...V, This Is thzltczo to Buy. PortUcd Prcr tles Are Sure to Advsncc. $osoo r22 cinnn syt VVV AVe $1700 Si 150 lESXTELJr1 "aeap-i sapasjaam ' Soma ffcaa faawae. sanall aa laewa few aato usssaahlsi axaw ge4 ssssi . jaj exchanga. A. H. BIRRELL Foster Plccc Situate en Ifontavfll ear Una and W , berg Laute, haa been divided late , Acre Trccto ' and ta offered for aale at vary Reasonable Prlzzh Tot partiealars, prleea aad saap, quire ''.. P. V. ArrcT3 C: C.t A