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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, CUNDAY MORNING. OCTOCI!!l 2, tfC3. 4?m FLEET 10 DE DUSY v. f . ' Building of North" Bank Road : Will Civ Work to Many Launches.' CM ALL CRAFT TO BE . PROVISION CARRIERS Active and Conititudon, Belonging to ' Merrill Brother, Are Chartered . : Princess May WOI Run as Inde pendent Trading Boat. By ' immi mt railroad ' construction ' work down the aorta bank of the Co lumbia rlvr a new f lld la being opened trp (or the gaaolin launches owned by ' Portland men. Th Active, belonging to ajerrlll Brother, waa chartered yester day to the Northers fnclnc to be used a aipioh boat along- the rout of he new . railway. She waa taken to Vancouver yesterday afternoon and will be put Into active servto at once- be tween (he barrack! city and point on the eppc river. .- , . ' The Constitution, also owned by Mer rill Brother, waa chartered by the lami corporation a couple of weeks ago and placed In commission above The Utiles. Other local launchmen have re ceived Inquiries for boats and before the construction of the new railway is far advanced It I probable that every avail abl small craft la Portland will be en gated by the company. -- Camp are belnc established all along the. rout of the proposed road and it Is cteld that a largo fleet of small boats will be required to transport supplies. Believing' that they oaa make mora by uigaglng la business for themselves, some of the launch owner' are contem plating converting their vessel Into trading boats and having them make regular trip up that way this fall and season. Randall Brothers, who own the prtnc Stay, have decided to do this and the boat Is now at Supple' s ship yard being pat In shape to engage In the traffic. ' Several week before the fair closed, the launchmen had about arrived at the conclusion that they would soon have a lot of useless property on their hand. Borne of them even went so far a to try to sell their boat at half coat, feeling certain that all business for them would end with the closing of the exposition. But Instead of offering the craft for ' als now they are thinking seriously of letting contracts for the . building of additional boat a It 1 said that the Northern Paclflo will want a 'large fleet of the "mosquito" , description for at least a year. Furthermore, It. is de clared that- the company prefer charter ing vessels to building them, . . , - BUSINESS PROSPEROUS. raUare of California Wheat Crop Oaased " - - . Pemsad rot Brain. Captain .Oeorg D. Gray, president of th California Oregon Coast Steamship company, was a paasenger on th Alli ance, which . arrived.- last night from Eureka and Coo bay. In addition to th Alliance his company own the Aberdeen and Ktaepatch which make regular trips between ' Portland and points down th coast. " i , , i "I am Just making a trip over the tout,' said ths captain last evening, to see how matter are progressing. , I : never saw th country look more pros perous. Th demand for Oregon lum ber at Ban Francisco Is particularly good. Heavy wheat shipments will also be mads to California during th balance of th fall and winter. Contrary to th general belief there Is vary litU of It hipped 1 from her down there being exported. It 1 for- home consumption. Th California wheat crop was badly damaged by th hot wave In June and th yield was light. Had It not been (or that California would have had grain of It own for export purposes instead f having to draw so hsarlly on Ore gon. Captain Gray said that th business ' men f Coo bay are confident that they ' will soon have . railroad connection with th main brancn of th Southern Pacific and they are Jubilant over th outlook. . Asked if th railroad would have any effect on th steamboat traf fic out of Coo bay he declared that he Is of th opinion that It would prov of a decided benefit t it, ' r The railroad will bo th mean of opening up the country," be explained. Irvirig's Buchu Wafers Are a Guaranteed Cure cAU Kidney Troubles If You Are Suffering From Pain in the Side '"If Tour Bones . Ache i.-s: If Your Vision is Impaired " ; If You Have Loss of Appetite ' If You Have Swelled Feet- ' If You Have Pains in the Back You Have Kidney Trouble : IRVING'S BUCHU WAFERS are doing wonders for people- out'of health and suffering from Kidney ailments, and are a safe and 'sure.'-, tonic 'for "Nervous," "Tired Out," "'Run Down" men and women., Thev never fail to give energy, . strength and vigor. You've no idea how much good thev will do you till you try them. , . " : ; ' ; CUT OUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT and send it with your full name and address to the Irving Drug Company, Philadelphia, and a free package will be mailed to you promptly, or ask your druggist and he will sell you a full tired box. : - , .'' ; ''.-. :; :.'-' ;'. : Price, 50 Cents C. 0 CUiaor. & .Co., Druggists, 157 Third St, Sole Agents .ior Portland, Oregon, :. , ..... v;;.;-- - W,,.,; X'. ;f "As new Industries are tbllld that Motion will become more populous. In every community many of th people would rather patronise the boats and It undoubtedly will be the oase down that t when the railroad Is In operation The Alliance came In Command of Captain Ahlstrom. who succeeded .Cap. tain Hard wick at Eureka. But the for mer will assume charge of the Aberdeen at Portland and Captain Kelly will take permanent - command ' of the Alliance. The steamer brought a' big cargo of freight but' only "If passengers, th smallest number she baa carried for al most a year. , . , ' BACK FROM ALASKA. Oat. Jam T. Bray Bays Talrbaais Was Banner District. CaDtaln James T. Gray has returned from Alaska, where he has been steam boating during - th season between Tanana' station and the thriving mining town of Fairbanks. Hs say th Yukon and Its tributaries have been at an un usually good boating stag this summer and consequently th several transpor tation companies prospered, only on wreck occurred during the season, a small sternwheeler by th , nam of Power running Into a anag and sinking. Shs was loaded with mining machinery. and the moat of it was recovered. 'It Is estimated," said the captain this morning, "that the gold production of the Fairbanks district amounted this year to fully 17,000.000, more than twlo the yield of the previous season. , It was th banner district in the far north, tak ing' the lead of Dawson for the first time. But Dawson is a great gold camp and' will continue to be for year to oome. Preparations are being made to use dredge there in mining operations. and when this plan baa been carried out there will be a greater annual yield of metal In th district than ever bef or. While this method will increase the gold production the population of th dtatrlot wilr necessarily decrease, as 14 men can do as much work with a dredge a 1(0 could under th old method of- mining." SALE OF JUNK. Uncle Basa Witt Dispose of Quantity of Condssaaed Jti awisl. Condemned material valued at some thing Uk 110,000 and lying at th gov. rnment mooring opposite Bt Johns wlU be sold by Unci Sam to th high est bidder November IS. Th articles for sale-ar parts -of ths government plant which hive been used for many years in the improvement of the Willam ette and Columbia river. 1 In th outfit can be found everything from nail to team boiler and locomotive. Proposals for their purchase were is sued yesterday. A' partial list of th good to oe sold follows: l.ltl feet of hose, t.tti pounds of rope, 7,000 pounds of scrap, on steam boiler, two loco motives, SI, 634 pounds of wrought iron, 1.180 pound of sheet Iron, 4M41 pound of cast iron. J,I70 pounds of , cast Iron wheels, 7,711 pounds of galvanized pipe. . . 5ul,,a f lron plp, V . Dound,J of lead pipe, 1,100 pounds of wire grat ings, 1,9(0 pound of tln.r TO assorted blocks, It assorted cars, six steam drill. two concrete mixer, on propeller, one centrifugal pump. 10,000 pound of rail, two rock crushers. (,111 feet of wire rope, three sand washers, on hydraulic ram, on steam hollar and 14 hoisting engines. MARINE NOTES. AatoriarOctl 1L Condition of th bar at i p. m.. smooth; wind northwest: weather cloudy. Arrived down at t and sailed at :4S a. m., steamer Aber deen, for Cray's Harbor. Arrived at and left up at I a. re-' steamer Alliance, from Coo Bay and Eureka. Arrived at T and left up at 11 a. m., steamer Co lumbia, from Ban Francisco. Arrived down at I a. m- German bark Ellbek. Ballad at I a. m., schooner Virginia, for San Francisco. Arrived at IS noon, steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. Balled at. 1:!0 p. m schooner Oakland, for San Francisco, left up at I p. m., hlp unanes JO. Jdoooy. Arrived at l p. i French bark Touralne, from Baa Fran cisco. ' Baa Francisco, Oct 11. Arrived at a. m., steamer Costa Rica, from Port land.- Arrived, schooner W. F. Jewett; rrom Columbia river. -. , Hobart Oct 1L Sailed September IS. rrencn para Asia, xor rortiana. - TO HONOR MEMORY OF ; GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS ' Th Swedish singing club, Columbia, will honor th memory of Qustavu Adolphua on Saturday night November 4, by an entertainment to be given at the Taylor street Methodist Episcopal church, corner of Third and Taylor streets. Madame Norllt- on of th best known Swedish soloists, will assist in th' concert. Gustavus Adolphua 1 th Oeorg Washington of Sweden; he was killed during the hattle of Lytsen, November t, 1432, during th Thirty Tears- war. . . CRT BAKES USE OF Something From Evjry County in- Oregon, Shown at Fair. , in New Collection.' CHAMBEfc OF- COMMERCE ARRANGES SHOW ROOM Everything From Fruit to Seaahell Will Be Put on Display Stuffed Livestock One of the Features Fish. Too, Will Be There, Something from every eounty In Ore gon I to be incorporated In a great ex hibit of product that la now being mad up by th chamber of commerce from the exhibits at the. Lewi and Clark exposition. " Th display will be erected In . th large showroom of th organisation on the second floor of th Chamber of Commerce building, wher annually thousand of visitors In th tat call to register and inspect- th products of Oregon. . , The new exhibit will Include all kinds of agricultural, horticultural, river and ocean product and manufactured goods but nothing that la not a product of Oregon. There will bo hundred of Jar of premium fruit. Five pyramid stands, oases with glasa door and show cases of th ordinary kind will be utilised to display many of th specimens. Th finest peaches In th world, a Jar of Early Crawford sent from Jackson county to the exposition, where they took first prise, have been secured lor the chamber's exhibit. There will be displays of grains, grasses, nuts, mineral water, soaps, honey, many different kind of wood,- pris applea from Hood River and Rogue river valley and many specimen of mineral from all part of th stat. Stuffed livestock will be a feature. A large Oregon rami' mounted and ex hibited at th exposition, has been arted to th chamber of commerce, to gether with a squash weighing 70 pounds, from Marlon county. This was not the largest squash at the exposition. There were other weighing 140 pounds. But th 70-pounder was th only on th chamber could secure. , . Th exhibit Include many specimens Of Pacific coast flan, including Taquina bay flounders, crab and oyster. In the. mining exhibit Till be installed a quicksilver reduction plant, invented by n Oregon man, showing th process by which th cinnabar product of southern Oregon ar reduod to marketable quick silver. It haa been loaned by th United States government to th chamber. Formerly it was in th Smithsonian In stitution. - On of th novelties la a gorgeous Ian mad by ' B. Thomas of Lincoln eounty from sea shell. Th language of th sign is: "Glimpses of th Sea Shore at Newport, Oregon, the Bummer and Winter Resort of the Pacific? FAIR STATEMENT EXPECTED A FORTNIGHT . Administration Fore Is Busy Compiling Reports; Which Will Show Success. Within a fortnight it Is eipeeted that th stockholders of th Lewi and uark exposition corporation will receive from the off lolal who managed the enterprise complete and full report of th vast business transacted and th result of th fair, financially and otherwise. It waa the aim of President Goods and ths other officers to compile their re port early as possible after th clos ing. Each of them la anxious to get all the business cleaned up. 'But they hav been compelled to wait for the reports of those under them. The di rector of a division must first obtain his Information from to director of th departments in his division and this work is consuming mors time than was expected. - Meanwhile th AdmlnlsmU'Gn build ing 1 a lively a ft- over was. It 1 evident at thl time that none,of th report will be of a discouraging .na ture. Tb financial statement wlU b especially gratifying, aa will th report of the department of admissions. Th latter wiU show, according to on offi cial, that within to days after th open ing of th fair th percentage of free admissions was cut down from. 4T per cent to 41 per cent and that at th time of closing not more than t per cent of th total admission were free. This, if true, will make an admirable showing alongside of th condition which ex isted at previous fairs. FOUR FROM PORTLAND : WILL ADDRESS AD MEN Lewis H. Merts, secretary-treasurer of the Paclflo Coast Advertising Men's As sociation, was In th city yesterday en rout to Seattle, where he wUl attend a oonventlon of th association October tt-tt. It la estimated that th associa tion increased its membership to 200 as a reauit or in eeaxu meeting. Eight advertising men of Portland will attend and practically every city on th' coast will hav a delegation. Fol-1 lowing is a program of th speeches, that will be delivered at th meeting: Allan C Hoffman, New Tork. "Ad vertising th Playground of th World;" A. Creasy Morrison, Philadelphia, "Some Underlying Principles of Advertising;" H. O. Longhurst Ban Francisco, XJeod Copy and How to Writ It;" Rlnaldo Portland Ad Men's League;" F. X O'Brien, Sacramento, "How to Get and Hold th Ad;" Miller Freeman." Seattle, "Advertising Salmon, and ths Paclna States In the .East;" W. 3.- Hofmann, Portland. 'The Viewpoint of th News paper, Manager;" , Mr. Dassent, Portland. Increasing oemana ror Electricity;" Bmmett C. Brown, Portland. "Advertis ing Integrity:" B. P. Weston, Seattle, I'Ethtcs of Advertising;" Colonel Aldeo J. Blethen, Seattle, "The Development of Western Newspapers." EVERYONE SEEMS TO -HAVE HUNTING FEVER In spit of th fsot that hundred of hunters have been eecurlng licenses all summer, th rush for thee permit ha not abated. Yesterday .Deputy County Clerk Hermann Schneider was knpt busy nearly all of th time attending to th want of those who wished to spend to- HIS POUTLATQ Auction Ooops A. Schubach, Prop. ; AUCTION SALC Tomorrow, Monday, 10 a. m. Residence No. 470 Clay Street. We havaJMon Instructed by Mrs. Pal mer to sell the EXCELLENT furntah inre of her eight-room rosldeno. EVERYTHING TO BE HOLD WITH OUT RESERVE. MA881VB OAK EX TENSION TABLE and SIOUBOARD, fine oak Bedroom Suites, YY Springs and Mattresses, Feather Pillows. Sheets and Comforts, fine oak Wardrobe, Bed Lounge, odd Dressers and Com modes. Lace Curtains and I Portieres, fins STEEL RANGE, Center Tables, Rock ers, Dining Chairs. Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Toilet Sets, Crockery and Gran itewar and many other Item. Bale at 10 a, m. sharp tomorrow. Beat goods sold first New reeldenoe, 470 Clay street C.L FORD, Auctioneer. . Auction sale. Tomorrow at 2 p. m. ' 1 At 211 First Street. Balance of Furniture From the Lincoln Home. M1W(V)HJT CHAIRS. ROCKERS. CENTER TABLES and the Lincoln Bed. as well as all the EXQUISITE DRA PERIES. RUGS, PORCH CHAIRS, nmuri ami Commodea. Metal Beds. patent Springs, fin Mattresses, ROLL TOP DESK. Feather Pillows, Sheets, Comforts, whit and colored Bpreada, fin Glassware, quantities or Beer Glasses. 6tin and other .- Saloon Glasses, Restaurant Crockery, Tables, etc., fine Toilet Sets, Showcase In flem ish oak, GAS ARC LAMP, CooksToves, Heaters, Kitchen Treasure and a-thou-and and on item not mentioned In this list If you wish something ale at your own Offer, come to the Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First street 81 at p. m., Monday, tomorrow. :. AUCTION SALES ' At .211 First Street , Next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Knt. from cnnlm. hut forced bv th great quantities of Furniture placed In our warehouse to b sold at publlo auc tion, w ar oougea to noia on bki vara dav this week at 1 n. m. We cannot liat thl great variety and will only say you will una almost any thing and everything you will require in tt housekeeping line, Th sales rooms will be filled to overflowing and everything MUST BE SOLD EACti day. All we ask 1 that you take the roods away as soon aa possible. Sale at J p. m. at til First street. Phone Main 5655. - C L. FORD, Auctioneer. EXXXZS We Believe TOLU-HR The Best Cough and Cold Cure Ever Made It Will Give Relief at Once 50 Cents Woodard-Clarke & Co. day hunting. Eighty licenses were ls- sued. . Slno th law want Into affect last May, J, 854 license hav been issued in Multnomah county alone, bringing in a revenue of 2,lt0; citizens of thl state ar charged $1 for th license, while hunter from outside commonwealths must pay tie. All but four to whom licenses hav been granted hav sworn that they were resident of Oregon. Although the county I put to th ex pense of printing and laauing th li censes, all tb revenue from thia source must be turned Into the stat treasury. CONGRESS OF MOTHERS TO EXTEND ITS WORK Th Oregon State Congress of Mother will hold Its first publio meeting at th high school at 7:46 next Friday evening. At thl meeting th organisation of small circles about th stat . will be discussed and plans for th campaign for such formation wU be considered. Many application hav already com in for membership from cirolea and in dlvldusl. Judge M. C. Oeorg will give an ad dress on "Th Relation of Horn and Bohools," and Mrs. B. H. Trumbull will speak on "Th Juvenile Court." Mr. Trumbull ha for som time been as sisting Judge Fraser and Is well ac quainted with th work. There will be special music. - Mrs. C M. Wood, presi- dent, will call the' meeting. Th or ganisation waa errectea August i. wnen Mrs. Frank Bchoff, of Philadelphia, na tional) president, waa here. Th Home Tralnftig Association waa largely in- UUUUtH UBnMil3U nniiiiR n n L L !n eVb MM M U U. N4 M I F I FAIL TO CUEE ANY IF a srses ror n rtmm iewp wiaao r A itch tm Bonr. m m en m, no ni cktti t:TH ' Mi X-AY OS OTHER IWIN0LC. A PseiAo Island throb cure -the most wonderful to-day. 3000 CANCtKIetiredotipeople on can see and uik wit. .UMP OR SORE os the where tlx months la. nearly always. Canoer. Poor cured free If cancer is MM iniiiiii U doe not pain nntll si son th deep glands in th armpit, then It Is often too 1st an still so pain. DMplathefihmikier death lrrta)n. In HOvear 1 hf enr1 morecancer than sny other Poctofllvlns. l!'ETI (lATK MT ABJOIUTKOV ARAMTCK, BR BURE TO OCT Ml IsO-PAOE BOOK, eem free, wuh symptoms, ariftreesee anil tjestlmeolals of thousand eared, ani write tn them. DR. ft MR8. Dn. CHAMLBY & CO.. rZ'lX" I 23 AND 26 THIRD ST. NCAR CSfLEiSE SEED TO Me Announceiiichtji i Extraordinary li; The O. Andreoni Collection Will Behold At Public Auction! - ' at the FOREIGN BUILDING Fair Grounds ; TOMORROW f Monday, October 23 1 Betrinnine at 10 a. with X out reserve and will be with in the reach of all at the prices the pieces will prob- f ably sell for. Be there promptly and obtain one or more of those very beautiful pieces of Italian art.' - " Catalogues at time of sale. S. L. N. OILMAN: . i Auctioneer. By J.T.Wilson Auctioneer At Salesroom, 180 First Street, at 10 a. m. Contents of the Japanese Tea-Garden, removed from ' Lewis and Clark vfair. ; Contents Fair Japan Restau- v rant, removed from the Trail. CARPETS, BEDDING. STEED RANGE, eta, consigned from large resi dence. Th furnishing from TEA (MRDEN comprise bamboo Tea Tables, 8toola. Screens. Chlnawar. etc. From FAIR JAPAN restaurant- comprises 7-FOOT OAS RANGE with hood and all the utensils; also large STEAM TABLE with complete equipment. Dishes. Glassware, Tables, Chair, etc Th houaefuxnlshlng comprise oak Sideboard with China Closet compart ment. Parlor Screen, larsa Bookcase, fine Wardrobe with mirrors In floors, TablesJ cnaira, irsaer, com mooes, iron Bed. Spring and Mattresses, Bedding, Pil lows, steel Bed Couches with Mattress. GENTS' Wardrobe with compartments for hat, tie and extras. In addition tobove list we will offer large counter bhowuabb, oval rront cas. steel Range, Cookstov, Heating-stove. Toi letware. Dishes, Carpets. Rugs, Mat tings and other goods of value. Great Auction Sale Wednesday At Salesroom, 180 First Street, at 10 a. m. Furniture, Bed ding, Carpets, Stoves, etc ' Our sales at salesroom ' comprises every article necessary for modern housekeeping. We hav a larg assort ment for buyer to elect from. Not necessary to ltemls. Buyer and deal er will find it advantageous to attend our sales. Plenty or goods lor intend ing purchaser. . r Friday's Sale At Salesroom, 180 First Street, Corner Yamhill, at 10 a. m. In order to close consignments and make room fof coming sales w will dis cos of all th carpet, l a of all th Carpet. Lao Curtains, Floor 'Coverings, Dressers, sers, a. Ir Commodei Toiletware. Folding Beds Iron Beds, Be Couch, Restaurant Table and Chairs, ?ockers, rlotures. Dishes, Glassware, In and Woodenwar. Stoves. Ran and load of other furnishing, etc. Note Every person that called up Main 12 last week for us to valuate their, belongings wer more than aatla- ned. vve pay caan ior mercnanais, hous furnishings, etc. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. trumental In th organisation and will be the first on to apply for admission a a body. Women wishing to Join th stat congress may do so without being a member of any smaller noma circle. doing o California. ' (Speclsl DUpateB to The Joarnal.) Fairvlew. Or.. Oct Jl. A. J. Millar, former proprietor of the Twelve Mile roadhou on th Baa Lin road, two ml) aouth of here, ha gone to Port land for a few day' visit, after which he and hi wife will spend ths winter In California, Mr. Millar' hous burned down during the latter part of August last Bine that time until this week, gha continued conducting business at th aam point, in a tent. . H n n 7 2 II W U V M ' C1XCER C3 TL"'C3 or plant makes th disoovsrj on earth ANT luaun, Up. face or say- very mall on race. most past eure, M Ifneslerted It ALWAYS pot- MARKET ST.. IAN FRANCISCO. TO tO CE WITH tOtt ::- Hon S ales II mS mS Ths Bhaw-Fear Company has a number ord- buslneaa district for sale, which owlns to th confidential relatione austalned with tb owner, who do not cr to hav them referred to or price quoted, exoept to those really in aarnest about Buruhaalnsr Those seeking such substantial Investments prefer to do so quietly and without th knowledge of th public. Hnc th method suggested should aDDal to th investor who seeks to place hi money Wher he can enjoy th maximum of safety and permanent Income combined. It should also be highly satisfactory to the owner who ha hi property for sal and wb does not want it cheaoened by being indiscriminately offered here and tber.' Call or writ for information. W hav othr business properties for sal . a reasonable prlo, ucb ' ; . -v v i : ' ' V'-'i i j - , ' Good 1-story and basement brick building on Union vnu. and ground, for 7.600.- Building alon oot m(uartr- block on Firt: treet, reat IT.joo. for MS.OOO. ... uuarter oioca on sina ""'",,r' Other business propertlss clo in. from 140,004 to 75,000. Residence Properties l-rnnm ttnnaa. modern. furnC. tCI lot '(0x100, Soath Portland, II.SOO. : s-room nous, new, iiinun, large attio, etoTJ well located. wt ld, $,l00: rMonabI tjrms. Newly remodeled bou, I room. basement furnac, modern; 11 lot, large orchard. On uburban hom, on car line, Portland Heights, 110,000; naif on' easy payment. larg (-room nmn, ranged for two famine, renting for tit per month, on William avenue, for II, 000. if sold by November I. ' - Two new e-room house on Fast Main. modern; lot 40x100 each i2,sU9 and ,2.760, respectively. -Good 8-roora hous and lot. on Mason Street 13,000. Fin building sit, 100x100, orar 14th and East Ank.ay, 11,100. 100x100, half block from car. Port land Height, balance block witft fin residences,- eneapest lot on neignta, UJS'v - . O. as. MKK, aianagvv v.y rrapvrtn. THE SHAW-FEAR CO: " 34BJ4 STARK 6TREBT . . D EE DS - VS.' . y . pent Receipts ' The contest Is on. ' Which shall ' win? HREAHtt Portland' foremost residence suburb, points the way to certain defeat for the pernicious rent- paying habit How many of th former pre-' clou document could you hav . Surchaaad with tb money your uncb of worthies rent receipts represent T t Get down to -facta and flgSire and you will And yon could hav bought a couple of nice home with th money you hav paid for rant .. ... ' FIRL.AND la outgrowlnr all other suburb. Many u-renters now locatod In FIRLAND In their own eosy hom. bought with money formerly paid to landlord . visit FIRUAINb Today. Don't wait; lnvt now. Watch FIR-UAND Q row and your property increase In valu. MR. RBNTPATBR. Stop hoard ing th expensive but worthless rent receipt . . wxzoat wrxsV n n, a sran om a Bvaox or .. sbtt bub- - CTXVTBf ..''.- Th residents of FIRLAND en- . Joy every convenience best wa ter beet car service (6e fare), 10 minute from olty, street graded. Take Mount Scott car and rid to FIRLAND today. A rent on ground rain or shin. He wilt how you over the property and xplain our building plan. Lots $120 $3.00 Down and $3.00 a Month Now Isthfe Time Tak Mount Scott ear. First and .Alder street. Geo. W. Brown 101 Failing Bldg. Phone Main li: (Open .Evening-) ROBERT A. TAYLOR .. Offl! rirtand Btation. . FOR BALE AT t , VV00DMERE Portland' prettiest suburb, on the Mount Scott car Una - A new, modarn, l-room cottage, larg lot a cosy home, with beautiful aurroundiog. On thousand dollar , proposition. For 57 50 , E. ALFPRDSON OflV: Bvlyn Station, Tak Mount Bcott far ar lnrt and Aldr Bta. . : LJ si n rl . of buslnee properties In tb moi f ropertle ar t dealgnated hrl most n. Acreage Wi hav cholc tract of 1, t. I. I ana 10 aore on car line, near city, fine soil, st price raaging from I4S ' to 0200. These ar for home or substantial in vestments and wlU doubl in valu In fw yara, ' ...;'..,:' We also hav soma of the beat located land on the Peninsula w can sell in tract. Call for particulars. Farms - W hav grain farm, stock farms, hop farms, vegetabl farms, fruit farms. In all dlrabl localltlea within 100 mile from Portland, aom of th very beat on tb market Call for Informa tion, or write for such and list of properties,-. , i- Rentals We solUdt rental properties, both bus-' Ineaa and residence, assuring owner ' they will bave clost aUntion. We bave for rent two new house ana new and modern Sat, east side Its and II7.I0. T ' : - . . TOE CONTINENTAL CO. 24 Stark St. Phone Main 1976 oxra motto i mmt wb tbxj tow bo, tn to.. -. We Want to Buy 100 farms. Improved or nnimproverl ; 160 acre or more, 30 miles'of Port land, owners only need answer. . Lots on the East Side, vacant or Improved. We bave some cash buy er. , om in and list what yon have Jor ! ' ;-- We Have For Sale An orchard In Southern. Oreton--just shipped 10 carloads of apples. We are authorised to sell 5 to 30 acres. Thinkif you are coins to locate in Oregon thia ia a good buy. See us before you do anything.' : -We have a 200-acr timber tract- an absolute bargain near one of the new roads that is buildg worth double the money we ask.' . : We have 100x100 near the termi nals of -the new-roads coming,-into Portland a , good buy owners de sire to realise. - ,' We have a good 50x100 on Nob Hill at two thirds its present value. See ns about this if you are going to buy. - , -f Wa have on Portland Heights a valuable block will double your money within one year. Come in and talk this over. . We have a bargain on the East Side will build to suit a responsible tenant. . We bave 100 lota on the Peninsula, all bargains will advance money to build on the installment plan or otherwise. ' Our Rental Dept. We have a nice furnished flat five blocks from the Portland Hotel. Look this op. ... Five rooms, good location, 935.00 per month. , Two Houses on East Thirty-fourth street. ''-,' Five-room flat, East Twenty-fourth street. ; 'Investments Six per cent 20-year accumulation - . gold bonds, secured by Oregpn real estate. ;' .. . -.. Stock in lumber compSny that will -pay 25 per cent dividends. - j Stock and bonds In a western coal companywill pay big dividends. ' ' Come In and get acquainted with us, it will cost you nothing. It might make you some money. - THE COi'iliJTAL CO. 243 Stark St. Phone Main 1976 MMOO Washington street aaOOO 100 x 10 North Seventeenth . street -, fa500 1701100 Thurman trt 830.000 Two-story bricx, rront street; good locations 10 per oent Investment East Side aiO.OOO Three-story brick, Union av- nu near Burnslde; residence property, a Te Cbmer lot and S-room house, East Ninth trt; centrally located; -. ay trn. , ' ' gi.soe initvlftt East Salmon street; im- proved street and Mwraga, ga and . water. - II ehelce lots suitable for flats, near aat Approach to bridge. - ei.BOO lt anf l-room bouse,' new MontsvilUi installmsnta Btoo House and lot Oakdale addition! 1 ma tail meats. five and 10-acr tracts on CI W. P. p. It lln; eaay term. . . .. Lambert, jyhitmer 4 Co.; SBT-IM Bbsrloek Building aag 404. ... 1